Do you like or dislike his character? Do you prefer him or Summer as the sidekick?

Do you like or dislike his character?
Do you prefer him or Summer as the sidekick?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    I feel stupid. I don't know what Morty's character is supposed to even be anymore.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Neither do the writers.

    • 6 months ago

      Whatever they need for the episode.

  2. 6 months ago

    When they actually let him do anything I prefer him. He has better chemistry with Rick than Summer, who works best in contrast with Morty, you know, when they actually let him do anything.

  3. 6 months ago

    Arguably the most entertaining/engaging character tied with Jerry.

    • 6 months ago

      None of the characters are particularly likeable but Morty and Jerry tend to be the kindest as well as most pitiful.

  4. 6 months ago

    Summer is just kind of a bad character in general. She started as a complete stereotype, then sort of developed into... an exaggerated stereotype. There's nothing I can describe about her that isn't a teen girl trope first and a character trait second. At least Morty's had actual development even if he started similarly.

    • 6 months ago

      I liked Summer when it seemed like her development was moving toward her seeking Rick's approval, and I didn't even mind that she seemed more natural at adventuring than Morty because, as good as she is, it never seemed like she was going to get what she wanted, which was approval from Rick. That would have been interesting. Her actually getting what she wants, while Rick sucks her off, dead ends her character and is frankly just masturbatory. It's a recurring thing with Rick and the female members of his family.

      • 6 months ago

        It's annoying that they really could have developed Summer on her own. They could show her with her friends in stories that dont necessarily tie into the main plot.

        What sucks about the show is it held this promise where the writers seemed to wink at the audience and say, Yeah, we know what sucks about TV, we wont do that.

        Then they go right ahead and do everything that sucks about TV. They make up a shitty catch phrase because they suck, wubba lubba dub dub. Then they build their real catch phrase, referencing pickle rick three fricking times every fricking season.

        You would think these writers would be clever enough to put up a board in their room that says 'things we shouldnt do because we have done them and it makes no sense for the character and isnt fun for the audience to watch, despite us hating lore and chronology'

      • 6 months ago

        Morty's Mindblowers was the peak of her "character arc" if you want to call it that. Summer is best as Rick's lab gofer who he actually trusts for innocuous loose-ends sorts of things. She'll tag along on adventures once in a while, but she's there just to bail them out; not actually participate in the adventure itself.

        Her trying to impress her friends with weirdo-space stuff nonchalantly is way funnier than her going on a whole adventure by herself in the background, hinting that she's better at it than Rick and Morty. We have Space Beth for that now; and even that was a little contrived.

  5. 6 months ago

    Morty is a great character and bounces off of Rick's energy perfectly that's the meat and potatoes of the show. Summer used to be interesting and had her own thing going on, in the Tiny Rick episode (And to a lesser extent the first Unity episode). But now they don't want her to have emotional intelligence and be the heart so now she is just a bland strong woman like Space Beth.

    Jary is also a good character. He is just Joe average trying to deal with Rick's nonsense.

    Ideally, the show would be crazey Rick doing something ethically dubious. Morty reacting to the situation with conventional morality. And Summer being the heart who is more emotionally intelligent than everyone else. And Jerry who is just Joe average trying to make sense of it all. That way the show can have interesting things happen and have characters with their own thoughts beliefs and opinions and they can all bounce off of each other.

    There is nothing saving Beth she is just a boring ice queen no matter how you spin it.

    • 6 months ago

      Beth had a similar problem to Rick himself in that they don't know how to "conclude" her daddy issues and marriage problems other than sweeping them under the rug.

      Also, isn't Morty the emotionally intelligent one? He was the only one snuffles liked, and was the only one who could convince Summer to run away.

      Summer has always been a bit more of a filler character who could easily fit the role of Morty or Rick depending on the episode (honestly she comes off as Morty 2)

  6. 6 months ago

    I like Morty when he ACTS LIKE A KID/TEEN. I love when he protects Rick from Evil Morty

    I do NOT like Morty who is demented/just like Rick

    • 6 months ago

      They should have kept evil Morty away and have Rick barge onto him instead of what happened

  7. 6 months ago

    I like him, but they make him a bit too Rick like/psycho lately, his behaviour is very inconsistent.

