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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    An extraterrestrial alien living a normal life.

    • 6 months ago

      And shes hot and crishing on a human guy

    • 6 months ago

      you're fired.

  2. 6 months ago

    One of those cows Grays are always abducting is rebuilt as a cyborg bounty hunter. She has huge breasts.

  3. 6 months ago

    A show about weird people who live together in a city commune and do stupid shit. Lots of Cruelty Squad type satire included as well.

  4. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      As in a slice of life show? Villain of the week show? Or a hodge podge of fan service and borderline occult stuff?

      • 6 months ago

        More like a series of the SCP entries and the “lore”

        • 6 months ago

          I get you and not trying to be a dick; but there are some good series on YouTube already doing that but a cartoon about SCP's; Yeah I could see it. Just worried it be watered down and cleaned up for mass appeal.

      • 6 months ago

        All the known SCPs are tall busty women and all love me

  5. 6 months ago

    Classic Faust story with an art style similar to Pieter Bruegel, Hieronymus Bosch, etc.

    • 6 months ago

      who drew this? its cool

      • 6 months ago

        It’s from Les songes drolatiques de Pantagruel. Nobody knows for sure who did the art, but most believe it was François Desprez.

        • 6 months ago

          thanks my broski have a great night and listen to some gavottes and minuets

  6. 6 months ago

    pornography starring your mother

  7. 6 months ago

    two 10-year-old best friends live in the suburbs, go to school and get into all sorts of WACKY shenanigans. i'm still brainstorming the kinks but i call it "Derek and John."
    also their teachers are really hot with big breasts and Derek and John smack the teachers on the ass and frick them regularly. it's a background element but i think it'll help the show stand out and be funnier

  8. 6 months ago

    A depressed weeb turns 35, and decides to commit suicide in an attempt to isekai himself. Jumping in front of a NY subway train, he says "Save me Truck-kun" seconds before the train turns him into paste.
    Instead of being sent to a fantasy world, he's sent back in time to his own mind in kindergarten. He takes advantage of the situation by becoming a foul-mouthed scamp. Things are looking bad for him until his kindergarten teacher observes him doing calculus on his macaroni art. Now he's being sent to a school for genius kids, surrounded by brilliant autists while he has the mind of a middle-aged mind.

    • 6 months ago

      not bad. the genius kid school overcomplicates it a bit, tbh a toddler with the mind of a 35 year old degenerate weeb is pretty interesting on it's own. would watch

    • 5 months ago

      >he takes advantage of the situation by becoming a foul-mouthed scamp
      i could see this plot being a nice lesson to not obsess over the past and what could have been. He uses his second chance to be a bully but realizes he went too far after hurting a kid who used to be a very close friend. He turns his life around and uses his second chance to become a better person

      maybe comedy ensues when he starts getting hit on by girls, but has to constantly make up excuses to avoid dating them because his adult mind only likes little girls if they're anime.

  9. 6 months ago

    A softcore erotic fantasy animated movie, basically Disney meets Emmanuelle.

  10. 6 months ago

    Adaptation of Worm, a web serial by Wildbow

  11. 6 months ago

    okay so there's this fella, right? and he's got, ehm...spider powers. and he uses em to fight minorities.

  12. 6 months ago

    failed 90's PSA mascots get together to try and tackle modern issues kids are facing while dealing with their own problems
    >boring milquetoast dog leading the group
    >former women's psychiatrist parrot who is now a higher up in a MLM scheme, uses her knowledge on vulnerable women against them
    >edgy cricket, was the most popular with kids but believes he was set up to fail. now posts conspiracy theories online and hits on underage girls
    >"urban" dog who became a mascot after losing a loved one to gang violence
    >an elephant who was lauded as a hero after saving a kid from killing themselves and has been trying to chase the same high since, now known for embarrassing publicity stunts, the kid he saved has a restraining order on him
    the mascots are anthropomorphic while everyone else are regular humans

    • 6 months ago

      >an elephant who was lauded as a hero after saving a kid from killing themselves and has been trying to chase the same high since, now known for embarrassing publicity stunts, the kid he saved has a restraining order on him
      I really do like the concept of saving someone on a popularity hugh from being a hero only to try and keep chasing that high. The idea that the kid he saved was bothered to the point of a restraining order is really funny.

    • 6 months ago

      Got two ideas
      Idea one:
      > World operates with spirit realm/ physical realm mechanics that lets spirits possess objects to embue them with powers
      > A 'witch' and his handler nun are sent with the First Fleet to Australia to investigate, record and capture anything paranatural for the British Empire
      > Monster of the week style with an Aboriginal 'clever man' joining the witch in there adventures

      Idea Two
      > Council of the enchanted forest has a deal with the nearby human town
      > Basically a group of humans acting as park rangers negotiating peace between the two groups and managing rogue creatures
      > Tasty druid milf

      A hyper violent "adult" action comedy about a group of legally distinct slasher icons who have been rounded up by the government and used as a black ops team.
      >The Chained Man-A normal-ish guy who can magical girl transform into a not!Cenobite. One of two moral centers
      >Rebecca-An unhinged survivor girl with a prosthetic leg that has a multitude of weapon attachments. The second moral center of the group.
      >The Butcher-A hulking undead juggernaut with a metal mask and a heavy blade. Slow-witted and mute.
      >Action Jackson-An butthole, jingoistic war criminal who had his spirit put into a twelve inch tall GI Joe. The shithead of the group tends to bully the Butcher.
      >Nightmare Jones-A dream demon that kills people in their sleep. Another butthole.
      >Dr Cronenberg-A mutated amalgam of flesh and the team's science guy. Some cannibalistic tendencies.
      The cartoon would focus on them being dropped onto military targets and into spooky scenarios then murdering their way through them.

