
Does Cinemaphile like EIleen?

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  1. 11 months ago

    If only she were real

  2. 11 months ago

    >supposed to be an anthropomorphic animal character
    >lol just draw her a human face
    No, she's shit.

    • 11 months ago

      I like her, she's funny and her relationship with Rigby is wholesome

      Lol, nitpicky homosexual

    • 11 months ago

      Literally never noticed the tail until just now you pointing it out lmao
      Always thought she was human

      • 11 months ago

        And it's not even a well drawn beaver tail. What a crappy character design lol.

    • 11 months ago

      I like her, she's funny and her relationship with Rigby is wholesome

      Lol, nitpicky homosexual

      Literally never noticed the tail until just now you pointing it out lmao
      Always thought she was human

      Can you guess what animal shes supposed to be without looking it up?

      • 11 months ago

        how many animals besides beavers have a tail like that moron
        pretty sure she's not a platypus

      • 11 months ago

        Beaver? Chipmunk?

        it's the story of the last five years of my life. i will admit that i was a fricking cuckold who couldn't set boundries back then and have since learned to grow a backbone. it's going to be a long one.

        >be fat as frick
        >starting last year of high school
        >am in relationship at the time with someone who was and always will be my friend
        >sitting at my favorite computer station in the library like a fricking sperg
        >googling random bullshit
        >this girl (we'll call her eileen) comes in and sits by me
        >she looks like eileen too: chubby but not quite fat and with glasses
        >she notices me googling freddie freaker and notices an MLP image
        >genuinely fascinated
        >a bit embarassed but she doesn't seem to care at all
        >turns out she was an autist too
        >some time later
        >we get into a conversation about chris chan
        >she introduces me to her friends
        >didnt see them again
        >break up with my then ex on good terms
        >some time later in early 2020
        >join one of her art streams
        >messages me in private that she didn't have a relationship and was lonely
        >think about it for a day


        Go on...

        • 11 months ago

          Shes a mole

  3. 11 months ago

    How do I find an Eileen irl, bros?

    • 11 months ago

      idk, but I want one too. Like, no attraction physically but i wan't a girl with a personality like that irl.

    • 11 months ago

      i had a girl like that once but she went fricking insane and got groomed into a cult

      • 11 months ago

        Do tell, Anon.

        • 11 months ago

          it's the story of the last five years of my life. i will admit that i was a fricking cuckold who couldn't set boundries back then and have since learned to grow a backbone. it's going to be a long one.

          >be fat as frick
          >starting last year of high school
          >am in relationship at the time with someone who was and always will be my friend
          >sitting at my favorite computer station in the library like a fricking sperg
          >googling random bullshit
          >this girl (we'll call her eileen) comes in and sits by me
          >she looks like eileen too: chubby but not quite fat and with glasses
          >she notices me googling freddie freaker and notices an MLP image
          >genuinely fascinated
          >a bit embarassed but she doesn't seem to care at all
          >turns out she was an autist too
          >some time later
          >we get into a conversation about chris chan
          >she introduces me to her friends
          >didnt see them again
          >break up with my then ex on good terms
          >some time later in early 2020
          >join one of her art streams
          >messages me in private that she didn't have a relationship and was lonely
          >think about it for a day


          • 11 months ago

            please continue bro

          • 11 months ago


            I want to make it clear that I was reluctant because she was 16 and I was turning 19 in a few days. She was going to turn 17 in a few months, but it still bothered me because I'm not a fricking nonce. I also forgot to mention, but she was a furry and could be cringe at times. There isn't a single thing I wouldn't do to have the person she used to be back, though.

            >friends tell me to give it a go
            >i say yes to her
            >shes excited
            >we go on our first date a few days later just before my birthday
            >meet at starbucks
            >she waits in a red flannel jacket
            >a bit nervous
            >presents me with some art i requested (art of voolvif monn from 2003 clone wars heavily mutilated; was meant to be my imperial admiral OC being mutilated by him but she misinterpreted it)
            >we both get pretty loud and piss off a kraut couple
            >run into said couple a few days later
            >over the course of the next few days, she makes several pics for me
            >one was of one of her OCs dressed like slave leia
            >one is of me getting brutally fricking murdered

            • 11 months ago


              I forgot to mention that she lived in foster care. I won't say what part of the USA I live in but Foster Care here somehow manages to outisraelite the israelites. This is also where things start to get more serious.

              >late january
              >dont charge phone and late to her house
              >get lost and start having rebound thoughts
              >im not the only one having them
              >charge my phone and shes angry at me
              >shes afraid that its going to end like her last relationship (well get to that homosexual later)
              >i ask her if we can take a break
              >she agrees
              >one day later
              >i text her and shes surprised i want to continue with her
              >we make plans for valentines

              Time for a slight detour

              >Tuesday I think
              >forgot to mention that i have OCD with severe intrusive thoughts
              >too lazy to meditate back then so i had really bad episodes
              >tell eileen about them but decide to go see grandma
              >forget to bring phone with me
              >uncle and grandma talk to me and i feel much better
              >freak out a bit but tell her im okay
              >shes relieved
              >so am i
              >day continues as normal

              detour over. pic related.

              • 11 months ago

                4/? forgot to remove the "pic related" like a tard but here's why i put that in the first place. pic very much related.

