Do you have gaps in your rsum, Mr. Lebowski?

Do you have gaps in your résumé, Mr. Lebowski?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    I just simply didn't work for two full years and lived entirely on my savings for a two glorious years of NEET-dom. When the money was almost out I easily found a job and quickly got promoted at it, been at the same job ever since.. Feels good.

    • 1 month ago

      >have good job
      >go on a manic episode and lose good job
      >recover and think frick frick frick
      >take a year off and work at a non-profit
      >now have a decent job again
      I just tell people I wanted to switch fields

      Those are called Sabbaticals.

      This makes me feel better about being unemployed for six months after getting downsized

    • 1 month ago

      what jobfield are you in? I've been neet since 2021.

    • 1 month ago

      Literally the same. I spent 2 years after covid either doing nothing, or more recently just teaching at a university. Literally worked between 3 and 6 hours per week to support myself. Just started a new full time job this week. Frick full time, its shit.
      If anyone asks why you have a gap, just say you either had a traumatic death in the family, or a injury/illness. Thats all you need to say, no questions will ever be asked by any employers to follow up.

      • 1 month ago

        what if I said I was an alcoholic?

        • 1 month ago

          >are you *still* an alcoholic, anon?

          • 1 month ago

            you never stop being an alcoholic, anon. you just learn to not drink.

            • 1 month ago

              Are you drunk right now, anon?

            • 1 month ago

              Is the alcoholism in the room with us right now?

              • 1 month ago

                No, a moronic shill that doesn’t blend in is though.

    • 1 month ago

      Same. Except I’m in year 3. Gonna have to find a job in the next 6 months. I’m gonna miss this.

    • 1 month ago

      Lol I just did exactly the same, I've been unemployed for the past year. Money ran out and I'm applying now, shit sucks

    • 1 month ago

      I tried neeting during covid but i’ve always found sitting your whole time on front of a computer just consoooming pathetic. Who the frick wants to waste their lives doing that? At least when i’m working i help other people and keep society running, and get money to spend on all kinds of nice stuff during my free time.

      • 1 month ago

        >just consoooming
        But this is helping other people by creating demand for products and services. Also, as your health worsens, you create opportunities for the medical and pharma industries to gain your business, keeping people employed.

        • 1 month ago

          The opportunity cost of you being useful to society by working an useful job is still huge.

      • 1 month ago

        you only consuming would be an issue. creating, drawing, writing and doing what you like is the goal of neetdom. consuming is for the downtime after

      • 1 month ago

        Have you considered that you're just consooming employment anon?

      • 1 month ago

        >and keep society running,
        i PROMISE you that you are inconsequential. do the things you enjoy instead

    • 1 month ago

      Living the dream

    • 1 month ago

      Did it too for 1.5 years or so during/after Covid. Got really bored towards the end and started to feel life moving on without me so I got a job out of guilt. Still don't regret it.

    • 1 month ago

      I did this same shit last time. I'm pretty much a neet again though I'm slowly completing another degree online so that will be part of my excuse next time.
      If I ever decide to work again.

  2. 1 month ago

    >have good job
    >go on a manic episode and lose good job
    >recover and think frick frick frick
    >take a year off and work at a non-profit
    >now have a decent job again
    I just tell people I wanted to switch fields

    • 1 month ago

      >have good job
      >go on a manic episode and leave for 2 months without saying anything
      >1 month after ep ends boss asks if im ready to come back to work
      >going in tomorrow, have to be up in 5 hours and im wide awake shitposting on Cinemaphile

  3. 1 month ago

    Those are called Sabbaticals.

  4. 1 month ago

    Do you not have any internships, Mr. Lebowski? Did you not do any during college?

    • 1 month ago

      >have internship lined up for summer between sophomore and junior year
      >right before i'm about to start it the guy that hired me calls me and says they're doing layoffs and my internship is being dissolved immediately
      >unpaid one lined up for summer between junior and senior year
      >covid hits and they call and say it's cancelled in fricking April
      >do a million interviews and can't land one for summer after graduation, have to abandon it to start actual job search which is now impeded because 0 internships
      What the FRICK are you supposed to do

      • 1 month ago

        It's crazy how late people are entering the workforce. Older generations usually got their first job at 16 but I don't know of a single 16 year old working. Most of the young people we hire are not straight out of college but spent a couple years doing menial jobs. So you essentially have people who are 26 starting their first full time serious job.

        • 1 month ago

          No more learning at the job, you have to be fully proficient day one.

          • 1 month ago

            That's because people leave after a couple years which is the companies fault because the only way to get a raise is to jump from job to job.

        • 1 month ago

          That's because of clown managers who've infested even the lowest levels of jobs who think that you can just hire a person and they'll immediately hit the ground running with no further input on your part. So now places that used to hire 16 year olds with no experience will only hire a 37 year old who has had 48 jobs.

          • 1 month ago

            It's just homosexual boomer managers and ~~*executives*~~ being greedy fricks, expecting every hire to be perfect out of the box and refusing to do any training on their own. Don't do this for serious stuff where they will definitely verify, like anything to do with law or healthcare or transportation, but for a lot of jobs you can bullshit them into thinking you have the right experience with just a little research.
            >had degree and over 5 years of professional experience
            >wanted to make a career change
            >industry I wanted to move into shared some similarities with my current field so I wouldn't be starting from square 1 but there were some new things I'd have to learn, nothing too crazy or impossible though
            >land some interviews
            >always get turned down for lack of super specific experience
            >made up one job at a fake company, the fake job title and responsibilities match the industry I want to work in
            >said I worked there for a couple years, put it on my resume before my current job
            >told them it was a small company that went out of business so I didn't get any shit for leaving plus that gave me an excuse for why I couldn't reach any references from that job, also provided cover for why they wouldn't find any information if they searched
            >did some research about that industry and job so I could bullshit well enough in the interview when asked about it and sound like I knew what I was talking about
            >offered a job in that new industry
            >even if they find out I lied and fire me for it I have a few years of legitimate, relevant experience now
            Don't feel bad about lying to employers/HR/boomers. They created this mess (especially boomers, pulling the ladder up behind them after they didn't have to jump through nearly as many hiring hurdles when they were younger) and they lie to applicants and employees all the time. Just be smart about it.

            • 1 month ago

              good advice.
              was an anon on here who went one step beyond that and had made fake websites and social media profiles for a non existent company, with himself as the reference so he could step into a tech job without any formal experience and was immediately on a high salary.
              he did list all the specifics, think I saved the thread at the time while talking to him.
              he said he just learned while on the job after that and it sent him from neet to high salary in one step that led to several other good jobs afterwards.

        • 1 month ago

          In the 1950s men were expected to have a house, a car, a wife and at least 2 kids by the age of 20 lol. Times have changed. I'm a millenial and it was expected for me to at least move out by the age of 20-25, nowadays for zoomers it's pretty normal for them to stay with their parents until 30, mostly due to how utterly fricked the housing market and the economy are.

          • 1 month ago

            I remember reading there were five things signifying adulthood.
            1. Finishing school
            2. Working full time job
            3. Getting married
            4. Having children
            5. Owning a house

            A few decades ago the average age was around 22, now it's around 31.

            • 1 month ago

              >school is entrenching yourself in debt
              >working for peanuts in a world where everything is beyond expensive
              >getting married in this day and age where everyone is completely devoid of emotion due to constant internet access
              >children are very expensive
              >Housing market is completely fricked

              I worked full time since I was 16, I'm 25 with a six figure wage and there is no housing I can afford without burying myself in debt.
              I hate the boomers with every fibre of my fricking being

              • 1 month ago

                yeah and i'm donald duck
                quack quack

          • 1 month ago

            I remember reading there were five things signifying adulthood.
            1. Finishing school
            2. Working full time job
            3. Getting married
            4. Having children
            5. Owning a house

            A few decades ago the average age was around 22, now it's around 31.

            None of those things except getting a job are achieveable before the age of 35 now.

            • 1 month ago

              >Here's that school kid I was telling you about

        • 1 month ago

          Daaamn thats crazy! We should kill all israelites.

      • 1 month ago

        If you're not the perfect candidate (good gpa, three/four internships, good school) coming out of college it's just an uphill battle

        in the age of the internet looking for jobs is like online dating, companies want the best of the best and they're willing to "wait" even for people that will never come because they don't have the pull to get those people

        • 1 month ago

          i got a job as a secretary where they said they had been "trying" to fill the position for 5 years (and i was way over qualified for the position). i eventually quit because almost everything about it was shit

          • 1 month ago

            Just like companies think it's red flag when an applicant has a gap it's a red flag when the job hasn't been filled in a long. Turn the tables around on them and ask them why the last person left that job.

            • 1 month ago

              they didnt tell me until after i was hired. thats also when i found out that the last three(3) people in the office quite without giving notice

              • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Applying to jobs that way is pure ass. The best way to get a job is through connections. Every job I got was because I knew someone there who could recommend me. My advice to college students, don't worry about your grades, kiss the asses of your professors and make friends with everyone in your major. Leave a good impression so they can help you get a job.

          • 1 month ago

            >My advice to college students, don't worry about your grades, kiss the asses of your professors and make friends with everyone in your major. Leave a good impression so they can help you get a job.

            This is true

            I've had three jobs in my field and every one I've gotten has been because I knew somebody working there

        • 1 month ago

          >give armies of foid diversity hires complete control over the hiring process
          >suddenly hiring is full of the exact same petty mind games, constant ghosting, unrealistic requirements that serve no purpose, mile-long list of demands impossible for one person to fulfill, entitled attitudes where the employer views itself as perfect and any applicants as disposable pieces of shit and Chad only/Unicorn candidate only mindset as online dating
          Women don't belong in the workplace, at least in positions of authority

      • 1 month ago

        >unpaid internships
        Literally slavery, frick them.
        Protip, if you have a degree call a temp agency like Robert half or appleone. Yeah the pay blows. But if you want to start working right now and want to have something to real to talk about in your interviews next year, that’s how.

