dude weed lmao

What is your favorite type of movie to watch while high?

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  1. 1 month ago

    A good movie.

  2. 1 month ago

    Thrillers or crime comedies

  3. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Who's this semen demon?

      • 1 month ago

        Black person woman

    • 1 month ago

      Have you ever used a Fleshlight while high? Shit makes ejaculation feel like your soul is leaving your body.

      • 1 month ago

        No but I've always wondered what sex is like while high

        • 1 month ago

          t. do it high every day with my 19 yr old gf

        • 1 month ago

          Pretty good. Causes your mind to wander though, which can help you last longer. Acid sex is next level.

        • 1 month ago

          more fun on acid even though it's hard to jizzum

      • 1 month ago

        One time I got insanely stoned and used a Fleshlight while in VR and the post nut clarity was so severe I realized that power was too much. I spent the rest of the night looking at old pics of my hometown in Google Earth VR.

    • 1 month ago

      Hell yeah

    • 1 month ago

      i tried weed once and had sex with a girl after and i was in a never-ending loop of cumming. it was not enjoyable

      • 1 month ago

        >never-ending loop of cumming
        is it possible to learn this power?

  4. 1 month ago

    i like watching really morbid documentaries

  5. 1 month ago

    Slow paced movies with atmospheric soundtracks. Beyond The Black Rainbow for example.

    • 1 month ago

      I like BTBR but I'm afraid to watch it stoned in case it freaks me out.

  6. 1 month ago

    I wouldn't know because I'm not a fricking junkie

    • 1 month ago

      I'm not a degenrate druggie. So no.

      Unironically, kill all potheads.

      >zoomer newbies

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah, because being degenerate Nazi pedophile is so much better.

        >Dude, you must get addicted to weed or you're le nazi
        As I said, kill all potheads.

        • 1 month ago

          >i'm not a nazi
          >but let's kill this entire group of people
          babbys first troll

          • 1 month ago

            >killing an entire group of people
            um, hollywood brain much?

            • 1 month ago

              Um, chud brain much?

            • 1 month ago

              Gypsys, israelites, Mentally infirm, anybody accused of treason (which could be levied for pretty much any reason), anybody suffering a genetic disorder, homosexuals, and even the unemployed.

              You homosexuals don't even know the history of the people you claim to revere.

              • 1 month ago

                None of that happened.

              • 1 month ago

                Except it did.

              • 1 month ago

                Nuh uh.

              • 1 month ago

                We would have flying cars and cities on the moon if it did.

              • 1 month ago

                Fricking moron lol

              • 1 month ago

                israeli propaganda

              • 1 month ago

                "If you don't smoke weed, you are a nazi pedophile"

                You know you can be a pot head and not act moronic right?

                You know that the israelites aren't the reason you losers have shitty lives, right? And that the actual Nazis wouldn't do anything to help you, right?

              • 1 month ago

                They would high five me and give me a gun and tell me how cool I am

              • 1 month ago

                they literally are though

              • 1 month ago

                Assuming your insane ramblings with zero proof are true, why exactly would the Nazis do a damn thing to help you not be a fat, lonely and poorly educated loser?

              • 1 month ago

                Surely he's pureblooded and fit and smart and meets all criteria. Perhaps his hatred alone would spare him. Probably not though. Nazis wanted to rule the world. They'd have found reasons to murder any non-germans eventually had they not even been weak and gay and lost hard.

              • 1 month ago

                >They'd have found reasons to murder any non-germans eventually had they not even been weak and gay and lost hard.
                yeah like the Japanese

              • 1 month ago

                There are still rational anons on Cinemaphile. Best post on the subject.

              • 1 month ago

                DMT is so cool. The best psychedelic by far.

              • 1 month ago

                None of that happened.

                Fricking moron lol

                Edgy teens being contrarian after bedtime. Remember this place is the last game in town for spreading unchecked hate speech. These homosexuals represent a tiny fraction of the most extremist radicals in the world. Viva free speech, but only ignorant c**ts spout holocaust denial. Even they don't believe it.

                Smoke weed every day.

              • 1 month ago

                There are still rational anons on Cinemaphile. Best post on the subject.

                The Nazi’s would put your dumbass in a camp and that’s pretty based imo. I would like to imagine they would throw you in a gas chamber as well but we both know those never existed (wooden doors)

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, but not you. You get a pass because you're right and we're wrong... Very cute. Go to bed, boy. You can dream more effectively there.

              • 1 month ago

                You do know that using the 'wooden doors' meme simply proves you don't have a fricking clue about what you're saying, right?

              • 1 month ago

                >The Nazi’s would put your dumbass in a camp and that’s pretty based imo.
                Oh yeh, they would totally keep you around lmao.

        • 1 month ago

          >killing an entire group of people
          um, hollywood brain much?

          None of that happened.

          Fricking moron lol

          israeli propaganda

          The Nazi’s would put your dumbass in a camp and that’s pretty based imo. I would like to imagine they would throw you in a gas chamber as well but we both know those never existed (wooden doors)

          >Jeff Bezos making me eat so LE BAD
          >Nazis making me eat soi and taking all meat away LE GOOD
          /pol/cels don’t even know what they believe.

          • 1 month ago

            They think their beliefs line up with Nazis. Similarities begin and end with the hating of israelites.

            But don't be surprised: people who think Nazis are good and israelites are bad are obviously ignorant. You can't expect them to know anything about history or they wouldn't have these beliefs to begin with. Add to that that they just disregard anything that conflicts with what they want to think. They'll simply tell you the onions stuff was made up. Or that Nazis didn't crossdress like hypocritical homosexuals. Show them how Nazis started more like liberals than conservatives and they'll become confused. Everything is VERY black and white and absolutist to these people denying the holocaust and supporting nazis. These are people claiming to be 'patriots' and then supporting Putin and Hitler. They're more about opposing what they think might be 'liberal' than looking at each issue and all the grey areas.

            Some stupid anon earlier posted that since I don't believe in god, I'm even worse because that means I support trannies and pedophiles. Just lump someone who disagrees with you on a single issue in with "them" on "the other side". No. They don't all agree on what they think either. There are not two sides. There are thousands of sides. I'm white and male and atheist and straight. I don't hate israelites. I believe in science and science says there are TWO genders. Not a spectrum. No men get pregnant. Affirmative action is bad. Meritocracy is the way. You can gay marry but I don't have to bake you a cake if I don't want to. But I'd be a dick for denying you one for gayness. People are complicated. /misc/cels are simple.

