Draft you own JL

You have been tasked to assemble your very own lineup of the Justice League. Create a 7-12 member team of existing DC characters with the goal to protect earth. Optional: show your reasoning behind draft and roles, go all out!

Here's my roster
> Mister Terrific, Team Leader (Michael Holt)
> Metamorpho
> Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
> Power Girl
> Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
> Zatanna Zara
> Vixen (Mari McCabe)
> The Atom (Ryan Choi)
> Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)
> The Ray (Ray Terrill)

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  1. 4 months ago

    Every time this thread comes up I freeze up because it's hard to think of a good one where everyone doesn't become completely useless. Green Lantern, Flash, and Aquaman would be my Trinity.

    • 4 months ago

      >Green Lantern, Flash, and Aquaman would be my Trinity.
      Honestly pretty based.

  2. 4 months ago

    Can I just put down the Keith Giffen team?

  3. 4 months ago

    Limiting the Justice League to 7 to 12 members is dumb and undermines the purpose/potential of the team itself. Justice League Unlimited had the right idea, which was even adopted in the Wonder Twins book Russell wrote.

    Everyone is welcome on the team

    • 4 months ago

      Logistically that makes sense, but at the end of the day I just who your favorite characters are, cool hero interactions you would like to see, or like Justice League unlimited which heroes do you want to see solve X problem.

      i remember we did a 'make a perfect team for marvel and dc' thing once and this is what i came up with for DC
      since you're giving me a minimum of 7 and a max of 12, let me add
      >Ice or Icemaiden, both are cool
      >Robotman or Negative Man. They can switch out.
      I kinda wanna put Kyle Rayner in there too, but the DCAU version. ditto Supergirl. I only care about those specific versions.

      Sick, Eradicator is nice to see!

      • 4 months ago

        Oh I didn't mean to undermine your thread, OP. Merely expressing my general thoughts on the team in books and how DC has been mishandling it for years. Instead of constantly trying to drum up threats that require all of the heavy hitters, do small stories based on random team selections akin to what the JLU show did

        • 4 months ago

          No worries, sorry if I came across as too defensive. But I agree that JL stories should be more character focused rather than centered on world ending events

      • 4 months ago

        I fricking loved 'The Death and Return of Superman' on SNES. really rekindled my giving-a-care about that area of the franchise. I mean STAS did too. But their version of Steel just doesn't quite cut it, even if michael dorn's voice was very welcome, and missed in JL despite him still voicing Calibak. and the Eradicator is just awesome.

  4. 4 months ago

    i remember we did a 'make a perfect team for marvel and dc' thing once and this is what i came up with for DC
    since you're giving me a minimum of 7 and a max of 12, let me add
    >Ice or Icemaiden, both are cool
    >Robotman or Negative Man. They can switch out.
    I kinda wanna put Kyle Rayner in there too, but the DCAU version. ditto Supergirl. I only care about those specific versions.

    • 4 months ago

      oh wait this has seven already
      i remembered it having six
      uhhhh Barda and Etrigan can share a slot. They can Sulu-and-Chekov it up.
      Or Batman can insist he's not really a member, leaving them with 12.

  5. 4 months ago

    If I’m limiting myself to a standard team it’s gotta be

    Wonder Woman
    Green Lantern (Kyle or Jess, ideally)
    Flash (Wally)

    You need those guys or you can’t really call it the justice league.

    I’ll also add Black Lightning and Atom to the main roster.

    The reserves
    Green Arrow
    Black Canary
    Dr Fate
    Animal Man
    Red tornado

    Not particularly original I know, but that’s my standard team, one idea of I’ve been thinking about is what if each member had their own team. So…

    Superman - people who are hopeful or have strong moral convictions.
    - Nightwing
    - Black lightning
    - Green Arrow
    - Hawkman (apparently he’s suppose to be a hardcore conservative so he balances out GA)

    Batman -a team that collectively makes up Batman
    - Katana
    - Blue Beetle (Kord)
    - Detective Chimp
    - Simon Dark

    Wonder Woman - obviously it will be kickass ladies, but I also tried to incorporate “love” a theme in og WW
    - Black Canary
    - Starfire
    - Batwoman
    - Mera
    - Big Barda

    Flash -Sci-fi
    - Atom
    - FireStorm/Metamorphou

    Green Lantern -sci-fi was already taken so I went with “Cosmic Eldritch”.
    - Phantom Stranger
    - Jenny quantum
    - Shade the changing man

    Anyway that’s a rough idea for my justice league divisions, I’d like to add more but I’m not sure who would all fit, based on my criteria.

