Do you prefer Doom as a goofy, petty dick trying to one-up Reed, a tragic anti-hero who's held back by his neuroses but who legitimately wants to...

Do you prefer Doom as a goofy, petty dick trying to one-up Reed, a tragic anti-hero who's held back by his neuroses but who legitimately wants to help the world, as a completely evil monster who is pretty much human Darkseid or as a deluded schizo with such a twisted moral compass that he oscillates between them all?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Whichever version Triumph and Torment Doom was.

  2. 7 months ago

    Goofy for cartoons or things where he only gets a minor role. Tragic person who is his own worst enemy in mediums with more time to focus on him.

  3. 7 months ago

    >Do you prefer Doom as a goofy, petty dick trying to one-up Reed, a tragic anti-hero who's held back by his neuroses but who legitimately wants to help the world
    Both of these with the degree of each depending on the story tone. And in all cases a legit threat when he chooses to fight.

  4. 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    All of them. Doom is Doom. And with Thanos being little jobber he is now, Doom is my favorite Marvel's villain.

  6. 7 months ago

    a conniving grandeur megalomaniac with a chip on his shoulder for anything relating to richard reed

  7. 7 months ago

    >a goofy, petty dick trying to one-up Reed
    >a tragic anti-hero who's held back by his neuroses but who legitimately wants to help the world
    >a completely evil monster who is pretty much human Darkseid
    Primarily a mix of these, but leaning more towards the second one.
    Doom should be a villain, which necessitates that he does evil stuff, which means his two main goals should be taking over the world (either out of a twisted hero complex or just because he's evil and wants to rule, I don't really mind since the end goal is the same) and also to finally one-up RICHARDS and kill the FF.
    He shouldn't necessarily be goofy about trying to one-up Reed, though I appreciate it can be hard for a writer to reconcile the megalomaniacal dictator aspect with the insane pettiness of his rivalry. And neither should he be complete evil (something like the skinsuit armour in Waid's run is going way too far). Doom is at his best when you mine the contradictions in him. He's a villain hellbent on the FF's humiliation and destruction, yet he can also exceedingly noble/honourable to them by his own code when the situation calls for it. He wants to rule the world out of the claimed belief only he can truly save it, but whenever he gets that power he always ends up sabotaging himself through hubris or even conscious decision. He's constantly striving to be the greatest man in the world, a master of every discipline, equal to no one, but he'll never admit that he will always come up short and it drives him mad. That's Doom.
    And most of all, he's just a plain fun character. Some maniac going round in a green cloak, occasionally speaking in the third person, and trying to take over the world from his tiny Slav country. What's not to love?

    • 7 months ago

      Best take in the thread.

    • 7 months ago

      Worst take in the thread.

  8. 7 months ago

    i think doom should be written to fit the story he's in
    that's the best part about doom, he can be a menacing world threat and ultimate foil, or he can be an over-the-top cartoon villain who smashes through doors rather than open them

    • 7 months ago

      >He actually shouldn't even be a character, he should be tool changed and rewritten on a whim to satisfy whatever the writer need or wants at that moment.

  9. 7 months ago

    Just keep him a Trekkie is all I ask. Maybe have him storm the set of Discovery and blow it up because it's a shit show.

    • 7 months ago

      >I was MOST displeased with your redesign of the Klingons, and the blatant disregard for continuity behind that gross MISTAKE only foretold how dismal your new series would be. Although you may THINK you are American citizens, and therefore somehow "PROTECTED" and "SAFE", through a swift repurposing of my international assets, Paramount Global is now formally and wholly owned by the Latverian state. Thus, you are all subjects of DOOM. Resistance is futile.

    • 7 months ago

      If Spider-Man is allowed to destroy Sam Raimi on set of his movie, DOOM is more than welcome to destroy Star Trek.

  10. 7 months ago

    Goofy petty dick is the only real Doom. The anti-hero thing was always lame as shit and cringe pretentious fanboy shit. Evil monster and deluded schizo is tolerable but not preferred.

  11. 7 months ago

    Deluded Schizo.

  12. 7 months ago

    As a Jordan Petersen-esque villain.

    • 7 months ago

      Uh sorry sweaty, Red Skull already has that

  13. 7 months ago

    I prefer the noble but vicious and hypocritical tyrant who could have saved the world a million times over if he gave up his ego and his obsession with proving himself superior to Reed Richards, the two flaws that he holds tighter to himself than his iron mask because they make him who he is.

  14. 7 months ago

    Reed and Ben have known him since college, so to them he'll always seem goofy no matter how scary his mask is. The rest of the world should see and treat him as a completely evil monster, when in truth he's got a tragic air and is completely alone. I wouldn't go so far as anti-hero, and he must always be a legitimate threat.

    • 7 months ago

      >when in truth he's got a tragic air and is completely alone.
      I feel the subtle loneliness about Doom is something writers should make more of.
      Not modern writers, of course.

    • 7 months ago

      >Reed and Ben have known him since college, so to them he'll always seem goofy no matter how scary his mask is. The rest of the world should see and treat him as a completely evil monster,
      I like the idea that Doom making threats to the Avengers would be taken seriously until Ben and Reed show up and tell them he's just blowing hot air like he used to.

  15. 7 months ago

    Anti-Hero Doom is contrived trash. Hammy Doom can be funny but is too quirky. Ideally he should be so obsessed with ascending to godhood that he ends up becoming a pure monster, but there is a sliver of humanity in him that laments it.

  16. 7 months ago

    I wonder if Dr Doom ever played Doom or made any wads.

  17. 7 months ago

    He should be that guy who legitimately believes the entire world would be a better place if they all just allowed him to be dictator of the planet. He should not consciously be in it for his own self-interest and power, he should be doing so for the sake of the world. Latveria should be where he walks the talk: the citizens enjoy peace and prosperity, so long as they keep to their place and obey the word of Doom at all times. The reason why humanity, specifically Richards, rejects him is because it is human nature to want to grow and evolve beyond our current station, rather than give all that up to some dictator. It is from this angle that we see the flaws of Doom and Latveria, because his iron grip keeps the country stagnant and prevents the people from adapting to the face of new challenges.

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