            • 1 month ago

              >They think their beliefs line up with Nazis. Similarities begin and end with the hating of israelites.
              Im sure these guys wish they could be authoritarians like the Nazis

            • 1 month ago

              Nobody is going to read that israelite

              • 1 month ago

                You read it and it upset you enough to reply. Any time someone posts that they aren't going to read your long post it means they did read it and it triggered them.

                i hate you dirty israelite. your time is coming to an end and i cant wait to see the holocauster come to life because wether afterlife exists or not YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT AND YOU WILL ANSWER FOR YOUR LIES israelite....

                all.jews deserve nothing but torment. hopefully the world wakes up and we can make the 110, 111, 112, 113 and so on, a reality and put you back in your(eternal torture) place

                Yeah, but I'm not israeli. Read my post again, and this time don't be a moron. You're hilarious though because you think others will be punished but you will not. You're the hateful liar, so if you're gonna be afraid of supernatural "torment for all eternity" or whatever, it's not going to get me, it's going to get you. But whatever, you're silly! Smoke some weed because you seem really angry and serious about people you don't really have a beef with. Sorry you got shorted on brains. Maybe you can do factory work or something simple.

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                More long winded israelite babble. Didn’t read.

              • 1 month ago

                You sure did! lol, triggered into another response. Sorry you have to share this site with decent folk. Stop hating yourself and you'll stop hating groups that didn't do anything to you.

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                You're losing with each reply. You're reading so many of these long posts.

            • 1 month ago

              i hate you dirty israelite. your time is coming to an end and i cant wait to see the holocauster come to life because wether afterlife exists or not YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT AND YOU WILL ANSWER FOR YOUR LIES israelite....

              all.jews deserve nothing but torment. hopefully the world wakes up and we can make the 110, 111, 112, 113 and so on, a reality and put you back in your(eternal torture) place

            • 1 month ago

              good shit anon I felt that
              You should read https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/J-Krishnamurti-Education-and-the-Significance-of-life.pdf
              it's alloo making some good points about conformity and loss of soul or joy, and losing yourself on your way to "fit in". tho he takes a more educational stance on "enlightenment" or nonmaterialistic well-roundedness in life.
              I think it's fairly revelant for people on this site, and what you talk about: People always feel the pull to "fit in" with whatever groups they assign themselves to. Even on Cinemaphile. they pretend to be edgy lone wolf rebels while falling into some actual low IQ pitfalls (like closeminded conformity because of obsession and hate, or unironically fully believing in schizo conspiracy theories)

              they think looking down on critical thinking or "any post more than 12 words" will make them feel more welcome here, because they warped their own reality into such a bitter, hateful place either through years of obsession taking over their free time, or because they're simply newbies. Always-critical thinking is a dying art, even on places that used to stand for that

    • 1 month ago


      we're puffin on a little doobage sonny, not shooting smack in our frickin eyeballs ya moron.

      • 1 month ago

        Bro I can stop anytime
        Trust me
        I just dont want to right now

        • 1 month ago

          Unironically true. Basically nobody is selling their butthole or breaking into homes for copper wire to fund their weed habit.

        • 1 month ago

          i smoked weed everyday in highschool then i stopped one day and didn't smoke for like five years.
          you literally can stop whenever.

          • 1 month ago

            I think you're the exception that proves the rule. Many of my friends had a hard time quitting.

            • 1 month ago

              I currently smoke, small amounts on the weekends mostly, but used to do dabs and bongs and all that.
              Quit cold turkey, cravings aren't near as strong as one may think. It's just wow, I'm kinda bored and this movie would be better if I had some weed, oh well.
              Quitting nicotine was way fricking harder and you get intense anxiety if you try cold turkey. Still entirely doable and the cravings go away after like two weeks.
              Quitting jerking off though, impossible.

        • 1 month ago

          >smoked every day for a week
          >haven't smoked in three weeks now despite having nearly a half available
          some people really can, some others are just full blown addicts. the younger you start smoking the more likely you are to be an addict though.

        • 1 month ago

          Then don't. I trust you. You'll eventually want to stop and you will. Or maybe you won't want to stop. Your choice though. Its non-habit-forming nature and relative cheapness allows you to take it or leave it with no real repercussions either way. Like you said.

          • 1 month ago

            >non-habit-forming nature
            You never smoked weed regularly if you're spouting off this bullshit. It's absolutely habit-forming. Weed is as bad as anything else, and sure you can quit anytime, but you won't because it's not as easy as that sentence might suggest. Anyone condoning this shit as a harmless little plant is a fricking demon from the underworld. This shit hold you back in life.

            • 1 month ago

              Having been addicted to benzos, opiates, and alcohol this is the dumbest thing I ever heard.
              Stop smoking for 2 weeks and you'll be bored, unable to sleep as well, and that's about it. Back to normal.

              You don't go to rehab for bud unless you're a massive pussy and everyone in there would laugh at you, probably even the doctors. Stop drinking or using heavy dose benzos and have a. Seizure and die cause I guess that's as h atdcore as weed.
              That said it's psychologically habit forming (which goes away within weeks without any meds) and not totally harmless. That I agree with.

              • 1 month ago

                Quitting smoking is pretty frickin far from easy. It takes far longer than than two weeks for the craving to subside for many people. I would be willing to bet that the main reasons it’s falling so far out of favor is the combination of people replacing it with vaping and he crushing cost that a habit is in places where it’s dropping.

                I agree with everything else you said though.

            • 1 month ago

              >it’s as bad as anything else
              t. I tried a caffeinated beverage once so I’m an expert on addictive substances

        • 1 month ago

          t. Mormon

        • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Junkies are sniffers, you fricking bum.

  7. 1 month ago

    I'm not a degenrate druggie. So no.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, because being degenerate Nazi pedophile is so much better.

      • 1 month ago

        "If you don't smoke weed, you are a nazi pedophile"

        You know you can be a pot head and not act moronic right?

        • 1 month ago

          >YoU KnOw YoU CaN Be A PoT HeAd AnD NoT AcT moronic RiGhT?
          You condescending prick redditor.

          • 1 month ago

            Are you serious? WTF.... What is with stupid people crying 'reddit' over absolutely nothing?
            I can never tell exactly what about the "tone" or choice of words that it is that makes you guys sniff out something "off" about a post and decide it's 'reddit talk'. Basically just not liking the cut of another poster's jib seems to be evidence enough. I've seen people called "reddit" just for not being over-the-top, irrational buttholes before. "What's this sensible and level-headed, reasonable argument? You from reddit? Go back!"
            It's like some dumb country bumpkin stereotype cornering a clean cut kid from out of town and calling him "college boy" as a slur; like being smart is suspicious and unwelcome "round these here parts".
            Like trailer trash trump people who hate "elites" like education lowers them somehow because "regular, down-home folks" feel comfortable with those on their intellectual level and actually don't want anyone smarter than them in charge. They'll take their homeschool, bible smarts over that fancy ivy league bullshit any day of the week thankyouverymuch.

            LOL, makes reddit look better just because the dummies hate it. I just can't get past the whole censorship thing they do.

            • 1 month ago

              >Are you serious? WTF.... What is with stupid people crying 'reddit' over absolutely nothing?
              I can never tell exactly what about the "tone" or choice of words that it is that makes you guys sniff out something "off" about a post and decide it's 'reddit talk'. Basically just not liking the cut of another poster's jib seems to be evidence enough. I've seen people called "reddit" just for not being over-the-top, irrational buttholes before. "What's this sensible and level-headed, reasonable argument? You from reddit? Go back!"
              It's like some dumb country bumpkin stereotype cornering a clean cut kid from out of town and calling him "college boy" as a slur; like being smart is suspicious and unwelcome "round these here parts".
              Like trailer trash trump people who hate "elites" like education lowers them somehow because "regular, down-home folks" feel comfortable with those on their intellectual level and actually don't want anyone smarter than them in charge. They'll take their homeschool, bible smarts over that fancy ivy league bullshit any day of the week thankyouverymuch.