        • 1 month ago

          Good advice

      • 1 month ago

        Switch fields bro, do a 1 year reorientation course to some shitty sector that desperately needs more workers and you'll never have to worry about internship bs or job security ever again.
        I went from:
        >Only one half-year full time internship with exactly the skills we seek? Sorry anon we need some more experience
        >Yes we had a job interview, but what about our second interview?
        >Can you write a 10 page essay about how you'd fix our shitty problem before the interview, its a test to see how well you would do here 😉
        >Wow what a nice essay, we'll be sure to bring up your suggestions in our next meeting, still not hired though
        >Oops you did a fine interview but we're not convinced about the psychological profile meme test we made you do, better luck next time!
        >Wow anon, i'd think you'll do great here despite having 0 experience and no clue about how our organization works. Wanna start today? Great!! Here is your full time job with some extra time off just for you 🙂
        >What?? You still want to think about it for a while? No why would you do that... UwU pls dont leave ... Come back anon ...

        Jobs are simple enough: if a sector needs you they'll be fighting to hire you, if not you get fricked cause you aint mr perfect and Kelly from HR got the ick cause she didnt like your shoes. Yeah it means you have to do jobs not a lot of people want to do but I've come to prefer that. "If I wasn't here they might not have found anyone that can/wants to do this" is a lot more motivating that " I got lucky cause i knew someone or gave em the right vibe during the interview"

        • 1 month ago

          What do you do anon? Feel free to recommend other sectors that need workers too. I'm fricked and my only plans are either selling houses or getting a public servant job and both of these plans suck. Been thinking about learning cobol since bank servers run on it and the boomers with the know how to keep them running are retiring, but I've no idea how likely landing a job like that is.

  5. 1 month ago

    >temp for a year and half before they have to let me go
    >8 months of no job before i find something permanently
    >8 years later employers still question me about that gap i had at 23

    • 1 month ago

      If you've been telling them the gap is because you couldn't find work then I wouldn't, I have a similar situation and I usually say that I took an intentional break to "travel" or something like that especially if the interviewer is a woman. I don't know for sure that it affects anything but I have a hunch that they really are that unsympathetic and superficial.

      • 1 month ago

        I've been telling them my nephew was just born so I decided to use that time to help my sister and her husband. The point is that's it's a ridiculous question that shouldn't be asked.

    • 1 month ago

      What Industy? Just lie about your dates and close the gab, it was 8 years ago

    • 1 month ago

      Lie to them. They're beneath you (HR).

    • 1 month ago

      I had a 3 month gap after some layoffs and I just closed it.
      Even for the job I eventually got I told them I was still employed.
      They can’t check with your current employer because it could alert them to your leaving so places are forced to trust you on the last place
      I’ve also given myself promotions twice when leaving a job
      Last time I claimed I was a senior manager when I was only a team lead
      I doubled the headcount under me and interviewed for director positions
      Why are you morons all telling the unvarnished truth on your resumes
      Finally, during Covid I was a director at one place and I worked as a contractor dev at another almost doubling my salary for 2 years (director paid slightly less up front because it included bennies like 401k matching, and also RSU comp. Contractor job was $120/h full time and somehow I got added to fricking pagerduty so any time I got a call I raped them in my time log)

      • 1 month ago

        I've never done title inflation but I certainly did save the company an estimated $15 million in expenses from a project that got shelved

  6. 1 month ago

    >not lying your ass off on your resume
    do you guys really

    • 1 month ago

      What your field is depends on how easy it is to get away with this and what you could actually lie about it. From what I hear programmers can get away with this easily by doing fake projects

    • 1 month ago

      What your field is depends on how easy it is to get away with this and what you could actually lie about it. From what I hear programmers can get away with this easily by doing fake projects

      I literally lied in every aspect of my life, never once regretted it. As you lay awake at night staring at the ceiling you can craft an entire life story for yourself, make it detailed so you can't be caught in your bullshit, better yet start believing it's real. There's nothing evil about it, its a temporary measure that will give you confidence you lack because of all the things you missed out on/all the time you wasted and are now ashamed of.

      "Fake it till you make it" is real. Boomers have known this for over half a century.

      • 1 month ago

        I'm totally against lying. I think it's bad for the soul. But in the case of interviews and the job search I believe it's totally ok to say whatever lie you need to get the job. This pozzed system doesn't reward honesty. They want to lie to you and make you play games, just lie to them back.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm too white for that

  7. 1 month ago

    If I have to do one more zoom/microsoft teams interview with another tubby HR c**t asking pre-written questions just to reject me with a template email I'm gonna go fricking ape. The best job I ever had hired me because the manager was telling me about rock climbing during the interview and wanted to be friends and kept inviting me to his climbing gym. Women should not be in the workforce

    • 1 month ago

      you shouldn't have given her the ick bro

  8. 1 month ago

    >Yes, I took some time off to spend time with a sick loved one

  9. 1 month ago

    >Tell us about a time you showed strong leadership qualities Mr. Lebowski. Be detailed, please.

    • 1 month ago

      >tell us about the time you dealt with a difficult coworker Mr. Lebowski

    • 1 month ago

      >asks you about strong leadership qualities
      >its not a supervisor position

      • 1 month ago

        That's because they want you to do the job of a supervisor without them paying you as if you are a supervisor.

    • 1 month ago

      HR should be destroyed. What happened before this fake profession existed?

      • 1 month ago

        To give women something to do.

      • 1 month ago

        Women did a lot of xanax and drowned their children.

  10. 1 month ago

    I got a five year gap in my resume where I basically tried to drink myself to death, failed cause that's gay, got sober, but sat around unmotivated after my house burned down.
    Got me a job at Costco and they didn't even ask about it. No idea what I would have said about it, either. I'm just too charming.
    I think, if I get a real job some day, I'll respond "I'd rather not talk about it" and be mysterious. If there's a woman in the interview, I've won.

    • 1 month ago

      Frick interviewers. Say whatever you need. Be careful about lying about qualifications you don't have. Just tell them you were a caretaker for your dying aunt or something. Make them feel like shit for bringing it up.

      • 1 month ago

        >Make them feel like shit for bringing it up.
        Hell yeah, good advice. It really is a stupid fricking question. From their perspective, there really isn't an answer they want to hear, so why bother asking? They weren't working, apparently, who gives a shit?
        I'd bet the question isn't long for this world, honestly. The zoomers are doing a good job at ridding some workplace nonsense.

        • 1 month ago

          I hope so. The job search is one big humiliation ritual. Every country think they are being really clever asking Fermi questions or nonsense like in the picture.

          • 1 month ago

            That's because it's a hostage negotiation where you're basically asking them to take advantage of you, of course it's humiliating.
            They asked me about "times I was in an argument with a coworker" or something and I just paused for like 7 seconds, thinking of an honest answer, and THEY freaked out at my silence. They eventually begged me to think of a hypothetical situation. Very bizarre stuff, interviews are shit.

            • 1 month ago

              >Tell me about a time you handle a conflict with a coworker

              I never really had a conflict with a coworker. I get along with everyone (That should be a good enough answer)

              >Well, imagine if they were (some absurd scenario)

              I guess I would tell the manager.

              >What if the manager didn't do anything?

              Maybe go to HR or something?

              Maybe it's because I'm autistic but what the frick answer were they looking for?

              • 1 month ago

                >(That should be a good enough answer)
                My previous job was overnight security and while I did have coworkers, my time with them was pretty limited and I'm pleasant enough of a person to avoid conflict unless necessary, so I didn't fight with any of them.
                I'll tell ya right now it's not good enough of an answer because after they flipped out at my silence, I said "I just can't think of a time I was in disagreement with a coworker" and they then asked for the hypothetical.
                >but what the frick answer were they looking for?
                I said something along the lines of "I'd try to make it abundantly clear what our issue is in order to avoid any confusion and attempt to resolve it ourselves. If we cannot come to an agreement, I'd speak with a supervisor."
                They're not looking for honesty, they wanna see how you act under pressure (you're far more stressed in the interview than them) and if you can make use of enough buzzwords. This is from my viewpoint, however, and I've never had a job that wasn't easy to get. I'd bet more technical interviews are a pain in the ass.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm guessing they wanted something dumb like "I would sell it anyway because I'm such a greast salesman ;)"

          • 1 month ago

            Easy. If it’s tame I open a petting zoo and charge 30 dollars a head. And if it’s wild I hold a raffle with the local hunters for someone to shoot it.

          • 1 month ago

            that's easy. an elephant is an asset. people pay to see elephants. even more if the elephant can do tricks. so obviously we can find a way to monetize the elephant.
            so anyway I'll fake my death to avoid taking ownership of the elephant

          • 1 month ago

            African or Indian elephant? Because that heavily depends on what I do. If it's Indian, ride it around to run errands pretending to be Prince Ali from Aladdin. Let it graze on my neighbor's lawn and shit all over his yard. If the police come, let them. What are you going to do, arrest my elephant? Arrest me? How about Peanuts here sits on your patrol car and pistol whips you across the street with her trunk? Fricking homosexuals, I'd just give it to you if I could. Go talk to the douchebag who gave me this thing and bade me not to sell it.

            African elephants are more aggressive and I probably couldn't train one. But they never said anything about not killing the elephant with a slug to the brain. And then selling the resulting ivory.
            Also surely elephants are edible, at least in some cultures.

