Earth Lunacy

Let’s construct an alternative universe where as many superheroes as possible coexist until it stops making sense.

From Marvel, to DC, to Watchmen, to Incredibles, to Infamous, to Image, to Irredeemable, to Worm, to Megamind, to Wordgirl to Heroes. Let’s just keep going until it stops making sense

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 8 months ago

    They already don't make sense.

    • 8 months ago

      Exactly. How long can we keep this Jenga tower from collapsing

      • 8 months ago

        It can be extended indefinitely because it is already ready to fall. The suspension of disbelief is what holds it up, not gravity or logic. And that's different for every person, so the answer to how much you can cram in can be anything from 1 to infinity.

    • 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    We allowed to bring in Eastern supers?? Saitama, All Might, etc.

    • 8 months ago

      Yep. Mostly Cinemaphile buy supers from radio shows, books, video games, tv, or anime/manga are also allowed.

      Really I just wanted to play a game here, seeing if we could fit all the different lores into a square hole

    • 8 months ago

      Yep. Mostly Cinemaphile buy supers from radio shows, books, video games, tv, or anime/manga are also allowed.

      Really I just wanted to play a game here, seeing if we could fit all the different lores into a square hole

      Worldwide? Even Euro and Latin American?

      • 8 months ago

        Why not

      • 8 months ago

        Hell yeah. Bring in foreign superheroes like Nakraj, Gundala, and El Bulbo. Skies the limit.

        • 8 months ago

          Does Jackie Chan adventures count

  3. 8 months ago

    Let's bring in Spaghettiman. Since he's basically a glorified minimum wage employee, I like to think that he'd be competing with Luke Cage and Iron Fist over heroes doing heroics for money.

  4. 8 months ago

    DC and Marvel already have too many characters.

  5. 8 months ago

    Since the Keene Act was probably also what banned the Incredibles supers here, how do you think Bob and Helen would react to him breaking into their house to tell them about his mask killer theory

    • 8 months ago

      Helen would just say ok to make him leave, but Bob would be secretly excited because a masked killer means he's finally got an excuse to get back into the superhero game.

      • 8 months ago

        I’d imagine it would probably lead to a small argument with Bob saying that if someone is going around killing retired superheroes like Rorschach suggests, then they have a duty to stop them for both their friends and their kids. Then Helen points out that Rorschach is a very flawed man with more than a few loose screws.
        In the end I could see Bob telling Frozone, but still getting caught up in Syndrome’s fight. Rorschach and Nite Owl participate in the fight against the Omnidroid, Doctor Manhattan arrives late, and Syndrome is blamed for the Comedian’s murder

        • 8 months ago

          That would be sick

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, though I do gotta wonder if Rorschach would accept it. Syndrome is the perfect answer to who killed the Comedian. A man who was so obsessed with superheroes that he would wipe out most of them just to be the greatest.
            He’s the perfect confirmation of all of Rorschach’s theories… too perfect

            • 8 months ago

              I like to think that in this universe, Ozymandias doesn't use the squid to scare everyone on earth into working together, he instead uses the Anti-Life Equation and frames Darkseid for it all, thus unintentionally causing the formation of the Justice League.

              • 8 months ago

                Or maybe we go classic Justice League mixed with the Suicide Squad and use Starro.
                Have some astronauts find him in space and bring him down, where Ozymandias has the Thinker experiment on him until he’s misanthropic enough to unleash upon the world

              • 8 months ago

                Oh that would be delicious. Ozymandias creates Starro and, rather than killing millions, it creates the Justice League and the Avengers. Things don't go according to plan, but Ozymandias is pleased that people became unified anyways, even if it wasn't in the way he was expecting.

              • 8 months ago

                It’s also quite ironic that he would technically be ending the Cold War with what is arguably a walking symbol of communism being a faint alien that wants to assimilate all others into its hivemind. I’m sure Adrien would appreciate the irony.

                But since other people mentioned Worm, Irredeemable, and Invincible, as well as Marvel and DC being active components I wonder how Ozy would handle these other cape threats. Knowing that he has successfully united the people, but it will all mean nothing if he can’t create a world capable of stopping, Darkseid, Thanos, the Plutonian or Scion
                I wonder if he would try to control the Avengers/JLA or attempt to create his own supers

              • 8 months ago

                >tfw Ozymandias is the one who had Captain America recovered and revived because he knew America would need a new symbol of heroism following the Comedian’s death and his unleashing of Starro

              • 8 months ago

                >tfw Ozymandias is the one who had Captain America recovered and revived because he knew America would need a new symbol of heroism following the Comedian’s death and his unleashing of Starro

                I can see Ultimate Mr. Fantastic becoming Ozy's archnemesis as to what he could become if he let his ego get out of control.

              • 8 months ago

                But that begs the question of if this universe has the main Mr. Fantastic or the Ultimate version
                Given Watchmen’s overall nature I’m assuming the ultimate version though I think a much more interesting outcome comes with the inclusion of Worm’s universe as both Adrien and Reed probably being part of the same shadow organization dedicated to human preservation forces Ozy to actively work with/help a man who represents his potential shadow

              • 8 months ago

                I've only read the first eight arcs of Worm, so I don't know that much about it. It sounds really interesting from what I've read on the spacebattles forums, but I keep getting distracted by other stuff.

