
Anyone else felt sexual tension between lady Jessica and her son Paul?

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  1. 1 month ago

    I definitely feel sexual tension between Lady Jessica and me. I think the actress wants me

    • 1 month ago


      That too.

      Now, we switch the hand pain test, to a being edged with no orgasms for hours test, and we have lady jessica and lady margot perform it

    • 1 month ago

      She looks so much worse in person lol

      • 1 month ago

        Girls are always hotter when you know them

    • 1 month ago

      I think you're right, bro. Just look at the way she's looking at you in that picture.

    • 1 month ago

      Actually, she wants me.

    • 1 month ago

      Wrong. Me and her have a thing. It's mutual and it's monogamous. Sorry friends.

    • 1 month ago

      Heh yeah. Youre totally gonna thcore

    • 1 month ago

      do you actually know her?

  2. 1 month ago

    no, I'm just 40 years old and am attracted to 30-50 year old women. Guessing their right age is basically impossible during this age gap.

    • 1 month ago

      You can't tell the difference between a 30 year old and a 50 year old? Because thats just autism

      • 1 month ago

        I've seen a lot of 30 year olds that look like they are in their 50's and 50 year olds that look late 30's.

    • 1 month ago

      I've been attracted to 30-50 year old women since i was about 17.

    • 1 month ago

      women are either hot or they arent, and they either hit the wall hard or they dont. im still attracted to 14 year olds at 35, and i see 50 year olds who age gracefully that i would frick till sunrise.

      • 1 month ago

        >im still attracted to 14 year olds
        Fricking pedo scum. I hope the people at your job find out you perv on little girls

        • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          >Fricking pedo scum. I hope the people at your job find out you perv on little girls
          14 is even legal in most of the world dumbfrick

      • 1 month ago

        Based, but my age low is 12
        I just started liking girls my age, and never stopped, either upping the number or forgetting past numbers
        I don't really undertand the mind of people that just randomly stopped liking girls, it MUST be cultural pressure
        Like a dude is 50 and he thinks
        >a 23 years old girl? Yuk!
        Insane to me

        • 1 month ago

          When you get older your sexual desire starts dying down and you start to see young people as children. That's not to say sexual desire can't be mingled with it, but more and more you will see them paternally.

          • 1 month ago

            >more and more you will see them paternally.
            Mhm I'm not sure if that's true buddy
            If your paternal instinct extends to 40yo women at some point in your life I would say you are more insane than me, at least I made some sense of it

  3. 1 month ago

    I thought it even more weird the sexual tension between Paul and his sister Alia.

    • 1 month ago

      Wait until you get to Dune Messiah

  4. 1 month ago

    Even my mom felt it

    • 1 month ago

      wtf really?

      • 1 month ago


        What else did she feel?

        Bags of sand

    • 1 month ago

      What else did she feel?

  5. 1 month ago

    >Anyone else felt sexual tension between lady Jessica and her son Paul?
    It was one scene.

  6. 1 month ago

    Yes. In the books, Chani has red hair, and that's part of the reason Paul is attracted to her because he has Harkonnen mommy issues.

    • 1 month ago

      Wtf lady jessica has red hair in the books?
      Hot mommy

      • 1 month ago

        Jessica is very tall, like 5'10" probably, or even taller. Her figure is athletic and slim.

  7. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      It was more like a "this moron is going to have to protect me now... the roles are reversing I was always in control, look at his frail beta body".

    • 1 month ago

      It was more like a "this moron is going to have to protect me now... the roles are reversing I was always in control, look at his frail beta body".

      Apparently, a lot of incestuous stuff was cut out of the movies. In particular with regard to the Harkonnen.

      • 1 month ago

        There was a really sexually charged scene that was cut from the first film betwee her and the Baron. It took place after she was captured and gagged by the Harkonnens. If Denis wasn't a gay, we could see all that deleted content.

      • 1 month ago

        well that's from the books, the Duke wanted to frick his nephew in the ass and there are scenes where he has shota sex slaves

        • 1 month ago

          No I mean there were scenes that Rebecca Ferguson talked about were cut from the first movie with her and the Baron.

          But if you look at most scenes in the harkonnen camp where you see their slaves, you'll see that some of those slaves in the dresses are actually male, although most people never spotted it.

          • 1 month ago

            >if you look at the scenes
            I'd rather now, had enough of this slop.

            • 1 month ago

              You clearly haven't which is why you stick around like an ass blister.
              Its visible here among the slaves.