          • 1 month ago

            Use it to rob banks or demolish synagogues

          • 1 month ago

            Let him roam free through the suburbs

          • 1 month ago

            Elephant porn. BEC.

          • 1 month ago

            You put it in the fridge. Trust me guys, that's the answer. I've done a similar test before.

          • 1 month ago

            Use it to cross the Alps and lay siege to Rome.

          • 1 month ago

            You release it to the wild and share it on social media to inspire others to do the same, while wearing a sponsorship tshirt.

          • 1 month ago

            I saw the way to achieve all my dreams... I would found a religion, I saw myself marching into Asia, mounted on an elephant, a turban on my head, and in my hand a new Koran that I would have composed myself to suit my needs...

    • 1 month ago

      casey affleck?

      • 1 month ago

        I'm not as interesting but better looking. That character's inability to speak to women, especially that bar scene? Practically stolen from my life.

  11. 1 month ago


  12. 1 month ago

    >Tell me about how you could contribute to making [company] a more diverse environment, Mr. Lebowski.
    Btw I was rejected from a private college back in 2014 for flubbing this exact question. I was ignorant to political correctness and had no idea that the guy meant ethnicity or in terms of homosex. I discovered /misc/ within the next month.

    • 1 month ago

      Do you regret not telling them "I'm bisexual"?

      • 1 month ago

        I learned from this and lied about being gay to get some homosexual scholarships when I was already in college later on. I wrote an entire essay about being bullied for being gay in high school for one, it was very graphic. Frick them all.

        • 1 month ago

          What scholarships are those?

          • 1 month ago

            I don't remember, this was like 9 years ago. Just google lgbt scholarships and you'll get a million links

            • 1 month ago

              Although I would imagine it would be harder now since trannies are the in-thing. I bet they take a lot of opportunities that used to be around for regular homosexuals

    • 1 month ago

      I was asked this in a job interview. How are you even supposed to answer it? You pay me to do X so I do X and that's it. I need worship BBC and transwomen as part of my job as well.

    • 1 month ago

      >I will work to remove systemic barriers and make our business more welcoming and accessible to visible minorities

      You gotta learn their language.

  13. 1 month ago


    lol LITERALLY me
    I am workshy, just being myself btw

  14. 1 month ago

    I just tell the truth, like in that Seinfeld episode where George was trying to rent an apartment by outpitying some old guy

    • 1 month ago

      I somehow didn't do well in interviews to rent rooms either, despite being more civilised, educated, polite and clean, and being able to repair almost anything in a house.
      i think they all just play games and if you don't play the same game you're not included.

  15. 1 month ago


    Everyone has a different story but it almost always involves at least one stupid question. >How bad are they, really?
    While the specifics may change, I assure you they're never fun and definitely a stressful humiliation. Getting the job feels good because you know you don't have to do this dance this hollow jig anymore.

  16. 1 month ago


    i keep getting so pissed off at even the ideas of those questions that i day dream about simply telling the interview to skip to the next question.

    i havent done it yet but after one gay tried to punk me for not giving enough of a self derogatory answer i now treat it as a joke at the very lest. last time i got asked what my weakness was i said something like i like milk and sleeping

    • 1 month ago

      >last time i got asked what my weakness was i said something like i like milk and sleeping

    • 1 month ago

      I once gave an interview like Peter in Office Space gave, just brutally honest. I think they would admire my honesty but the interview ended early and obviously never heard back from them.

      • 1 month ago

        >last time i got asked what my weakness was i said something like i like milk and sleeping

        i got the job actually. i think asking the question was just a formality like

        Oh buddy it’s like a theatre production where everyone pretends it’s doing something so they can keep their bullshit job doing nothing. A lot of these hiring practices just grow out of everyone else doing it, it’s HR standard so you do the same shit. It grows into accepted practice, into CYA rulebooks. To actually challenge it all being a house of cards is to stick your neck out, why would you do that? You’d need to give a shit and who’s gonna do that? The owner of the company perhaps? Nah, that’s just a CEO they hired fresh off of gutting another company. Probably gonna do the same here, take a bonus and leave a smoking ruin behind. Business as usual.

        said and they didnt really give a shit what i said

      • 1 month ago

        >like Peter in Office Space gave
        I have been telling my bosses they're bad at their jobs and have serious issues here and that I'm ready to quit, and they've been *seriously* telling me I am management material.

        • 1 month ago

          >I've been telling my bosses I'm thinking of quitting and they've started dangling a promotion in front of me

  17. 1 month ago


    Oh buddy it’s like a theatre production where everyone pretends it’s doing something so they can keep their bullshit job doing nothing. A lot of these hiring practices just grow out of everyone else doing it, it’s HR standard so you do the same shit. It grows into accepted practice, into CYA rulebooks. To actually challenge it all being a house of cards is to stick your neck out, why would you do that? You’d need to give a shit and who’s gonna do that? The owner of the company perhaps? Nah, that’s just a CEO they hired fresh off of gutting another company. Probably gonna do the same here, take a bonus and leave a smoking ruin behind. Business as usual.

  18. 1 month ago


    Yes. It's rife in office jobs. You are being questioned by these post-wall bitter woman in HR who are enjoying their power too much. I wish I learned a skill trade. Apparently my friend tells me the interviews are just 15 minutes of finding out if you know how to use the tools.

    • 1 month ago

      >I wish I learned a skill trade
      most tradies want to kill themselves by age 30 because the job kills your body
      unless you have an entrepreneurial spirit/ambition, not worth it

    • 1 month ago

      That sounds nice. I've been hearing stuff about how the trades are oversaturated now since it became such a huge meme 10 years ago to skip college and go to trade school.

    • 1 month ago

      I got into armed security and while they did have me do a 300 questionnaire (just testing for schizos) my entire interview and onboarding process was just whether or not I was comfortable with guns and asking about experience with confrontation/conflict. Now I get paid 25.79 an hour to watch TV and play vidya on my switch.

      Security is the way to go man. No certificate or degree needed.

      • 1 month ago

        Not that anon, but I'm 1m70, 5'6'' for the uneducated. Security has always seemed like a nice job to me. But you need to have a certain build. And I'm not getting tatted up or walking around with a labrador either. But yeah, security seems nice. A lot of women do it too. They're always nice, but you can't help but wonder what they would do when a problem arises.

        • 1 month ago

          Security does depend on where you live. I do government security at a site that's behind a farm so nothing ever happens. The two biggest candidates for entry level stuff (in the US) are Chenega Corporation and Triple Canopy. Look them up in your area on indeed if you live in the states.

          >1m70, 5'6'' for the uneducated

          My friend who works here is 5'5" and 120 pounds. No tats either. He's a fricking skinny red neck with a mullet. Don't worry about your build. At most you'll have to pass a physical test but it's based on height, weight, and age.

          • 1 month ago

            I could consider it an option. I don't see myself doing security at a concert. But there were times at work where I had to wear a uniform and if you wear a uniform that already takes care of 99% of the people. They treat you differently because you wear it. Just the unifrom does wonders. It's that 1% of the time you have to worry about. I've stood toe to toe with truckers, more than once. Pretty sure if I wasn't wearing the uniform, they would've crushed me.

            • 1 month ago

              Oh frick event security. Don't do anything that involves people. Look for stuff that has you guarding buildings that people don't usually go to. Overnight too.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah, that's more the direction I was thinking of. But most of that is outsourced nowadays. So you have to get in via the security company.

  19. 1 month ago

    Here's a tip for the zoomers, just lie. Nobody checks your references.

    • 1 month ago

      yeah if you're looking to get a job at walmart lol
      actual career-with-responsibility jobs can definitely call references and do criminal background checks

    • 1 month ago

      References? They don't check anything on your resume. You can lie and say you went to Harvard. They don't have the time or energy to actually check. You'll get away with it too unless you're a moron and go around blabbing about it or do something to attract attention to make someone scrutinize your records.

  20. 1 month ago

    >job requires you to name ATLEAST two people that can verify your previous work history
    Lol lmao.. mom and.. dad?

  21. 1 month ago

    >at job interview
    >"So Mr. Anon, what have you been doing for the past 6 years?"

    • 1 month ago

      Literally just lie. Unless you're applying at some Fortune 500 company (and let's be real, you're not), they're not gonna care about every last detail. You just need the whole picture of fit.
      I've got a cozy office job despite having a 4 year gap around the covid pandemic, and I just told them that it was a tough time and that I'd really love to get back into the office etc. and they liked it. Been here for one year so far.

      • 1 month ago

        >I'd really love to get back into the office
        I've been neeting for 4 years now and that is the type of line i rehearse to myself when thinking of the inevitable job interview
        it sounds moronicly effective

        • 1 month ago

          It just works man. It's not like they need some 200 IQ wunderkind mathematician professor, most of the time it's just data entry, making phone calls and scheduling flights for your boss.

          • 1 month ago

            yeah you're right
            really it's just society making the "job search" such a mythic task. so we build it up in our minds like it's some scary insurmountable obstacle, but it's really just like any errand.
            well frick it I hope my youtube gaming channel makes me a frick ton of money

            • 1 month ago

              > really it's just society making the "job search" such a mythic task. so we build it up in our minds like it's some scary insurmountable obstacle, but it's really just like any errand.
              Actully, it is difficult by design, there is an unspoken agreement to make changing jobs extremely difficult so people job hop less.

              • 1 month ago

                >difficult by design
                that's the myth.

      • 1 month ago

        >(and let's be real, you're not)
        Do you think working for a F500 is some rare event? That's like 20% of the work force.

        • 1 month ago

          If you're in a thread about NEETs trying to get a job again, it's fair to think nobody here's applying at a company that requires a flawless resume and at least a decade of work experience.