              LOL, makes reddit look better just because the dummies hate it. I just can't get past the whole censorship thing they do.

    • 1 month ago

      It's a plant bro

    • 1 month ago

      >oh no those marijuana heads are doing reefer again Mildred

  8. 1 month ago

    Unironically, kill all potheads.

  9. 1 month ago

    A good movie. Doesn’t matter what genre
    >t. smoke too much weed

  10. 1 month ago

    I like very intense/ heavily themed films while high. I feel like a derive a lot of existential value from them in that state. I'm also able to pick up more on the subtle meanings of things and overarching symbolism while stoned.

    • 1 month ago

      You made someone seethe so bad they created an entire thread for this comment lmao


      • 1 month ago

        why do straight edge losers seethe so much about what other people do? They think literally anybody cares about their opinion.

  11. 1 month ago

    enter the void

  12. 1 month ago

    Movies I've watched high that were magical experiences for me:
    >upstream color
    >sex, lies, and videotape
    >pineapple express

    • 1 month ago

      Excellent choice.

    • 1 month ago

      If you were able to sit through that in one sitting while stoned your mind must be the most boring place in earth

  13. 1 month ago

    For some reason everything crime related hits way different while stoned. When I'm stoned watching crime movies or tv shows I get completely pulled in to how every minor decision a character might make can have severe consequences.

    • 1 month ago

      This is true. I watched this stoned for the first time yesterday and felt some sympathy I would never feel with some 90's crime flick.

      • 1 month ago

        Weed really does open those doors and can make you a better person when you listen to the thoughts you get that shine on new perspectives and the feelings of others. I'll get high and realize I maybe shot my mouth off earlier at someone and resolve to have a better day tomorrow. I'll empathize with something or someone I wouldn't have normally because the weed tweaked my attitude about it.
        Then I'll see some footage of a gang of thugs smoking blunts and beating and killing people and wonder why it doesn't work that way for them. Probably mixing with malt liquor 40s or PCP doesn't help, but there I go being judgmental about a group of people. Time to hit the bong and be more tolerant myself.

        • 1 month ago

          >I'll get high and realize I maybe shot my mouth off earlier at someone and resolve to have a better day tomorrow.
          >Pothead needs weed for basic self-reflection.
          Druggies are hilarious.

          • 1 month ago

            >dude I’m so sorry please forgive me for my sins
            How about you grow up and learn how to communicate like an adult? You shouldn’t need weed for basic socialization skills you fricking idiot

            No, I'm saying I am able to self-reflect in a way I maybe wouldn't have otherwise. I'm not saying I regret my actions and I'm an butthole who is only nice when I'm high. I still shoot my mouth off sometimes. But I can see how the other person felt and reconsider. With booze I'd look back on my day and say "frick 'em! I'm always right". With weed it's more like "was I my best self today?"
            I don't think I'm explaining it well. And you guys are dicks who are opposed to weed so you're not willing to meet me halfway to understand. You're above "druggies" and "degenerate dirty stoners" like myself of course. You aren't thoughtful and reduce everything down to stark absolutes. You have a rigid worldview and see cannabis users as "potheads" like church ladies or the stiff patrolmen on Dragnet always lecturing hippies. Your antiquated, conservative views on weed are as hip as Richard Nixon. Truly laughable. But that's just you rebelling and rejecting it because it's normalized, no other reason. You think it's a liberal thing because some dumb southern states haven't legalized yet. In fact, I think you both took issue with part one of the post because part two wasn't negative enough. If I'd have used the N word you'd probably be on my side.

        • 1 month ago

          >dude I’m so sorry please forgive me for my sins
          How about you grow up and learn how to communicate like an adult? You shouldn’t need weed for basic socialization skills you fricking idiot

        • 1 month ago

          I don't think the weed is always correct about my anger. I've gotten angry at people for doing certain things, smoked afterwards and felt sorry for them, but then sometimes that person will come up to me the next day and apologize to me for whatever they did. People can tolerate anger so long as you don't cause a scene.

        • 1 month ago

          >Weed really does open those doors and can make you a better person when you listen to the thoughts you get that shine on new perspectives and the feelings of others. I'll get high and realize I maybe shot my mouth off earlier at someone and resolve to have a better day tomorrow.

          I get this with mushrooms, not weed.

          Weed actually puts me into a delusional, degenerate psychosis where all I can think about is sex and that every woman I know secretly wants to frick me. I've come so close multiple times to cold texting some out of pocket shit to friends of my girlfriend who may have flirted with me once or twice in the past. I actually ended up texting one a picture of a condom but was able to successfully play it off as a joke due to context too long-winded to explain lmfao

  14. 1 month ago

    I quit a bit ago, but watch some Buster Keaton while stoned, its great

  15. 1 month ago

    Grow up anon.

  16. 1 month ago

    Crank (2006)

  17. 1 month ago

    drying paint

  18. 1 month ago

    rush hour

  19. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      he literally screen capped someone from this thread kek

    • 1 month ago

      Why would someone get so upset from the left thread so as to create the right thread? Guy needs a joint

  20. 1 month ago

    noir and westerns. it's easier to watch slower paced movies when stoned, imho.

  21. 1 month ago

    Random movies just like every other pothead.

  22. 1 month ago

    >Finally get to try weed
    oh boy!
    >Just get lightheaded, brain feels foggy and cloudy, get dizzy, don't like it
    I guess weed doesn't work on my brain the way it works on others because no multi billion dollar industry is going to exist that makes people feel like that

    • 1 month ago

      how did you take it? where did you get it?

    • 1 month ago

      >anon gets some shitty grass and thinks it's all the same

      • 1 month ago

        >shitty grass
        Is it 1978 again? Ditch weed hasn’t been a thing for a long time. You blew your tolerance smoking carts.

    • 1 month ago

      Sounds like every over the counter cold medicine ever made. You also sound like a Chachi.

    • 1 month ago

      Not correctly smoking gays, always the same..
      How many people irl told me they smoked and 'didn't feel shit'. I noticed most of them are non cigarette smokers and do not inhale correctly. Also their joints are ALWAYS mixed with tobacco, which is a no go and absolute 'trip' killer.