                As for Ozymandias needing to begrudgingly work with Ultimate Mr. Fantastic, I can see them gaining a relationship similar to Light and L when Light was working with the police. They'd respect each other's intelligence but internally despise each other.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah. Also basically all you need to know for spoilers is that Scion is a depressed alien and the source of powers who is planning to destroy the Earth like a more eldritch Plutonian
                To stop him, a group called Cauldron came together and recruited Earth’s best heroes to stop him. They fund themselves by harvesting his mate to sell superpowers and learn how to make more by force feeding the test powers to kidnapped hospital patients then mind wiping the resulting mutant.
                They’re made of Doctor Mother, the leader. Contessa who has the power of Path to Victory, to succeed at any plan she chooses. Number Man, who’s a banker that has superhuman math skills. Eidolon who’s a super soldier with the power to gain three random powers he needs. And Alexandria who’s a flying brick.

                Basically they’re the exact type of organization that Ozymandias would join and quickly add to the plans of

              • 8 months ago

                I can imagine that the members of the Illuminati would probably also join this group too.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah probably. The thing that I think is interesting about Cauldron is simply the fact that they form in 1980 which is 5 years before Adrien’s squid or rather Starro plot unfolds. During that time Contessa (pic related) is still a little girl named Fortuna who is from a doomed alternate universe that’s still in the Iron Age. In Worm proper, being raised by a shadowy conspiracy messed with her head and turned her into a machine who rarely makes independent choices, simply relying on her Path to Victory powers to save humanity at any cost. But with Adrian Veidt now a part of that group I wonder if he would take it upon himself to raise Fortuna to share his ideals instead

                I can imagine that Rorschach would be really good friends with Billy Butcher since they're both insanely brutal characters who hate the government and stick with what they believe is right until the very end.

                That actually makes me wonder. Do you think this timeline’s Vought would be independent, or would it have fused with Veidt Enterprises at some point?

              • 8 months ago

                That definitely sounds like something Ozy would do. Would Ozy be a loving father to her or view her as just a tool?

                I like to think that Vought would be one of Veidt Enterprises biggest competitors. Both Ozy and Vought would probably have superheroes on their payroll doing things to secretly undermine the other's company.

                Does Jackie Chan adventures count

                Why the hell not? Let's also include Mexican wrestlers like Santos and Blue Demon.

                Wrong Butcher.
                Would Rorschach take Compound V?

                He probably would. Rorschach has shown no problem fricking up his body in fights, so this would give him the opportunity to be as careless as possible.

              • 8 months ago

                I feel like Adrien would view Fortuna at first as a tool like Cauldron did but slowly warm up to her over time in a messed up and lopsided sort of way. Contessa’s power lets her win at everything, and therefore she would be a massive asset to Ozymandias, allowing even his most insane and coincidence driven schemes to succeed. Over time I could see Fortuna growing attached to his approval as a child. Potentially using her power to create a future where Adrien is able to treat her like a daughter. Definitely a messed up way to do it, but a way never the less

                Also I bet Vought would be super amping up their supes in an effort to compete with natural supers and the other ones. Though Veidt Enterprises would have access to Eden shards

              • 8 months ago

                >Do you think this timeline’s Vought would be independent, or would it have fused with Veidt Enterprises at some point?

                Vought would be working with Dr Shocc from Marshal Law

              • 8 months ago

                Or maybe we go classic Justice League mixed with the Suicide Squad and use Starro.
                Have some astronauts find him in space and bring him down, where Ozymandias has the Thinker experiment on him until he’s misanthropic enough to unleash upon the world

                Starro is probably what brings Ultraman to this Earth too.

              • 8 months ago

                >Ozymandias finds Starro orbiting Earth and turns him into a monster to unite the world
                >plan goes a little too well and not only creates the JLA, but also leads Starro sending out a psychic distress signal that attracts other Kaiju
                >Ultraman investigates the signal and arrives on Earth, giving Ozy yet another problem to deal with

      • 8 months ago

        I’d imagine it would probably lead to a small argument with Bob saying that if someone is going around killing retired superheroes like Rorschach suggests, then they have a duty to stop them for both their friends and their kids. Then Helen points out that Rorschach is a very flawed man with more than a few loose screws.
        In the end I could see Bob telling Frozone, but still getting caught up in Syndrome’s fight. Rorschach and Nite Owl participate in the fight against the Omnidroid, Doctor Manhattan arrives late, and Syndrome is blamed for the Comedian’s murder

        >Paranoid vigilante that reeks and speaks in truncated sentences breaks into their home where their kids sleep.
        >"Sure, Rorschach. We'll hear you out."

        • 8 months ago

          Bob might be willing to hear him out considering that he’s a superhero. But Helen definitely wants him gone

  6. 8 months ago

    Could Kamen Rider Kabuto beat Reverse Flash in a fight?

  7. 8 months ago

    Hornet would probably become really good friends with Ozymandias since both of them are superheroes who are willing to kill millions for the sake of what they believe to be the greater good.

  8. 8 months ago

    I basically have a collection of something this autistic. I'm just waiting for TMNT vs SF to release in TPB to slot between Batman vs TMNT and TMNT vs Power Rangers. Then it'll be mostly complete, at least for me.

    • 8 months ago

      I like you anon. You share my mindset for every book, movie, and TV show being canon all at once.

      • 8 months ago

        I got into comics during Hypertime era DC, so that mentality was instilled real early.

    • 8 months ago

      Speaking of street fighter have you guys ever heard of the Ryu number?

      • 8 months ago

        Six Degrees of Ryu? He's the Kevin Bacon of video games.

  9. 8 months ago

    Gargoyles! Vert neutral characters that get along with anyone trying to do good.

  10. 8 months ago

    Alan Moore already made this comic, it's called Top 10.

  11. 8 months ago

    How down does capeshit have to get for us to get another actual DC/Marvel crossover?

    Also, I feel like we are only a few years away from Disney expanding the MCU to include other Disney brands out of despiration. Buzz Lightyear and the Guardians of the Galaxy is slop the people deserve and need right now.

