dune 2021

Has anyone read the book? Literally nothing happens in this movie. It's a 2/3 hour introduction. What was the point here?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Dune basically introduced the hero's journey in literature... You find it boring because you've already seen it thousands of times..... This movie should have done back in the 70-80's because nowadays the story is obsolete.

    • 6 months ago

      >Dune basically introduced the hero's journey in literature...
      That might be one of the most moronic things I've ever read.

      • 6 months ago

        Ikr? dune introduced loads of things to literature and science fi as a genre but the fricking hero's journey????

      • 6 months ago

        Ikr? dune introduced loads of things to literature and science fi as a genre but the fricking hero's journey????

        I must have specified in modern literature but you get my point. After Dune, many well known archetypes followed in similar books and all other type of media.

        • 6 months ago

          Olaf Stapledon

          • 6 months ago

            >no Irulan
            >no Harah
            may thy knife chip and shatter

    • 6 months ago

      >This movie should have done back in the 70-80's because nowadays the story is obsolete.
      Pretty much this, unfortunately, once Star Wars came out Dune was just relegated to the Star Wars ripoff section, despite it being released far earlier. It's an underwhelming mostly philosophical kind of series when you're expecting Star Wars or something.

    • 6 months ago

      first post least intelligent post

    • 6 months ago

      >what is Homer's odyssey

    • 6 months ago

      what is the ancient world of literature?

      • 6 months ago

        Literary archeology? Sounds very antisemitic.

    • 6 months ago

      I kind of get what you're saying, but at the same time I'm not sure how the second half will play out since Dune's ending is anything but happy or optimistic, it's kind of fricked up and just a warning about blind faith

      • 6 months ago

        >Dune's ending is anything but happy or optimistic

      • 6 months ago

        Did you ever see tolkiens critcism of dune?

        Superman was/is a israeli power fantasy
        Frank Herbert was catholic
        Paul was more Jebus than supjewman.

        dune is pretty anti religion

        • 6 months ago

          >tolkiens critcism of dune
          >I didn't like the book
          >this means that it's bad
          Stop forcing this autism.

          • 6 months ago

            I never said dune is bad. I just thought it's an interesting thing to read. I actually like Dune and just finished the 3rd book

        • 6 months ago

          Dune was written by a fallaway catholic as a criticism of Catholicism during the Vatican II shit show that basically handed total control of the Catholic church to the israelites.

          He later tired to do a Protestant revisionary delusion that the israelites could be redeemed when he literally wrote israelites into the Dune universe in chapterhouse.

          Frank Herbert's messianic like figure, the Kwisatz haderach, was inspired by the israeli concept of Kefitzat haDerekh (קפיצת הדרך), "shortening the way," miraculously speedy travel between distant lands

          Tl;dr he was a fallaway catholic that embraced israeliness to rebel against his parents.

    • 6 months ago

      >This movie should have done back in the 70-80's because nowadays the story is obsolete.
      Everyone jumped on the first moronic thing you said, you almost got away with this gem.

  2. 6 months ago

    3 times the leading man paycheck for TimothEE. Apologize!

  3. 6 months ago

    >Has anyone read the book?
    No but I read every star wars book and ranked them

    • 6 months ago

      Who hurt you?

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Why is mog world and jam on this list?
      Yahtzee has nothing to do with Star Wars

    • 6 months ago

      Is this a genre or do you just rank everything you read?

    • 6 months ago

      >Band Books
      Jesus Christ.

  4. 6 months ago

    I just read it. Probably one of my favorite books of all time now.

  5. 6 months ago

    >What was the point here
    brownwashing and gender swapping

    • 6 months ago

      Fremen are literally Arabs. Dumbass. Chani's half Fremen so Zendaya was more accurate.

      • 6 months ago

        ask me how I know you didn't read the book

    • 6 months ago

      Sean Young was hot.

      • 6 months ago
  6. 6 months ago

    >Literally nothing happens in this movie
    I know they exist but I'm always little surprised and disappointed meeting people who need to watch "X EXPLAINED!!" videos on youtube.

    >far future, politics are courtier life
    >spice is valuable, only found on Dune
    >House Atredies given planet to mine spice
    >Paul Atredies is subject of secret breeding program of space witches
    >this is a ruse because the Emperor and their rival House Harknonen do not like them
    >family is killed
    >adopted by mujahadeen

    That's it.