      • 1 month ago

        >Also their joints are ALWAYS mixed with tobacco, which is a no go and absolute 'trip' killer.

        not true at all, also joints are called joints because the weed is mixed with the tobacco. if theres only weed inside then its a blunt. also it burns off like crap without at least some tobacco in there

        • 1 month ago

          >reddit spacing
          >nothing but incorrect statements

          • 1 month ago

            >Are you serious? WTF.... What is with stupid people crying 'reddit' over absolutely nothing?
            I can never tell exactly what about the "tone" or choice of words that it is that makes you guys sniff out something "off" about a post and decide it's 'reddit talk'. Basically just not liking the cut of another poster's jib seems to be evidence enough. I've seen people called "reddit" just for not being over-the-top, irrational buttholes before. "What's this sensible and level-headed, reasonable argument? You from reddit? Go back!"
            It's like some dumb country bumpkin stereotype cornering a clean cut kid from out of town and calling him "college boy" as a slur; like being smart is suspicious and unwelcome "round these here parts".
            Like trailer trash trump people who hate "elites" like education lowers them somehow because "regular, down-home folks" feel comfortable with those on their intellectual level and actually don't want anyone smarter than them in charge. They'll take their homeschool, bible smarts over that fancy ivy league bullshit any day of the week thankyouverymuch.

            LOL, makes reddit look better just because the dummies hate it. I just can't get past the whole censorship thing they do.

            >all those words
            >crying about being called reddit
            go back

            you rreditt obsessed homosexuals are hilarious. Your accusations mean nothing and no one is keeping score. Anonymous posters are not afraid to admit to using reditt surely if they do. But even when they say they don't you refuse to believe it, like it's more a state of mind or a personality type than a website. You pride yourselves on sniffing them out even though you're always wrong. What an immature, homosexual game it is. Just as juvenile as acknowledging "dubs". You should go back to rdt, since you're the experts on what goes on over there.

            And I'm spacing out my paragraphs JUST FOR YOU! Because you think formality is gay. lol, go back.

            • 1 month ago

              >you rreditt obsessed homosexuals are hilarious. Your accusations mean nothing and no one is keeping score. Anonymous posters are not afraid to admit to using reditt surely if they do. But even when they say they don't you refuse to believe it, like it's more a state of mind or a personality type than a website. You pride yourselves on sniffing them out even though you're always wrong. What an immature, homosexual game it is. Just as juvenile as acknowledging "dubs". You should go back to rdt, since you're the experts on what goes on over there.

              • 1 month ago

                This reply doesn't work. You're proving the point again and again. You're just ignoring the blatant insults and then repeating them like you're not burning yourself. lol. I like the self portrait though.

              • 1 month ago

                >This reply doesn't work. You're proving the point again and again. You're just ignoring the blatant insults and then repeating them like you're not burning yourself. lol. I like the self portrait though.

          • 1 month ago

            did you buttholes know that you cannot use the word REDDIT more than once a post or it's spam? Yet you can make a dozen posts using the word once and no one cares.

  23. 1 month ago

    I remember watching that Bernie movie with Jack black a long time ago during one of the first times I got high. Its weird how you can just see through the acting and every movie seems ridiculous.

    • 1 month ago

      Depends on the person and the situation and their experience. If you're in that state of mind that you're aware it's a movie and that everyone is acting... well, that sucks. It might be okay if you're high, but it basically means you're not enjoying the movie, or enjoying it conventionally. I know a guy who's like that; can't enjoy ANY fiction. 'Just the facts, ma'am.' Hell of a guy, but he can't turn it off. Even he knows what he's missing and wishes he were different. Anyway, I've been really high and found movies to be hyper-realistic, like I was in them; pretty much the reverse of your experience. Seeing Killing Zoe super high, 18 years old, was one of the trippiest experiences. Natural Born Killers also did a number on me. I was on the edge of my seat, sweating during parts. I miss having that innocence, not to mention that tolerance. I'll never be high like that again no matter how big a break and how amazing or strong the dose; you just can't reach those levels in your brain like you could when your brain was a weed virgin. I could close my eyes and it was like the most insane LSD visuals and mind-blowing animation you could never replicate with even the best CGI or AI. Some people don't have good early experiences with weed. They end up being the nasty, pissy, weed-decrying saints in these threads. Lots of younger people are starting out on 30% buds and dabs and shit. I'm glad I started in 90s with dank herb that'd be considered 'mids' strength nowadays. It was better than leaves and brown shit from the hippie years, but not ungodly strong concentrates either. And we had super skunky sticky, bright green weed that they haven't been able to replicate since. I don't know HOW the frick they don't have seeds. They claim everyone stopped growing it because the smell was risky, but it's been legal in my state for a fricking decade now. There's no way someone doesn't have seeds of skunk weed. Hell, I may have them somewhere in my old stuff at mom and dads

  24. 1 month ago

    Holocaust revision documentaries.

  25. 1 month ago

    God doesn't let us watch movies because, some of them have 666 in the upc code. So what that means is, movies are just gaslighting me. I don't want to digitally hallucinate by firing electricity from all over the world. What I want? Is more gaslighting. So, what 666 in the movies means bud? That means, he could just stop being a homosexual.

  26. 1 month ago

    I had a blast one time watching Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie.

    >Please stand by for a message from the SHLAAANG Group.

    • 1 month ago

      Just smoke it, ya drangus! For your bong!

  27. 1 month ago

    I haven't smoked for a year and I still feel like my brain cells have not recovered.

  28. 1 month ago

    >Anime movies from the 90s/00s
    >Animal Documentary
    Animals are some of the best stuff to watch high
    The Sardaukar chant scene ripped me in half while baked (in a good way)

  29. 1 month ago
  30. 1 month ago

    Alright weedBlack folk, I've never tried it. Will it enhance the pleasure of masturbation or sex?

    • 1 month ago

      nah, it will give you paranoia and ruin your sleep

      • 1 month ago

        Garbo drug then.

      • 1 month ago

        That was YOUR experience. I loved sleeping after smoking weed and I never get paranoid. It makes sex amazing, spanking it alone too. Sorry you had a crappy time. Do it right next time.

    • 1 month ago

      Yes, but

      nah, it will give you paranoia and ruin your sleep

      is also true. Maybe not necessary the paranoia, but it definitely ruins your sleep. I never wake up refreshed when I was high the day before.

      • 1 month ago

        My first wake and bake made me go back to sleep for another 8 hours.

        • 1 month ago

          Lucky for you, when I sleep while high I am not truly asleep but mostly in a weird inbetween state where I am usually in some form aware of my surroundings and wake up not feeling refreshed at all

      • 1 month ago

        nah, it will give you paranoia and ruin your sleep

        it feels good to get high and goon for an hour or so. you only get paranoid if you smoke too much

        What would I even get paranoid about when I'm just watching porn?

        • 1 month ago

          when they read out your social security number

          • 1 month ago

            Nobody knows their social security number by heart, so they could be reading out any string of random numbers for all I care.

            • 1 month ago

              there's also a cucumber shaped bulge in their underwear

            • 1 month ago

              >Nobody knows their social security number by heart
              Honestly not sure if this trolling or serious.