      Fantastic Funnies, a single-season series with a bunch of comic characters.
      >Focuses on Dick Tracy, who is hired by one Oliver Warbucks to find his adopted daughter Annie.
      >Initially just finding her, the clues also lead into another, far more sinister plot.
      >Along the way he frequently finds himself meeting Hagar the Horrible, who, just this once, is actually John Haggard, an asylum escapee who actually thinks he's a viking sent to the future. Initially an ally, his sanity deteriorates into a more villainous man.
      >Cathy Andrews is his secretary, Jon is a commissioner.
      >While Jon is working, Garfield and Odie butt in on Tracy's escapades, though they always end up just doing their own thing. They're like a more active Rosencratz and Guildenstern.
      That's what I have so far.

      Would actually watch

  13. 6 months ago

    >The Medusa Project, a USACE research program, takes a tragic turn when a small town is directly subjected to the effects of a weapon that turns organic matter into stone.
    >The director and scientists associated with the project are on the run from federal law enforcement moments after the disastrous test had transpired.
    >A freelance journalist, an FBI special agent, and a nuclear scientist aim to help uncover the truth behind The Medusa Project and the past of its director.

    • 6 months ago


  14. 6 months ago

    Got two ideas
    Idea one:
    > World operates with spirit realm/ physical realm mechanics that lets spirits possess objects to embue them with powers
    > A 'witch' and his handler nun are sent with the First Fleet to Australia to investigate, record and capture anything paranatural for the British Empire
    > Monster of the week style with an Aboriginal 'clever man' joining the witch in there adventures

    Idea Two
    > Council of the enchanted forest has a deal with the nearby human town
    > Basically a group of humans acting as park rangers negotiating peace between the two groups and managing rogue creatures
    > Tasty druid milf

  15. 6 months ago

    D&D-esque fantasy adventure but with small talking animals (to-scale). Rodents, lizards, insects, fish, et al. Comedy adventure with some action scenes, very occasionally taking the time to be dramatic and emotional the few times the situation deems it necessary.

  16. 6 months ago

    An adaptation of Stranger in a Strange Land (with the style being based on the works of Richard Williams and Eiichi Yamamoto)

    • 6 months ago

      would watch just for the mind control rape and orgies

  17. 6 months ago

    A cartoon about big breasts.

  18. 6 months ago

    A medieval show with a visual style similar to their paintings.
    Kinda like Pentiment.

  19. 6 months ago

    Animated adaptation of goosebumps. Similar to Tales from the cryptkeeper.

  20. 6 months ago
  21. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      >AI fetish

    • 6 months ago

      kek imagine a sitcom with twins sharing 1 body, you could call it Package deal.

  22. 6 months ago

    A scarecrow falls in love with the farmer who made her. Her disastrous attempts to earn his favor often result in supernatural shenanigans that the scarecrow must save her creator from. Supporting cast is a garden gnome who can inexplicably talk that relays highly inaccurate information about the human world to the scarecrow and a land developer who pretends to be in love with the farmer in order to try and sell his lands. She dismisses the farmers claims of living inanimate objects as just something yokels do.

  23. 6 months ago

    Whatever happened to Pig Latin! anon?

  24. 6 months ago

    Neowestern lewd comedy starring a sexy flirty-yet-innocent blonde ladycop, working for an agency based on the Texas Rangers. She's a bit dumb but highly effective in the field; oftentimes accidentally ends up in suggestive situations. Her main rivals are a gang of latino bikers called Los Desperados.
    Imagine her looks are a bit like prime Farrah Fawcett. Rides a Harley, carries a Colt Peacemaker, has a big Texas-sized personality. Imagine a cross between Gunsmith cats and Walker Texas Ranger, but softened up a bit for the 11-14yo male demographic.

  25. 6 months ago

    A four-season show with great fight choreography and well-thought-out character arcs that evolve and grow the main cast as the story progresses while introducing new characters and obstacles for them to overcome.

    • 6 months ago

      It's called Young Justice.

      Tell an original serious, serialized story full of drama and character development; but the art and humor are heavily inspired by the Looney Tunes and Hanna Barbera classics. The story will be full of lore and played as straight as possible, but there will still be moments like cartoon physics and sound fxs.

      I like. Kind of like Drawn Together, but without the reality television junk and a more focused art style.

      An episodic Superman cartoon similar to Batman: the Brave and the Bold where they just adapt all the wtf moments and outlandish stories from the silver age. Hopefully with a high enough budget so the animation can go all out with how cartoonish that time period got.

      DC would never allow it. Pitch it with Jimmy Olsen instead of Supes.

      Two kids find themselves in a city where fighting occurs in a daily basis to get rid of the weak in that society and must do whatever it takes to survive.

      Needs dinosaurs.

      Cartoon about a cowboy in steampunk America, Fighting confederate steampunk troops with semi-mechanical weapons, Also might as well say frick it he meets a pixie cut gal that's a mechanic.. she would look like luz from Owl House being that she would be born in the state of New Mexico and this man would be born in the state well the new state of "Union of California".. Anyone got any questions?

      What is the Confederate army doing in New Mexico and California? They should be killing Yankees and Black folk in Boston, New York, Philadelphia.

      • 6 months ago

        This is alternate history, Id imagine 3 factions.

