>Dude, it's X...

>Dude, it's X... stop taking it so serio-
>This is inherently goofy-

Shut the frick up. If you engage in genre fiction with this mindset, you are looking at it from an inherently dishonest and surface level perspective. If you are a writer, you MUST take your setting and characters completely seriously, otherwise your audience has no reason to invest in anything about your work. If you don't take it seriously, then why should the audience?

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  1. 2 months ago

    SHUT UP homosexual!!!!

  2. 2 months ago

    Because taking things 100% seriously removes the fun and whimsy. If you're not enjoying making something the consumers will be able to tell.

    Anon, extremes are almost never the healthiest option. Aim for a middle ground.

    • 2 months ago

      When you have too much levity, the stakes and tension are completely moot. If the characters that are supposed to be seeing a situation as life-or-death can't take something seriously, then there's no reason for an audience to. The only way an audience can have more investment in the stakes of a story is if it's banking off of dramatic irony, but that involves some tact from the writer. Remember that scene in The Shining? The infamous "here's Johnny" scene? Imagine if, instead of just the line at the end when the audience sees his face, we would hear a quip between each chop of his axe. That's that this quip shit is like in narrative form.
      The primary motive in movies, tv shows, etc. is to convey a thematic mood that "corrals" viewers towards the director's/author's intended message or desired emotion. The actual real issue with actors and quippy writing nowadays is how very few actors and writers anymore are able to let go of their egos and actually act or write serious dialogue. I genuinely can't remember the last time an actor played a character seriously like Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs or Heath Ledger's Joker. It's why a noticeable amount of sucessful shows and movies over the years often tended to have casts that are classically trained theater actors. In theater, you have to play your character 100% straight, otherwise, you'll ruin the entire live performance. Quips meanwhile, are cheap, overused humor that are equivalent to jump scares in horror. They're too easy to use and low-effort even if they get the desired result. And don't even get me started on how executive suits force writers to use them because they want movies to appeal to the largest amount of people (the lowest common denominator) by not having the audience feel anything uncomfortable too long since modern suits are super risk-adverse nowadays. Quips ruin tension.

      • 2 months ago

        Never said anything about quips, or too much levity. I actually literally just said the middle ground is best. What are you talking about

        • 2 months ago

          Neither did I say that you should make it 100% serious toned. So I corrected your strawman by giving my full position on the matter.

          • 2 months ago

            >you MUST take your setting and characters completely seriously
            pretty sure completely and 100% mean basically the same thing

            Godzilla, MCU, Pokémon, Sonic, especially Sonic, Kirby I think I've seen this being presented, Dragon Ball,

            I find this funny because not only are there much sillier things out there, this isn't even Cinemaphile content? Most of these are anime and MCU and Godzilla aren't even animated in most incarnations.

            • 2 months ago

              >pretty sure completely and 100% mean basically the same thing
              Taking a setting seriously and making it serious toned are not the same thing.

      • 2 months ago

        You're right, OP. But you're also so autistic that I don't wanna be associated with you by being on your side

      • 2 months ago

        >When you have too much levity, the stakes and tension are completely moot.
        action heroes making funny one-liners while getting shot at is better than some vaguely defined sense of tension

        >t. If the characters that are supposed to be seeing a situation as life-or-death can't take something seriously, then there's no reason for an audience to.
        audience has absolutely no trouble seeing the terminator say he needs a vacation after getting pummeled by the T-1000

        >The infamous "here's Johnny" scene? Imagine if, instead of just the line at the end when the audience sees his face, we would hear a quip between each chop of his axe.
        sure, dont see why not

        • 2 months ago

          If your action/drama can't retain the audience, then you're a shit director.
          Your entire point is that this is expected. In other words, your own argument asserts that quips are a writing crutch
          You do not get into fights if you think it's like some smarmy Marvel flick where people are cracking one-liners. Shame tol because you really need punched in the face.
          IRL if you move your jaw, it's because it's getting hit.

          • 2 months ago

            >this moronic homie never watched 80s action movies
            you are literally a petulant child

            • 2 months ago

              >Entire worldview is based on a handful of Youtube videos
              >"You're a petulant child."

              • 2 months ago

                Just because you are incapable of arguing back doesn't mean I'm wrong

              • 2 months ago

                You never countered anything I said in response to what you said, moron. Only whataboutism and completely unrelated moronation.

              • 2 months ago

                Same with me. Fricking hate people who ignore any argument they can't rebuke. I'd prefer if they at least tried.

              • 2 months ago

                >Hurp durp 80s movies!
                Is not an argument you absolute fricking pudding brains pullout autismo moron. Actually make an argument against anything I've said. Genuinely; what does being a disingenuous shitstain weasel do for you?

