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  1. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago
  2. 6 months ago



  3. 6 months ago

    Driver, Boyega and Ridley all need to publicly roast it and champion fan edits, then people will like it.

  4. 6 months ago

    No Ryan, “subverting expectations” is not good script writing

  5. 6 months ago

    Only smart people like it

    • 6 months ago

      well that's 90% of star wars fans out

      • 6 months ago

        >Well that's Cinemaphile out
        fixed that for you

    • 6 months ago

      well that's 90% of star wars fans out

      >Well that's Cinemaphile out
      fixed that for you

      This is you

  6. 6 months ago

    Frick off zoomer I’ve always liked it but you’ll never be like me

    • 6 months ago

      >but you’ll never be like me
      I hope so. Must be tough with half a brain and no balls.

  7. 6 months ago

    Never will. It's not Star Wars, it's Spaceballs (israeli comedy movie).

    • 6 months ago

      don't insult spaceballs like that
      unlike the sequels, spaceballs was mostly fun to watch

      • 6 months ago

        spaceballs was too insulting and ridiculous
        can you imagine a baby version of yoda LOL
        what embarassing far-fetched clumsy cringy greed

        • 6 months ago

          eh I liked the Mandalorian

      • 6 months ago

        >COMBING the desert was peak comedy
        Frick off Moshe

        • 6 months ago

          To be honest I think the middle portion of the movie was somewhat dull, but it's all worth for shit like the long ship entrance and "merchandizing!"
          One weird thing about Spaceballs is that it somewhat foresaw some of the aesthetics of the prequels (mostly the scenes in Druidia) despite being made years earlier.

  8. 6 months ago

    Dead franchise

  9. 6 months ago

    over my dead, putrid body

  10. 6 months ago

    Never seen it. You knew what he would do, we all did. Why are you participating?

  11. 6 months ago

    Best Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back.

    • 6 months ago

      people say TLJ was the best looking but I still prefer TFA in that point

      • 6 months ago

        I like it but I don’t think it looks as good as TLJ.

        • 6 months ago

          How come ST visuals look nice but dont convey the same feeling of an actual soulful art in the way PT and OT visuals did?
          These are just dead bland cinematic shots.

          • 6 months ago

            NTA but probably nostalgia. The ST actually has much more soulful imagery than the CGI nightmare of the PT.

            • 6 months ago

              Fricking kys you homosexual ass redditor there's nothing soulful about the ST including the bland ass visuals. Also the PT used loads of real sets and miniatures you're just a fricking moron that parrots RLM talking points.

              • 6 months ago

                Rian did make a few good contributions despite his flaws. For instance he fixed up Kylo to remain good looking instead of making him a cringe burnt discount Anakin. The facial scar change was a complete retcon that he made because he thought the original looked stupid, and he was right.

                Idgaf about RLM they're dogshit. But I can immediately hear Rey's theme and imagine her sitting by her AT-AT house in the desert from TFA and thats comfy af.

              • 6 months ago

                >But I can immediately hear Rey's theme and imagine her sitting by her AT-AT house in the desert from TFA and thats comfy af
                It's not a bad theme but it doesn't come close to something like 'Across the Stars' from the PT. Also Rey is just a nothing character so seeing her in the desert living in a AT-AT does nothing for me. There's zero emotional weight unlike the PT.

              • 6 months ago

                Nah bro, Rey is good. She's got more depth and development than cardboard cutouts like Padme. I don't think Padme has any character development at all through the entire PT trilogy. In fact the only 2 chars I can think of off the top of my head that change are Anakin and ObiWan.
                In the ST Rey changes, Kylo changes, Finn kinda changes, Poe kinda changes. There's a lot more and better characterization in the ST.

              • 6 months ago

                >Nah bro, Rey is good. She's got more depth and development than cardboard cutouts like Padme.
                lol, lmao even. Please explain to me the depth of Rey Palpatine I have to hear this.

                > I don't think Padme has any character development at all through the entire PT trilogy.
                The point of her character isn't to go through some huge arc. She's supposed to be the anchor that contrasts with Anakin as he's going through his transformation. She's more of a conduit for the audience as she's watching and reacting to the destruction of the republic and also Anakins fall from grace. She's also just a much more likeable character in general. She's strong, intelligent, has her own agency, but still retains her feminine grace unlike Rey Palpatine.

                >In the ST Rey changes, Kylo changes, Finn kinda changes, Poe kinda changes
                Lmfao "kinda changes" cmon bud just admit those characters were underwritten as hell. I honestly still haven't seen TROS all the way through and probably never will but from what I've gathered it seems that Kylo was the only one who went through a meaningful change and I'm not even sure if that was earned.

                Honestly you should be deeply ashamed for defending these soulless abominations.

            • 6 months ago

              have a nice day, dumb homosexual

          • 6 months ago

            Because George Lucas is a real artist unlike those two hack frauds.

          • 6 months ago

            Don't be a complainer for the sake of it, the Sequels (plus Rogue One) are the peak of Star Wars aesthetics, unfortunately.
            ANH looks dated at some points, RotJ is just very bland and the Prequels had too much CGI when the technology just wasn't ready for it to be used to this scale.

            • 6 months ago

              >Don't be a complainer for the sake of it, the Sequels (plus Rogue One) are the peak of Star Wars aesthetics, unfortunately.

              • 6 months ago

                You guys have to realize by now you're arguing with a troll, right? He's doing a fantastic job of riling you up.

          • 6 months ago

            >PT visuals
            They were ultra garbage green screen cgi shit

        • 6 months ago

          That movie is actually visually quite boring after jakku. Extremely front loaded on almost every front.

      • 6 months ago

        You're just saying that because you like JJ jumpscaring you with a Black person

        • 6 months ago

          not true because I spoiled everything to myself before watching this crap

    • 6 months ago

      >this Black person literally had an extra taste it and go "it's salt" to make sure we knew it wasn't snow

    • 6 months ago

      I like it but I don’t think it looks as good as TLJ.

      I lived to see film technology advance to the point visuals like this are possible but all movie writers keep making shit constantly
      Why can't I have 21st century VFX with 20th century writing?

    • 6 months ago

      Revenge of the Sith BTFO's this shitty little flick so hard it's not even funny. I genuinely don't understand how you can call yourself a Star Wars fan and prefer Rian's pathetic attempt at subversion over Lucas' magnum opus and the culmination of the entire saga. Gotta be a troon or something.

      • 6 months ago

        Revenge of the Sith has some of the worst dialogue in the entire franchise.

        • 6 months ago

          Unironically filtered. You could watch the prequels without any dialogue and they still work perfectly because Lucas is a visual storyteller primarily. The dialogue is secondary and supplemental. The characters deliberately say what they are thinking and their delivery is supposed to be melodramatic.

          • 6 months ago

            Is he? He just copied the visual works of others and then used the designs of people he paid to create.
            His only merit is the skeleton of the plot and that's just Campbell + Castaneda's book from the early 70s.

            • 6 months ago

              Nope. Lucas spent years studying different mythologies from all over the world in order to find the commonalities between them all in order to create a new modern myth which he successfully did. For anyone to try to take that away from him just shows they have no idea what the frick they're talking about.
              For the visual design work sure you have to give a lot of credit to Ralph McQuarie and the other designers who worked on the films but at the end of the day it was Lucas who was responsible for telling his designers what he wanted to see and ultimately putting it all together so that it meshed together well.

              • 6 months ago

                Oh don't be naive, he has done none of that. He has just followed the exact formula from Campbell which is just a splendid case of selective memory, survivorship bias, equivocation, and just plain fantasy.

                You'd be surprised to read that fraudster's book from the 70s and see that Lucas lifted word from world, plot by plot from there and Lucas is on record admitting it was a big source of inspiration.

