Do not apologize

He destroyed Star Wars for no reason. He didn’t need the money he got from selling it to Disney, he was already rich as frick. He trashed his life’s work for some cash that he’ll never live to spend and will probably just get donated to scam charities.

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  1. 5 months ago

    He sold it because you pissbabies would b***h about every little fricking thing he did with his movies.

    He made the smart choice of ponying it off on someone else. He wisely knew that time would be generous to him and that Disney drawing fan contempt would retroactively make him a martyr. He chose the best option. He fricking won.

    • 5 months ago

      >hurr my lord and savior can do no wrong
      do you think its mandatory for a director to go back every 3 years to make sweeping changes to his movies? prequel zoomers are the most childish morons you can come across on Cinemaphile

      • 5 months ago

        He made changes to keep everything consistent and to ensure the new generations enjoy the OT without skipping it because of how dated it looks. A New Hope wasn’t as polished as Empire and it shows.

        • 5 months ago

          A New Hope has a lot of fricking problems. The acting’s pretty bad for the most part due to most of the cast not giving a frick. The effects didn’t age well much at all. The movie’s massively overrated and a special edition was warranted to make it more palatable for modern audiences.

          • 5 months ago

            Empire is where shit got good and it’s aged much better than its predecessor. To this day, it’s still the best movie in the OT deservingly so.

          • 5 months ago

            Frick modern audiences. Frick effects "aging well." A movie should look its age. A classic should savour its vintage.

            • 5 months ago

              Then the only ones who’ll enjoy it are the old guys and weirdos. The best solution is multiple choice. Have both the original unaltered versions AND the special editions available.

              • 5 months ago

                Next we should give the Emperor Concerto a bussin beat and some flow rhymes so the younger generation can enjoy it.

              • 5 months ago

                Nobody fricking talks like that, dude. Try again.

              • 5 months ago

                The phrasing is immaterial.

        • 5 months ago

          Who cares? They're his movies. And when he re-released the original unaltered versions people whined some more
          >WAAAAA It isn't remastered
          Like I thought you dumb Black folk wanted it
          >Exactly as it was upon release
          He gave it to you. If you want a high quality remaster, find one on the internet you autist.

          People also wouldn't care about these changes if they looked a little better. If he went back NOW, with real money, and cleaned it up so all of the added digital effects looked photorealistic (IE something akin to Avatar quality) nobody would care. It's just that he jumped the gun too early on those.

          if they were released 50 years ago yes
          ever heard of film restoration?

          yes, having vader scream "NOOOOO" was mandatory to portray his inner conflict, nobody was able to intuit it before the bluray release.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah having Darth Vader say "no" really helped you remember he was just a cute little kid before.

            I don't understand why Lucas added a part where Vader copped a feel by grabbing the Emperor's crotch when he picked him up. Was that really necessary?

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah having Darth Vader say "no" really helped you remember he was just a cute little kid before.

      • 5 months ago

        Who cares? They're his movies. And when he re-released the original unaltered versions people whined some more
        >WAAAAA It isn't remastered
        Like I thought you dumb Black folk wanted it
        >Exactly as it was upon release
        He gave it to you. If you want a high quality remaster, find one on the internet you autist.

        People also wouldn't care about these changes if they looked a little better. If he went back NOW, with real money, and cleaned it up so all of the added digital effects looked photorealistic (IE something akin to Avatar quality) nobody would care. It's just that he jumped the gun too early on those.

        • 5 months ago

          >MOM! I said it!

          • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        if they were released 50 years ago yes
        ever heard of film restoration?

      • 5 months ago

        >do you think its mandatory for a director to go back every 3 years to make sweeping changes to his movies?
        Directors do this all the time, and George was quite consistent for years, pretty much since the release of ANH, that it didn’t fully meet his vision and he that he wanted to make changes to it to bring it up to that vision.
        But go ahead and sing a song about how George raped your childhood or some shit because he made it clear that Greedo shot first or that now there’s a CGI Jabba or some other moronic shit.