        The United American Commonwealth.
        President: Abraham Lincoln

        The Confederate states of America.
        President: Jefferson Davis

        The Free Dakota Republic {Or Sioux Union}
        Chief: Sitting Bull


      • 6 months ago

        >Needs dinosaurs
        Why? I'm just curious.

  26. 6 months ago

    Imagine a world populated by anthropomorphic animals and their favourite thing is futuristic racing. We follow adventures of a young rookie racer who discovers conspiracy behind his beloved sport.

  27. 6 months ago

    A cute alien boy is the last of his species and doesn’t like that, so he tries to seduce and impregnate as many women of other races and species as he can. Between child support payments, criminal charges for polygamy, and his judgmental christian’s robot butler condemnation it’s less fun than it sounds. One week he’s trying to win a tournament for the hand of a Dejah Thoris - type alien princess and the next he’s trying to seduce something out of HE Giger in a bow. Think a sex comedy Wander over Yonder or Space Dandy.

  28. 6 months ago

    anons here's my adult sitcom pitch
    >Four friends/roommates
    > They are terrible people and mean to everyone except the four of them
    > They care deeply for each other in a platonic way
    > Three guys and one girl
    >no sex or dirty jokes in the first two episodes
    >making fun of the internet things like fandoms and streamers and social media trends
    > All of them are the worst kind of people(at least how most people label them): an Antinatalist, a proud gun owner(the girl), an alpha male, and a Vegan but at the end of the show, you will root for them
    > The jokes are mostly dark jokes and low-hanging fruits and witty jokes
    > Basically "It's always sunny in Philadelphia" but worse

    what do you think? ik it will never work kek

    • 6 months ago

      >jerry get ipad

      • 6 months ago

        fair kek
        but if the show got picked up we wouldn't be focusing on Internet culture that much and we would be focusing on the Roommates' shenanigans and character development

  29. 6 months ago

    After helping her get affairs in order, find forgiveness and make peace with the rest of mankind, Death finally reaps Pandora, the first mortal woman.

    Leaving him a gift box for helping her in her final days, he opens it, only to find a feathered, ruffled young girl at the bottom of it.
    He realizes that this is THE Pandora's box and that Pandora never did let Hope, the young girl, out of the box.

    Now joined at the hip with him, the two immortal personifications go from country to country, mythology to mythology, taking different aliases under each subset of gods and goddesses, all while reaping and helping those in their final moments.

  30. 6 months ago

    Tell an original serious, serialized story full of drama and character development; but the art and humor are heavily inspired by the Looney Tunes and Hanna Barbera classics. The story will be full of lore and played as straight as possible, but there will still be moments like cartoon physics and sound fxs.

  31. 6 months ago

    A gameshow in which Supervillains try and outdo each other in evil task. From who can steal the most money, who can destroy more or a city, who can cause a bigger explosion etc. The contestants will all be based on different types of character types/abilities. There will be an evil genius/gadgeteer type, a mobster,,a magic user, a flying brick etc.

  32. 6 months ago

    Doctor poo poo penis
    He fights crime and needs to suck wieners to live, his famous catchphrase is "I'll slurp it up!" Followed by copius sucking noises.

  33. 6 months ago

    A Disney princess but she's Satan's daughter living in Hell and dreams of reforming sinners and demons and everyone living happily ever after in Heaven.

    With the help of her totally platonic girl friend who is a fallen angel and a rag-tag bunch of demons and sinners, she sets up a halfway house of some kind and goes on a long journey of crazy ups and downs that navigates conflict on a divine scale, finally achieving her dream by getting God/Jesus to 'just don't be a dick', chill the frick out, and meet them halfway by not hating gays or some shit.

    Working title: 'Hotel Californication', (you can check out but you can never leave).

    Thinking of making it a musical.

  34. 6 months ago

    An episodic Superman cartoon similar to Batman: the Brave and the Bold where they just adapt all the wtf moments and outlandish stories from the silver age. Hopefully with a high enough budget so the animation can go all out with how cartoonish that time period got.

  35. 6 months ago

    A nation of rabbits attempts to build a moon base and starts a space race that is red in tooth and claw.

    • 6 months ago

      That would actually be pretty cool.

  36. 6 months ago

    a cartoon about lesbians
    doing lesbians stuff
    it'll be a metaphor about generational trauma and the benefits of "found family"

    • 6 months ago

      Do they beat the absolute shit out of each other?

      • 6 months ago

        yes they do eat each other out

  37. 6 months ago

    anthology swords and sandals stories set in early bronze age fantasy world

  38. 6 months ago

    Helluva boss but it sticks to the killing and removes all the melodrama

  39. 6 months ago

    I'm using this thread to steal cartoon ideas

    • 6 months ago

      I just found out some b***h stole my idea that I told to her years ago:

      A Disney princess but she's Satan's daughter living in Hell and dreams of reforming sinners and demons and everyone living happily ever after in Heaven.

      With the help of her totally platonic girl friend who is a fallen angel and a rag-tag bunch of demons and sinners, she sets up a halfway house of some kind and goes on a long journey of crazy ups and downs that navigates conflict on a divine scale, finally achieving her dream by getting God/Jesus to 'just don't be a dick', chill the frick out, and meet them halfway by not hating gays or some shit.

      Working title: 'Hotel Californication', (you can check out but you can never leave).

      Thinking of making it a musical.

      Wat do?

  40. 6 months ago

    A robot world
    The cartoon follows this group of assassin robots. Each episode is a different mission.

