>dont hire the VA to play Hera in live action. >the character gets reduced to a Sabine simp

>don’t hire the VA to play Hera in live action
>the character gets reduced to a Sabine simp
>every time she’s on screen she’s talking about Sabine and how awesome she is

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  1. 10 months ago

    Mandalorian sell, anon. You gotta realize that.

    • 10 months ago

      Seeing how badly is doing the last season of The Mandolorian i doubt that.

  2. 10 months ago

    Because this is the Sabine show.

    • 10 months ago

      I thought Mando season 3 was the Sabine show.

      • 10 months ago

        mandalorian season 3 was the bo katan show.

        sabine and bo katan are 2 different mandalorian woman.

        • 10 months ago

          Pffft. Sure, anon. Whatever you say.

        • 10 months ago

          Right, right, that's completely my bad.

          • 10 months ago

            all good, they both are rather bland characters with similar backgrounds.

            • 10 months ago

              Bo-Katan is nothing like Sabine, though. And she only became bland in Rebels and Mando. TCW Bo-Katan was great. Though Katee Sackhoff has a nice ass, so there's a plus in the Mando version.

              • 10 months ago

                Early Garfield Mushroom nose.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Real old EU mandos were so "good" that kept losing every single time.

        • 10 months ago

          Mandos being so good in the EU were, from what i've read, a result of Karen Travis and her hard on for her Mandalorian culture.

          • 10 months ago

            >eugays are defending traviss now
            You hate to see it.

          • 10 months ago

            No, they were shit. They were her second of four passes (the others being OC, Gears of War, and Halo) at making a peace loving warrior culture, cultured outcasts, and morally superior to general society while participating in it. If you think that's contradictory, congratulations, your brain functions better than Traviss', and of you think I'm being harsh, she has Fett mean "farmer" in Mandalorian. The Clone Wars tossed out almost all of her rendition of the Mandalorians.

            EU Mandalorians were good in the Old Republic period. Not just in that they kicked ass, but they had good characterization that justified why they were kicking ass without descending into absurd wankery (well, more absurd than generally expected for the comics and games they were appearing in). Otherwise, they're kind of 1-2 note "generic bad guys" or "generic pacifists" or "generic clans more interested in clan bullshit than unity" while getting their own asses kicked again and again because they keep picking the wrong horse to back. Which is at least just mediocre, unlike the actively puzzling and maddening way Traviss portrays them.

      • 10 months ago

        The funny thing about this image is the author didn't think that Mandalorians where mary sue enough, and that Sabine was too normie to be one.

  3. 10 months ago

    Hera’s VA is visibly older than both Ahsoka’s VA and live action actress, though, yes, she still looks the part more than MEW.

    • 10 months ago

      Vanessa Marshall has major milf energy to bring to the role but unfortunately Hera doesn't get to be a real character any more, just there to serve the storyline.

      • 10 months ago

        Literally the second most important character after Ahsoka in episode 2, her and chopper alone keep the plot going. Plays mediator between to boneheads and actually manages to get them to work together, but yeah totally not a character anymore, given the mention of MILF i assume all you wanted was her holding Jacen and talking about how much she misses Kanan, Huh?


        The criticisms are generally quite specific, addressing actual plot points and characterization. It's the praises that are usually as vague as possible while dismissing specific critiques as "nitpicks".

        this is what I mean when I say there are no valid criticisms.

        • 10 months ago

          So Hera's doing much the same thing she did in Rebels but there's no indication that she's changed in the intervening years. So we get a watered down version of the character we already know.

          This is one of the biggest problems with Star Wars' storytelling - nothing is ever linear and they want to leave enough ambiguity in case at some point in the future they want to go back and tell more stories about the character. As for Kacen, frick Kacen! Of all the random things Rebels pulled out of its ass, I only gave them a pass with Kacen because it literally happened in the last few minutes of the series. And no, I don't want to see how Hera misses Kanan, that's actually one arc I thought Rebels did an outstanding job on and there's no need to revisit it.

          Back to the main point, having Hera play peacekeeper and mediator because that's the role they always have her play is a sign of lazy writing. Not Star Wars, but the best example of this is Downton Abbey and Lady Mary's character in seasons 4-6. Her husband and father of her child died unexpectedly at the end of season 3, but Julian Fellowes (being the hack writer that he is) couldn't think of anything to do with Mary after that so just kept throwing men at her to get her married off again. Never mind she was now a mother, widow, and running the estate, the latter of which would have been a fascinating direction to take the character. But no. Lazy writing.

          Pic: One of Rebels' best visual jokes, the tie-dyed TIE fighter.

  4. 10 months ago

    If you still watch Star Wars then you deserve the crap you get.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


      >come into a thread about thing you don't like
      >shit on people's enjoyment
      Not looking good for team anti Star Wars

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Team anti-Star Wars has been winning since 2008...
        Some would say since '99

      • 10 months ago

        Enjoying garbage makes you the garbage enjoyer and noone respects that.

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Letting "people" enjoy lowbrow swill encourages companies to make more of it. They must be ridiculed as much as possible so kino is given room to grow.

  5. 10 months ago

    This show is a backdoor pilot to promote Filoni's waifu Sabine.