                You did not address at all the copy-pasted motion, scenery, and almost word for word dialogue from countless films he likes to "cite". Probably since that's trivial to solve, one could just leave a youtube link of comparisons here.

              • 6 months ago

                You're just wrong but whatever stay ignorant idc.
                >You did not address at all the copy-pasted motion, scenery, and almost word for word dialogue from countless films he likes to "cite".

              • 6 months ago

                You've addressed none of my factual points and instead posted a way too long video which mostly shows how Lucas stole scenes from other movies, which you didn't address.

              • 6 months ago

                >You've addressed none of my factual points
                There's nothing to address. You made some bullshit claims about Lucas plagiarizing Cambells book without any evidence. I posted a pic from the Phantom Menace doc that shows Lucas' library with countless books on mythology and folk lore. But I guess this is the part where you tell me it's all for show lol.

                >instead posted a way too long video which mostly shows how Lucas stole scenes from other movies, which you didn't address.
                I tried to time stamp it because the relevant portion is only about 20 minutes but in short you're recognizing references and callbacks to other films without attempting to understand the meaning behind why Lucas is doing that. You just by default assume that he's just copying those films like a lazy hack because you're a midwit that lacks critical thinking skills. When he's riffing on these scenes, he's adding layers of context and commentary that enriches the material. For example, the shot of the parade at the end of the Phantom Menace is a direct callback to a shot from the film 'The Fall of the Roman Empire'. Now I'll leave it up to you to think real hand about why he might have included that.

  12. 6 months ago


  13. 6 months ago

    I tried to rewatch it during the lockdown bullshit and couldn't last for the opening scene. Everything is so off, the acting, sound design, yo momma joke. It's an atrocious movie even if you forget about what they did to Luke and making Laura Dern the most unlikeable person in a movie.

  14. 6 months ago

    I like it for killing Star Wars

  15. 6 months ago

    Approving this script was the stupidest thing disney did, besides blaming the audience for not liking it. Mortally wounded the franchise, then TROS killed it dead. 40 year old franchise that was hugely successful with only 6 movies wrecked by 2 films.

    • 6 months ago

      TFA was the one who did the fatal wound by undoing the victory in RotJ, TLJ finished the job and danced on it's grave and RoS just raped it's corpse.

      • 6 months ago

        For as bad as TFA was it wasn't a franchise killer, could have easily moved on from that into better written things.

        • 6 months ago

          nah TFA brought back the normies and was a rebirth for the franchise. Limitless potential and then TLJ shut that shit down so fricking fast.

          >Return of the Jedi ends with the Emperor dying and the rebels celebrating their victory
          >How do we follow up on that?
          >Let's start episode 7 by having a village being brutalized by stormtroopers and a Vader knock off
          >And Luke somehow disappeared
          >There is no New Jedi Order
          >The New Republic is useless
          >Han went back into smuggling despite all his development
          >Leia is back into leading a rebellion
          >They both failed as parents
          >Their kid is Darth Wannabe
          >And a bunch of cheap memberberries
          OT fanboys can't see the issues because the familiar stuff fools them

          • 6 months ago

            It's not that I can't see the issues, it's that I know what JJ is like, and he did set up a few intriguing mystery boxes that the next writer completely shat in (as well as shitting on the franchise itself). My headcanon remains that Luke disfigured Snoke. It was completely fixable from there despite the idiotic shit like the planet sized fricking not-death star.

            • 6 months ago

              Remember JJ had no intention of coming back, even he knows he's absolute shit at opening his own mystery boxes. He was forced to come back and "fix it" after Rian's garbage mess, and just completely shat the bed 10x harder, killing himself as a director in the process.
              All it really needed was some competent writer to come behind JJ, but we got Rian MUH DEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Johnson instead.

              • 6 months ago

                At least some of the time, the answer to "ooooh who are this character's parents oooh" should be "no one the audience has heard of." Having every single character be connected is stupid.

              • 6 months ago

                >At least some of the time
                Black person this is Star Wars, this is not that "some of the time".

              • 6 months ago

                Having the scrappy underdog orphan actually be a scrappy underdog of no particular lineage is more interesting than yet more special bloodline shit. It's stupid to have a highly populated galaxy worth of people devolve into Hatfields and McCoys shit.

              • 6 months ago

                I don't disagree that this and breaking up JJ's BLACKening of Rey (for reasons I still don't get) were the only interesting things Rian did, but I have a hard time giving him any credit for tiny things buried in this absolute mountain of shit.
                It's so subversive the most subversive thing it could do at any given moment in the movie is NOT be subversive.

              • 6 months ago

                >scrappy underdog
                Yeah the boat sailed on that when she got instant powerups and won the fight against the person Rian inexplicably tried to make the big bad, you know, after he had her beat him yet again and leave him on the ground unconscious while she left at the end. Scrappy underdogs have this thing where they, you know, have to scrap against the bigger dog, not just want to be better so the universe just fricking deletes anything that might slightly injure them.

              • 6 months ago

                The "instant powerups" is well established to be an effect of being strong in the force. Anakin and Luke both win major space battles the very first time they sit in a fighter.

                She notably fails her objective to redeem kylo the way luke redeemed vader, and has to run away quickly.

              • 6 months ago

                >The "instant powerups" is well established to be an effect of being strong in the force
                No its fricking not, every time its a very minor thing that they used before.

                >Anakin and Luke both win major space battles the very first time they sit in a fighter.
                Anakin literally was established using the force to race and Luke spent what little time he had with Obi-Wan learning how to sense stuff with the force, and then Obi-wan still had to force ghost help hm out.

                >She notably fails her objective to redeem kylo the way luke redeemed vader, and has to run away quickly.
                Oh well that's a hallmark of a scrappy fighter, isn't it? "I just out of nowhere beat a trained fighter in the force and lightsaber, but I didn't win in the very specific way I wanted so like, not that great."

                Luke wishes he had that option in his second movie, but he wasn't running off bullshit powerups like a Mario game with cheats on.

              • 6 months ago

                Both of them were spaceship fights which only benefit from the increased sense from the force. Anakin was already defined as a good pilot in the pod race and Luke was said to be a good pilot by Obi Wan. It is somewhat forced since one was a kid and the other wasn't really shown to be an amazing pilot before the attack, but it's easier to forgive in the context. They also never had a light saber duel in their debut.
                Meanwhile, Rey was a scavenger in the middle of a desert and managed to defeat the Vader knock-off without ANY training at all.

              • 6 months ago

                >not just want to be better so the universe just fricking deletes anything that might slightly injure them.
                Well, they do say to write what you know....

            • 6 months ago

              JJ had an advantage Lucas didn't have with the prequels: there are a whole bunch of sequel novels and comics he could have used as a starting point. He had the hindsight of people having already voiced their opinion on them, which he could have used to make something spotless. I don't mean he had to adapt the EU word by word but he should have payed attention to what did and didn't work.
              But no, JJ has only a very shallow understanding of what make those movies good and just did a re-rash of ANH as if it was a reboot. Star Trek 09 was an alternate timeline of the franchise so it doesn't actually affect it, but Star Wars will remain dead until someone in charge decides to decanonize the sequels. No spin off TV show can fix that (they didn't for the prequels either despite the popular narrative).

              • 6 months ago

                >He had the hindsight of people having already voiced their opinion on them, which he could have used to make something spotless. I don't mean he had to adapt the EU word by word but he should have payed attention to what did and didn't work.
                I agree that's the dumbest shit on both JJ and yidsney's part; having literal decades of feedback and sales data with a pre-existing, carefully constructed yet flawed roadmap already tested with the same audience they were trying to sell this shit to, even having a well built stronk female protagonist as the head of the frachise's future in Jaina. that the fans on the whole actually liked, along with all the people who'd guided this over decades, and their first move is to toss all of it in the garbage, fire almost everyone, and pretend like none of it existed and they totally knew what they were doing with this relatively niche thing. Just totally mindless, and the fact Rian could even sell his garbage as some good thing shows they had no idea what they were doing at any point.