          • 1 month ago

            I work for a F10 and I had two YoE when I got the offer, no networking involved. These are massive companies with a ton of corporate employees. I NEETed or worked shit jobs for 6 years after college (shitty state school) too.

            • 1 month ago

              What's that?

              • 1 month ago

                years of experience

                What makes people afraid of work? This is a guy I know

                >33 years old
                >took him 10 years to finish college and that college is barely a step up from an online university
                >got his first job at 30 and he quit after a year
                >he literally got a job to sit on his ass all day and he couldn't handle being somewhere for 8 hours
                >lived off his mom and her pension
                >when she died he actually started selling off stuff instead of finding a job
                >people are trying to find him jobs and he has excuses or outright refuses because it is beneath him to work at a gas station or as a delivery driver (he is a college graduate!)
                >idolises wall street and frat bro culture
                > for some reason,even though he is fat, stupid and lazy, he thinks he would thrive in high finance because they "party hard"

                The guy acts like he will disintegrate if he signs a contract.

                Every human with a soul hates work.

          • 1 month ago

            I've work for those companies and their filtering isn't that good. We've had felons and people completely fabricate their resume. The fact is, people are just too stupid and lazy these days to check. If you're a convincing liar you can say anything you want.

      • 1 month ago

        Exactly, I didn't even finish my degree but from how I worded my CV, my work just assumed I did and I blagged the rest, and now I have an actual degree from working with them

      • 1 month ago

        every shitty company wants to pretend theyre google and the best way they think they can do that is by having the same hiring practices as them (but not the pay, benefits or hours that would justify them)

      • 1 month ago

        Pretty much this, I've only ever had one company call my references and two of those three didn't even answer, but they hired me anyways.

    • 1 month ago

      >go silent for a few seconds
      >look down
      >start quivering your lips
      >m-my dad had als. it wasn't an easy 6 years but i'm proud that i took care of him. i know it hurts my job search but i loved him so much and wanted to be there for him.
      >have a couple tears go down your cheek

      • 1 month ago

        Crying on demand is incredibly hard.

        • 1 month ago

          It isn't. But I am fairly certain I am a schizoid-sociopath.

  22. 1 month ago


  23. 1 month ago

    How would you deal with an 8 year gap on your resume for a 26yo?

    • 1 month ago

      you were in a kibbutz

      >gets promoted

    • 1 month ago

      You were an importer/exporter in Vandelay Industries.

    • 1 month ago

      You were kidnapped by a bigfoot and spent 8 years held hostage in another dimension

    • 1 month ago

      dat just sounds like you never had a job

      • 1 month ago


        They don't even look at your resume until you're sitting down and they pull it up on their computer literally just put down doordash or lie they're too lazy and uncaring to even check.

        This. You know how many times I've sitting down for an interview and they are clearly looking at my resume for the first time. They can't even take a minute to glance at it but I'm expected to know the companies "values" and history.


    • 1 month ago

      They don't even look at your resume until you're sitting down and they pull it up on their computer literally just put down doordash or lie they're too lazy and uncaring to even check.

      • 1 month ago

        This. You know how many times I've sitting down for an interview and they are clearly looking at my resume for the first time. They can't even take a minute to glance at it but I'm expected to know the companies "values" and history.

    • 1 month ago

      Get plastic surgery and pretend you are 18. They don't/can't check your age, can they?

    • 1 month ago

      You were a caretaker for a grandparent from when they had their first stroke till they died.

    • 1 month ago

      >"Sorry, I signed a NDA"

  24. 1 month ago

    Why are 99% of HR women these days?

    • 1 month ago

      It's a useless make work job. They are not capable of doing anything that contributes to the company. It's great for them to exercise their power and play these petty games.

      • 1 month ago

        Recruiters aren’t the same thing as hiring managers anon. The average recruiter is early career or a part time SAHM whose entire KPM is to shepherd candidates to the next round, it’s not until you get to the hiring manager (woman, hitting the wall) and the technical manager (often man) that you’re in danger of your resume being thrown out for not being lucky enough

    • 1 month ago

      Because women love judging others and "choosing potential mates", genetic gatekeeping is in their genes.

    • 1 month ago

      you need to be cruel and calculating to do it efficiently

    • 1 month ago

      Because any other specialization with people skills can do it so all the guys study something like finance or operations
      t. MBA

    • 1 month ago

      >literal job with no purpose making it easy to satisfy female quotas
      >women love to exercise power

    • 1 month ago

      My friend is in a relationship with an HR woman. She looks like a 9/10. They're about to move in. She's got a really nice character too.

      Do I need to tell him to run? Or are there some HR women out there that aren't idiots?

      • 1 month ago

        As long as they are happy you shouldn't even think about intervening anon. Even if she does turn about to be a typical HR nut he'll take it as a learning experience.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah, it's not my place. They look happy. Being HR doesn't have to mean you're incompetent by default.

    • 1 month ago

      Because it's a pointless job.

  25. 1 month ago

    Also, if you have a gap you can just stretch your work timeline. For example

    Job X from 2011-2015
    Job Y from 2018 to now

    Change it to
    Job X from 2011-2016
    Job Y from 2017 to now

    If they bother to confirm you employment at those places they don't really care about the exact time frame you gave them

  26. 1 month ago

    No work history between the age 20-30 = SLACKER NEET

    No work history between 30-40 = GENIUS

  27. 1 month ago

    >interviewer: so do you have any weaknesses?
    >me: ”proceeds to list my weaknesses”
    >interviewer: ….yeah.. nah

    Frick i should have just gone with ”my only weakness is that im a perfectionist hehe”

    • 1 month ago

      I think I've only ever been asked "what are your weaknesses" and when they did I just said "I'm not good at accounting, I'm your man for everything else just keep me away from bookkeeping I got no fricking idea about that shit" and it was fine. They wanted me but I declined because I got a better job offer at another company.

    • 1 month ago

      I tell them i got a weak heart and will most likely not live to 50

    • 1 month ago

      >wut yer weakniss?
      >i dont think honesty is a weakness
      I dont give an shit what you think, israelite c**t

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      It’s a trick question. Find something that you either overcame or is a positive for the job. For me I say I’m overly tenacious. And then explain how I budget my time and look at the big picture to overcome it.

    • 1 month ago

      this one contributed to wrecking an interview for me.
      worst interview I've ever had, the power freak was the owner of the company. had written an application, had a phone call, a second phone call, met with a woman lower down in the office for an interview, then had to come back for an interview with the owner, that called himself a "ceo", despite only employeeing 6 people in the main office, the rest were contracted out. those stages all went fine, but the final stage was a 20 minute demonstration in the owners office while he observed, with a secretary as the simulated client.
      after that was done, he talked with her alone, then brought me back in and criticised me for 5 minutes solid like a lunatic. I wasn't even employed by the company, just having a job interview.
      i then justified some of it saying more or less he'd given me a dud "client" because she wasn't what had been described to me when I'd been preparing for it the days before, then he said he still wanted me working there but for a lower position.
      i walked out at the end and didn't bothered talking to the one in the office that was supposed to sort me out with the job. I should have criticised him back and said "if you can spend 5 minutes laying into someone who doesn't even work four you and still want to employ them, I certainly wouldn't trust your decision making abilities as a boss".
      instead I left and never contacted them again, but it fricked up my self confidence for months.
      it was the having to sit and listen to it - when I had experience and was good at my job.
      if any of you ever have someone treating you like that, just leave while he's mid sentence, it'll be healthier.

      • 1 month ago

        >if any of you ever have someone treating you like that, just leave while he's mid sentence
        Good advice
        "Excuse me, I have other homosexuals I need to talk to"

        • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        It looks like he wanted to hire you but was trying to talk you down to a lower position/pay for the same work. Unless you recognized that and could turn it around in the interview, good thing you walked off.

        • 1 month ago

          I think you're right, and have thought that might have been the case before. reason being that during one of the first phone calls with a HR guy, they'd asked what my expected salary was, I'd said what I'd seen as the average for that type of work, based on my experience.
          the guy on the phone seemed slightly surprised.
          the owner didn't mention it but no doubt it was on the paper in front of him during the whole thing.
          it felt like it was personal to him, it was really weird behaviour because if you don't want someone working for you, you really wouldn't waste that amount of time insulting and criticising them.
          if he'd been decent and professional I would have perhaps considered the lower position, but he was unprofessional and went beyond his scope as a potential employer. some power tripping freak.
          the office was a joke too, the rest of the building was being renovated for another company, and the place looked a shambles in general. seemed ridiculous him calling himself a "ceo", so I guess it was part of his general behaviour to want to pretend be bigger than he really was.

  28. 1 month ago

    For me it's
    >I went on religious pilgrimage
    >I had to become the primary caregiver for my dying grandma/aunt/mom etc.
    Interview questions are literally just to see if you're a convincing liar or not. No one answers any of them honestly, so why should you answer that one honestly?
    If anyone asks for more details just say it was a deeply personal time in your life, and you don't want to talk about it.

  29. 1 month ago

    I was stuck trying for a degree I had no hope of finishing for five years and I have nothing to show for it.
    Everyone calls me lazy but I genuinely tried. I lost sleep over exams and still fricked up. I was just a brainlet.

    • 1 month ago

      Don't call yourself stupid. There's a stronger correlation between being obedient and doing well in school than there is with intelligent. Education only rewards those who do as they are told and don't rock the boat. I've know some really smart people who constantly clashed with their teachers/professor because they smart enough to see through their bullshit.

  30. 1 month ago

    >never had a job
    bros, where do i start? how do i start?