    • 10 months ago

      1. A trained Mandalorian
      2. An experienced demolitions expert.
      3. Expert in hand to hand combat
      4. Expert Blaster marksman
      5. Was also a mercenary/ bounty hunter for years
      6. Other Bounty Hunters respect her and owe her favors
      7. Also attended the Imperial Academy
      8. Also is an expert Designer and Engineer
      9. Also designed a super weapon that can negate Mandalorian armor and made it for the Empire without thinking about the consequences of her actions
      10. Can beat Leading Mandalorian Clone Wars Veterans in hand to hand combat
      11. Is also very good with a lightsaber in saber combat
      12. AND A famous painter well known in painting circles and underground graffiti
      13. Also a very good technician and can repair engines and equipment better than others
      14. Force sensitive
      15. Survives a lightsaber through the gut

      • 10 months ago

        Damn. But to be fair, nothing can beat Anakin's Episode 1's plot armor.

        • 10 months ago

          Anakin at 10:
          >built a droid
          Sabine at 12:
          >built a superweapon

          • 10 months ago

            You know, if Filoni had his way, he would had Anakin be her servant, or slave-husband

            • 10 months ago

              You joke, but just remember that time travel is canon to Star Wars thanks to him.

              • 10 months ago

                >but just remember that time travel is canon to Star Wars thanks to him.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, the EU had everything they claim to hate about Disneywars and then some.
                Literally everything. They even rehashed the empire.

              • 10 months ago

                I think the issue is that the old EU basically threw everything at the wall to see what sticks so people could easily disregard obscure novels or comics while the new EU is heavily filtered to a dripfeed of what's theoretically supposed to be of higher quality and more consistent so the flaws become harder to ignore.

              • 10 months ago

                All of the previous time travel shit was in garbage comics no one read as opposed to the first TV show or movie to come out after Disney purchased the franchise.

              • 10 months ago

                >it doesn't count just because

      • 10 months ago

        I'd like to meatsaber her gut if you catch my drift

      • 10 months ago

        Looks like we got a new schizopasta.

      • 10 months ago

        >Whenever Sabine's not on screen, someone should ask "Where's Sabine?"

      • 10 months ago

        Also a space princess of Mandalore, heir to one of Mandalore's noble clans and daughter of a revolutionary leader from the Mandalore Civil War.

      • 10 months ago

        A mountain of skills poured into one character, isn't really a big deal. The problem comes when everyone else starts to suck, just to elevate her.

        • 10 months ago

          Which, notably, didn't happen in rebels. Most of the time it was easy to forget that Sabine was even *there* for entire seasons of Rebels at a time, up until the story starts involving Mandalorians and the Darksaber and she got a more prominent story role.

          Speaking of things that didn't happen in rebels, Sabine and Ezra were never an item in rebels. There was no romantic tension there at all. So the idea that Sabine has spent the last 20+ years pining for him leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Thats just pulled from thin air.

          • 10 months ago

            There was an attraction from Ezra's side but he was younger and less mature than her and it clearly wasn't going to happen until maybe season 3 when he had a growth spurt and a haircut.

            • 10 months ago

              Which, notably, didn't happen in rebels. Most of the time it was easy to forget that Sabine was even *there* for entire seasons of Rebels at a time, up until the story starts involving Mandalorians and the Darksaber and she got a more prominent story role.

              Speaking of things that didn't happen in rebels, Sabine and Ezra were never an item in rebels. There was no romantic tension there at all. So the idea that Sabine has spent the last 20+ years pining for him leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Thats just pulled from thin air.

              When did he find time to record a holochron? Like a sister?

              For that matter, why would Thrawn's location have anything to do with some old map hidden in ruins?

              • 10 months ago

                >For that matter, why would Thrawn's location have anything to do with some old map hidden in ruins?

                They seem to be implying that Thrawn is (for some fricking reason) at the home of the ancient night sisters, and there happens to be a map to get there from ages ago. But they have been pretty damn sparse with any kind of rationale as to how anyone knows this, why he is there, or how the frick a bunch of space whales got him to another freaking galaxy.

              • 10 months ago

                It's like when someone gives a hint in the form of a riddle, for no reason other than to make things convoluted. Ahsoka had to have been sent to look for the map, but the person that sent her had to have already known the whole plot and could have just told her where to go.

              • 10 months ago

                Eh, its implied that she tortured or jedi mind tricked the information out of the prisoner, so I can buy that they were not exactly cooperative about giving up the whole story.

              • 10 months ago

                >how the frick a bunch of space whales got him to another freaking galaxy.
                They travel through hyperspace, that's their thing. Did you even watch Rebels?

              • 10 months ago

                The way I see it
                >looking for a place to hide or for yet another abandoned place strong in the force
                >most likely it's in one of the hundreds of systems in the Mid and Outer Rim that dont appear in current/comercial charts because nobody gives a shit about them
                It would be like looking for El Dorado, GPS would be useless but if you find an ancient map with its location well, thats another history. Also the galaxy is huge and those kind of places are everywhere, yet another stroke of genius writing from Lucas.

              • 10 months ago

                Thrawn was dragged away by magic space whales. He didn't even get to pick his exit.
                For there to be an ancient map that lead to where he went, is literally astronomical against.
                AND his followers know he's there, somehow.
                AND his followers know where the ancient map is, but somehow are keeping hit hidden just for reasons.
                AND they don't just use an updated modern star chart when flying to bring him supplies, but somehow this ancient map is important.

                The mystery box is so empty. Even the sides of the box are made of bullshit.

              • 10 months ago

                Its not a map to Thrawn, like the Map to Luke, its a charting of Pergil's migrations. They are like Salmon or Sea Turtles, they always go back to the same place. Its kinda how you use sea charts and current flows to find people lost at sea.

              • 10 months ago

                There's no logical reason for wildlife migration to be in a secret ancient archive.

