Do you ever "feel bad" over a fictional character?

Do you ever "feel bad" over a fictional character? Like you know they don't exist but you still feel sad over their predicament?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Yes anon that's called empathy. It's normal to have it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      For non real characters?

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's normal for children to have empathy over fictional characters, but an adult getting emotional over something that didn't actually happen is a bit more questionable.

      • 4 weeks ago

        What about slightly sad rather than over emotional?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I think it just depends more on your level of investment. Reading a story that's clearly presented as being sad, and then coming away from it thinking "oh, that was sad" is normal and intended, getting emotional and constantly going on about how a specific fictional character needs to be faced comeuppance for their actions is not.

          Why pretend like this is something anyone seriously believes?

          It's a common belief, anon. It's all a part of your emotional maturity.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's as common a belief as "nothing matters bro lol who cares about life" i.e. only held by ignorant teenagers who haven't mentally matured yet, and possibly never will.
            Obviously waging a crusade against a fictional character just because you don't like them is abnormal, but feeling strong emotions towards someone because of what you've seen them go through is a sign of being a functional human being, whether they exist or not.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >It's as common a belief as "nothing matters bro lol who cares about life"
              Except I didn't say anything as extreme as that.
              >feeling strong emotions towards someone because of what you've seen them go through is a sign of being a functional human being, whether they exist or not
              You're acting like the topic is black and white. Children are going to be fully invested in the circumstances of a fictional character, as expected, but an adult should be a bit more emotionally mature and have their investment pulled back a bit (note: not on the complete opposite end of the scale) because they're aware said circumstances are fictional.

              There's nothing wrong with feeling a bit sad over something that clearly intended to be sad, but having a strong emotional response as an adult in some cases is a bit odd. That's why I initially said it was questionable and not outright wrong.

              • 4 weeks ago

                My point is that there's nothing "odd" about feeling emotional about things you're invested in. Adult or child, it's far more common for people to bawl their eyes out over something that's nothing more than lines moving on a screen or actors getting paid than it is for someone to just "feel a bit sad". If you think that's illogical then that's your own opinion, but it's definitely not a normal opinion to have which was what you said initially.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >it's definitely not a normal opinion to have which was what you said initially
                I would say it's a fairly normal opinion in respect to adults being emotionally invested in cartoon characters, which I assume this thread is about since it's on the cartoon board.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Even kids cartoons are known to make adults emotional. Movies like Wall-E, Incredibles, Toy Story, Bambi, etc are critically acclaimed for more than just their animation.
                Aside from that, this is also the comics board, and if you haven't read a comic that's made you cry then I'm sorry but you haven't read enough comics.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Even kids cartoons are known to make adults emotional.
                You're doing that thing again where you're acting like the conversation is black and white. I never said "feeling emotions = bad", I said it was questionable, because in some cases, it is.
                >Aside from that, this is also the comics board
                Doesn't really change anything, honestly. Trade "cartoon character" for "comic book character" and I still think it would be a fairly common opinion, whether it should be or not.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You're doing that thing again where you're acting like the conversation is black and white. I never said "feeling emotions = bad", I said it was questionable
                But that's not the point. People's reaction to acclaimed media isn't just feeling a bit sad, it's the kind of thing that they carry with them throughout their lives. "Questionable in some cases" doesn't mean anything, obviously it "can be" questionable "in some cases"? But if you're talking actually shedding tears for a fictional character then that's a normal emotion to have.

                >Trade "cartoon character" for "comic book character" and I still think it would be a fairly common opinion, whether it should be or not.
                You'd be wrong. And I specified because acclaimed comics are more geared towards older teens and adults, as opposed to cartoons which are generally a kids/all ages thing.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >But that's not the point.
                But it is my point. In some cases it's fine to feel sad, I don't have an issue with that, in others I think some people just need to get a grip. Again, that's why I said it was questionable, not wrong.
                Honestly, all media SHOULD be aiming to evoke some kind of emotion, but there's a lot of people that I think take that and go a little overboard. I can understand those who have overly strong emotional response to something that reminds them of an event that happened in their own lives, but outside that I've seen a strange amount who act weirdly invested in something a little below their age grade and then handwave their behavior with "I'm just empathetic!" Maybe that's why I had an issue with the initial post. Sometimes it just comes off as a way to dodge accountability.
                >You'd be wrong.
                I don't really believe it. I guess we just exist in different circles.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why pretend like this is something anyone seriously believes?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Are you moronic?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Do you literally have no social contact whatsoever? Sit down and watch a sad movie with a normie and the normie is gonna get sad. If they're a woman, she'll even cry. Whether it's the logically appropriate response is a different debate. But you're factually wrong to say it's abnormal. If anything, it's abnormal not to get sad over fiction.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    the real ending is he tells his girl he didn't love her
    she runs off to get new dick right away
    women deserve less

  3. 4 weeks ago

    It's weird cause some characters go through hell it's "meh" but for others I genuinely feel sorry for them if they were real people, probably my autism though.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Sometimes, yes. I'll also sometimes feel bad for ones who get fricked by writers. Some characters just deserve better.

    • 4 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago

    Damn... I didn't ask to feel this way.

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