Disney Wish Storytime

Books are out so we know the plot of the movie now. Spoilers in this thread of course because I will be posting one of the books

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  1. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      These names are idiotic

    • 8 months ago

      I already dislike it.

    • 8 months ago

      >old are white
      >next gen are black
      Why does Disney keep depicting this?

  2. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      This art style looks better than the movie.
      The characters look good.

    • 8 months ago

      So these characters are literally pointless as they do nothing worth noting in this story summary

      • 8 months ago

        And there's 7 of the useless frickers.

    • 8 months ago

      Speaking of trannies, Asha's black chick friend is voiced by an actress who claims to be nonbinary, has the androgynous name of "Hal", and is coincidentally the only female character shown wearing pants.

      If Disney manages to shove a troon into their fricking /100th anniversary/ film, it'll be peak clown world. You'll be able to see my sides with the hubble telescope.

  3. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      The old man's actual wish is a coup to overthrow the king

    • 8 months ago

      So this is just making the king evil despite a reasonable concern. The magical kingdom of goody good people seemed to be living quite well until someone decided, "hey we should do this."

      Also r34 continues to ngaf about this. Elemental has pron.

    • 8 months ago

      So its perfectly fine for her to sneak into the king's private room and take stuff?
      So the King has a magical evil book of evil?
      So the Evil book of evil has the power to destroy a wish granting star?

      • 8 months ago

        It would be a bit trite if these forbidden heirlooms Magnifico had were influencing his mind and Asha is able to save him and return him to the otherwise rational and decent king he seemed to be
        But it would be significantly less idiotic than this seemingly rational and decent king just deciding to pull out his evil spell book of evil to do evil things with
        Because evil

    • 8 months ago

      kind of hypocritical of Asha. Wanting everyone to get a wish yet climb that ladder to get her father’s wish to come true that one month rather than everyone get an equal chance?

      • 8 months ago

        Of course she's a self righteous hypocrit. That makes her correct. This is the modern female hero according to the left.

    • 8 months ago

      >He wishes to make something that will inspire other
      >Isn't willing to put effort into it
      >Doesnt even know what he wanna make
      >Just kinda wanna make something that will inspire others
      >"Eeeey why didnt you give my friend favoritism and special treatment, that is evil"

      That is moronic.

      • 8 months ago

        >Gets his wish
        >It's a full motion picture of his Sonic OC daiper fetish adventure
        >The kingdom is "inspired"

    • 8 months ago

      >be kind and just king with phenomenal cosmic powers
      >use your powers to, in addition to maintaining the prosperity and safety of your kingdom, granting a personal wish from one of your subjects every single month
      >ungrateful c**t gets mad at you for not putting one particular wish ahead of the others and runs off to get her own phenomenal cosmic powers... with blackjack... and hookers
      >be inexplicably evil for some reason now
      I'm reminded of Bruce Almighty where Bruce gets fricking lazy and just answers 'Yes' to everyone's prayers and it ends up being a complete clusterfrick and how the movie rightfully portrayed that as irresponsible and lazily malicious

      • 8 months ago

        Thats the old way of thinking.
        Modern people know that they are entitled to everything they want at all times and anybody getting in the way of that is evil by default.

      • 8 months ago

        c**t gets mad at you for not putting one particular wish ahead of the others and runs off to get her own phenomenal cosmic powers
        What's offensive to me is that his horrible stupid b***h of a wife doesn't innately understand why he does what he does. She just goes along with what a goat and some stupid random girl she's never seen before who, immediately after showing up on her first day to be the King's assistant/understudy, pestered the frick out of him to grant her grandfather's wish only to get let go at the end of the day.

        >omg honey why did you fire that girl who was doing nothing but questioning your authority over and over and over?

    • 8 months ago

      What's the morality here? That being judicious with power and resources is some sort of slippery slope towards tyranny?

      • 8 months ago

        he did not give the black diverse and empowered female who is friends with a handicapped empowered woman what she wanted so he is an evil white man who must be eradicated from the earth

      • 8 months ago

        Maybe I'm plot-illiterate, but I honestly can't figure that out from the book.
        >All wishes are good wishes and anyone who says otherwise is evil?
        >Instant gratification is a good thing?
        >Every whim should be given to you without having to work for it?
        >You have the power to make your wishes come true inside of you because you're made of stars, except some people have even more power over wishes because they have magic?

        • 8 months ago

          >Instant gratification is a good thing?
          >Every whim should be given to you without having to work for it?
          Yes, that's exactly what they are trying to propagate. It's easier to sell people things when they have this mentality.
          I wonder if someone had wished the old Spanish benediction "que no haya novedad", would it have just cancelled out everyone else's wish?

        • 8 months ago

          No you got it right. It's a story for children written by someone who has the mentality of a child. Because that isn't a lesson you would ever impart to children unless you were hard-curving the protagonists with an imminent thread come the next Act. But we know Wish is getting no sequel or follow-up TV shows or merch because the film isn't toyetic aside from the Super Mario Star and the Picard Goat.

    • 8 months ago

      would this be better
      >in order for a wish to be granted, other wishes must be sacrificed
      >someone who loses their wish loses their memory of it and becomes a lifeless husk
      >Asha wants to stop this but the king is all like "sorry m8 that's just how it works"
      >she stops it
      >ending is everyone can grant their own wish without sacrificing anybody else's

      • 8 months ago

        is everyone can grant their own wish without sacrificing anybody else's
        That still sounds like unmitigated chaos and asking for lunatics to cause untold suffering
        As many posts have reiterated, the idea of granting wishes is extremely fraught and is completely dependent on there being some limiting factor, like the wishes being granted by an other being, a genie or a fairy, because humans having free reign to do so is insanity

        • 8 months ago

          I meant more from a "work hard and your wish will be granted" angle since that seems to be what the movie is going for.
          The movie doesn't seem like it's gonna really go into objectively bad wishes anyway.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh sure, that's reasonable
            I'd be shocked if they didn't at least have Magnifico claim that he has to be selective with wishes because some of them are fricked up, but given how the movie proceeds it may well try to counter claim that nobody makes bad wishes

    • 8 months ago

      Not bad

    • 8 months ago

      The king and his peasants were happy until the uppity black girl he was training led a rebellion against him. His trash wife (who sired no children) seemingly holds no regrets for his fate despite his "evil" turn being a quick one.

      The message of the story is don't trust women. They will betray you.

  4. 8 months ago

    Bless ypu anon, you just saved me 20 bucks in popcorn

  5. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >Queen Amaya is surprised when the king tells Asha that she cannot be his helper
      He just spent two pages having to argue his position to her and she still doesn't get it. Why would the king want to share their work days with someone who not only diametrically opposes his choices but also encourages that her own family's wishes are totally cool? He's probably had tons of assistants who did that shit. Wanting to butter him up just so they can continually whisper in his ear about their own fricking family's wishes and how he should listen to *them*. Better to nip it in the bud before it becomes a "thing" and then the king is demanding heads to be removed or subjects imprisoned.

  6. 8 months ago
  7. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Its name is just Star?

      • 8 months ago

        i suppose they couldn't thought of a spanish name related to being a wishing star

    • 8 months ago

      That is clearly a Luna from Super Mario Galaxy.

    • 8 months ago

      >all living things are made of stardust

    • 8 months ago

      >all living things are made of stardust

    • 8 months ago

      >>all living things are made of stardust
      That isn't even inspiring. What a backwards fricked up universe.

    • 8 months ago

      The wishing star screams designed by committee to be cute and marketable as possible.

  8. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      This is one of the dumbest reasons for a villain to exist.

      • 8 months ago

        It's not even an evil motivation. A benevolent sorcerer monarch in a kingdom of normal people would absolutely be concerned if a magical, reality altering entity potentially more powerful than himself just crashed down from the sky. But of course he has to have evil green magic and long shadows to show he's in the wrong and that his motivations are sinister. This is worse than a twist villain, it's something else.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't even think he'd be afraid of it entirely. It sounds like it would be something that he would be scared of at first then try to control it.

          • 8 months ago

            >It sounds like it would be something that he would be scared of at first then try to control it.
            That's what happened a few pages later.

          • 8 months ago

            At the very least at least find out do he can see if it is something that would be a problem.
            Good set up for a good ambiguously complicated villain completely fricking wasted.

    • 8 months ago

      So the villain's motivations don't really have anything to do with wishes but with generic magical power. In fact, the wishes could exist solely in the background, the star could be a generic magic helper fairy, and the plot/struggle would unfold exactly the same.
      Grade A writing.

      • 8 months ago

        You know the reason they made the star a star is because stars are traditionally Yellow, and Yellow = marketable like the Minions, Pikachu, The Simpsons, Legos, etc

    • 8 months ago

      Frick this moor shit and frick Disney. Still, I like how they made the nigress a thief and gave her a pet goat since we call them goatfrickers here.


      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Frick this moor shit and frick Disney. Still, I like how they made the nigress a thief and gave her a pet goat since we call them goatfrickers here.

          ¡ARRIBA ESPAÑA!

          I'm going to watch the El Cid animated movie instead

    • 8 months ago

      I thought it was going to be the plot of Bruce Almighty. This is so much worse.

    • 8 months ago

      well that escalated quickly and dumbly

    • 8 months ago

      Aww I wanted the plot to be a "hero tries to fix mess they are responsible for"

      I feel this could have been established earlier cause this feels like an ass pull

    • 8 months ago

      This seems like the same shit as Santa Inc.
      You know the scene. The one where the villain denies the protagonist's want, and explains his logic very reasonably, but the hero rejects it. Then rather give the protagonist's stance any merit or showcase why she deserves to be right, they whiplash by showing the villain pulling a 180 and acting evil to posthumously make him wrong by plot necessity.

      I'm willing to hold off on watching it on the high seas since these picture books vastly oversimplify the story, but lack any hope that it'll be much more complex than that.

    • 8 months ago

      I love that they have to specify it's "evil magic"

    • 8 months ago

      That's kind of hot

    • 8 months ago

      Ugh, the dumb part to me is I feel like there was probably a different plot to this thing until Disney noticed people getting sick of the "no real villains" rule from the past few years.
      It's too much of a swerve from the more intelligent story. Either Disney intervened or this is a subtle jab at the writer's father for telling them they were entering a risky career

      • 8 months ago

        Meanwhile, Puss and the Last Wish managed to juggle three different types of villains flawlessly, classically evil, pragmatically evil, and morally evil. I'm still blown away.

        • 8 months ago

          Here's my take right
          >The grandpa wishes to make something which inspires people
          Genie myths 101 says his wish is genuine shit. The wish was gonna create something that inspired fear or anger within the people. But say that he says to inspire hope or happiness? The wish is still shit, because different people will be inspired to do different things by it.
          That's the issue, you can see exactly where this thing swerves away from the story being set up

          • 8 months ago

            >when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you
            I can't help but think they've grossly misinterpreted the song this movie is based on and that has something to do with it being such a clusterfrick.

            • 8 months ago

              Damn anon, right before I posted the theory. Yeah I think we're all on the same page. They were too afraid of contradicting the brand to do something interesting with the story

      • 8 months ago

        Here's my take right
        >The grandpa wishes to make something which inspires people
        Genie myths 101 says his wish is genuine shit. The wish was gonna create something that inspired fear or anger within the people. But say that he says to inspire hope or happiness? The wish is still shit, because different people will be inspired to do different things by it.
        That's the issue, you can see exactly where this thing swerves away from the story being set up

        Hang on actually, I got another swing here, the moral at the end. Maybe I'm being overconfident here but I think I pinpointed this shit. It seems like a dumb tacked-on half moral. Or more likely, it's because it's the Disney 100th anniversary film.

        Think about it. This whole fricking company has "Disney magic" as part of it's brand, "dreams do come true if you believe" was part of Walt's ethos. The song that accompanies the logo is "When you wish upon a star".
        Maybe in any other film, but the big Disney centennial film painting the magic as a bad thing? Frick no. This shit has to be on brand and magic has to be the best shit ever just like the magic that YOU can experience at Walt Disney World with a
        season pass.
        EVERYONE has a right to the magic when Disney Plus is available globally.
        Wishes and dreams need to be great because Walt Disney believed that people can achieve their dreams if they just believe. They are, under no circumstance, allowed to contradict that. It'd be a fricking slap in the face to everything the company was founded on.
        That's my theory.

        • 8 months ago

          good theory but if it's true it's so fricking stupid disney sacrificed making a good film just to fit that message

          • 8 months ago

            Hang on actually, I got another swing here, the moral at the end. Maybe I'm being overconfident here but I think I pinpointed this shit. It seems like a dumb tacked-on half moral. Or more likely, it's because it's the Disney 100th anniversary film.

            Think about it. This whole fricking company has "Disney magic" as part of it's brand, "dreams do come true if you believe" was part of Walt's ethos. The song that accompanies the logo is "When you wish upon a star".
            Maybe in any other film, but the big Disney centennial film painting the magic as a bad thing? Frick no. This shit has to be on brand and magic has to be the best shit ever just like the magic that YOU can experience at Walt Disney World with a
            season pass.
            EVERYONE has a right to the magic when Disney Plus is available globally.
            Wishes and dreams need to be great because Walt Disney believed that people can achieve their dreams if they just believe. They are, under no circumstance, allowed to contradict that. It'd be a fricking slap in the face to everything the company was founded on.
            That's my theory.

            The problem is, if this is what they wanted to go for, then they either needed to do away with the villain entirely or make him cartoonishly, classically evil. As in, a dark eldritch entity, a witch standing over a cauldron, a wicked black knight, or a monstrous dragon. After all, if everyone's wish should matter, then you have to give some sort of reason why the villain's wish to suppress others can't matter as well, because then you can't help but open the moral hole of there being good and bad wishes. Having it be something inhuman, or barely human is a good way to sort of patch this over without directly addressing it.

            • 8 months ago

              Well let's take a dive here then. As far back as the classic Disney films, there's always been
              >good parental role model
              >Evil corrupt authority figure in the main characters life.
              It's just the fairy tales or stories they most often adapted.
              I'm gonna go out on a limb here but the goal of the story is pure distilled Disney. That's the issue. Ironically, just like we're talking about how every wish carelessly granted would blend into a clusterfrick, this thing was made by taking different things associated with Disney and carelessly throwing that shit into a blender.
              There was no thought as to how well all these tropes would work together but you can already pick apart the different things that came from different eras of Disney just by looking at it.
              >Token mute and speaking creatures for merchandise
              >Themed around the pure of heart achieving their dreams
              >Ditzy awkward silly protagonist with quirky human friends/family and no love interest
              Modern era
              >Mystic macguffins that represent the magic in all of us and we must restore the magic.
              Modern era. Tangled and Encanto.
              >Big shot of main character singing on some kind of hill or peak looking to the sky/stars while holding a note broadway style, camera panning around them
              >Aging parental figures that princess will make proud
              Renaissance. Maybe Pinocchio.
              >Villain masquerades as a caring parental or authority figure in main character's life until they see the opportunity to strike or power is threatened in some way shape or form.
              Throughout Disney history. Cinderella, Tangled, Lion King, Aladdin (Jafar and Jasmine), Hunchback of Notre Dame

              This entire plot feels like Disney tropes thrown in with no regard for why they were in the old movies to begin with. Maybe I'm looking into it too much, but this is all from a trailer or two and a fricking plot outline book while the movie itself promises tons of Disney homages throughout the film.