              • 10 months ago

                True, though its possible that was just how things were stored, or like the pyramids it has ritual importance no longer known. Like an ancient version of the Dewy Decimal System. Or the ancient race followed the Pergil, and if they were like the Legends Rakatans, a race of invaders it would make sense for them to be secretive with the information of their home.

                Its like would you rather a whole episode spent on expositing Mccguffin info?

              • 10 months ago

                It's as if someone recorded a David Attenborough show on VHS, and then built a pyramid to hide the tape from all future generations.

              • 10 months ago

                To be fair, extragalactic hyperspace whales are pretty interesting.

              • 10 months ago

                Then it should be on Space PBS every Wednesday night so that rebel kids have something educational to ignore while they play Rebel-Minecraft.

          • 10 months ago

            >Speaking of things that didn't happen in rebels, Sabine and Ezra were never an item in rebels. There was no romantic tension there at all.

            Eh, there was a little. Always felt like the door was open to it for me.

          • 10 months ago

            >Sabine and Ezra were never an item in rebels. There was no romantic tension there at all.
            This. I got more romantic vibes from Ezra and Kanan than I did from anyone and Sabine. I figured Sabine was going to be the asexual rep.

      • 10 months ago

        I know people are hung up on the gut thing, but i don't think Shin was going for a killing blow anyway. Feels like almost nobody noticed that almost the entire crew that she attacked appeared to be alive when being recovered by the new republic fleet.

        Guess they are still kinda jedi rather than being completely fallen.

        • 10 months ago

          My guess, based on what Baylon says in episode 2, is that he wants to open the world between worlds to bring back someone he lost, possibly a jedi.

          He might be less evil and more "obsessed with fixing the past".

        • 10 months ago

          Also, by wounding Sabine, she forces Ahsoka to stop and assist, letting her get away with the map. If she blatantly killed Sabine, Ahsoka would have no reason to stop chasing her

        • 10 months ago

          There are ways to remove Sabine from the action that are less fatal, have her get knicked in the shoulder or knee. A lightsaber through the gut is supposed to be a serious wound, but Disney seems to treat it as a flesh wound you can recover from with no issue, it makes guts like Qui-Gon and Shaak Ti look like chumps while diminishing the threat of a lightsaber.
          Tldr: stop stabbing people if you aren't killing them.

          I hope Disney at least follows Mark Hamill's wishes and just recasts younger Luke.

          >I hope Disney at least follows Mark Hamill's wishes
          Lol. Lmao, even.

          • 10 months ago

            >Shaak Ti
            Technically there's no canon death scene for her, in both EU and Disney. We just have about 1700 deleted scenes, games, animations, and so on where she dies. Thought the ROTS deleted scene death is my headcanon until shown otherwise.

            • 10 months ago

              Actually, the Clone Wars recanonized her death at the Jedi Temple, at least in Disney canon.

              • 10 months ago

                Did it? I thought they just showed a force vision by Yoda.

              • 10 months ago

                Honestly, i don't know if it was specifically the Clone Wars that canonized it, but according to Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Shaak Ti dies at the Temple during Operation Knightfall.

              • 10 months ago

                >Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
                Frick that. That's as valid a source as the Cross Sections. I love them and all, but they're not reliable.

              • 10 months ago

                Honestly, i don't know if it was specifically the Clone Wars that canonized it, but according to Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Shaak Ti dies at the Temple during Operation Knightfall.

                Adding: Getting shanked while meditating despite all the disturbance in the Force from Order 66 is the worst death I've ever heard proposed for her, or anyone else from Order 66. Skilled warrior that doesn't fight back? That's just intentional levels of character assassination. Par for the course for Disney, I'll grant you, but that doesn't mean I'll take an illustrated coffee table book as the final word, for that canon or any other.

              • 10 months ago

                >character assassination from Disney
                it was a deleted scene all the way from RotS made canon, though I preferred when it was Grievous who did the deed since it implied that she did fight back but lost against him. Perhaps even George Lucas saw that killing Shaak Ti at the temple on Knightfall sounded good on paper but realized it was dumb in practice like Clones disguising themselves as Jedi.

      • 10 months ago

        >1. A trained Mandalorian
        1 of millions, so special
        >2. An experienced demolitions expert.
        So is Wrecker, a moronic man child
        >3. Expert in hand to hand combat
        She's Mandalorian
        >4. Expert Blaster marksman
        She's Mandalorian
        >5. Was also a mercenary/ bounty hunter for years
        >6. Other Bounty Hunters respect her and owe her favors
        Like maybe one friend
        >7. Also attended the Imperial Academy
        She attended an Imperial Academy one of many on thousands of millions of worlds. Luke was going to attend one too.
        >8. Also is an expert Designer and Engineer
        Everyone can do that
        >9. Also designed a super weapon that can negate Mandalorian armor and made it for the Empire without thinking about the consequences of her actions
        And she feels bad about it, also she made a tesla coil attracted to Mando armor, its about as Super as a can of Raid, it only has one use against one very specific enemy.
        >10. Can beat Leading Mandalorian Clone Wars Veterans in hand to hand combat
        Are you talking about Gar Saxson?
        >11. Is also very good with a lightsaber in saber combat
        She had training from an expert
        >12. AND A famous painter well known in painting circles and underground graffiti
        Everyone needs a hobby
        >13. Also a very good technician and can repair engines and equipment better than others
        Literally everyone in Star Wars is an expert mechanic who can list off all the parts and
        their functions of every ship.
        >14. Force sensitive
        No she's not
        >15. Survives a lightsaber through the gut
        Its a right of passage at this point

        Anakin at 10:
        >built a droid
        Sabine at 12:
        >built a superweapon

        Anakin built a droid in the middle of a desert with spare parts, Sabine designed a super weapon with the backing and resources of the Empire, and said weapon is only good against one very specific enemy.