              • 6 months ago

                I could fix it. I'm a great writer.

              • 6 months ago

                Me too but it's not a high bar

      • 6 months ago

        nah TFA brought back the normies and was a rebirth for the franchise. Limitless potential and then TLJ shut that shit down so fricking fast.

      • 6 months ago

        Reminder that it was JJ who decided to discard Lucas' story treatments for the sequels so that he could LARP as Lucas in 1977 and make his version of ANH. As bad as TLJ is, JJ deserves the sole blame for killing Star Wars.


        • 6 months ago

          >JJ deserves the sole blame for killing Star Wars.
          Please. JJ shat on Han's history but he at least let him go on a crazy adventure and do cool shit throughout the movie. People inexplicably forgave making him a deadbeat because this meant we got to see him mowing down stormtroopers and being wienery and smug like original Han again.

          Rian actively killed Star Wars because people would have probably given his plothole ridden, badly plotted mess of a movie more leeway if Luke got to do cool shit for most of it instead of lame ass matrix dodging and then dying. People just wanted to see the OG's do some cool shit, they didn't care how they got there. Instead Rian thought he could copy ESB just like JJ copied New Hope and it would work this time, little did he know he was just too stupid to do the basic thing to make people not drop this movie like a fricking rock. Reminder this movie has the hardest and fastest drop of any mainline SW flick, and was the only one to have MORE THAN one out of every 3 tickets sold in the opening weekend. End. 3 days. 3 days and its more than one out of every 3 people who watched it because fricking nobody came back.

          • 6 months ago

            I can't believe you're going to make me defend Rian fricking Johnson but I guess I have to because at the end of the day, Rian was just working off of what he was given following TFA. JJ set up a bunch of pointless mystery boxes without coming up with any answers and handed it off to Rian and said "good luck". How did Luke become a hermit on a deserted island? Who cares we'll let Rian figure it out. Granted, pretty much every decision Rian made was mind numbingly moronic but I almost respect it just for completely shitting all over JJ's lack of plans.

            Ultimately it was JJ that decided to undo the conclusion of episode 6 and revert everyone's character arcs. He made Han a fricking deadbeat Dad for gods sake. JJ is far more culpable for destroying Star Wars than Rian will ever be.

            • 6 months ago

              >Granted, pretty much every decision Rian made was mind numbingly moronic
              >JJ is far more culpable for destroying Star Wars than Rian will ever be.
              You can only pick one of these things, Rian could have done anything he wanted. He literally ignored all of JJ's shit ANYWAY, so could have easily ignored it in some satisfying or at least respectful to what it was direction, but what he actually wanted to do was be a pissy troll.

              • 6 months ago

                Rian replicated a lot of the plot beats of empire except since he is less of a total hack than JJ he actually changed some stuff and had other ideas.

              • 6 months ago

                >this Black person literally had an extra taste it and go "it's salt" to make sure we knew it wasn't snow

                >this Black person literally had an extra taste it and go "it's salt" to make sure we knew it wasn't snow
                He does it all with this shitty sarcasm. And it's irrelevant when the heart of the series is the Skywalkers, and his #1 goal in this movie was wrecking Luke from start to finish. Luke has nothing satisfying in it at all. It MIGHT have been okay if he didn't fricking kill him off for no reason from "exhaustion"

              • 6 months ago

                And the shittiest part is how he lied to and manipulated Hamill all through the filming, to get him to play along, telling him it was called "the last jedi" because it was about him, NOT telling him he was killing off Luke, etc
                That shit is all over the "making of" blu ray shit, and makes Rian a huge butthole

              • 6 months ago

                JJ established that Kylo Ren Killed all the new jedi and then Luke fricked off without telling anyone where he was going. Rian had to decide how he would act when tracked down and the answer was "like yoda in empire, for very similar reasons." But he comes around in the end and uses mysticism to beat blunt technological force before passing the torch to the new generation. Themes! Ideas!

              • 6 months ago

                >uses mysticism to beat blunt technological force
                you mean
                >kills himself performing a force projection trick Snoke literally pulled off twice with two people who weren't him at once in the same movie without breaking a sweat
                He has zero respect for Luke at all, because Luke is a white male, and you fricking know it.

              • 6 months ago

                >and then Luke fricked off without telling anyone where he was going.
                He left a map to his location and it's the entire plot of the movie.
                > beat blunt technological force
                No he fricking didn't, he barely stalled after 90 percent of the rebels were already wiped out, and only because Rey got yet another out of nowhere powerup. He defeated nobody, saved nobody, convinced nobody to do anything, and unfortunately for Rian only the dumbest possible people thought that was inspiring. Didn't work on the normal people, though, they checked out because even they could see that thing telling them it was 'Inspiring' was hollow and worthless tell don't show.

              • 6 months ago

                >Rian could have done anything he wanted
                No he literally could not have wtf lol. What if he wanted to have Han Luke and Leia share a scene together? Not possible because of JJ.
                Also my larger point for JJ being the sole destroyer of Star Wars is because it was him that decided to throw away Lucas' story treatments. If it isn't Lucas' story, then it isn't Star Wars. End of. We got a moronic fan fiction trilogy because of one man and one man alone.

              • 6 months ago

                >is because it was him that decided to throw away Lucas' story treatments
                That would be more Kathleen Kennedy than JJ, she had to sign off on all of this.

              • 6 months ago

                She went along with it sure and gave the greenlight but she would've done the same if JJ actually decided to use Lucas' stories. But JJ, along with his buddy Simon Pegg, are the kinds of Star Wars "fans" that aren't really fans because they only like episodes 4 and 5 while completely disregarding the rest of the saga especially the prequels. It was 100% JJ's decision to go the soft reboot route. The vid I linked above goes into great detail showing all the evidence of this.

            • 6 months ago

              >I can't believe you're going to make me defend Rian fricking Johnson but I guess I have to because at the end of the day, Rian was just working off of what he was given following TFA.
              Oh yeah because TFA firmly established Luke didn't want to be found and was sitting on that rock because.

              Oh wait no the entire motherfricking plot of TFA was "Luke left a map to his location and we gotta find the other half of the map so we can find him" Gosh and golly gee if only there was an explanation there with "I want to be found here's a map to my location" that wasn't "I don't want to be found map what map nobody will ever mention the fricking map you spent that movie on because this writing is for babies."

              >How did Luke become a hermit on a deserted island?
              The one singular thing TFA said was "People close to him said he went to find the very first Jedi temple" which totally translates to "Wants nothing to do with the Jedi" wait no that' fricking stupid.

              > He made Han a fricking deadbeat Dad for gods sake.
              Oh absolutely, and he got away with it because he had Han go do adventure shit and cool shit with the Falcon. Rian's folly was thinking that his dumbass ideas were anywhere near as interesting or smart as "Luke does stuff because his character literally built from this" instead of making him into a shitty Yoda standin for a shitty ESB attempt.

              • 6 months ago

                TFA stated that he went away because of Ben's bullshit.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes but everything TFA and onwards isn't canon aside from maybe the Jedi games, Andor and the Filoni animated shit.

              • 6 months ago

                >he got away with it because he had Han go do adventure shit and cool shit with the Falcon
                That's exactly the issue with OT fanboys, they don't try to think about things beyond the surface level, they just want to see things they already saw before.

        • 6 months ago

          Man, this started like a such good investigation of the development process behind those movies only for it to take a turn into a prequel fanboy rant.
          >"I want muh Lucas stories"
          Does this homosexual has any idea how much George lied about the production of the original trilogy? Ironic given how much he investigated JJ in the video.

          • 6 months ago

            Prequels are kino stay mad.
            >Does this homosexual has any idea how much George lied about the production of the original trilogy?
            Do you have a single fact to back that up?