    • 6 months ago

      >>far future, politics are courtier life
      is valuable, only found on Dune
      Atredies given planet to mine spice
      >>Paul Atredies is subject of secret breeding program of space witches
      >>this is a ruse because the Emperor and their rival House Harknonen do not like them
      is killed
      by mujahadeen
      all of that could be a 40 minute intro before the 80 minutes of the actual movie

      • 6 months ago

        And that was done by David Lynch then further butchered by studio heads... which upset many of the people who are incapable of appreciating Toto. The big problem is that you can't adapt the whole book in one film. SyFy did a miniseries that had good pacing but a low budget (still kino), the spiceDiver edit of Lynch's Dune is a taste of kino-that-could-have-been but the theatrical is still nice.
        The pacing challenge is that after he joins the rebels there's enough plot for two movies. Like you could make an entire film that takes him to the Gom Jabbar and then make another movie entirely about the war.

        • 6 months ago

          Funny how I love the movie "Legend" with the soundtrack by Tangerine Dreams and despise the classical music version. Ridley has the exact opposite take.

  7. 6 months ago

    >Has anyone read the book?
    I've considered reading it, but I'm not sure if it's worth the bother

    • 6 months ago

      I haven't read the books but I watched some of this one super long YouTube synopsis of the universe history and backstory and it was super convoluted and kind of moronic. Are there books or something? Because I've never seen them or even heard of them.

      • 6 months ago

        if you werent moronic you could have read the fricking book in the time it took you to watch the youtube synopsis

        • 6 months ago

          The book was written before 2001 was even filmed, it's very old. Themes and bits of it have been taken by tons of shit since, including Star Wars. It comes off a bit tropish like most old, classic things a ton of other things have drawn from over multiple decades, and it's a much more philosophical kind of story than any kind of "action" one, though it has that.
          You're never going to get an adaptation that's not low ass budget syfy that does what the book is justice, Herbert spent 5 years researching various things for it and plotting it out before he started actually writing it, so it's worth the read.
          Lel imagine judging whether to read a book or not from a wikipage synopsis of the plot completely missing the delivery.

          I'm not talking about Dune
          I'm talking about the prequels to Dune. In the hundreds of thousands of years before Dune. That's what the synopsis was about. It was really convoluted and not in a good way. It seemed like Clone Wars and Rebels level writing but worse.

          • 6 months ago

            >I'm talking about the prequels to Dune.
            Anything Herbert didn't write in those first like 4 books can be ignored tbh

            • 6 months ago

              The Dune books by his son are canon. Deal with it. Dune is trash

              • 6 months ago

                >The Dune books by his son are canon.
                Canon is whatever I consider it to be at any given time. Imagine being any other way with meaningless fiction.

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah but has anybody ITT read those prequel books if they exist at all? I want to hear somebodys take on it

              • 6 months ago

                Why would anyone read that garbage

          • 6 months ago

            Also it’s dumb because a book set 8000 years before Dune would look and feel absolutely nothing like Dune. The Butlerian jihad was supposed to be not too far into our real future and shouldn’t have Atreides and Harkonnans and Bene Gesserit running around.

            • 6 months ago

              Dune Encyclopedia wasn't written by Frank but it was still approved by him, and the timeline in that book had the Butlerian Jihad taking place circa 12,000 AD. Humanity already had a full-fledged interstellar society by the time the Jihad happened

            • 6 months ago

              >shouldn’t have Atreides and Harkonnans and Bene Gesserit running around.
              The Atreides trace their ancestry back to Agamemnon from the Iliad, and it's not bullshit since Alia literally talks to King Agamemnon in her race consciousness.
              Logically they should already exist in current year

    • 6 months ago

      I haven't read the books but I watched some of this one super long YouTube synopsis of the universe history and backstory and it was super convoluted and kind of moronic. Are there books or something? Because I've never seen them or even heard of them.

      The book was written before 2001 was even filmed, it's very old. Themes and bits of it have been taken by tons of shit since, including Star Wars. It comes off a bit tropish like most old, classic things a ton of other things have drawn from over multiple decades, and it's a much more philosophical kind of story than any kind of "action" one, though it has that.
      You're never going to get an adaptation that's not low ass budget syfy that does what the book is justice, Herbert spent 5 years researching various things for it and plotting it out before he started actually writing it, so it's worth the read.
      Lel imagine judging whether to read a book or not from a wikipage synopsis of the plot completely missing the delivery.