      • 10 months ago

        >1. A trained Mandalorian
        1 of millions, so special
        >2. An experienced demolitions expert.
        So is Wrecker, a moronic man child
        >3. Expert in hand to hand combat
        She's Mandalorian
        >4. Expert Blaster marksman
        She's Mandalorian
        >5. Was also a mercenary/ bounty hunter for years
        >6. Other Bounty Hunters respect her and owe her favors
        Like maybe one friend
        >7. Also attended the Imperial Academy
        She attended an Imperial Academy one of many on thousands of millions of worlds. Luke was going to attend one too.
        >8. Also is an expert Designer and Engineer
        Everyone can do that
        >9. Also designed a super weapon that can negate Mandalorian armor and made it for the Empire without thinking about the consequences of her actions
        And she feels bad about it, also she made a tesla coil attracted to Mando armor, its about as Super as a can of Raid, it only has one use against one very specific enemy.
        >10. Can beat Leading Mandalorian Clone Wars Veterans in hand to hand combat
        Are you talking about Gar Saxson?
        >11. Is also very good with a lightsaber in saber combat
        She had training from an expert
        >12. AND A famous painter well known in painting circles and underground graffiti
        Everyone needs a hobby
        >13. Also a very good technician and can repair engines and equipment better than others
        Literally everyone in Star Wars is an expert mechanic who can list off all the parts and
        their functions of every ship.
        >14. Force sensitive
        No she's not
        >15. Survives a lightsaber through the gut
        Its a right of passage at this point

        Anakin built a droid in the middle of a desert with spare parts, Sabine designed a super weapon with the backing and resources of the Empire, and said weapon is only good against one very specific enemy.

        She is rule 63 Kyle Katarn, all is left now is she punching dragons and killing them with her bare hands

        • 10 months ago

          She's nothing like Kyle.

          • 10 months ago

            Watch her becoming Rule 63 Kyle

            • 10 months ago

              Literally no part of the two characters is alike.

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        no one likes sabine but simps and coomers

      • 10 months ago

        Why Ahsoka has been accused of being a Mary Sue when a character like this exists?

        • 10 months ago

          Because popular character bad.

        • 10 months ago

          Good question. Sabine is clearly the Mary Sue here.

        • 10 months ago

          Ahsoka got jammed into a story with established characters where she never existed - Sabine was an original character with a bunch of other original characters. She just doesn't stand out as badly as Ahsoka did.
          Plus I think more people were exposed to TCW versus Rebels.

        • 10 months ago

          >Padawan to the chosen one that no ones ever mentioned before
          >technically has 3 masters between Anakin, Obi Wan and Plo Koon
          >breaks the rules constantly, rarely reprimanded
          >survives Clone Wars
          >Survives order 66
          >died once, then came back via time travel
          >best friends with Luke Skywalker despite not helping out during the OT
          >Is apparently a Jedi Master now despite leaving the order when she was 16
          >covered in so much plot armor she's never even gotten as much as a scar
          I can go on. How is Ahsoka not a Mary sue?

          • 10 months ago

            to the chosen one that no ones ever mentioned before
            Everyone mentions her in Clone Wars. There is no reason to mention her after that in the movies, because:
            1) In ROTS, she left the Order, and there are more important things to mention;
            2) In the OT, everyone who knew of her thinks she's dead;
            And Yoda assigned her to Anakin. Out of Universe, George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, created the character of Ahsoka and made her Anakin's Padawan. The character of Anakin was also created by George Lucas. So, by the very definition of the term "Mary Sue", i.e. a character originating in fanfiction, your entire argument is already flawed from the get-go, as Ahsoka is not a fanfiction character, and she was created by the original author of the Star Wars setting.
            has 3 masters between Anakin, Obi Wan and Plo Koon
            No, her only official master is Anakin. Technicalities are irrelevant. Anakin himself "technically" had 3 masters: Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Palpatine. So what?
            the rules constantly, rarely reprimanded
            Every time she did she was reprimanded. When she disobeyed orders at the Siege of Ryloth, when she disobeyed at the Battle of Felucia, when she tried to intimidate Gunray Luminara put her in her place, and so on. Just off the top of my head. Yet again, you are just lying.
            Clone Wars
            order 66
            So what? There's a myriad of Jedi, who survived the Clone Wars and Order 66. More so, in the comic books, there were Jedi from the Clone Wars comic books, who survived it all and then showed up 200 years after the movies, training Luke's grandkids and being the villains of the era (SW: Legacy).
            >>died once, then came back via time travel
            She never died in the first place.