            • 6 months ago

              Have a read:

              • 6 months ago

                lmao off to a good start. Ya I don't have time to read all of that right now but from what I can gather from skimming through is it looks like a bunch of boomers seething over natural changes that occur throughout the developmental process and of course crying about the special editions. Also the fact that they parrot the "saved in edit" meme and link that moronic video essay pretty much debunks the whole thing entirely for me. Here's a good video refuting that moronic claim:

              • 6 months ago

                The issue aren't the changes, the issue is that he lied about those changes. Why does he need to lie that Jabba was always supposed to be a monster? Why does he need to lie that it was always "the tragedy of Darth Vader" when the early scripts clearly show the opposite?
                >another video from the same prequel homosexual
                I'm not falling for this again.

              • 6 months ago

                >The issue aren't the changes, the issue is that he lied about those changes. Why does he need to lie that Jabba was always supposed to be a monster? Why does he need to lie that it was always "the tragedy of Darth Vader" when the early scripts clearly show the opposite?
                But... who cares? No seriously why does any of that matter at all. Even if he made it all up as he went along that's almost more impressive because the end result is a pretty cohesive saga.

                >I'm not falling for this again.
                Like I said, stay ignorant.

              • 6 months ago

                >But... who cares?
                If you care to watch hour long videos about how people have ruined Star Wars then you should care.
                I watched the first video and I don't think the research was bad, but he is clouded by his prequel fanboyism.
                >Like I said, stay ignorant.
                So that's why you didn't bother reading the thread?

              • 6 months ago

                No I really don't care if Lucas made somethings up as he went along because as I said in the end it mostly all works and comes together nicely. Most of what that article is describing is just that natural progression during the creative process. Also many of those claims I've heard before and the video I linked directly refutes the BS "saved in the edit" narrative. It's just so fricking weird how assmad Gen X'ers are hellbent on destroying Lucas' legacy and refusing to give him one iota of credit. But the funniest part is all their efforts are in vain because Lucas only continues to be more vindicated and appreciated as time goes on.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm a zoomie
                And believe it or not, I don't think Lucas is a complete hack, nor do I like OT fanboys either, but he is not without fault.
                ANH was saved in the edit, like it or not. While eps 5 and 6 editing was just the usual removing some scenes here and there, 4 had extreme edits of the kind you'd expect in a fan edit.

              • 6 months ago

                >ANH was saved in the edit, like it or not.
                Factually incorrect.

              • 6 months ago

                Watch this instead:

              • 6 months ago

                Ya the video I linked directly refutes those same tired arguments that really just come from a fundamental misunderstanding of the editing process.

              • 6 months ago

                The one I linked isn't trying to argue about anything, it's just a showcase of an early cut. Watch it and make conclusions about it.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes I know what it is. You like act Star Wars is the only film that has ever had a rough cut. This is what I mean by a fundamental misunderstanding of the editing process.

              • 6 months ago

                Does every movie have is ending completely recontextualized through a voice-over?

              • 6 months ago

                There's definitely been plenty of films that have retroactively used voice over to re contextualize certain scenes. Again what you're describing is just a normal decision that can be made during the editing process.

      • 6 months ago

        TFA was a simple retread of A New Hope. it was uninspired, it was dull, but it left a lot of shit open ended to be developed. TLJ purposefully killed many of the threads that TFA set up, tanking whatever story they were trying to write, and the result of that was the abortion that is TRoS. JJ Abrams directed an unambitious snoozefest film but Rian Johnson sabotaged an entire trilogy so badly that JJ's attempt to retcon it created a humiliating belly flop of a third movie. I'm not sure anyone exists who could have salvaged the trilogy after TLJ.

        • 6 months ago

          Using Jar Jar as the true master Sith instead of "Somehow the Emperor returned" would have made that shit slightly more tolerable.

    • 6 months ago

      Even though I can't specifically blame Snyder, I feel like some of this is his fault by proxy. He definitely got the ball of cancer rolling.. which is the whole "MUH DECONSTRUCTIONIST VISION" bullshit. And here we are.

      • 6 months ago

        No. Snyder deconstructs and then reconstructs and tonally his movies are dignified unlike Rian's roundfaced soislop.

        • 6 months ago

          Compare this to the feverish, weirdly pink, unshapely mess that TLJ is.

      • 6 months ago

        You can't put it all on Snyder when Whedon is far more directly responsible, TLJ is far more Whedonesque than Snydresque, it opens with a fricking yo mamma joke.

    • 6 months ago

      >40 year old franchise that was hugely successful with only 6 movies wrecked by 2 films.
      Well people weren't as vicious back then, I guarantee that if people look at the prequels the same way they do the Rei trilogy then we wouldn't have a Rei trilogy

      • 6 months ago

        It's Rey you fricking moron

        • 6 months ago

          Well excuse me for confusing her with a superior character with a similar name

          • 6 months ago
  16. 6 months ago

    >makes Cinemaphile seethe uncontrollably
    Absolutely based.

    • 6 months ago

      >the more people you piss off the "better" you are
      when is this childish mentality going to get lynched like it deserves
      this is how you got hung in the olden days

    • 6 months ago

      Brutal physiognomy.

    • 6 months ago

      Everything about him just screams impotent manchild

    • 6 months ago

      One of the best to ever do it

    • 6 months ago

      You JUST KNOW he likes to watch others frick

      • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        He did say Rose was based on some grumpy chick he knew in highschool that he wanted to frick and apparently still thinks about. Then he made Rose kiss a black guy who didn't want to be kissed by her at all so who knows what the frick Rian"s problem is

  17. 6 months ago

    have a nice day

  18. 6 months ago

    I always liked it and barring some narrative decisions and inconsistencies the ST is objectively good
    Reylo is the best thing to happen to Star Wars in like 30 years and much better than the awkwardly forced Anakin Padme romance

  19. 6 months ago

    Not even the action is good. Hell all nuwars action is dogshit but people still watch the Darth Maul lightsaber fight from episode 1 or the Hoth battle all the time.

  20. 6 months ago

    One of the absolute worst films I have ever seen.

  21. 6 months ago
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  24. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
  25. 6 months ago

    nightmare fuel

    • 6 months ago

      I can't believe they went to some casino planet while Luke was training Rey and a high speed spaceship chase scene was going on. What an atrocious movie.

    • 6 months ago

      >that asian caricature in the middle

      how did rian get away with it?

  26. 6 months ago
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  32. 6 months ago
  33. 6 months ago

    It's amazing how hard the Luke treatment filtered brainlets. To see people still not get it all these years later is both impressive and disturbing. Luke was always a whiny piece of shit and he's only worse in the EU, its bizarre how many grown adults have glommed onto him as a role model.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      >Luke was always a whiny piece of shit and he's only worse in the EU
      Why would you even bring up the EU when it was never canon? Luke in the ST is totally incongruent with the character from the OT but the treatment of Luke isn't even the main problem of that movie. The movie is so fundamentally broken that there really isn't any purpose of analyzing one specific point of why it's bad. It's like trying to find everything that's broken in a car that's been completely fricking totaled.

      • 6 months ago

        I think you're wrong about TLJ in general, its a good movie if you make some design changes but serviceable nonetheless.
        The EU mention is because half the haters crying out there had all their sensibilities warped by swimming in EUshit for decades so it creeps up in criticisms. They're all still mad the ST wasn't about the invasion of the bio-borg ripoff majong crab people with tentacle whips.

        • 6 months ago

          >They're all still mad the ST wasn't about the invasion of the bio-borg ripoff majong crab people with tentacle whips.
          You can strawman all you want but Luke deserved better, and the only reasons he's given the treatment he is in TLJ have frick all to do with anything about his character in any of the movies.

          • 6 months ago

            It's the natural culmination of his character in old age since he only ever tried to solve problems with his laser stick, and the problems were immensely larger and more complicated than that. Luke isn't even really supposed to be the character of focus in the entire island section he's a side character and his problems are a subplot, the island is about Rey not Luke.

