DO you think she had done heroin perviously and thats why she didn't die like in a few seconds

DO you think she had done heroin perviously and thats why she didn't die like in a few seconds

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  1. 2 years ago

    You don't die in a few seconds

  2. 2 years ago

    idk I never watched the movie

  3. 2 years ago

    If everyone who does heroin dies in the first few seconds, how could she have done it before?

    • 2 years ago

      No when she snorted it and Oded

      • 2 years ago

        you usually die of respiratory depression in an opiate overdose, and that takes time to develop. She would have to mainline an incredible amount to die “in seconds.” Even then it’s going to be quite a few seconds

  4. 2 years ago

    Opiate overdose tends to be a very slow death, OP. An overdosing person loses consciousness, either entirely or in part, and experiences depression of the autonomic nervous system, eventually causing them to suffocate while in their insensible state.

    • 2 years ago

      ru a doctor

      • 2 years ago

        Insurance adjuster, actually, but I spend all day working with medical records just the same.

  5. 2 years ago

    i dont watch movies

  6. 2 years ago

    I OD'd once and didn't die.

    • 2 years ago

      ya but she snorted it

      • 2 years ago

        That is the least dangerous way to do it

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, like I did the night I OD'd.

        • 2 years ago

          well you did it before tho and it built up ur tolerance but if someone who Haden't done it before and snorted it would have been killed almost instantly right? this why I think she had done it before

          • 2 years ago

            >killed almost instantly right

            No moron

          • 2 years ago

            well yeah, she didn't look like a junkie, she probably was a casual snorter.

          • 2 years ago

            there isn’t one single dose of heroin. if you don’t die it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a tolerance, just that you didn’t do enough to kill you

    • 2 years ago

      what happened? everybody seems to think OD = death from drugs. i idnd't think that but don't know much about drug ODs either. can you tell us about what happened with you?

      • 2 years ago

        Snorted speedballs (mix of cocaine/heroin) all night with my friends, having fun and all. Came back home around 12am, got to bed and my mom found me sleeping in my puke the next morning. I briefly woke up at the hospital when they were trying to reanimate me then I woke up for good the next day and felt like I was in a dream. I got out of the hospital after a couple of days. Strange experience.

        • 2 years ago

          was everybody cool with you in the days and years afterward, or were you forever 'the druggie'?
          also how much did it all cost? if youre american it could have cost thousands

          • 2 years ago

            I was already that type before so no it didn't bother me much. My mom told me they took me to the hospital with an helicopter and she didn't pay a dime for it. That's sad because the only time I got a free helicopter ride and I missed it.

            • 2 years ago

              that's good that you didn't get fleeced for the hotel bill. it's good that they were heroic & went to such lengths as using a helicopter to save you.
              did you have any more 'incidents' like this? not necessarily drug related

              • 2 years ago

                I was living in France at the time. we have social security there, that's why my parents didn't pay much for the whole thing.
                Also, yes I can greentext you an incredible story that happened to me, right before I OD'd in fact. Just let me go get something to drink.

              • 2 years ago

                that's good that you didn't get fleeced for the hotel bill. it's good that they were heroic & went to such lengths as using a helicopter to save you.
                did you have any more 'incidents' like this? not necessarily drug related

                >one of my junkie friend asks me if I wanna go to Rotterdam with him to buy some drugs and party.
                >agree and go, by car first then by train.
                >arrive in Rotterdam, dealer he knows is just by the train station
                >very big and cozy apartment, dealer is an arab
                >take so much heroin, I'm about to throw up but remember briefly the very nice carpets on the floor and manage to hold ALL the puke in my mouth and swallow it back.
                >see feeling of relief on the dealer's face
                >we buy the stuff, put it our asses and frick off before the last train leaves
                >my friend hooks up with some guys in the train
                >goes to the bathroom with them and goes out with a face like he's about to die
                >at that point I'm just high as balls and throw up 2 times in the train, in front of all the people sitting there.
                >fall asleep on the floor near my friend
                >wake up, pat my friend on the shoulder
                >he falls on the floor
                >he's OD'ing
                >panic mode starts
                >they stop the train in Brussel and take him to an hospital
                >now I'm alone with 20g of heroin in my ass
                >one of the guys my friend hooked up with before comes to me
                >says he saved my friend's life and I owe him drugs for that or else he'll beat me up
                >says ok with an escape plan in my head
                >I knew we were near the train station I was getting down at
                >go into the bathroom and pretend I get the stuff out of my ass
                >feel the train stopping
                >Burst out of the bathroom
                >push the guy and run fast af
                >he was too high to even do anything
                >now I have to go back home
                >go to my friend's car
                >thank frick I had took everything in his pockets
                >I didn't have a driving license at the time
                >high af
                >manage to drive thru the border customs and home without much problem since it was 3:00am
                >Go to sleep
                >mom wakes me up, phone for you
                >It's my friend, he got out of the hospital, he'll be here in a couple of hours
                >He arrives
                >we party all night to celebrate this awful adventure
                >Next morning, a friend tells me he died of OD at his gf's house.

              • 2 years ago

                >the same day,my friend's brother is all over the place looking for a culprit to beat up
                >huge guy, 7" tall, huge alcoholic
                >everyone rats on me
                >have to hide for a while
                >ask a friend if he can borrow me a sawed off hunting rifle he made himself
                >as soon as the guy knows I had the gun, never hear from him again
                >come across him at a party a year later
                >drunk af
                >blocks me against a wall
                >shit my pants
                >does nothing but yell at me
                >dies 1 week later

              • 2 years ago

                I’m not going to greentext but I know these feels
                My life is together now but most people would not believe half of the things that were just day to day work when you live that way

              • 2 years ago

                It's a miracle I'm still alive. Makes you appreciate life a lot more. Cheers anon.

  7. 2 years ago

    where the story comes from


  8. 2 years ago

    the coke in her system balanced out the tremendous dose of horse and kept her alive long enough to get the shot

  9. 2 years ago

    It was a toxic wienertail of heroin, alcohol, and tobacco.

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