>Dude, it's X...

>Dude, it's X... stop taking it so serio-
>This is inherently goofy-

Shut the frick up. If you engage in genre fiction with this mindset, you are looking at it from an inherently dishonest and surface level perspective. If you are a writer, you MUST take your setting and characters completely seriously, otherwise your audience has no reason to invest in anything about your work. If you don't take it seriously, then why should the audience?

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  1. 5 months ago

    >Dude it’s X
    >Domain name is still twitter.com

  2. 5 months ago

    just leaving this here

  3. 5 months ago

    Stop spamming the same thing every day, you're either the worst autist on Cinemaphile or you're a bot.

  4. 5 months ago

    But most comic settings and especially Marvel are outlandish. It's okay to take refuge in it a bit. It's called gallows humor. And not the same as shitting themselves as they die.

    Iron Man is still a playboy who just in Avengers realizes how big it really is.

    Coulson is surrounded by all these toys and people who already realize how big it is and just took on a god with it. It's okay to let it happen.

    • 5 months ago

      Explaining a pile of shit doesn't make it not a pile of shit.

  5. 5 months ago

    Man, imagine people who say you are taking things too seriously but in doing so they care more about how someone else interprets media. The fact it affects them more on a psychological level is moronic.

    You didn't like X? That hurts me and means you are my enemy for not agreeing with my worldview!

  6. 5 months ago

    >If you are a writer, you MUST take your setting and characters completely seriously, otherwise your audience has no reason to invest in anything about your work
    Yeah that is the make it dark make it grim make it tough part of the quote you fricking tard.

    • 5 months ago

      No it's not.

  7. 5 months ago

    This thread again?

    • 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    so, are you posting it, because you agree it, or because you want to make fun of it? I agree with the post, so I guess that you are making fun of people like me? you vile racist

    • 5 months ago

      He's posting it because he's got severe autism and is always looking for a new topic that will let him pretend he's having a conversation

      If you look around you'll probably see a Calvin and Hobbes topic because that his latest old chestnut that he's trying to revive and you may see a Doom or Hawkman topic at some point in the next few days as well if these don't get him (You)s because those are his default go-tos

  9. 5 months ago

    It's kind of weird how Shawarma got roped into this. Coulson saying something funny before he dies tragically absolutely undercuts the tragedy there but Tony ranting about getting take out after almost dying not only makes sense but it also is a reasonable tone shift considering the day is now saved and our heroes survived.

  10. 5 months ago

    Isn’t this mindset why the clone high revival was dogshit

  11. 5 months ago

    >Dude, it's PAW Patrol. Stop taking it so serio-

    • 5 months ago

      I love strawman videos too.

  12. 5 months ago

    >inherently dishonest and surface level perspective.
    Go frick yourself you man baby. There varying degrees of emotional levels, if you couldn't see that image here was sad as the one last phrase of a likable character your intelligence is lower than an infant.

    >If you don't take it seriously, then why should the audience
    You don't! It's fricking entertainment fantasy comic books, not a dramatic reading Shakespeare. Get over yourself you spoiled little frick.

    • 5 months ago

      >Go frick yourself you man baby. There varying degrees of emotional levels, if you couldn't see that image here was sad as the one last phrase of a likable character your intelligence is lower than an infant.
      You're a shitty writer if you can't make your audience invested in your stakes. In other words, you're supporting shitty writing. If your action/drama can't retain the audience, then you're a shit director.
      And when you have too much levity, the stakes and tension are completely moot. If the characters that are supposed to be seeing a situation as life-or-death can't take something seriously, then there's no reason for an audience to. The only way an audience can have more investment in the stakes of a story is if it's banking off of dramatic irony, but that involves some tact from the writer.
      >You don't! It's fricking entertainment fantasy comic books, not a dramatic reading Shakespeare. Get over yourself you spoiled little frick.
      >Literally saying and doing the exact phrase and shutting down of any conversation that's described in the OP.

  13. 5 months ago
  14. 5 months ago

    Quit being an entitled spergy loser who thinks there's only one way to do things.

    • 5 months ago

      Compelling counter argument.

  15. 5 months ago

    I hate this mindset with all of my being. Movies shows comics and every form of media is intended to make you feel something and when you interrupt the feeling with a joke because you are too much of a pussy to let yourself feel, it really sucks. It also ruins your experience with media that doesn't frick with your heart like that. Because when you're watching good media you're just waiting for the other shoe to drop, like an abuse victim, and can't enjoy the experience. When I am consuming media I want to laugh I want to cry. I want to feel. Let me feel the emotion entirely before moving on to the next scene.

