Do people even WANT to consume American styled comics and animation?

I know it sounds like bait but it isn't. There are a lot of reasons why American animation and comics have been falling behind its East Asian counterparts (Specifically, Japan's manga/anime industry). Some people say it is a problem in distribution and marketing while others say the problem lies in the quality of writing and illustration. If all of those problems were fixed and American comic/cartoon companies built back good will with consumers I think America's scene still wouldn't be as popular as East Asia's. I think an "ideal" market for consumers would pretty much be a carbon copy of Japan's (In terms of style, content, marketing, and distribution). Is the only way forward trying to beat them at their own game or is there something I'm overlooking?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Looking at other threads on Cinemaphile... then no. Comics need to be put down already, manga win and it's for the better.

    • 8 months ago

      Manga cannot reign forever just as comics didn't as they were for the past 60 years. Manga are just jap comics.
      They will get boring too. Art will not stagnate, stuck in this eastern rut forever.
      Comics need a reinvention.

      • 8 months ago

        Wrong- Manga is just a medium. Since they focus on domestic first it can reign forever since people in Japan respect the medium. American movies have been dominating for almost a century because as a population we respect cinema (Even though some of us may not respect the current show runners).

  2. 8 months ago

    I think part of the reason is because the way both comics, and anime/manga are viewed. The audience that buys manga/anime is somewhat the same as the one that buys comics, or might be interesting in comics, but, from my experience, have a strange hypocritical sense that comics are just for kids. They believe anime/manga of the same type are somehow more mature. Plenty of these people probably would have been okay with buying comics as a kid, but as they grew up their perception of comics turned to something negative while JP comics were somehow mature.
    I've met plenty of people who will indulge in a variety of basic shonen anime/manga, and generic coombait stuff, but have suggested that they don't like comics because "it's for kids".

    • 8 months ago

      They're right.

    • 8 months ago

      there are plenty of adult comics.
      its just comics have too much sjw nonsense and bad writing packed into them.
      and it doesn’t help that comics all use old ips and don’t like creating new ips and new universes and letting one creator have total control over a vision.
      this makes it so comics will never have generational new hits like SpyXFamily or Jujutsu Kaisen or Demon Slayer ever pop up as every new comic is just a repeat of superman story #673 or batman story #5273
      comics need to take risks and let new authors with their own visions pop up naturally.
      they need to discourage these old ips and just let them die in grace.
      they need to stop being so strict and let adopt the mangaka model instead.
      time and time again its been shown people want something fresh they want something lit they want something new.

      • 8 months ago

        >comics need to take risks and let new authors with their own visions pop up naturally.
        That'll never happen because these companies want complete and total control over every IP they get their hands on, which pretty much ensures that no one worth a damn will want to make their "magnum opus" under the boot of said companies.

    • 8 months ago

      This is an imaginary scenario. Most people that like manga don't buy comics simply because they prefer manga. Is that really so hard to understand? Why do you want every person to be have generic interests and to like everything the same. A person that likes superheroes will mostly read comics with some manga and bds on the side. A person that likes sports comics or gambling comics will mostly read manga with some comics and bds on the side. Let everyone be original and have their unique taste. Stop trying to force everyone into the same indistinguishable blob.

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      well... it doesn't help that all the American media make fun of comics and animation saying that they are for children.

  3. 8 months ago

    If people want American comics then why is Marvel run by a Japanese man?

    • 8 months ago


      I think part of the reason is because the way both comics, and anime/manga are viewed. The audience that buys manga/anime is somewhat the same as the one that buys comics, or might be interesting in comics, but, from my experience, have a strange hypocritical sense that comics are just for kids. They believe anime/manga of the same type are somehow more mature. Plenty of these people probably would have been okay with buying comics as a kid, but as they grew up their perception of comics turned to something negative while JP comics were somehow mature.
      I've met plenty of people who will indulge in a variety of basic shonen anime/manga, and generic coombait stuff, but have suggested that they don't like comics because "it's for kids".

      For Cartoons you are right but I’ve never heard anyone who likes manga say comics are for kids. Most cartoons are “childish” when you compare it to most anime because what Japan considers appropriate for a child would be seen as adult in the US.

      • 8 months ago


        Look up Akira Yoshida.

  4. 8 months ago

    >I think an "ideal" market for consumers would pretty much be a carbon copy of Japan's (In terms of style, content, marketing, and distribution)
    No. They just should destroy all corporate corruption down and rescontruct a industry model fitted for COMICS.

  5. 8 months ago

    Western cartoons trounce anime in sales wtf are you smoking?

    • 8 months ago

      Movies, not series.

    • 8 months ago


      Movies, not series.

      American animated movies make bank, so do live action movies based on American comics, but American shows and comics are absolute nothings globally and generally even in the US.

    • 8 months ago

      Cartoons do, but Manga does outdo Comics

  6. 8 months ago

    Comics are still way more popular than manga though.

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Okay grandpa, time for bed.

    • 8 months ago

      autism and moronic

  7. 8 months ago

    My understanding is the subvertors wanted to queer up comics and take over the industry, getting a new audience. This explains it in more detail.

    Not even sure who the new audience was intended to be, but they just didn't want the old straight white male audience anymore.

    The problem is, in the process they destroyed the industry altogether. There's nothing to subvert anymore. They're such parasites they killed the host. They can keep making whatever it is they're making, but nobody is reading.

    • 8 months ago

      >Not even sure who the new audience was intended to be
      Tumblr, twitter and fujos. But that only truly works with the batfamily/xmen/whatever

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