  12. 8 months ago

    Ok so just to picture a basic timeline of this autistic universe here…

    >the first superheroes start appearing as basic costumed adventurers
    >they rise to prominence and the events of Watchmen’s background and the Captain America story take place.
    >people with superhuman abilities start to pop up, resulting in the creation of the X-Men, The Justice Society, and the supers from the Incredibles.
    >the Keene act is passed as a result of the damage superhumans cause, resulting in them either retiring or gong underground
    >for many years super activity is subdued in America due to the ban, but starts up in Japan thanks to the efforts of the Kamen Riders and Ultraman
    >Superman arrives on Earth and crashes in Kansas
    >In 1980, Scion appears on Earth and Contessa kills his mate.
    >Batman begins his career
    >Cauldron is formed and Ozymandias soon joins, planning with the others on a method to revoke the Keene act so that they can publicly create an army to train against the upcoming Armageddon.
    >Iron Man’s backstory happens
    >Spider-Man appears and is declared a menace due to his violation of the Keene act.
    >the events of Watchmen and the Incredibles happen, resulting in the repealing of the Keene act.
    >Ozymandias discovers and isolates the conduit gene as something separate from the X gene
    And I’m not really sure after that

    • 8 months ago

      Adding an idea from

      >Do you think this timeline’s Vought would be independent, or would it have fused with Veidt Enterprises at some point?

      Vought would be working with Dr Shocc from Marshal Law

      >>the first superheroes start appearing as basic costumed adventurers
      >>they rise to prominence and the events of Watchmen’s background and the Captain America story take place.
      with superhuman abilities start to pop up, resulting in the creation of the X-Men, The Justice Society, and the supers from the Incredibles.
      >Meanwhile Vought and other competitors creates the knockoff heroes like The Avenging Squad (in The Boys) and the Jesus Society (in Marshal Law). These ineffective heroes do more damage than help, causing people to resent superheroes and harm the reputation of actual superheroes
      >>the Keene act is passed as a result of the damage superhumans cause, resulting in them either retiring or gong underground
      >>for many years super activity is subdued in America due to the ban, but starts up in Japan thanks to the efforts of the Kamen Riders and Ultraman
      arrives on Earth and crashes in Kansas
      >>In 1980, Scion appears on Earth and Contessa kills his mate.
      begins his career
      is formed and Ozymandias soon joins, planning with the others on a method to revoke the Keene act so that they can publicly create an army to train against the upcoming Armageddon.
      >>Iron Man’s backstory happens
      -Man appears and is declared a menace due to his violation of the Keene act.
      >>the events of Watchmen and the Incredibles happen, resulting in the repealing of the Keene act.
      discovers and isolates the conduit gene as something separate from the X gene

  13. 8 months ago

    There's one comic that imagines that already: Crossover, from Image Comics, written by Donny Cates, Brian Michael Bendis, Robert Kirkman, Matthew Rosenberg and Chip Zdarsky

  14. 8 months ago

    Since Big Hero Six is also a superhero story, I’d like to imagine there were Kamen Rider themed protests to the Keene act

    • 8 months ago

      In San Fransokyo forgot to say the protests happened in San Fransokyo due to the Japanese population finding the act to be unfair

  15. 8 months ago

    Hey, isn't Hellboy typically an agent of the US government from 1952-2001? He'd probably be involved in all the Keene Act stuff too. Do you anons think he'd keep working for the government, or would he defect earlier in this timeline?

    • 8 months ago

      I think he would probably keep working for them for a while just to keep the supernatural stuff out of the way, but defect as soon as the Gov starts cracking down on some innocent non-gov supes.

    • 8 months ago

      The real question is, how would our favorite moral objectivist schizo rationalize the existence of a demon that's a good guy? I feel like he'd start cooking up conspiracies about the US government being Satanists or something.

      • 8 months ago

        I can imagine that Rorschach would be really good friends with Billy Butcher since they're both insanely brutal characters who hate the government and stick with what they believe is right until the very end.

        • 8 months ago

          Wrong Butcher.
          Would Rorschach take Compound V?

          • 8 months ago

            I like to think he would take something else entirely that tremendously fricks with his body

          • 8 months ago

            Why would he need it? Figuring out what happened to that little girl has Trigger Event written all over it, though I'm not versed in Weaver Dice to discern what kind of power he'd get.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah it would except there’s one problem. The entities arrived on Earth in 1980, which is years after that event happened to Rorschach.
              He would either need a different trigger, or a vial. Though figuring out Ozy’s plan might actually be enough to trigger him

      • 8 months ago

        Probably tracks some of the government actions down and comes to the conclusion that Nazi scientists are summoning demons for the US government to use as soldiers

    • 8 months ago

      I think he would probably keep working for them for a while just to keep the supernatural stuff out of the way, but defect as soon as the Gov starts cracking down on some innocent non-gov supes.

      I feel like the government would try to send Hellboy to Vietnam alongside the Comedian and Doctor Manhattan (assuming that Professor Bruttenholm doesn't have enough sway to convince them otherwise). At which point, Hellboy would either go to Africa to dodge the draft, or begrudgingly serve for a single tour. He's a tough guy, but I really don't think he'd last long in a war, especially if he has to witness Ed and the Doc's inhumanity.

      But on the other hand, maybe Doctor Manhattan would benefit from having a guy like Hellboy in his life. He'd probably be a lot less apathetic about holding onto his humanity if there was a literal demon right next to him making it look effortless, right?

  16. 8 months ago

    When you have the powerlevel of DC, is it even possible to add other franchises and not make sense?