    • 1 month ago

      Don't be upset Anon, you've actually been given a huge gift. You are an employment wizard unsullied and not brainwashed into thinking wagecuckery and a 50 year career is what you simply need to do.

      You shall be a small business owner, beholden to nobody but your own whims. Find some niche that you like, and are even moderately knowledgeable in and do it. You'll never be able to work for anyone but as long as you aren't a totally lazy moron, you will gain the ability to employ cucks so that you can actually be a lazy moron.

      You can sexually harass female employees and call rude customers Black folk and you'll have no HR to stop you. Pick a hobby you like and then go start a retro vidya shop or a hunting supply store or something and you'll just be able to chill and print money and talk to cool like-minded people all day long.

    • 1 month ago

      I am 31 and have only worked for four full years. However I did study a Master's so I spent more time in college. Still had some time off, though.

    • 1 month ago

      construction or call centers
      the latter will hire anyone with a pulse

    • 1 month ago

      Don't bother, boomers and christcucks fricked the west over for good, it's all going downhill anyway. Enjoy your life while you still can.

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        >boomers and christcucks fricked the west over
        I wonder who could be behind this post.

    • 1 month ago

      warehouse job. they'll hire anybody with two arms and two legs.

      • 1 month ago

        wrong, I have applied for 80 warehousing jobs this month and not a single call back.
        My resume is fine, I'm an engineer, and when I look at each listing it says anywhere from 80 -150 other applicants in my area.
        Companies pretend to be short staffed AND constantly hiring while simultaneously making their listings have ridiculously high requirements (like a heavy construction vehicle license and min 5 years experience for a palette jack job) because of that stupid Australian economist frickwit who famously said
        >we need muh people to hurt so they remember they need us, not the other way around
        they're squeezing the market to frick people into thinking they should settle for less
        and I wouldn't have believed they'd really do it until this year
        I've applied for hundreds of jobs this year alone, internships, volunteering, menial labour.
        Australia at least, is just getting fricked hard because of this idiot
        >picrel .that went on Cinemaphilesaying Make Australia Poor Again

        • 1 month ago

          Kek we need to tax the rich for every drop they have. They are narcistic psychopaths.

        • 1 month ago

          >they're squeezing the market to frick people into thinking they should settle for less
          that sounds sickly accurate.
          try either working or volunteering overseas for 6 months or a year and develop some new perspectives.
          you might find americans overseas corporations operating in SEA to be a good option.
          don't know your speciality, but either mining stuff, or oil stuff could work.
          start with Indonesia and the surrounding countries

      • 1 month ago

        They only want teenagers or Black person immigrants

        • 1 month ago

          They will usually hire anyone with a pulse and can lift a few pounds

          • 1 month ago

            And they treat you like shit. I worked as a warehouse manager and it was a constant fight with upper homosexuals to make sure even I wasn't treated like a b***h.

            • 1 month ago

              Probably depends on the company. They say Amazon workers get so few breaks they wear diapers.
              My first job was a shitty retail job at Kohl's and twice a week we all had warehouse duty, and the two guys in charged were part time workers who only came in to unload trucks. Kinda sounds comfy right now. When I was younger I didn't move fast but now I treat it as a workout. Those guys used to yell at each other
              I wonder how much they got paid

              • 1 month ago

                It was always an over glorified workout for me. The pay was such shit.

              • 1 month ago

                My last job I worked as a guy to put orders into boxes. Brand clothing. Bathroom breaks were allowed, but you had to hit your number each week. The Bathroom was about a seven minute walk. Seven minutes back. So you've lost fifteen minutes of production and have to haul ass to catch up to your number.

                I also got screened every time I had to go to the bathroom or came into work or left work. I had to take my sweater off, empty my pockets, go in front of a screener and then show my socks and my underpants to the security guy.

                Pretty insane when I think about it now. It was like high level security. I've gotten into a discussion twice in the three years that I worked there. I wore some underpants from Jack & Jones and showed it to the security guy

                >You're wearing brand clothing
                >Brand clothing
                >Oh frick, I must not have checked when I woke up this morning, haha
                >I'm writing you up
                >Are you serious?
                >I'm writing you up
                >Come on dude, you've known me for over a year. Do I look like I would steal underpants or socks.
                >I'm calling the boss

                So then he calls the boss. I'm fuming. The boss comes and there we are: three grown men talking about the state of my underpants.
                >Can't you see how fricking ridiculous this is?
                >The rules are the rules

                He got me there. I knew about the rules.Two warning I got because I forgot to fricking check what kind of drawers I put on in the morning.

                And why? You want to know why? Because 100% of the people working there were on daily contracts and were Johnny Foreigners. They love brand clothing.

                It's my own fault to put myself into a situation like that, but I got a nice taste of where society is headed. It was a prison.

              • 1 month ago

                Holy shit was this amazon? Sounds dystopian.
                How would you even find the opportunity while working to take off your pants and steal a single pair of underwear.

              • 1 month ago

                Forgot to add that Jack & Jones wasn't even part of our assortiment. We did not have it there. Just the fact that it was of a brand was enough.

                People can b***h and moan about unions all they want, but the time will come soon enough, where you will be glad they are there. Support your Unions!

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Not him but if anything protecting workers is anti israeli

              • 1 month ago

                >the time will come soon enough, where you will be glad they are there.
                lmao. The delusion. Modern unions are trash. Replacing them might do something but that'd get people killed. Someone you uniongays refuse to stand for now. People were being murdered for union rights once. Now you stand around and b***h and give up rights.

              • 1 month ago

                >Modern unions are trash
                Everyone knows they are into laundering money. And they do everything they can to stay relevant.
                But it is good to have them around, to keep Mr. Bossman in check. They seem pretty weak nowadays, because everything is getting outsourced anyway, regardless of protest. But if you are a member of a Union, they will take care of you. Mock all you want.

              • 1 month ago

                >everything is getting outsourced anyway, regardless of protest.
                >But if you are a member of a Union, they will take care of you.
                lol. ruins your own point.

              • 1 month ago

                >Jack & Jones wasn't even part of our assortiment

              • 1 month ago

                Yes. It has gotten that bad. I think I've seen the first signs. Give it another decade.

              • 1 month ago

                I might just start a revolution based on underpants. The rabbithole always goes deeper: I never buy brand clothing. I've got two brothers and we bring our laundry to our mum. It's impossible for our mum to keep up with whose socks are whose or whose drawers are whose. So the Jack & Jones underpants was just me wearing one of my brother's boxers. Naturally, I blame my brother and his snobbism for this whole debacle.

                It was just absurd. Watch me on the news when I lead a whole country into war because of an underpants mix-up.

            • 1 month ago

              >moving goalposts

              • 1 month ago

                Thats not goalposting. That's a retort to why even slaving in a warehouse for a month let alone a year for some shitty reference is beyond soul crushing useless. Fricking homosexual morons on this board.

              • 1 month ago

                >they won’t hire anyone but _______
                >yes they will
                >and they treat you like shit
                You moved the goalpost homosexual.

          • 1 month ago

            true. I worked at a DHL warehouse like that when I was younger and it wasn't that bad but it killed your back. Had multiple boomers quit on the spot.

  31. 1 month ago

    oh those 11 years? ah, haha, well, uh, you see, well uh, I've been doing independent study. I can give you a quick rundown of some of my findings, so when do I start? now? great. here's why western media will never be good again, man. mind if do a J?

  32. 1 month ago

    Was in the military, then trades, and now I've been unemployed for 6 months. My wagie programming is broken. I'm starting school in a month, but part of me just wants to spend all my savings, max out my credit cards, and then kys myself

    • 1 month ago

      You were in the military, employers will literally hire you over other more qualified people
      Like what are you even whining about?

      • 1 month ago

        I wasn't whining, but I was having a surprisingly hard time getting a job. I thought HR roasties were a meme until I encountered them, then certain government jobs rejected me because of my VA records. I just don't want to deal with manual labor or retail, so I'll go to school I guess.

        • 1 month ago

          I've ghosted attractive girls who were into me after finding out they were HR roasties, that's how much I fricking despise them. It's strong enough override the millions of years of instincts and evolution telling me to have sex with them. Celibacy is preferable to spending a second of my free time around HR roasties.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, they're bizarre. In one instance, I interviewed for the same job at two different companies, one with HR roasties, the other with some regular guy, and I could tell the roasties didn't like the way I talked. Like my language was too masculine or aggressive or something, it was weird. In contrast, the guy at the other company I interviewed with was joking around with me, despite the fact that I basically said the same things in the same manner

  33. 1 month ago

    How do you get a basic ass office job? I don't even care what the role technically is, I know I can lie about experience and do that shit. But literally what positions do I apply for

  34. 1 month ago

    Are you familiar with "phrenology"? I've dedicated years to its revival. A fool may tell you some-such nonsense about it being "debunked" simply because its findings fly leagues above their assuredly-misshaped skull.

  35. 1 month ago

    My contract runs out on tuesday. Been searching since last August and still nothing, but gotten a lot more interviews as I started approaching the end of my current run. Bummed out that I'm leaving a place with a relatively high percentage of young people in the same age range as myself. Thanks for coming to my TedxTalk.

  36. 1 month ago


    If it's an online field like

    I hope so. The job search is one big humiliation ritual. Every country think they are being really clever asking Fermi questions or nonsense like in the picture.

    it's to filter out bots and to test whether you are an ESL without explicitly asking if you are ESL. If they ask you those moronic questions in a face to face interview it's a humiliation ritual and a power trip for the interviewer.