              • 8 months ago

                >Hunchback of Notre Dame

                Man if only Magnifco has a Hellfire song or begins sniffing Asha's hair...

              • 8 months ago

                See, that could make the movie marginally interesting, but it would be a white man showing interest in the Strong Female protagonist, and that is haram in Current Year.

              • 8 months ago

                >but it would be a white man showing interest in the Strong Female protagonist, and that is haram in Current Year

                Did you even watch Frozen II?

              • 8 months ago

                >Ditzy awkward silly protagonist with quirky human friends/family and no love interest
                >Modern era
                Lol no. This description is so generic that it both applies to very old movies (Alice in Wonderland) and it doesn't accurately apply to any disney movie, including this one (how is Asha more ditzy awkward & silly than any other disney girls who are actually awake for most of their movie? How are her human friends/family "quirky"? It looks like she has 2 non-human sidekicks and no human ones, so why do you consider the human background characters in Wish more noteworthy than the ones in Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, etc.?) Just say "teenage female protagonist with no love interest" that's the actual modern thing.
                >Mystic macguffins that represent the magic in all of us and we must restore the magic.
                Modern era. Tangled
                What? How the frick Rapunzel's hair represent the magic in all of us that must be restored? You're just pulling shit out of your ass by this point
                >Aging parental figures that princess will make proud
                >Renaissance. Maybe Pinocchio.
                What is Moana? What is Encanto? Then there's Elsa and Tiana if you change "aging" to "dead." Improving your family's life/making them proud is more modern disney girl thing than any of the crap you mentioned. You're also contradicting your earlier point about main girl's family being important.

              • 8 months ago

                Okay anon, but here's my counter. The point stands that everything about this is pretty much just copypasted from other Disney films without any real way to set it apart in the ways they stood apart from one another.
                You give me any other "big" Disney movie and I can name what it did outside of the usual tropes or name how it helped set the tropes we got today. At the very least I can point to the aesthetic uniqueness or the way it differentiated it's particular cast from the others.
                You cannot do that for this.

            • 8 months ago

              If you need a classic villain my idea was a star much the same as the mascot the protagonist has that grants people's wishes, but more or less fricks other people over in the process. Complete monkey's paw incarnate that's also symbolically the Devil or something because haha fallen star that gives you temporary happiness before making things worse, whatever whatever.

              • 8 months ago

                That's actually pretty clever.

              • 8 months ago

                Disney should just put Chernabog in a movie outside of Fantasia (or House of Mouse) already, they have their Devil stand-in ready and waiting.

                That's genuinely awful, I get the idea behind the king just being like.. a control freak, I guess, but being cautious about wishes that could be potentially damaging is fair enough.

                They could've made the story at least slightly interesting if they'd gone the route where Asha finds out that just granting EVERY wish willy nilly is also bad because it causes chaos, and then the final message would just be that no one person has the right to decide whether another persons wish is 'valid' or not, and just hand back the magic shit to the star dude and leave it as some 'people should do their best to grant their own wishes' type shit at the end.

                Copout answer: They're saving that parable for the second movie.

                >and i hear the sequel was even worse somehow
                Buckle up.
                >Galaxy hears proclamation from him stating that "somehow Palpatine's returned." (Movie's line, not mine)
                >This proclamation is never made in the movie. It was a Fortnite event.
                >All this time in some bumblefrick planet in the middle of some kind of perpetual mazelike cosmic storm, he was secretly building an entire fleet of Star Destroyers underground, and all of then have Death Star-equivalent lazers.
                >Also Rey is a genderbent clone of him

                Don't forget that there is apparently some sort of super secret eldritch Sith language that costs C3PO's life to translate. Because they ran out of characters to kill off for MEMBERBERRIES they killed the fricking joke robot. How do Sith speak it without fricking dying? It Is A Mystery.

                Also tacking on this dumb shit
                >Oh that thing Holdo did in the previous movie that should have completely invalidated any and all forms of space warfare?
                >Nah it was a lucky shot.
                >Why was it lucky and why can't we just do it?
                >Because shut the frick up and stop asking questions.

                I'll give the revelation of the Holdo Maneuver credit for one thing: It retroactively implies that Holdo was either a moron, a coward or a secret traitor all along who thought Star Wars warp travel really worked like previously established, expected to clip safely behind allied defence lines and only accidentally fricked up her superiors' ship.

        • 8 months ago

          Hey its that blue anime lady what always her bum out.

          • 8 months ago

            Honestly ironic considering Konosuba is basically an antithesis to this thing, given the core message is
            >You're life won't magically become awesome and there's no magical path to just getting what you want, the world is random and chaotic. It's up to you to appreciate the life you've been given and the people you have even if it's not perfect, otherwise you're always gonna be miserable.

            • 8 months ago

              I like her bum

    • 8 months ago

      I also want to note that Disney is desperately trying to make the villain seem more traditional, but only through artificial means. Notice how the mention of 'Disney Villain Green™' spiked with the trailer and the amount of it used in

      basically 'member how you loved Disney Villains

      • 8 months ago

        >the color is why you liked the villians, right?
        >not their bombastic design, or cleverness, or ambition, or charisma, or pettiness
        I would be surprised if anyone remembers this guy a year after the movie comes out.

        • 8 months ago

          The only thing I'll remember is the absolute fricking wasted potential he had since the theme of the film could have legitimately set up a solid ambiguous villain who's legitimately doing the right thing, even if other people don't think so, and for him to learn a lesson at the end that "maybe I could be a little more lenient in what wishes I grant" while also teaching the protagonist "everyone's wishes being granted at the drop of a hat will just lead to chaos and disaster, and some wishes should be accomplished yourself"

      • 8 months ago

        Frick this memberberry horseshit, I would've loved Maleficent even if she was pink.

        the end

        On the one hand, I feel like judging an entire movie's plot on the basis of a children's book is like reviewing the Tarzan movie based on the children's book version. This is the dumbed down, absolute literal toddler tier version of the plot. And to be fair I think the last bit is supposed to be more of a "she watches over people so they can make the wish they actually want" than a "she's the new wish demiurge"

        On the other hand modern Disney doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

        As it stands I mean it's...it's somehow more of a generic BELIEVE IN YOURSELF ending than fricking Care Bears. I wouldn't say it's awful per se. Incredibly unambitious. Why is king dude supposed to be "the most powerful Disney villain ever", because he's a second rate magician with a third rate staff? Genie Jafar was juggling galaxies, he could frick his shit up.

        it's like the wish plot from wonder woman 1984, it makes no sense

        I still don't understand why of all the thing Maxwell Lord could have theoretically done to WW, he just chose to gently move her away with fricking wind. Did their CGI budge run out until they could only afford a big fan?

        • 8 months ago

          > Incredibly unambitious.
          This, its pretty boring even by new Disney standards.

        • 8 months ago

          > I feel like judging an entire movie's plot on the basis of a children's book is [unfair]. This is the dumbed down, absolute literal toddler tier version of the plot.
          Hard disagree. This movie is meant to be emulating the idea of classic fairy tale. It SHOULD fit into a tiny toddler book very neatly if it accomplishes that.

  9. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Does breaking someone's wish affect them in any way? I could understand the threat a bit more if people are gravely ill after losing theirs. If not, then it's whatever. b***h get another dream lmao.
      In fact, there's an angle they could have explored. King Magnifico can never control his people's will because humans will dream forever. A dream gets crushed, they'll find another one. Dreams are never-ending.

  10. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >Queen Amaya, rather than go to the man she loves and have a talk with him
      >despite the fact that she would know how all of this operates and would do nothing to jeopardize her or his power and positions
      >decides to listen to a fricking mouse because...?
      Every woman in this film is a moron.

  11. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago
      El Barto

      nice to see they’re still not breaking tradition

  12. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Simpsons did it

  13. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      That's gay as fuuuuck
      Magnifico did nothing wrong lol and I wonder how out of nowhere the snap to "reasonable king who doesn't want to allow any jackoff to make a literal magic wish" to "pure evil" will be. Will it be as jarring as "oh yeah Kuvira totally has concentration camps guys trust us"

    • 8 months ago

      >power of friendship saves the day
      >the power was inside of us all along
      for frick sake!

      • 8 months ago

        YES, frick deconstructiontards

        • 8 months ago

          can't we have the heroes being a little more proacive instead?
          outsmarted jafar
          kicked scar's ass
          outsmarted and killed the hun guy
          destroyed facilier's trinket
          >raps and eugene
          a beautiful final moment and sacrifice
          >wreak it raph, forget the shitty sequel
          suicide attack in order to defeath the big bad
          saves his father,proving himself the rightful successor
          kicked Hades's ass after proving himself a true hero

          a middle ground to don't have

          • 8 months ago

            It takes smart writers to come up with interesting dilemmas with clever solutions.

    • 8 months ago

      Literally the same plot point as a certain horse show

      • 8 months ago

        I don't really remember that being the denouement to any horse tale. Pilot had the team realizing their strengths, not making a wish.

        Problem is at least partly how abridged the plot is in the book
        If Magnifico is set up as greedy and controlling from the start then I think I can roll with his outright villainy
        But as presented here he goes (taken at face value) from a reasonable king concerned with the consequences of any and every wish being granted, to maniacally wanting to extinguish the stars because he covets power and adoration

        It has the hallmarks of a shitty twist villain like Hans flipping on a dime

        >If Magnifico is set up as greedy and controlling from the start then I think I can roll with his outright villainy
        >But as presented here he goes (taken at face value) from a reasonable king concerned with the consequences
        trailers shows it'll be set up from the start

        Great, it's gonna be Hans all over again. Everybody's gonna agree with the King on a fundamental level, and since he's hot you're gonna get some fan girls begging for the redemption his character totally deserves.

        They really made a movie around "we're all made of heckin stardust"

        Which is kind of true. But not the kind of stardust that grants wishes, but the remains of dead stars that landed on Earth.

        • 8 months ago

          I think he means six or so young people combining the power of friendship to blast a villain with a beam to defeat them

          • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          It's just the basic trope of, we don't actually need this all powerful thing we've been relying on this whole time! The true magic was inside us all along!

    • 8 months ago

      >um, sweaty, we are ALL from Stardust
      Was the AI that generated the script trained on Twitter or on OP-ED headlines?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      the end

      >"We are all the magic" deus ex machina
      Who is the moron at Disney who is pushing this crap?

    • 8 months ago

      "I have a dream." That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -- to act -- for himself! Frick all these limp-dick lawyers and chicken-shit bureaucrats.

      I'm pretty sure it's established that not all wishes are granted. Besides, if you were a baker and had one wish, would "I don't want a cane" really be your biggest priority?

      If someone can be the "best" baker, then that means that skill in baking can be objectively quantified. Logically, there is someone already existing as the "best" baker in the kingdom. They got there without being literally granted any skills, instead spending years honing their craft if they take pride in this, how do you think they would feel about being outskilled by some girl who literally just wished to be more skilled than they?

    • 8 months ago

      Kung Fu Panda did it

    • 8 months ago

      the end

      Why does font keep randomly changing?

  14. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      What total homosexual shit
      It would be so much better to have Magnifico struggling with the pressure of granting the right wishes despite being flooded with stuff like pleas to heal a sick relative or fix a broken relationship that pull at his heart
      Maybe they do break the control he has over what wishes come true only to realize what a fricking disaster it would realistically be and Asha has to help the king undo the chaos by removing wish granting entirely somehow, deciding nobody should have that kind of power or have to bear that responsibility after realizing the toll it took on Magnifico
      I dunno, maybe there’s still a bit of whimsy in the end where the stars alone still occasionally grant wishes

      • 8 months ago

        >deciding nobody should have that kind of power or have to bear that responsibility after realizing the toll it took on Magnifico
        It's the only logical conclusion but I hate it because all it does is paint Asha as a fricking moronic idiot whose blind arrogance ruined a system that was in place by a man who was actually making some positive change. You have a ton of people and only one potential wish being granted per month. Every month is a new potential boon to all of society. Sure, Magnifico hard filters anything that could potentially rise up and overthrow him because he isn't in a position where he can 100% trust that the new person who has this power is going to be as benevolent and responsible as he is. Better to stifle any potential competition an instead continue to drip feed miracles to the populous. You can't have everything too decadent or it'll keep people from wanting to work to earn. There's a delicate balance to which Asha has no understanding.

        And I feel like if she just went in and fricked everything up and got a pat on the back then it would be a metaphor for the careers of women like Kathleen Kennedy and Jennifer Lee who hold the keys to the kingdom that was crafted by more talented men, they don't understand a fricking thing and end up destroying everything that was built up in the name of "well...everything should be open and equal for everyone, right?"

        It's in their nature. It's how Eve bit the fricking apple and then gave it to Adam. You don't follow the initiative of women because it ends in NO MAGIC FOR EVERYONE. How the FRICK is that a good ending? Just like how we got booted from Eden Asha killed her universe's connection to magic and gets rewarded for it for no adequately explained reason. Just here's your fricking magic wand. Yeah, grant everyone a wish and have no means of protecting your magical gift or dissuading others from overpowering and taking it away from you.

        • 8 months ago

          I dunno, maybe I'd have it so that the system of granting wishes is actually akin to a monkey's paw so that there's some actual harm being done by the wish granting that makes it easier to accept the current way isn't right
          Plus I'd still leave some "free range" wish granting magic in the world a la Pinocchio so that they can still come true, just mostly leaving it out of any one person's control

          • 8 months ago

            >I dunno, maybe I'd have it so that the system of granting wishes is actually akin to a monkey's paw so that there's some actual harm being done by the wish granting that makes it easier to accept the current way isn't right
            I like that. Like the King is really trying to mitigate how the wish is going to negatively impact the world. Like maybe the last time he was so frivolous with wishes that it doomed the Earth to only having a few hours of sunlight a day where at night the land is stalked by the dead or something. You could do so many things with the premise you suggested.

            >Plus I'd still leave some "free range" wish granting magic in the world a la Pinocchio so that they can still come true, just mostly leaving it out of any one person's control
            Like deus ex machina wishes? Just unexplained divine providence? Yeah I can see that.