  17. 8 months ago

    >TFW both Doctor Strange and Kamen Rider Wizard were both given their powers by Kamen Rider Wiseman, and so they team up to beat the shit out of him.

  18. 8 months ago

    Where do you think the DC Heroes (and I guess others?) would fall in regards to Marvel's civil war Registration Act?
    Like, how does that even work with Superman? Since technically, he isn't disclosing Clark Kent has powers but he's literally pretending that Kal-El is a totally different person to the public.

    • 8 months ago

      Superman: Pro registration until they start acting awful
      Batman: anti registration
      Wonder Woman: same as Superman
      Green Lantern: pro registration
      Shazam/Captain Marvel: anti registration
      Hawkman: pro registration
      Aquaman: pro registration
      Martian Manhunter: pro registration
      Cyborg: pro registration
      Flash: anti registration

      • 8 months ago

        Do you think Superman would disclose of his Clark Kent identity, or technically not lie by only giving away his alien origins?
        I could see him doing that and Batman calling him a hypocrite but also not outing him either while trying to go deeper undercover, with this knowledge being the reason Superman doesn't just turn him in but he gives some BS to the government (if they can't just figure it out.)

        • 8 months ago

          I could see Clark saying that he plans to give up his identity and then not truly doing it with Iron Man slowly growing more and more intense and suspicious until he eventually snaps are drives Superman away from the registration side

          Maybe Tony and Lex would even team up

          • 8 months ago

            How would Lex Luthor react to The Plutonian confirming all of the worst fears he's had about Superman?

            • 8 months ago

              I’d imagine it’s a make or break moment for Lex where Superman and Lex are both simultaneously forced to confront that uncomfortable reality as the world is broken and rebuilt.
              At the end of it I think the two will either be good friends, or even worse than they were before, with Superman now fully understanding the fear his enemies hold

              • 8 months ago

                Imagine Superman recreating the serum from All-Star Superman and giving Lex Luthor his powers for 24 hours so they can guarantee that they’ll win against the Plutonian. Would having these powers give Lex a greater respect for Superman?

              • 8 months ago

                I think they might, with Lex finally seeing the universe for what it is like he did in that series. Only problem is that he might start seeking out a way to gain powers permanently since he wants to retain that way of seeing the world

              • 8 months ago

                That sounds like a cliffhanger that Mark Waid would put in Irredeemable. I love it.

  19. 8 months ago

    How do you think The Laughing Mask would get along with The Comedian? Both of them are mass murdering vigilante war veterans who believe that everything is a joke.

  20. 8 months ago

    I'm tired of all these damn superheroes...everywhere I look...there's less normal people now.

  21. 8 months ago


  22. 8 months ago

    >as many superheroes as possible coexist until it stops making sense.

    If you can cope a way to make the planet earth bigger without affecting gravity and the day and night cycle i think that would help fit in more characters dividing this mega earth in different sectors, that’s how i cope the super sentai crossover universe, i just see japan being way bigger than it is IRL plus some teams are only active for their airing years while others still active but have way less work

    • 8 months ago

      Since Hamster and Gretel exists, maybe it became larger due to Doofenshmirtz hitting it with his “enlarge the Earthinator” which he built in order to get back at a teacher for disliking his solar system model.

    • 8 months ago

      My headcanon is that Zordon got the idea to create the Power Rangers after seeing the Super Sentai's in Japan and wanted to make his own version of them

      • 8 months ago

        Isn’t he an alien? Wouldn’t multiple species have simply developed the sentai team as a defense from the greater forces of the universe?

    • 8 months ago

      I now want to see Kamen Rider Den-O, the Timerangers, Booster Gold, and Cable go on time travel adventures together

  23. 8 months ago

    How would all the Golden Age superheroes stop Stardust the Super Wizard?

    • 8 months ago

      I think Hawkman would probably use some property of his metal to convince him to leave

  24. 8 months ago

    >>the first superheroes start appearing as basic costumed adventurers
    >>they rise to prominence and the events of Watchmen’s background and the Captain America story take place.
    >San Francisco is devastated and rebuilt into San Fransokyo
    with superhuman abilities start to pop up, resulting in the creation of the X-Men, The Justice Society, and the supers from the Incredibles.
    >Meanwhile Vought and other competitors creates the knockoff heroes like The Avenging Squad (in The Boys) and the Jesus Society (in Marshal Law). These ineffective heroes do more damage than help, causing people to resent superheroes and harm the reputation of actual superheroes
    >>the Keene act is passed as a result of the damage superhumans cause, resulting in them either retiring or gong underground
    >mutants are used as a scapegoat by Vought, with their marketing team suggesting that the X Gene does not come from God, leading to their persecution and the development of the sentinel program
    >>for many years super activity is subdued in America due to the ban, but starts up in Japan thanks to the efforts of the Kamen Riders and Sentai
    >during the ban, Vought makes a deal with the US government, limiting their supes to stopping more petty crimes and appearing in movies which results in a degradation of their skill
    arrives on Earth and crashes in Kansas
    >>In 1980, Scion appears on Earth and Contessa kills his mate.
    begins his career
    is formed and Ozymandias soon joins, planning with the others on a method to revoke the Keene act so that they can publicly create an army to train against the upcoming Armageddon.
    >Baxter Stockman gets a job at Vought
    >>Iron Man’s backstory happens
    -Man appears and is declared a menace due to his violation of the Keene act.
    >>the events of Watchmen and the Incredibles happen
    >Starro is unleashed and the Justice league is founded, resulting in the Keene Act being repealed

    • 8 months ago

      And then as just a few miscellaneous points afterwards

      >the Ninja Turtles alongside more mutants are created as a result of the ooze developed by Stockman. To cover their tracks, Vought doubles down on anti mutant propaganda
      >Jack Slash murders King and takes over the Slaughterhouse 9
      >Ultraman arrives on Earth to investigate the appearance of Starro and fuses with a human host.
      >the Sailor scouts recover their memories
      >Ozymandias isolates the conduit gene and begins drafting plans for the first Ray Sphere
      >Venom arrives on Earth
      >Heinz Doofenshmirtz purchases a newly built skyscraper and founds Doofenshmirtz evil Inc

      • 8 months ago

        >>the Ninja Turtles alongside more mutants are created as a result of the ooze developed by Stockman. To cover their tracks, Vought doubles down on anti mutant propaganda

        Could the Turtles with prep kill Homelander?