      • 1 month ago

        are space Finns canon? 😀

        • 1 month ago

          I don't know what you're asking. Either by definition or interpretation, you sound like you're using slang.

    • 1 month ago

      This is literally just a mother realizing that her son is now a man who will protect her and no longer a boy whom she has to protect.

  8. 1 month ago

    >dry pussy

    • 1 month ago


  9. 1 month ago

    These movies are dogshit

    • 1 month ago

      It's alright, not all of us can be white.

  10. 1 month ago

    It's implied when the other witches say they can't control Feyd Rautha with a mother figure like with Paul and Jessica

  11. 1 month ago

    yeah but more so in te book. paul telling the harkonnen soldiers to ungag her because he knew she was a practiced seductress hit harder on the page. it felt like they downplayed it on the screen.

  12. 1 month ago

    >first interaction with her son is "make me"
    >actress' daughter thought timothee was her dad
    yeah they fricked

  13. 1 month ago

    In the books, how did Lady Jessica not know she had harkonnen ancestry?

    Is it implied baron harkonnen secretly fricked her mother or something?

    • 1 month ago

      Bene Gesserit "prescience" was not actually re-living your mother's memories, but powerfully clear understanding and recollection of events. And, for the near-miraculous level of power, only single-most important Bene Gesserit of a planet would have taken the ritual required for it, so it was beyond rare. Incidentally, Bene Gesserit know their mothers' pasts, but it is impossible for them to know their fathers'.

      Jessica did not know because she was never told by the Reverend Mother.
      Vladimir was homosexual, yes, but he'd have sex with women, too. At one point or another, a Bene Gesserit got him to impregnate her through some sort of manipulation (or not) and he simply forgot such a regular, common event like ejaculation. Furthermore, it's quite possible her mother herself didn't know the genetics of artificial insemination. Jessica was simply raised elsewhere as a nun, immediately. She never questioned it; she didn't need to and it wasn't allowed.
      Also, Jessica did find out about her Harkonnen ancestry when Paul told her. Paul, being male, was able to see all pasts. It's also something about why Alia (Paul's sister) is such an abomination; the ritual needed to gain such power is mostly lethal and scarring, but Alia bore no harm, and never learned restraint as a result.

      There's a looooooooot that can be said about why Paul can see into the future, but it's easiest to simply call it "magic" that required "royalty" and "spice."

      • 1 month ago

        My interpretation was that the Bene Gesserit had been genetically cultivating themselves to have these capabilities. And Paul being able to drink the water of life and wake back up with tears from the desert spring was the result of that genetic cultivation.
        That is part of why they were able to predict the future so concisely. They knew how the pieces had to come together and worked at it.
        Paul doesn't really see the future, he sees several possible futures and picks which one takes place by acting. Or at least that's what I took from that whole "the path has been laid" or when Paul says "There is a narrow path". etc.

        • 1 month ago

          If you're talking about the newer movies, yes, Paul is not really choosing a path, he's simply resigning himself to his role. A eugenics project that's come to fruition (though too early for the current Empiric soothsayer to handle, and not properly cultivated enough by his own mother).

          In terms of the books, though, his powers are genuine. More than just implied to be legitimate, but explicitly detailed over and over and over again about how very very very real his prescience power is and how it's 100s of times more powerful than ANYTHING the female Bene Gesserits had ever accomplished. Leagues beyond. And it wasn't just his "Weirding Ways" that he mastered; he was a prodigy Mentat and extremely sensitive to spice. He was more than simply cultivated as a eugenics project, he became a legitimate God of power with how well he could discern and judge. How he could, again, "magically" know basically everything. Spice was powerful. Spice meant everything. Spice was not just some resource. Spice controlled humanity. And legitimately so. Access to spice made humans obscenely powerful, it was grandiose. I say all that to bring about Paul not just predicting and imagining a better path to take, he outright SAW TRILLIONS of futures and simply chose whatever he liked.

          Making Chani unsupportive of him, in these new movies, was beyond stupid.

