>Dont worry, if you have trouble with women you can always marry some used up roastie!

>”Don’t worry, if you have trouble with women you can always marry some used up roastie!”

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    The fact that you even use the word "roastie" means you will forever remain a virgin, unless you pay for it.

    • 1 year ago

      Nothing wrong with using prostitutes, all the badass dudes of yore used them.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Nothing wrong with women 40+
      I don't have a fetish for pregnancies, I just want someone to spend time with.

    • 1 year ago

      there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.
      prostitutes are fun.
      just dont wife them.
      dont wife the prostitutes that have sex with you for free either.

    • 1 year ago

      Why are you defending women? It’s not like you’ll ever be one anyway.

      • 1 year ago

        Nta, but have you considered that he might like women? That he enjoys being around them, and interacting with them?

  2. 1 year ago

    Women are just mean creatures.

    • 1 year ago

      Both sides reek of desperation.

      • 1 year ago

        The guy reeks of desperation, like damn try being cool and not so pathetic, but he did nothing to warrant that attack. Izzy is like a 6 or 6.5, definitely not hot, and maybe needs to attack him to boost her own self esteem, which she did with no restraint. But honestly they were a match made in hell. Izzy seems way worse, like b***h, who hurt you? Why are you so needlessly mean? Hotter girls are never that cruel and vicious

        • 1 year ago

          they are, but that's not a good way to start a conversation at all
          it's like going in shark infested waters with a cut

          lol guy didnt do anything wrong, women are entitled morons and deserve whatever comes their way

          • 1 year ago

            There's a time and place for emotional vulnerability and it's not in the early stages of a conversation.

            Attractive people are always nicer than ugly people because people are always nicer to them. They just think that's how the world is so they mirror it

            That in itself is not a nice thing to say.

            • 1 year ago

              How is it not a nice thing to say? I'm pointing out the reality that the world treats attractive people better and so they are kinder to others because that's how theyve been treated. It's not a slight on attractive people in any way, I'm literally saying they're nicer people all around

              • 1 year ago

                >It's not a slight on attractive people in any way,
                Jesus Christ you're moronic

              • 1 year ago

                You are
                Explain yourself or shut the frick up, ugly homosexual

              • 1 year ago

                If you're too stupid to understand the implication of what I said you don't deserve an explanation.

              • 1 year ago

                >doesnt have an explanation
                >>lol ur dumb wont explain it
                My guess is that you think im somehow insinuating that attractive people are only nice people because others are nice to them, and that they wouldnt be nice to others if they were ugly, implying that they're somehow not actually nice people. Somehow you think that I'm saying attractive people are bad people because they're only nice on a surface level or something because others are nice to them.
                The reality is that I'm right. People are nice to attractive people and so attractive people become nice people in response. They're nice people on the inside because that is how the world shaped them and they respond accordingly
                Ugly people are looked down upon and treated rudely because they are ugly, so they reflect that back to the world.
                Everyone is a reflection of how theyre treated by other people.
                Now watch
                Youre going to say that I'm wrong and stupid because I'm right and you cant bring yourself to admit it lol
                Don't even bother (You)ing me anymore
                Stay mad

              • 1 year ago

                You're a mentally ill moron, of course I'm not reading that.

              • 1 year ago

                >Somehow you think that I'm saying attractive people are bad
                i'm pretty sure no one suggested you said that

              • 1 year ago

                It flew over your head hard. The implication was that you're mirroring that woman's exact mindset while insinuating that somehow she's a c**t.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm literally saying that the woman is ugly and she's a c**t because she's ugly and has been treated poorly in the past, so she's doing the same to others
                If she was attractive she would have treated the guy more kindly because she would have had an easier time in life
                Nothing flew over my head, dipshit
                I saw your argument before you made it because I'm smarter than you and preemptively thought about that before I even posted.
                I ran through it in my head and decided which side was right so I posted that
                We disagree fundamentally on the topic and you're wrong, so you called me stupid because others have called you stupid your whole life
                Seethe harder chud

              • 1 year ago

                >If she was attractive she would have treated the guy more kindly
                Why would she treat him kindly considering he is most likely ugly and therefore a c**t?
                >Seethe harder chud
                Oh, so you're just baiting

              • 1 year ago

                Because even ugly people are kinder to attractive people than they are to ugly people
                Ugly people are the most rude to eachother, hence, the origin text chain of this entire thread

              • 1 year ago

                >Ugly people are the most rude to eachother
                That argument makes more sense, but then, it's simply not an issue that she's being an alleged c**t.

              • 1 year ago

                She's being a c**t because she's ugly
                It's not "alleged"
                She is a c**t
                She is ugly
                These two facts are directly related

              • 1 year ago

                But the guy is likely ugly himself. Are you yourself ugly for pointing out she's ugly? Your logic doesn't make sense.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not a hylic npc so I'm able to point out the way others behave without implicating myself. As for attractiveness, I have a good facial structure, but I'm overweight. I have good hair and genes, except for height. both my parents were crazy attractive when young and are still very attractive now in their 50s, but I don't take care of myself enough to be consitently attractive. I'd give myself a solid 7/10, up to 9 when I get in shape
                I'm an overall nice person in life and very empathetic
                Both people in the conversation we're talking about are ugly, and that's why they're mean to eachother
                Simple as
                You're trying to complicate things because you just don't think life can boil down to being so shallow
                But it can and it is

              • 1 year ago

                Shallowness is just another aspect of being a c**t. That's why it's more optimal to judge a person by their deeds and character.
                It would be naive to think attractive people can do no wrong. If I was an attractive women I would just use you for my personal aid.