    If your dad just died (assuming you liked him) you want to feel that emotion entirely and then move on. Imagine if your dad just died and somebody tells a shitty joke. Like seriously frick that guy right? Let me feel this feeling it needs to be felt, don't interrupt. Now maybe the next day your friend could check on you and tell you a joke, it can be nice. You have to wait process and then move on!

    I know this example might seem extreme because I am comparing real-life feelings to how feelings work in media. But they both are still working on the same framework, just on a smaller scale.

    • 5 months ago

      No, that's actually correct.
      While movies aren't real life, the primary motive in movies, tv shows, etc. is to convey a thematic mood that "corrals" viewers towards the director's/author's intended message or desired emotion. The actual real issue with actors and quippy writing nowadays is how very few actors and writers anymore are able to let go of their egos and actually act or write serious dialogue. I genuinely can't remember the last time an actor played a character seriously like Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs or Heath Ledger's Joker. It's why a noticeable amount of sucessful shows and movies over the years often tended to have casts that are classically trained theater actors. In theater, you have to play your character 100% straight, otherwise, you'll ruin the entire live performance. Quips meanwhile, are cheap, overused humor that are equivalent to jump scares in horror. They're too easy to use and low-effort even if they get the desired result. And don't even get me started on how executive suits force writers to use them because they want movies to appeal to the largest amount of people (the lowest common denominator) by not having the audience feel anything uncomfortable too long since modern suits are super risk-adverse nowadays. Quips ruin tension.

      • 5 months ago

        YES! Thank you! I hate how there is no tension anymore. And I noticed a lot of fourth-wall-breaking jokes aren't even funny anymore it's just a way for the writers to beat the critics to the punch. They literally don't care if it breaks emersion tension or anything else. Their egos are so fragile they can't be vulnerable and real. Which is the whole point of art even if it's consumerist slop, you should have some authenticity in any piece of media.

        • 5 months ago

          It's a chronic fear of being sincere.

    • 5 months ago

      >Imagine if your dad just died and somebody tells a shitty joke

  16. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      frick you Gavin

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          It's the guy who made this thread.

        • 5 months ago

          It's the guy who made this thread.

          Is Gavin even his real name, I mean we know he's that guy
          But is the guy even named Gavin?

          • 5 months ago

            Not the same person.

            • 5 months ago

              Based on what? Both spam in the exact same way, talk about the same shows, always show up at the same time.

  17. 5 months ago

    >Marvel quips suck therefore Shitdow the Edgehog doesn't suck
    Mooregay pls

  18. 5 months ago

    >If you are a writer, you MUST take your setting and characters completely seriously, otherwise your audience has no reason to invest in anything about your work. If you don't take it seriously, then why should the audience?


    • 5 months ago

      Do you know the difference between HAVING fun WITH something and MAKING fun OF something?

      • 5 months ago

        Does a character making quips count as "making fun of something," though? Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy was mostly played straight but had some comic relief with Gimli and Legolas' killcount competitions. The OG Star Wars trilogy had some comedic moments like Han Solo fricking up the call to the Imperial commander on the Death Star.

        • 5 months ago

          Those are comedic relief moments borm out of genuine character interaction. That's not the same as inserting jokes and quips during dramatic moments to prevent your audience from feeling anything. Or in the case of games like Forspoken and Marvel movies, constantly acknowledging how stupid something is with the character making fun of it.

          The humour in these films stems from insecurity with regards to the source material. This same insecurity leads to the writers forcing themselves to fill any silence with quips and make sure that they make fun of something before the audience does so that they remain in control. They are afraid to let a moment breathe, without satire, for fear of making an audience uncomfortable.

          In fact the humour in Marvel films is very obviously wish-fulfilment on the part of the viewer by way of the writer. The jokes do not come naturally from the character, but are rather the jokes that a passive third-party observer would make about the situation if he believed himself to be 'witty'.

  19. 5 months ago

    the difference with whedon's quips is they were well timed and usually funny or at least could smile at it. he balanced character moments and seriousness well in most avengers and earlier work. the people emulating him and others that pushed that style of writing in modern marvel are fricking horrid at it. they openly mock the characters and shit over any characterization that came before it. thats the difference in their 99% quips every scene compared to what whedon did. coulsons death is probably the only bad instance of it in avengers, which is otherwise still a very good film (by cape shit standards, were not talking some top 100 list or anything). they didnt joke about coulson's death with the baseball cards and processed his death and came together with it. today that would be all jokes about coulson being a white male failing and making them clean up his mess as 8 trans women went off to beat up tony.