        • 8 months ago

          They probably could but if they did then Homelander would be a martyr and Vought would go further with the “mutants are evil” narrative

          Would Butcher team up with the turtles

          • 8 months ago

            >and Vought would go further with the “mutants are evil” narrative

            The Turtles have never done what they’ve done for stuff like praise. They’re like X-Men but better because they don’t make themselves victims

            And I could see them tolerating Amazon Butcher but not Comic Butcher. Raphael seems like he would keep trying to start stuff and the dog rape thing would repel Leonardo a little

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah agreed, though with the turtles there is also the possibility of Butcher’s dog becoming sentient

              Also I feel like the turtles wouldn’t care too much about reputation, but wouldn’t want the entire world out for their blood

    • 8 months ago

      The problem of including Japanese stuff, off the top of my head
      >even if Saitama isn't too OP, some anti-hero out there, likely Kenshiro's ancestor Kasumi Kenshiro, has Hokuto Shin-Ken by the golden age. Then if the nuclear apocalpyse doesn't happen, the 4 Hokuto brothers are running around and would likely make it their job to deal with groups like the League of Assassins
      >Keep in mind, Ken and Kasumi both have the power to copy their opponents moveset and powers based on whatever level of empathy they have for said opponent and they keep said moveset/powers. This is considering that Hokuto mastery inherently involves such empathy despite willingness to kill as the user deems necessary.
      >Godzilla would likely turn OP if they wanted to go with a version like Shin or Earth who could scale to comics antics, both of these versions are inevitable apocalypses who will destroy all of civilization eventually no matter what you do
      >A lot of those toku heroes eventually get into the same kind of cosmic power level that Superman does.
      >J-Horror-esque characters who typically break the very rules of powerscaling in general. Meanwhile, a figure like the Kusuriuri from Mononoke isn't going to take kindly to something like Katana's sword or other uncouth exorcism methods that don't involve helping the spirit move on by only fighting the demonic entity influencing them, and he's proven to always be 5 steps ahead of everyone else in any given situation, so he alone is pretty capable of fricking with all the supernatural/magic characters.

      Some of this shit doesn't scale well when you look at the rules of how the characters work.

      • 8 months ago

        Power scaling in comics is already wonky, so this fits.

        • 8 months ago

          >The panel where Harley Quinn punches out Kenshiro
          Idk anon, it jumped the shark. I did like the Mononoke-Phantom Stranger crossover where the two basically competed over who could be the biggest cryptic frick while Ghost Rider and Zatanna basically banged their heads on a wall because of it though

          • 8 months ago

            I loved it when Batman fought Kamen Rider Drive and managed to beat him by using his anti-race car spray

      • 8 months ago

        If the goal of this is superheroes, it'd be Showa Godzilla since he's buddies with Zone Fighter.

    • 8 months ago

      Ok so just to picture a basic timeline of this autistic universe here…

      >the first superheroes start appearing as basic costumed adventurers
      >they rise to prominence and the events of Watchmen’s background and the Captain America story take place.
      >people with superhuman abilities start to pop up, resulting in the creation of the X-Men, The Justice Society, and the supers from the Incredibles.
      >the Keene act is passed as a result of the damage superhumans cause, resulting in them either retiring or gong underground
      >for many years super activity is subdued in America due to the ban, but starts up in Japan thanks to the efforts of the Kamen Riders and Ultraman
      >Superman arrives on Earth and crashes in Kansas
      >In 1980, Scion appears on Earth and Contessa kills his mate.
      >Batman begins his career
      >Cauldron is formed and Ozymandias soon joins, planning with the others on a method to revoke the Keene act so that they can publicly create an army to train against the upcoming Armageddon.
      >Iron Man’s backstory happens
      >Spider-Man appears and is declared a menace due to his violation of the Keene act.
      >the events of Watchmen and the Incredibles happen, resulting in the repealing of the Keene act.
      >Ozymandias discovers and isolates the conduit gene as something separate from the X gene
      And I’m not really sure after that

      I don't know, I feel like if we're doing this, we might as well tell the sliding timescale to frick itself and have Superman and Batman debut in 1939

      • 8 months ago

        So I guess Lois is still alive because she got turned into a kryptonian then?
        And Batman uses Lazarus pits

        • 8 months ago

          Which Superwoman costume is that one?