    Season 2 fill focus less on actual assassination and more on homosexual relationships.

    • 6 months ago

      >homosexual robots

    • 6 months ago

      folks we got a winner

  41. 6 months ago

    Two kids find themselves in a city where fighting occurs in a daily basis to get rid of the weak in that society and must do whatever it takes to survive.

  42. 6 months ago

    Cartoon about a cool handsome multi-billionaire Chad who spends his time posting on web message board called co because he can even though he has tonnes of girlfriends and women beating down his door constantly wanting to suck his unusually massive penis. Everyone thinks he's cool and his threads and posts get all the upvotes, positive comments, and mad respect.

    One day a gay man named Opie comes into the board and criticises Chad. Chad makes a devastatingly witty comment that makes Opie fall to his knees, admit to his homosexuality, and promise to try to do better before leaving the internet forever in shame.

    Everybody claps.

    THE END.

  43. 6 months ago

    I got $207 from Christmas money and i'm thinking of investing in making a cartoon, nothing big, just a short proof of concept. How far can i get with only $207?

    • 6 months ago

      Step 1: Bet $207 on a horse that pays 1000:1
      Step 2: If horse wins use the $207,000 to pay animators to make cartoon.

      • 6 months ago

        I got $207 from Christmas money and i'm thinking of investing in making a cartoon, nothing big, just a short proof of concept. How far can i get with only $207?

        Step 3: {OPTIONAL} Invest in a company that has opportunities.. I wouldn't say Apple but maybe find a company that's gonna change the future.

    • 6 months ago

      That's a weirdly specific amount of money to get for Christmas.

    • 5 months ago

      Fiverr you can get something a minute long and well shaded for that, or buy a bunch of smaller stuff and put them together

  44. 6 months ago

    Cartoon about a cowboy in steampunk America, Fighting confederate steampunk troops with semi-mechanical weapons, Also might as well say frick it he meets a pixie cut gal that's a mechanic.. she would look like luz from Owl House being that she would be born in the state of New Mexico and this man would be born in the state well the new state of "Union of California".. Anyone got any questions?

  45. 6 months ago

    One of them was a superhero story about a croc/gator that can control the weather.

  46. 6 months ago

    My Slow Iskei Life in the 100 Acre Woods

    A 20 year old gamer that plays survival building games dies and ends up in a world based of his favorite storybook from his childhood, Winnie the Pooh.

    • 6 months ago

      I like this premise. Have the guy in his old world be overly pressured by the complications of life and living in the wood helps him to enjoy the little things. Like he tries to find greater meaning in the actions of the characters only for them to show that they have no ulterior motives and are trying to enjoy life. The image of a twenty something doomer desperately trying to give Pooh nihilistic ideas about the world only for Pooh to ask the man for some honey amuses me.

  47. 6 months ago

    A married couple travel a fantasy world together looking for more ways to become immortal. The wife is naturally unable to stay dead, and the husband is invulnerable to anything.
    The break havoc everywhere they go, sometimes being villains sometimes being heroes.
    Their shenanigans often involve huge and over the top feats of power. Like wife holding a ball of infinite chains and sinking all the way to hell because of the weight, or husband being constantly used as a projectile because his invulnerability makes him pierce anything.
    Their arcs revolve around accepting they can't exists forever while remaining human and keeping their love for each other.

    • 5 months ago

      Series finale is them having a kid who's the best, or worse of both worlds.

  48. 6 months ago

    A sexy, amazonian, tomboy werewolf biker and her totally average human boyfriend are on a cross country odyssey, fleeing the law and her former gang. They encounter other weird/supernatural things in monster of the week type adventures all while trying to clear their names for a crime they didn't commit.

    • 5 months ago

      isnt that just werewolf the apocalypse

  49. 6 months ago

    A boy goes west to find if he can probably go then even just bears right behind, I know. Fredricka then jumps to gobble go and thimble pears.

  50. 6 months ago

    >Soul of armor

    >4 children (2 girls and 2 boys) are chosen by the cosmic entity Napolyx, to be the bearers of 1 of the 4 armor morphers (representing the dragon, snake, bull and unicorn) to fight for the destiny of the earth and prevent Genobax (twin sister of Napolyx) conquered the world, taking away free will from living beings.

    The series would be in the style of Digimon Frontier (digimon season) and it would also have a furry style/anthropomorphic animals

  51. 6 months ago

    99 imageboard boards personified.
    >99chan Town

  52. 6 months ago

    A hyper violent "adult" action comedy about a group of legally distinct slasher icons who have been rounded up by the government and used as a black ops team.
    >The Chained Man-A normal-ish guy who can magical girl transform into a not!Cenobite. One of two moral centers
    >Rebecca-An unhinged survivor girl with a prosthetic leg that has a multitude of weapon attachments. The second moral center of the group.
    >The Butcher-A hulking undead juggernaut with a metal mask and a heavy blade. Slow-witted and mute.
    >Action Jackson-An butthole, jingoistic war criminal who had his spirit put into a twelve inch tall GI Joe. The shithead of the group tends to bully the Butcher.
    >Nightmare Jones-A dream demon that kills people in their sleep. Another butthole.
    >Dr Cronenberg-A mutated amalgam of flesh and the team's science guy. Some cannibalistic tendencies.
    The cartoon would focus on them being dropped onto military targets and into spooky scenarios then murdering their way through them.

  53. 6 months ago

    A gay trans person of color is a superhero for living a normal life.

  54. 6 months ago

    superhero single father raising and teaching his super powered son how to be a hero. kid gets into plenty of his own trouble and occasionally has to be bailed out. basic good vs selfish decision episodes.