    My favorite is when a recruiter or HR roastie invites me out of the blue to interview for a job, then they ask me what drew me to the position/company and why I want to work for them. Hey moron, I didn't even know about this opening and possibly even the company until you begged me to apply. You don't get an answer where I fellate you about how I've dreamed of wagecucking for Shekelstein Industries since childhood when I'm the prize.

    How do you get a basic ass office job? I don't even care what the role technically is, I know I can lie about experience and do that shit. But literally what positions do I apply for

    Data entry and customer support are good fields to look into if you just want to get your foot in the door. Those are bottom of the barrel office jobs with the lowest hiring standards. AI and Pajeets have taken a lot of these jobs but there are still many companies that value them enough to pay an American just above minimum wage to do it. Try insurance carriers, anything medical-related (hospitals, private doctor offices, specialist doctors, dentists, optometrists, surgery centers, cancer treatment centers), banks, investment companies, law firms and energy companies.

  37. 1 month ago

    What makes people afraid of work? This is a guy I know

    >33 years old
    >took him 10 years to finish college and that college is barely a step up from an online university
    >got his first job at 30 and he quit after a year
    >he literally got a job to sit on his ass all day and he couldn't handle being somewhere for 8 hours
    >lived off his mom and her pension
    >when she died he actually started selling off stuff instead of finding a job
    >people are trying to find him jobs and he has excuses or outright refuses because it is beneath him to work at a gas station or as a delivery driver (he is a college graduate!)
    >idolises wall street and frat bro culture
    > for some reason,even though he is fat, stupid and lazy, he thinks he would thrive in high finance because they "party hard"

    The guy acts like he will disintegrate if he signs a contract.

    • 1 month ago

      People don't very often "don't want to work ever at all in any capacity". Most humans like the concept of "having something to do and a bit of motivation to do it according to some schedule". Much more often the problem with long-term neets is that they "can't hold" a job, and they typically know it themselves.
      It's often some combination of, or simply one of:
      - Genuine medical depression that is deep/serious enough
      - A number of mental health issues leading to executive function disorder
      - Addictions and similar issues
      - ADHD and other problems with concentration
      - Schizoid traits which make the person basically an observer of his own life who daydreams a lot and gets dopamine out of imagining future outcomes without having to work for them
      At least some of these can still keep their life afloat (sorta) by resorting to selling things etc instead of working. They have an alright executive function, they can Get Things Done in critical situations. But then there are others who won't even be able to walk into a homeless shelter for help or do other basic survival stuff that requires pulling off some moderately simple "plan". Even if someone literally just hands them a job, some simple job where you just need to show up and do like 1-2 hours per day of actual work at most, they won't be able to hold it. They technically have a medical disability, a serious one, but unless you are missing a leg or something the society doesn't see you as disabled. These kinds of people will very quickly become homeless without a family that supports them, and then dead within a year (might depend on climate, country, luck, etc).

      • 1 month ago

        This was me. I coasted through college but when it came time to actually work I just shut down. Lost my job, ended up homeless for a year. Finally reached out to a family member who helped me get back on my feet and later got a good job from a friend. But I'm falling back into the same pattern and likely to lose it soon.

        • 1 month ago

          Those two people who helped you out are good people, you're in luck. How did the family member help, what did they do?
          Also, you genuinely might want to consider seeking professional mental health help, but not in the form of cutesy psychologist who chats with you, but in the form of a psychiatrist who might be able to medicate you. But ymmv depending on what country you are in etc.

          • 1 month ago

            >How did the family member help, what did they do?
            Let me live with them rent free. Had to move across the country to do it though.
            >you genuinely might want to consider seeking professional mental health help
            A few years of talk therapy, 7 different antidepressants, 3 different protocols of TMS (including a trial from a dTMS researcher near where I lived) and 2 attempts at ketamine infusion therapy haven't helped, unfortunately. All of those things are also really expensive.

            • 1 month ago

              Fair enough. Something about your wording in the other message made it seem to me like you didn't explore the medical side of it.

      • 1 month ago

        All of the things you've stated could be applicable to a normal, in society functioning human being. That's why I don't like psychology. It appeals to the victim mentality and vanity of humans.
        >You're not getting yours? Something must be wrong with society. Here take these pills
        >You're not getting yours. Poor you, it was your poor upbringing. Here take these pills
        >You are not doing well? Here take these pills, it's society.

        There are people who genuinely have problems, but psychology is such a grey area and it appeals to the worst in humans. Where you feel someone has to take care of you and the blame is outside of yourself. And if the blame is to seek within yourself, then just take these pills or take some therapy sessions. It will solve everything. And if it doesn't. At least it will make the money wheel turn around and around and around.

        I make my choices and I take responsibility for them. There are people who are genuinely struggling, but that's maybe 1%. Most of them just need a kick in the ass and be told that nobody gives a shit about them as long as they're going to act as whiney little b***hes.

        Or, you can take these pills.

        • 1 month ago

          That's the thing though. I'm not talking about "functioning" human beings like you said. The kind who decides that 8-5 work (or whatever other arrangement) isn't for him, and does whatever he wants for fun, while making sure that he doesn't starve to death from lack of money. Maybe such a person does only seasonal work. Maybe they figure out some investment thing. Idk, but they "make things work" for themselves. This is a functional human being. He just doesn't like the default work arrangement that the modern society offers.

          But then there are people who can't even watch a movie for some 5 minutes because their mind wanders elsewhere, despite their best attempts to stay focused. People who can't realize their own passion projects / hobbies / whatever small-scale plans because executing even these simple plans driven by their own interest is too insurmountable for them. People who, when left without their parents retirement money, will starve to death in their own house because getting their life situation sorted out is way too complicated of a plan for them. They might take months to go to Ikea to buy the set of boxes that they wanted to rearrange stuff on their room. And I mean literal months, their brain is that much gooed. This kind of person wants to function, but can't.

          • 1 month ago

            I can perfectly understand where you're coming from. There is always a human element to it. Perhaps I should consider myself lucky I was forced into situations where I needed to grow up. But like I said, these are only a small segment of the populace. You could be cynical about it and say it's negligeable.

            The way I'm looking at it, is to try and survive our current situation with the least amount of casualties possible. Which is the same as any enlightend civilazation has tried to do from the beginning. You can measure the degree of a civilization in the way they take care of their sick and their dead.

            The economy is shrinking and the people who are not well mentally is rising. How do you rhyme these two? How can you solve this problem within the system and without having a revolution?

            The grim answer is war. Like a pendulum. We've been in the longest period of prosperity and without war since the two world wars.

            Capitalism is a faulty system. So is democracy. So is Communism.

            What exactly has 'ruined' the world? Internet? The very thing that would bring us closer together.

            Frick, just got a call to go bbq. Gotta jet. I was having some fun.

            Love you all Anons. Love and Light! (I mean that.)

        • 1 month ago

          Our current society is rotten to the core culturally and financially. Most people are debt slaves. Saying there is nothing wrong with society where there clearly this is the case, is simply gaslighting.

          But I do agree that self accountability and responsibility is a must. We have to play with the cards we got, even if they are shitty cards.

      • 1 month ago

        >Schizoid traits which make the person basically an observer of his own life who daydreams a lot and gets dopamine out of imagining future outcomes without having to work for them

      • 1 month ago

        I'm one step away from the schizoid description; mine was situationally rooted.
        did exceptionally well in several subjects at school, good athlete too. secondary school was corrupt and despite being top of the class/year in maths for the last two years of primary school having worked on material that was 3-4 years higher in level, and top for the first two years of secondary school too, in the third year they dumped me in the lowest set of four in the year, meaning I was put with the morons and frick ups, where I continued to have the highest marks in the class.
        despite that they kept me there for the full three years and wanted to force me to take a lower paper with all the morons for the final exam.
        i insisted on taking the higher paper and scored a B. keep in mind the lower paper's highest possible grade was a C.
        there were numerous other ways they collectively sabotaged my time there - it was a selective school taking only the top 2% of students in the first place.
        when I was 2 days away from returning to the place for my upper high school years of 16-18, i found a letter of about five lines in length from the school telling me not to return.
        that meant I had 2 days to find a new school, with all the places/courses having been filled by that time.

        • 1 month ago

          People don't very often "don't want to work ever at all in any capacity". Most humans like the concept of "having something to do and a bit of motivation to do it according to some schedule". Much more often the problem with long-term neets is that they "can't hold" a job, and they typically know it themselves.
          It's often some combination of, or simply one of:
          - Genuine medical depression that is deep/serious enough
          - A number of mental health issues leading to executive function disorder
          - Addictions and similar issues
          - ADHD and other problems with concentration
          - Schizoid traits which make the person basically an observer of his own life who daydreams a lot and gets dopamine out of imagining future outcomes without having to work for them
          At least some of these can still keep their life afloat (sorta) by resorting to selling things etc instead of working. They have an alright executive function, they can Get Things Done in critical situations. But then there are others who won't even be able to walk into a homeless shelter for help or do other basic survival stuff that requires pulling off some moderately simple "plan". Even if someone literally just hands them a job, some simple job where you just need to show up and do like 1-2 hours per day of actual work at most, they won't be able to hold it. They technically have a medical disability, a serious one, but unless you are missing a leg or something the society doesn't see you as disabled. These kinds of people will very quickly become homeless without a family that supports them, and then dead within a year (might depend on climate, country, luck, etc).

          i lasted 3 months in the replacement high school before they also kicked me out one day out of the blue, without informing my parents. they just called me into the principals office which was weirdly darkened, 3 of them sitting there like a tribunal and said I should leave. I asked if I should stay til the end of the day and they said no. so I just walked out at 16 without saying bye to any of my classmates/friends, having been kicked out of two schools within 3 months, never having been in trouble for anything, and having done all the work.
          walked home across the fields and then was suddenly without anything I my life at just 16 from December to the following September.
          then joined an even worse 'school', where one of the teachers was absent for a year without a replacement as he had a heart problem.
          didn't even bother with the exams there and lost all visions of the future, turning into a hermit for a decade or longer.
          around that age I'd also tried working, at age 17 - and after several months working for a friend of a friend of my parents, they refused to pay me anything.
          then a year later I collaborated on a sizable project and was then kicked from the team that kept all my work in, and removed my credit/name completely.
          there were some other things, coming all during the same 2-3 year period. bought a computer with my entire savings so I could work on my self taught skills and the company went into "voluntary liquidation", taking all my money with them.
          it was just too much for me to deal with at that age and I shut down completely.
          had no guidance and didn't know what to do

      • 1 month ago

        >Schizoid traits which make the person basically an observer of his own life who daydreams a lot and gets dopamine out of imagining future outcomes without having to work for them

        This is him. He skips showers but he knows what color Pagani Zonda he would drive.