    • 8 months ago

      And of COURSE they make a point of telling you that there’s now a strong powerful KWEEN in charge now that the evil man is gone

    • 8 months ago

      Hm, I wonder how the queen is going to react to her husband’s sudden descent into madness and essential death

      • 8 months ago

        she's a QUEEN, chud. He probably speaks over her ONE time so she realizes he was actually an abusive incel all along

    • 8 months ago

      Dude was just chilling happy until the girl came along, and now he's trapped into a nightmare forever.

      • 8 months ago

        It's basically Monster's Inc but worse due to how much "every wish gets granted" can go to shit in record time
        >boss is running a tight ship, things are running smoothly, and so the boss is happy and generally respectful
        >main character is also in a high position of influence due to their own hard work and benefits from the way this society is ran
        >main character fricks up an brings a being into their world which disrupts the harmony
        >boss discovers this and rightly freaks out as this could destroy the unstable balance
        >resorts to desperate measures which forces him on a dark path
        >main character stumbles on a way which magically makes everything easier now
        >nice boss becomes cartoonishly evil by the end
        >boss gets everything taken away from him
        >main character gets the keys to the city

        • 8 months ago

          Monster's Inc worked because its basic premise was already so absurd ("children literally kill monsters despite monsters needing to scare them") it's not much of a stretch when the logic is challenged and immediately falls apart. The whole thing is an allegory for old money asshats who want to protect the status quo at all costs out of sheer stubbornness, despite more efficient solutions popping up.

          This on the other hand... doesn't seem to be an allegory for anything. It's not saying anything with its story outside the most generic non statements imaginable.

          • 8 months ago

            >despite more efficient solutions popping up.
            Not sure if that's entirely it. Part of Randall's assurance to Waternoose about using the Scream Extractor was that it cut out the need for scarers.

            • 8 months ago

              This. They were already having issues supplying enough energy with scaring and Waternoose was already developing shady shit behind the scenes like the scream extractor before Boo showed up
              I don't think he would have necessarily fired all of the scarers like that, but he was also willing to go to lengths like kidnapping to make up the difference and keep his company around

            • 8 months ago

              It's the scream equivalent of mountaintop removal mining.

          • 8 months ago

            they didn't know about the laugh thing till the last minute.

            • 8 months ago

              Boo laughs so hard she caused a massive blackout early in the film. Granted, they don't make it known if Waternoose was aware, but I doubt he'd have cared regardless because he's stuck in the old ways.

    • 8 months ago

      This is like a lamer version of Dr. Facilier's death

    • 8 months ago

      yaas kween

    • 8 months ago

      what the hell? What is wrong with his wife!?

  15. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Hold the FRICK up
      So NOW it’s a GOOD thing now for a single fallible human to be given magical powers to use at her sole discretion and people just have to trust she’ll do the right things with it? What kind of hypocritical nonsense is this?

      • 8 months ago

        Well anon, she's black and overthrew the rich evil white person, so it's fine

      • 8 months ago

        She's young and black so you are not supposwd to have a problem with it

      • 8 months ago


        So its perfectly fine for her to sneak into the king's private room and take stuff?
        So the King has a magical evil book of evil?
        So the Evil book of evil has the power to destroy a wish granting star?

        You're talking about this like it's not on-brand for Disney

        >So NOW it's a GOOD thing for the gypsies to be able to do whatever they want in Notre Dame with no one to regulate them??
        >So NOW it's a GOOD thing the enchantress that cursed the Beast and ruined his life will never get any kind of comeuppance?

        Puss in Boots already did

        Let's be honest. It had a cooler fricking wish-granting star too.

        The movie is not good okay. We know boys don't like girl centric movies. But why should girls like Princess and the Frog? Seriously, answer that one.

        Tiana is one of the most unrelatable inhumane characters Disney has ever created. Her gimmick is that she's all about hard work, so much so that she works two jobs without sleeping, she's not human. She's also a fun killer. Naveen is the original modern Good For Nothing Male Character that Disney has been making for quite a number of years by now. No girl will find him charming because of how useless he is (not to mention he's the only Disney Prince who is flat broke and not rich, so much for the fantasy girls have of marrying a rich guy). And while the villain of the movie was decent he notable has LESS screen time than dudes like Hades or Jafar. So he's not going to carry the movie.

        That movie is bad. It really is bad. That's why it under performed.

        I swear the most memorable things about the movie are the villain's song and the alligator musical number everyone treated like some kind of original sin

        • 8 months ago

          > So NOW it's a GOOD thing the enchantress that cursed the Beast and ruined his life will never get any kind of comeuppance?
          I mean, the movie never treats the curse as a good thing in the long run or something that 'needed' to happen in order to teach the beast a lesson, all the main characters always thought and still think it was bad.

          > So NOW it's a GOOD thing for the gypsies to be able to do whatever they want in Notre Dame with no one to regulate them??
          That's fair, main issue with the Notre Dame movie's portrayal is that they start with a 'gypsies are overtly demonized and people just ASSUME they're all thieves and tricksters!" message, but then when it gets to the court of miracles song where they.. DO all admit to being thieves and tricksters, not only that, but they nearly murder the two main characters just for wandering into the place without letting them offer even one word of explanation as to why they came.

          • 8 months ago

            I'd disagree actually, from memory the movie treats the curse as an important lesson that once learned ensures everyone's Happily Ever After(TM). People tend to get what they deserve at the end of a classic disney movie; if the enchantress was a villain she'd have tumbled off a cliff or turned into a butterfly demon thing and gotten stabbed or something.

            >thieves and tricksters
            Yeah this is why I'm not intending to get too mad about this movie until it actually drops. Apart from the fact that we're working off the info of a literal babby book Disney has a tendency to portray any group that can be described as "plucky scruffy underdogs" as morally in the right regardless of context anyway.

            Why is the King evil? Because he's the King and he's doing something other than the job he was appointed for. Why is the MC good despite being legally liable for breaking and entering? Because she wants to know more and find the truth at the heart of the soul of the wish. I'm not phased by this. Disney just loves underdogs. It's like how Mulan was technically breaking ancient Chinese military law AND following her secret heart's desire by impersonating a man to join the army, but the Chinese emperor spells out that it's OK because she saved China in the end. And to be perfectly fair, Mulan worked her ASS off to earn her happy ending more than any other Disney Princess.

            You know, despite technically not even being a princess.

            • 8 months ago

              to be fair, the enchantress didn't exactly hang around anyway. It makes some amount of sense that revenge/comeuppance on her isn't a focus since its been so long since she's fricked off that none of the mansion residents really care enough to get her back for what she did.

              • 8 months ago

                I guess. Hey while we're still talking about Beauty and the Beast whatever happened to the organ guy in the direct to DVD movie? I vaguely remember he was apparently the only inanimate object that couldn't move, and somehow such an butthole that him FRICKING DYING trying to tear himself out of the wall to yell at Beast because he was pissed at Beast slowly becoming a better person was treated like a good thing.

                ...did he turn human too? Is there like, a crippled screaming man with missing limbs deep in the castle somewhere? Or even a corpse?

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly I never watched the direct to dvd movie, even little kid me was SUPER fricking uninterested in it

              • 8 months ago

                As someone who did, my main memories of it are the organ dude being singularly more evil than the Beast (he had basically magical music powers, and tried to get Belle killed at one point) and also dying horrifically when Beast basically eviscerated him by tearing out his keyboard so he fell screaming on his own face. Good shit.

                I see a thread like this where people are moaning about Disney destroying muh traditional values, and all I can think about in hindsight is: Nine times out of ten, the villains made the movie for me in Disney. As a kid I always thought the heroes were kind of fricking moronic. I was just waiting for that one sick villain song and to see them have their big dramatic takeover moment.

                They gotta push in a cute mascot character they can make a zillion plushies out of, after all.

                Heh. Remember when porgs were pushed as a thing right before TLJ, even though in the movie Chewie actually eats one?

              • 8 months ago

                To be honest half of this thread was 'muh values' and half was 'This plot is fricking stupid', if anything I think people are just resigned to it.

              • 8 months ago

                Here’s the relevant scene:


                It seems like the villain dude went insane, tried to destroy the whole castle and kill everyone in it, and got smashed by Beast. They probably don’t show what happened to the wreckage when the enchantment was lifted.

                Though, upon reviewing the opening and closing scenes of the special, I’m just now realizing that it’s told through the framing device of Mrs Potts telling a story to Chip, Lumiere, and Cogsworth. Despite the four of them supposedly all having been present for the events just one year prior, Lumiere and Cogsworth can’t agree on what went down, and Mrs Potts’s recollection can also be called into question because she is probably recounting the story more to entertain Chip than anything else. So, the canon is called into question.

    • 8 months ago

      the end

      Probably the most generic way to end it. King Magnifico is just cartoonishly greedy, so even if he has a point that "not all wishes should be granted", he's such an ass so the audience doesn't think about it.
      I'm glad we got a villain again, but this is, ironically, the one movie where a complex antagonist would have worked. You could have a battle of ideals between what's right to do with wishes, and maybe make it a hopeful vs cynical battle that ends with hope winning. Instead, this movie is just a town full of nobodies fighting a very evil king and that's it.
      Maybe it's bare-bones as a homage to classic Disney films, but people really love the Disney films that had more going for them than basic slop(Lion King, Hunchback, Beauty and the Beast).

      • 8 months ago

        >Instead, this movie is just a town full of nobodies

        And this for me is the deal breaker. I know the NPCs if you will are important to the story and the finale of the conflict but I already don't care about them so I'm already mentally checked out of Wish. I have no interest in getting to understand all these lame uninteresting Tumblr diversity characters. If I don't care about most of the Disney seven dwarfs then much less will I care for these nothing characters from Wish.

        • 8 months ago

          >b-b-but we swear these characters are totally important and you should buy their merchandise!

          • 8 months ago

            >In an era before machines could help do the work
            >The best

            • 8 months ago

              The king knows how fricking stupid everyone is in his kingdom, that's why he hides their most moronic wishes.

          • 8 months ago

            >cripples are still a thing

            Guess they arent all powerful wishes.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh come on
              It's clear pandering given that it's modern Gisnep but the entire movie is premised on how hard it is for someone to actually get a wish granted by Magnifico so it's not hard to believe
              Plus even if this were made twenty years ago and the subject came up there'd still be a teaching moment where a cripple character doesn't wish to fix their disability because it's "part of who they are" or whatever. That's not a new thing or limited to Disney

              • 8 months ago

                >teaching moment where a cripple character doesn't wish to fix their disability because it's "part of who they are"
                only non-cripples say that shit. I dont think there's a single cripple who wouldnt like to stop being one

              • 8 months ago

                Lol I didn't say it wasn't hogwash but it IS a thing

              • 8 months ago

                Is it though? It's a coping mechanism for sure for like blind or paralyzed people with no chance of being cured, but they're telling me if there were a pill that would cure their disability right now they would not take it because they like their identity as a cripple?

              • 8 months ago

                lol I think you misunderstand
                I'm talking about the platitudes put into media by writers, not disabled viewers themselves

              • 8 months ago

                A portion of the deaf community is like that, yes.
                They harass parents who install cochlear implants on deaf infants.

              • 8 months ago

                That just sounds like pure spite. Like someone else with their problem can be cured and they can't.

              • 8 months ago

                These are people who COULD get coclear implants for the most part. They literally call it genocide. Fortunately they're a severe minority..

              • 8 months ago

                I imagine some Karen parent of a deaf kid got this ball rolling.

              • 8 months ago

                These are people who COULD get coclear implants for the most part. They literally call it genocide. Fortunately they're a severe minority..

                The thing about the deaf community is that if there are no more deaf people there is no more deaf community. And they are correct about one thing: if hearing people bothered to accommodate the deaf better and learn some sign then deaf people would not need their own communities, they could just be a part of regular society. Martha's Vineyard (an island off the coast of Massachusetts) had a sizable deaf community from the 17th through mid 20th century that was fully integrated into the rest of the community because knowledge of sign language was so commonplace that being deaf wasn't much of an impediment.

                If there is any other thing I'd give them credit for its that cochlear implants don't work as well or as consistently as a lot of people would like to believe. It's a matter of timing and training and luck for them to work well, lots of people with cochlear implants would still benefit from learning sign language. Since so many don't learn any sign and since so many don't take to their cochlear implants well they are effectively moored, unable to properly communicate with anybody, generally because their parents are just kind of lazy to learn any sign language themselves as a contingency.

              • 8 months ago

                Another problem with the cochlear implants is that the audio quality (for the lack of a better term) you get isn’t very good. The implant doesn’t restore hearing, it improves your ability to understand speech and sounds. This is useful, of course, but shit sounds weird and many people can’t enjoy music with it, for example, even though they can technically hear it. So if you’re choosing between a surgery (with potential complications and infections) + weird noises in your head and no surgery + sign language, many people understandably choose the latter.

              • 8 months ago

                >cochlear implants
                Heh. wiener ear. Heh heh.

              • 8 months ago

                >They harass parents who install cochlear implants on deaf infants.
                What're they gonna do? Yell at them?

              • 8 months ago

                Don't forget the ones that damage their child's hearing if they have the nerve to not be born deaf like them.

              • 8 months ago

                Eh, it depends. People with acquired disability typically do want it gone, but people who were already born disabled often don't mind it because it's their "normal" and the sense of belonging and support in their close-knit disabled community is too valuable to lose. Another big diference is whether that disability causes you pain and non-stop health problems or not.

              • 8 months ago

                Is it though? It's a coping mechanism for sure for like blind or paralyzed people with no chance of being cured, but they're telling me if there were a pill that would cure their disability right now they would not take it because they like their identity as a cripple?

                It's unusual, but it does exist. Usually among the mentally fricked. Like that furry who burned his hands off with dry ice, and goes with paws on 24/7

                Think about the fruitcakes who self diagnose their own mental disorders. Some are like that.

                Oh come on
                It's clear pandering given that it's modern Gisnep but the entire movie is premised on how hard it is for someone to actually get a wish granted by Magnifico so it's not hard to believe
                Plus even if this were made twenty years ago and the subject came up there'd still be a teaching moment where a cripple character doesn't wish to fix their disability because it's "part of who they are" or whatever. That's not a new thing or limited to Disney

                >That's not a new thing or limited to Disney
                It's still incredibly fricking moronic.

                A portion of the deaf community is like that, yes.
                They harass parents who install cochlear implants on deaf infants.

                They tried to have the president of Gauladet university removed for not being deaf enough. homie, does she need to only hear phonk music in her armpits?

          • 8 months ago

            >cripple gets one wish
            >does she wish to not be crippled
            >no, she wants to be the best at something that can be learnt with practice and that’s she’s already good at without magic
            At least Strange World won’t be the worst Disney movie for long

          • 8 months ago

            Bazeema sounds like a bawd with an addiction.