            >its a good movie if you make some design changes but serviceable nonetheless.
            There is no change in design that's fixing the massive gaping plothole of the sidetrip to the casino planet during a time when they're trying to evade the Not Empire in the slowest fricking chase scene in cinema history. Nevermind the fact it's a bare ass naked, but worse, ESB with the throne room from ROTJ thrown in just in the desperate hope you'll feel something other than pity for the poor moron that wrote it.

            Nah killing Snoke was good. The Reylo setup was very good. I do agree all the casino shit sucked. The movie would have been much better if Rose died in the intro and her hot sister lived, and there was no casino distraction ( keep some of the events like the arms smuggler somehow if need be ). Those are fair criticisms.

            >Luke was always a whiny piece of shit and he's only worse in the EU
            >He's very boring in the EU all he really does is the Goku arc of getting stronger and stronger
            Can you stick to one thing or the other

            Yes he's whiny and then he becomes mary sue boring shit in the EU.

            The original films (i hate the PT too) are just fun pulp adventure movies, TLJ is has a weird subversive vibe that neither fits the franchise or the context of the film itself. It's just bizarre, really.

            I think people read too much into the meta about Rian. No one is going to care about him or what he was thinking in 10 years. People will just post cool clips from the movies.

            >Nah bro, Rey is good. She's got more depth and development than cardboard cutouts like Padme.
            lol, lmao even. Please explain to me the depth of Rey Palpatine I have to hear this.

            > I don't think Padme has any character development at all through the entire PT trilogy.
            The point of her character isn't to go through some huge arc. She's supposed to be the anchor that contrasts with Anakin as he's going through his transformation. She's more of a conduit for the audience as she's watching and reacting to the destruction of the republic and also Anakins fall from grace. She's also just a much more likeable character in general. She's strong, intelligent, has her own agency, but still retains her feminine grace unlike Rey Palpatine.

            >In the ST Rey changes, Kylo changes, Finn kinda changes, Poe kinda changes
            Lmfao "kinda changes" cmon bud just admit those characters were underwritten as hell. I honestly still haven't seen TROS all the way through and probably never will but from what I've gathered it seems that Kylo was the only one who went through a meaningful change and I'm not even sure if that was earned.

            Honestly you should be deeply ashamed for defending these soulless abominations.

            Ok well its hard to really talk to you about it if you haven't seen the movies. Finish up the ST then come back. Its impossible to explain Rey without you seeing it in its entirety.

            • 6 months ago

              >Finish up the ST then come back.
              Nah I'm good I've seen enough you can keep your shitty fanfics. Star Wars is 6 films and I'm perfectly content with that.

              • 6 months ago

                Its your life but you look like a moron when you say you don't understand Rey and then its because you only watched 2/3 of her story. That's on you, not the creators.

              • 6 months ago

                I still know what happens I've seen bits of the movie. She basically goes full Tony Stark and BTFO's her granddaddy right? What epic transformation and character growth am I missing? Oh ya and also:
                >Rey.... Rey Skywalker
                lmao miss me with that fricking horseshit

              • 6 months ago

                Well she btfos palps with the help of Kylo who literally saves her life by culminating the Jedi legacy in the total defeat of the Sith by bringing them together into unification via her body being of evil lineage and her mind of good lineage. She also gets closure on her issues of familial abandonment and romantic isolation by finding a new family and love interest in the skywalkers. She becomes Rey Skywalker because Kylo was her soulmate and he's Ben Solo/Ben Skywalker. Luke and Leia are basically like her mother-in-law and uncle etc.

                >I think Han simulating static and then cutting off the call is basically equivalent
                >There's also like the entire jokey sportscaster podracer section, that was very modern in its style.
                Not even remotely comparable but good try I guess.

                The sportscasters are really the more egregious example, just disgusting.

              • 6 months ago

                Wow dude that sounds so frickin epic I concede Rey Palpatine is best character in the saga! No but seriously all that sounds pants on heads moronic and I'm glad I've never subjected myself to it.
                >She becomes Rey Skywalker because Kylo was her soulmate and he's Ben Solo/Ben Skywalker. Luke and Leia are basically like her mother-in-law and uncle etc
                Just what lmao???? It's even funnier when you realize that Rey and Kylo were originally intended to be siblings which you can see hints of in TFA.

                >The sportscasters are really the more egregious example, just disgusting.
                You know there's been sports casters for like a century right? What is so unbelievable about sportscasters existing in that universe?

              • 6 months ago

                Yes because they are Jaina/Jacen from the EU pasted into the ST. Anyway anyone with a lick of romantic sense could see the chemistry from TFA onwards which is why they are such a good couple. Brainlet ST haters don't realize that Reylo is the story of Anakin and Luke split into 2 opposing people who reconcile romantically.
                Like seriously, the entire haterbase thought she was Rey Skywalker because Luke and Leia liked her. Lmao. How fricking dumb do you have to be.

              • 6 months ago

                >Yes because they are Jaina/Jacen from the EU pasted into the ST
                No it has nothing to do with the EU. Star Wars was always intended to be a family soap opera about generations. The sequel trilogy that Lucas intended was supposed to be about Darth Vaders grand kids with one being one the dark side and one in the light but JJ decided to pointlessly put Rey's identity into a mystery box and then when he came back decided he wanted to make her a Palpatine for some reason.

                >Brainlet ST haters don't realize that Reylo is the story of Anakin and Luke split into 2 opposing people who reconcile romantically.
                Dumbest fricking thing I've ever read for a myriad of reasons that I don't even feel like getting into but for one we never see Kylo's fall from grace so to compare his story to Anakin's is just moronic.

                >Like seriously, the entire haterbase thought she was Rey Skywalker because Luke and Leia liked her. Lmao. How fricking dumb do you have to be.
                Now you're just making up weird strawmen and I'm starting to lose interest. Just know that if the story didn't come from the mind of George Lucas then it isn't really Star Wars and no amount of kvetching will ever change that.

              • 6 months ago

                No. Jaina and Jacen are Han and Leia's kids and Jaina becomes a good lightside girl and Jacen becomes a sith edgelord and kills Luke's wife Mara. That's a lot of the material they were mining when they made Reylo a force dyad (instead of literal twins).

                We see Kylo's fall from grace when he turns on Luke, and we see him succumbing to darkness when he kills Han. Then we see his redemption.
                Its not a weird strawman you can find countless streams and comments of people complaining that Rey ""stole"" the Skywalker name. That's like saying anytime any woman gets married she's "stealing" her husband's name, it's just moronic. If Kylo hadn't killed himself to revive Rey they would have gotten married and had kids.

              • 6 months ago

                Bro nobody gives a fricking shit about the EU that stuff was never canon. I'm going off of the original story treatments for the ST from George Lucas which is the true story that we'll never see because of JJ's homosexualry.

              • 6 months ago

                More people care about the EU than care about Lucas' dumbshit headcanon. You're probably one of those brainlets who thinks Lucas is a genius and that the success of SW is the story of a single man's brilliance instead of recognizing it as an inevitable success which succeeded in spite of Lucas and not because of him by putting brakes on all his worst impulses. The PT was more Lucas unhinged and besides some cherry picked scenes its complete dogshit. Lucas is a lucky moron.

              • 6 months ago

                >More people care about the EU than care about Lucas' dumbshit headcanon
                Are you genuinely moronic or just trolling? It can't be headcanon when he's THE FRICKING CREATOR OF THE ENTIRE GODDAMN UNIVERSE

                >You're probably one of those brainlets who thinks Lucas is a genius and that the success of SW is the story of a single man's brilliance instead of recognizing it as an inevitable success which succeeded in spite of Lucas and not because of him by putting brakes on all his worst impulses.
                Ok nevermind you answered my question for me. If you actually took the time to look into the amount of work and effort Lucas put into creating this world you wouldn't be saying this dumb ass shit. Imagine calling yourself a fan of something but shitting all over the man who created that said thing. You types of Star Wars "fans" are the absolute fricking worst. Entitled manchildren that don't know shit about cinema. Next your gonna tell me Marcia Lucas saved ANH in the edit right? Fricking dipshit.