              • 1 month ago

                That anon lives on the margins of society and has never been to a bank, hospital, or school before

        • 1 month ago

          the sky's the limit really, you could start with
          "who is tracking me right now?"
          "does this site somehow connect to something illegal without my knowledge?"
          all the way to
          "can my ancestors see me right now?"
          "did the women in the video perform a ritual that drains my life energy if I cum while watching it???"
          but the paranoia is easy to dismiss as long as you remember it can happen

          • 1 month ago

            The start with stuff is understandable paranoia I guess. The rest of your worries are silly, superstitious bullshit. I'm guessing you're one of those /x/ type people who believes in realms, alternate dimensions, and demon magic and shit? lol, maybe you should stay away from weed if you don't have a handle on base reality.

            • 1 month ago

              but isn't this exactly what a manipulative necromancer would post?

            • 1 month ago

              You misunderstand the stories about demons and evil.

    • 1 month ago


      nah, it will give you paranoia and ruin your sleep

      The paranoia is a meme unless you're a kid trying to sneak it while your parents are home.

      Yes, but [...] is also true. Maybe not necessary the paranoia, but it definitely ruins your sleep. I never wake up refreshed when I was high the day before.

      Your mileage may vary but it helps me sleep. I can pass out within 10 minutes when I'm high and sleep through the night, but it used to take me 1 or 2 hours to fall asleep.
      It does make it hard to sleep if you always smoke before bed and then you stop though. Best not to get too dependent on it.

      • 1 month ago

        Not that kind of paranoia, I felt great when I was high. It was when I was sober that I used to wake up in the middle of the night frightened with my heart going crazy, scratching my head.

        • 1 month ago

          Oh, I see what you mean.

    • 1 month ago

      it feels good to get high and goon for an hour or so. you only get paranoid if you smoke too much

    • 1 month ago

      Absolutely. Just know that if you can already goon for 12 hours straight without weed, it's not going to enhance the overall experience THAT much.
      It makes it feel damn fricking good in that half hour to hour you can go while tripping tho, and it's about as good as edging for 6hours and getting in that perfect sweet spot of a micro-second from cumming, and then holding it right at the edge, multiple times, only to edge for another 3hours after or to just let go and blast cum all the way to your ceiling.
      Yea thats about the best way I'd describe it. fricking go for it man
      and don't ever listen to these basement dwelling b***hes that get their entire worldview from /misc/ bot/shitposts and their own granny which they see every day

      t. currently on a g of Girlscout cookies because it's just been legalized in g*rmany. Loving life

      Bro I can stop anytime
      Trust me
      I just dont want to right now

      Yes, this but unironically. It's literally that. Frick touching grass, smoke grass, you closeminded imbeciles. It's not that serious

  31. 1 month ago

    Unironically Seinfeld.

  32. 1 month ago


  33. 1 month ago

    Fun and comfy things from previous decades.

  34. 1 month ago

    I get too horny to do anything when I'm high

  35. 1 month ago

    Hateful 8
    The Thing

  36. 1 month ago

    So how's life /drug/ bros? What you smoking/doing/watching today? Any good stories?

    • 1 month ago

      Ate a brownie a few hours ago, but I make them pretty weak. This thread has me in the mood to put a movie on though
      >Any good stories?
      Last time I smoked:
      >drinking at mate's place
      >his missus asks if anyone wants a hit
      >hits a lot harder than i'm used to
      >have to get half-carried to the couch to ride it out
      >trying not to vomit but i also feel a shit coming down the pipeline
      >can't move
      >100% of my focus is going toward not shitting or vomitting
      >what feels like hours go by, everyone else has gone home
      >finally it comes out
      >massive fart
      >think to myself that everything is going to be okay now
      >vomit all over the floor

      • 1 month ago

        disgusting stoner b***h

    • 1 month ago

      Bought a bunch of edibles and weed in tucumcari on my usa vacation and then had too much left over at the airport flying home to euroland so I ate like half the box and then my friend lost his passport and his english is much worse than mine so I had to talk to all the securitynegers and explain where he last saw it while high as frick but by some miracle we found it again and then played quizduell for like 1 1/2 hours straight wearing sunglasses and a cap but I still felt like everybody was looking at me and talking about me.
      So weird how eating it hits you so much harder than smoking.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm smoking some 28% THC hybrid called Platinum Kush Breath. Dense 1 gram nugs. Got a half ounce for $40. I got a $60 half oz of 30% strain called Mitten Cake Batter that I made into really strong cannabutter (though it's about a third bacon grease) and I've been using about 2 teaspoons in my coffee and it hits like 50 mg of gummies. I'm pleasantly floating all day and I take naps whenever. The bong is loaded with ground weed topped with some 78% THC 'badder'; a golden gunk that's only $9 a gram now. I don't have dab equipment, but it melts just fine and the bowl burns for a long time. It's fricking weed paradise on the Oregon Coast. 100 mg. gummies are $5 now. You can eat it in one bite or make it last all week. I'd never have imagined this back when I was paying $50 for an eighth, driving all over town, waiting at skeezy peoples' apartments, stashing it away so my parents wouldn't smell it. lol, now they're elderly and eat gummies for arthritis. It's cheaper, stronger, and more abundant than ever before in history. It's a magical time where too many growers are producing too much weed for too few stoners. It's a buyer's market, and I'm BUYING!

      • 1 month ago

        buddy stop combusting badder
        get a little electronic dabber from Divine Tribe, if you're in the USA
        great company, inexpensive products, no torch needed, lots of ways to use it
        you'll love the badder so much more that way

        • 1 month ago

          Cool, maybe I will. Specific thing to look for?

          • 1 month ago

            their crucible (thing you put the wax into that heats up) is called the 'v5'
            it is an electronic dabber with temp control that you power with what is called a box mod - those devices nicotine vapers use
            discord is gay, but the divine tribe discord has really helpful people that can give you more specific advice based on what you need.
            but for around $40 for the Divine Tribe v5 and about $30 for the box mod, you can have a great dab setup with no torch that lets you use any kind of wax
            their website is

            • 1 month ago

              Thank you. I'm not on discord though and don't make accounts for stuff. I'll figure it out and if it's a hassle I probably will just stick to burning it. Like I said, it's super cheap for what it is. It adds strength like kief of hash does even if it's not the most efficient combustion. I don't smoke joints because it's wasteful, so I'm mindful, but all that shatter and oil and all of it is so goddamn cheap that I don't feel like I'm wasting it. I can also just get a meth pipe or smoke it on foil like hard drugs. The reason I've always stayed away from the whole dabbing thing is that I don't like being uncomfortably high. Crossing the threshold from smoking weed to doing dabs is kind of a no-turning-back thing from what I'm told by most people. It's like heroin in the veins after snorting/smoking. The tolerance is a new level and you're gonna have a bigger habit. Again, weed is harmless for the most part, but I want to still have peaks to look forward to. I like getting baked off a couple bong hits. Dab people say they need MANY bong hits of flower to get them high. Lots to think about. I have a battery thing that screws onto carts, but I keep it on low and take little puffs. Real dabbing with fricking torches and red hot titanium frankly freaks me out a bit. The last thing I want after getting insanely ripped is fire hazard stuff and little scraping tools and bits of sticky glue to deal with.
              I really need to crash.