              • 1 year ago

                I never said attractive people can do no wrong
                When you get into the more complex things and deeper into people, all are capable of being bad or good
                But when youre specifically talking about surface level things, first conversations, small talk with strangers, first impressions, attractive people will almost always be kinder to others than ugly people

                Not him but what's your point? He's saying she's ugly or used to be, which is why she's a c**t, and yes the dude is likely ugly too and most probably will become a c**t in the future thanks to being treated like that. He's stating a fact, not claiming its good.
                What exactly are you trying to argue?

                Exactly this
                I'm not saying it's right for anyone to behave a certain way, one way or the other. I'm just pointing out that it is what it is

              • 1 year ago

                >attractive people will almost always be kinder to others than ugly people
                So you're saying that guy would've had a much easier time seducing a better looking woman?

              • 1 year ago

                Literally unironically yes

              • 1 year ago

                Pure bluepilled delusion. There will come a time when you can't simply make an excuse that a person was ugly and that's why they were a c**t. There's plenty of conventionally attractive people who are c**ts.

              • 1 year ago

                Never said there weren't
                I'm making a generalization because it's mostly true
                You seem to be incapable of thinking in abstractions and concepts
                Sign of undiagnosed autism for real, anonkun

              • 1 year ago

                You couldn't even recognize the initial meaning of my post, you're not one to determine autism, anonkun. Yours is a naive and childish mindset.

              • 1 year ago

                I've noticed a lot infuriatingly poor comprehension around here as of late.
                as in posters not being able to understand that something is a metaphor, let alone what it means.
                these kinds of people used to be in institutions, and the world was better off for it.
                wonder where they have come from so suddenly, as they are worse than chat bots, no joke.

              • 1 year ago

                Literally unironically yes

                It sounds counterintuitive but I’ve actually had an easier time picking up bad b***hes than your average 5 or 6 outta ten with makeup.

                It’s a bit like the Chad vs Brad dynamic.

                Turbo-Chads are usually the chillest dudes you’ll ever meet. They know they’re on top. They know nobody can whoop their ass or shoot them. They know anyone who insults them or makes fun of them is coping.

                Brads tend to compensate for their intermediate status by bullying whoever they think they can get away with and trying to frick every girl around.

                Average girls and pretty girls tend to be the nastiest c**ts because they know they’re not 8/10. So they spend their time bullying beautiful girls in hopes that alphas will give their attention to them instead.

                Every time I’ve hit up a no-shit model tier girl, the response is always smoother and better than with a normal girl. Even if she isn’t interested she’ll be less likely to gloat about it to boost her status to her friends.

                She knows she’s gorgeous. She doesn’t need to waste time reaffirming it by degrading guys who hit on her.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Not him but what's your point? He's saying she's ugly or used to be, which is why she's a c**t, and yes the dude is likely ugly too and most probably will become a c**t in the future thanks to being treated like that. He's stating a fact, not claiming its good.
                What exactly are you trying to argue?

              • 1 year ago

                >which is why she's a c**t
                Is she? She's rejecting an ugly person (i.e. a c**t)
                Following this poster's logic, she would've only been a c**t had she rejected a Chad. But in reality, he likely wasn't a Chad, because he got rejected in the first place.

              • 1 year ago

                She's a c**t not because she's rejecting him but because of the manner in which she does it, specifically to damage his self-esteem. And nobody claimed otherwise. Your whole argumentation is based on a false, self thought-up premise.

                Because of how she did it, while he was vulnerable, we know she's a c**t for sure. Her being a c**t is decided by this, not by whether the guy is an ugly c**t himself. It's purely your projection that because ugly people are c**ts in general, its somehow implied that its ok to treat them like shit no matter the circumstances. You're the only person who came to the conclusion that this behaviour is somehow being justified. It's not.

              • 1 year ago

                You're making excuses. She's not even that ugly. But if we were to assume she was a 10/10, the only thing that would change is you wouldn't have the excuse of saying "well, she's ugly and that's why she's a c**t".
                Moreover, why would it not be ok to be a c**t towards a c**t?

              • 1 year ago

                Because being a c**t towards a c**t first reinforces c**tish behavior and ensures c**ts will never break out of the recycle of c**tishness

              • 1 year ago

                The cycle can't be broken.

              • 1 year ago

                She's not that ugly now, when her face is full of plastic and fillers. She absolutely was ugly while growing up.

                > But if we were to assume she was a 10/10, the only thing that would change is you wouldn't have the excuse of saying "well, she's ugly and that's why she's a c**t".

                A 10/10 would never even match with that guy in the first place.

              • 1 year ago

                That said she's still ugly, and her face has the fake plastic bimbo look from too much stuff being done.