  20. 5 months ago

    >you MUST take your setting and characters completely seriously
    This is why having characters behave like humans and actually tell jokes is good, real life isn't some perfectly scripted by the numbers Hollywood drama

    • 5 months ago

      I am 100% you have never been in a fight ever since school, because people do not do that shit. You're not thinking "oh wow what would be a totally cool one-liner" when you're trying not to get punched in the face, you're preoccupied trying not to get punched in the face while trying to hurt your opponent.
      Even if you don't want to take my word for it, watch any televized fight. If you're in the camp where you think that shit's scripted, that should be grounds to expect more quips. There aren't any during the fight because, and I can't believe I need to say this to your sõy-concentrated ass, life is not a Marvel movie you stupid homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, and Arnold Schwarzenegger wouldn't really say "Stick around" after impaling a dude with a machete. It doesn't mean Predator's a bad movie.

        You wanna say that Marvel has too many quips, fine. I'll agree with that. But your complaints about the MCU ring pretty hollow considering you love to dickride garbage like Sonic the Hedgehog. Frick off and quit spamming these threads, Mooregay.

      • 5 months ago

        Show me a televised fight where there wasn't one joke told in either corner. Didn't Floyd Mayweather spend his 49 fights talking to his opponent the entire fricking time? How did that go? Did he win any?
        What a terrible example, surely you can come up with something better than a sporting event like obviously people tell jokes during those as they are only games

        • 5 months ago

          >There aren't any during the fight.
          Are you actually reading the posts you're replying to, you fricking moron? You're talking about shit that happens outside of the fighting. I will repeat.
          Even if you don't want to take my word for it, watch any televized fight. If you're in the camp where you think that shit's scripted, that should be grounds to expect more quips. There aren't any during the fight because, and I can't believe I need to say this to your sõy-concentrated ass, life is not a Marvel movie you stupid homosexual.

          • 5 months ago

            The frick you mean? Floyd smack talking his opponents and would even turn to the commentators to do a quick quip, have you never watching a boxing match? They talk all the time, real fights aren't like Raging Bull moron

            • 5 months ago

              Oh yeah I remember the last time I got into a street fight and we stopped after each punch to give some stupid joke. It's not like danger is scary for most people, clearly the "humor as a cope" thing is just a constant thing that never stops...
              You do not get into fights if you think it's like some smarmy Marvel flick where people are cracking one-liners. Shame tol because you really need punched in the face.
              IRL if you move your jaw, it's because it's getting hit.

              And just saying "wElL wHy dOnT yOu bEliEvE mE" after me giving you several clear-cut explanations and casually mentioning where to find repeated counterexamples after feeding me some complete bullshit just screams bad faith homosexualry.
              Go look down the barrel of a shotgun, pull the trigger, and livestream the quirky little quips you make.

              Seriously, do it, because every pseudointellectual line you type fills me with rage from trying to parse the secondhand embarrassment from just being on the same website as someone as bloody-fricking out of touch with reality, thinking they know jack shit about anything from binge-watching some Huggbeez videos, then running off and repeating that crap as gospel without even taking five minutes to do some basic research about the "how" or "why" before throwing jazz hands with a fear grimace an shouting "IT'S JUST LIKE A MOVIE!" Please douse yorself in gasoline and die in a fire you useless bugman.

              • 5 months ago

                All gangbangers do is shit talk during street fights, you used to have way better examples man

            • 5 months ago

              boxing is rigged along with all sports entertainment like nfl, nba, etc.

  21. 5 months ago

    The Coulson line was just fine, shut the frick up.

    • 5 months ago


  22. 5 months ago

    >Anon is seething at American Culture

    Go frick yourself, Yurouck. Could say the same for your pedophilic French Ass, Scatting German, or whatever Euro poor c**t you're from.

  23. 5 months ago

    You're such an attention-seeking little b***h. Frick off.

    • 5 months ago


      I hate to engage in the usual Cinemaphile animosity towards everyone and everything, but you are boring and stupid and should stop posting.


      >Anon is seething at American Culture

      Go frick yourself, Yurouck. Could say the same for your pedophilic French Ass, Scatting German, or whatever Euro poor c**t you're from.


  24. 5 months ago

    I hate to engage in the usual Cinemaphile animosity towards everyone and everything, but you are boring and stupid and should stop posting.

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