              • 6 months ago

                George's original vision and the final product are very very different. The final product was made more palatable to a general audience which is why it was successful. By virtue of the fact that they are two separate things that makes George's ideas about Star Wars essentially headcanon or even fanfiction. This is doubly true considering the fact that he sold the rights, so he really has no say about it whatsoever.
                This actually happens all the time with products and media. Usually an autistic inventor creates them with a dumbfrick vision no one cares about and then an enterprising person or agency refines and markets the product to massive success. That's the entire reason that corporations buy out an entire company and scrap 99% of it in order to keep and use 1% of it.

              • 6 months ago

                Man you're a total tool sucking the wiener of impersonal studies and suits and claiming some high intellectual agency to that group work or telos.

              • 6 months ago

                Yep. The market doesn't lie. No one gives a FRICK about Zorgzaslop of planet Pontanalanni Mz'Gzzbork and all the other dumbfrick shit rattling around in George's head. That's why everyone refers to ANH as the quintessential modern Hero's Journey. The less you input George's autistic vision and distill it to the timeless themes the significantly better it is.

              • 6 months ago

                Man you're like a walking caricature.
                Do you check the votes on reddit for any truth you want to find?
                Do you seek the definitions of words exclusively in newspapers and the chatter of people in random bars?

              • 6 months ago

                The only time I have ever used reddit is to scope out some older porn pics that egirls deleted or paywalled

              • 6 months ago

                Well it's a big forum with a lot of useful stuff but my only criticism is that you think truth and value are decided democratically.

              • 6 months ago

                Truth and value are both products of consensus. The true nature of truth is unknowable as described by Kant and value is literally just a subjective measure of something's attraction to a person. So when we say something is valuable we just mean that a lot of people like it.

                >That's why everyone refers to ANH as the quintessential modern Hero's Journey.
                And remind me who was the sole writer of ANH again? You genuinely need to stop typing it's getting embarrassing.

                It had producers and editors. I mean even Mark Hamill talks about how he hated that one dogshit line George wanted that didn't make it into the movie, so clearly the final product isn't George's complete vision. In fact he's talked in interviews about how the OT didn't fully live up to his vision which is why he was so excited to have more creative control over the PT, which was dogshit.

              • 6 months ago

                Ah you're a solipsist, well take care.

              • 6 months ago

                >One line didn't make the movie so that means it wasn't George's complete vision
                Just when I think you can't get any more moronic. It can't possibly be that George realized in the edit that the line didn't work and decided to take it out, no he must've been overruled by the editor and producers because reasons....

                >In fact he's talked in interviews about how the OT didn't fully live up to his vision which is why he was so excited to have more creative control over the PT, which was dogshit.
                Because the technology wasn't available at the time for him to be able to fully realize his vision and particularly on the first film he was on a tight budget and had to cut corners. I mean seriously do you even think about this shit before you type? This is all well documented.
                Also PT > OT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literal dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ST

              • 6 months ago

                >PT > OT
                You could have saved everyone a lot of time by just frontloading the convo with the premise that you're a drooling moron

              • 6 months ago

                Says the homosexual defending the soulless Disney abominations.

              • 6 months ago

                Already debunked. George was an autist who had no idea how romance worked. The only reason Han x Leia worked is because of the natural chemistry of the actors and Carrie being a massive bawd and Harrison being like 10 time sexiest man of all time winner.
                You see Georgie do romance and its the stilted prequels dogshit.
                Then look at the ST and see Reylo, and its much better than Anakin x Padme.

                The laser sword fights of the ST are also objectively better than the PT shit. The PT has a couple of good fight moments but most of it drags on way too long and is moronic because George got way up his own ass on dumbshit that only the most spergy nerds ever enjoyed.

              • 6 months ago

                >Then look at the ST and see Reylo, and its much better than Anakin x Padme.
                They barely had a fricking romance what the frick are you talking about lmfao. You continue to keep one upping yourself in your moronation it's almost impressive.

                >The laser sword fights of the ST are also objectively better than the PT shit.
                Lol no. Duel of the Fates alone mogs the entire ST.

              • 6 months ago

                He literally makes her faint, catches her, and princess carries her in the first movie. The one where they have intense eye contact, talk about their soul connection, and then read each others minds getting all sweaty and obsessed with each other. Then in the second movie they have a lot of sexually charged back and forth and try to pull each other towards each other's ideal view. By the third movie they both mature and realize their path forward together is not one of dominance but one of compromise, and reconcile romantically which culminates in a kiss.
                You evidently weren't watching the movies or you were blinded by incel rage that a girl had your favorite colored light sword.
                Duel of the Fates is really only so good because of the music. Its fine though, its one of the better PT fights. Everything else besides some stuff in RotS is dogshit in the PT.

                The ST has the superior level of technological development necessary for the depiction as well as balance of raw emotion and calculated poise to make lightsaber fights visually interesting and viscerally rewarding. The chunkier heavier hits going back to the OT is much better than the eyerolling saber-kata slop of the PT.

              • 6 months ago

                Jesus Christ you sound like those deranged Reylo gays on twitter. Actually disgusting. Are you a troon by any chance?

              • 6 months ago

                Nope. But Reylo is canon, so you just have to get over that. They are a romantic couple and they are a force dyad, meaning they are literally soulmates.

              • 6 months ago

                Disney Wars isn't canon sorry but you can keep pretending it is if you want.

              • 6 months ago

                It doesn't matter if its canon to your spergy headcanon they are canon to the disneywars, and in that context they were obviously romantic partners.

              • 6 months ago

                >they are canon to the disneywars
                fine by me you can keep that homosexual shit

              • 6 months ago

                >heterosexual white couple
                >that homosexual shit

              • 6 months ago

                all nu wars is homosexual shit. didn't you know?

              • 6 months ago

                imagine thinking star wars has enough intrinsic value to delineate as being true sw and false sw

              • 6 months ago

                If you can't see the difference between the creation of devoted artist who put his soul into his work versus the soulless nostalgia cash grabs made by Disney and people who actively resent the franchise then idk what to tell you. Why are you even in this thread if you don't like star wars lol so you can act like you're above it or something? frick off and die homosexual

              • 6 months ago

                >But Reylo is canon
                No Disney shit is star wars canon, canon is set by the fans and fans rejected that garbaggio. Sorry lad it is what it is

              • 6 months ago

                Ok but you're going to die a virgin while everyone else remembers star wars from the internationally available films and not your dusty forgotten opinion

                If you can't see the difference between the creation of devoted artist who put his soul into his work versus the soulless nostalgia cash grabs made by Disney and people who actively resent the franchise then idk what to tell you. Why are you even in this thread if you don't like star wars lol so you can act like you're above it or something? frick off and die homosexual

                I like SW a lot but I like it from my fond experiences around it that have their own value and I can tell the difference between those fond memories and the thing they were around
                Like I liked playing with my friends pretending to have lightsabers and the force, and I liked my parents giving my star wars toys. Those aren't because of star wars, they were just about star wars. 2000 years ago kids played around wishing they were greek gods or liking getting holly wreathes from their presents that's not because those things have amazing value its because people like playing with their friends and affection from their parents.

                one of the biggest flaws of SW as a cultural phenomenon is the big mass of people who cannot maturely disentangle their lived experience from SW - which funnily enough was part of Rian's massive criticism and shitpost against SW fanboys

              • 6 months ago

                You don't see the value in creating a modern myth for children that teaches them moral lessons about right and wrong?