  38. 1 month ago

    >Go sollicite for a job as a forklifttruck driver
    >Do the test with the chef watching me
    >You did fine ( of course I've done it for over 15 years)
    >Now for the oral part
    >It goes ok. She's taking a lot of notes and is not looking at me once
    >Mr. Anon, what are our dreams and aspirations as a company?
    >"Tbf, I took a quick glance at your website, I know what you do and how big you are, but I did not see the part about ambitions and aspiratons.
    >It's always a pity when people don't look at our website.

    Stupid fricking HR b***h, I'm here to move loads from point A to point B and I'm fricking good at it. Who gives a frick about the dreams and aspirations of the company? I can learn that when I work here. fricking dumb kid ten years my junior who hasn't done labour a day in her life. You just cost me a job I would've been good at and that would have suited me.

    I'll never be a salesman. But I've got a nice, stable resume.

    • 1 month ago

      that fricking sucks

    • 1 month ago

      >>You did fine ( of course I've done it for over 15 years)
      how do you do that for 15 years without getting promoted to some sort of warehouse manager role?

      • 1 month ago

        Don't know if that's what happened to him but competent introverts get passed over in favor of mediocre but sociable employees all the time.

      • 1 month ago

        I did get promoted. Which means no raise in pay for a while, you have to take care of shitters who don't do their job and you go home and become a boozehound because you can't handle it.

        I don't like being responsible for other people. I like it just fine when I do my job and I'm left alone. I don't like being in the middle where I get shit on by the higher ups because my colleagues are bums.

        I've been promoted three or four times. It's always the same:
        - Prove your worth for a year and then you'll get a raise in pay, which you have to go beg for, which I personally find disgraceful.
        - Take care of a bunch of lazy shitters
        - Do overtime because they don't do their jobs

        I'm not made to be above other people, because I walk around angry and stressed all the time. That's why I like lower position. If I do my job well, I'm left alone and don't take my worries home with me. If my colleague is a lazy shitter, let someone else take car of it. I'm not a daycare center.

        • 1 month ago

          Last time I had some responsibility and had to keep oversight, I shared it with another colleague.

          He always went MIA. I was naieve enough to believe he had a valid reason each time. I'm not Big Brother keeping tabs on everyone.

          After a while it did become so glaringly obvious, I started to ask around. He always ran to the shitter. Probably to go watch some tiktok vids.
          A fricking stoner too, need I say more?

          I told him a couple of times. Then I raised my voice, then I went higher up and got him fired. I felt guilty about it, even though I was in the right. I'm not cut out to be in conflict situations everyday. It takes too much out of you.

          Maybe I'm mildly autistic in the sense that I like order and cleanliness. Normally, when you share the workload, everybody could have a good time. I was in a situation where I constantly had to negotiate with other people in order to get them to do their fricking jobs. The very thing they are paid to do. To me that's absurd. So yeah, I couldn't handle it.

        • 1 month ago

          >- Prove your worth for a year and then you'll get a raise in pay, which you have to go beg for, which I personally find disgraceful.
          lmao that's some real shysty shit right there

  39. 1 month ago

    >that time my hot Latina boss tried to help me out by giving me the interview questions for a promotion in advance and just got us both in trouble with HR because I aced it too hard

    • 1 month ago

      That's on you, moron.

  40. 1 month ago

    >Indeed no longer shows how many people have applied to that job after you apply to it
    Definitely NOT a recession, the economy is doing awesome chuds, ignore any Russian misinformation that says otherwise

    • 1 month ago

      lmao they'll do anything to limp the democrats over the finish line even fricking rig online job hunt engines frick sake.

  41. 1 month ago

    I don't have any social media. I wonder if this is a positive or a negative when jobhunting. They can't just look me up. I had my brother going through my resume, to 'modernize' it. He did some things with the layout and included a photo of me smiling. I've allowed it, even though I think it's moronic. If they're curious about my resume, they'll invite me. I'm not applying for 'Miss Universe', you know? It's skill based.

    • 1 month ago

      It's a positive thing these days, especially if you aren't lying and legitimately do not have it.

      • 1 month ago

        I've found that a decent percentage of normies consider you a weirdo if you don't have social media, and a bad kind of weirdo. The kind that you don't want to hire.

        (asking for social media during the hiring process isn't really a thing where I live, I just mean in general - HR wouldn't want to hire a weirdo freak, any kind of weirdo freak, because he's potentially an unpredictable wild card, and the reactions to not having social media seem to paint me this exact kind of a weirdo freak)

      • 1 month ago

        My zoomer coworkers call me "Uncle Ted" for not having social media but most older boomers seem to prefer it. It's millennial women, ie most of HR, who will be suspicious of it.

    • 1 month ago

      Tell them you had to delete all of your social media because it was harming your mental health and sapping too much of your time/productivity

      • 1 month ago

        >telling potential employer you have mental health issues
        would backfire

        • 1 month ago

          100% agree.
          Same with anything about, let's say, depression which caused your resume gap, or anything similar. It doesn't matter that you got better. It doesn't matter that you have proof from a doctor or anything of that sort.
          Don't disclose things that sound like potential productivity issues. Make up a reasonably sane story about caring for a terminally ill grandmother or some shit.

        • 1 month ago

          No, that's exactly the kind of thing that would resonate with HR roasties. It's not telling them you are an unmedicated schizo who hears voices. It's telling them social media was bad for your mental health and anyone who uses it would understand how that happens. Also, prioritizing your mental health is the hot meme in the normiesphere. They would like that you were aware of time-wasting garbage and proactively took steps to remove it from your life too.

          • 1 month ago

            It's not the explanation for the lack of social media that bothers us (me and the guy you responded to). It's your proposed wording.

            Avoid the wording "mental help" and any wording that implies that you're well versed in mental health, because that sounds to them like you're visiting a shrink and poorly trying to hide it, which is a red flag. Use simpler language, speak about it kind of like a hillbilly but maybe not literally *that* simply. "I found that it wastes time, I find myself less happy, I feel like I'm more productive about my life when I'm unplugged so to say", that kind of language.

            I have apparently raised red flags with a fricking professional doctor when it "turned out" that I knew that humans can subconsciously judge distance to objects due to having two eyes / stereo vision. Apparently this isn't a normal thing for a normie to know and it was very suspicious that I would go out of my way to learn such a specialized knowledge when it isn't related to my profession. I'm dead serious btw.

            • 1 month ago

              >I have apparently raised red flags with a fricking professional doctor when it "turned out" that I knew that humans can subconsciously judge distance to objects due to having two eyes / stereo vision. Apparently this isn't a normal thing for a normie to know and it was very suspicious that I would go out of my way to learn such a specialized knowledge when it isn't related to my profession.

              Kek that sounds fricking stupid, 100% you understood the context wrong, no doctor would find that weird. T. A physician.

              • 1 month ago

                Oh, no, I understood it 100% right. She was absolutely blown away and even asked her assistant / nurse / whatever, whether that other woman knew about this fact or not. This came up when she asked about my vision, and I replied that my left eye sees just a little bit worse than the right one, but I don't need glasses and this difference in vision is very small and doesn't affect my depth perception or anything like that. She asked what I meant with depth perception, I explained, and she was very disturbed that I know something like this.

                >Kek that sounds fricking stupid
                Because humans ARE stupid.

              • 1 month ago

                If she truly was ”disturbed” by you knowing a random fact she must be the dumbest doctor alive and doesn’t represent us at large.

              • 1 month ago

                >and doesn’t represent us at large.
                You're fricking with me, right?

              • 1 month ago

                depends which country it happened in. however, a lot of doctors seem to be people who spent their life until 30 buried in a book and lack some normal levels of general awareness that someone else of the same intelligence level might have.
                a bit like homeschooled people

              • 1 month ago

                >she was very disturbed that I know something like this
                Absolutely hilarious: I learned that depth perception had to do with having two eyes in like 2004 when I was a kid and I read a Concerned comic (that HL2 webcomic) where a Combine elite soldier fails to pickup a mug and blames "lousy depth perception" because the elite soldier outfits only have a single eye hole. Sometimes I fail to realize how dumb most people are.

              • 1 month ago

                >She asked what I meant with depth perception

              • 1 month ago

                See, on one hand, maybe my explanation of it which, among other things, mentioned the classic Greek example of determining the distance to a far away ship by measuring the parallax, was a bit too nerdy / autistic. (but I've known this example since I was like fricking 6)

                On the other hand, I was blown away that she was blown away that I know about the concept at all.

                But then again, it's quite often that I encounter people, mostly boomer-age but not necessarily, who have this very outdated worldview that a person learns the things they need for the job in college/university/other formal studying course, and that you need to have a degree in X to know/learn how to do X, and they don't know of any other ways to gain knowledge about a topic.