  8. 6 months ago

    At least mommy Jessica is hot. But yeah it's too long and generally "mid"
    Timootheyee is way too small and rodentish to be Paul, it's a travesty. His dad is also insufficiently chaddish despite being disturbingly swarthy.
    Khal Drogo is too goofy and frankly too ethnic and Duncan
    There isn't much of Zendaya but she's kinda bad too

    • 6 months ago

      > stuff about Paul and Leto
      Yeah, it's a deviation, but I don't really mind it subverting the (now overused) trope wherein the hero is a large and strong and stereotypically attractive man's man. Monarchs throughout history often are not physically intimidating — they're products of good fortune and political savvy. Paul being small and scrawny but very intellectual, observant, and a quick learner is far more interesting to watch than an intellectual, observant, and quick-learning [insert Taylor Lautner-type teenage heartthrob here].

    • 6 months ago

      Duncan Idaho is an idiot meathead in the books, canonically. They bring him back as a Mentat Clone and he's still a fricking moron.

    • 6 months ago

      I've tried to rewatch Dunc twice after seeing it the theater and I can never get past the final act in the desert. And I've watched Dune 84' dozens of times over the years

      • 6 months ago

        I have to agree. The director did a great job with Bladerunner 2049, but this film fails hard compared to the 84 version. I will force myself to watch part 2 like I forced myself to finish part 1, but it will never be more than a meh. Also, the mother in the 84 version is a perfect casting.

  9. 6 months ago

    Yesterday's thread was more entertaining than this dead ass soulless movie

  10. 6 months ago

    it's shit

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago


  11. 6 months ago

    This movie is all style little substance. It's a decent movie, not a decent Dune one however.

  12. 6 months ago

    How moronic is op?
    A heroic noble family takes possession of a crucial fief, are betrayed and nearly destroyed by the former fiefholders in a plot hatched with a corrupt emperor--the plan fails eventually as the heir and the lady of the noble family escape, rally the natives and prepare to take back the fief and overthrow the emperor. That doesn't seem like "nothing." And that doesn't include all the cool world-building that is a big part of the story's charm.

    • 6 months ago

      u mad?

  13. 6 months ago

    I dont like Timmy Charmutt or Zendia or however you spell her gay made up name so im sure as shooting not seeing a film with both of them. ill stick to behind the dune for my spice fix.

    • 6 months ago

      all names are made up names anon

      • 6 months ago

        yeah but not all names are as gay as that one.

        • 6 months ago

          What makes a name gay?

          • 6 months ago

            The whole special snowflake tryhard thing of making them "unique", most especially when it's just some other word misspelled, or a typical name misspelled in a totally illogical way pronunciation wise but "still pronounced the same"

            Shit like "the dash don't be silent" in Le-a

            Naming your kid after a popular character in a currently popular show or novel

            Lots of different things

            • 6 months ago

              What makes Zendaya's name gay?

              • 6 months ago

                It's a gay name. If you can't tell you're probably a big gay homosexual and are just used to gay shit.

              • 6 months ago

                It seems like you're unable to articulate why you have that opinion. What do you make of that?

              • 6 months ago

                That you're gay.Simple as.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm not even that guy I just wanted to rant, but
                >The whole special snowflake tryhard thing of making them "unique"
                especially when you're that type that's so special snowflake you only have one name

              • 6 months ago

                What if it was Zenguya and he rode my worm?

          • 6 months ago

            If it's YOUR name.

  14. 6 months ago

    As an adaptation of the first part of Dune it's pretty faithful, actually. It was basically wall to wall exposition until suddenly everybody started dying.

  15. 6 months ago

    For me it's really hard to read stories in books. I just can't follow the story or remember the characters without seeing their faces. I can read non fiction books and easy essays. I just finished atomic habits

    • 6 months ago

      You're supposed to see them in your mind, fren.

  16. 6 months ago

    looks kinda gay. like what’s the point of a whole bunch of gay people in outer space doing who knows what. i like to see movies about real stuff

    • 6 months ago

      >i like to see movies about real stuff
      How you liking these historically accurate shows and movies of the past 10 or so years buddy

  17. 6 months ago

    I've read the first 3 books. About to read the 4th

  18. 6 months ago

    Those first four books he had plotted out already, they encompassed his original vision for the series. The totality of the arc of Paul's visions. Everything past that was milking it.

    • 6 months ago

      The fifth book is definitely a new beginning. Shame that he didn't have the time to finish all that.

  19. 6 months ago

    >Denis turning the cunning and industrious Harkonnen into fricking cartoon villains

    Pretty sure this guy didn't underhand the source material and just wanted to make another Stah Wahs.

    Funny because Star Wars by the hack Lucas fricking plagiarized the shit out of the original book by literally taking whole concepts and renaming them.