        • 5 months ago

          >bring it up to that vision
          >Greedo shot first or that now there’s a CGI Jabba or some other moronic shit
          its hilarious how you lionize lucas as finally realizing his vision and then the very next sentence trivialize those changes as things that are really stupid and inconsequential, lucas simps are actually braindead

          • 5 months ago

            Those two points are not at all contradictory. George wasn’t satisfied with what was released, and made changes to it to bring it up to his standards, which he’s fully within his rights to do as an artist, and is something that directors do all the time.
            Furthermore, the changes he makes aren’t anything that drastically alter the movies plot, characters, themes, etc. (the closest being the Greedo scene, but George made very clear since release Han always shot in defense, and that the edit was simply to make that clear), and that those changes don’t make such drastic alterations makes the whining about them all the more ridiculous.
            You’d have a point if I said that the changes were somehow earth shattering and fundamentally transformative of the work and necessary, while also saying they’re trivial, but I’m not.
            Saying Lucas wanted them to make it conform with his vision isn’t the same as saying their necessary or exceptionally important to the work as a whole, it’s saying he’s an artist who has a particular view he wants to achieve, and he, as the owner and creator of the work, has that right, no matter how inconsequential, trivial or even unnoticeable those changes are to the general audience.

            • 5 months ago

              >as the owner and creator of the work, has that right
              nobody is saying he shouldnt be allowed to make these changes, they're just shitty changes

              • 5 months ago

                But you sort of are saying he’s not allowed to make them. It’s one thing to say you dislike the changes, despite the fact that again the vast majority are trivial, or the big criticism of them being aged cgi, something you can lob against most all CGI of the era, but the moment you begin to argue that they shouldn’t be made because you dislike them, you’re necessarily saying that an artist should conform their art to your vision and taste rather than theirs.

              • 5 months ago

                >you’re necessarily saying that an artist should conform their art to your vision and taste rather than theirs.
                Uh, yeah that’s what I am saying. The audience made George who he is, he wasn’t chosen by God you fricking moronic Black person homosexual god you’re insufferable. it’s pure arrogance on his part

              • 5 months ago

                The audience didn’t make the movies though, George and the cast and crew did. The audience gave the movie its financial success and its place in culture, but that doesn’t give them any ownership to the works, or make George anymore beholden to their desires and whims, unless he wishes to further get that financial gain and critical acclaim.
                Clearly, he cared more about producing what he wanted than pleasing you or anyone else, and again, that’s within his rights, and it doesn’t make those choices wrong. It’s also moronic to try and please the general audiences, that’s how you get the made by committee trash you see in modern marvel.

                Furthermore, despite the edits George made, Star Wars still maintains a cultural legacy and critical acclaim it enjoyed, and prior to Disney taking over, still made bank. So even if you do want to argue that audience success should govern the decisions, which is fricking moronic for so many reasons (the saying if you try to please everyone you end up pleasing nobody exists for a reason), the actual evidence shows that the changes didn’t matter much if at all.

                But this isn’t really about actual audience acclaim or financial success or any notion like that, let’s be real, it’s about YOU not liking it, and that’s a completely arbitrary metric which is moronic to hold George or any artist to, unless you expect they call YOU to get the OK for every change they might want to make to a new cut, or even in the editing stage, or writing a sequel, etc.

              • 5 months ago

                Of course I didn’t like it lol that shit was garbage I’m not the only who didn’t like it, George even knew that himself that the vast, VAST majority of people hated the edits and this is why when he sold it to Disney one of the stipulations was to only sell, stream, broadcast, etc the edits because he knew they’d promptly discard them in the trash. AND will do so when he dies

        • 5 months ago

          Especially since fans praise Adywan for HIS changes to the source.

      • 5 months ago

        You're right, he didn't need the money. He didn't sell it for the cash, he sold it because he couldn't do anything with it without people like you shitting all over him. You drove him to do it and that's why you need to apologize.