              • 1 month ago

                the only bad weed stories that aren't people just spewing up after getting shitfaced at the same time are of when people I've known who smoke plenty of weed go abroad and try some only to find it's super fricking strong and knocks them on their ass. doesn't sound like a comfortable level of stoned being turned into a paranoid cabbage

              • 1 month ago

                >and try some only to find it's super fricking strong and knocks them on their ass. doesn't sound like a comfortable level of stoned being turned into a paranoid cabbage
                it's happened to me a few times. I'll pass out on my bed and have a panic attack. one time I didn't make it to my bed and collapsed in my kitchen. luckily I live alone. feel better after 30 mins or so but next day you get a nice headache

              • 1 month ago

                im the guy who recommended the DT dabs, got back from running errands
                i dont agree with what you said
                the DT device lets you take tiny dabs efficiently, so you aren't getting blasted
                it doesn't have to be a point of no return type of thing
                going back to flower now makes me crazy stoned, so it won't ruin flower for you
                but, of course, it's all about not being a junkie about it
                flower/dabs/carts/etc - if you just chief it all day yes you will blast your tolerance no matter what your RoI is

    • 1 month ago

      Just smoked a gram of 40% hhc-p Girlscout cookies 4hours ago and just topped up, mixed with some nice smooth peach liquor, tripping the frick out dancing, sitting on my window blasting Glass Beams (Rattlesnake) and drawing with acrylic paint.
      iykyk,youll get the picture if youve ever actually smoked

      Anyways my fricking UNCLE randomly shows up outside my window, down on the street, in the smackdab middle of my fricking trip, so of course straight OUTTA my mind, halfnaked with paint on my forehead, I shout down to him, saying WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE MAN?
      Now,this guy is one of the most outwardly conforming and bourgeois people on planet earth. We call them Spießer in germany. So of course, out of old paranoia, I think I'm super fricked now. He's going to like record me and report me to the cops and my family.

      Anyways all that happens is he throws me an awkward peace sign, I do it back extra awkwardly cause Im tripping double balls now, and he goes on his way.
      Now I'm half tempted to invite him for a joint these days, cause I think our stuck-up middle class from years of conformity would actually ease up and love it 😀 Gonna think on it when I'm not GONE writing blogposts on Cinemaphile tho lmao

  37. 1 month ago

    I took some THC oil half an hour ago and will go for a walk methinks. It's such a sunny day, summer has arrived.

  38. 1 month ago

    My grillfriend and I got high then I watched Vanilla Sky for the first time, it was kino.

  39. 1 month ago

    I just watch quaint wholesome children's shows from the 60's and 70's when stoned

  40. 1 month ago

    watched this in a theater late at night while high on an edible. was a super intense experience

  41. 1 month ago

    >smoke weed
    >start having depressive thoughts
    >start reminding myself that I could've started a family with my first and last gf from 10 years ago
    >start feeling guilty and somehow blame myself for my dad's illness and eventual death
    >blame myself for my mom also getting sick and how I lashed out at her
    >start reminding myself I'm over 30 and still have no future
    >start getting concerned that my genitals might be injured in some way

    Wtf dude I thought weed was supposed to mellow you out

    • 1 month ago

      it doesn't magically mean you didn't frick up your life
      your current circumstances are the same whether or not you smoke weed, though
      try to make a positive step in some direction for yourself

    • 1 month ago

      I'm not a big weedhead, but i've heard that it tends to exacerbate whatever emotions you're having at the moment so probably don't smoke if you're in a low spot (or hit it so hard you forget what reality is)

    • 1 month ago

      almost everytime ive tried weed ive gotten awful panic attacks.
      i think despite what people claim, drugs do not go well at all with general neuroticism

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, that happens. Every high has a price. That's the drawback. It's like the hangover from booze. Those bad feelings can lead to making plans to change those things. And usually that stuff comes on early for a few minutes and then I settle into the high and enjoy the rest of it for many hours. It can mellow you out, but it's a contemplative high. Don't expect to just escape all your troubles. Weed holds you accountable for yourself, just don't let that mindset prevail the whole time. Don't dwell on guilt, and do your best to be the person that doesn't do things you'll regret and feel guilty over later. Smoking weed with a clean conscience is your reward for being a good person.

      • 1 month ago

        wise words, thats exactly how I feel about it.

    • 1 month ago

      Haha yeah it really only works that way for the brainless. The ones that don’t think anyway generally love it.

      There is a reason it’s blacks favorite thing.

      • 1 month ago

        >everyone else fricked up their life beyond repair so badly they have existential crises just from smoking weed
        kek, yea, everyone else is the Black person, not you

      • 1 month ago

        >liquor store on every corner in the hood
        I guess white women are also only for the brainless too.

    • 1 month ago

      I feel that. Whenever I'd get high and watch stuff, I'd have a good time while I was distracted by whatever I was watching, but the moment I'd get up to go to the bathroom or something, id start to think of my life and how much I've wasted it. Being very stoned and seeing how much my hairline has receded in the mirror was not fun.

      • 1 month ago

        You sound just like Larry!

    • 1 month ago

      are you australian by chance?

  42. 1 month ago

    Anyone ever get fricked up on hypnotics/sleeping pills? I'm very fond of watching kinos on zopiclone, especially trashy horror stuff is good to watch. I watched From Beyond recently while high and that was cool.

  43. 1 month ago

    the big lebowksi with my bros and some takeaway

  44. 1 month ago

    I put on headphones and watch youtube videos of hot asmr chicks while stoned. Having them whisper in my ears in stereo is amazing.

  45. 1 month ago

    Godzilla movies, of course, OP
    jews mad in this weed thread

  46. 1 month ago

    weed shuts makes me stop trying to nitpick films and just roll with it. it makes me feel like a normie that only lives in the present so i end up focusing more on the film and picking up things i would typically ignore since my mind is usually elsewhere

  47. 1 month ago

    >all those words
    >crying about being called reddit
    go back

  48. 1 month ago

    often I wonder if weed made me crazy but then I realise my mother's nuts as hell and barely touched drugs or alcohol in her life

    though I'm sure it didn't help.
    One time I had a weed induced period where I was 100% convinced I was the combined reincarnation of Jeffrey Dahmer and Kurt Cobain. Though I haven't completely let go of this possibility

    • 1 month ago

      I spent a long time convinced I was a reincarnation of Jim Morrison and that the police/other alphabet agencies were trying to kill me. although at that time I was doing a lot more than just smoking weed as well.

  49. 1 month ago

    Everyone who does drugs should be exterminated.

    • 1 month ago

      What about the drugs you take? You can't open the doors to shit like "murder everyone who does X". They'll come for you eventually too, dipshit. Of course this always comes from the delusional type of ignorant twat who thinks he'd be on the killing team, perhaps even their leader. LMAO at the ego of you edgy trolling teens.

    • 1 month ago


  50. 1 month ago

    >jews mad in a thread about the Aryan plant
    >reddit gay came back to type more shit no one will read
    kek, good thread

  51. 1 month ago


  52. 1 month ago

    nothing because im paralyzed by choice so I'll browse for an hour them go to bed

    • 1 month ago

      This was the best part about getting stoned pre-streaming era. You'd smoke a joint with your friends on the patio, come inside, then flip through the TV until you found something funny or interesting.