  55. 6 months ago

    An office drama about a female coworker working in a male dominated industry. Something similar to Aggretsuko, but without the fantastical plotlines.

    • 6 months ago

      Would Watch.

      >Soul of armor

      >4 children (2 girls and 2 boys) are chosen by the cosmic entity Napolyx, to be the bearers of 1 of the 4 armor morphers (representing the dragon, snake, bull and unicorn) to fight for the destiny of the earth and prevent Genobax (twin sister of Napolyx) conquered the world, taking away free will from living beings.

      The series would be in the style of Digimon Frontier (digimon season) and it would also have a furry style/anthropomorphic animals

      Honestly the furry thing seems to come out of left field, otherwise good.

      A nation of rabbits attempts to build a moon base and starts a space race that is red in tooth and claw.


  56. 6 months ago

    Last Dragon: The Animated Series done by the same people who made the Black Dynamite cartoon. Black people doing kung fu in the 80s and using the GLOW because SHO NUFF IS DA MASTER!

  57. 6 months ago

    > The stoic warrior and his Wolf daughters

    >In the vast wilderness, there was a former warrior named Kaiden. He was a strong and stoic man who had left behind his past as a warrior to live a peaceful life. One day, while traveling through the forest, he stumbled upon three orphaned wolf girls.(not anthro just girls with wolf features)
    >The girls were different types of wolf breeds. The first was a sleek and fast grey wolf, the second was a fierce and powerful black wolf, and the third was a gentle and intelligent white wolf. Kaiden knew he couldn't leave the girls alone, so he decided to adopt them as his daughters and raise them as his own.
    >At first, Kaiden tried to keep his distance from the girls, afraid that he might become too attached to them. But as he traveled with them and watched them grow, he couldn't help but feel a sense of love and protectiveness towards them.
    >Kaiden taught the girls how to use a sword, just like he did. He showed them how to fight and survive in the wild, and he taught them the importance of strength and resilience. But most importantly, he taught them how to love and be loved.
    >The girls were a handful at times, but Kaiden found himself enjoying every moment with them. He watched as they grew into fierce and strong warriors, just like him. And even though he tried to hide it, Kaiden couldn't help but feel proud of the girls and their accomplishments.
    >In the end, Kaiden realized that his love for his daughters had grown stronger than he ever imagined. He no longer felt the need to hide it, and he openly showed his affection toward them.
    >Their journey was a long and difficult one, but it was one that Kaiden would never forget. He knew that no matter where their path led them, he would always have his three wolf daughters by his side.

  58. 6 months ago

    Zorba the greek in space

  59. 6 months ago

    >medieval fantasy setting
    >small town has a retired master blacksmith and his burgeoning apprentices
    >retired blacksmith has taught the brother-sister duo enough and dubs them ready to make a name for themselves in the realm
    >the duo right after the celebration leaving their master drunk start rifling through his private designs for new weapons
    >stumble upon a perculiar series of sketches depicting something called "Tolnisian Rifle" loaded with Salt Pepper packed cartridges that fire a projectile called a Flying Ripper
    >they transcribe the designs into their own journals that night
    >timeskip to the sibling duo working hard at a smithy making basic spears, helmets, and farming tools
    >they make just enough copper and silver pieces to survive but the brother dreams of a rich lord of the land accepting his proposal to build a rifle prototype
    >a mysterious man clothed in ornate black robes appears one day offering the brother his dream whisking him away to a far off kingdom
    >it is revealed the mysterious man works for an enchanting Empress that employs undead as miners to protect her people from the dangers of mining
    >the Empress wishes to expand her empire and bring the benefits of undead menial labor and stricter laws to the entire realm
    >to do this she has decided to muster a small army of "Riflemen" whom armed with these new long distance weapons will surely make short work of those that would oppose her benevolent rule
    >as the war rages the sister blacksmith arms the resistance with rifles as well
    >will the sibling blacksmiths meet again as enemies?
    >will the building onslaught of undead soldiers and hyper lethal riflemen be stopped?

  60. 6 months ago

    Thinking of a superhero cartoon but not what you expect from the superhero genre. No costumes, no fighting, no saving the world from a doomsday villain. Just kids who have powers and abilities who deal with problems both common and out of the ordinary.

    • 6 months ago

      So kind of like Astro City?

      • 6 months ago

        Never heard of that, I was thinking more like Peanuts mixed with the Incredibles.

  61. 6 months ago

    Fantastic Funnies, a single-season series with a bunch of comic characters.
    >Focuses on Dick Tracy, who is hired by one Oliver Warbucks to find his adopted daughter Annie.
    >Initially just finding her, the clues also lead into another, far more sinister plot.
    >Along the way he frequently finds himself meeting Hagar the Horrible, who, just this once, is actually John Haggard, an asylum escapee who actually thinks he's a viking sent to the future. Initially an ally, his sanity deteriorates into a more villainous man.
    >Cathy Andrews is his secretary, Jon is a commissioner.
    >While Jon is working, Garfield and Odie butt in on Tracy's escapades, though they always end up just doing their own thing. They're like a more active Rosencratz and Guildenstern.
    That's what I have so far.

  62. 6 months ago

    "Titcows vs Braphogs the animation."