          • 10 months ago

            to the chosen one that no ones ever mentioned before
            Everyone mentions her in Clone Wars. There is no reason to mention her after that in the movies, because:
            1) In ROTS, she left the Order, and there are more important things to mention;
            2) In the OT, everyone who knew of her thinks she's dead;
            And Yoda assigned her to Anakin. Out of Universe, George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, created the character of Ahsoka and made her Anakin's Padawan. The character of Anakin was also created by George Lucas. So, by the very definition of the term "Mary Sue", i.e. a character originating in fanfiction, your entire argument is already flawed from the get-go, as Ahsoka is not a fanfiction character, and she was created by the original author of the Star Wars setting.
            has 3 masters between Anakin, Obi Wan and Plo Koon
            No, her only official master is Anakin. Technicalities are irrelevant. Anakin himself "technically" had 3 masters: Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Palpatine. So what?
            the rules constantly, rarely reprimanded
            Every time she did she was reprimanded. When she disobeyed orders at the Siege of Ryloth, when she disobeyed at the Battle of Felucia, when she tried to intimidate Gunray Luminara put her in her place, and so on. Just off the top of my head. Yet again, you are just lying.
            Clone Wars
            order 66
            So what? There's a myriad of Jedi, who survived the Clone Wars and Order 66. More so, in the comic books, there were Jedi from the Clone Wars comic books, who survived it all and then showed up 200 years after the movies, training Luke's grandkids and being the villains of the era (SW: Legacy).
            >>died once, then came back via time travel
            She never died in the first place.


            >>best friends with Luke Skywalker despite not helping out during the OT
            She just knows him. Everyone knows Luke at that point. Even in George's ST, Luke would call out to 50-100 surviving Jedi to form a new Jedi Order. And none of them ever helped him during the OT.
            >>Is apparently a Jedi Master now despite leaving the order when she was 16
            She's no Jedi at all. Yet again, your point is moot.
            in so much plot armor she's never even gotten as much as a scar
            Why do you lie? She got beaten, incapacitated, shocked, tortured, shot at a countless of times.
            >I can go on. How is Ahsoka not a Mary sue?
            And not a single thing you've said is valid or true. How is Ahsoka a Mary Sue? You failed to tell us. How do you function by being so low IQ?

          • 10 months ago

            Because coomers want to frick her so all her bad writing is forgiven.

          • 10 months ago

            >died once, then came back via time travel
            Actually that was her SECOND death she came back from.

      • 10 months ago

        this anon gets it
        there are way too many archetypes in one character
        Kyle Katarn works because he’s essentially just Han Solo with a lightsaber, while Sabine is a Mandalorian Princess Street Artist Engineer Bounty Hunter with Jedi lightsaber training

    • 10 months ago

      I'd like to backdoor pilot Sabine, if you know what I mean.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          I just made the jump to hyperspace. Thanks for sharing that, anon.

  6. 10 months ago

    What's worse is that she didn't have a single line about Kanan or Jacen.

  7. 10 months ago

    when is Old Republic animated miniseries?

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        I think its just a guy Sith pureblood OC.

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Didn't you have this exact same "Nyriss? No just a Sith Pureblood OC" interaction yesterday?

    • 10 months ago

      Never. Feloni thinks his ideas are better.

    • 10 months ago

      Lol, I remember thinking the old republic was the worst the storytelling could get. How wrong I was.

      • 10 months ago

        It's not high literature. Except this guy. He deserves to be made canon.

    • 10 months ago

      What's that, anon? a HIGH REPUBLIC animated series? Okay.

  8. 10 months ago

    >>don’t hire the VA to play Hera in live action
    Too old.
    >>the character gets reduced to a Sabine simp
    Who wouldn't?

    • 10 months ago

      Why is there a highway?
      Don't hoverbikes and hovercars no care about roads?
      Or is the lack of roads on Tatooine the reason for the 10mph chase scene from Boba Fett?

      • 10 months ago

        To be fair, there seems to be a difference between hovertech and flying tech. Flying cars, like on Corescant, can go anywhere they want. Hovertech like speeders and hovercars and such never go more than a foot or two off of the ground. So, for them, a highway free of obstruction where they can go fast without having to worry about hitting anything isn't the worst idea.

        That said, it *does* make that entire pissing contest scene even more stupid. You have that game of chicken where Sabine proves she is a badass by powersliding under the star fighter, but the reality is that she could have just gone up the wing and over it, or around the ship crossing into the other lane, basically effortlessly. It was completely pointless to powerslide, that was the worst possible way to get around that obstacle because unlike the other options that one left the possibility of you fricking it up and eating pavement.

        • 10 months ago

          >where they can go fast without having to worry about hitting anything isn't the worst idea.
          But we've seen them go through forests and deserts
          It was never a problem... well until the stormtroopers hit a tree, but main characters avoid trees.

  9. 10 months ago

    Because disney knows more about making successful series than you. There's a reason nuWars makes so much money

  10. 10 months ago

    You might not have noticed this, but the Ashoka show is not very good

    > abysmal pacing, several minutes at a time of characters just silently contemplating something with no meaningful action.
    > Sabine was written more maturely when she was a teenager. For anyone who doesn't already know her character, the introduction to her in this show is that she has a position of responsibility in a chain of command but is too cool for school to actually show up to her own party and instead rides around on motorcycles and has absolutely-zero-stakes pissing contests with her own subordinates. There are no consequences to this.
    > This is... what? The THIRD time in star wars that the plot revolves an ancient lost map made by someone thousands of years ago but which somehow leads to the exact location of something or someone thats only been there for 20 years?
    > The character motivations and the plot direction seem very much at odds. Like the 'motivational conversation' with sabine and the robot: "You should have kept up your training" "I wouldn't have made for a very good jedi" "correct, you are by far the least apt student and worst jedi candidate I have ever met" "Cool so I guess I'll be a jedi after all, thanks robot."

    Its just a mess, but in slow motion. Very little happens in these two episodes, they could have easily been half their length and lost nothing.

    • 10 months ago

      You can make anything look bad by nitpicking it like this though. The internet was a mistake.

      • 10 months ago

        Do it for Fraser

      • 10 months ago

        It's pretty good, actually. Your nitpicks are quite moronic, i.e. "Sabine was written more maturely when she was a teenager", thus completely missing the point of WHY she acts the way she does — you're either dishonest on purpose, or low IQ.