        I don't think it's mandatory and I don't think it was good for him to do so. But misguided as it was, at least it was because he cared about his work. His autism about that shit was the price we had to pay for his creativity and genuine love for his work.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm trans btw don't know if that matters

      • 5 months ago

        Doesn't matter to me, but maybe is understandable why you're anti-George and pro-Disney. You troony israelites are the reason he sold his shit.

        • 5 months ago

          Ummm get your facts straight, chud. The prequels are transcore

  2. 5 months ago

    He used that money to create a museum of the arts, there was no point in keeping star wars because the aging gen xers who grew up watching the OT 500 times imagining new adventures with their han solo action doll were never going to accept anything else. Which is why disney had to make farce awakens. IT's a retro movie for the fans that they wanted to be made.

    • 5 months ago

      >Which is why disney had to make farce awakens. IT's a retro movie for the fans that they wanted to be made

      any major studio was going to make a sequel

      it was a mistake to sell with Disney

      • 5 months ago

        >Warner Bros
        All these options and he decided to sell to Disney?

  3. 5 months ago

    Frick George Lucas. The prequels are shit and always will be.

    • 5 months ago

      Still infinitely better than Disney Wars

      • 5 months ago

        No. They're equally shit.

        • 5 months ago

          lol no. Prequels are very flawed films, and people who have now lionized them as masterpieces are moronic.
          But there’s a clear artistic vision, with interesting ideas, distinct characters with strengths, flaws, motivations, etc, and an a plot that makes sense logically and expresses the themes and ideas it wants to convey, albeit crudely and hamfisted at times. Furthermore, the prequels can at some level enhance the OT, by fleshing out Anakin/Vaders story to make the ultimate payoff of his redemption by saving Luke more meaningful. The at times severe execution flaws of the PT means the mileage may vary, and admittedly you have to go into it with an open mind to really get that.

          On the other hand, the sequels are dogshit, with one dimensional characters, a contrived plot that doesn’t even bother to explain absolutely moronic choices at times (eg somehow sheev just returns), and they retroactively obliterate the entire OT by reversing most characters arcs and practically resetting the galaxy to its original state in ANH.
          Again, I don’t think the prequels are good, at most I’d say they’re some interesting ideas and what could be a good plot, but poorly executed outside of some parts. But that’s still leagues and miles ahead of the absolute abysmal sequels, the best of which is a forced retread of ANH but exponentially worse

    • 5 months ago

      No. They're equally shit.


      • 5 months ago

        This. Kino like the vid below should be cherished as the highly intellectual art piece that it truly is.

        • 5 months ago

          The establishing scene would be actually nice if it wasn't for the shit

          • 5 months ago

            At least the sound effect of stepping in shit is nice.

  4. 5 months ago

    >selling it to Disney
    He was obviously blackmailed, Star Wars was too big to not be ~~*subverted*~~.

    • 5 months ago

      Bob Iger lied to him about honoring his scripts

  5. 5 months ago

    it's kinda wacky how quick time flew by
    i was browsing here when the threads were posted when the deal was signed
    and then when the first TFA trailer dropped and the entire catalog was thumbnails of kylo ren's lightsaber taking the piss out of it
    and then when mandalorian started and people rediscovered hope
    what a wild ride

    • 5 months ago

      I discovered hope after watching TLJ and then everyone in the internet b***hed about the movie. I hate Star Wars fans.

      • 5 months ago

        TLJ killed my last remaining faith in the critic industry.
        I wonder how much Didney paid to get 91% on rotten tomatoes. Or if they threatened to sanction critical publications.

        • 5 months ago

          I doubt it was paid. If anything, it was probably sactions. As well as, I genuinely think critics are so desperate to have
          >The take
          That they forget that these movies are primarily meant to be entertaining.

          The people I've talked to who love TLJ, but are removed from the nerd discussion of it all seem to like the theme of specifically the Luke story.
          >Luke has grown cynical of Star Wars
          >New character says "come back, Star Wars needs you"
          >Villain is like "Frick Star Wars, burn it down"
          >Luke realizes that what Star Wars and what Luke means to people actually does have value and can do some good.
          >Returns at the end because the story of Luke standing and opposing the first order will be another legendary moment that rings through the entire Galaxy.
          >The story ends with the series finally handed off to the new characters.