              • 1 year ago

                The guy reeks of desperation, like damn try being cool and not so pathetic, but he did nothing to warrant that attack. Izzy is like a 6 or 6.5, definitely not hot, and maybe needs to attack him to boost her own self esteem, which she did with no restraint. But honestly they were a match made in hell. Izzy seems way worse, like b***h, who hurt you? Why are you so needlessly mean? Hotter girls are never that cruel and vicious

                Attractive people are always nicer than ugly people because people are always nicer to them. They just think that's how the world is so they mirror it

                You're an actual homosexual if you think this is unattractive.

              • 1 year ago

                >I saw your argument before you made it
                this homie has full blown autism kekw

              • 1 year ago

                you realize you're the exact same as this girl, right?

                Women are just mean creatures.

              • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              >That in itself is not a nice thing to say.

              Nah, it's true, unattractive or ex-unattractive people are c**ts in general. Especially women who grew up ugly and became better looking with plastic surgeries are actually the biggest c**ts and get off to humiliating men in whom they sense weakness. Only on the internet though, they'd never act like that irl. Men in that position usually just end up being jaded and cynical, but not malignant like women. It's just that man-hating is normalized and accepted in our society, while misogyny is stigmatized (due to feminist/commie propaganda being propagated in the West for russian and chinese money; the process which was started during cold war).

              • 1 year ago

                >and get off to humiliating men
                How is that a bad thing considering you just said unattractive people are c**ts? It's a logical paradox.

              • 1 year ago

                It's not a paradox, but a self perpetuating cycle. c**ts taking out their issues on those they perceive as lesser than them, thus creating more c**ts. At the end it's just semi-rabid animals succumbing to their weakness and ultimately a test of sapience - when bitten by one of them will one join their ranks or rise above it? Most just become c**ts.

              • 1 year ago

                It's not circuluar reasoning
                It's circular reality
                The same way kids who were abused by their parents grow up to abuse their kids
                Ugly people who were treated badly by others end up treating everyone badly
                Most people don't choose who they become

              • 1 year ago

                No, you're just low IQ

              • 1 year ago

                This had sense until you became a poltard. Never go full poltard, kids.

              • 1 year ago

                Not a poltard, /misc/ thinks Russia are the good guys. Also lol at not knowing what I'm talking about when its been public knowledge for years thanks to soviet defectors:

                This is like basic knowledge

              • 1 year ago

                >/misc/ thinks Russia are the good guys.
                only libhomosexuals think there are only two ways to think about something, either for or against. Nobody cares about Russia, we just dont want to get involved in their conflicts that have nothing to do with us. Our kids do not need to to die to protect yet more israeli assets.

              • 1 year ago

                both sexes hating each other is not a natural state of things
                its absolutely artifically engineered to weaken the militarily superior society from within

              • 1 year ago

                Exactly. So stop falling for it moron

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not, I simply realize that the decades of subvertion worked.

              • 1 year ago

                Both sides hating each other is the result of centuries of men abusing women.

              • 1 year ago

                Abusing women isn't acceptable but they would've hated men either way. It absolutely is not the result.

              • 1 year ago

                No. They hate men because men have given them no reason not to hate.

              • 1 year ago

                They hate men because men are ugly. It's outside of their control for the most part.

              • 1 year ago

                Most men are ugly on the inside, that is the real issue.

              • 1 year ago

                Misogny is stigamized because the lives of men are objectively worth less than woman. This was always true.

          • 1 year ago

            Saying he gets lonely sometimes, then adding it’s actually a lot and asking to cuddle was bad, but then he quadruple messaged her with a “nice talk”, sadly after being ignored. At that point it was dead, no need to come back and give a snide yet sad remark, just find another match. Also I don’t really like cuddlers. I can almost enjoy a cuddle at the best of times - barely. But if you’re going to like cuddling with strangers, I have to think you’re soft and needy

        • 1 year ago

          Attractive people are always nicer than ugly people because people are always nicer to them. They just think that's how the world is so they mirror it

    • 1 year ago

      Jesus Christ, I hope that this is fake for your sake, never open up that quickly. It sounds incredibly desperate at least wait until you get their number or Snapchat or something.

      • 1 year ago

        what happened to be yourself

        • 1 year ago

          There is nothing with being yourself but you have to let someone get to know who you are before you ask to cuddle with them. Like if you want to legitimately date a girl don’t ask for anything physical that quickly since it makes sound like you want them for their body. At least try to find some common interests.

        • 1 year ago

          'Be yourself' is advice like 'do what you love'.
          Sure, maybe playing in a rock band or oil painting is what you love, but it's hard to make that profitable enough to thrive off of. Maybe you're fat, make uncomfortable jokes, and need to shower three times as often as you do now, you can still conceivably find someone to date. It's a lot easier though if you change yourself, at least parts of yourself, to be more attractive. If you like anime or video games, that doesn't have to change. If you're terminally online, never meet people, and have nothing going for you, then you are fricked if you 'just be yourself'.

        • 1 year ago

          Asking for a cuddle that fast just reeks of desperation

    • 1 year ago

      >being this mellow for a bawd in a dating app.
      Guy was asking for it.