    • 4 months ago

      that actually makes a bizarre amount of sense
      if they ever do another DC show that takes place in a 'well-aged' universe where the established big names are .. big already... then that would be the best way to handle a large roster
      instead of saying there's hundreds of heroes but, for some reason, only seven of them ever once thought to team up, and it took those seven to recruit the rest, and now they all act like the originals are 'the leaders' without any real reason
      though at least they had mister terrific doing their logistics and dispatching, that was neat.
      but yeah having them lead teams would be a really cool show.

    • 4 months ago

      Jess is underused. I like the way you made divisions, I would have made some autistically generated divisions based on regions like the JLI or PRT power classifications from the web novel worm.

    • 4 months ago

      Jess is underused. I like the way you made divisions, I would have made some autistically generated divisions based on regions like the JLI or PRT power classifications from the web novel worm.

      I would split them up by expertise, personally.
      have Superman lead the powerhouses, the guys you call to smack around some supervillain or stop a runaway train (Blue Beetle(Jaime), Captain Atom, Red Tornado, maybe an earthbound Lantern)
      Batman's in charge of the street specialists and detectives (The Question, Blue Beetle(Ted), Green Arrow, Plastic Man)
      someone like Dr. Fate and his team could handle magic (Captain Marvel, Zatanna, Etrigan)
      Wonder Woman I see leading a sort of diplomatic team, peacekeepers in countries not as accepting of Justice League influence.
      finally, and this is an odd category, there are the "specialists", heroes who work alone in environments and situations only they're suited to handle (The Flash, The Atom, Booster Gold)

  6. 4 months ago

    guy gardner
    frick it, nightwing
    frick it, alt universe granny goodness, Nana Naughty

    • 4 months ago

      so in the alternate universe, Granny Goodness is good but gives herself a 'bad' name as.. a joke? is Nicepokalips like, a sassy place where good people goof around, while uh, Old Genesis is a land of evil guys who are a lot more straightforward about it, to the point that their underlings... maybe think they're not so bad because they couldn't possibly be?

  7. 4 months ago

    >The big 7 (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, GL, Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter)
    >Cyborg for new Justice League fans
    >Zatanna for magic
    >Plastic Man because he's great
    >Green Arrow because it's nice to have another street level guy who doesn't get along with Batman
    >Shazam because it's fun to have another Superman type

    • 4 months ago

      modern fans piss me off so much more than they should
      i'm sure you're a fine person but just hearing you want to include cyborg in anything but titans, and calling captain marvel 'shazam' ..
      I do like the idea of batman and green arrow regularly arguing like two politicians
      >I'm telling you, pump more money into state-funded mental health assistance, the crime rate will plummet
      >you've never BEEN to Gotham, have you

      • 4 months ago

        I'm not a modern fan, that's why I said I was including Cyborg for modern fans. And Billy will always be Captain Marvel to me, but times change.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm not a modern fan, that's why I said I was including Cyborg for modern fans. And Billy will always be Captain Marvel to me, but times change.

        As a compromise, I'd be happy to replace Cyborg with Mr. Terrific. Fills the tech role nicely.

  8. 4 months ago

    >Superboy (Kon-El)
    >Superboy (Jon Kent)
    >Supergirl (Kara)
    >Supergirl (Matrix)
    >Kenan Kong
    >The Eradicator
    >Power Girl

    • 4 months ago

      Where the frick is streaky the cat?

      • 4 months ago

        I considered him, Beppo, and Comet, but I only had 12 slots.