          My problem with this is two-fold:
          1. That should be the end of the FIRST movie in the trilogy, not the end of the second movie. If you want to start familiar, fine, but end by shaking it up. This is JJ's fault, but Johnson exacerbates it with...

          2. Whatever its themes and intentions, it still decides to present its story and itself as a microwaved version of ESB. There are no new ideas. Kylo ursurps NUEmperor and takes over NuEmpire. He's still just a lame Vader with a lame Empire at the end of it. He has no new ideas, he doesn't self-actualize as a character, he continues to be stale (albeit the best acted character in the set).

          Meta-commentary should never. NEVER.
          Be a substitute for story-telling.

          • 5 months ago

            The sequel trilogy should have remained consistent with the Expanded Universe and should've been written and directed by George. Luke reforms the Jedi Order and goes to war with Admiral Thrawn, the Yuuzahn-vong, etc.

  6. 5 months ago

    I kneel to Lucas, he did what was needed to show the plebians how good they had it. We will look back on the times of Lucas fondly and despair of the dark times ahead..

  7. 5 months ago

    He destroyed it before he sold it. Remember, Han shot first. Changing stuff like that showed he didn't have a handle on why the trilogy was so beloved. Then he proved it absolutely with the prequels. He got lucky with Star Wars, and shouldn't have touched it ever again after Return.

  8. 5 months ago

    if he saw what Amazon did to Tolkien's work, would he have still agreed to sell. I think without the sale to Disney the franchise would've continued to wither away anyway and only got kept alive dwindling video game sales. EA doesn't bid the mega numbers in 2013 for the rights without knowing new films are in the pipeline.

  9. 5 months ago

    he destroyed it with the prequels
    tge OT still holds up but the prequels not at all
    i cant udnerstand how he fricked up so bad

  10. 5 months ago

    star wars is the marvel universe of boomers and zoomers have their own marvel universe. I'm glad it didn't caught the attention of the modern public and hopefully they will bury the saga for good. it was a stupid world 50 years ago and it's a moronic world now

  11. 5 months ago

    he destroyed it way before selling to disney

  12. 5 months ago

    Both the prequels and the sequels suck anus. But there is some stuff I like from the prequels and there's nothing I like from the sequels.

  13. 5 months ago

    >let's add some funny little creatures to the old movies
    >nevermind let's just do three more movies but with funny little creatures
    George Lucas didn't have anyone to tell him "No." after the original trilogy.
    The movies became Michael Jackson with Neverland and demanding pain killers.
    No filter and no outside opinions.

    • 5 months ago

      And only slightly less boy touching.

      • 5 months ago

        >Know about sex with boys, Yoda did not..
        >Tired Yoda is. Resign he will...

    • 5 months ago

      Because everyone started sucking his dick when producing the prequels. He would’ve made changes had someone told him no, but nobody did and instead said everything he did was great.

    • 5 months ago

      Because everyone started sucking his dick when producing the prequels. He would’ve made changes had someone told him no, but nobody did and instead said everything he did was great.

      And that includes the friends he was asking to direct the Prequels for him like Spielberg, Zemeckis, Ron Howard, or Chris Columbus

      • 5 months ago

        I wonder how things could have gone if any of those accepted the job.

  14. 5 months ago

    how long could you handle dealing with crying genX man children before just wanting out? he was probably contemplating it for years by the time he cashed out.

  15. 5 months ago

    George is a fatass so that should've been a clear sign that he has no self control. Just like how George R. R. Martin being a fatass is a sign of how lazy he is and will never finish that book.

  16. 5 months ago

    >He destroyed Star Wars
    Himself. I hate his Cloune Wars. And fricking other childish tv stuff. I am growbup, but sw did not. Frick the SW.

  17. 5 months ago

    Him shoehorning that orange b***h into the role of Anakin's padawan was moronic.