          • 8 months ago

            cant believe this shit it's real

            • 8 months ago

              >a world where wishes come true
              >the handicaps aren't wishing to not be handicapped anymore
              are americans this dense or believe the posts from tumblr that being handicapped is a badge of honor

              • 8 months ago

                Hollywood studios unironically hired the "people" from tumblr to write for them.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm pretty sure it's established that not all wishes are granted. Besides, if you were a baker and had one wish, would "I don't want a cane" really be your biggest priority?

              • 8 months ago

                being a cripple is dragging you down in every aspect of your life, ESPECIALLY in a physical activity like baking

              • 8 months ago

                Yes. Baking is a skill that can be learned over time. You can't learn to be uncrippled, that's something only a magic wish will fix.

              • 8 months ago

                Of course it would be.
                You can become the greatest baker with hard work and effort, and it's clear she's already working on that path. But what would really help her on that path is if she had full motor control of her leg and more importantly that she could keep both hands free at all times.

            • 8 months ago

              >b-b-but we swear these characters are totally important and you should buy their merchandise!


          • 8 months ago

            >working the bustling kitchen of a CASTLE
            Yeah like I'm sure she doesn't get in the fricking way.

          • 8 months ago

            Remember Dahlia is the Directors Self Insert

            • 8 months ago

              Without a fricking doubt. The best friend of the main character and she's a cripple with a heart of gold? Literally all of the other kitchen inconsequential kitchen characters were created around her and how she needs a cast to justify her existence. When we all know she's just a fat sexless asian crippled token.

      • 8 months ago

        >but people really love the Disney films that had more going for them than basic slop
        no, current disney fans want bad guy be bad guy, argh too much subversion we need simplification frick you rian johnson srop suvberting expectations!!!

        • 8 months ago

          Disney fans want a villain who is fun to be around. The King sounds more stressed than anything.

          • 8 months ago

            >The king from Wish it's a harmful protrayal of mental issues caused by stress
            >Disney it's the real evil
            >Let's boycott Disney
            It would be beautiful if it happened

            • 8 months ago

              When it’s a man he’s supposed to just shut up and keep working
              Only women can experience stress

        • 8 months ago

          There's nothing wrong with a story being simple so long as it's well told. A simple story that hits all the right beats and is satisfying to read will always be better than making a clusterfrick where plot points are there to be surprising and don't serve/outright undermine the plot and characters.

        • 8 months ago

          rian johnson didn't subvert anything, he wrote corny schlock that was rightfully laughed at for being terrible
          >kamikaze crash into ally
          >Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love. That's how we're gonna win.
          just laughable horseshit

          • 8 months ago

            kek, that was the exact moment where i completely gave up on star wars as an IP, jesus what a shitshow that was, and i hear the sequel was even worse somehow

            • 8 months ago

              >and i hear the sequel was even worse somehow
              Buckle up.
              >Galaxy hears proclamation from him stating that "somehow Palpatine's returned." (Movie's line, not mine)
              >This proclamation is never made in the movie. It was a Fortnite event.
              >All this time in some bumblefrick planet in the middle of some kind of perpetual mazelike cosmic storm, he was secretly building an entire fleet of Star Destroyers underground, and all of then have Death Star-equivalent lazers.
              >Also Rey is a genderbent clone of him

              • 8 months ago

                >Galaxy hears proclamation from him stating that "somehow Palpatine's returned."
                Apparently, that was revealed in a Fortnite event of all things.

              • 8 months ago

                I said that in the proceeding line...

              • 8 months ago

                I can't read

              • 8 months ago

                As if that wasn't bad enough. It was announced in Fortnite

              • 8 months ago

                CARL--wait, no. ANON!

              • 8 months ago

                >This proclamation is never made in the movie. It was a Fortnite event
                I don't get the analogy - like the characters all got an email or DLC notice that it happened so everyone was caught up on what was going on?

              • 8 months ago

                No, he means literally

              • 8 months ago

                What [...] said.
                As in, you would be playing a game of Fortnite, and Palpatine would make his grand speech that the movie characters heard.



              • 8 months ago

                Why would he want to tell everybody in the first place?
                He was pretty behind the scenes in the original trilogy.

              • 8 months ago

                He was behind the scenes in the prequel trilogy. He was the outright ruler of the galaxy in the original trilogy.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't feel like he was giving public addresses or plastered his face everywhere.
                He was like a mysterious, shadowy emperor.

              • 8 months ago


                No, he means literally

                As in, you would be playing a game of Fortnite, and Palpatine would make his grand speech that the movie characters heard.


              • 8 months ago

                Ackshually Rey's not a clone. HER father was a Sheev clone but Rey was a normal birth
                Also I can't believe you failed to mention that the climax of the movie hinges on the fact that the ultra super duper advanced death star star destroyers CANNOT TELL WHICH DIRECTION IS UP ON THEIR OWN

              • 8 months ago

                I mentally clocked out of the Rey shit so that's my bad.

                Because I don't want to spend my next half-hour mentioning everything stupid about that climax when the egregiousness of the mass Death Star underground laser factory by Palpatine and... frick if I know who helped him construct them... ....is already bafflingly stupid.

                But yeah, to add onto

                >and i hear the sequel was even worse somehow
                Buckle up.
                >Galaxy hears proclamation from him stating that "somehow Palpatine's returned." (Movie's line, not mine)
                >This proclamation is never made in the movie. It was a Fortnite event.
                >All this time in some bumblefrick planet in the middle of some kind of perpetual mazelike cosmic storm, he was secretly building an entire fleet of Star Destroyers underground, and all of then have Death Star-equivalent lazers.
                >Also Rey is a genderbent clone of him

                >CONVENIENTLY, the Star Destroyers all rely on some central control whatever in order to leave the planet, so everyone has a video game objective spot to blow up, which just makes the fleet starship jobbers anyway so there's no point.

              • 8 months ago

                Unfortunately, I can't rag on the horse thing because my favorite sci fi franchise has horses.
                Everyone else is free to call it dumb though.

              • 8 months ago

                I feel like you could make a fun game out of adding in extravagant/ridiculous bullshit into a recap of that movie just to have people guess if you're being serious or not.

                On an unrelated note, that scene where they go on that planet, to hold a knife up to line it along the horizon to match the carvings along the blade to the crashed starship is pretty stupid, but what was up with that dark Rey's double-sided lightsaber folding up on a hinge?

              • 8 months ago

                Everything we have said so far is fricking real.
                They ride alien horses on top of a star destroyer and somehow make it boring.

                The trouble is that anything we could make up would sound a lot more interesting.

              • 8 months ago

                You're ruining the joke!

              • 8 months ago

                Star Wars is the joke.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                You can and will rag on it until you show me a book where Kriegers ride their gasmask horses across the hull of a Necron Tombship

              • 8 months ago

                That is exactly the kind of suicidal charge the Kreiger's would do though.

              • 8 months ago

                Point being, the fact they haven't illustrating the idiocy of RoS' climax

              • 8 months ago

                Steel Legion are better

              • 8 months ago

                And this is on top of being from a franchise where every ship is capable of vertical takeoff.

              • 8 months ago

                Once upon a time, Star Destroyers were deep space craft only and would fall apart if they tried to fly in a planets atmosphere.
                They did away with this during the prequels but I still think it's a shame.

              • 8 months ago

                Also tacking on this dumb shit
                >Oh that thing Holdo did in the previous movie that should have completely invalidated any and all forms of space warfare?
                >Nah it was a lucky shot.
                >Why was it lucky and why can't we just do it?
                >Because shut the frick up and stop asking questions.

      • 8 months ago

        >Maybe it's bare-bones as a homage to classic Disney films
        Sleeping Beauty is as barebones a Disney movie can possibly be, to the point where it was heavily criticized for being as such when it came out. But even that movie still has more going for it. It has one of the most iconic Disney villains of all time, pretty much solidified the bedrock for Disney prince and princess going forward, a gorgeous aesthetic, etc.

        This story has pretty much nothing in comparison, and that's pretty dire when you can't even beat the weakest Disney classic.

    • 8 months ago

      If people can grant their own wishes now because they found out that they're made of stars, how come she needs a magic wand? What does it do differently?

      • 8 months ago

        Thanks OP. That was fricking moronic.

        So they can sell disney magic wands. They're having HP envy.

        After reading the storytime, thanks by the way dude, I have to ask anyone else think this Wish movie is now SERIOUSLY going to fail. The worst thing you could say about Wish before this story book was it didn't look like anything special, but this book confirms how bland uninteresting and unsurprising this movie is. And when you have people like Iger openly saying that Non White Princesses have been failures for Disney in regards to Princess and the Frog then Wish is looking to have a very grim future. This movie is going to be a real tank at the box office and merchandise that will not sell.

        ...and the failure has nothing to do with race. Except that they're paying more attention to getting the racial shit right than having a compelling fricking plot.

        >Gotta say, this movie at least has a fitting title!
        >why’s that?
        >Makes me Wish I hadn’t watched it!

        This joke was more entertaining than the book.

        Here's a big omission
        >no romance
        The romance was as much part of classic Disney as hammy villains, and here you got none of it. Frick off with this aromantic bullcrap, female characters arent lesser just because they kiss someone.

        It's interesting by ommission, but I don't think a romance would save this sack of shit.

        The sun isn’t a star you moron

        Dude da fweemasons!!!! they out there the fewwmsons!!!

        I'm not sure if you're more moronic than this book.

    • 8 months ago

      Kek, are they hinting Asha will become the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella?

      • 8 months ago

        If anything they should have made her the blue fairy from Pinocchio, or at least put her in a blue outfit since that seems to be the running theme for Disney's wish-granting fairies. What a missed opportunity.

        • 8 months ago

          Now that I think about it, Genie from Aladin granted wishes, and he was blue too.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm pretty sure they would've get even a bigger shitstorm. Expecially by an angry mobs of Italians and Collodi's fans alongside the fans of the old movies who already had to endure the awful remake.

        • 8 months ago

          I thought the blue fairy was the wishing star taking a humanoid form.

          If anything the star should have looked more like her rather than like luma

  16. 8 months ago

    the end

    • 8 months ago

      So the twist is that people had the power to make all their wishes come true all along because "We are all from stardust" and once people realise this the king is no longer needed and he dies? What the frick? Is it supposed to be a "You don't need magic wishes because the power to make your wishes come true resides within yourself!", or is it literally saying everyone has wish granting abilities. Either way that's mind bogglingly stupid.

      • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        it's like the wish plot from wonder woman 1984, it makes no sense

        • 8 months ago

          Wish-granting plots like this don't work yeah. The writers are hoping really, really hard that no one thinks about this.

      • 8 months ago

        >Is it supposed to be a "You don't need magic wishes because the power to make your wishes come true resides within yourself!", or is it literally saying everyone has wish granting abilities.
        If the former is the case, then it raises the question how the frick this kingdom of magical people were duped by this one man into believing only he had such power, and if it's the latter then how did not a single soul realise "Hey I can just do whatever I want, I don't need the King to grant my wish, I can do this myself".

        Plus, it seems everyone's initial take on the villain was spot on and he's in the right to not grant every single wish because someone could just wish for a fricking bomb to go off or for the age of consent to be lowered. If you have the ability to grant peoples wishes, it would be moronic to grant EVERYONE'S wish.

        • 8 months ago

          Cause they didn't want it enough. They weren't winners like King Magnifico.

          And now that the power is released thanks to their "savior" Asha, they can be "winners".

          • 8 months ago

            So you're saying the message of the movie is that if you want happiness, you shouldn't wait for authority to hand it out to you, you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get to work? Very interesting.

            • 8 months ago

              No, it means that you should continue waiting for someone to hand you happiness on a platter, you just need to hate and resent the people the RIGHT people say you should

        • 8 months ago

          To play devil's advocate, this is a Disney movie and you're supposed to believe people are good deep down and generally only wish hard enough to really wish for happy good things.

          ...then again this does beg the question of why the king can't just go "I wish for no one else to have the power to control wishes!" and grant his own wish since he seems to be in charge of the process. I assume there is some catch, like how Dr. Facilier can't use voodoo to affect himself. But even then like, what the evil plot was the king trying to convince SOMEONE ELSE into wishing for the king to have absolute control of the wishes?

    • 8 months ago

      Lmao, I thought this was going to go deeper into the concept of dangerous wishes, but they didn't really touch it it seems.
      Since it's a musical it'll have to take a really good song for the movie to get any attention.

      • 8 months ago

        There's a song on the soundtrack called "Pedophiles can make wishes too" so I think they cover it.

    • 8 months ago

      These character designs are so weak compared to Disney films that have come out not even 5 years ago. Outside of Asha and Magnifico, nobody is gonna remember any of these characters after a year. Even Raya the last dragon, as bad as it was, had character designs that stand out in the Disney library. All of these people look so boring and don't seem to have any memorable personality traits.
      Not a big Encanto fan, but the characters in that movie looked and acted distinct enough to get a huge fanbase. Who's gonna draw fanart or analyze these townsfolk?

      • 8 months ago

        Isabela is so fricking beautiful. Entire movie should have starred her.

    • 8 months ago

      Wow this is a new frontier of bad.
      >nobody apparently tries to make their own aspirations come true like sculpting a statue or training for knighthood
      >black girl steals from master
      >villain becomes irrationally evil because... he feels threatened by a stronger magic
      >queen sides with a group of peasant teenagers
      >heroes have to "free the wishes"
      >big bad defeated by essentially the power of prayer
      Jennifer Lee has no idea what a wish is, does she?

      • 8 months ago

        Jennifer Lee is a Feminist mountain of shit. She's the Kathleen Kennedy, Star Wars, but of the Walt Disney Animation Studio. She alone is doing irreparable damage to the homegrown brand that is Disney. And since Iger refuses to fire her, she will continue green lighting more abysmal movies with unwanted themes and even agendas.

      • 8 months ago

        She rose to the level of her incompetence, apparently she did a fine job in her previous positions but was promoted past her abilities

    • 8 months ago

      So the twist is that people had the power to make all their wishes come true all along because "We are all from stardust" and once people realise this the king is no longer needed and he dies? What the frick? Is it supposed to be a "You don't need magic wishes because the power to make your wishes come true resides within yourself!", or is it literally saying everyone has wish granting abilities. Either way that's mind bogglingly stupid.

      This really takes the cake of bad shitney movie plots.

    • 8 months ago

      this is so fricking bland

      Puss in Boots already did

      was a great movie hoping Shrek 5 delivers

    • 8 months ago

      I expect nothing and… I get nothing.
      I am not disappointed.

    • 8 months ago

      Wow, it's just as bad as I thought it would be. Thanks anon for storytime though

    • 8 months ago

      What a utterly nothing story

      • 8 months ago

        All the story achieves is transferring the power to grant wishes from the King to a peasant girl. There's no character development.

    • 8 months ago

      This is legit the most stupid story ever that Disney has made. Even Strange World wasn’t this dumb.

    • 8 months ago

      How do you make a movie about Wishes and not acknowledge how dangerous wishes can be?