          • 2 months ago

            >If your action/drama can't retain the audience, then you're a shit director.
            but comedy works just fine when interspersed with drama
            you dont need to take everything seriously

            >Your entire point is that this is expected. In other words, your own argument asserts that quips are a writing crutch
            there is literally nothing wrong with james bond saying a bad pun after killing someone

            >IRL if you move your jaw, it's because it's getting hit.
            good thing movies take place outside of real life

            • 2 months ago

              Because it undercuts the seriousness you moron. That's that this quip shit is like in narrative form. It's not a punctuation to some tension, it's a delivery for the author to fellatio how fuggin ebin their witty Twitter-tier zingers are.
              Apparently I'm in the fricking minority for wanting to feel the full range of emotions besides "haha, I'm happy." Marvel's tension-breaking is like a moronic family member shouting "peepee poopoo" at a funeral. It's okay if you don't give a shit, but annoying if you actually care. I mean, I get it, it's Marvel, so you're not supposed to get too invested in it in the first place and just watch people zip around making CG explosions. But if something's best enjoyed when you don't care about it, then why watch it in the first place? This shit is only really good if you admit that it's for emotionally stunted morons and you're an emotionally stunted moron for enjoying it.

              • 2 months ago

                >Because it undercuts the seriousness you moron.
                so? who cares if it means a more entertaining scene

                >This shit is only really good if you admit that it's for emotionally stunted morons and you're an emotionally stunted moron for enjoying it.
                nothing emotionally stunted about liking characters say funny things in a movie
                the world is a better place for having john connor respond sarcastically to sarah connors speech

              • 2 months ago

                >so? who cares if it means a more entertaining scene
                It's not entertaining, moron. Someone undercutting the tension of a scene doesn't make it entertaining, nor is it fun. It's more entertaining when a movie doesn't feel embarrassed about what it is and instead can maintain a consistent tone.

                Shut the frick up, you bad faith, disingenuous moron. I'm going to end save my breath for someone that's actually looking to have a real conversation.

              • 2 months ago

                >waaah waah

              • 2 months ago

                Oh look, he's crying because I won't waste my time with his moronation anymore.

              • 2 months ago

                levels of irony going through the roof today

              • 2 months ago

                I'm just going to wait until you have an actual argument.

              • 2 months ago

                oh the irony
                can't you stop and think of the irony

              • 2 months ago

                >It's not entertaining, moron.
                except it actually is

                >Someone undercutting the tension of a scene doesn't make it entertaining, nor is it fun.
                as mentioned before, john connor literally makes every scene better precisely because he is injecting funny commentary
                he could have just said "he is gaining on us" but that would be boring, "I could get out and run faster" is a much more memorable line

              • 2 months ago

                >except it actually is
                It isn't. And that's the most cringeworthy thing about this, because deep down a lot of us know that these writers are the kind of people who can't pull this crap off irl because they don't have enough understanding about how their emotions work in order to deliver a believable experience.

                >M-muh John Connor
                That's literally the whole point of your iT wAs aLwAyS tHeRe/cItaTiOn nOt nEeDeD limp-wristed homosexualry.
                It's a writing crutch by hacks.
                Go look down the barrel of a shotgun, pull the trigger, and livestream the quirky little quips you make.

                Seriously, do it, because every pseudointellectual line you type fills me with rage from trying to parse the secondhand embarrassment from just being on the same website as someone as bloody-fricking out of touch with reality, thinking they know jack shit about anything from binge-watching some Huggbeez videos, then running off and repeating that crap as gospel without even taking five minutes to do some basic research about the "how" or "why" before throwing jazz hands with a fear grimace an shouting "IT'S JUST LIKE A MOVIE!" Please douse yourself in gasoline and die in a fire you useless bugman.

              • 2 months ago

                irony levels rising

              • 2 months ago

                I'm starting to understand why people say those phrases to you.

  3. 2 months ago

    What the frick are you talking about?

    • 2 months ago

      I think I made it pretty clear from the OP post.

  4. 2 months ago

    >using a GIF from a silly/goofy cartoon in the OP image

    • 2 months ago

      That doesn't change the point nor counter anything I've said.

  5. 2 months ago

    What shows in particular have you seen this kind of argument presented for that angers you, OP?

    • 2 months ago

      Godzilla, MCU, Pokémon, Sonic, especially Sonic, Kirby I think I've seen this being presented, Dragon Ball,

  6. 2 months ago

    Oh, its you again.

  7. 2 months ago

    A lot of 10s cartoons walk the fine line between comedy and storytelling/seriousness very well. You can't tell me Gravity Falls has no funny jokes or that Alex Hirsch didn't clearly have fun making it, nor can you say that it doesn't have strong emotional, serious moments (ex. the ending of Not What He Seems give me chills every time I watch it).

  8. 2 months ago

    >If you don't take it seriously, then why should the audience
    They don't and you shouldn't

  9. 2 months ago

    >Dear Diary

    >OP was pretty cool today

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