        Shills spotted

        • 10 months ago

          Spot my wiener in your mother's mouth before I strangle her.

        • 10 months ago

          dumb phoneposter

    • 10 months ago

      Ahsoka is only going to get worse because the inevitable problem with Disney's MCU style timeline where everything needs to fit together a d be connected means that the story is a slave to continuity instead of the other way around.

      • 10 months ago

        How is the story a slave to continuity? We have zero idea of the the ultimate fate of pretty much any of the players in the show.

        • 10 months ago

          Its painfully obvious that this show is not here it tell a story. Its here to introduce a Big Threat for Filoni's Star Wars OCs to get together and battle avengers-style in a later Disney+ show.

          Mark my words: this show is just a vehicle for Thrawn's return/introduction to new audiences, and Ashoka and Sabine are only here to flail around and not actually accomplish anything aside from kill a disposable inquisitor or two.

          • 10 months ago


            Ahsoka is a bigger pet character of Filoni's than Thrawn. Comparatively the idea Ahsoka will be overshadowed by Thrawn in her own show by Filoni is pretty absurd given his obvious bias towards her to the fact he had her survive the Clone Wars Finale, Order 66 and Vader.

            • 10 months ago

              Ahsoka's push also strongly reeks of "Oh crap, nobody actually likes the idea of Rey Palpatine rebuilding the order, we need a back-up to our back-up Skywalker."

              • 10 months ago

                You are presuming a level of thought an coordination that is not present. This is purely a Filoni project, and Filoni has no stake or input into the movies. Filoni was always going to make live action Ashoka a thing no matter what happened with Rey.

                They might both be flying the Star Wars flag, but the movies and the DIsney+ shows are not the same ship nor do they serve the same captain.

              • 10 months ago

                She's the last thing that fans have any good will for now that Mando is down the tubes.

              • 10 months ago

                What happened with Mando? Did the show bomb or something?

              • 10 months ago

                Executive meddling forced the baby back onto the show, and then they had to juggle that with the season basically being about Bo Katan.

              • 10 months ago

                And I was so pleased at the time, like "Ah, they realized the Baby Yoda thing was going to get old so they've given him and Mando a nice emotional parting scene, that was unexpectedly smart of them," but nope, gotta sell more Baby Yoda shit, let's have Luke bring back the Jedi tradition of severing ties with your loved ones so that Baby Yoda leaves, that's definitely something a character who was famously loyal to his friends and family would do.

              • 10 months ago

                The worst part is they had the baby reunite with him not even in the Mando show, but in Boba Fetts show.
                So unless you watched it you’d be wondering why the baby is back with the Mando at the start of S3, I get them wanting to connect all their shows together but major plot points shouldn’t happen in a spin off.

              • 10 months ago

                Kk assumed more control over season 3.
                Reducing mando to a support character in his own show, so bo katann can take over the show.
                Grogu is simply to sell toys so he returned to mando instead of staying with luke

              • 10 months ago

                There's a Rey movie in hte pipeline. Kennedy won't give up on her self-insert until she is fired or the franchise is dead and buried.

          • 10 months ago

            That's already been introduced though.

    • 10 months ago

      It's pretty good, actually. Your nitpicks are quite moronic, i.e. "Sabine was written more maturely when she was a teenager", thus completely missing the point of WHY she acts the way she does — you're either dishonest on purpose, or low IQ.

      • 10 months ago

        The sequence of shots that include the one on the bottom left was such a well shot little scene.

        • 10 months ago

          Personally I hated it for being a red of the Maul scene, was lame and unnecessary. Use your imagination, do something new.

          • 10 months ago

            Why is that a reason to hate it? That's a reason to like it.
            JJ already stole an entire SW movie, Filoni can steal a shot when it looks that cool.

      • 10 months ago

        I genuinely can not grasp the mental maturity of someone that actually thinks the show is good. So far its on the level of a mediocre Rebels arc. And rebels was already mediocre.

        I also personally find it offensive they made a show called AHSOKA and its actually about Sabine, a character no one knows except those that watched Rebels, wasn't a good character in Rebels, and even had little focus outside the odd "Sabine Episode" until later seasons.

        • 10 months ago

          Obi-Wan was more about Leia and Reva and Mando S3 was more about Bo Katan
          Nothing new, just more bait and switch goyslop

          • 10 months ago

            Right, and they were all considered some of the weakest new star wars content.

        • 10 months ago

          >I genuinely can not grasp the mental maturity of someone that actually thinks the show is good.

          I mean everyone in entitled to a terrible opinion. Its always the same with these "its bad" onions is they are always as vague as possible, just insulting anyone who can might like the show, say its bad, worse star wars ever, and then reveal what they think is good is the Prequels. its kinda hilarous.

          • 10 months ago

            The criticisms are generally quite specific, addressing actual plot points and characterization. It's the praises that are usually as vague as possible while dismissing specific critiques as "nitpicks".

            • 10 months ago

              Pretty much every criticism I have seen is based off an interpretation that doesn't actually exist like when they say Sabine has more screen time when she doesn't or she is force sensitive when the show specifically says she isn't. Most of the time its because the show throws out their fanfictions or they ignored very important information from other sources like that everyone can use the force to an extent, Yoda said it in Clone Wars, Kanan said it in Rebels and Luke said it in Last Jedi

            • 10 months ago

              No they aren't. Half of them haven't watched Rebels or The Clone Wars, the ones that have imagined Ezra and Sabine having feelings for one another (probably mixing them up with Hera and Kanan) and they compare how the characters acted in season one of Rebels to years after the show took place. Critical Drinker's review had him surprised there were witches despite that being a thing for almost a decade now. Why do they even bother pretending like they like or know anything about Star Wars?