    • 1 year ago

      they are, but that's not a good way to start a conversation at all
      it's like going in shark infested waters with a cut

    • 1 year ago

      I'd like to apply for a residence in Kazahstan

    • 1 year ago

      Don't worry about it, she's actually ugly irl and looks good only on few handpicked pics, and that's after plenty of plastic surgeries. Which she knows and takes out her frustration on men on her looks level, because she's rightfully disgusted with how she looks.

    • 1 year ago

      incel bros, im starting to think we cant get laid because we reek of insecurity and are socially moronic, and not because stacy only fricks chad/brad/Black folk/dogs/scapegoat #1/scapegoat #2/etc

      • 1 year ago

        Good hunch but you're wrong. If he was attractive she wouldn't have minded this.

        • 1 year ago

          whats your point? that people are more willing to tolerate peoples quirks if theyre attractive? that might be true, but that doesnt mean its impossible for someone whos atleast average looking to get laid, the fact that they matched at all suggests she was giving him a chance and he fricking blew by acting like a whiny homosexual

          even if the roles were reversed, if i literally just met a woman and she started pouring her heart about being lonely, i would think shes crazy

          • 1 year ago

            >the fact that they matched at all suggests she was giving him a chance

            That particular girl is a failed streamer. She absolutely does match with unattractive guys on purpose to publicly humiliate them for "content". It's her shtick. That said plenty of women indoctrinated by misandrist propaganda do it for pleasure as a hobby.

        • 1 year ago

          If she was attractive she also wouldn't have minded it because the conversation wouldn't happen in the first place. It's obvious she matched with him specifically to crush him.

      • 1 year ago

        I think like 90 percent of incels are too mentally ill to get laid 5 percent are legitimately too ugly and the last 5 are just unlucky

      • 1 year ago

        more or less this.
        you can level up your social skills if you pass through enough awkwardness. might take a year or two of constant exposure.

    • 1 year ago

      This is absolutely disgusting. Have some fricking self-respect and please don't ever send anything close to those first three messages to a woman ever again. You're so desperate I bet you frick troons

    • 1 year ago


      >using ironic Cinemaphile lingo around normies

    • 1 year ago

      Take rejection on the chin instead of being a whiny vindictive b***h when they say no.
      All you did is prove her right.

    • 1 year ago

      So this is what BPD looks like from the woman's pov

    • 1 year ago

      Unironically based, if she ignored your message she had every intention of ghosting you to begin with
      Good job calling her a subhuman prostitute

    • 1 year ago

      Should've threatened to rape her, thats what I do. Makes them paranoid anytime they go down a dark alleyway

    • 1 year ago

      both sides should die

  3. 1 year ago

    SO glad i got mommy gf
    least ive only got 8 years to go bros

  4. 1 year ago

    As if a 40 year old virgin would deserve any better.

  5. 1 year ago

    This film is the ultimate redpill, his life was perfect when he was single

    • 1 year ago

      nah, it's peak bluepill
      >>You must give up your hobbies to stay with a used single mother

  6. 1 year ago

    I can't wait to finally get fit and lose my virginity.

    • 1 year ago

      You don't even need to get fit to have sex. Just fricking talk up some random girl at a bar and if she's under a 5 chances are you have decent odds of getting pussy unless you have severe mental illness.
      Or just get an escort. Either way you're down money.

  7. 1 year ago
  8. 1 year ago

    I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

  9. 1 year ago

    Ever notice how basically every romantic comedy is like this if it’s targeted at guys?

    >In the end, this awkward loser finds love with some old hag

  10. 1 year ago

    >started to feed birds in local park this year
    >found a crow couple that started to follow me for nuts
    >trying to train and play with them
    >girl walking a dog sees me putting nuts on rocks and looking up in trees
    >glanced at me several times as she walked by

    • 1 year ago

      Just keep doing your thing bro
      One day she'll be walking her doge and she'll see you seated on a bench with two crows on your shoulders just chillin
      Then she'll approach you and suck your dick right there while your bird friends cheer you on

    • 1 year ago

      This is me and all the moronic weird shit I do. Despite that I still get attention form women but am too awkward to ever take it further.

    • 1 year ago

      Just keep doing your thing bro
      One day she'll be walking her doge and she'll see you seated on a bench with two crows on your shoulders just chillin
      Then she'll approach you and suck your dick right there while your bird friends cheer you on

      >eating a sandwich
      >pigeon flies down to pick up the crumbs
      >his buddies join him
      >throw them some bits of bread
      >more come
      >one hops up on the bench next to me, give it a bit of bread too
      >hops onto my leg, then my arm
      >others grow bolder
      >a few minutes pass and I have 20-25 pigeons around me, some on my legs and arms, one is eating the sandwich right out of my hand
      woman came along and asked if she could take a picture.
      she probably put it online somewhere.
      another year I built an 8 foot tall snowman and used bits of junk from the park to dress it. another woman asked to take a photo of that too.
      neither became my wife, but I expect if I did it every day I'd become park-fanous

  11. 1 year ago

    Trouble with women (a redundancy there) means trouble with all women, used up roasties included.

