Double D and May sitting in a tree!

Double D and May sitting in a tree!

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  1. 2 years ago

    Why did every girl in the show lust for Double D's D

    • 2 years ago

      Because Double D was the most sane out of the 3 Eds. Ed was just a big moron who did things without question, Eddy was an butthole, while Edd (Double D) was the guy stuck in the middle having to deal with Ed & Eddy's frickups. Double D was also the smartest & most empathic of the 3 Eds so it makes why alot of girls lusted for him

    • 2 years ago

      When you have to choose between a moron, a short butthole, a schizo who talks to wood, an immigrant from frickwhoknows, a jock whos attracted to his bike, you're going to pick the gentle nerdy guy.

      • 2 years ago

        Because Double D was the most sane out of the 3 Eds. Ed was just a big moron who did things without question, Eddy was an butthole, while Edd (Double D) was the guy stuck in the middle having to deal with Ed & Eddy's frickups. Double D was also the smartest & most empathic of the 3 Eds so it makes why alot of girls lusted for him

        When you're a little kid Ed's your favorite, because huh huh funny random. When you're a teen Double D is your favorite, because lots of adolescent boys feel like they're underappreciated and not manly enough, with huge inner worlds and odd interests they cant adequately express.

        When you grow up you realize that Eddy is the best character in the show, and always has been.

        • 2 years ago

          >When you grow up you realize that Eddy is the best character in the show, and always has been.
          He was also the most terrible person out of all the cul-de-sac kids.. But that alone is what made the show so great. It was always funny seeing his own schemes backfire on him.

          • 2 years ago

            Really, it's transitional. Like a lot of young boys, Eddy is acting out in inappropriate ways that get him nowhere, fumbling his way through a tough, awkward time in his life. He's doing stuff he knows he shouldn't, getting punished, fricking up again, and learning his lessons slowly if at all. But I think we are supposed to interpret this as a growing process, not the archetype of his whole life. It's a hopeful show, ultimately, about the clumsy, painful, and often comedic journey through adolescence for boys.

            Funny note on the morality plays of the show: his two "scams" that were the most successful weren't really scams at all, and he got to keep the money: The Sandwich Stand and the Movie Theater.

      • 2 years ago

        Didn’t Nazz like Kevin more than Double D?

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah because she's good looking. The Kankers wouldn't even bother embarass themselves by going after Kevin. The Ed boys are more in their league.

      • 2 years ago

        >Jimmy isn't even listed as an option
        Not sure if intentional or not, but nice

    • 2 years ago

      for that

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    She was better for him than Marie, even if all this was because of a spell. This episode might not be canon though since Sarah and Jimmy aren’t humans in this one, they’re cupids.

    • 2 years ago

      Double D and May sitting in a tree!

      If the Kankers and Eds swapped dance partners they'd be a lot better off.

      Lee would be the only one who could handle and direct Ed, and he's the only one who wouldn't be bothered by her brutishness.

      May and DD are basically like in that episode just less extreme, she'd love whatever thoughtful autistic gestures he made to her and all that positive attention would make him more confident.

      Eddy and Marie works because they're both clever and Eddy would do best with someone who would challenge him but not just crush him all the time.

  4. 2 years ago

    I cannot hecking self insert to this >:(

    • 2 years ago

      Sure you can, just self insert as May.

    • 2 years ago

      If you're incapable self inserting as either a neurotic nerd or a borderline reverse-rapist then you don't belong on this website

  5. 2 years ago

    >stealing Double Dick from best girl
    Marie should've killed that bawd.

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