Do people actually like Wolverine, or is it just a meme that Wolverine it the edgy cool guy

Do people actually like Wolverine, or is it just a meme that Wolverine it the edgy cool guy

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  1. 6 months ago

    I was groomed into liking him as a kid when I was gifted a Wolverine action figure as a small boy.

  2. 6 months ago

    I've loved Wolverine since X-Men Evolution

    • 6 months ago

      Evolution Wolverine actually acted his age, I liked his parental dynamic with the students

  3. 6 months ago

    Oddly enough, Wolverine is a retelling of the Popeye story

    A storyline takes place where a minor character is brought in to go to an island. Short, tough, rough around the edges, smokes and with a mysterious past, this character goes on to be the main character of the strip and rival the former main character for the affection of the female lead.

  4. 6 months ago

    The 90s were different. You have to remember that film and comic culture was coming hot off the tails of the 80s action movie boom and Wolverine was basically every 80s action movie hero rolled into one dude, only with less guns and more claws. He was also edgy, which was huge at the time obviously, but not as edgy as say the Punisher or Spawn which could turn some people off.

  5. 6 months ago

    Ever since I saw this image ten years ago I can't look at him with a straight face and take him seriously

    • 6 months ago


  6. 6 months ago

    Wolverine is my favourite Marvel hero.

  7. 6 months ago

    At first he wasn't that popular. Then he got that popular. Then he got too popular. So now it's hard to say if people care about him anymore because the suits just put him into everything regardless so we have no choice but to like him. Or at least put up with him.

    • 6 months ago

      So like Venom?

      • 6 months ago

        Pretty much. Venom. Deadpool. All those guys. You know how it goes. Characters any amount of popularity and then the suits run it into the ground completely diluting the appeal.

  8. 6 months ago

    Early Wolverine was a perfect foil for the more straight laced Cyclops. I loved how in the Proteus arc he is all over the place and Cyclops has to beat him up to assert dominance. He reached a good place during the Dark Phoenix Saga, end of issue 132 and into 133 (pic related). This really cemented him as the bad ass. Unfortunately the hype just exploded. He came across as a bit creepy to Jean Grey initially and only had a few hints at a romance but this was retconned in a way by X-Men Classic which was reprints of old issues with new edits and new back up stories. This made it into more a love triangle. He was just able to be the bad ass loner beyond the characters with actual responsibilities. That and a lot of good artists wanted to draw him. The Wolverine mini series (Frank Miller) and the Wolverine/Kitty mini series were great. He got his arch villain of Sabretooth during the Mutant Massacre. Had his own series. Weapon X by BWS was great too. He kinda peaked though and started on a downward spiral. Especially the issues where it was revealed he had bone claws (after Magneto had ripped out his adamantium). But people preferred the bad ass loner types. I mean, Gambit was cut out of the same cloth as him (although Gambit had about three different intended origins). The cartoons and the movies focused a lot on him. Problem for me is Wolverine in team books began to get overpowered and wanked. He became the first victim to be damaged by whatever new villain of the week it was to show off some damage on him. Too many team books until finally he basically became the leader and Cyclops was turned into the bad guy during Phoenix Five stuff making Wolverine the responsible one. Wolverine is a victim of his own success tbh.

    • 6 months ago

      the X-men series in general became fricked up


      The worst thing about 616 us that you can't remove elements added onto a character easily since there are no continuity reboots, you could retcon it, but retconning can only go so far

  9. 6 months ago

    is he generally an enjoyable character? yes. is any enjoyment destroyed by his Omnipresence in every series he can be shoehorned into? also yes

  10. 6 months ago

    Why does this feel like a creepypasta image?

    • 6 months ago

      It's the same artist who made the original Marvel Zombie covers

  11. 6 months ago

    I actually didn't mind him until he got the Batman treatment and he was just all over the place and got so saturated that the indifference turned to negativity.

    Back when I still cared about the X-Men, I liked that the other mutants have impressive and interesting powers that could potentially be used creatively, while he just kind of stabs things and gets beat up, which made it odd when they tried to make it seem like he's the guy that gets things done on the team. Later on, when he was an Avenger, the only thing that set him apart from other members is that he didn't hold off on killing, with Iron Man giving the dubious reason that everybody else would feel bad about having to pull the trigger to kill, because, IIRC, of the events of Galactic Storm, but not Wolverine, which is kind of fricked on many levels.

    Either way, I didn't like the blatant dicksucking and favoritism writers had for him during the peak of his popularity. I don't like it for any character, but he was far more notorious for it due to his relative omnipresence.

  12. 6 months ago

    if you mean normies then yeah, but if you mean readers I think Wolverine overstayed his welcome hard, the wanking, the whitewashing, and the hypocrisy. If there is something people hate is wanking and overexposure, just look at Miles for example.

