Do the Dune books explain who these poor dudes that get their blood drained are?

Do the Dune books explain who these poor dudes that get their blood drained are?

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  1. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      gay gays*

  2. 8 months ago

    recruits who failed boot camp

  3. 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    they didnt pass penis inspection day

  5. 8 months ago

    The Dune books don't mention the dudes at all.
    >inb4 Brian Herbert prequelgays

  6. 8 months ago

    The only thing we know of Salusa Secundus is that it is an incredibly inhospitable planet, barely supporting human life. This was intentional so only the absolute strongest could survive.

    • 8 months ago

      And ultimately it was pointless because pretty much anyone of importance could defeat the Sardaukar, even if they grew up in the palm of luxury.

      • 8 months ago

        That's not accurate at all. The Sardaukar dominated every other military force until they encountered the Fremen, the only people who were raised in an environment just as bad as theirs.

        • 8 months ago

          Atreides forces were on par with the Sardaukar in open warfare, and pretty much every noble was trained to a higher level than a Sardaukar and could beat them in single combat. Main characters dispatch Sardaukar like insects in the books.
          The only thing that the harsh conditions of Salusa Secundus did for Sardaukar was instill brutality, and a blind obedience and devotion to the Padishah Emperor. But that could also be achieved with charisma (Atreides), religion (Fremen) and sex (Bene Gesserit). All in all, pointless.

          • 8 months ago

            >Main characters dispatch Sardaukar like insects in the books.
            Brian please have a nice day already.

            • 8 months ago

              >literally happens in the first book
              Go to bed, kid.

              • 8 months ago

                Sardaukar are massacred by women and children, it's really absurd. On one hand, everyone else genuinely respects their fighting prowess, but on the other hand... literally defeated by women and children, and stepped on like insects by named characters like Duncan.

              • 8 months ago

                Is there even a sci fi setting where the "most feared elite troop of the Emperor" are actually dangerous and not just massacred like rookies? Only thing I can think of is space marines in 40k.

              • 8 months ago

                Fremen women and children, who are spice crazy and raised on an even worse planet. Also Duncan clearly has main character powers.

              • 8 months ago

                I guess it’s a warning that even the most well-supported and externally financed fighting forces can develop a false sense of superiority and hubris.
                Imagine being hyped up across the entire human race as invincible supersoldiers fanatically devoted to a single ideal and getting BTFO by backwards sand dwellers defending their own territory LOL

              • 8 months ago

                Current global situation not related wink wink

              • 8 months ago

                exactly lol, sandniggies live in highly advanced societies and are recognized as the fiercest warriors on earth wink wink

              • 8 months ago

                Arabs are actually great warriors when they have a competent leader + a unifying cause. That has happened a few times before, e.g. Muhammad, the various Caliphs, and the last one was Lawrence of Arabia. One day, by the roll of dice, a competent leader might be born. You will rue that day.

              • 8 months ago

                >Arabs are actually great warriors when they have a competent leader + a unifying cause. That has happened a few times before, e.g. Muhammad, the various Caliphs, and the last one was Lawrence of Arabia.

                Nonsense, in both cases the Arabs were fighting opponents already down on their knees.

              • 8 months ago

                lol @ US strongest military in the world against literal goat herders

          • 8 months ago

            Sardaukar are massacred by women and children, it's really absurd. On one hand, everyone else genuinely respects their fighting prowess, but on the other hand... literally defeated by women and children, and stepped on like insects by named characters like Duncan.

            I'm not saying you're wrong, but I really don't remember any actual fighting scenes in the book other than Paul vs Feyd, Paul vs that one Fremen guy and maybe Jessica fighting once.

          • 8 months ago

            One on one, yes. But, there were legions of Sardaukar and the Emperor took steps to neuter any House that tried to raise a similar army, as he did with the Atreides. The Imperium was precariously held together by a Mexican standoff between the Emperor, Landsraad and CHOAM. If any party grew too strong, the other 2 will suffocate it. By the time of the 1st Dune book, the Sardaukar has also gotten fat and complacent because they won so much for hundreds of years. That also helped the Fremen to defeat them.

            • 8 months ago

              There’s also the lesson to be learned that people fighting to reclaim their homelands always have stronger motivations and greater morale than foreign interlopers who have declared themselves to be in charge.

            • 8 months ago

              But their recruits still came from Salusa Secundus, the difference is their own hubris rendered all the advantages of such a selection process moot.
              >spend life in a shithole, barely survive to adulthood, go through rigorous training that culls half your fellow recruits, eat shit your whole life because it will make you the best fighter in the known universe, the Emperor's chosen elite and that makes it all worth it
              >get BTFOd by a princeling who trained in his spare time between banquets and prostitute pits
              >your comrade gets BTFOd by a concubine

              • 8 months ago

                It's amazing how many times the book gives examples of this and it's still missed. Like there's multiple layers of things that get fricked by their own machinations, but people still float on by wondering what happened. It's not subtle in the least.

              • 8 months ago

                >my plan is unstoppable, my preparation is impenetrable, my army is unbeatable, my skill is unmatched, my foresight is absolute
                >lol nope

              • 8 months ago

                Except Leto II, who played the 8000 year long con.

          • 8 months ago

            One on one, yes. But, there were legions of Sardaukar and the Emperor took steps to neuter any House that tried to raise a similar army, as he did with the Atreides. The Imperium was precariously held together by a Mexican standoff between the Emperor, Landsraad and CHOAM. If any party grew too strong, the other 2 will suffocate it. By the time of the 1st Dune book, the Sardaukar has also gotten fat and complacent because they won so much for hundreds of years. That also helped the Fremen to defeat them.

            There's a chapter in the book where Thufir Hawat tells the Baron that House Atredies had ONE, ONE SINGLE BATTALLION that was NOT EVEN A PEER EQUIVALENT with the Sardaukar, but GETTING CLOSE to being equal, and his mentat analysis conclusion is that this one single battalion, this proof-of-concept "hard power" factor is what ultimately convinced the emperor to get his hands dirty by directly intervening in a house-to-house blood feud, whereas the Baron was under the assumption that the emperor was growing unsettled with all the "soft power" popularity that Leto I was gathering in the Lansraad.
            >Main characters dispatch Sardaukar like insects in the books
            In the terrible Brian Herbert fanfictions, maybe.

            Sardaukar are massacred by women and children, it's really absurd. On one hand, everyone else genuinely respects their fighting prowess, but on the other hand... literally defeated by women and children, and stepped on like insects by named characters like Duncan.

            >Sardaukar are massacred by women and children
            No, they were forced to retreat. It wasn't a massacre OF the sardaukar, they were just overconfident and didn't understand their enemy. It was a punitive raid meant to buck-break the Fremen by sending them a message that their sietches weren't safe from reprisal now that the emperor was here to personally clean up the mess that House Harkonnen had created, but of course to the Fremen the whole of Arrakis is a battlefield.

  7. 8 months ago

    where's the diversity?

  8. 8 months ago

    Its dishonest.

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