When is the 80s nostalgia trend going to end? I like the aesthetic and the music of the decade, but if I want to experience it I'll watch something that's actually from the 80s.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    there should have been a graphic sex scene.

    • 3 months ago

      You jest, but the film couldn't figure out who it was aimed at.
      It was about murdering a bunch of people and there was all this blood. But there was no swearing. We weren't shown any gorey kills and all the dismemberment happened off-screen. And despite being a love story, there was only a single kiss between the guy and the girl right at the end, after the super emotional scene where they have sex for the first time.
      It felt like it was afraid of offending puritans despite its subject matter.

  2. 3 months ago

    >prostitute would rather frick a corpse than be a wife
    seems legit

  3. 3 months ago

    Bad writers love the 80's. It is the last decade before Internet and cell phones, and bad writers don't know how to include that technology in their scripts because they expose huge potholes if not dealt with somehow in the first act.
    Setting a story in the '80s allows characters to be clueless and stupid.

    • 3 months ago

      Black person shut up.
      You can resolve 90 percent of movie plots with a smartphone and end up with a movie that ends in 10 minutes. You clearly never written a script ever, or else you'd know how hard it would be to actually include smart phones, internet, with tech savvy characters in your script without resolving the plot right away.

      • 3 months ago

        This has to be b8. I refuse to believe anyone is actually this fricking moronic

        • 3 months ago

          >dude people stopped having problems because of smartphones lmao
          Don't breed.

          People just get on here and look to argue without critical thinking, and do it so proudly

          I might be taking the bait here: read my post again but this time pretend you're not moronic. We are in agreement. Bad writers avoid technology by setting the film before it existed, or think of contrived ways to get rid of the tech in the first 10 minutes.
          >This cabin has no cell reception
          >I dropped my phone in the puddle and now it won't turn on
          >Oops, I forgot to charge my phone last night

          Think about all the movies you enjoy which revolve around
          1. A character being lost
          (Oh if only they had their phone, data, and just used Google Maps :P)
          2. Miscommunication
          (Oh if only they had their phone, data, and could call or text at any waking moment)
          3. Character not knowing how to do something in the spirit of the moment
          (Oh if only they had their phone, data, and could just watch a YouTube tutorial lol :P)
          4. A character in any danger
          (Oh if only they had their phone, data, and could call the cops lol :P)

          Obviously I'm exaggerating and you can set up more excuses (cops take forever to get a crime scene), but that in itself is redundant.

          • 3 months ago

            Think of all the movies you enjoy which involve
            1. A character travelling on horseback
            (Oh, if they had a car they could just get there in a couple of hours with no fanfare)
            2. An infected wound
            (Modern doctors could just treat that with antibiotics)
            3. A character not recognising the king
            (with photographs, there's no excuse for characters not recognising their leaders)
            4. There is any sort of action scene
            (If everyone has guns then it doesn't matter how talented the protagonist is since everyone dies to a bullet and that requires no skill)

            Clearly, no stories set after ~1900 could ever be done well.

      • 3 months ago

        >dude people stopped having problems because of smartphones lmao
        Don't breed.

      • 3 months ago

        I might be taking the bait here: read my post again but this time pretend you're not moronic. We are in agreement. Bad writers avoid technology by setting the film before it existed, or think of contrived ways to get rid of the tech in the first 10 minutes.
        >This cabin has no cell reception
        >I dropped my phone in the puddle and now it won't turn on
        >Oops, I forgot to charge my phone last night

      • 3 months ago

        People just get on here and look to argue without critical thinking, and do it so proudly

      • 3 months ago

        Think about all the movies you enjoy which revolve around
        1. A character being lost
        (Oh if only they had their phone, data, and just used Google Maps :P)
        2. Miscommunication
        (Oh if only they had their phone, data, and could call or text at any waking moment)
        3. Character not knowing how to do something in the spirit of the moment
        (Oh if only they had their phone, data, and could just watch a YouTube tutorial lol :P)
        4. A character in any danger
        (Oh if only they had their phone, data, and could call the cops lol :P)

        Obviously I'm exaggerating and you can set up more excuses (cops take forever to get a crime scene), but that in itself is redundant.

        giving autists internet access were a mistake

  4. 3 months ago

    >me when a filmmaker born in 1989 drops a "bitchin" movie set it the "epic" 80s dude with all the shoulder pads and Jason Voorhees and Duran Duran

  5. 3 months ago

    >diablo cody

  6. 3 months ago

    It was alright. But it wasn't as good as Totally Killer, and it was painfully apparent the entire way through that they wished they were making Heathers.
    Also, she became completely unlikeable as the film progressed in an inconsistent way

  7. 3 months ago

    It's a good movie and the 80s is portrayed in a more natural way than a stranger things way

  8. 3 months ago

    >I want to experience it I'll watch something that's actually from the 80s.
    Nooo! How are people supposed to build entertainment careers when you don't watch the new stuff?
    Think of the millionaires!