  18. 5 months ago

    >Do not apologize
    already did, watchu gonna do about it?

  19. 5 months ago

    dewlap having c**t.
    there’s no good shot of it online but it’s very jarring in the interviews on the face cover VHS tapes. the last time Star Wars was good btw, even with the minor changes.

  20. 5 months ago

    Unironically why don't you just campaign for a shorter period before things go public domain?

  21. 5 months ago

    >The problem is the studio executives. The problem is that the studios used to be owned by people who cared about the movies. Now they're owned by corporations. They don't love movies, they don't go to movies, they don't know what a movie is. And they do focus groups to try to determine who will go see a movie.And they try to change the story to fit what the polling results are. You can't do that, that's not the way you make movies...because it's not a business, it's an artform (60 Minutes, 1999)
    >I think the issue is, ultimately, what are you selling? You're selling raw creativity from talented people. The problem has always been with the studios. In the beginning, the entrepreneurs who ran the studios were sort of creative guys... When I grew up, it was the first time they allowed film students in. Before, you could never get in the movie business. But in the 60s, the kids that were in film school loved film, they just loved it... Suddenly all these corporations were coming in. They didn't know anything about the movie business, so they said 'well maybe we should hire kids from film schools, they supposedly know how to make films' ... But then the studios went back to saying "well, we don't trust you people and we think we know how to make movies"... The studios change everything all the time and unfortunately, they don't have any imagination and they don't have any talent. So, what are you selling? (Charlie Rose interview 2017)
    he tried to warn us...

  22. 5 months ago

    He was going through a divorce through Return of the Jedi's filming and he just stopped giving half a shit at that point. His mind just went straight for kids toy merchandising and cringey dialogue, hence ewoks, and jar jar binks and "she lost the will to live." He basically lost his entire fortune after the divorce and only scraped by from ROTJ revenue. That was the point that Star Wars died.

  23. 5 months ago

    Stars Wars was already done for anyways. LOTR came in(which was a relatively more niche and unknown IP) and stole the prequel’s thunder, culturally, at the box office, in awards.

  24. 5 months ago

    that's why we say

  25. 5 months ago

    he wanted to see another trilogy get made but didn't have the energy to do it himself. it's sad kicked him out and then shit the bed but if they kept him as a creative consultant, it could have worked

    • 5 months ago

      If that is the case, why didn't he just hire other people as writers and directors and only stayed as a creative advisor? Why was a need to sell it? I'm sure he had the money to self fund anyway.

      • 5 months ago

        it would've ended up like return of the jedi where he ends up micro managing.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't see why that would happen. If he can sell it, couldn't he just let others do their thing while still owning it?

  26. 5 months ago

    He sold to Disney for $4 Billion because he didn't want to handle the business side anymore. He wanted to focus on the creative side of Lucasfilm and just make movies.

    Disney promised George that they would handle the business end, and George would be free to oversea creative things. Consulting or Directing as he saw fit. Basically a "Kevin Feige" kind of role where Feige overseas Marvel. That's what George wanted.

    Before the ink was even dry on the contract, Lucas was betrayed by the CEO of Disney Bob Iger and his former friend Kathleen Kennedy (that Lucas trusted). They blocked George from the creative process and threw out all his ideas. He was sidelined.

    Rather than fight it out and make a huge deal, Lucas decided to say frick it and go home to his family and grandkids. He didn't want to spend the remainder of life fighting Disney for political control. He got paid $4 Billion and would do other things with his free time.

    • 5 months ago

      I won't pretend I know much about how big corporations work, but again, couldn't have he just hired someone to do the business at Lucasfilm?

  27. 5 months ago

    He destroyed Star Wars to shit on the obsessive adult fanbase who didn't want to grow up. He was giving them a little tough love. He knew the average child fanbase wouldnt notice or care, and that they'd grow up to be normal people and leave Star Wars in the past. He's all but said these exact words. I used to think George was a pos for doing this, now as I'm older I just think he's based.

  28. 5 months ago

    Zoomers think everyone loved the prequels until RLM came along.

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