      Even Aladdin acknowledged that Jafar getting his wishes granted would be dangerous to the world because he ain’t a nice guy.

      And even Aladdin 2 showed that wishes can backfire on you (with Genie Jafar trying to kill Abis Mal at first by twisting his wish).

    • 8 months ago

      >I played* Earthbound

    • 8 months ago

      >putting people in charge of wishes was wrong, let's just put someone else
      I refuse to believe people get paid to make that shit.

    • 8 months ago

      The real wishes were the friends we made along the way.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm just stunned at how this has less going on than the fricking Care Bears movie.

    • 8 months ago

      So after giving it some thought
      >the goat barely even needed to be there
      >the seven teens barely even needed to be there
      >the end where the town Whoville-sings the villain to death is dumb

      I would propose maybe a better ending would be King Magnifico in a fit of zealousness and pride challenges Asha to a series of three increasingly difficult mythical trials, and she beats all of them through a series of characters or woodland creatures (you could even salvage the goat here-just reduce his part) that she conveniently does kind deeds for earlier in the story. And Magnifico still tries to dishonorably backstab her but she pulls some clever trick at the last minute. At least THEN it resembles a traditional fairy tale instead of these weird young adult fantasy action flicks Disney keeps sucking so hard with lately.

      What I really wanted out of this movie was for Disney to return to a simple fairy tale adaptation. The only way this storybook can be excused for being this bad is the usual little golden book excuse “this feature length movie just doesn’t condense into a 15 page picture book well.” BUT this fairy tale movie should have had a simple story structure that could fit into that tiny book in the first place, like stories like Snow White, Cinderella, Aladdin, and Sleeping Beauty can. The additional runtime should have padded and stretched that simple story the way it does in those movies.

      • 8 months ago

        > Magnifico challenges Asha to mythical trials
        To stay on theme, they can be other people’s wishes. Serves the dual purpose of inspiring the townsfolk by showing them their wishes CAN be achieved through hard work and ingenuity, and they don’t have to rely on magic.

        I really think this story could have something to it if they stuck close to the theme “making your own wishes come true,” but it seems like they didn’t do a good job with it,

        • 8 months ago

          >publicly grants a wish once a month
          >but also secretly grants some others occasionally when they're simple enough to seem like they were accomplished through their own hard work
          That would be some nice subtlety if I expected the movie to be even remotely well-written.

    • 8 months ago

      That's genuinely awful, I get the idea behind the king just being like.. a control freak, I guess, but being cautious about wishes that could be potentially damaging is fair enough.

      They could've made the story at least slightly interesting if they'd gone the route where Asha finds out that just granting EVERY wish willy nilly is also bad because it causes chaos, and then the final message would just be that no one person has the right to decide whether another persons wish is 'valid' or not, and just hand back the magic shit to the star dude and leave it as some 'people should do their best to grant their own wishes' type shit at the end.

  17. 8 months ago

    Sounds like shit.

  18. 8 months ago


    take your meds dude

    • 8 months ago

      there's meds that make you suck Disney corporate dick? where do you buy them?

  19. 8 months ago


    It's a fictional land, shut your cracker ass up for once in your life

    • 8 months ago

      Wasn't it supposed to be Spain?

      • 8 months ago

        The official synopsis describes that it is set on an island off the coast of the Iberian Peninsula

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Inspired by Spain doesn’t actually mean it’s Spain (literally the same shit as SV’s Paldea region)

        • 8 months ago

          >Comparing this to SV.
          Not a good look.

          Well anon, she's black and overthrew the rich evil white person, so it's fine

          He's not white.

      • 8 months ago

        Spain without the S

  20. 8 months ago

    I really hope Shrek 5 takes this opportunity to call out this past 10 years of disney bullshit.

    • 8 months ago

      Puss in Boots already did

      • 8 months ago

        I still see fanart of this movie months after it came out.

      • 8 months ago

        not really the same thing.

        • 8 months ago

          I like the theory that Jack Horner is an allegory for modern Disney.
          >Has grown into a hulking, bitter image of his former self that is primarily concerned with profit and business
          >Is envious of others who have magic power (Talent) and envisions a world were he is on top instead
          >Hoards magical items so he can wield them, and IIRC, every magical item he uses in the movie is a Disney property
          >The cricket is an allegory for old fashioned Disney that is more humble and good natured, and is ultimately shocked by what Disney has become

          • 8 months ago

            >Disney was the most uncompromising villain of all.

            Cool if true.

          • 8 months ago

            I'm more surprised Disney did not sue Dreamworks during the scene with Jack Horner gathering his magical weapons, he has Mickey Mouse's Fantasia wizard hat. That is not public domain.

            • 8 months ago

              Still falls under parody. If Family Guy can get away with flat out plagiarism, Dreamworks can get away with a cheeky nod here and there.

            • 8 months ago

              Disney does not have a copyright on "hat with stars on it"

          • 8 months ago

            >>The cricket is an allegory for old fashioned Disney that is more humble and good natured, and is ultimately shocked by what Disney has become

            The irony is Dreamworks has no leg to stand on. They are just as corrupt, wonky, and shoddy. Not a surprise to hear Dreamworks fired a lot of employees recently.

            • 8 months ago

              thank god

          • 8 months ago


  21. 8 months ago

    I’m gonna wind up pairing Magnifico with Nerissa lmao

  22. 8 months ago

    Anyway, now that this is known to be horseshit, let's get back to the real good content and discuss the attached short film Once Upon a Studio

  23. 8 months ago

    Whoops we hit a strong northerly.

  24. 8 months ago

    Problem is at least partly how abridged the plot is in the book
    If Magnifico is set up as greedy and controlling from the start then I think I can roll with his outright villainy
    But as presented here he goes (taken at face value) from a reasonable king concerned with the consequences of any and every wish being granted, to maniacally wanting to extinguish the stars because he covets power and adoration

    It has the hallmarks of a shitty twist villain like Hans flipping on a dime

    • 8 months ago

      >If Magnifico is set up as greedy and controlling from the start then I think I can roll with his outright villainy
      >But as presented here he goes (taken at face value) from a reasonable king concerned with the consequences
      trailers shows it'll be set up from the start

    • 8 months ago

      >It has the hallmarks of a shitty twist villain like Hans flipping on a dime

      Don't drag the Hans twist into this shit. It got ruined enough by redemptiongays. King Magnifico is just a standard boring villain

  25. 8 months ago

    Why can’t Magnifico just secretly wish for Asha to mind her own business?

    • 8 months ago

      Even the power of wishes and the stars above can’t do that

  26. 8 months ago

    They really made a movie around "we're all made of heckin stardust"

  27. 8 months ago

    I didn't expect this to be that bad what the frick

  28. 8 months ago

    After reading the storytime, thanks by the way dude, I have to ask anyone else think this Wish movie is now SERIOUSLY going to fail. The worst thing you could say about Wish before this story book was it didn't look like anything special, but this book confirms how bland uninteresting and unsurprising this movie is. And when you have people like Iger openly saying that Non White Princesses have been failures for Disney in regards to Princess and the Frog then Wish is looking to have a very grim future. This movie is going to be a real tank at the box office and merchandise that will not sell.

  29. 8 months ago

    >Gotta say, this movie at least has a fitting title!
    >why’s that?
    >Makes me Wish I hadn’t watched it!

  30. 8 months ago

    So what happens if two wishes contradict each other? There's got to be two motherfrickers in the whole kingdom thinking "Man, I wish I was king!"
    What about people with terrible wishes?
    What if someone has a wish that requires the free will of someone else to be overpowered? Does Disney, which wants to pander to the MeeToo movement, want a movie where an incel can wish a hot chick will fall for him?
    This is why Puss and Boots worked and films like this and Wonder Woman 1984 can't-bringing huge amounts of people into the wishing pool is just going to lead to a load of questions that are begging to be answered, and the answers aren't pretty. Puss in Boots meanwhile limits the wishing pool to a handfull of characters, thus allowing it to seriously engage with the prospect and consequences of a scenario where someone could literally say some words and the universe would alter itself to accommodate it. The only movie that managed to handle 'every gets a wish! xD' was Bruce Almighty.

  31. 8 months ago

    With the plot being so completely and utterly bland and the movie being chock full of nostalgiabaiting, this might just be the most creatively bankrupt Disney movie to date.

  32. 8 months ago

    This is stupider than I thought. My initial impression was that every person could only make one wish, and that the king was actually STEALING their wishes to give himself a better life. So he would've been stealing their wishes so he could have infinite money, power, fame, respect, etc and stay in control. But instead he's equipped with a lame staff for yet another Disney film where bad weather or environmental conditions are the climax. If he's in charge of all the wishes, why not have a cool climax where he wishes to be a giant knight or something? Or for a 10,000 man army? Or make his castle fly? Or send Asha to space? For a story about granting fricking wishes, this seems less creative than your average FOP episode.

    • 8 months ago

      They could have just ripped off the ending of Aladdin if they wanted to go that way.

  33. 8 months ago

    Bruce Almighty unironically explores these ideas about granting wishes and responsibility and consequences a lot better

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Bruce Almighty's a good fricking movie, tbf.

  34. 8 months ago

    Here's a big omission
    >no romance
    The romance was as much part of classic Disney as hammy villains, and here you got none of it. Frick off with this aromantic bullcrap, female characters arent lesser just because they kiss someone.

    • 8 months ago

      Be grateful they avoided romance, it would've been 100% lesbian pandering... And not among two hot characters.

    • 8 months ago

      no family members = no romance
      I'm fine with this
      t. incestgay

  35. 8 months ago

    >releasing just in time when muzzies will be demonized once again
    Disney can't catch a break

    • 8 months ago

      Even before the conflict, I would argue Americans have never liked muslims since 9/11. Just the most moronic "minority" you could pick if you want something to fail. Just look at Khamala Khan. Nobody wants to read or watch anything about muslims over here.

    • 8 months ago

      Muslim? More like israelites. If you think Americans love parasite Israel after all these generations think again. Lots of people are starting to wonder WHY should shitty parasite Israel keep getting American money when they are not part of the USA. The israelites create their own haters all the while pretending to be victims and I don't think that's going to work for very long in the USA. Boomers are probably the last blind israeli loving generation and they are dying off within the next ten to fifteen years. Younger generations increasingly see israelites as parasite trash for the USA especially with the terrible media the israelites create.

      • 8 months ago

        imagine being this blindly hateful of another group

        • 8 months ago

          Weird how anti-Israel sentiment increases with people having freeflow information access through the internet, huh?

          • 8 months ago

            It sure shows how eagerly people vacuum up slop.

  36. 8 months ago

    So do the stars themselves in this universe have magical properties since being made of star stuff lets you influence the universe with your mind? Why wish upon the stars at night? Make a wish to the sun. It's the closest star.

    • 8 months ago

      The sun isn’t a star you moron

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          I mean, who's to say, in a universe like the movie where a star falls from the sky and looks like this


          Books are out so we know the plot of the movie now. Spoilers in this thread of course because I will be posting one of the books

      • 8 months ago

        please be bait, I don’t even know these days

  37. 8 months ago

    >twist villain bad
    >classic obvious villain bad
    What would it take to make you happy?

    • 8 months ago

      Oh hello disneycuck. I was wondering when you’d show up in this thread.
      >what would if take to make you happy
      good villain either

    • 8 months ago

      A good one

    • 8 months ago

      This is the one recent disney movie that would have benefitted from a sympathetic and nuanced antagonist, though even that wouldn't have saved him if the writing was fricking garbage like this is bound to be.

      Ultimately though, he needs to be well written first and foremost. This guy turns from self-centered but generally benevolent to moronic yet completely unthreatening supervillain in a picosecond. It's bad writing, and people are sick of it.

    • 8 months ago

      Somebody who's straight-up evil from the beginning. We all knew villains like Gothel, Scar, and Gaston were up to no good in their first scene.

    • 8 months ago

      It's simple, if you're going to present a dilemma where the villain actually has a reasonable point of view or concerns, maybe don't make him classically evil.

    • 8 months ago

      Most twist villains in Disney are really bad, the obvious villains aren't evil or well designed enough to be good. It's an overall problem with Disney's quality as a whole, if you couldn't tell by the animation.

      • 8 months ago

        The only way to do a twist villain right is in the middle of a series. A twist happens and yet there's enough episodes to flesh out the twist of said villain. Disney on the other hand does two terrible things....

        One off movies.

        Movies with multiple sequels but none have a twist villain as the continued central focus.

        As such the twist villains are trash.

    • 8 months ago

      >What would it take to make you happy?

      I don't think Disney can do anything to fix themselves. Lets see...

      Boys? They have never liked Disney all that much. As soon as a boy becomes slightly older, not even a teenager, they ditch Disney for stuff like say Batman TAS shows like that. We know Disney is the anti testosterone company so Disney is fricked in that area. So much that they bought male franchises and pumped them full of estrogen and feminized them like Star Wars. Disney can never even begin making male customers happy. And by now no male actually trusts Disney.

      Girls however is where Disney is in serious trouble. Disney has never appealed to boys long term. But girls? These were Disney's bread and butter. But in recent years Disney is struggling to appeal to girls. How much so? Trashy shows like Miraculous Ladybug put the spam of Disney Mystery Brown Meat Girl Protagonists to shame. Encanto, Wish, Raya, Amphibia, etc all fail in comparison to Miraculous Ladybug which does stand the test of time making it successful with girls (somehow because I think Ladybug is shit).

      So Disney is losing their hold on Female Demographics so that leaves toddlers and too late for Disney because toddlers worship Bluey which is NOT a Disney creation no matter what you say and Paw Patrol which is from Viacom if I remember right. So Disney has no audience. As such they are STARVING to death. And with rising competition from theme parks like Nintendo and Universal they will really feel the desperation and hunger all the while the brilliant idea by Iger is to increase prices.

      Disney can't make anyone happy and they will deservedly die for it. Just as well, in its current form Disney has no business calling itself Disney it's The israeli Infiltrated Corporation.

      • 8 months ago

        >Just as well, in its current form Disney has no business calling itself Disney it's The israeli Infiltrated Corporation.
        Yeah, it's not Disney. Anyone who's followed Disney knows this. It's filled with their subhuman henchmen like latinx and whatever non-white flavor-of-the-month they've picked up off the streets. If anything, it's only proven Disney cannot be run without whites. The quality fell off a cliff when they all left.

        • 8 months ago

          It's not simply Disney alone have you seen Dreamworks they've also starting taking hits in general they have to let go of employees. The more you hire these Leftist agenda activists the more all these companies end up suffering. And if we're honest indies aren't going to save animation either.

      • 8 months ago

        >Miraculous Ladybug which does stand the test of time making it successful with girls (somehow because I think Ladybug is shit).
        It's literally just the shipping. That's the appeal of miraculous and that's what most girls want. As soon as Disney dropped the romance angle from their movies, they lost a good chunk of the female demographic.