  63. 6 months ago

    HBO Spawn season 3

  64. 6 months ago

    In the year 1856, a wise sorceress discovers that dark forces are emerging across the world. In order to fully drive away this evil, she assembles a team of the following people:
    A gunslinger from the American Wild West
    A samurai from feudal Japan
    A gentleman thief from Victorian England
    A warrior from the Zulu Kingdom
    A pirate hunting ship Captain from France
    These people travel across the world, from Germany to China to India to Egypt and more to stop these dark powers from rising as THE FEARSOME FIVE

  65. 5 months ago

    ntr gender reversed

  66. 5 months ago

    >Set during the Future War in the Terminator franchise
    >Probably within the first 5-10 years after Judgement day
    >The Resistance would be similar to the ones we saw in Terminator Salvation (basically using old world milsurp gear)
    >I don't know what timeline to set it in, meaning we'll primarily see late 1980s to early 90s technology in usage
    >We'd see alot of mechanized vehicles like the Bradley or M113 APC
    >Skynet initially deploys either very primitive T-400s or clearly human-built ones like the T-1 or T-70
    >The show follows an M1A1 tank company, totaling 16 scavenged/repaired vehicles
    >They aren't as important as John Connor or Kyle Reese, really just a bunch of grunts
    >Still, having a platoon of bulletproof vehicles is extremely valuable to machines primarily armed with guns
    >Alot of it would probably be focused around keeping the vehicles and crews fed and supplied with ammo, most fighting is done over resources rather than a unified frontline
    >As the show goes on, we'll see Skynet slowly roll out more advanced terminators
    >Even without AT weaponry, the tanks slowly get whittled down by just breaking down or running out of fuel/ammo
    >Skynet pulls out the big guns after awhile, with early plasma weaponry being introduced
    >IFVs and APCs are cut down much faster, with replacements being few and farther between
    >Soon, the tanks themselves are threatened, and it ends with an M1A1 dueling a really big robot

  67. 5 months ago

    90~00s throwback semi-parody of toyetic cartoons like beyblade, mask, micromachines, and GIJoe but about nerf blasters. Either have the series actually based on dart tag or use the cartoon to explore the various nerf line settings like zombies, future war, or apocalypse settings.

    I've just about mandala'd my memory into believing this already exists. I my head it looks like Johnny quest but I'd also like if it looked like motor city.

    Pic unrelated.

    • 5 months ago

      So a bunch of kids playing pretend with nerf guns? I dig that, it allows for a bunch of different character designs and locations

      • 5 months ago

        >I've just about mandala'd my memory into believing this already exists
        There were two nerf n-strike games for the Wii, you might be thinking of those

        frick you there was older nerf games, the nerf arena blast game. youve upset me greatly, you dont know anything you frick

        The direct inspiration is probably the junkyard stranded in space and the Canadian squirtgun episodes of ed edd n eddy. Both of which left a huge impression on me. I remember the wii game and I suppose the show would be something like that, but I also like the idea of kids straight up playing pretend like those "real nerf" videos from corridor digital. And every once and a while the kids snap into reality and "dead kids, zombies, or cyborgs" just go home. Like Craig of the creek but with central thematic action.
        Including 3d printed or molded guns would be cool too but I don't think I'd include them.

    • 5 months ago

      >I've just about mandala'd my memory into believing this already exists
      There were two nerf n-strike games for the Wii, you might be thinking of those

      • 5 months ago

        frick you there was older nerf games, the nerf arena blast game. youve upset me greatly, you dont know anything you frick

        • 5 months ago

          Without the those games we wouldn't have the switch shot ex-3, with which people used to use the wii remote-shaped plunger tube (basically a nitefinder) as a masterkey or to make a nerf ballistic knife

    • 5 months ago

      This sounds great. I could see it being a big success, but get cancelled early because soccer moms think it promotes gun violence or some nonsense.

  68. 5 months ago


    Cyberpunk War Vet's legs are stolen by the Antagonist, she gives chase for like six or so episodes. Last episode she gets her legs back and engages in some truly catharic violence against the organization that stole them. Along the way she gets into weird ass fights, chases and amusinf hijinks, typically involving trying to get around via climbing and crawling.

  69. 5 months ago

    It's called "Monkey with a gun" and it's about a monkey with a gun.

  70. 5 months ago

    22 year old neet slowly loses his mind do to lonlyness and the weight of unfefelled expectatons and ambitions.
    Becouse of that He atracts attention of the company of demons. Who use his day dreams to get the hold of him.
    After some time they reveil to him how to bring them to reality. Wich He does thinking it's because the the Commander of the company loves him. But that was a trick.
    The armies of hell start an invasion on the earth. Our protagonist serving as a door between planes
    Last episodes would document batteles against demons with modern weapons and newly arivede angelic legions.
    At the end protag kills the demon that tricked him after that been slayn by an Angel.

  71. 5 months ago

    I'd like to make an abstract but strictly educational show that's like the classic animation segments of Sesame Street and the low budget philosophical parts of Evangelion (ep 25-26 if I remember correctly). I think stuff like that can have an audience in the modern world considering stuff like ENA is pretty popular. But honestly? I would rather just hire animators from Youtube and let them do their own thing, but make it specifically targeted towards kids and teens. I would just make a Cartoon Network 2.0 with actually good stories and zero agenda because nowadays cartoons fricking suck and kids don't really have alot of shit to watch like we used to.

  72. 5 months ago

    >Way into the far future, humanity has turned into god like beings.
    >One human, creates “The realm of imagination” where all of humanity’s creations and stories exist in physical form.
    >Two characters, a boy and girl, wake up in the realm with no memories, and must find their way back to regain their memories and find out what happened.
    >They will have to deal with things like dragons, zombies, and other fictional monsters.