          • 1 month ago

            >he outright SAW TRILLIONS of futures and simply chose whatever he liked.
            >"And he knew what lay in that snare - the wild jihad, the religious war he felt he should avoid at any cost."
            >"It had been a strange day with these two standing guard over him because he asked it, keeping away the curious, allowing him the time to nurse his thoughts and prescient memories, to plan a way to prevent the jihad"
            >"The more he resisted his terrible purpose and fought against the coming of the jihad, the greater the turmoil that wove through his prescience."
            >"The man carried Paul's banner on its staff -- the green and black banner with a water tube in the staff -- that already was a legend in the land. Half pridefully, Paul thought: I cannot do the simplest thing without its becoming a legend. They will mark how I parted from Chani, how I greet Stilgar -- every move I make this day. Live or die, it is a legend. I must not die. Then it will be only legend and nothing to stop the jihad."
            >"Muad'Dib from whom all blessings flow, he thought, and it was the bitterest thought of his life. They sense that I must take the throne, he thought. But they cannot know I do it to prevent the jihad."
            "They're accustomed to seeing the future, Paul thought. In this place and time they're blind... even as I am. And he sampled the time-winds, sensing the turmoil, the storm nexus that now focused on this moment place. Even the faint gaps were closed now. Here was the unborn jihad, he knew." (...) "And Paul saw how futile were any efforts of his to change any smallest bit of this. He had thought to oppose the jihad within himself, but the jihad would be. "

            • 1 month ago

              Not any of those futures were "meteorite hits, lol" after all. His jihad was always coming, he simply got to sway how.
              And, even then, Paul failed at that. Leto II, his son, was the actual Messiah.

              • 1 month ago

                >he simply got to sway how.
                no he didn't and that's the entire point of paul's arc
                he never had any say in anything because by the time he had the ability to know and affect the future, it was too late
                there was no no longer a possible future without a jihad; no matter whether he lived or died, because he had already become the messiah
                >Leto II, his son, was the actual Messiah.
                what the frick are you smoking

              • 1 month ago

                Okay, for a second there, I was willing to think you were pressing "Paul Atriedes" was bound to basically one future, it was going to happen, not even he could weasel around it. And I'd be willing to agree -- Paul saw everything but was too selfish and scared to enact anything but was actually occurred. He was banned, later, after all and lost his power.
                But then you said,
                >>Leto II, his son, was the actual Messiah.
                >what the frick are you smoking
                and now I know you're just trolling. A shame, Cinemaphile can be fun when people talk about the things they enjoy instead of be attention-seekers.

                But, to give you and anyone reading a bit more, Leto II (Paul's son) is the 1,000-year-old messiah of Arrakis, not Paul. Leto II is the one who led the universal jihad and terraformed the planet and chose different paths to create what he saw was best. Not Paul.
                I'm interested to see what Denis does for Dune Messiah, because it's looking like Chani is becoming "adapted" into something way out-of-scope of what happened in the books surrounding Dune.

              • 1 month ago

                >and now I know you're just trolling.
                >Leto II is the one who led the universal jihad
                is this some kind of esoteric bait
                I have actually read the books, you know, you can't just make shit up out of thin air

              • 1 month ago

                Dude. He's right. Maybe re-read it again. Leto II was not called God-Emperor for nothing.

              • 1 month ago

                He's right. Paul was able to KH, but he was one generation early and ultimately b***hed out. Leto II had to actually fulfil the entire Golden Pay.

          • 1 month ago

            >Making Chani unsupportive of him, in these new movies, was beyond stupid.
            I think that's just for the sake of having a polished arc for this trilogy. There are clearly many differences between the movies and the books and I think this is their way of expressing something specific that doesn't have to adhere to whatever the future books are about.
            Paul also said in the movie that Chani would come around later. And honestly, I'm not against there being someone who takes the "I don't believe in anything that's supernatural" stance. But I think she could have been written better to serve that role. It was very sloppy about building their relationship.

            • 1 month ago

              I agree, Chani wanting everything that Paul was providing made her an enormous hypocrite in these films. As powerful or realistic she's meant to be perceived, the "3rd-person-perspective" of someone looking at this from a poised stance... she comes off as a b***h who is bitter and refuses to accept she was wrong.

              • 1 month ago

                That isn't quite how I see it. Chani didn't want EVERYTHING Paul was providing. She merely fell in love with him while the others thought he was the messiah. Both she and Paul were skeptical of the prophecies and they were able to connect on that. At the same time, they shared the ideology of fighting for the Fremen's place on Arrakis which is clearly Chani's number 1 thing to do.
                She wants nothing more than to fight for her people's free agency and well-being. So I'm not seeing the hypocritical angle.
                The second Paul starts leaning into the prophecy portion of his Fremen alliance, she understandably becomes more wary. To her, that's just an avenue to control her people and narrow down their agency to be religious slaves.
                And again for as much time the movie spent on showing Paul with the Fremen, I thought it was sloppy with how it depicted their culture. They all just wear still suits in caves or tents and drink water all the time lmao. I was halfway expecting a movie like the first Avatar. Digging deep into a new culture etc.