    • 4 months ago

      only right answer

  9. 4 months ago

    My ideal Justice League at minimum is
    Wonder Woman
    Martian Manhunter
    Green Arrow
    Black Canary

    Expanded League would be
    Plastic Man
    Guy Gardner
    Booster Gold
    Blue Beetle
    Captain Marvel
    Mister Miracle
    Big Barda

  10. 4 months ago

    Batman and Supes (silver age)
    Miss Martian
    Space Ghost
    Beutiful Dreamer
    Duck Dodgers

  11. 4 months ago

    >Green Arrow
    >Black Canary
    >the Atom
    >Red Tornado
    >Elongated Man and Sue Dibny
    The "I can't believe it's not the founding members" League.

  12. 4 months ago

    This is far from a JL line up I'd want to see rather a mock up of a hypothetical
    Waller led JL based off on how Beast World ended. The pitch for this is a team full of heroes who act as rough stand ins for Marvel heroes like what Peacemaker has been doing for the last 3ish years. Sideways=Spider-Man, Loose Cannon=Hulk, Panthra=Wolverine, Rocket Red=Iron Man and Omen=Scarlet Witch. However instead of this just being an evil Avengers parody they are all legitimate well meaning heroes who for just one reason or another are now stuck working for the government JL team. (Wanted to add another member but couldn't find/think of anyone who'd fit)

  13. 4 months ago

    Plastic Man
    Plastic Man's first daughter
    Plastic Man's second daughter
    Plastic Man's first son
    Plastic Man's twins (son + daughter)
    Plastic Man's third son
    Plastic Man's fourth daughter
    Plastic Man's triplets (two daughters, one son)
    Plastic Man's fifth son
    Plastic Man's seventh daughter

  14. 4 months ago

    The Satellite League basically, although I’d replace Red Tornado and Elongated Man with Hawkwoman and Plastic Man.

    • 4 months ago

      Although I’d actually have two Leagues if I had my way. The one I suggested would be Justice League Unlimited (JLU) which would tackle off threats, on Earth and off. But I’d have a different League, Justice League International, that would strictly handle Earth affairs, this would be composed of all the usual Super-Buddies.

  15. 4 months ago

    batman - leader, muscles, regular send out, fighting teacher, tech genius, secrets unraveled, and wise older teachings
    green lantern (guy gardner) - muscles
    static shock (it's his full name FIGHT ME) - regular send out
    zatanna - regular send out
    blue beetle (jaime reyes [more so from brave & bold]) - muscles
    the question - secrets unraveled
    the atom (original) - tech genius and wise older teachings
    red tornado - regular send out and muscles
    hawkman - fighting teacher and muscles
    huntress - secrets unraveled and regular send out
    black canary - teacher, regular send out, and muscles

    I think more secondary's should get more attention.
    Nice to have a JLU movie with Beetle, Gardner, Tornado, & Static.

  16. 4 months ago

    Arthur Curry
    Bruce Wayne
    Jason Blood
    Lex Luthor
    Maxwell Lord
    Oliver Queen
    Simon Stagg

    That should be enough to buy a way to save the world from anything.

  17. 4 months ago

    JL where the original members have retired and the legacy characters have taken up their mantles.

    Batman (Dick Grayson)
    Superman (Conner Kent)
    Wonder Woman (Donna Troy)
    Flash (Wally West)
    Miss Martian
    Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
    Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
    Red Arrow
    Atom (Ryan Choi)

  18. 4 months ago

    Acknowledging what exists and you're not making a specialized group you'll want things like
    >Tech Expert
    >Magic Expert
    >Alien Expert
    >Psychic Expert
    >Heavy hitter
    Attempt to be able to take on any threat.
    Other kinds of roles such as
    >Transportation specialist
    Logistically powerful.
    Again, very important depending on how grounded you're trying to write the story.