    Cyclops used to be the lame guy while Wolverine was the cool one, at least to morons, but now that dynamic has mostly shifted with people realizing Logan was always a homosexual and Scott was always a good character.

    I fricking hate Hickman for giving Jean to Logan, he managed to frick up the 3 characters doing that, rewarding and wanking Logan, making Jean a bawd, and Making Cyclops a cuck

    • 6 months ago

      >Cyclops used to be the lame guy while Wolverine was the cool one, at least to morons, but now that dynamic has mostly shifted with people realizing Logan was always a homosexual and Scott was always a good character.
      I think this shift tends to happen as the fanbase gets older. Disregarding the shitty things writers put Cyclops through, the Rightclops crap, and his current status as an unironic cuckold to Jean, people grow to understand how much responsibility is thrust upon people designated to be leaders to make sure things go right, and if things go wrong, trying to mitigate the damage as much as possible. In contrast, Wolverine just does whatever he wants regardless of the consequences, and tends to throw tantrums, whose solutions tend to boil down to braindead violence, the irony that he has a good century and a half on Cyclops, or anyone else on most other teams they've inserted him into, yet it seems like he hasn't learned a damn thing when it comes to not fricking up, it gets tiresome.
      >if you mean normies then yeah, but if you mean readers I think Wolverine overstayed his welcome hard, the wanking, the whitewashing, and the hypocrisy. If there is something people hate is wanking and overexposure, just look at Miles for example.
      That's because normies are exposed to the whitewashed version of him in most media, Jackman's and his 90s cartoon depiction is sanitized in comparison. I'm not sure if Miles is an apt comparison when it comes to overexposure, I'd say that lays closer to Kamala.

      I think the stink people put up over his death and replacement by Laura showed he was.

      What stink? People were amused and knew it wasn't going to last. The "deaths" of Batman and Captain America before him pretty much nailed that coffin of people giving a shit about comic deaths. I can't even give Marvel credit because when he was out, they already had his girl clone and his alternate future self as an immediate replacement, it's like he never died in the first place.

      • 6 months ago

        I don't care for leaders. Wolverine should only be mildly involved with the X-Men either way. Sort of like an enforcer and not a full time member. He works better doing his own thing.

  13. 6 months ago

    Yes, he's the coolest X-Man

  14. 6 months ago

    I like Hugh Jackman. Comics Wolverine doesn't really do anything for me.

  15. 6 months ago

    I think the stink people put up over his death and replacement by Laura showed he was.

  16. 6 months ago

    I was genuinely excited for the new game until I remembered insomniac fricked up Spiderman

    • 6 months ago

      Spider-Man was fun, and use the goddamn hyphen you casual

      • 6 months ago

        His point stills stands, insomniac ruined their Spider-man by forcing Miles as the replacement

  17. 6 months ago

    You will read his comicbooks:

    >Messiah Complex

    This is not directly a Wolverine story, but it does prelude X-Force. This is a crossover where the X-Men teams up with New X-Men and X-Factor.

    For the first time since House of M, a new mutant infant will be born. When this happens, the X-Men, as well as the forces of Mister Sinister, will go after it. The X-Men will be fighting for the survival of the mutant race, as they are betrayed by one of their own while fighting to save the infant. The X-Men will cover all angles, and even travel through time in hopes of finding the baby. Written by Ed Brubaker, Peter David, Mike Carrey, Greg Kyle, and Christopher Yost with art by Anthony Castrillo, Bill Sienkiewicz, Brandon Peterson, Bret Blevins, Brett Booth, Carlos Pacheco, and Chris Bachalo.

    >Get Mystique

    Directly following the events of Messiah Complex, Wolverine is sent out to capture Mystique, who escaped during Messiah Complex. Here you will see many flashbacks of Logan and Mystique long history, as Wolverine hunts her across the land. Written by Jason Aaron with art by Ron Garney.


    In this reboot to X-Force, Wolverine will be the leader of this incarnation of the team. This directly follows the events of Messiah Complex, and will see Wolverine leading X-23, Warpath, Domino, Arcangel, and Wolfsbane. You will see some crucial character development with Wolverine in this series, as he is still deeply effected by the events of House of M.

    >Messiah War

    This is a follow up to Messiah Complex, and is a crossover between X-Force and the Cable solo series. Here you will meet the infant once again, as Wolverine, X-23, Arcangel, Warpath, and Domino are sent to the future to meet with Cable. They will battle Cable's arch nemesis, Strife, as well as come face to face with Apocalypse and the X-Man that betrayed them. Written by Greg Kyle, Christopher Yost, andDuane Swierczynski with art by Clayton Crain, Ariel Olivetti, Mike Choi, andSonia O'Back.

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