                >cant meet on the exact day of valentines but meet the day after i believe? its been three years.
                >eileen wears pretty dress
                >normally hates it but it was given to her by her birth mom
                >we walk by the waves
                >get scared bc waves are big
                >we lay down on a bench and hold hands
                >couldnt take bus back for some reason (I think?) and mom was on way so i take her to my house and introduce her to my mom

                My Mom never liked her, and maybe she was justified in that. I'll let you decide if she was in the right once the story is over.

                >eileen and i lay down on couch
                >hold her hand
                >for once in a very long time, my OCD thoughts shut the frick up and my head feels warm
                >its so... peaceful
                >babe says to me: "I'm so glad you decided to stay with me"
                >mom takes her home
                >feel confident in the future

              • 11 months ago

                5/? I also forgot to mention but since I am a huge TGT autist she would draw me TGT characters in her style. pic related. At this point, we had both introduced each other to our parents, i learned she had a little brother and the pandemic was just about to set in. this was when shit started to get real.

                >taking her back home one night
                >arrive at the station
                >it turns out we took the last bus of the night and mom is unwilling to drive her home
                >she starts to break down
                >different people, some of which cant speak english, start comforting her and evnetually fight over her
                >she yells because she doesnt like it when people fight over her
                >tells me she doesnt want to go back

                for reference, this foster mother had verbally abused her and frequently blamed her for shit she didn't do. her preferred child was some 6 year old who kept pissing herself and stealing eileen's shit. back to the story.

                >mom agrees to bring her back to her home
                >eileen looks at me solemnly while we leave
                >i do not take my eyes off her until i cant see her again
                >little did i know that the eye of the storm hadn't even hit me yet

                if this thread isn't dead by tomorrow or if you guys recommend me a new thread to post i will continue. we have about 3 years of history to cover (jan 2020 - dec 2022) so the cult shit will take a while to get to. all i know is im getting nostalgic rn and its making me sad man.

              • 11 months ago

                Dunno where to direct you too, Anon. I'll try to bump it a few times.

              • 11 months ago

                Thanks. i guess i'll give the people who are actually here for regular show content a cute pic. source was from facebook.

              • 11 months ago

                we’ll try to keep this shit up, wanna see this play out

              • 11 months ago

                It is really fricking hard to follow your story. For now I just saw two sperg kids trying to play into the "relationship". Nothing special. I already got you were awkward as frick, but nothing criminal or creepy right now.

  4. 11 months ago

    i've been thinking about drawing her for a while now but i can never get a good idea/scenario to put her in

    • 11 months ago

      Something with rigby is usually a good answer.

    • 11 months ago

      Uh let's see how about her hang-gliding in the Alps while there's a monster battle going on in the background?

  5. 11 months ago

    Not after she hit the wall

  6. 11 months ago

    She's for people with "special interests," which applies to most people on Cinemaphile.

    • 11 months ago

      Still amazes me how many people were exposed to shit like hyperborea, vril and dicky in the same fricking video.

      • 11 months ago

        You should see the one where they're incels.

  7. 11 months ago

    I wish there was more love interests like her, I'm tired of every MC girlfriend being a Lois Lane rip off

    • 11 months ago

      >Lois Lane
      I mean Mary Jane damn

    • 11 months ago

      >Lois Lane
      I mean Mary Jane damn


      • 11 months ago

        "Cool, super hot, confident model/actress popular girl who is too good for the MC" got overused ever since Peter starded dating MJ, now every western character is simping for some girl whose main trait is being charismatic and hot.

    • 11 months ago

      Lois Lane is honestly pretty cool. Margaret is pretty bland for most of the show.

  8. 11 months ago

    craven bastards not making Rigby having a boycrush on his best friend canon and instead just giving him a literal beaver to... I guess prove he was straight?
    there's zero depth to their relationship.
    In spite of how much I hated the cringey Mordecai X Margaret scenes, at least there was some kind of storytelling there.

    • 11 months ago

      Is this pic from the "Rigby! Did you eat all the cookies?" artist?

    • 11 months ago

      seethe fujo

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Rigby had a pathological dependency to his best friend. Mordecai doesn't care for Rigby nearly as much as he care for him. Eileen helped him develop outside of that and become a better and happier person when he stopped simping for mordecai.

  9. 11 months ago

    I like when she takes huge human wiener

  10. 11 months ago

    She is best girl

  11. 11 months ago

    we tried to make a jump... but the inertia worked against us!

  12. 11 months ago

    Her and Rigby's relationship developed primarily offscreen and it's still a better pairing than any of Mordecai's love interests. That's saying something.

    • 11 months ago

      I wouldn't say it was offscreen. More like it was in the background. Making it subtle and how it seems from Mordecai's USI-filled perspective.
      When the show was still running, I noticed how Rigby was getting more comfortable with Eileen until they straight up started hanging out alone.

  13. 11 months ago

    What did she ever see in him?

    • 11 months ago

      Well, i don't know. She seemed to think he was hot, given that scene where he's cooling himself with the water.

      But other than that, i'd say she saw Rigby's 'willpower' and potential. It's kinda like a light diet version of "I can fix him", given that all she needed to do was to encourage him and he ended up becoming a way better person (finishing high school, being more responsible...)

  14. 11 months ago

    >draw a human
    >give her a beaver tail and bird feet
    >"shes a mole lmao"

  15. 11 months ago

    goodnight, eileen, goodnight, eileen, I'll see you in my dreams

  16. 11 months ago

    She thirsts over rigby one scene

  17. 11 months ago

    She was my favorite girl besides CJ.

    • 11 months ago

      yeah, margaret was boring

  18. 11 months ago


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