    • 1 month ago

      thats why you just put them in a blender called vlc, hit shuffle, and then watch.

      • 1 month ago

        this anon knows
        >right click media folder, play with vlc, shuffle, next

  53. 1 month ago

    I look back at my stoner days with immense regret. So many years wasted. Not to mention it lead to so many badhabits: sloth, bad diet, short temper, poor taste in media and art.

    If any anons are reading this right now, quit while you can. Your future self will tank you.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm losing weight and getting my shit together while being a fulltime stoner. Sorry you wasted your weed years. I'm using it as a tool for motivation, not a hindrance to it. Never get on drugs without a plan. I did meth for a whole year but I always chewed sugar free gum and drank plenty of water, brushed my teeth, and ate food and slept regularly. I did the research beforehand so I wouldn't fall prey to the downsides. I still haven't had a cavity and I never got sores because I showered every day. Most people lost teeth and looked scabby and greasy from meth. You can dabble in shit and come out a winner. I smoked heroin for a while too; never graduated to needles. But that's another story. Stay safe!

  54. 1 month ago

    Not a movie, but nature documentaries.

    • 1 month ago

      >Not a movie, but nature documentaries.
      My homie. Shit feels a lot more magical while stoned. I remember accidentally going down the monkey pity rabbit-hole while high as shit. Terrible night.

    • 1 month ago

      This documentary series was really wild when high with it's pseud-stop motion.

      • 1 month ago

        Based. Watched this last night and it was Attenborough kino

  55. 1 month ago

    I don't smoke weed and never have because I'm not a degenerate creep.

    • 1 month ago

      Normalgays are more likely to think you're creepy if you've never smoked weed. It makes you seem asocial and friendless.

      • 1 month ago

        That's because we live in a degenerate age of golem losers.

        • 1 month ago

          I wish we could return to the days of normalized drunk driving and it not being taboo to give children alcohol.

        • 1 month ago

          What do you think weed is? FFS, you few dorks are the squarest bunch of wet blankets I've ever seen! There's nothing as pathetic as people getting their panties in a bunch over fricking pot. It's seriously the lamest opposition ever. Weed is the most benign "drug" there is. It doesn't make you a junkie. Users are not degenerate or of low moral standing. I can't believe you aren't embarrassed of yourselves posting this overblown 1980s false propaganda. Even COPS don't give a frick anymore. You're less cool that the cops?? lol, lmao

  56. 1 month ago

    >tell people i vape
    >they think it's carts
    >they think it's weird that i dry herb vape
    i like my lungs and i don't like being able to taste something other than ash

    also weed is great for epic films

    • 1 month ago

      Based herb vaper bro. I agree completely. The concentrate shit is just too damn strong, I'd rather take a dozen hits off my herb and ease into it instead of a lung-destroying hit off some probably carcinogenic bullshit that gets me so zoinked that I can barely function.

      • 1 month ago

        I still have a 1 hitter for regular smoking, but damn, the vaporizer was such a great investment.

        >end up using much less to get higher
        >can put it down and walk away for any amount of time, come back and it's still ready to go
        >can dose myself however i want
        >first couple of hits you can actually taste whatever crazy name it has like mango kush or strawberry whatever
        >even when you're half way through a bowl it doesn't taste nasty and it's never harsh even when you crank up the temperature
        >doesn't smell anywhere near as bad, most people think you accidentally burned some popcorn when you're done

        I also enjoy how it's less of a rush when take a hit, it's more of a gradual come up over a couple of minutes. Knowing that I'm not coating my lungs with vape juice or inhaling a ton of tar is great as well. Would recommend it to anyone who is willing to put down $100+ for a decent portable vaporizer.

    • 1 month ago

      Don't forget with dry herb vaping you can make edibles with your already vaped bud

  57. 1 month ago

    I watched The Road while tripping on shrooms and it was not very pleasant

    • 1 month ago

      that sounds awful. I couldn't even look at my phone screen when I did shrooms, let alone a TV

    • 1 month ago

      I dont think I could ever handle shrooms. My friend tried them once and was freaking the frick out while playing minecraft for the entire night.

      • 1 month ago

        I had what's apparently known as a memory loop or something. It felt like for an eternity I kept living the same 2 minutes over and over again

      • 1 month ago

        psychedelics require a different mindset when going into them than weed. they're not really a party drug, they're something you do either by yourself or with a close group of friends.

    • 1 month ago

      You should have just went for a long walk outside

      • 1 month ago

        I did that but it was cold and I kept thinking someone would know so I watched a movie about walking in the cold. It made sense in my brain until the human livestock scene

      • 1 month ago

        *gone for a long walk


    • 1 month ago

      that sounds awful. I couldn't even look at my phone screen when I did shrooms, let alone a TV

      You should have just went for a long walk outside

      I dont think I could ever handle shrooms. My friend tried them once and was freaking the frick out while playing minecraft for the entire night.

      Minecraft? Phone? Watching movies? LOL, you did it all wrong. Dude is right, shrooms are for exploring nature, maybe doing something creative like molding with clay or painting. Go out and do something. The LAST thing to do is try some screen watching game playing modern tech bullshit. You had a bad trip doing that shit? You goddamned had it coming.

      • 1 month ago

        This. Best experience with shrooms is either alone in your bed listening to some music and seeing what happens in your mind, or going out into nature. You'll learn a shit ton about yourself either way as you'll end up thinking about whatever has been in the back of your head for some time.

      • 1 month ago

        Half the posts you were responding to were in agreement with you, moron.

        • 1 month ago

          Yes, the ones about walking. I was agreeing. Responding to both those I agree and disagree with. You couldn't tell?

        • 1 month ago

          It's why I wrote "dude is right". I was agreeing. So take back the moron comment. YOU misunderstood.

          • 1 month ago

            Yes, the ones about walking. I was agreeing. Responding to both those I agree and disagree with. You couldn't tell?

            >I was agreeing with half the posts
            “Dude” is singular. Learn English, moron.

      • 1 month ago

        This. Best experience with shrooms is either alone in your bed listening to some music and seeing what happens in your mind, or going out into nature. You'll learn a shit ton about yourself either way as you'll end up thinking about whatever has been in the back of your head for some time.

        I feel like I'd have a blast exploring nature while on shrooms, but only if there was a 100% chance of not running into anybody. I hate being around other people while being fricked up, especially if I end up in really awkward situations.

  58. 1 month ago

    I like to bet blazed and watch the Hot Pockets rotate in the microwave, bro.

  59. 1 month ago

    Why are americans such addicted subhumans?

  60. 1 month ago

    Weed bros, things are starting to look up for us


    • 1 month ago

      it's fricking nothing. exactly what you'd expect from biden

      • 1 month ago

        It's still a step in the right direction, you can't deny that.

      • 1 month ago

        It would mean less people going INTO jail. But yeah, try and find some reason to not be for rescheduling because you don't like biden.

