Do you prefer your mechas to have personality?

Or be uninteresting weapons of war? I honestly like a blend of both, something like a trusty steed.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Depends on the mecha. Though Valimar is the best bro

  2. 11 months ago


  3. 11 months ago

    I prefer mine to have eyes that stare into your soul.

  4. 11 months ago

    I like it better when I look at mechas as an escapism fantasy for kids in the 80-90s. 'Yeah, I'm just an ordinary teenage kid but I can beat the shit out of you when I ride this badass robot, It doesn't need personality, I AM the robot'

  5. 11 months ago

    I prefer them to be lifeless machines, yet being somewhat a reflection of their pilot.

  6. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >Haha, sora demo.

      Reanagher Linschwarzer is too strong.

  7. 11 months ago

    I'd like if the main pilot actually had a personality.

  8. 11 months ago

    I hate mechs with lips.

  9. 11 months ago

    For a while I was thinking of writing a story with an AI that learns from the pilot until it doesn't need him anymore and eventually becomes completely autonomous. At first I started thinking of interesting character dynamics between the pilot, the mech and the other characters, but eventually all I could think about was The Iron Giant and trying to kill-off the mech in the most depressing way possible.

  10. 11 months ago

    I prefer if they were shiny straight out of factory new. Like a shiny unused car or something.

  11. 11 months ago

    I like it when it's very ambiguous

    • 11 months ago

      My favorite is when the mech has no personality and is just a vehicle for the pilot
      When it's destroyed and the situation is completely hopeless and the pilot is breaking down and crying and begging the mecha to work
      It suddenly turns back on for no reason and keeps working just long enough to save the day.
      That's the shit right there.

      I'm really a fan of the "ghost in the machine" approach where it's never really explained or made explicit but there's some kind of lingering will or sentience to it that seems to watch over the hero.

      • 11 months ago

        can you give examples where this happens because that it cool

        I recall this happening in IBO,the final episode and in the fight against that calamity war thing. He was all like, is this all youre capable of robobro, and robobro was like ....*EYE GLEAM*

      • 11 months ago

        can you give examples where this happens because that it cool

        a major example I can think of is Lagann, the way it responded to Simons will both when he lost it and when he regained it and then in Movie 2 where it physically throws Simon out of itself so he can reach the Anti-Spiral

  12. 11 months ago

    Not a big fan of overdoing it with sentience, I start to question the role of the pilot too much, like if you can move on your own the frick do you even need a pilot for. I can excuse divine knights being magical god fragments and needing "pilots" for the ritual, but in more sci-fi settings for example FMP, Arbalest craking jokes later on is too much, ambiguous sentience is cool tho.

  13. 11 months ago

    sometimes I like it. However I also like it when they're just a tool, like how Amuro doesn't even think twice about sacrificing the gundam at the end.

    • 11 months ago

      What about where it's a tool with no sentience but it still sentimentally significant to them like with Kira and the original Freedom?

    • 11 months ago

      >like how Amuro doesn't even think twice about sacrificing the gundam at the end.
      Frick Amuro for betraying Gundamu. He deserved his shitty life

  14. 11 months ago

    My favorite is when the mech has no personality and is just a vehicle for the pilot
    When it's destroyed and the situation is completely hopeless and the pilot is breaking down and crying and begging the mecha to work
    It suddenly turns back on for no reason and keeps working just long enough to save the day.
    That's the shit right there.

    • 11 months ago

      can you give examples where this happens because that it cool

      • 11 months ago

        My favorite is when the mech has no personality and is just a vehicle for the pilot
        When it's destroyed and the situation is completely hopeless and the pilot is breaking down and crying and begging the mecha to work
        It suddenly turns back on for no reason and keeps working just long enough to save the day.
        That's the shit right there.

        I'm really a fan of the "ghost in the machine" approach where it's never really explained or made explicit but there's some kind of lingering will or sentience to it that seems to watch over the hero.

        I recall this happening in IBO,the final episode and in the fight against that calamity war thing. He was all like, is this all youre capable of robobro, and robobro was like ....*EYE GLEAM*

        In the manga version of Turn A Gundam the final battle between the Turn A and Turn X takes place during reentry and as they start to burn up the Turn A ejects Loran in the core fighter "protecting" him.

        The way Heero talks to the Wing Zero is also kinda like this.

  15. 11 months ago

    the most hype shit in all of mecha is when the protagonist calls out to their mech and it rushes over to them despite normally being incapable of movement on its own

    i love it in Unicorn and Panty & Stocking

  16. 11 months ago

    I prefer my mechas to be in a junk heap. :^)

  17. 11 months ago

    I like it like a good piece of equipment. She's got her quirks, hydraulics that are a bit sensitive in one direction no matter how often you flush the pumps. A sensor suite that's skittish and can spot a midget with an RPG on a lighthouse and a seat that'd been best to shit and likely coated in several layers of sweat and ...other substances.

    The mech is an extension but it's one with its own weirdness. Each mech that has been around awhile is a fussy b***h in the wrong hands but is an absolute monster with the right touch.

  18. 11 months ago

    I like mechas as vehicles and nothing more, but I also love seeing artificial life in media, the ethics behind it, their interactions with humans and more.
    My favorite piece of media regarding that is Bubblegum Crisis, especially Tokyo 2040; I don't care how much you downplay the show comparing it with the original OVA, but I liked the treatment Boomers and Galatea had as the next step in life: synthetic beings that resonate with the emotions of the people they have around and how they burst out when they feel stronger emotions and become overwhelmed by them. Priss' autistic care for her bike paying off at the end when it turns into her Motor Slave is also great.

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