    The strength of team stories in any form of media is really having characters pair off into smaller groups and develop in a way you can't have when multiple characters are constantly acting in unison.
    Really if you're trying to write a story for the sake of it being interesting you choose characters based on small team-ups you'd think would be interesting and the threat is whatever you want that you think you can make them overcome in an interesting way.
    Teams don't form based on logic, they form because multiple people tried tackling the same problem.
    The reality is teams wouldn't form due to a difference in the finite details of their ideals unless they felt it a necessary compromise to work with those they may normally deem too extreme or not extreme enough.
    To avoid that they're just written like they're all on exactly the same page.

    I'd just use it as a tool to complain about conflict theory and it is for that reason it would be a rainbow brigade.
    The Question (Vic)
    Mr.Terrific (Michael)
    Batwoman (Kate)
    Red Robin
    Red Tornado
    The threat in the foreground would be basically covert actions to indirectly influence individual heroes into becoming sources of derision to attack the superhero community itself from within and shape public opinion against them.

  19. 4 months ago

    Aquaman - To Balance Out Wonder Woman
    Superman - To Balance Out Batman
    Batman - To Balance Out Superman
    Wonder Woman - To Balance Out Both Superman and Batman
    The Atom - To Balance Out Mr Terrific
    Mr Terrific - To Balance Out The Atom
    Hardware - Cyborg belongs in Titans
    Green Lantern - To Balance Out Emerald Empress
    Emerald Empress - To Balance Out Green Lantern
    Guy Gardner - To Balance Out Martian Manhunter
    Martian Manhunter - To Balance Out Guy Gardner
    Zartana - To Balance Out Guy Gardner

  20. 4 months ago

    Batman (team leader, tactics, voice of reason in a team of superpowered beings)
    Superman (inspirational, extremely powerful)
    Wonder Woman (mythology expert, also inspirational and extremely powerful)
    Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) (space expert, also extremely powerful)
    The Flash (Wally West) (ideally barry allen doesn't exist and wally showcases how he made the flash mantle his own, like the 90s)
    Aquaman (undersea expert)
    Martian Manhunter (ridiculously powerful, also has underrated leadership qualities and has been on pretty much every JL team)
    Zatanna (magic expert)
    Green Arrow (down-to-earth, moral compass like JLU used him)
    and then with my last three slots I'd add the geniuses:
    Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt)
    Atom (Ray Palmer)

  21. 4 months ago

    >Wonder Woman
    >Martian Manhunter
    The Trinity is absolutely necessary for any main JL roster as is Aquaman basically the fourth member of the Trinity and Martian Manhunter just brings so much to the table that I feel he is a good edition to any roster. I am making the conscience decision not to include a Flash or any dedicated speedster in the base roster. Obviously guest members would come and go.
    >Alan Scott
    Dual purpose JSA & GL rep, even if he isn't usually a part of the Corps. Plenty of room to play around with whether he be friendly mentor or crotchety old man.
    Serves as Titans rep and is the magic specialist. As far as stories are concerned she works as one of the most junior characters. She does bring baggage with her, which I'd ideally avoid overusing. Namely the whole apocalypse child thing.
    >Static Shock
    Milestone rep, elementalist and similar to Raven serves as another relatively inexperienced member. Could serve as the idealistic, rash heart of the team.
    Street level rep, everyman, comic relief and point of drama all wrapped into one neat package. Would probably have to do something like giving him non-lethal weapons so every story isn't about Tommy killed someone again.
    I'm sort of cheating here. I've realized the team's a bit of a sausage fest, so I'm taking Brainiac 5, and making him a chick. Serves doubly as dedicated techie and alien expert, with the potential that her info on the past is incorrect to keep things interesting. Double fish out of water scenario, so you could have some fun with MM and her not understanding human society/the present to some degree. Maybe could make her the daughter of Brainiac 5 instead?
    >The Blackhawks
    This one is a bit odd, but I've always enjoyed the idea that the Blackhawks would serve as some sort of support team to the League. Like a PMC/NGO that provides transportation, intel, crowd control, etc...

  22. 4 months ago

    >Nightwing as the leader(hes my favourite)
    >Powergirl (superman but hot)
    >Raven (shes op)
    >wally west
    >miss martian (manhunter but hot)
    > animal man (also op)
    >Black canary

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