              • 6 months ago

                That does have value but that isn't what SW set out to do or ultimately did. That's naive revisionist history. That's on the same level as people saying we always went into WW2 to save the israelites. Couldn't be further from the truth.

                Fact is half the cast thought it was gonna be a cheesy flop, lots of people were simply motivated by money. Some may have had good intentions and a certain amount of love goes into any production but it wasn't a selfless project for the greater good infused and informed by profound moral principles and integrity. Only a deranged cultist or extremely incurious person would think that.

                >Ok but you're going to die a virgin while everyone else remembers star wars from the internationally available films and not your dusty forgotten opinion
                Woah calm down troony, it's not fault disney made these shitty movies that nobody liked. I'm not Rian Johnson ya know!

                I liked them, my kids think they're fine

              • 6 months ago

                >That does have value but that isn't what SW set out to do or ultimately did.
                It very explicitly was and it did.
                There's countless interviews of Lucas explaining that. But I guess you think he's lying for some odd reason. I really don't understand why you people are so intent on discrediting George Lucas at every turn it's legitimately bizarre.

              • 6 months ago

                No one gives a shit what that fat autist was thinking lmao that's the point. 1 sperg having a goal doesn't make the entire production about that. The only reason SW became realized was to sell merchandise.

              • 6 months ago

                So we went from:
                >Star Wars was never intended to be a new mythology to teach children moral lessons
                >actually it doesn't matter what Lucas was thinking lol
                Fricking kys dishonest gay

              • 6 months ago

                Nah you're a brainlet who thinks that 1 person's view and a cultural phenomenon are the same thing. You probably think what Jesus said and Christianity are the same thing too. Its just delusional childish thinking.

              • 6 months ago

                What the frick are you even blabbering about you absolute imbecile?? It's not "1 persons view" it's the creator of the entire goddamn thing telling you what his expressed purpose was you bitter old homosexual.

              • 6 months ago

                Damn I was right, you really do think what Jesus thought and Christianity are the same thing. Sad man, real sad. Please go learn about how the real world works and macro systems of social change and economy.

              • 6 months ago

                >you really do think what Jesus thought and Christianity are the same thing.
                Never said anything of the sort. I was just responding to your claim that Star Wars was never intended to be a modern myth for children which is just not true. You're trying to make some moronic larger point about how Star Wars turned into something else but you didn't have to lie to make that point.

              • 6 months ago

                Star Wars isn't Lucas' autistic vision, its a cultural phenomenon. Lucas had a bunch of dumb ideas that were substantiated by a collective of people and a collective audience. You simply do not understand how mass media works.

              • 6 months ago

                >Star Wars isn't Lucas' autistic vision, its a cultural phenomenon
                Those two things aren't mutually exclusive you stupid boomer frick.

                >Lucas had a bunch of dumb ideas that were substantiated by a collective of people and a collective audience.
                The ideas couldn't have been too dumb if they managed to capture the minds of multiple generations.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes they can, dumb ideas become wildly popular all the time have you seen some of the pop culture garbage around?

              • 6 months ago

                >dumb ideas become wildly popular all the time have you seen some of the pop culture garbage around?
                none that have the same staying power and cultural impact of star wars

              • 6 months ago

                bro SW has barely survived relevancy for 50 years lmao PLEASE grow up, everyone is begging you. there are radio songs that have survived longer relevancy without continual recreation.

              • 6 months ago

                >comparing radio hits to an entire film saga
                keep outing yourself as a complete moron it's actually hilarious. the star wars films will still be regarded as classics long after you're gone gramps.

                >PLEASE grow up, everyone is begging you
                PLEASE die already you bitter old gay your kids probably hate you and can't wait til you're gone

              • 6 months ago

                bro NO ONE cares about SW lol you're just a newbie to life who is still locked into thinking that things you liked because you were young and impressionable were better than they were
                SW was always half dogshit and TLJ is no exception
                And like with the PT eventually people will only remember the good parts

              • 6 months ago

                Ya no one cares about Star Wars that why there's morons like us arguing about it on here, twitter, reddit, and god knows where else arguing about it on the daily. Just stop man you keep embarrassing yourself you need to go to bed gramps it's getting late.

              • 6 months ago

                yes .00000000001% of the human population cares, gottem i am soooo owned

              • 6 months ago

                So does nobody care or not that many people care make up your mind gramps I think you're going senile

              • 6 months ago

                its a colloquialism you esl

              • 6 months ago

                >Ok but you're going to die a virgin while everyone else remembers star wars from the internationally available films and not your dusty forgotten opinion
                Woah calm down troony, it's not fault disney made these shitty movies that nobody liked. I'm not Rian Johnson ya know!

              • 6 months ago

                >>PT > OT

                its an objective critically based fact
                RLM morons need no apply

              • 6 months ago

                >That's why everyone refers to ANH as the quintessential modern Hero's Journey.
                And remind me who was the sole writer of ANH again? You genuinely need to stop typing it's getting embarrassing.

              • 6 months ago

                Why would he ought to stop typing? Is this an executive order while pretending to be a moderator?

        • 6 months ago

          >its a good movie if you make some design changes but serviceable nonetheless.
          There is no change in design that's fixing the massive gaping plothole of the sidetrip to the casino planet during a time when they're trying to evade the Not Empire in the slowest fricking chase scene in cinema history. Nevermind the fact it's a bare ass naked, but worse, ESB with the throne room from ROTJ thrown in just in the desperate hope you'll feel something other than pity for the poor moron that wrote it.

        • 6 months ago

          Bro the movie was a 2 hour long slow chase through space with a wildly varying tone that feels nothing like Star Wars. It's fricking dogshit and one of the worst movies I've had the displeasure of sitting though in a theater. I mean imagine putting a fricking your mom joke in Star Wars. Total misunderstanding of what the saga is.

          • 6 months ago

            SW has always been a tonal buffet. There are dumb ass shit fart jokes in SW, no pun intended. The slow chase criticism doesn't make much sense since slow chases are a staple of SW, whether that's combing the planet for droids or inching around a planet to get a clear shot with the super duper death laser. I mean, ANH opens with a slow chase.

            • 6 months ago

              >SW has always been a tonal buffet. There are dumb ass shit fart jokes in SW, no pun intended.
              But there's never been "modern" humor like a yo momma joke that completely breaks the immersion of the universe.

              >I mean, ANH opens with a slow chase.
              But it doesn't last THE ENTIRE FRICKING MOVIE

              • 6 months ago

                I think Han simulating static and then cutting off the call is basically equivalent, its just that most people don't have the same frame of reference to understand how topical that was. There's also like the entire jokey sportscaster podracer section, that was very modern in its style. SW is full of that kind of cringe. At least when Poe did it it was played sarcastically and not straight.

              • 6 months ago

                reddit cope

              • 6 months ago

                >I think Han simulating static and then cutting off the call is basically equivalent
                >There's also like the entire jokey sportscaster podracer section, that was very modern in its style.
                Not even remotely comparable but good try I guess.

    • 6 months ago

      >he's only worse in the EU
      Oh, bullshit, gay. He makes mistakes still but he matures a frick of a lot in the EU.

      • 6 months ago

        He's very boring in the EU all he really does is the Goku arc of getting stronger and stronger until his wife gets fridged

        TLJ defenders really vex me. Even if they want to say it's a good movie on it's own (it's not, but I'll ignore that), it actively antagonizes and disregards plot threads set up in TFA (also bad, but for different reasons). You can't do that in the middle of a trilogy, it just leaves it dead in the water. But people praise the "risks" as if it were a standalone or something.

        Because literally who cares? SW has always been inconsistent between movies. Its a slop series full of dumb slop, you have to pick the good parts out of it and enjoy them. TLJ is no different in that regard.