  12. 1 year ago

    the milf was hot so I see no downsides here

  13. 1 year ago

    I dunno who needs to hear this, but the worst thing she can say is a lot worse than “no”. Take it from a dude with tons of sisters and female “friends”.

    They talk about dudes they’ve rejected like it’s a contest to see who can be the most horrible about it. They openly insult EVERYTHING. It’s a joke to them. You really aren’t even a human being in their eyes.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I've seen this behaviour particularly with chicks who have fillers on their faces. Friends of a friend.

    • 1 year ago

      Women are just mean creatures.

      If you're on a dating app you're nothing but a youtube comment to them. They don't give a shit, why should they?
      If you didn't meet irl and you're just some guy on a dating app, they see right through you.

      If you're a guy that's actually investing any emotions into a match you haven't even met yet, you're doing it wrong. Matching with someone is like making eye contact with a stranger on a bus. a text conversation is not even a real conversation. You shouldn't feel burned or insulted when a girl ghosts you even after matching. I've ghosted an equal amount of women that have ghosted me.

      Until you actually meet them face to face and formed a relationship there's no reason to get upset. If you didn't get a text after a couple day, move the frick on. Or figure out how to meet girls irl because these apps are designed to screw you out of money.

      • 1 year ago

        This. I match with women on dating apps and then ghost them

        • 1 year ago

          I live with my parents and I'm 26. If a girl doesn't have her own place then I ghost them. I've ghosted a dozen girls because they lived with their own parents and had no privacy. if I had my own place I would be swimming in pussy. Otherwise I have to wait for the rare blue moon when a girl rents and is crazy enough to invite a stranger into her house. Not often enough sadly.

          And every single time I hook up with a girl, it's never because of anything I've said. It's only because she's new to dating apps and I was the lucky first she matched with.

          • 1 year ago

            all online dating is poison, and people like you concentrate the poison.
            your post reads like a weird 70s serial killer

  14. 1 year ago

    >not ugly
    >have a decent amount of friends
    >leave the house often, do social stuff
    >still never had a gf

    honestly, it's very strange. I just coast through life, I do my own thing thinking "I'll get a gf one day", but it never happened.

    • 1 year ago

      How many women have you approached in the last two months?

      • 1 year ago

        if you didn't experience teen love when you were in highschool its over. Women can sniff that out like hounds.

        They can subconsciously sense whether or not a person fricks. And women want a fricker, not some loser who expected a gf to come to him his whole life

        • 1 year ago


          homie what red blooded man wants that gay shit? We out here just tryna frick.

          You gotta start being more aggressive. Raw aggression can make up for tons of things. Not angry or physical aggression. Just “I’m taking you home and there’s nothing you can do about it.” energy. Women are naturally submissive and will obey if directly commanded by a man.

          • 1 year ago

            Women want to be commanded by men they already like or are attacted to, dingus. If an uggo said that line to them they would he pepper sprayed and arrested
            Your brain has been destroyed by porn lmao

            • 1 year ago

              lmao true. If that moron said that as a short man or an ugly man he would be thrown in prison for life.

              Delusional fricks. Having teen puppy love is what distinguishes you as datable material from a young age and should be compounded with lots of experience in college.

              Women can sense lack of this like they smell insecurity

            • 1 year ago

              >Women want to be commanded by men they already like or are attacted to, dingus.

              Yes. Aggression is attractive. That’s why it’s important to start off calling them demeaning names and insulting them. So they know who is in control.

              Making a girl cry is more important for attraction then making her laugh or cum.

              lmao true. If that moron said that as a short man or an ugly man he would be thrown in prison for life.

              Delusional fricks. Having teen puppy love is what distinguishes you as datable material from a young age and should be compounded with lots of experience in college.

              Women can sense lack of this like they smell insecurity

              You sound like a virgin.

              • 1 year ago

                You are an ugly evil virgin. Chad makes them cry because he is selfish and cares about himself only, genetically gifted people aren't demeaning or insulting to women.

                Chad controls his women by existing, not insulting or demeaning them like some kind of psychopath

              • 1 year ago

                >Chad makes them cry because he is selfish and cares about himself only
                NTA but this isn't true.

              • 1 year ago

                yes it is. Woman will cry because chad forgot her piano concert and was doing his own thing

              • 1 year ago

                The implication that Chad is some completely selfish creature that only ever cared about itself is false.

              • 1 year ago

                chad doesn't only care about himself, but can be forgetful and dismissive of the whims of others.

              • 1 year ago

                Frick outta here, b***h. I fricked eight b***hes and got blowjobs from three others. It doesn’t matter where the stress comes from. Only that you stress em out.

              • 1 year ago

                rookie numbers and you reek of desperation. I bet they were all ugly or fat bawds and you probably got STD's from their pity fricks.

              • 1 year ago


                You pressed already bro

              • 1 year ago

                keep bragging about rookie numbers and low quality pity fricks you can count on your fingers kek. NGMI

              • 1 year ago

                Nah, boy

        • 1 year ago

          I lost my virginity in high school and thought I had finally "made it", like I was finally cool enough for other people to talk to me.
          Then I realized most of the people I thought were cool and funny were also virgins and that I was still weird despite sticking my dick in some random bawd that everyone fricked.