              • 1 month ago

                Chani became the ONLY person who "didn't want Paul to be Mahdi." Of all the people in the story, Denis chose Chani to be the "straight-man" and required her to be nothing but a teen-fling.
                >I'm not seeing the hypocritical angle
                Chani was screaming hypocrite throughout this 2nd film! "You're not a Fremen! You can't be!" -- "Okay, I guess you are. Everyone says so and I'll rescind my statement."
                "YOU can't be the messiah; only a FREMEN can!!" -- "Okay, I guess you are, and I'll play my 'Desert Spring" part in the prophecy, BUT I HATE YOU FOR IT!"
                "The worst thing you could choose to do is start war! All these deaths are your fault, even you agree with me! Don't start war! Find something else!" -- "YOU'RE MARRYING THE EMPEROR'S DAUGHTER!?!?!? I'm leaving you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
                Chani's part in this movie is so naive, childish and uncaring... and that's so different from her role in the book. It's easily, easily the most disappointing part of this adaptation. She ends up becoming a hypocrite to her wants and desires. She's the most stubborn person for her own fabricated race war. Never mind religion; Paul can't because "he's not her race." But, turns out, he can. And did. She's wrong, she is forced to confront the fact she's wrong, and rather than accept it she just screams and shouts and slaps and storms out.
                Does it serve a purpose? I'm willing to believe so, yes; Paul is successfully shown to be a scary thing becoming the leader of religious fanatics and even the women "who loves him" (no one hates Paul more than Chani in these films), that woman who can see the "real" Paul can't love him anymore. It's a very bad take. It becomes less a movie adaptation of "Dune by Frank Herbert" and more a "no fair, I take back my promise!"

                >They all just wear still suits in caves or tents and drink water all the time lmao.
                Agreed, Denis was very, very inconsistent in this film. But that's way more than these post boxes allow me to talk about, apparently.

              • 1 month ago

                Hold on. I think you are projecting a lot onto her.
                >"Okay, I guess you are, and I'll play my 'Desert Spring" part in the prophecy, BUT I HATE YOU FOR IT!"
                She didn't have a choice literally. She played her part by force.
                She also never said that only Fremen can be the messiah. She specifically says that she doesn't believe in a messiah and that she believes in the Fremen and their ability to overcome their oppressors.
                I think you are inaccurately portraying this.
                >"The worst thing you could choose to do is start war! All these deaths are your fault, even you agree with me! Don't start war! Find something else!"
                Again that isn't what actually happened in the movie. Chani was worried about him indulging in the prophetic ceremonies because she sees their religion as a construct for control. And worst case, it would result in Paul drinking the water of life which she sees as a poison that would kill him.
                > "YOU'RE MARRYING THE EMPEROR'S DAUGHTER!?!?!? I'm leaving you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
                You're not seriously suggesting that she should have absolutely no emotional reaction to getting ambushed with this level of romantic betrayal right?
                >Chani's part in this movie is so naive, childish and uncaring
                What? She clearly cares very deeply. Her situation is complex because shes gone her whole life seeing no fruits from their religion, only to have it all randomly fall into place almost accidentally around her. That doesn't mean she should be convinced and just go along with it. in fact that would be unrealistic.
                >She's the most stubborn person for her own fabricated race war.
                Race war? wtf are you talking about lmao.
                >Paul can't because "he's not her race." But, turns out, he can. And did. She's wrong
                Yeah you are just projecting here.
                >she just screams and shouts and slaps and storms out
                No she slapped him for putting himself in harms way in a way that forces her hand and manipulated her emotionally.
                >(no one hates Paul more than Chani in these films),

              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                You really are just seeing what you want to see in her character.
                At no point is there talk about race or anything like that. It is all about culture. Chani can't feel confident that her culture is preserved in the "game of thrones" between the great houses. Has nothing to do with race.

              • 1 month ago

                >freman isn’t a race!
                anon cmon now, put down the ideological glasses for once yeah?

              • 1 month ago

                > You're not seriously suggesting that she should have absolutely no emotional reaction to getting ambushed with this level of romantic betrayal right?
                It’s incredibly immature of her, especially considering they just fought a decisive battle.

              • 1 month ago

                >It’s incredibly immature of her, especially considering they just fought a decisive battle.
                She doesn't say a word. She is just visibly hurt emotionally. And then she quietly leaves once the Emperor transfers his power to Paul. Then outside you see that she's angry over the situation and that's how the movie ends.
                Nothing immature about that. Were we even watching the same movie?