        • 6 months ago

          The original films (i hate the PT too) are just fun pulp adventure movies, TLJ is has a weird subversive vibe that neither fits the franchise or the context of the film itself. It's just bizarre, really.

    • 6 months ago

      >Luke was always a whiny piece of shit and he's only worse in the EU

      He's very boring in the EU all he really does is the Goku arc of getting stronger and stronger until his wife gets fridged
      Because literally who cares? SW has always been inconsistent between movies. Its a slop series full of dumb slop, you have to pick the good parts out of it and enjoy them. TLJ is no different in that regard.

      >He's very boring in the EU all he really does is the Goku arc of getting stronger and stronger
      Can you stick to one thing or the other

  34. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      If anything Mark should be grateful Disney got him back in shape. All he cares about is killing Russians now anyway.

  35. 6 months ago
  36. 6 months ago

    They systematically destroyed Luke and they want us to like it .. why?

  37. 6 months ago


  38. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      The best things coming out of the sequels and prequels are these making of documentaries, where everyone was aware of the imminent disaster, except for the directors.

      • 6 months ago

        they unironically tell a better story than the films themselves

  39. 6 months ago

    No. It was terrible and there's numerous reasons why.

  40. 6 months ago

    How do you fix this? You can't go back, just try to give it a proper ending

    • 6 months ago

      You fix it by throwing out the entire script and starting over. The only vaguely interesting thing about TLJ is Benicio Del Toro saying the FO and Resistance both get their weapons from the same supplier which implies this is some proxy war bullshit and not anything that really matters for the rest of the galaxy. But they completely scrapped that so they could ride space horses on Star Destroyers instead of doing anything cool.

  41. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Funny thing is guy in the front holding the kid is Rian's production partner Ram Bergman.

      • 6 months ago

        Ram Bergman and Rian run T-Street Productions together.

  42. 6 months ago

    Rian's married to film critic Karina Longworth.

    • 6 months ago

      She describes herself as a self-hating British person.

  43. 6 months ago

    TLJ defenders really vex me. Even if they want to say it's a good movie on it's own (it's not, but I'll ignore that), it actively antagonizes and disregards plot threads set up in TFA (also bad, but for different reasons). You can't do that in the middle of a trilogy, it just leaves it dead in the water. But people praise the "risks" as if it were a standalone or something.

    • 6 months ago

      It's being graded on a curve. it has major flaws but nothing as bad as Force Awakens doing a hack retread of a new hope and relying on the visual guide to explain what planets even got blown up, or "somehow palpatine returned with 18 bajillion star destroyers that are also death stars but don't worry this trail of mcguffins will let us find him"

      • 6 months ago

        It's still the second movie in a trilogy, it can't just throw shit out the way it does.

  44. 6 months ago

    Rian's go-to DoP is Steve Yedlin.

    • 6 months ago
  45. 6 months ago

    The only memorable music in the ST is Kylo Ren's little jingle. Everything else is just noise.

  46. 6 months ago

    What inspired Rian to want to make movies was Woody Allen's Annie Hall.

  47. 6 months ago

    Everything related to the canto blight subplot and characters was legitimately worse than the prequels. TLJ was somehow a very goofy film but still didn’t feel comical or meme worthy like the pt, it was just bad.

    Case in point, it actually disappoints me slightly that Hux’s reaction to being bitten was left out of the final cut. The silly overacting would’ve at least made the film unintentionally funny like TPM or ROTS, but there wasn’t even much of that.

  48. 6 months ago

    >barely any vidya
    >barely any comics and books
    >shitty movies and shows
    >KKKennedy still trying to make Star Wars a Disney princess franchise
    Just make it stop already. I'd rather nothing than whatever this shit is. They even still publish "legends" books.

  49. 6 months ago

    it's actually the best out of the sequel trilogy simply because it attempts to have some kind of themes behind the story. that being said, it's still just the shiniest turd in the pile of shit

  50. 6 months ago

    Never will outside of some “they really crushed the fans with that one!” Good job dosney!

  51. 6 months ago

    It feels like it was cut very schizophrenically and almost very single scene is breaking me out of willful immersion.

  52. 6 months ago

    It's the best Star Wars

  53. 6 months ago

    I'm just glad this miserable old c**t is dead.

  54. 6 months ago

    >Bombs falling IN SPACE

  55. 6 months ago
  56. 6 months ago

    >do we like it yet
    no it's shit

  57. 6 months ago

    fun reboot

    bad story with beautiful scenes

    really bad story and nonsense visuals

    • 6 months ago

      they were all garbage. But nice trips and cool cat bro

  58. 6 months ago

    The whole trilogy lead to the death of Carrie Fisher

    • 6 months ago

      Based Carrie would have lived to be 100 if it weren't for Disney's bullshit

  59. 6 months ago

    Why does anyone cares about what someone says Star Wars canon is? The only one that made something that came close to the greatness of ESB after it was Genndy Tartakovsky of all people.

  60. 6 months ago

    JJ deserved to have his reference-laden slop ruined. It's an embarrassment of a film even in a vacuum: completely uninspired cinematography, character arcs that make no sense, and Williams sounds like he's asleep at the wheel. I was beyond thrilled to go into this film and see everything he lazily set up for someone else to solve just get torn down like the trash it was. Unfortunately, the B-plot of TLJ is complete trash. Boring plot, boring characters, forced character conflict, the works. At least it looks good, though.

  61. 6 months ago

    i wish i had enough discipline to have skip it back then and never look back. was not worth it even to b***h, even to partake in the memes. in the negative publicity. in reading motivated people's inspired criticism, trying to turn that shit to gold. etc. it was not worth it. i am about done now, with less time and older so i guess tha will help when the next shit come along... this time around i'll jsut skip it and wait years to see waht sticks, if something ever turn out to be good.

  62. 6 months ago

    Blink, give it 6 or 7 years. They pass in a flash and suddenly the alphas and younger zoomies don't even know why they're not supposed to like it. It happened with return of the jedi. I watched it happen in slow motion with the prequels. It will happen with the sequels.

  63. 6 months ago

    After years of discussion I realized people who hated TLJ simply dislike Star Wars. They want to force Star Wars to be something completely different.

    • 6 months ago

      It's literally the opposite lol. If you like any part of the ST you don't like Star Wars and fundamentally misunderstand what it's supposed to be. That's what happens when you remove the visionary behind the whole thing and replace him with these c**ts.
      >"We need some directors who aren't white dudes," [Rian] said emphatically, in spite of Lucasfilm's track record to date of hiring only white male directors. "And [Kennedy] knows it, too. It just has to happen. I mean, come on. It has to happen."

  64. 6 months ago

    OT and PT were one man's vision and made art along the way.
    ST was intended to make money and be propaganda.

    Lucas should never have sold.

  65. 6 months ago

    I like parts of it, the part with Rei and Luke works, the rebel subplot doesn't work. The final part of the movie works

    • 6 months ago

      porgs are cute too

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah I don't really care about them

  66. 6 months ago

    Honestly I couldn't even finish the last one. It's like watching some bizarre feature length "what if" demo reel.

  67. 6 months ago

    Luke's force ghost confronting Kylo Ren is the most kino scene in any of the prequels or sequels.

    However everything else in the movie is an unbelievably boring slog, a damp squib signifying absolutely nothing, a huge misstep narratively and thematically.

    • 6 months ago

      This. That scene could've been so much better if it had a solid story to support it. Now it just feels like they cut in a scene from a different picture and makes the whole all the more jarring.

  68. 6 months ago

    We'll never like it, kys

  69. 6 months ago

    The Star Wars fanbase is a lost cause. Millions of hate-filled incels angry at life. Just massacre them all. They're crying out to be killed.

    • 6 months ago

      frick off troon and go kys I can smell your axe wound from here

  70. 6 months ago

    The things that happen change often enough to engage my adhd brain.

  71. 6 months ago

    it turns out dual of the fates music makes everything good


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