              • 10 months ago

                >Half of them haven't watched Rebels or The Clone Wars,
                Shut the frick up, you clown.
                I don't give a shit about the other shows and neither should you. We're talking about THIS show, so follow the fricking conversation.

              • 10 months ago

                >THIS show
                is Rebels season 5 in all but name

              • 10 months ago

                >you must watch le other shows before having an opinion
                Nice try, mousecuck

              • 10 months ago

                Then they need to stop bringing them up.

          • 10 months ago

            Genuine criticisms.

            The show is called Ahsoka but 75% of the focus is on Sabine.

            Sabine acts like a rebellious teenager but legit can't be younger than like 28. She reminds me of Kirk from the Star Trek reboot movies, but 10 years older and therefore completely unreasonable to act that way. Yeah, shes got "issues" but it comes off as really fricking hollow. We just got out of a major intergalactic war, every single person in the galaxy has the same issues are worse.

            The "random mystery" plot is tired at this point.

            The entire plot requires the viewer to have watched Rebels to completion to even remotely care. They didn't even pretend to care about a proper introduction to the cast.

            Hera and Ahsoka, strong characters on their own and in their shows, literally just exist to push Sabine along. Its a sin of character writing 101.

            • 10 months ago

              >The show is called Ahsoka but 75% of the focus is on Sabine.
              Sabine doesn't even show up until the last 20 minutes of the first movie, then gets sidelined for most of the second

              >Sabine acts like a rebellious teenager but legit can't be younger than like 28. She reminds me of Kirk from the Star Trek reboot movies, but 10 years older and therefore completely unreasonable to act that way. Yeah, shes got "issues" but it comes off as really fricking hollow. We just got out of a major intergalactic war, every single person in the galaxy has the same issues are worse.
              I would say its more that Sabine was once again abadoned by someone she saw as family, her biological family pushed her away when she rebelled against the empire, Ezra while he had good reason left her behind, and Ahsoka's own issues caused her to walk. She has these abandonment issues and the risk that she may again be abandoned is something that weighs heavily on her.
              >The "random mystery" plot is tired at this point.
              What mystery, its pretty straight forward on that they are looking and have found a way to get to Thrawn, more of a race against time.
              >The entire plot requires the viewer to have watched Rebels to completion to even remotely care. They didn't even pretend to care about a proper introduction to the cast.
              Its a spin off of a spin off, you are complaining that every character and their backstory isn't being force fed to you in the middle of the story.
              >Hera and Ahsoka, strong characters on their own and in their shows, literally just exist to push Sabine along. Its a sin of character writing 101.
              Its more of a rehash of Trials of the Darksaber, Hera is the mediator between Sabine and a Jedi who wants to train her but thinks she has to many hang ups. It establishes Hera's motherly qualities while also showing that Ahsoka herself still hasn't moved on from her trust issues and need to keep everyone at arms length.

    • 10 months ago

      The pacing doesn't bother me, but I do agree they've been trying too hard with Sabine and this whole training thing they're pushing is bizarre to me. I only watched bits and pieces of Rebels, but I don't recall Sabine being Force sensitive. Ezra and Kanan trained her with lightsabers so that she could use the Darksaber, but other than that I don't know where this whole Jedi training thing is coming from.

      • 10 months ago

        Correct. Sabine is explicitly not force sensitive. I have no idea why Ashoka would ever train her to be a jedi.

        Like, the IDEA of Ashoka trying to restore the jedi order using people with a strong moral code to serve as mediators and space cops rather than explicitly as an order of space wizards isn't a terrible idea. Its interesting, at least. But they haven't said thats what she was thinking when taking on sabine for training, and even if that was the plan you could never just train 'forceless jedi' the same way you did the old ones, without the force they'd just fricking die as soon as they had to deflect pew pews with their laser sword.

        • 10 months ago

          I got the impression Chirrut was what you get if you train a mundane in the ways of a jedi. A pretty cool kung fu person who is really good in a fight. They are just not going to march into a ship all by themselves and annihilate the whole crew while doing twirls in the air.

          • 10 months ago

            I was thinking that a few years ago. Makes for a good martial artist that can slap around troopers, but they are definitely not going to block blaster shots coming their way. And the force stuff is more of a feelings and low level sense than out and out superpowers.

            Since the force is supposed to be present in all living things, anyone should be able to gain something from training. Just only a tiny few in the galaxy is capable of being a full wizard with it.

        • 10 months ago

          Feels like they're dancing around mentioning Luke with all the talk about Jedi. He's pretty much THE Jedi right now. I get the aversion as a writer to name dropping OT characters too eagerly, but it starts feeling weird when you go out of your way to avoid mentioning them.

          • 10 months ago

            The existence of the live action TV shows, relegates the old movies to just being single quaint battles. that for some reason the elite in the new republic celebrate as being more important that all the horrifying struggles that the TV shows lay out in front of us.

          • 10 months ago

            In a way I prefer it, given Luke's involvement will involve more deepfake abominations and the usual wankery. Book of Boba Fett did not leave me eager to see Luke again. He'll show up again sooner or later anyway.

            • 10 months ago

              Eh, I'm not deeply dreading CGI Luke and I don't care how much they wank Luke. He deserves some wank as much as anyone and they're just redirecting their wank energy to Ahsoka, Sabine, and Ezra anyway.