  9. 3 months ago

    Agreed, the '80s nostalgia thing only really works if it's over-the-top self-conscious parody like Kung Fury.
    I'll also let zoomer-made retro pop pass since you can only listen to the Knight Rider intro and Crockett's Theme so many times before they get boring.

  10. 3 months ago

    >detective pikachu
    >ant-man 3
    >lisa frankenstein

    she's the new box office flop queen

  11. 3 months ago

    Pop culture aesthetics by decade are never going to go away. They are pretty much the last semblance of cultural aesthetics that we had. After Y2K everything became sterile, homogenized and flat. All other aesthetics and subcultures are now accessible for consumption on the Internet so they will live on to simulate color and cultural familiarity that we don't have today. The way people still do medieval or Renaissance fairs, 100 years from now people will dress like it's the 80s for fun.

    • 3 months ago

      >Transformers on C64
      That game was unbelievably shitty

    • 3 months ago

      These pictures annoy me with how much crap the cram into them. This one is actually tame. I wonder how many collective hours have been wasted by dewey eyed genxers staring at this shit like its where's waldo.

    • 3 months ago

      This one's jarring because of how mismatched everything is. Too much stuff from the early to mid 80s mixed with early 90s stuff.

      Pic related is better

      • 3 months ago

        Now this one I can buy. I hate those illustrations and staged photos where some 80s kid has a poster for every goddamn popular action or horror movie from the decade plastered on their walls, not to mention every fricking game console that existed at the time as well as a copy of every really popular game.

  12. 3 months ago

    >is nothing but nice to her new sister
    >tries to include her the best she can and cheer her up
    >tries to protect her new sister from bullies
    >new sister kills your mom
    >new sister's friend kills your frick buddy and chops his wiener off in front of you
    Why didn't they just make her an 80s popular girl stereotype? Making Taffy a nice girl makes Lisa come off like an unlikeable b***h.

    • 3 months ago

      Lisa is supposed to be unlikable

      • 3 months ago

        Was she? Maybe towards the mid part where she has her transformation but Cole Sprouse doesn't really have any powers she just changes because he murdered her step mom. Before that we were supposed to like her considering that one dude tries to rape her, her mom was murdered, her dad doesn't care about her and her step mom is a c**t.

        • 3 months ago

          She literally apologizes at the end and kills herself and ends the movie as a cripple

    • 3 months ago

      Taffy is obviously Zelda's self insert casting lmao
      I had such a crush on her lmao

    • 3 months ago

      I actually really liked her character

  13. 3 months ago

    >Zelda williams
    robin Williams's daughter directed this?

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, moron. Robbin William's daughter who's name is Zelda Williams directed the movie. You get a gold star.

      • 3 months ago

        calm thine breasts,

  14. 3 months ago

    Meanwhile younger zoomers are dressing like it's somewhere between 98-2004 and half of them act they just got the Matrix on DVD.
    Seriously, stuff from the 00s is vintage enough to make movies about now. Southpole, phat farm, coogi and rocawear command "vintage" streetwear prices. The 80s were 40 fricking years ago.

  15. 3 months ago

    At this point we should be seeing a rash of 00's nostalgia but alas.

    • 3 months ago

      didn't they just remake the matrix, gladiator, mean girls, starship troopers, tomb raider, etc etc?

  16. 3 months ago

    she was the final girl who survived a 80's slasher , i thought that was gonna come back but it never did.

    • 3 months ago

      I never thought about that, but that would make an interesting premise actually (assuming the film wasn't just about a killer trying to finish the job)
      No, I have never seen Final Girl and don't particularly care to

  17. 3 months ago

    80s is so 2018
    90s and 00s is where's its at

    • 3 months ago

      lol is that Danzig
      tell me this isn't AI

      • 3 months ago

        I doubt it, hes a fricking nerd

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