        • 1 month ago

          It's still a step in the right direction, you can't deny that.

          he has the power to completely deschedule it overnight. this doesn't even do anything to absurd rules like not being able to purchase firearms if you've used weed

          Coke is schedule II when weed was schedule I but the cops will throw the book at you for blow, but might look the other way for weed, depending on the area.

          entirely depends upon the state. many states have had possession as just a misdemeanor for years and years

      • 1 month ago

        Coke is schedule II when weed was schedule I but the cops will throw the book at you for blow, but might look the other way for weed, depending on the area.

  61. 1 month ago

    I usually watch Cinema Snob videos while high. I save movies for when I'm drunk.

  62. 1 month ago

    There literally is 0 difference between inica or sativa. All that matters is THC % and to a MUCH lesser extent terpenes which is also mostly bullshit.
    I'd wager my like 99% of people would mostly guess most wrong if asked if they were sativa or indica on 20+ strains.
    Weed sucks anyway barely even does anything. 500mg edibles doesnt even get me drowsy. Then again smoking 20+ years tends to do that maybe.
    Best strain is anything 15% THC or higher and slowly cured so it tastes/smells good. Except med bud isn’t properly cured because that takes time and they cant pump out mediocre trash quickly, so it tastes like shit. Government needs that $. Black market is/was way better.

    • 1 month ago

      I can absolutely tell. I cant with hybrids. But yes i will relax with indica. I’m energized on both but I stay higher longer on sativas and have panic sometimes with sativa that I just don’t with indicas. And yeah I’ve grown the shit so I definitely know the difference. I also take forever to cum on sativa and the orgasms aren’t as good as when I’m sober or on Indica. Indica sometimes makes my orgasms much more intense, but not always. That’s just me.

      Then again I’m not a contrarian who can’t find the self control to set a strict intake regimen and blames blowing a hole in my tolerance on everyone else but myself so your mileage may vary.

  63. 1 month ago

    I once smoked like 1/5 of a joint like that and totally greened out, could barely move and started throwing up. It's never happened before. Any potheads here know why it happened so I can prevent it in the future?

    • 1 month ago

      Did you get too dizzy and throw up or was it more of a response to food poisoning?

      • 1 month ago

        It was definitely nausea, but I don't know if it was psychosomatic, as in I kept spiraling on the idea of being nauseous. I also remember barely being able to breathe at some points because I'd get so relaxed.

        • 1 month ago

          You probably got too in your head. Weed can cause paranoia and it probably compounded with your first time trying it. Don't touch it ever again if you don't want to, but if you do take it slow like you did before and pay close attention to your body.

          Make sure you're not on any medications that could interfere with it (not sure what that could be). Also, don't mix with alcohol when you're beginning or it'll greatly increase the chance you lose your lunch.

  64. 1 month ago

    >[schizophrenia intensifies]

  65. 1 month ago

    weed gives me panic attacks and makes me feel like nothing is real and im melting and im about to clip through the floor

  66. 1 month ago

    something with hallucination because that really happens when you smoke a marijuana

    • 1 month ago

      >pot hallucinations

  67. 1 month ago

    I used to love the typical stuff. Scifi/fantasy, cartoons, intentional druggy shit like the wall, heavy metal ect. Honestly if you enjoy being high, you'll enjoy watching anything good while high. I feel like acid and shrooms would benefit from specific films more than weed

  68. 1 month ago

    >Smoke outside my apartment
    >go back in and sit down in my computer chair while listening to ASMR and some calm music
    >prepare some snacks and ice cream
    >Suddenly get stuck, can't move from position
    >If i move my ANYTHING i know it's gonna send me into the spins so im locked in the position im in
    >ice cream is melting
    >get moment of lucididty and quickly go to the couch to lay down
    >lay there and my mind feels like it's a spearhead thrusting into the void, random thoughts pop up, try to keep it positive
    >struggle with a constant back and forth between scary and good for 1 hour
    >Moment of lucidity
    >pull my wiener out and jack off
    >Cum in my boxers and the orgasm literally reverbs throughout my entire body for 5 minutes
    >fall asleep

    This happens every time i smoke, did i do too much? I wish i could watch cheech and chong and enjoy myself

    • 1 month ago

      ya that's a classic case of you smoked too much. same thing happens to me when I smoke too much. don't take so many hits or get lower thc weed

  69. 1 month ago

    Horror thriller movies. Sometimes can get an adrenaline rush.

  70. 1 month ago

    I've been smoking weed since I decided to quit drinking and it's been a pretty nice 'helper'. still spending most of my time feeling like shit but it's nice to chill out on the odd evening and have an appetite for a couple hours. I've noticed if I try to get really stoned as well, I just murder my tolerance and it becomes pointless. so unlike my booze problem, there's no incentive to get off my breasts.

  71. 1 month ago

    >weed fricking sucks and just sends my mind into vehement fixation on the failure of my life and my inherent shortcomings, while also causing me to become very physically uncomfortable because I will tense muscles in my face and neck and can't figure out how to relax while high
    >alcohol fricking sucks because it's full of calories and is quite literally poison that causes all sorts of short term and long term harm if you have but more than one half of a pilsner per month
    >opioids are fricking amazing and a slam dunk every time, warmth blossoms throughout body and the weight of the world melts away, but they're unobtainable without surgery
    What's the solution here, lads? Seems like there's no winning.

    • 1 month ago

      Try different strains or go with a Federally legal marijuana derivative like Delta-8 which offers a lighter, smoother, less heady high. Just be aware that taking even moderate doses of D8 can get you as high as regular Delta-9 THC. From my personal experience I estimate it's about half as potent at regular D9 THC. If you just want to relax try CBD, its not psychoactive but can help with anxiety and pain.

      • 1 month ago

        it baffles me there are so many places now you can buy shit like that legally. I still have to drive to a council estate, usually at night, to meet a shady dealer.

        • 1 month ago

          The 2018 Farm Bill basically legalized everything that is not the specific form of Delta-9 THC that naturally occurs in cannabis. You can even find Federally legal D9, that is literally just marijuana with an extra molecule attached to skirt the law. Only a few states have banned D8 and other THC derivatives, so unless you live in one of those, you can order it online and the USPS will deliver to your house it like any other package.

      • 1 month ago

        Forgot to mention that I live in texas so weed isn't allowed anyway. Also I really don't think any strain or whatever will produce a different reaction in me. I've smoked a looot of weed from back in the day and it was all the same.

        • 1 month ago

          Delta-8 is legal in Texas and likely all other THC derivatives that are classified as "Industrial Hemp" are legal as well.

          • 1 month ago

            d8 is really illegal in WA and OR where they have recreational weed? odd

  72. 1 month ago

    just remembered I bought some biscuits from the shop :^)

  73. 1 month ago

    I like watching silver screen movies when stoned. It's like going back in time.

    • 1 month ago

      have this channel in the UK, you can stream stuff from it too. https://www.tptvencore.co.uk/ highly recommend if you have a VPN

  74. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      I don't remember stoner girls being like this

    • 1 month ago

      my mkultra KWEEN!

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