          • 8 months ago

            I think a revised version of the original Krypton Girl

      • 8 months ago

        So I guess Lois is still alive because she got turned into a kryptonian then?
        And Batman uses Lazarus pits

        There's probably like a lot of different ways to get that to work

        There was the Pre-COIE Earth-Two version where her age got slowed because she was with Superman, Batman, and others and they all got hit with mystical stuff:

        Or the serum from All Star Superman has a permanent effect

        Or you have resets that somehow keep happening and only some people are aware of it

        • 8 months ago

          I feel like the point of the lunatic Earth is to have one cohesive timeline without any resetting until it eventually breaks down from the contradiction

          • 8 months ago

            Yes and no. What I've realized throughout the thread is it works best when you realize it has to make sense by comic book standards. If something doesn't totally make sense in one post

            reminder that this man is canonically smarter than Reed Richards, Ozymandias, Lex Luthor, and Qubit

            Then the reply added in can retcon in a stupid reason to make it make sense in a stupidly contrived way

            A lot of characters were taking swings at Dante after Sodor. Remember he's canonically listed as one of the most dangerous supernatural metahumans.
            I mean, how do you quantify his intelligence. Remember, Doofenschmirtz's intelligence is basically a light switch that flickers on and off because he has brain damage from Jotaro punching him back in the day which is why he's prone to doing stupid shit that leads to his plans backfiring.
            I know it's a retcon but it canonically lines up with him studying the Stand Arrows around that time which has been canon since his second appearance showing how the Cold War effected Drusselstein-Latveria relations with 2 panels showing him meeting Enyaba as a child when she searched for an arrow hidden in Drusselstein and later meeting Pucci as an adult with the Stand Arrow studies replacing his job selling bratwurst.

            That's the name of the game here.

  25. 8 months ago

    Bump for more Rorschach

    • 8 months ago

      The missed opportunity of Doomsday Clock was not having Rorschach meet The Question so they could swap conspiracy theories.

      • 8 months ago

        I think it’s less of a missed opportunity and more of the Question of why they didn’t think of it

        • 8 months ago

          Ms. Frizzle with the Magic School Bus could probably takeout most superheroes

          • 8 months ago

            Anon, do you not readShe and the entire class, along with Penelope Pittstop, died in Speed Racer Annual #4.
            Those deaths were impactful enough to bring Speed to tears as he willingly lost the race to avenge them in the most violent Speed Racer story in history. I doubt even the writers who were big enough hacks to revive Goku's adoptive father would be hacky enough to undo the consequences of that story

            • 8 months ago

              Oh yeah I forgot. The issue afterwards Where it seemed like Mrs. Frizzle returned from the dead turned out to be an illusion created by Mysterio so he could steal Reverse Flash's speed, unaware that Amuro Ray had already predicted this and used his Gundam to kill Mysterio, all of his friends, and Popeye the Sailor. It was the most tearjerking issue of Speed Racer I've ever read.

              • 8 months ago

                In general, Lunacy really knew what to do with Speed. People were always joking about how violent it got in the 60s compared to everything else and their decision to say "frick it" and not sanitize that aspect for the revival but to focus on the emotional weight the violence had was actually really fricking cool.

              • 8 months ago

                The issue that Alan Moore wrote that was simultaneously a throwback to oldschool Speed Racer and also a direct homage to the fall of the Roman Empire was masterfully written.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, but the issue is Speedwank goes a bit far at times
                >He beats Sonic by deliberately pushing the engine in the Mach 5 to destroy the road
                >He beats Spider-man by being so good at driving that he can swing him into buildings and drag him by his own how webs when it sticks to the car
                >The scene where he fricking rams the car into Darkseid while doing drive-by shootings on Parademons
                >Literally everything he does in Saiyan Crisis, just everything he does in that event
                Speed Racer is the best anti-hero because he's a 16 year old boy driven by pure adrenaline even as he continues to lose his innocence and risk his life. They didn't need a panel of him lifting Thor's hammer and holding it out the window of his car as he drove to smack a Saiyan DNA enhanced Doomsday in the face

              • 8 months ago

                I know what you mean,
                >Batman manages to defeat the entire Justice League through preptime but still loses to Speed because even he couldn't prepare for Speed Racer's tactics.
                It all seems a bit farfetched to me

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, and lets talk about how fricking pointless the "worthiness" thing for Thor's hammer is by now
                >Cap lifts it
                >Wonder Woman lifts it
                >Speed Racer lifts it
                >Jane Foster lifts it and takes up the mantle, then dies of cancer, John Rambo promises her he'll take it to someone who deserves it and goes to Thunder god Raiden who temporarily takes up the mantle until the regular Thor comes back
                >In Civil War, after kicking Thor's ass, Kenshiro lifts it tosses it to the side while proclaiming Hokuto Shin Ken as superior to it,
                >Nero picks it up in the Demonic Crisis event and just fricking chucks it at Trigon's face, forever cementing how fricking stupid different characters lifting the Hammer is

              • 8 months ago

                I agree with you there.
                >Yuri Boyka picks it up and uses it to take down Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso and then sells it on Ebay
                >Bugs Bunny picks it up and uses it to kill a regular wienerroach before never using it again.
                >The Wonder Twins take motherfricking turns using the hammer against Doomsday, before one of them gets the bright idea to just drop it on Doomsday's foot and leaving it there so he can't get free
                At this point, its more impressive when someone can't lift up the hammer.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, granted, I will say this

                I know what you mean,
                >Batman manages to defeat the entire Justice League through preptime but still loses to Speed because even he couldn't prepare for Speed Racer's tactics.
                It all seems a bit farfetched to me

                That arc lead into the Kim Possible and Speed Racer romance which was honestly fricking based to the point of being up there with Dante and Zatanna.

                Speaking of Dante and Zatanna, the "Heroes from Hell" team with them, Spawn, Ghost Rider, and a contractually bound Ai Enma had to be the best thing both leading into and coming out of Demonic Crisis.
                Seeing those two as being the least tragic or screwed over by their magic compared to the other characters present, forcing them to be beacons of hope for the group was absolutely S-tier and really showed how far Dante had come since he fought Dr. Strange over his right to "do things his own way" after the events of the Temen-ni-Gru.