      • 1 year ago

        but that's because most women don't like being approached

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          if you didn't experience teen love when you were in highschool its over. Women can sniff that out like hounds.

          They can subconsciously sense whether or not a person fricks. And women want a fricker, not some loser who expected a gf to come to him his whole life

          cope for cowards
          self-fulfilling prophecy

        • 1 year ago

          Then what the frick do you expect lmao?

          • 1 year ago

            >what the frick do you expect lmao?
            I want a relationship that doesn't happen as a result of me approaching strangers in public. That's what I want.

            • 1 year ago

              Then you missed your chance at childhood pairbonding and it's simply not going to happen
              Sorry bro, but I'm in the same boat

        • 1 year ago

          Not true. Virtually every single relationship I've had was because I approached a girl I had no right to talk to. Girls play the game of avoiding any sign they're interested. You'd be surprised how easily they're open to a hello.

    • 1 year ago

      Only women can sit down doing nothing and get hit on by strangers.

    • 1 year ago

      My life has been similar since the covid lockdown happened. Excluding a few rare small talks I have had with a girl at work I really haven’t been alone and talked with a girl in years. It’s like a purgatory feeling as a ghost because woman don’t seem to even notice you most days and sometimes I just feel dissociated by day to day life like I have seen this episode before nothing will happen or the lonely kind of strange feeling that maybe someone today will break this wall between the inner universe I live inside my head and the real world where I can actually feel and see the things I dream of constantly. I started lifting again and girls have started to notice me again. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t but dating apps seem to be shit now compared to 5 years ago I feel like I wouldn’t even get matches like before without spamming super likes so still the idea of finding someone or being found seems unlikely at best.

    • 1 year ago

      stop coasting. challenge yourself or you might as well be dead.
      start a new hobby/activity where there are women and men your age. talk with them, if you like a girl, make it clear as soon as you realise it. spend more time talking with her, actively seek her out, suggest meeting up together outside of the thing, spend time with her. flirt - that is, do and say things that you wouldn't do with others. sit closer to her, hold eye contact for longer, physical contact with her in any way, so she knows you are interested.
      thats more or less it, escalate bit by bit, try your luck, don't be too polite.

      • 1 year ago

        All this for a chance at crumbs. This shit is a joke

        • 1 year ago

          >all this
          i'll never understand this attitude.
          >oh no I have to live life because I never learned how to before
          it's like complaining about eating or sleeping, or having to move around. modern people are utterly deranged.
          it might sound artificial or like effort if you've never done it before, but it is something everyone used to do without thinking.
          you've been left behind, you didn't do these things bit by bit from teenage years onwards, so you have to put in a bit more effort now to catch up.
          it's either that or continue the same way until you die. it really shouldn't be a question.
          ask your mother how much effort you and your parents put in before you could shit in the toilet, eat by yourself, walk, read, speak.
          niw imagine you never practised one of those basic skills and you have to learn it now.
          going to be pretty hard isn't it. worth doing? what do you think

          • 1 year ago

            >it's like complaining about eating or sleeping, or having to move around
            This is exactly how I feel about trannies.

          • 1 year ago

            >need to jump through endless hoops for human interaction
            >based on my own circumstances I'm limited to leftovers that for very good reason nobody else wants to date
            >in a failed late-stage capitalistic society where I'd need to spend the rest of my life getting fricked in the ass by my corporate overlords to afford a family ontop of the social obligation

            yeah nah, unironically what's the point. Maybe if the rich didn't spend the last 50 years pricing everybody out of a decent life I'd bother playing along in this rat race, but it just doesn't sound worth my time.

            • 1 year ago

              What is worth your time then Do that instead.

              • 1 year ago

                >What is worth your time
                well currently it's doing exactly enough to get by.
                My body is falling apart, and I became a drunkard at the beginning of Covid, I only really have just about enough energy in the day to do exactly what I need to do to get by.
                I still don't know how to drive, my parents never bother teaching me, and I'm really not sure how to go about doing it on my own. I work from home now, so I haven't had the need to leave my house.
                Really for the last 3 years I've been a hermit shutin.
                I wouldn't call myself an incel, because the truth is literally anybody on the planet could get laid if they wanted to and lowered their standards enough. I'm sure I could pull a chubby/overweight shut in, terminally online still living with her parents shut in like I did years ago when I lost my virginity. It's just they suffer the same mental health problems I go through, and if my own life is miserable why would I ever want to go through dating myself. Pussy isn't worth doing all that, even though anybody could. Those chicks are headcases and easy lays.

                >so you have to put in a bit more effort now to catch up.
                Like a child that was neglected and never learned how to speak, if you're a wizard, you're never going to learn. I was there, I almost let myself get too far gone, but I saw the edge and pushed myself over it. If you just let year after year wash over you, you're not going to be able to get them back. In your 30s, you can learn to parrot a few phrases, maybe go on a few dates, but you're never going to be 'ok'.
                Oh boohoo, I don't have money. Tons of people didn't have money and had families. Face it, the problem isn't 'the man' or 'the rich' or your daddy for not telling you how to kiss girls. It's you. You were too scared of failure and you still are. The issue is that now you've waited so long that failure is guaranteed.