    • 6 months ago

      The Baron's already a cartoon villain
      >grotesquely fat pedophile is....LE VERY BAD
      Thanks Frank, I had no idea

    • 6 months ago

      They're genuinely bigger dumbasses in the book than in the Denis movie

      • 6 months ago

        Nah, the Vlad/Shaddam plan was good but couldn't account for a psychic superman

        • 6 months ago

          You mean the Shaddam plan. In the scenario where Paul and Jessica die alone in the desert, the Harkonnens were absolutely getting thrown under the bus.

          • 6 months ago

            NTA but i thought the plan came from Vlad's mentat and revolved around placating the fremen by sending Feyd in after Raban was an butthole for awhile. Shaddam supported it because it got the landsraadt off his back.

        • 6 months ago

          Superman was/is a israeli power fantasy
          Frank Herbert was catholic
          Paul was more Jebus than supjewman.

    • 6 months ago
  20. 6 months ago


    >they end up absurd
    Yes and no. The notion of the worm union was absurd, which is why Paul turned from it, but he didn't see it the same way Leto did, because Leto had full use of his genetics, essentially.
    Ozymandias' arc in Watchmen is kind of along the lines of what Leto intended.

  21. 6 months ago


    Up to and including Children of Dune would be easily adaptable. After God Emperor shit gets stupid and I doubt the average normie would be an enjoyer of that. Personally I love that ridiculous shit that isn't a bunch of explosions or capeshit. It comes a lot closer to the kind of ridiculous stuff in ancient mythological stories.

    • 6 months ago

      Alia will be interesting how it's portrayed. Leto and Ghanima would be even more ridiculous. I want to see it though. I bet we will get it if the movies do well

      • 6 months ago

        Honestly don't see any solution but CGI, unless they find some 1 in a billion talented child actor

      • 6 months ago

        Honestly don't see any solution but CGI, unless they find some 1 in a billion talented child actor

        You can age Alia up a few years and dub her voice like Lynch did. Leto and Ghanima could easily be portrayed by 13-14 year olds, I just don't want them to be fully grown adults like the miniseries

    • 6 months ago

      >God Emperor shit gets stupid and I doubt the average normie would be an enjoyer of that.
      God Emperor is really more of a political science textbook anyway

  22. 6 months ago

    Most of Paul's family gets killed and I've only seen the movie.

    • 6 months ago

      Most? It's only his dad that gets killed

  23. 6 months ago

    Lynch tried his best with Alia but even he couldn't pull it off perfectly

  24. 6 months ago

    Never understoof the popularity of this franchise, all the good stuff in it was done better Lord of the Rings and Stars Wars

    • 6 months ago

      LOTR was just hitting popularity around the time,Star Wars came like 13 years later and heavily rips ideas from Dune

    • 6 months ago

      Dune is more interesting politically and worldbuilding wise

  25. 6 months ago

    If you think nothing happens in this part, wait until the 2nd. Milf Mommy and little Timmy do acid trips that give them literal and cultural superpowers and then it's just fight scenes until the end.

    • 6 months ago

      God I'm so excited for Jessica's water of life trip, I'm going to do either shrooms or LSD for Part Two and I want that shit to be crazy

      • 6 months ago

        I hope they show the orgy

  26. 6 months ago

    /sffg/ from Cinemaphile reporting in.. yes I've read books 1 through 4. Plenty happens in the first book, and that's the only book I recommend that you read.

    • 6 months ago

      >turns out that it's il/lit/erates who shit on books 2-4
      >haven't even read 5 to form their own opinion

    • 6 months ago


  27. 6 months ago

    I read all of the books except the ones his son wrote. Watch the Lynch version on youtube edited by fans.

  28. 6 months ago


    This is NOT, I repeat, NOT, "full use of your genetics", this is full use of your gullibility by big pharma/big medical to make you a lifetime high dollar customer.

    • 6 months ago

      That is a non-sequitur. I'm not sure why you are replying to that troubled creature to begin with.

  29. 6 months ago

    this is Cinemaphile, you are looking for Cinemaphile which is about 3 doors down.

  30. 6 months ago

    It's my favorite book. The unfortunate thing about putting this on screen is that it loses a lot of the inner-monologue (a prevalent aspect in the book). It was always gonna be dicey.
    The other thing I'm not thrilled about with this is how low some of the people speak. Speak up, damnit. Overall, it's still enjoyable to me, but not as much as I would like.

    • 6 months ago

      Lynch's dune had constant inner monologue and it was odd

      • 6 months ago

        True, and it was goofy. Plus, damn near everything else about that movie was mediocre to terrible. My favorite thing was actually the Navigator.

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