              • 10 months ago

                I hope Disney at least follows Mark Hamill's wishes and just recasts younger Luke.

              • 10 months ago

                I dont know why they just dont make some animated series set post-RoTJ, Mark Hamill would jump at the chance to voice Luke in a show about him building up his new Jedi Academy, or going on adventures to recover old Jedi knowledge and shit.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm not deeply dreading CGI Luke
                You will be. You will be.

  11. 10 months ago

    Silly anon do you really expect the non humans to be important in the live action films? that hasn't been the case since Jar Jar in the 00s, the sequel trilogy hasn't had any important non humans, same can be said for the shows so far.

  12. 10 months ago

    I'm so sick of Inquisitors. I want a major villain to be force blind, like a Space Pirate

    • 10 months ago

      Its getting to the point where its sort of becoming a plot hole where they all keep coming from. It made sense for Palpatine to have a couple of low-tier force users he had quietly scooped up over the years, or other Jedi that he had turned to the dark side like Anakin and Dooku. But everyone and their mother wants to have their own special totally-not-a-sith dark force user to be the badguy in their story, so they just keep spamming inquistors and we might actually be reaching the point where there are more inquisitors than there were named jedi. Where do they keep coming from? Did Palpatine just have like 500 of the frickers hidden away somewhere?

      • 10 months ago

        Arent inquisitors fallen Jedi?

      • 10 months ago

        >totally-not-a-sith dark force user to be the badguy in their story,
        That's why I'm interested in these two in Ahsoka, they aren't fully Dark side users as shown by their sabers not being the usual red that is required.
        The way Baylan shows respect to Ahsoka as being one of the few remaining Jedi, while also claiming he isn't one makes me think he's Fallen from the Order's ideals, but not gone full Dark Jedi.

        • 10 months ago

          I assume if you thought of Jedi and Sith as extremes on a scale, then Ahsoka would be Jedi leaning center with Baylin being Sith leaning center.

  13. 10 months ago

    Ahsoka isn't played by her VA either so I don't know why this is a surprise

  14. 10 months ago

    We need more butt shots of Hera. That ass was out of this world.
    I am not ashamed to admit I hollered at the television like a rabid chimpanzee every time that bubblicious gyatt came into view.

    • 10 months ago

      Only good thing about the show

    • 10 months ago

      Sad flat white girl ass :/

    • 10 months ago

      isnt hera the mom of a 10 years old now?
      Weird of her to have this much of an active role in the military when she has a young child.

    • 10 months ago

      Only good thing about the show


      • 10 months ago

        Ewan's whole family appeared in SW now.

      • 10 months ago

        We just call them tailheads here.

    • 10 months ago

      Only good thing about the show

      >average sized butt in baggy pants
      >please clap
      No. Frick that and frick you. Have some standards.

  15. 10 months ago

    At least all three of the shows female leads are hot.

  16. 10 months ago

    Once you realise it's the Sabine show it all makes sense.

  17. 10 months ago

    Where does this take place in the timeline? I'm watching star wars in timeline order for my workout sessions. Is this pre or post return of the jedi?

    • 10 months ago

      Contemporary with the Mandolorian show. So like 10-15 years after the fall of the empire.

      • 10 months ago

        Ah cool, okay. I'm currently on episode 1 of obi-wan. Watching all of Clone Wars and stopping to watch ROTS was an experience. I dont know if anything else will have the same payoff

  18. 10 months ago

    Star Wars has always been garbage

  19. 10 months ago

    Team-Thrawn is just too cute.

    • 10 months ago

      They brought back Clancy Brown.


    • 10 months ago

      RIP Ray.

  20. 10 months ago

    Sabine told her about the origin of Pac-Man's name, obviously.

  21. 10 months ago

    Star Wars ended in 1983.

  22. 10 months ago

    I'll watch it if only to support material that actually uses aliens as recurring characters but my expectations could not be any lower

  23. 10 months ago


  24. 10 months ago

    Is it worth keep watching beyond the first episode? Watched it last night and found it awfully boring, also Hera's cosplay looks like shit.

    • 10 months ago

      At least she still looks kind of alien. Ahsoka still looks like she is wearing a hat.

  25. 10 months ago

    >shows up
    >holds his own against ahsoka
    >holds her off long enough for them to escape
    >doesn't elaborate

    • 10 months ago

      This was weird, what happened to inquisitors being no match for a trained jedi at all stuff?

    • 10 months ago

      I just know hes gonna end up being ezra, the why and how is what confuses me. maybe they will try to pull a "thrawn is there but ezra died lol" only to bring him asa s2 bait.

  26. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago


  27. 10 months ago

    Stick to your general, mousecuck.

  28. 10 months ago

    I want to have rough sex with Rosario Dawson and will therefore watch Ahsoka until the show has under 20% Rosario Dawson screen time.

  29. 10 months ago

    Where is he?

    • 10 months ago

      Shagging his nazi boyfriend

    • 10 months ago

      Getting a drink at a New Republic Cantina, so he doesn't add 2 million to the SFX budget.

  30. 10 months ago

    What's the point of continuing to fight against the empire? The way I see it, the empire is too big to fail and has enough financial support to replace 10 times anything the rebels destroy.
    what is the point? any victory for the rebels was ephemeral or futile at best.

    • 10 months ago

      Also, if the empire falls trillions will lose their jobs and millions of worlds will fall into anarchy.

      I think the rebels' plan is not very well thought out.

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