                >freman isn’t a race!
                anon cmon now, put down the ideological glasses for once yeah?

                There is genuinely nothing in the movie that makes any of the conflict out to be about race in any way shape or form. Everything is simply explained by focusing on culture and ordinary groupings of people.

              • 1 month ago

                > She is just visibly hurt emotionally.
                This wasn’t the issue. The issue was when she wasn’t able to maturely bottle those emotions to discuss them with Paul like a fricking adult that just participated in a high stakes battle against some of the universes most renowned fighters.

                Incredibly immature.
                >there is nothing in the movie that suggest freman is a race
                You know, except for the casting and the cultural overtones. Very western belief to deny race when it’s staring you in the face. You don’t seem to understand that America is quite the exception when it comes to being a fairly singular cultural entity.

              • 1 month ago

                >You know, except for the casting and the cultural overtones
                No. I think your brain is just too focused on race. Among the fremen I saw many different racial groupings.
                >Very western belief to deny race when it’s staring you in the face
                It is even more Western to believe race is staring you in the face at a time when there is no such thing.
                >You don’t seem to understand that America is quite the exception when it comes to being a fairly singular cultural entity
                I'm not American so I wouldn't know. America is the number 1 place in the world where race is at the forefront of everyone's mind.
                But all this does is confirm to me that you are 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt projecting. When you see Zendaya on screen you aren't actually listening to what she is saying or understanding how she is feeling. You are just looking at how she says it and imagining the most childish motivation for it.

              • 1 month ago

                > No. I think your brain is just too focused on race
                Nah, it’s obvious that your brain is very focused on ignoring race. Typical American issues.
                >im not American so I wouldn’t know
                You still reside in the American empire, so you do know.
                >you are projecting
                and you are so new that you don’t realize I’m a different anon from who started this line of replies.

                Notice how you don’t even talk about how immature it is for a trained fighter to run off like an upset kid after winning a bloody battle? It’s because you’re a homosexual looking to pick ideological fights, and not actually looking to discuss the film.

              • 1 month ago

                >You still reside in the American empire, so you do know.
                No I don't?
                Unless your definition of empire is so vague that anything that can be influenced by America is considered a part of its empire. Then even China is a part of that empire.
                >and you are so new that you don’t realize I’m a different anon from who started this line of replies.
                I'm simply just replying to the posts replying to me. I suspected you might be a different anon because you didn't elaborate further. But it pretty much means you don't even have a basis for your opinions to be built on.
                >immature it is for a trained fighter to run off like an upset kid after winning a bloody battle?
                You're just trolling at this point. 2½/10

              • 1 month ago

                > Then even China is a part of that empire.
                Correct. If you consume American culture, you are a part of the empire.

                And like a typical American, you choose to engage in a shit flinging contest instead of discussing the film. How exactly is Chani becoming so emotional she runs off at all in line with a fierce warrior who literally just fought and killed several men?

                It just shows the directors and writers have no fricking clue what it means to take a life.

              • 1 month ago

                >Correct. If you consume American culture, you are a part of the empire.
                Brainbleed tier logic. Don't become a computer programmer.
                >How exactly is Chani becoming so emotional she runs off at all in line with a fierce warrior who literally just fought and killed several men?
                Because she suffered severe romantic betrayal and everyone was deifying Paul against her wishes, so she chose to just walk away.
                Maybe you should actually read what you replied to.
                >It just shows the directors and writers have no fricking clue what it means to take a life.
                It means you have no idea what it means to take a life. Do you think the soldiers dying on the Ukranian battlefield would just be fine if they came home to see another man creampieing their wife? I'm sure that emotional trauma would still have a severe impact regardless of how many Ukrainians or Russians they've killed while being on the front.

              • 1 month ago

                > Do you think the soldiers dying on the Ukranian battlefield would just be fine if they came home to see another man creampieing their wife?
                Anon, at that point they would just be happy to not be a burnt corpse half buried in a trench. You’re so separated from reality it’s nuts.

                You poser homosexuals are something else. You really make discussing any sort of film insufferable.

              • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                called it

  14. 1 month ago

    >There's a scene - and I've seen the footage out there, but they cut the scene - in the first...film where, when our characters are kidnapped, right before we get thrown on the ornithopter...Paul and Jessica. Then there's a scene where Jessica is lying with her arms bound and her legs. And she's lying on this huge open space, it's a carpet, and you see it from a bird perspective, I think. In this tiny little fetal position, right? Now what the scene is that they cut is, all of a sudden, you come down to her face, and this thing in the background is just lowering himself, on top of her, and rolls his body on her. And you see that it is Vladimir Harkonnen. And he's pushing air out of her, so she can't breathe. And literally her eyes are nearly popping, and he whispers something in her ear. And it was cut.