        • 8 months ago

          I suppose...

          Never liked shipping will they won't they. Had to drop shit like Gravity Falls exactly because I hated the romance bullshit (and going by the Pacifica romance shippers in the fandom glad I dodged that bullet because those people are annoying). And had to drop Adventure Time because I hated the soap opera romance style back and forth trash. Maybe it's something girls like, but I hate it.

      • 8 months ago

        >Boys? They have never liked Disney all that much
        Holy projection, batman
        Many boys (and later on men who always enjoyed cartoons, expecially watching them with their kids) always loved Disney. Most of the reinassance movies were good for both the genders and there were a lot of great male heroes.
        And even the ones featuring a princess were always appreciated to, I was literally raised with the lion king, snowhite and lady and the tramp, to the point I've literally destroyed to dvds.

        • 8 months ago

          Disney movies are pretty liked amongst lgbt men.

        • 8 months ago

          NTA but he's actually right.
          The entire reason Disney bought Star Wars and Marvel was because they had a reputation for being "the princess company" that was exclusively making content for girls after male targeted movies like Atlantis, Tarzan and Treasure Planet were underperformed.

          • 8 months ago

            Disney has been the princess company since 1950, when they made Cinderella out of desperation as a callback to their most popular film (after their other 1940's films underperformed on their first runs, because WW2). Princess films disappeared again after the 1950's, but then came back in full force at 1989 under the "Disney renaissance", and it's been like that since.

      • 8 months ago

        Could you imagine how awesome Disney would be if they cared bout boys?

        • 8 months ago

          Disney's obsession with being family friendly meaning action and drama can never get too intense or it ceases to be inoffensive drivel is what probably helped kill any potential in serious focus for male stories. This is why too many of Disney's male characters always have an air of being emasculated.

          Disney was always set up to eventually get overtaken by rising competitors who would do better male focused animated media. It just so happens that it was anime what started this trend.

          • 8 months ago

            >Disney's obsession with being family friendly meaning action and drama can never get too intense or it ceases to be inoffensive drivel is what probably helped kill any potential in serious focus
            God that part of Mulan where they're singing A Girl Worth Fighting For and suddenly cut off by a smash cut to them stumbling into a completely demolished village was so fricking good, that would never happen in a Disney movie today.

          • 8 months ago

            Ironically, Disney's depiction of The Black Cauldron is a lot darker than the books they're based on.

            • 8 months ago

              To an arguable extent
              The movie might have some more front loaded spooky scary skeletons but the books actually have characters dying

              • 8 months ago

                True, but to me the deaths always felt more tragic than frightening. The horned king is just a warlord with a helmet, the Lord of Death doesn't show till the very end, and even the descriptions of the cauldron born are pretty tame compared to Disney's nightmare fuel.

              • 8 months ago

                Normal Warlords don't melt when you say their true name out loud.
                At minimum he was enchanted.

    • 8 months ago

      You know what? I honestly hate that animation became so heavily associated with "obvious villains". That stuff is so tedious. Like we're not ever supposed to actively think about the films we're watching, or interpret any sort of moral lesson. Comedy is one thing, but having bombastic idiotic smiling villains in everything is so pathetic and dumbed-down. It ruins any sort of real nuance so badly.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't know enough about writing to know what I want, BUT THIS ISN'T FRICKING IT.

    • 8 months ago

      >classic obvious villain
      He's not that kind of villain.

    • 8 months ago

      >What would it take to make you happy?
      Good writing

    • 8 months ago

      how about seeing the real struggle of the king having to choose which wish can be granted and which ones can't. what if he sees how a wish as innocent that can look has awful consequences and seeing the disappointed look on people really takes the toll on him because having the power to do so doesn't mean he always has to and the star is a real threat because wishes that can end up hurting someone (ie make someone fall in love with you without knowing how much he/she has been seeing someone and building a connection only to drop it all just for you). and maybe Asha will understand why is it so important to be careful on not granting anyone's wish by keeping the secret and be willing to help the king to maybe not letting all that guilt be put on his shoulder

    • 8 months ago

      homie he's revealedt to be bad pretty much instantly there

    • 8 months ago

      obvious villain bad
      just give me this tbh. way better than the regular slop they've been peddling lately.

    • 8 months ago

      But this guy is the worst of both worlds, where the movie seems to play off as if this guy is good, and therefore isn't chewing the damn furniture every other scene like a Classic villain would. The facade is so pbviously telegraphed that it's a complete waste of everyone's time.

      People liked Jack Horner because not only he was evil at the start, he was also ENTERTAINING. He's closer to an actual Disney villain than the majority of Disney villains in the last decade or so.

    • 8 months ago

      >Bad writing is bad
      Sorry, I'll just lower my standards two or three times

    • 8 months ago

      this is neither classic villian, nor twist villian
      this is extremely bad attempt at twist villian

    • 8 months ago

      The classic villains weren't good because they were obvious. They were good because they were written well.

      • 8 months ago

        They weren’t, let’s not kid ourselves. The only classic Disney villains who have more than zero dimensions are Frollo, Scar and maybe Maleficent, and that’s only because their source material was good.

        • 8 months ago

          Characters don't need to be super complex in order to be well written. Being able to make an unabashedly evil character with greedy/vain/prideful motivations fun and likeable, especially to children, is pretty impressive from a writing standpoint.

  38. 8 months ago

    Well I think thats it. Good ted talk fellas.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah. I'm translating it into japanese and letting the nips in on this trainwreck.

      Rewriting this script based on where I thought it was going to go from the first pages. Rate my story.
      >Asha wants grandfather's wish granted
      >Gets job as the king's assistant and spends time tutoring under him as an apprentice
      >Upset that the king won't grant granfather's wish, so she takes matters into her own hands
      >Switches the wishes so that the king unknowingly grants her grandfather's
      >It works, but she feels guilty when she runs into the person who's wish was supposed to be granted
      >king has to leave and trusts Asha to guard the wishes while he's gone
      >she sneaks into the room of wishes, determined to right the situation by granting the other person's wish too
      >while there, she meets the wishing star the king captured
      >star loves helping others and is disappointed that the king doesn't trust him with more work
      >instructs her on how to grant wishes like the king does
      >she grants the wish of the person she switched out, then with some prompting from the star, grants all the wishes in the room
      >after all, only granting wishes once a year is kind of stingy, and no one should be left out
      >Things seem great at first, but Asha gradually realizes that all these wishes are out of control
      >kingdom thrown into chaos
      >comes to realization upon meeting her grandpa, unfulfilled with his wish, that there's joy and wisdom gained in making wishes come true yourself
      >this is what the king has been trying to teach her
      >king returns and quickly realizes what Asha has done
      >very panicked and races back to the star, but it's too late
      >stars that have been overworked go supernova
      >together, Asha and the king use sorcery and some of the crazier wishes to try and calm the star
      >it isn't enough
      >they make one final wish upon the star to return to the sky, undoing everything
      >no more magic wishes for now
      >years later, Ahsa is a sorcerer with her own star who learned which wishes should be given, and which should be earned
      It's a bit of a callback to The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

      Needs a late act complication. Possibly needs romance. 7/10. Good concept.

      >Princess and the Frog is probably the most famous failure.
      And that happened because
      >almost no advertising
      >title (specifically "Princess") possibly suggested to audiences it was only for little girls
      >it released it five days before Avatar
      I don't think anyone could have expected Avatar to be the insane megahit it ended up being, though.

      Also, weak latter two thirds of the movie. Swamp tour stretches FOREVER. And impossible to reconcile expectations. Tiana needs to be a princess, a self made woman, a romantic partner and a fricking frog. Falicer needed more to do.

  39. 8 months ago

    Rewriting this script based on where I thought it was going to go from the first pages. Rate my story.
    >Asha wants grandfather's wish granted
    >Gets job as the king's assistant and spends time tutoring under him as an apprentice
    >Upset that the king won't grant granfather's wish, so she takes matters into her own hands
    >Switches the wishes so that the king unknowingly grants her grandfather's
    >It works, but she feels guilty when she runs into the person who's wish was supposed to be granted
    >king has to leave and trusts Asha to guard the wishes while he's gone
    >she sneaks into the room of wishes, determined to right the situation by granting the other person's wish too
    >while there, she meets the wishing star the king captured
    >star loves helping others and is disappointed that the king doesn't trust him with more work
    >instructs her on how to grant wishes like the king does
    >she grants the wish of the person she switched out, then with some prompting from the star, grants all the wishes in the room
    >after all, only granting wishes once a year is kind of stingy, and no one should be left out
    >Things seem great at first, but Asha gradually realizes that all these wishes are out of control
    >kingdom thrown into chaos
    >comes to realization upon meeting her grandpa, unfulfilled with his wish, that there's joy and wisdom gained in making wishes come true yourself
    >this is what the king has been trying to teach her
    >king returns and quickly realizes what Asha has done
    >very panicked and races back to the star, but it's too late
    >stars that have been overworked go supernova
    >together, Asha and the king use sorcery and some of the crazier wishes to try and calm the star
    >it isn't enough
    >they make one final wish upon the star to return to the sky, undoing everything
    >no more magic wishes for now
    >years later, Ahsa is a sorcerer with her own star who learned which wishes should be given, and which should be earned
    It's a bit of a callback to The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

    • 8 months ago

      tl;dr, but
      >It's a bit of a callback to The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
      Is an amazing idea for this movies concept.

    • 8 months ago

      Too good for modern Disney. Your story is easily better than what we're getting.

    • 8 months ago

      This sounds kino. And a POC makes a mistake just like any white character’s arc does? Truly ahead of our time!

    • 8 months ago

      >comes to realization upon meeting her grandpa, unfulfilled with his wish, that there's joy and wisdom gained in making wishes come true yourself
      This is really charming. Your whole treatment is, a story like this hardly needs a villain to start the conflict. A Sorcerer's Apprentice-style story also would make a lot of sense for the 100th anniversary film.

    • 8 months ago

      >random anon came up with a better story on the fly than a team of professional writers working for one of the biggest entertainment companies
      it's sad how often this happens

      • 8 months ago

        There are two problems with that story. 1) It implies the ethnic female isn’t perfect and needs to learn something. That’s bad these days. 2) The straight white male isn’t a villain. That’s also bad. Straight white males are inherently evil. Like Nazis. Unless they’re Ukranian. If hearing this fact upsets you, that’s only because you’re bothered by the truth. TOUCH GRASS!

        • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      This is pretty good all you need is to add a subordinate to the king who wants to be king and due to that wish seizes control of the kingdom (muh Aladdin)
      Then because "old bad new good" make the new kings son be the male love interest that helps her defeat his father
      The wish giving ability is destroyed in the process but all the power it possessed goes into the people giving them the drive and ability to make their own wishes come true
      Post credit scene with Walt talking about his childhood wish to create Disney and how he brought his dream to life and after saying some encouraging words tells the audience "Make your wishes come true."

      • 8 months ago

        >they cgi Walt back from the dead and use AI to put words in his mouth
        That's just tasteless enough that I can see modern Disney doing it.

        • 8 months ago

          Not cgi but I'm sure there is a clip where he talks about it making your wishes come true
          This is as on brand as you'd can get and I wouldn't be surprised that someone found an old video and decided it would work well with the movie
          They must've had people looking through the archives before they even thought of making a 100 year anniversary movie so I wouldn't be surprised if after the movie comes out you start seeing old Walt videos start coming out to "inspire" you to get into cartooning and learn trad 2D so they can get out of their dark age

    • 8 months ago

      I fricking hate this movie now because this was what we should have gotten instead.

    • 8 months ago

      fantastic rewrite anon

    • 8 months ago

      this is pretty close to what I was thinking in a re-write. my additions being a kind of pre-story over how the royal family had this power in the first place.
      >Long ago, there where people born of stardust that had the ability to grant wishes
      >Like most people they can grant good wishes and bad
      >Life's chaotic and normies want there power or want to destroy them
      >Everyone comes to a consenses of a 'wish maker' to handle this job for them.
      >Filter out bad wishes, grant the good after some diliberation
      >Life's good again!
      >Wishmaker/king's life kind of sucks
      >Need to balance between all the wishes of the people, pick one and some one else gets shat on
      >Try to convince the people to 'lay off all the wishes/be more responcible for what they wish'
      >Enter Asha
      >'PTH! I can do a better job!'
      >King gets idea
      >"lol ok, handle it."
      >shit gets wacky with her incharge
      >Learns the hard way
      your idea is better if im being honest since I just went with the 'we're all made out of stardust hur dur' idea to try and make it work.

  40. 8 months ago

    How can anyone be enthusiastic about princess movies? Why do people care about something so blatantly derivative? This format was already so insanely milked and soul-sucked by the 1990s with Disney's dull renaissance. Snow White was an amazing film in 1937, but people should have the courage to say let's do something else. That's the kind of attitude that they did have in the 40s.

    • 8 months ago

      Disney relies on the Princess Formula because that's always worked with Stupid Girls and their Stupid Single Mothers. Do you know how much money female consumers spend for Disney Princess merchandise? In the billions.

      Rarely has the Disney Princess Movies failed. Princess and the Frog is probably the most famous failure.

      • 8 months ago

        >Princess and the Frog is probably the most famous failure.
        And that happened because
        >almost no advertising
        >title (specifically "Princess") possibly suggested to audiences it was only for little girls
        >it released it five days before Avatar
        I don't think anyone could have expected Avatar to be the insane megahit it ended up being, though.

        • 8 months ago

          The movie is not good okay. We know boys don't like girl centric movies. But why should girls like Princess and the Frog? Seriously, answer that one.

          Tiana is one of the most unrelatable inhumane characters Disney has ever created. Her gimmick is that she's all about hard work, so much so that she works two jobs without sleeping, she's not human. She's also a fun killer. Naveen is the original modern Good For Nothing Male Character that Disney has been making for quite a number of years by now. No girl will find him charming because of how useless he is (not to mention he's the only Disney Prince who is flat broke and not rich, so much for the fantasy girls have of marrying a rich guy). And while the villain of the movie was decent he notable has LESS screen time than dudes like Hades or Jafar. So he's not going to carry the movie.

          That movie is bad. It really is bad. That's why it under performed.

        • 8 months ago

          I think going back to traditional animation with a black princess was a big mistake. It was a risky business move and that's just the honest truth. I don't think there's anything wrong with black princesses, but after reading the thread here that spoils Wish's plot, Disney can't write black princesses. The plot of both the movies is a mess.

          You know what they should've done? Adapt the traditional telling of The Frog Prince. That would've been so safe but I think it would've been a classic. Princess and the Frog is like black americans running through Louisiana also Marti Gras. It's just not the same story.