  73. 5 months ago

    It's a long story

    • 5 months ago

      post it

      the whole thing

      • 5 months ago

        its illegal in 29 states

      • 5 months ago

        It's... Complicated. Genre-busting, if you would.
        Imagine a combination of the following works
        >Made in Abyss
        To sum it up as simply as I can
        >Pseudo-surreal fantasy world
        >Bunch of elemental people living in the ruins of a forgotten civilization
        >All while a giant chasm that has answers to their questions spews out monsters of the void in an effort to claim their souls
        >Focuses on a light elemental who survives an encounter with one of these monsters and almost dies
        >Story follows his efforts to both overcome his trauma and cure the encroaching void infection slowly eating him away from the inside out.

  74. 5 months ago

    The MC is a Rat Prince, living in a world run by cats and "builder children" who builds mouse traps to trap the mice in for experiments, these includes weapons of war and recruiting evil rats to help the cats. The Rat Prince is on a quest to hide from the cats and to rescue the other rats, but he doesn't know that most of the traps are made to test on him. A big cat and mouse story where the cats are always one step ahead.

  75. 5 months ago

    "Petoonia". A mix of live-action and animation about the problems faced by real-world people owning cartoon animals. The main character is a cartoon cat named Petunia. The various pets are all animated in different styles. Her main rival is a poorly rotoscoped neighbor cat named Lacey. (a pun on lazy because she's so cheaply animated)

  76. 5 months ago

    Full penetration.

  77. 5 months ago

    Eudeamon - 30 years later.

  78. 5 months ago

    Nah I won’t reveal

    • 5 months ago

      Then why did you reply?

      >Verification not required

  79. 5 months ago

    story where biden and his cabal enter the hell and experience tortures in any possible way..

  80. 5 months ago

    Gulliver's Travels meets Evangelion, complete with kaiju fights and government conspiracies.

    • 5 months ago

      Is Gulliver a glowie, or are the governments of the strange lands Gulliver visits orchestrating the conspiracies?

      • 5 months ago

        More of the latter where he basically serves as their protector under the guise of of a cyborganic mecha-warrior that's completely under their control. He does his job well and they won't kill him for exposing their corruption.

        • 5 months ago

          Does Gulliver go to any of the other islands, or does he stay in Lilliput?

          • 5 months ago

            Mostly stays in Lilliput, though the island itself is more like Manhattan, part of a larger continent.

            Does Gulliver fight actual monsters, or just normal animals that seem like kaiju to the Lilliputians?

            Man-sized kaiju basically, though the power scaling is a bit different given how much bigger he is than the lilliputians. Design-wise I had originally wanted them to look more like ones from the Marvel Godzilla run, but now I'm not sure.

            • 5 months ago

              Those are some weird looking monsters alright.

              Does Gulliver get a cute Lilliputian gf?

        • 5 months ago

          Does Gulliver fight actual monsters, or just normal animals that seem like kaiju to the Lilliputians?

  81. 5 months ago

    Gold fish detective.

    It's a goldfish with a fedora on top of it's bowl that solves mysteries. It's a normal goldfish, but everyone treats it like a grown person. People will constantly exposition dump on the fish. The fish is also implied an alcoholic and has an ex girlfriend (femne fatale grown ass woman who left him because the fish couldn't stop drinking)

  82. 5 months ago

    Animated Eureeka's Castle revival.

  83. 5 months ago

    Clarence: Adulting

    Clarence is in his 30s still living with his Mom and the signs of a mental disability are now in a sad state
    Sumo is in prison for possession with intent to sell of meth
    Jeff is a college grad living across the country, only talking with Clarence via phone
    Mary and Chad are tired looking 60 somethings just going through the motions with an adult Clarence

    episode 1 will be a reintroduction to the series and a light summary of what happened in 15-20 years
    episodes 2-11 will be about Clarence going through a school photo book and him trying to catch up with everyone due to loneliness. each episode sadder than the last
    episode 12 will be about Clarences suicide

    • 5 months ago

      forgot image

  84. 5 months ago

    Clumsy girl does slice of life work in a western setting but it turns out she's a gunslinger with a dark past

  85. 5 months ago

    Mine's a little long, I got several pages ready, almost a 22-25 pages issue ready, do not steal, pls.

    >bank heist
    >insite the vault there's a portal
    >main character is trying to rescue his former merc crew
    >the portal in the vault takes to another "planet"
    >the old crew got heavily infected with a tardigrae infection, making their bodies go in stasys, felling no pain, no fear etc
    >after being extracted and brought back to regular earth the infected crew goes insane on a killing spree
    >Government cover-up and military assault on the old and new crew starts to rain on them
    >main character must decide what path she should follow

  86. 5 months ago

    A reboot of Sonic Boom.

    Reboot would be set on the Seaside Archipelago, and rather than a couple stock towns with 5 buildings, each village and city on the Archipelago would be their own individual and unique locations, sprawling with thousands of civilians.

    Coastal towns and cities further north would resemble more modern appeal, but those further south would look similar to the show, where inhabitants live in huts/shacks and everything feels small, cozy, and connected.

    Sonic and the others look almost like their original Boom designs, with a few new characters, both from IDW and original characters. I know people here don't like the IDW characters, but I think with the right writers, they could be really fun to play with.

    I'm guessing the Chaos Emeralds don't exist in Boom, even though Angel Island and the Master Emerald are directly mentioned in season 2. Either way, the Emeralds probably wouldn't exist in this reboot, either, and it focuses on Eggman's ever-growing desire to rule over the world, using technology both new and ancient to make it happen.