    • 1 month ago

      To be honest it is hard to say if it was an actual rape scene or not looking at that picture.
      The truthsayers would have skinned the Baron alive for doing something like this.

    • 1 month ago

      To be honest it is hard to say if it was an actual rape scene or not looking at that picture.
      The truthsayers would have skinned the Baron alive for doing something like this.

      There is a scene in the book where the Baron floats over Jessica as she's bound and gagged and he laments that she has to be kept gagged due to the voice as he would have loved the stimulating conversation they could have had

      He also barters with Piter de Vries who wants to frick Jessica but that whole subplot was cut

      • 1 month ago

        Well I guess that settles it.

  15. 1 month ago

    I stopped paying attention after they completely fricked the second half of the book so Zandaya could do a really shitty job of acting like a girlboss.

  16. 1 month ago

    Frick, Becky Ferguson is really fricking seductive

    • 1 month ago

      You just want her for yourself

      • 1 month ago

        there was a hot pic of her sitting on the toilet
        i wonder what was the context

        • 1 month ago

          It was on her insta. She was just being a coomer.

          • 1 month ago

            right, that is a completely inappriopriate pic. she kinky

            • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                what did she mean by this?

              • 1 month ago

                She wants you to pee in the tub

              • 1 month ago

                Why is she so gross?

              • 1 month ago

                I'll pee wherever she wants me to

        • 1 month ago

          probably shitting out her butthole

          • 1 month ago

            shes so kinky im certain she fricked timotheee and im sure her husband is a cuck and shes a hotwife

            • 1 month ago

              Rude, she doesn't do those things.

              • 1 month ago

                I would put my hand in her box

              • 1 month ago
  17. 1 month ago

    >See her dressed modestly in robes and
    cute dresses.
    >See her dressed like a sloot, taking a poop on the toilet, everything sexualized with makeup caked on her face
    Gross as frick all of a sudden.

    Why don't women understand this

    • 1 month ago

      I'm as confused as you are. When I try to explain this concept to women, they get weird about it.

      • 1 month ago

        A certain group that enjoys a certain prominence in media production has a notorious affinity for trashy, overly made up (and get somehow generic) women, and so that's what gets pushed from the top. Another group, that is currently the determinant of cultural standards, also has an affinity for their version of the same trashiness and pushes it from the bottom. Mindless women who have no agency and just follow trends naturally end up in this trash sandwich of style and think everyone finds them hotter that way.

  18. 1 month ago

    Jessica’s father is the Barron.

    • 1 month ago

      No shit moron

  19. 1 month ago

    For that may I suggest 'Behind the Dune'

  20. 1 month ago

    This is her irl husband. Do with what you will with this information

    • 1 month ago

      Guy was born in the 90's

      • 1 month ago

        she likes them young

  21. 1 month ago

    I felt sexual tension with Rebecca alone, by herself, in every shot ahe was in. Sexy girl, smoking hot.

  22. 1 month ago
  23. 1 month ago

    incest is so chique

  24. 1 month ago

    I currently have sexual tension between my frenulum and my foreskin, but I'm not complaining.

  25. 1 month ago

    When Paul yelled at her in that stupid fricking voice I gave up on the movie.

    • 1 month ago

      >OPEN YOUR c**t!!

  26. 1 month ago

    bros if i had the voice i'd impregnate so many b***hes

  27. 1 month ago

    Yes, and that's because the film version doesn't accurately portray Jessica as uncanny and nearly inhuman as the book does. The film humanizes her way too much.
    Book Jessica is a lot more unemotional and distant, but also extremely powerful due to being a top class Bene Gesserit (most likely the single most powerful in the universe).

    But DUNC insists on removing all sci-fi elements from the story so Jessica's unsettling genetic superwoman background is minimized.

  28. 1 month ago

    I read the book after watching the first movie because I thought for sure she's gonna frick him

  29. 1 month ago

    More than I did with Paul and Chani that's for sure.

  30. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      She's actually thinking of her husband doing her up the bum.

  31. 1 month ago

    Not as much sexual tension as when OP walks into a gay club.

  32. 1 month ago
  33. 1 month ago

    Someone sharpied her face while she hit the tranq

  34. 1 month ago

    she is in constant heat. I can smell it

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