              • 1 month ago

                sounds like she was an imbecile.
                then again I was talking with someone who's a microbiologist and I made some jokes related to the field and he was surprised that I knew anything about it.
                which I found disappointing. maybe it's just that some people are sometimes so focused on their own field that they never think beyond it and so expect everyone else to be clueless about it.
                you can pick up knowledge from general media, like the anon who did from the comic.
                what is odd is that these people don't seem to be able to do that, and are unaware of it even being a possibility.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, spot on. I've elaborated on this here:

                See, on one hand, maybe my explanation of it which, among other things, mentioned the classic Greek example of determining the distance to a far away ship by measuring the parallax, was a bit too nerdy / autistic. (but I've known this example since I was like fricking 6)

                On the other hand, I was blown away that she was blown away that I know about the concept at all.

                But then again, it's quite often that I encounter people, mostly boomer-age but not necessarily, who have this very outdated worldview that a person learns the things they need for the job in college/university/other formal studying course, and that you need to have a degree in X to know/learn how to do X, and they don't know of any other ways to gain knowledge about a topic.

                . Some people don't comprehend the concept of "just" knowing stuff, accumulating it from any random sources around you, reading about some topic that doesn't immediately concern you in your spare time, etc.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't know if it is anything to do with "boomer", quite the opposite I would think. people in the past were less specialised and more knowledgeable in a wider range of topics, especially when work related.
                specialisation has become increasingly common, in medicine, engineering, sciences and research.
                i has my father and uncle as an example, they seemed to know everything about every subject, so I just felt it is a normal duty to be informed about things.
                i suppose it depends who you mix with, it can just be that most people are dimwits, and doctors are on average 120-130 iq but spent half their life focused on one thing and aren't necessarily particularly informed people.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm in Eastern Europe, post-Soviet, and I actually mostly see the opposite. Pre-wall-fall boomers are like I described. Many of them think that to learn how to do something you need to complete formal courses and all that kind of stuff. Often the idea that you can frick around in the TV's menu and figure out how to do what you need to do terrifies them. I was straight up punished for that as a kid because Normal People (tm) call a TV master for this! That sort of stuff.

                Younger generations have a far healthier relationship with the concept of picking up knowledge/skills more casually.

              • 1 month ago

                interesting, it's the opposite to my experience, so it must be cultural.
                i liked the challenge of figuring things out with a manual as a last resort, or for extremely specific things. my family would always repair/make things themselves, so that's what I learned too.
                i noticed my father would pick up applicable knowledge from almost any source - maybe it's an east/west thing.
                from what I've read of old Russian fiction, then exploration and curiosity/self reliance was a normal and valued part of the culture there too, so it must have been soviet indoctrination as you said that forced everyone to be fearful and dependent.

    • 1 month ago

      Putting a photo on your resume is a bad idea
      Companies these days are very conscious of DEI and subconscious biases, going so far as to have recruiters remove names from resumes before they're given to managers to assess

    • 1 month ago

      To expand on that, my last interview, I started talking about myself. My brother had cleaned up my resume. I've never lied at a job interview, maybe sometimes omit things. He removed three jobs and changed the dates on the other ones. I wasn't used to lying at job interviews.
      So there I was, telling them about my career and I see them glance at each other.
      >Oh shit, I forgot, this job isn't on my resume anymore.
      And down the toilet it went. Goddamn moron that I am. If you're going to clean up the truth a little bit, at least be smart and aware of it. I just forgot that it's supposed to give you a better chance if you're not honest.

      I'm not a victim here. Just having some problems adjusting. It's a learning process. Applying for a job is something you can learn. If you do ten interviews, your tenth will be better than your first one. Failure is a part of the process.

      • 1 month ago

        I've gotten the advice to take a course on how to sollicite for a job. Why? There are enough job offers out there for me to botch a couple of ones. You learn as you go. Imagine paying money to learn how to sollicite. I'm not that autistic.

    • 1 month ago

      > please provide links to your social media
      > sure, here's my myspace

  42. 1 month ago

    So if I'm coming out of NEET phase and don't want to go back to low tier waging what should I do? How do I actually make some sort of improvement in my economic life? Everywhere I've worked there was nothing and no recognition or advancement.

    • 1 month ago

      Go to uni and become an academic, become a physicist. Sit around and knowledgemaxx

  43. 1 month ago

    are you really badly fricked in america when you have a year long gap in your resume?

  44. 1 month ago

    I just put down random bullshit stints here and there in non-descript factories that had gone under since
    clearly worked as I've been permanently employed now coming up to a decade and haven't even needed to look at my CV/resume in the same timeframe

  45. 1 month ago

    if i have an IT degree (compsci) but haven't worked in 6 years do i need to go do a bunch of courses to re-validate that i'm not moronic or what

    • 1 month ago

      pick a course and do it and for the rest of it just add in a mixture of freelance and other work for companies that no longer exist, or startups.
      one anon on here last year said he'd just made fake companies, put a little website up, a linkdin for it and set up an email to respond to reference requests himself.
      do that.

  46. 1 month ago

    More like gaps in my NEETdom

  47. 1 month ago

    Im 23. Still havent worked a day in my life.

    • 1 month ago

      You're practically a baby. Don't let it get to you but you should start with something sooner rather than later. Otherwise when you are closing in on your 30s you'll regret it deeply. 7 years is a long, long time. Think about what you want to do.

  48. 1 month ago

    I have many years of unemployment and potential employers seem satisfied hearing that I've been self employed during that time. Pretty easy excuse.

    • 1 month ago

      >I've been self employed
      Oh, neat. What were you doing exactly? Think fast.

      • 1 month ago

        I own a landscaping company but there is a lull in my work and id like to work inside for a change

        • 1 month ago

          Well done, anon.

          • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          .. but you own it right?

          • 1 month ago

            I don't own a company but sometimes I do odd jobs like spreading mulch or planting flowers. Not a total stretch. I also do day jobs for a shitty temp agency that has jobs I can accept over an app.

  49. 1 month ago

    I'm sorry I cannot disclose that, I signed an NDA.

  50. 1 month ago

    I had an internship that was due to begin, had signed the contract and everything, but the sunday before I started covid lockdowns happened and they cancelled the internship
    I waited 1.5 years for them to offer me the position again and lived as a NEET during the lockdowns

  51. 1 month ago

    no (yes)

  52. 1 month ago

    It’s all about the connections

    >work at a large corporation
    >head of sector sales leaves for a smaller company to become VP
    >job in my field advertised for said smaller company
    >connected with the guy on LinkedIn
    >drop him a message, have a quick phone call
    >job all lined up, didn’t even apply and they met my salary demand
    >get to escape globohomosexual corpo hell with a 50% salary increase


    • 1 month ago

      i agree anon, all about commections

      >local at bar
      >friendly man comes up asks for ride
      >we have fun but he gets kicked out of bar
      >he shows me his machete
      >half-drunk bottle of vodka in his bag
      >this guy is so rad let's go on adventures
      >he wants a ride to a distant northeastern city
      >get my car stolen at machete-point
      >wow now that i don't have a car i can't do any of my responsibilities. what a relief!

      thanks commections i love being big business boy, now i walk to the dump with a wagon and sift through it for cool stuff instead of working

      • 1 month ago

        I guess some of us have to be ditch diggers. Thanks for your sacrifice.

  53. 1 month ago

    For me it's about finding a job where you can essentially do frick all and get paid for it as long as you turn up. Been doing it for about 5 years here, WFH most days, spend all morning browsing the web an occasionally getting a message from someone to fix something which takes me about 5 minutes which I pretend took half an hour.

  54. 1 month ago

    you want me
    i dont need you

  55. 1 month ago

    I've been working multiple jobs full-time for the last two decades. Read the c.v., boss.

  56. 1 month ago

    Résumé, man?

  57. 1 month ago

    Do you have ties to known dual citizenship pedophiles mr shekelberg?

  58. 1 month ago

    >ITT: people who still haven't learned how to game the system
    if you're not lying on your resume at this point the you're moronic
    >what about references?!
    make fake numbers, tie them to fake linkdins, make fake voicemails etc
    >They're gonna find out!
    HR is full of dumb roasties and homosexuals, they are all about image

  59. 1 month ago

    Yeah after uni I was a NEET for almost 4 years but I lied and said I was a private teacher. Managed to get a job in the field I wanted to. Comfy so far.

  60. 1 month ago

    >What business is it of yours if I have a gap in my résumé... wheeldo?

  61. 1 month ago

    >didn't go to college
    >never worked a day in my life
    >too autistic to function in society, not autistic enough to get buxx
    >mom has been steadily reducing my tendie rations lately
    what do

    • 1 month ago

      Raise chickens. Make your own tendies.

      • 1 month ago

        That sounds like work. I'm trying to avoid doing that.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah but tendies, though.

  62. 1 month ago

    I am 21 year old schizophrenic. I've been living at home since I left secondary school. I haven't worked since I was 18. I got rejected from 5 jobs last year because of both the gaps in employment and my schizophrenia. Guess I'll just chill at home some more. Whatever

  63. 1 month ago

    >waaaaaaa I’m a le heckin anti social victim that cannot function properly
    If you are 20-30 years old and not running rings against people older than you, just fricking an hero already

    • 1 month ago

      Running rings? Like sanic?

  64. 1 month ago

    >im schizophrenic
    >im depressed
    >i have adhd
    >i have [insert mental illness]
    reminder that none of these things are real. you're just making shit up

    • 1 month ago

      also remember that a "firm handshake" can't be defined.
      there's no pounds per square inch listed for what it constitutes.

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