    Probably 22 min long episodes, maybe 16 episodes per season. Half the season is story-oriented, and the other half is slice-of-life; both sides give equal opportunities to explore each character, new and old, and allow us to connect as the series progresses.

    I imagine it feeling a bit between the original Boom and akin to ATLA; as in, it can be funny, campy, and cozy, but then some episodes really dig into lore, the story, and can sometimes be dark or sad or really emotional. Pull no punches, but don't do it for the sake of it.

    Sonic would actually show emotion; in the worst of circumstances, we see how powerful he really is. Probably Dark Sonic, probably something worse.

    Probably sounds like a dumb idea in spots, but if done right, it would be such a fun, comfy show.

  87. 5 months ago


  88. 5 months ago

    California the anime: It's about a local fentanyl addict (male) named Jose who lives in the LA tenderloin district and how through giving blowies to closeted indian men driving old Toyotas he gains further understanding of his place in the world.

  89. 5 months ago

    a bunch of girlscouts get sent to an alien planet and they have to survive in a jungle on an alien world using their scout know-how but they're bad at it and die all the time anyways (eaten by alien monsters, lava, all sorts of things) but they reset each episode with no explanation so it's fine if any of them die because the show is episodic and has no lasting consequences.

  90. 5 months ago

    I've posted this in a couple of these threads and had it dismissed as self-insert fantasy, but here we go:
    >Degrassi-style teen drama which tackles the big issues of growing up
    >Follows a class of kids through high school
    >Episodes have a major A-plot and a more down-to-earth B-plot
    >A-plots have a section where it goes inside the focal character's head when they are working through some tough shit, bizarre visuals, symbolic shit that makes unintelligent viewers think it's sooo deep

    Here are some characters I came up with
    >The moral cool girl everyone likes in season 1 but by the final season she has a reputation of being a self-righteous b***h Basically just Emma from DegrassiTNG
    >The idiot kid who thinks he's moral girl's ideal man to the point where he has modeled his entire personality on her preferences since before the series even began. She rejects him early on and he tries to discover who he is throughout the series. By the end, he rejects her "second chance" because he can do better
    >The sports bully. He's good enough to be on the sports teams, but he's nowhere near good enough to achieve his dream of being the captain. He takes this out on everyone by being a vindictive shit. He drags the sports teams into trouble constantly and leaves the series in the back of a cop car
    >The macho gay kid. Aside to coming to terms with being gay and coming out to his family, he finds that he hates the school's LGBT club and the homosexuals who run it.
    >The shy guy. He has it all: money, looks, friends, supportive parents, and eventually a girl who only has eyes for him, but also crippling anxiety which he sees as "feminine" and weak. Everything just so happens to work out for him on a comical level
    >The fat chick. She has a cute face and grows to have the perfect venus figure. Unfortunately her self-esteem is in the gutter and when the guys start competing for her, she thinks it's some elaborate hoax to humiliate her

  91. 5 months ago

    A coalition of Orcs, Goblins, Gnolls, Trolls, and Kobolds must protect their savannah homeland from Human and Dwarf settlers who were directed their by puppetmaster type Elves.

    • 5 months ago

      So it’s about colonialism?

  92. 5 months ago

    General basic ideas, that aren't really idea's

    What if the cartoon gave ideas, not that it was teaching stuff, but it sorta of just took a concept or 2 and twisted them, or put them together or looked at them from new point of view.

    As an example
    airbender made people think about people controlling 4 elements with martial arts.
    adventure time had a stretchy dog, vampire girl, bubblegum girl, ice crown power guy, and undead lich guy, and more.
    gravity falls had a portal and books, that crossed dimensions, and made monsters appear in the world, and mystery, and stuff.

    A show should enhance your imagination, your thinking. Not just teaching a lesson, but showing how to think about things in multiple ways.
    (I sound like a parent/teacher....shit)

  93. 5 months ago

    There's a box. In it is 42 trillion dollars, or a super black hole. Everyone is competing in a galactic game show run by highly sadistic ultra intelligent alien races. The humans are forced to do humiliating, dehumanizing, and violent things to one another. Father made to choose between daughters, then participate in the gangrape/murder of the unchosen. Chosen forced to watch. This chaos is improved upon by alien tech. Clones made of contestant to such accuracy that they doubt who is the original. Only one clone can live, but if it's not the original, torture. Of course the original is already dead, so it's pointless. Stuff like that, but more creative.
    At some point the galactic feds bust the operation and arrest the sadists (they've violated galactic law). But our mc still wants that money, and fights the feds as well to get it. Galactic criminal #1. Unfortunately the box is locked with an overly complex system, so mc busts the sadists out of galactic fed prison to get info. Eventually mc is told the schematics to the key (and unexpectedly befriends the very sadist that tortured him), but needs to adventure across the galaxy to get the ingredients/tech etc. Finally, the box is ready to be opened; this is the finale. It's just a super black hole and annihilates the nearest 4 star systems, mc, earth included. The end.

  94. 5 months ago

    A dog and cat get lost away from home, and must find their owners.

  95. 5 months ago

    Soccer Victory

    A Canadian male boy named Alexander has a Dream of becoming the best male soccer player in all of Canada.

    He thus inspires more Canadian boys and men to play and be soccer fans.

    Alexander must overcome different rivals, teams and challenges to fulfill his dream, starting from the bottom, going through the Canadian Premier League and so on until he becomes the best soccer player in Canada.


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