                My Daddy didn't teach me how to drive while dropping me off in rural bumfrick all town of 4k people a year before I turned 16 before running off to live in some trailer in bumfrick Arkansas on somebodies else land while he funnels all his money into more booze and a prostitute in trinidad that's married and lives with her babydaddy.
                The main problem is absolutely the rich. The only way for me to get a step up in life is stepping on other people in the USA. There is no such thing as "too late" for anybody to make it. 30s? 40s? Nothing too late. Plenty of self-made millionaires from being homeless nobodies in the mid 30s.
                The point is I just don't have any motivation. My motivation is to pay my bills, not become homeless, work to do that and keep my personal space clean. After I do all that I have zero energy left in my decayed body.

                Nothing else feels worth it anon.

              • 1 year ago

                honestly, try realistic driving games and buy yourself the cheapest steering wheel + pedals you can.
                download a driving theory programme, watch driving theory videos.
                study the rules of the road.
                then watch youtube videos on how to do different car maneuvers. try them out in a focussed way in the car sim/game.
                then after some time of that, book some lessons or ask a neighbour or post an ad locally that you want to practise driving, and you'll either pay them or pay for fuel.
                my instructor told me to sit on a chair with a cushion in my hand and another under my feet, and visualise the driving maneuvers, doing all the movements. cut my learning time in half by doing that for 10 minutes a day.
                write a list of all your problems, and write a list of solutions
                do some research on each one if you need to. then do the easiest one on your list, and keep going.

              • 1 year ago

                also, if you wait for motivation, you'll never do it.
                just do it, take action without motivation, without hesitation, without overthinking it and without being in the right mood or it being the right time or moment.
                youll be surprised that after 30 seconds of action you'll already be in a far better mindset.
                the more times you cold start like that, the better you'll be at it, and that is where your motivation will come from

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah you're right anon.
                I'm not trying to make excuses for anything but me on my life.
                The one thing I wished for just is better healthcare in this Country. A culture around it. It'd have helped me a lot growing up, instead of being afraid to seek help for medical/mental issues. Instilled in by my parents.

                People need support systems and our culture is heavily against it.

                Still on me to take myself up and get it done.

              • 1 year ago

                >just do it, take action without motivation, without hesitation, without overthinking it and without being in the right mood or it being the right time or moment.
                >youll be surprised that after 30 seconds of action you'll already be in a far better mindset.
                this has been irrefutably true in my experience
                I still procrastinate a lot but sometimes I'll basically force myself to do something and it just works

              • 1 year ago

                if you treat yourself like a second person and internally grab yourself and yank yourself out of bed, or with a bit of anger walk over to your shoes and put them on, it helps.
                i don't know why apathy is so wide spread now. side effect of living non human lives perhaps.
                inportant is that good habits can be learned and developed

              • 1 year ago

                Yep. "The eyes show fear, but the hands work".

                >/bunkerchan/ plant starts going on about 'J00'
                you are responsible for all the misery you suffer. you just want everyone else to suffer so you can revel in it

                He says it's not about the israelites though lol, just rich people fricking things up for the rest. Why so quick to get defensive?

              • 1 year ago

                him spouting off about 'jews' or 'rich' or 'elites" or whatever programming he' s following is cope.
                he needs to drop all of that and focus on his own life.
                the more he makes excuses, the less he will do. he needs to take responsibility and control over his own life.

              • 1 year ago

                I agree.

                In the same way Lenin or Castro took control.

              • 1 year ago

                agreed, like Hitler took control.

            • 1 year ago

              stop reading marxiat indoctrination propaganda and take responsibility for your life, your problems and what you do day to day. forget the rest.
              it isn't jumping through hoops, it's going for a walk.
              you seem to think everything you do is FOR someone else, which is why you think you'd be performing for someone else by doing simple, normal, every day things that people have done since there have been people.
              as for picking up scraps, you are the scraps. pick yourself up

              • 1 year ago

                open your fricking eyes and then have a nice day it isn't marxist indoctrinations
                open your FRICKING eyes, wages have stagnated for the middleclass/lower since the NINETEEN FRICKING EIGHTIES.
                The same house you could've bought in the 80s are now worth 6x the prices, but the average American MAKES THE FRICKING SAME
                Trickledown Reagonomics FAILED America. Letting every monopoly merge in itself to become single entities FAILED AMERICA, the JOOS aren't doing this, it's the RICH.
                They won. They've been winning since the 80s, since our legislative branch determined it illegal for any corruption probes to be done unto itself by our government agencies.
                They are no checks and balances anymore, every year it's another reality check in the sorry state this garbage shithole of a Country the USA is.
                There is no way to step up anymore without stepping on others and I don't find enjoyment in my life doing that.