    Like the Churro thing in the last episode. Old morty would not have left that churro to be alone forever. Or Morty massacaring a lot of aliens in other episodes.

    • 6 months ago

      I really appreciated the start of episode scene where Morty was just going around tying up loose ends and making sure the fallout of Rick's actions didn't frick over lives.

      Beth had a similar problem to Rick himself in that they don't know how to "conclude" her daddy issues and marriage problems other than sweeping them under the rug.

      Also, isn't Morty the emotionally intelligent one? He was the only one snuffles liked, and was the only one who could convince Summer to run away.

      Summer has always been a bit more of a filler character who could easily fit the role of Morty or Rick depending on the episode (honestly she comes off as Morty 2)

      I think her marriage issues got concluded at least somewhat by the episode where she has a threesome with her other self and Jerry, because it was the one moment where she had genuine chemistry with Jerry.

  8. 6 months ago

    I like him, but the writers either don't know what to do with him or ignore him in favor of their own pet characters. Morty is the best character to check Rick and be a foil to him, and it would give Morty's development some direction too, but they'd rather have their therapist character or some other better-as-a-one-off character do it.

  9. 6 months ago

    I feel like a Finngay saying this but it really feels like the writers just lost the plot with Morty. S1-S3 Morty is a story about a kid getting disenfranchised with grandfather and realizing he doesn't need him. Then after his character now just flip flops from tired of Rick's shit, little sociopath or regressing back to a dumb horny teen to show how smart Rick is. He's just gotten so stale now that you can always tell where a Morty episode is going to go.

    • 6 months ago

      >realizing he doesn't need him
      More like is just using him for cool adventures. He needs him for sci-fi tech

  10. 6 months ago

    At this point, I'd rather just have Rick solo adventures or more Rick and Jerry. Beth is too clingy and will always run damage control for Rick and Summer's just too c**ty to be a main character.

  11. 6 months ago

    canon dog

    • 6 months ago


  12. 6 months ago

    I enjoy the fujoshi art where they sexualize him. Not so much the mainline stuff.

    • 6 months ago

      i don't think i have ever seen incest fanart where things are all vanilla, it always comes with a side of fricked up

      • 6 months ago

        Incest ain't exactly vanilla at all.

        • 6 months ago

          It is but people pretend it's not and make a big deal out of it

        • 6 months ago

          Incest is so fricking common of a topic it clogs up porn searches and payment facilitators have to have a fricking corporate policy on the matter. Any novelty to the concept has long worn out it's welcome as the same tired tropes get trotted out over and over to the point they became memes. Hell, you can't throw a rock in to a field of WEGs without hitting one that has a mother/sister stand in.

  13. 6 months ago

    Making him jaded and capable was the biggest mistake the show ever made

    • 6 months ago

      But then people would call Morty stagnant.

  14. 6 months ago

    morty offers more options for comedy because he think differently. summer has become extremely competent enough to not have to be a sidekick

  15. 6 months ago

    Summer always had just one simple concept - sex interest for Morty, and it worked, everyone liked it so she was left alone most of the time.
    But now the creators have decided to revise her concept so that she can replace Morty as Rick's sidekick. They hired a fat, ugly woman and gave her a task and it turned out terrible. The creators will not show it, they will say that this is a good episode, let's move on.
    Now they will continue to experiment on how to humiliate Morty even more.
    I think next week we will see cuckolding and blacking.

  16. 6 months ago

    >Morty, you need to have full on sex with your sister.
    >I'm not making the rules Morty. It's just how it is.
    >What are you talking about?!
    >Look, asking questions isn't going to get us anywhere. Oh, I do need to specify that the sex needs to be really intimate. Eye contact and all that stuff.
    >What the hell are you talking about Rick, what is wrong with you?!
    >Don't ask questions Morty, just do it! It's for the greater good! The good of the universe! One hundreds seasons! 10 episodes each! Half of them dedicated to you and Summer, Morty!

    Written by Dan Harmon

    • 6 months ago

      Is it dan or roiland that was pushing the incest? I had some anon a while back on tv say it was roiland yeah he does some fricked up stuff but I always felt the incest thing was harrmons rodeo. I stop watching after season three.

      • 6 months ago

        >Roiland does incest jokes because he thinks it's funny.
        >Harmon does incest jokes because he thinks it's hot.

      • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          so thankful he will never be producing another piece of media ever again

    • 6 months ago

      I still want the Morty and Morticia episode where Rick and his female variant have to keep them from fricking or else space-time goes bonkers from their Morty Waves crossing.

      • 6 months ago

        I just wish we had a genderbend episode. That would at least be interesting. Maybe have a gag where Summer is eyeing her male counterpart while Jerry has revelations about himself while looking at femJerry.

        • 6 months ago

          Jerry already made out with himself and had a make believe gay fantasy with Sleepy Gary.

  17. 6 months ago

    summer has zero chemistry with morty or rick, she should have been downgraded to a backround character.

  18. 6 months ago

    I LOVE Morty! Which is why I'm disappointed that he's stuck in some stasis where Rick still belittles him and doesn't treat him like more of an equal. Rick outright says he doesn't respect the closest thing he's got to a friend and we're supposed to just accept that? Come on, Harmon.

  19. 6 months ago

    Did you know the coffin of andy and leyley is a horror game with cannibalism? no? that's what happens when people just make a huge deal out of thing

  20. 6 months ago

    I like season 1 and 2 Morty

  21. 6 months ago

    Like him. And Evil Morty.

  22. 6 months ago

    How far down does the Spagetti rabbithole go?

    • 6 months ago

      Given that Morty's Mindblowers are still a background thing, probably really deep?

  23. 6 months ago

    Reasons why Summer just sucks as a character:
    >Too snarky.
    >Has a very shallow, generic teenage girl personality like a background character.
    >Even more jaded than most of the family sans Rick of course.
    >Tryhard, tries to ape her grandpa and it isn't played as a joke.
    >Has to undercut Morty to look better.
    >Doesn't have chemistry with other characters because it's either bland or Summer acts too confrontational and standoffish in a interaction.
    >When she fricks up or something bad happens to her, it isn't usually played for laughs and instead some cheap way to garner some kind of sympathy.

    In a way, you can say Summer is just some weird fanfic OC inserted into the show.

    • 6 months ago

      Why was she established in the first place? She doesn't really fill out a role like the other 4. She's the Chris Griffin of this show, only added to meet the family sitcom mandate of a boy and a girl for some reason.

      • 6 months ago

        Justin wanted to have a teenage girl to do horny stuff too and Harmon's writers turned her into the self insert.

      • 6 months ago

        She is someone for Beth to bounce off of which is why a few B plots have been her and Summer and is a good placeholder character in stories if they want someone there besides Rick and Morty

    • 6 months ago

      >Has a very shallow, generic teenage girl personality
      Summer is at her best when she's being a dumb teen girl. I like that that's stayed a part of her character to this day.

      >When she fricks up or something bad happens to her, it isn't usually played for laughs and instead some cheap way to garner some kind of sympathy.
      She's fricked up missions for Rick like with the dragons or Mr. Nimbus. There've also been times where she gets caught up in her own messes. Summer is still tied with Beth in being the least interesting of the family, but she's not awful.

      • 6 months ago

        She can be pretty awful, but she's not as toxic compared to Beth or Rick.

      • 6 months ago

        What went on with that picture? Is that the guys mom and sister then his dad in the background?

        • 6 months ago

          I think it's him sitting on his Mom's lap with a Dad or Grandpa drunk in the back

  24. 6 months ago

    I like how they developed him, diversifying all of his character progression in different vessels like Beth. Downside is those other parts are rarely brought up instead of being all in 1 place. Seems like it keeps it easier not to flanderize a character when you can keep reseting them to keep fans happy.

    Haven't seen enough of summer as a sidekick to like it better than classic adventures, but sticking with Morty sticks to the original tone.

  25. 6 months ago

    >Do you like or dislike his character?
    Yeah, I just don't find him funny. there are some good moments with him but in between those he is more annoying than anything else.

  26. 6 months ago

    Morty is the best character, they've just done him dirty recently.

  27. 6 months ago

    Morty is a fine character, I prefer his dynamic with Rick over Summer. Morty serves as the antithesis of Rick in many ways, and I often believe that one of the reasons he cares about Morty so much is due to his ingrained self-hatred.

  28. 6 months ago

    grass tastes bad

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