              • 8 months ago

                Ok I'll give you that. The foursome between Dante, Zatanna, Bayonetta, and Kamen Rider Wizard that came afterwards was also incredibly steamy, especially since it came directly after one of the best action scenes in the series where the four of them fought Thomas the Tank Engine after he'd gotten the venom symbiote, managed to steal the Infinity Gauntlet, and was piloting Gaogaigar at the same time.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, Thomas didn't truly have any of that, remember that Sodor is a purgatory designed for thrillseeker to force them to mundanity and boredom. Once you break free of the illusion, Sir Toppham Hatt alters the place to be a nightmarish hellscape to emotionally break you.

                Zatanna and Kamen Rider were kind of along for the ride because his true targets were Dante and Bayonetta. That arc was the reason that those two are now considered two of the most dangerous magic users by both the Justice League and the Avengers, because they're too unpredictable to the point that they literally broke their way through the hell of Sodor.
                When Zatanna was insecure about whether or not her relationship with Dante could continue because of this, he went to an aging Bob Parr for advice on a successful relationship, leading to the wholesome moment where he willingly buys a pizza with olives for the two of them and just picks them off of his slices despite his insistence that their mere presence ruins the pizza. This simple gesture her that he's willing to sacrifice his usual "do everything my way and screw what everyone else thinks" approach to life for her.

              • 8 months ago

                Now that was a touching moment and showed that Bob is truly worthy of the name, Mr. Incredible.

                I thought that the relationship between Kamen Rider Wizard and Bayonetta was cute at first, but then when Bayonetta kissed Chef Boyardee, it caused me to rage all over.

                I remember that one. Wasn’t there a scene where they went to Armsmaster for information and he ended up slightly cutting Dante’s skin with his nano halberd to prove he was still human. It was a pretty cool scene, but overall kind of a waste of time since they ended up getting the help from Steel Spider instead

                I'll admit that felt like filler, but the followup scene where Dante fought the Tenkai Knights made up for it in the best way possible.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, honestly I really like how much Mr. Incredible has changed over the years. He started out as a hotshot basic collateral damage sponge back during the Minutemen era, but over time he’s really grown into a proper family man and proud mentor of heroes
                I still love that Peter Parker invited him to Mayday’s birth

              • 8 months ago

                Not gonna lie. Peter does not deserve Mayday.
                >makes a deal with the universe to save his aunt, sacrificing his marriage, inadvertently being the last deal Mephisto needs to a small rift between the hells and Earth
                >Dr. Fate, The Phantom Stranger, Kusuriuri, and Jeannie the Genie, collectively investigate his frick up and have to fix the fricking universe.
                >Jeannie has to fricking calmly explain to him why his deal was a bad idea and that he should have valued his wife more
                >This leads into the Demonic Crisis event to begin with because the demons have the power to hold the rift open and flood the Earth as they please.
                Bro deserved to have his marriage left undone

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly not even the worst part of it all. The worst part is that Peter was willing to give her up to be trained by Ozymandias and Contessa at the Illuminati base, just so she could be prepared to fight in the war against the Plutonian because Contessa’s PTV said she would be essential.

                Yes, I know it’s just the editorial’s way of once again resetting Peter while keeping Mayday alive, but that doesn’t change that fact that she grew up in an arctic base being raised by superintelligent sociopaths

              • 8 months ago

                The best part is Ozy fricked up the Plutonian arc so bad that he had to cut his losses by selling most of his companies to lex, except for the NERV agency which went to Doof of all characters. That shit was fun

              • 8 months ago

                I absolutely loved the Normvangelions those things were genuinely hilarious.
                Only issue I had with it all was that by that point in the timeline Adrien was pretty much on his deathbed from age and radiation, so the only people who really got screwed over by his losses were his employees and Fortuna

              • 8 months ago

                I think we were all expecting Adrien to cheat death again. Regardless, this is when April O'Neil, Lois Lane, Frank West, The Question, and Mystery Inc had all collectively teamed up to investigate him and ended up at least partially validating Rorschach's claims, so he was pretty screwed either way.

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly there comes a time when everyone has their Luck run out eventually and Mr. Veidt just happened to reach his
                I do like how he referred to his brain tumor as “Jon’s parting gift”

              • 8 months ago

                I think the reality of that arc is that they just wanted to be done with his character.
                Like, even Moore seemed burned out with him after he penned the screenplay for the movie

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, it was pretty clear Moore wanted Ozy arc to end with Starro, but then it just kept going after Wildbow introduced Cauldron since nobody could justify him not joining. So since then Moore seems to just want to find a way to be done with him and thought cancer was the best way.

                It’s clear looking at the overall storylines that Moore and Bird prefer to work on Watchmen and Incredibles stories together, and Ozy’s grand complications are just tiring for the two

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, and as fun as it was seeing the Question time traveling and meeting Rorschach, Lois Lane and Mystery Inc investigating Isla Nublar, Frank West squaring off with a zombie versions of dead heroes in a secret underground facility while April O'Neil finds the mutagen that Veidt's been storing in there?
                Let's be honest, no matter how much they say it was made as an endorsement of #MeToo, the reality of the whole investigation miniseries was that they wanted to systemically destroy any way Veidt had of coming back.
                That's the real reason you had those pages where basically every detective character ever joins in on that shit and it shows various characters in various positions leaking shit to them.
                They wanted you to know that there was no way that Veidt would even have a fighting chance if he came back to life.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, it was a spectacle but ultimately just another crisis to justify an end

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly, it doesn't really matter because they kinda just made a number of villains into Veidt knockoffs.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah it’s disappointing

              • 8 months ago

                I think the Armsmaster scene was probably setting up his ultimate failure moment with the EMP, since it was clearly done out of jealousy towards Dante since Dante is actually capable of killing Kaiju and is essentially everything Colin wants to be.