              • 1 year ago

                >Trickledown Reagonomics FAILED America

              • 1 year ago

                >/bunkerchan/ plant starts going on about 'J00'
                you are responsible for all the misery you suffer. you just want everyone else to suffer so you can revel in it

              • 1 year ago

                I'm saying it isn't
                because this website has a specific problem with blaming all the shit rich people are doing on the Joos but not the rich specifically

              • 1 year ago

                what's the difference.
                doesnt matter if they are rich, alien, reptile, israelite, illuminati or any of your other buzzwords.
                boiling away your days seething over someone elșe having something you don't is only turning you into a rotten person and not affecting them in the slightest.
                if you want to be rich, and be like 'them', then find out how. there are enough books on the subject. if you want to be a israelite, then convert and be one of 'them'.
                i really see no difference between you constantly blame these mystery 'rich' people that you've decided are all the same and are all against you and are all evil, and the ones you're saying are wrong for blaming another group of people.
                you're still stereotyping.
                like I said, marxism or whatever else you're into, isn't helping you. it is instead keeping you in this inactive state where you have convinced yourself that you are utterly helpless and have been made that way by other people.
                how about helping yourself for a change.

          • 1 year ago

            >so you have to put in a bit more effort now to catch up.
            Like a child that was neglected and never learned how to speak, if you're a wizard, you're never going to learn. I was there, I almost let myself get too far gone, but I saw the edge and pushed myself over it. If you just let year after year wash over you, you're not going to be able to get them back. In your 30s, you can learn to parrot a few phrases, maybe go on a few dates, but you're never going to be 'ok'.

            >need to jump through endless hoops for human interaction
            >based on my own circumstances I'm limited to leftovers that for very good reason nobody else wants to date
            >in a failed late-stage capitalistic society where I'd need to spend the rest of my life getting fricked in the ass by my corporate overlords to afford a family ontop of the social obligation

            yeah nah, unironically what's the point. Maybe if the rich didn't spend the last 50 years pricing everybody out of a decent life I'd bother playing along in this rat race, but it just doesn't sound worth my time.

            Oh boohoo, I don't have money. Tons of people didn't have money and had families. Face it, the problem isn't 'the man' or 'the rich' or your daddy for not telling you how to kiss girls. It's you. You were too scared of failure and you still are. The issue is that now you've waited so long that failure is guaranteed.

            • 1 year ago

              better to try your best to learn to speak, so you have some level of communication, than not try and have 0%.
              everyone is limited by their potential, reduced or not.
              the idea that you shouldn't try because you'll never be gigachad speech 100 is nuts.

  15. 1 year ago

    i like being alone
    but it would be fun with a female friend i could call once in a while when i felt like interacting
    that will never happen

  16. 1 year ago

    I'm the original poster and I dont even understand what's happening in my thread anymore

  17. 1 year ago

    I'm 31 kissless virgin and have never been on a date or even asked a girl out in my entire life. I cannot wait to die.

    • 1 year ago

      what do you think the cause is?
      at what age were you closest to salvaging it?
      keep in mind I was more or less in your shoes at one point, and course corrected at just past wizardhood.
      dont worry, life became terrible after a few short years and I too have just been waiting for death

      • 1 year ago

        did you tell your partner you were a 30+ virgin before or during sex?

        • 1 year ago

          she was excited and more or less dragged me to bed that same day.
          cant guarantee that will always be the case, but some girls want to reap your innocence.
          she also didn't fully believe me.
          was with her for several years.
          once you've done it once, you realise that although it is pretty cool, it isn't as much of a big deal as you thought, and you don't change much apart from becoming a little more confident and less worried.

  18. 1 year ago

    Shut up. She was super fricking hot.

    Also if you hate women so much why the frick do you even care about having sex with them?

    • 1 year ago

      >Also if you hate women so much why the frick do you even care about having sex with them?
      same reason women have sex with men
      welcome to planet earth and enjoy your stay

      • 1 year ago

        >same reason women have sex with men
        Mostly they want kids. That anon just wants sex for sex.

        In 2023 she would be dating 25 year olds, age gaps in relationships are more acceptable and for the better really.

        >age gaps in relationships are more acceptable and for the better really
        I agree 100%.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm one of them, 30 and with a woman who's 43
          We have a daughter but we're fine with one kid. My wife and I had some friction when I wanted to play video games all day years ago, she pruned me off my tendie behavior and made me more of a man.

          • 1 year ago

            Good for you anon

    • 1 year ago

      In 2023 she would be dating 25 year olds, age gaps in relationships are more acceptable and for the better really.

  19. 1 year ago

    Correct. It's called growing up and realizing the world doesn't revolve around you.

  20. 1 year ago

    The very thought of marrying some age-appropriate old bag with grown-up children and shitloads of debt is horrifying to me. I feel sorry for the poor bastards that fall for that fricking trap.

  21. 1 year ago

    >relationship threads on Cinemaphile

  22. 1 year ago

    keener was hot bro. yeah i'd like a piece of that

  23. 1 year ago

    quit blogposting about being a shitter. and the rest of you homosexuals you aint dr phil take your homosexual advice a shove it up your ass.

  24. 1 year ago

    I just know for a fact that there's no woman out there that is worth giving up your own agency and free-time for.

    I literally only want a girl for the social benefits such as increased respect and a better perception. How sociopathtic am I?

  25. 1 year ago

    i gave up the moment i was reading through dating profiles and one girl wrote "I have a lot of friends and you should too!" After freshman year of college your chances of getting new friends that aren't going to scare her away rapidly diminishes.

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