        • 8 months ago

          It was also not very good. Tiana was a boring dishrag of a character whose only personality trait was that she's a hard worker. They even had the climax with Doctor Facillier fall flat because she just doubles down on being a hard worker. If she had a personality transplant with that crazy friend of hers it might have been a fun movie.

          • 8 months ago

            >Doctor Facillier
            And in the end all that character had going for him was his cool voice. He, like most of the film, ended up a nothing burger. And he was beaten by some stupid frogs.

      • 8 months ago

        Princess and the Frog wasn't even a failure.

        >How can anyone be enthusiastic about princess movies?
        You can't anymore. Women don't fall in love. Anemic and unsexy female designs which inspire very little rule34 which lets you know that they don't stay in the hearts and minds of the people who watch. Men aren't cool and dynamic enough for boys to *want* to project themselves as so they pull out of watching Disney movies too. Disney films stop being "must see events" as it was ingrained in them from a small age because of all of the disappointment of their recent ventures.

        >Princess and the Frog is probably the most famous failure
        Because there's nothing to that movie a kid wants to see or hear! Tiana is BORING! All she gives a frick about is working hard to achieve a goal and sacrificing her youth, happiness and freetime to acquire it. It's less entertainment and more social conditioning so there isn't a real story there. Then she gets turned into a frog, what, 17-22 minutes into the film and spends the great majority of the movie in that form. Little girls don't like that shit. Because she's a frog there's nothing there for boys to cling to either as she isn't an object of romantic desire. Tianna behaves very dull and is aggressive toward the most laid back Naveen which only denigrates her to men. I know her arc is about her mellowing out but a couple of b***hy exchanges is all a man needs to write a woman off forever in his mind as undesirable. Tianna comes around in the film but the damage is done, man. No one will be looking for Princess & The Frog merch or for the actual character to be walking around. She doesn't do anything, she has no cool magical powers, her movie is a bunch of fluff you can safely ignore. But hey Brave went on to win an award and yet no one gives enough of a frick to EVER bring up Merida in conversation either so...

        >All she gives a frick about is working hard to achieve a goal and sacrificing her youth, happiness and freetime to acquire it
        That's the fricking point you autistic spaz, her entire arc in the movie is learning to get away from that.
        >She doesn't do anything, she has no cool magical powers, her movie is a bunch of fluff you can safely ignore
        Ah yes, because I remember when Snow White, Belle, Aurora, Cinderella, etc had cool magic powers.

        • 8 months ago

          >That's the fricking point you autistic spaz,
          And it's not interesting or entertaining because Tianna has the personality of fricking dead wood you donut.
          >I need...to work hard!
          >Oh god I'm gonna harder!
          Yeah, real riveting shit.

          >Ah yes, because I remember when Snow White, Belle, Aurora, Cinderella, etc had cool magic powers.
          They had the power of being better box office draws. Who the frick even recognizes Tianna? Are there Tianna's walking about Disney parks in high demand? I doubt it.

          • 8 months ago

            I don't even remember what Tiana's personality was other than that she really wants that diner, and was constantly fricking annoyed by the prince until something I don't remember happened and she's suddenly in love with him.

            >Who the frick even recognizes Tianna? Are there Tianna's walking about Disney parks in high demand?
            Don't rightly know too much about that but I mean, I've seen a lot of merch for her.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh, you have? Well I'll take your word for it. Tianna is so fricking far down on my list of priorities of tracking Disney Princesses. Way, way down there with Merida and Vanellope.

              • 8 months ago

                It's only because there's a children's merch section next to my favourite bookstore i pass on the way to looking for new novels. But I probably live in a different country to most posters here anyway, so my experience may not necessarily be representative of what's pushed in yours.

    • 8 months ago

      >How can anyone be enthusiastic about princess movies?
      You can't anymore. Women don't fall in love. Anemic and unsexy female designs which inspire very little rule34 which lets you know that they don't stay in the hearts and minds of the people who watch. Men aren't cool and dynamic enough for boys to *want* to project themselves as so they pull out of watching Disney movies too. Disney films stop being "must see events" as it was ingrained in them from a small age because of all of the disappointment of their recent ventures.

      >Princess and the Frog is probably the most famous failure
      Because there's nothing to that movie a kid wants to see or hear! Tiana is BORING! All she gives a frick about is working hard to achieve a goal and sacrificing her youth, happiness and freetime to acquire it. It's less entertainment and more social conditioning so there isn't a real story there. Then she gets turned into a frog, what, 17-22 minutes into the film and spends the great majority of the movie in that form. Little girls don't like that shit. Because she's a frog there's nothing there for boys to cling to either as she isn't an object of romantic desire. Tianna behaves very dull and is aggressive toward the most laid back Naveen which only denigrates her to men. I know her arc is about her mellowing out but a couple of b***hy exchanges is all a man needs to write a woman off forever in his mind as undesirable. Tianna comes around in the film but the damage is done, man. No one will be looking for Princess & The Frog merch or for the actual character to be walking around. She doesn't do anything, she has no cool magical powers, her movie is a bunch of fluff you can safely ignore. But hey Brave went on to win an award and yet no one gives enough of a frick to EVER bring up Merida in conversation either so...

      • 8 months ago

        >All she gives a frick about is working hard to achieve a goal and sacrificing her youth
        This part's sad when you remember how much stuff is just gifted to her by her wealthy friend.

        • 8 months ago

          And she initially wants to not accept her ditzy friend's aid which sucks because aside from being sweet and giving its all the girl really has to offer to alleviate Tianna's issues which are all money and time related. She wants to own a restaurant, a business model that has a 90% failure rate within the first 18 months of operation. Like damn girl accept the handout.

          • 8 months ago

            Especially since Tiana wants to jump straight from diner waitress to fine restaurant owner without having passed through either a better kitchen or owning a smaller business.

            • 8 months ago

              You're absolutely right. She has a dream but no true way of obtaining it beyond scrounging and saving and hoping her hired help doesn't frick her over. I forgot she wasn't even the chef. She just has dreams about owning and operating. It's still a lofty ideal and all she had was "I'mma work HARD!" And that mentality is great and will take her fat efficacy without zeal is for children and secondly that's not the most exciting thing to watch for young children. Like, yeah, be determined. That's great. But have some fricking personality too. A boy wouldn't be caught dead watching Princess & The Frog because there's nothing in the movie to keep his interest. Tianna and Naveen are frogs for the great bulk of it. The only takeaway if the lesson Tianna learns...which isn't really anything. She just doubles down and then Keith David loses. God what a bad movie.

  41. 8 months ago

    So the plot is that Sophia and Lucifer take down the evil Demiurge and make everyone realize that they all have the divine spark in them. They can all become Christs and they haven’t realized it yet? Phew Disney, your propaganda is getting less subtle by the movie!

    • 8 months ago

      Also when you wish upon a star is basically wishing for Lucifer’s help. Also the setting is also Kingdom of Rosas?Roses mean enlightenment to in Rosicrucianism? Order of the Rose Cross has ties to Freemasonry which Walt Disney is one. The least settle is the goat, (heh) is named Valentino. It’s a Significant name because name relates to Valentinianism, a GNOSTIC Christian movement. And the fact that when king Magnifico is using Evil Magic you can see the a green smoke serpent from the evil book which of course is probably a jab at the Bible lol. The serpent also represents Yaldaboath, the creator of the Garden of Eden “prison” like the gnostic Adam and Eve story. My my my…

      • 8 months ago

        Also I am tired of it all being about “woke”. Everything is controlled by Freemasons and their use of “woke is another tool to put us against each other and distract us from the real enemies. They want to subconsciously drill into children’s heads this message and make people turn on the one true God of the Bible because they hate Jesus Christ and the idea that you have that salvation comes from God and not yourself. You cannot become gods. That’s why they love Lucifer/Satan/The devil because he is the “wisdom” and bringer of light. That’s why the star in wish is star LIGHT.

        • 8 months ago

          And you better not treat this as a joke. You may not believe in God but their idea of what god is has caused havoc all throughout history as they infiltrate all of society and pin it on “le israelites” and Christians and other religions that threaten their orders. Jesuits, Knights Templar, Nazis, Communists, Socialists, Orientalists, Assassins. What do they have in common? All have connections to Freemasonry. That’s right!

          • 8 months ago

            THEY are in control. They use Alchemy and magic and shiii to control us through symbolism that infiltrates our subconscious. That’s why this movie is dangerous. I don’t think that it should be censored bc I don’t advocate for censory. I think that everyone should see it and have the writers reveal themselves who is pulling their strings.

    • 8 months ago

      Sophia being Queen Amaya while Asha being an ascended master (a christos) would make more sense since Magnifico/Yaldaboath gets replaced by her, the true creator of life/the divine spark in all living things. That is why everyone has the divine spark/glowy gold thing in the center when everyone wishes. And Asha becomes an ascend one when she receives the wand!

      • 8 months ago

        Or maybe Asha is Eve. She does sing at that shot on the tree and star/lucifer grants her wisdom (that they all are stardust and can wish/become like god) and I may be over thinking this but when asha moves the tree’s branches out of the way it is like piercing/lifting the veil which is very occult symbolism.

  42. 8 months ago

    does she frick the goat? because she's a goatfricker?

  43. 8 months ago

    It's schizo hours

    • 8 months ago

      Not schizo. The truth. Get out normie.

      • 8 months ago

        Schizo reply

        • 8 months ago

          Normie reply

  44. 8 months ago

    Dude da fweemasons!!!! they out there the fewwmsons!!!

  45. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      More like GOD BAD! This movie was made by millennials who have religious Trauma and hate their parents. These vulnerable people move to California and get hired by Disney to pass out propaganda. I don’t want to speak of their experiences bc there is a lot of abuse in religious institutions but this story and it’s characters and symbolism show that there is more than what they convey than the message “everyone MUST get what they want granted no matter how destructive and retarted their wishes are!!!!!!!

      • 8 months ago

        shit like this makes me loathe being a Californian Millennial I know I could write better shit than this drek

  46. 8 months ago

    i thought Disney was suppose to be more creative?
    whats up with that luma wannabe?

  47. 8 months ago

    The tagline for this movie on the poster and advertising is
    >be careful what you wish for
    but how does that connect at all with the plot? I don't see anything about the MC learning any kind of lesson about granting wishes. The book pretty much unequivocally says the king is in the wrong for not giving everyone what they want

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like another case of Jenn letting a flick she's in charge of drift way off from what it was originally about. Probably was originally about Asha and Star granting everyone's wishes and then having to undo it, like any proper story about wishes.

      • 8 months ago

        Thats another thought. Every single story about wishes is about dealing with unintended consequences. Even mighty King Midas couldn't just have his way, and that wish was granted as a reward for services rendered.
        It's a modern mentality that it's a good thing to have whatever we want at all times.

  48. 8 months ago

    Abridged version

    • 8 months ago

      The true abridged version will include the main character shouting "no u, wish granted" in panel 3 and the 4th panel having the current queen married to the goat, whilst the cucked "villain" screams from a crystal

  49. 8 months ago

    >the hero that fought for the rights of commoners is revealed to be a super special snowflake in the end and rewarded as such
    It's Naruto all over again. Lesson learned : none

    • 8 months ago

      Nowhere does it state that Asha is special. She has the same powers everyone else does.

      • 8 months ago

        she gets a fricking magic wand and the friendly protection of the god of stars, she's LITERALLY a chosen one.

        • 8 months ago

          A commoner finding a magic weapon and a helpful mentor is not 'being revealed to be a super special snowflake' if anyone could have found the weapon and mentor. She's not destined to find it, she's not destined to succeed with it and she's not different from anyone else besides the virtue of being the protagonist. It's not like she has some unique, special magic that only she and the king have that inherently elevates her above the rest.
          You're hating a trope so much that you're seeing it when it's not there. Calm down, Black person.

          • 8 months ago

            the star is literally a god. And it chose to gave it to her. It's a chosen one story all along.

  50. 8 months ago

    Where do they draw the line between a wish and a strong desire? What if lazy people just have wishes for mundane shit that just feels out of their grasp because they won't try? What if someone's wish for the kingdome requires the death and suffering of foreigners?

  51. 8 months ago

    They should just adapt books again because Disney sure can't write for shit

  52. 8 months ago

    the friends have no purpose in that story. Overall this story sound slike a 22 minute saturday morning cartoon episode, are they really going all out with the songs to pad that shit to a movie length?

  53. 8 months ago

    Getting fricking sealed away for eternity sounds too harsh a punishment for not wanting Dumbfrick Tom's wish of "KILL ALL MINORS" to be granted.

  54. 8 months ago

    This feels utterly boring, where is the actual magic, this book makes it look like this is some sort of stage play with no special effects. That king is just a fricking youtuber pranking people with bags of money

  55. 8 months ago

    This feels like it's missing an act;ur MC was just always right and never put into some sort of doubt of anything

    • 8 months ago

      This is pretty typical of modern Disney. In Turning Red it was the mother who realized that she was wrong and had the character arc, not the actual protagonist.

      • 8 months ago

        That's not even true. Mei goes from a mindless copy of her mom, to a messy rebel, and finally to her own person who nevertheless deeply appreciates her mother and her family based on the real knowledge and understanding she has of them.

        • 8 months ago

          Bullshit. Mei was always a rebel, she was just too afraid of her mom to defy her and often did it in secret. In the end her rebellion is validated and she's shown that her desires were always in the right. She's the exact same person at the end of the movie as she was at the beginning, just no longer hiding it.

          Meanwhile, it's the mom whose way of thinking is challenged, the mom who undergoes character development, who has to learn a lesson, who has the fatal flaw that the plot hinges around and needs to be overcome. Remove Mei from the story, replace her with a different family member, and the plot can still happen because the beats revolve around the mother being a control freak. Replace her mom, and there is no story.

      • 8 months ago

        Not true. By the end, Mei has learned to balance her family's Chinese traditions and her life as a Canadian teen, and also rebuilds her connection to her mother by meeting on common ground.

        • 8 months ago

          she didn't learn anything she made all her familly bend a knee so she can stay how she is

  56. 8 months ago

    The goat is the only good thing to come out from here.

    • 8 months ago

      He is literally the worst part.
      "Haha, the cute little animal sidekick has a deep voice and makes quips and jokes!" it's just a sad excuse of Mushu 2.0

      • 8 months ago

        Mushu was actually funny at times.

        • 8 months ago

          I still quote "How could you miss, he was THREE FEET IN FRONT OF YOU!" every now and then. This movie wishes it could have anything remotely as iconic as Mushu.

        • 8 months ago

          No he was not. Mushu is the worst part of Mulan and I would argue he's the main villain of that movie. Remember Mulan's ancestors hated Mushu because he was grossly incompetent at being a guardian so much that he got a few of Mulan's family members killed. And Mushu intentionally manipulated the situation to throw Mulan on the front line of war so her chances of getting killed increased. I hated that shitty character so much. Even by his own admission he only did all that he did to help himself. And I don't celebrate him killing Shan Yu. Disney has a long tradition of Main Protagonist Is Not Allowed To Kill Villain so of course I'm not going to give Mushu any credit on this one. Mushu is shit. And if there's one good thing about live action Mulan is Mushu not existing. That selfish sack of trash.

          • 8 months ago

            Hard disagree. He was a perfect foil to Mulan and the story was enhanced by his presence. Both ultimately had the same goal and were pretending to be something they weren't to get it, but Mulan did it for selfless reasons compared to Mushu's selfishness. It's a contrast meant to highlight what makes Mulan special. She presents a mirror for Mushu, causes him to see his flaws, and pushes him to become better. Just because he isn't a good person doesn't mean he's not a great character.

          • 8 months ago

            This post is a fascinating mix of crippling autism and profound shit taste.

          • 8 months ago

            shut the frick, troony zoomer

          • 8 months ago

            Hey. Frick you.

  57. 8 months ago

    >Girl wants grampa's wish granted
    >Wish is vague as frick and could be anything from making an opera to mass arson
    >This is a bad thing

    • 8 months ago

      I just looked up the official movie posters for him, and you're right. I wonder why in this pic

      he looks like he has blond hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.

      • 8 months ago

        Sorry, meant for

        >Comparing this to SV.
        Not a good look.

        He's not white.

      • 8 months ago

        He's Spanish, who tend to be a bit more swarthy than other Europeans. Disney subscribes to the stupid post-2020 mentality that voice actors MUST match every single demographic aspect of their characters- for example, they specifically looked for and cast a disabled asian lady to voice the cripple asian baker.

        Chris Pine's a white guy, which means that Magnifico's white, too.

        • 8 months ago

          100% this
          The VA ethnicity matches the ethnicity of the character in all future projects
          They finally changed Jose’s VA to a Brazilian after years of ignoring that fact so it’s with everyone now

  58. 8 months ago

    From the look of the movie (trying to be stylized like Spider-verse) and how the plot is told (having a straight forward villain instead of the usual twist villain), this project feels like the usual modern Disney project that was severely altered during production upon realizing that everyone is tired of it. The look of the movie lacks the technical skill that makes stylized-3D work, instead looking like an undercooked modern Disney movie. Have that and the plot that also feels undercooked and it's clear that Disney got scared by the competition and is desperately trying to copy it.


    • 8 months ago

      >a straight forward villain instead of the usual twist villain
      Still feels twisty from how it's presented. It's basically her mentor and is doing good at the start of the film, before going MUHAWHAWHAW WORLD DOMINATION in the third act.
      A straight up villain would be a guy who is using a fallen star's magic from the start to grant himself unlimited power and rule a country with an iron fist, and the movie was more about saving the star and getting it back in the sky.

      • 8 months ago

        I guess I didn't present my point as well as I should have because
        >Still feels twisty from how it's presented.
        makes the idea that the movie was haphazardly revised more apparent. Instead of picking a side and going all in, the villain seems to be both, only to end up neither. I haven't seen anyone mention this, but one reason people like the obvious villains is because they have such fun designs. Look at Wish's villain and try to tell me anything interesting about him. He looks like a background character that resembles too much of the actor. Even Shan Yu had a more interesting design.

      • 8 months ago

        How about someone trying to steal the Wish thing?

  59. 8 months ago

    Why the actual frick do they keep doing this shit??

  60. 8 months ago

    Wow, and Hollywood writers demand more pay? For writing garbage like this?

    • 8 months ago

      Jennifer Lee wrote this, not just an average writer.

      • 8 months ago

        She's in the bottom 10% percentile for writing, that's for sure.

  61. 8 months ago

    Why does the goat wear clothes? Its kind of creepy.

    • 8 months ago

      Asha's mom was the person to get her wish granted last month before the movie started, and she wished her good for noting husband was turned into a goat. That's why he wears human clothing and hangs around Asha so much. He's just trying to be a supportive dad despite the terrible curse he's under.

      • 8 months ago

        I choose to believe you're taking us for a ride, because that breaks everything about the main character's morality.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, I was just taking the piss. Should have made that clearer.

          • 8 months ago

            >Should have made that clearer
            Yes because when a fricking Luma became the Macguffin I stopped expecting anything.

            • 8 months ago

              >Yes because when a fricking Luma became the Macguffin I stopped expecting anything.
              Seriously, why didn't they just go with an updated version of this design

              I thought the blue fairy was the wishing star taking a humanoid form.

              If anything the star should have looked more like her rather than like luma

              ? It's true to Disney canon, more original, and would get little girls to buy lots of glittery dress merch like was the case with Elsa.

              • 8 months ago

                >It's true to Disney canon, more original, and would get little girls to buy lots of glittery dress merch like was the case with Elsa.

                Have another pretty ethereal magic white girl upstage quirky biracial protagonist? As if modern Disney writers would allow such a thing.

              • 8 months ago

                Because she's a beautiful white woman. You know, the catalyst that sells 97% of Disney's Princess films to the global audience.

              • 8 months ago

                Why have they never done an Asian princess? I have no issue with nonwhite princesses and I think their most beautiful female characters haven't been white (Esmeralda, Pocahantas) but if Disney wants diversity points and wants to avoid the controversy and potentially lower ticket sales of darker skinned female leads why haven't they done more East Asian princesses? China, Japan, and Korea would be interesting settings. They could also lean harder into real world locations by focusing on Eastern and Central Europe which are also underrepresented.

              • 8 months ago

                *other than Mulan which was a billion years ago, I mean

              • 8 months ago

                >why haven't they done more East Asian princesses?
                Probably don't have the drive or confidence to compete with anime. The east are constantly putting out their own content featuring their own myths and folklore. Don't really need an American company weighing in on all of that, right? They'd have to put research into customs and traditions and it sounds more time consuming for such little potential payoff. Because animation from the East never ceases to turn profit for them over there.

        • 8 months ago

          Reread the storybook, Asha's mom has her wish destroyed by systemic racism

      • 8 months ago

        >Asha has to deal with her father being so hated that King Magnifico would spend the one wish of the month on turning him into a goat instead of referring it to family court
        More interesting movie

        • 8 months ago

          >Asha's wish is to have her dad back
          >King Magnifico doesn't give take bakesies
          >besides everyone likes his better as a goat
          >Asha meets Star and teams up with people whose wishes SHOULDN'T be granted
          >Breaks into the wish room, Star grants everyone's wishes all at once
          >Plus: Dad's back
          >Minus: Jesus Christ its chaos out there!
          >Asha teams up with King Magnifico, who is kind of a scumbag but isn't evil, to fix things
          >Emotional climax with an emotional reconcilliation her mother who had been pushed past her limit by dad
          >Moral of the story: Wishes bad, also you don't have to let people hurt you but if they're genuinely going to change don't sabotage them
          Really is a better movie, it writes itself

          • 8 months ago

            >"You're a scumbag, Magnifico!"
            >"Yes! I'm a scumbag! Of course I'm a scumbag! My position DEMANDS that I be a scumbag! It's the only way to keep things together! Look at you, you're a goody-goody and you've very nearly destroyed the entire kingdom because you don't have the fortitude to hake hard choices and let people down! Not every wish deserves to come true, child, and there needs to be a jerk that can tell you that your dream is stupid!"

            And then they fricked.

          • 8 months ago

            >her mother who had been pushed past her limit by dad
            She wished for the dude to turn into the goat. Unless in this version he's trying to make amends and is always by Asha's side a prominent character then this could work. Like maybe reveal he was physically abusive once or some shit. Something that'd make her actively curse this man, but not kill him. And tolerate his presence and shelter and feed him. I mean, she turned him into a fricking goat so I'm not interested in any version that tries to absolve her of her guilt. But yeah man you and a few other anon's are going a good job rewriting this hot fricking mess.

      • 8 months ago

        >The goat is actually the first sorcerer to have the wish powers, tricked into that form by El Magnifico.
        >Ashas actions inadvertently allow him to return to human form and he becomes the third act antagonist.

        • 8 months ago

          Making the cute animal companion plot relevant and the twist villain could actually work as an interesting subversion, I'm just not sure Disney is the company to pull it off.

          • 8 months ago

            I'm sure another studio could lampoon "quirky, socially relevant" post-Tangled Disney the same way Shrek did to the Disney Renaissance. The trick is finding a studio and creative team brave enough to step outside of their comfort zone and tell that story.

            • 8 months ago

              >Make ditzy poc
              >Reveal princess fricks up on purpose for shits and giggles

        • 8 months ago

          >the Goat is Black Phillip
          >He wants Asha to wish to live deliciously

          • 8 months ago

            The goat is Patrice O'Neil? This movie keeps getting better and better.

    • 8 months ago

      People sometimes put their baby goats in pajamas to keep them warm. Goats are born in the spring, when it can still be pretty chilly, especially at night, but they need to stay warm to be healthy. Some goat owners can get by with providing them with bedding and letting them cuddle each other, but others choose to dress them in tiny goat baby clothes. Also a lot of people find it cute and its good publicity.

      • 8 months ago


        If wearing cute pajamas is a baby goat thing, not sure why they made Valentino sound like a grown man tho.

        • 8 months ago

          Probably some pervert comedian they wanted to give a job.

        • 8 months ago

          I think that’s the joke. Even he says ”who would have thought my voice would be so low?” Maybe it had something to do with him secretly wishing for a big strong man voice, because he knows he’s just a weak little baby goat.

  62. 8 months ago

    All they had to do was a back to basics Disney film with a romance and a princess in a beautiful dress.


    Another pop song with little plot relevance and lots of vague generic 'inspiring' lyrics. Did they not learn from Encanto where the meme song went viral and not the grandiose "what else can I do?"? Also the mix of highs and strongly sung lyrics sounds awkward and doesn't really suit her voice.

    • 8 months ago

      >Did they not learn from Encanto where the meme song went viral
      That Bruno song felt forced as frick. I heard Frozen songs on the fricking radio. Literally no one was talking about Encanto. The box office take versus its budget tells me this shit did Princess & The Frog numbers. CoVid is one thing but damn this shit barely scraped past the finish line.

      • 8 months ago

        Mate, Encanto is still in the top 10 most streamed movies almost every week. The soundtrack spent nine nonconsecutive weeks atop the weekly Billboard 200 chart, which is the second longest period after Frozen. The reason why you didn’t hear it on the radio all the time is because the entire music scene is different compared to 2013. Most music is streamed nowadays, which is where Encanto was objectively a juggernaut.

        • 8 months ago

          > Encanto is still in the top 10 most streamed movies almost every week.
          nta but that's literally because kids will just sit there and watch the same shitty disney movie every fricking day until the next one comes out. Parents can just leave something like Encanto on repeat and the kid will legitimately not care. It's equivalent to watching those incomprehensible mindless youtube videos with frozen characters fricking around and not doing anything for hours.

        • 8 months ago

          >Encanto is still in the top 10 most streamed movies almost every week.
          No child in my family has ever asked to watch Encanto a second time.

  63. 8 months ago

    >tfw it's been 10 years since a disney movie had romance
    people love that shit why don't we get that anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      Because modern feminist writers don't like it, which is ironic since women seem to have gone even more shipping crazy over the years.

      • 8 months ago

        >women seem to have gone even more shipping crazy over the years
        you have clearly not known the early Star Trek fandom (didn't either, but I know about it). Just because you're a tumblrite and see it there doesn't mean it's more widespread than before

    • 8 months ago

      Anon, are you okay? Pixar released a romance movie just a few months ago.

      • 8 months ago

        If it was the same as Disney, you wouldn't need to specify Pixar. The company is its own thing, like Blue Sky, Star Wars, and Marvel.

  64. 8 months ago
  65. 8 months ago

    this entire thing looks and feels like a repurposed Sophia the 1st Disney Jr preschool spinoff show.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't you insult Sophia. That show actually had fun villains.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't you insult Sophia. That show actually had fun villains.

      Yeah, this sophia song looks better than the shit in wish.

      This is fake, isn't it.

      It wouldn't be shocking if the text changes slightly Notice the difference in font. But these pics don't exist anywhere else. If it's a fake, it's a huge effort.

      the end

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah maybe there’s some reason or another that the text there had to be inferred in that specific page but it’s more than obvious that the bulk of the story is on display

      • 8 months ago

        >King Magnifo
        It even has a typo. Font on this page

        also looks messed up in places.

        • 8 months ago

          The messup there looks like a scan error. Typo is actually not that uncommon at this stage. We'll be able to check other versions o fthe book very shortly to verify independently regardless.

          • 8 months ago

            >Typo is actually not that uncommon at this stage
            What stage
            OP said the books are out
            The whole thing looks too sloppy to be real
            Not like any of this matters because the movie will be shit either way

      • 8 months ago

        OP here. I've been the one storytiming upcoming Disney movie books for the last couple years and I usually get the screenshots from youtube videos. Text is a little messed up because the only upload of the book at the time was from this person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8LWPXCliVU
        They purposefully omitted the page text in that portion of their video so I had to make do with photoshop and add what they said back in.
        There's also now an upload up the golden book if anyone is interested in it

        • 8 months ago

          I'm amazed you were able to get clear enough pictures from youtube shots. But in any case. looks real enough to me.

  66. 8 months ago

    Its a shame that Disney keeps shitting out dud after dud because their HR department-tier CEO thinks wokeness is more important than anything.

  67. 8 months ago

    Disney couldn't even make a basic "be careful what you wish for" movie

  68. 8 months ago


    >Mushu's inherent selfishness is never corrected.
    He literally corrects himself. You mentioned it right here.
    >Even by his own admission he only did all that he did to help himself
    He acknowledges his flaws, uses them to lift Mulan up when she's at her lowest point, and when given the option to return home to safety or go with Mulan to warn the army, he's ride or die. You're free to be biased, but the character does exactly what he's supposed to and does it well.

  69. 8 months ago


    It's still a parody, right? It's funny to think that a crack legal team probably had to "okay" a hat.

  70. 8 months ago

    I want to smell and lick her Spain feet so badly

  71. 8 months ago

    This is fake, isn't it.

  72. 8 months ago

    >My husband that I loved and respected for decades turned evil and got trapped inside his own magic staff
    >Thats ok because he used the green magic

  73. 8 months ago

    >actor's strike is still on
    50/50 chance Disney cancels the presales this week and moves it to Feburary next year.

  74. 8 months ago

    >Asha frees the wishes
    >someone wished for Asha to become a love slave
    >film over

    • 8 months ago

      At this point I kind of wonder if there is an internal memo in Disney that Aladdin's genie rules (which include "no fricking with true love") apply to all wish-based media.

      It feels like the kind of thing they'd do.

  75. 8 months ago

    The Star ruins everything about this stupid fricking movie.

    • 8 months ago

      They gotta push in a cute mascot character they can make a zillion plushies out of, after all.

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