                Okay so this is all true but you guys gotta remember that
                >Chef Boyardee kiss was a massive misunderstanding, Chef Boyardee is literally family to her. Man is a standup dude who just wants to ensure the heroes eat well between battles. It was after that when she actually cheated Blue Falcon that shit got weird
                >While Arcmaster's own motivation was largely pettiness and jealousy, a lot of character's felt Dante's overconfidence was to blame for Raven's death.
                >Even if Ai Enma ultimately redeemed herself proved herself a hero with her self-sacrifice to take down Pennywise, that the Heroes from Hell were willing to work with a figure whose job is taking contracts from people to doom other people to hell was considered extremely reckless
                Remember, it wasn't the bad guys who sent Dante and Bayonetta to Sodor. It was the Illuminati who wanted to keep them there temporarily until they could find a way to control the two.
                This is plays a direct part leading into the "intergalactic Cadmus-Kree Alliance" event as both parties are cited as an example of how metahumans and magic can be extremely dangerous from mere irresponsibility and prone to trying to control the fates of others when they disapprove.

              • 8 months ago

                I remember that one. Wasn’t there a scene where they went to Armsmaster for information and he ended up slightly cutting Dante’s skin with his nano halberd to prove he was still human. It was a pretty cool scene, but overall kind of a waste of time since they ended up getting the help from Steel Spider instead

              • 8 months ago

                A lot of characters were taking swings at Dante after Sodor. Remember he's canonically listed as one of the most dangerous supernatural metahumans.

                reminder that this man is canonically smarter than Reed Richards, Ozymandias, Lex Luthor, and Qubit

                I mean, how do you quantify his intelligence. Remember, Doofenschmirtz's intelligence is basically a light switch that flickers on and off because he has brain damage from Jotaro punching him back in the day which is why he's prone to doing stupid shit that leads to his plans backfiring.
                I know it's a retcon but it canonically lines up with him studying the Stand Arrows around that time which has been canon since his second appearance showing how the Cold War effected Drusselstein-Latveria relations with 2 panels showing him meeting Enyaba as a child when she searched for an arrow hidden in Drusselstein and later meeting Pucci as an adult with the Stand Arrow studies replacing his job selling bratwurst.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah I suppose I remember that. Though I still think it’s hilarious that Doctor Doom considers Doof to be his only true intellectual equal in the world, even if his brain is so messed up that he can’t even recognize a platypus half the time

              • 8 months ago

                I think the Armsmaster scene was probably setting up his ultimate failure moment with the EMP, since it was clearly done out of jealousy towards Dante since Dante is actually capable of killing Kaiju and is essentially everything Colin wants to be.

  26. 8 months ago

    This reminds me of that comic anon posted the other day about the powerpuff girls and superman beating the shit out of homelander

  27. 8 months ago

    Since there have been superhero x horror crossovers like Superman vs Aliens, Transformers vs Terminator, and Wolverine vs Predator, can we include horror characters?

    I'd personally love to see what would happen if Jigsaw met Arcade. Both of them have similar gimmicks, but I think that Jigsaw would absolutely hate Arcade for putting people in deathtraps for money instead of trying to help them appreciate their lives more.

    • 8 months ago

      What would the Punisher think of Jigsaw? He kills criminals, but unlike the Punisher, he does it in way more over-the-top and utterly complicated ways.

    • 8 months ago

      Huh, now I kind of want to know how the Kree, Yautja, and Viltrumites get along

      • 8 months ago

        The Predators probably view the Viltrumites as the ultimate game. If you kill one, I assume that the Predators will worship you as a god.

  28. 8 months ago

    The instant you put any other superhero that fights world-ending villains in the same world as superman it doesn't make sense. He would and should call superman constantly.

    • 8 months ago

      What if its someone like Jumborg Ace, Spectreman, or Hyperion?

  29. 8 months ago

    Imagine if Superman had his own sinister six that consists of evil Superman clones, Homelander, Bizarro, Thragg, Squadron Sinister Hyperion, and Ultraman.

    • 8 months ago

      and Plutonian. How did I forget?

  30. 8 months ago

    >Bob Parr sneaks in from his late-night incognito hero work. He freezes in his tracks as he spots Rorschach, hunched over at the table, eating beans straight from a can.
    >Bob: (angrily whispering) Rorschach? What are you doing here?
    >Rorschach: (eats unabated) Beans. Needed a place to sit and think. Warn you.
    >Bob: (sighs because he knows it's pointless to argue) Fine, but be quiet. Helen and the kids are asleep.
    >Rorschach: Heroes disappearing. The Avengers were teleported to another galaxy. Gazerbeam, missing. The Comedian, fallen to his death. The Shield's body floating in the harbor. Robin, dead at the hands of The Joker. Even Superman, nuked over Corto Maltese.
    >Bob: We, they, are in a dangerous line of work. Things do happen, you know.
    >Rorschach: (stands up and approaches Bob who is visibly put off by Rorschach's smell) >Rorschach: Something's happening, Bob. Don't know if they're trying to eliminate remaining heroes or change how public sees us.
    >Bob: (trying to get him to leave) Alright, I'll be careful. You should go, though.
    >Rorschach: Need to warn others. Dan, Lucius. (hands Bob the emtpy can) Thanks for beans.
    >Bob: No problem. See you around.
    >Just as Bob gets Rorschach outside Helen walks in, still half asleep. Bob quickly trashes the can, grabs some chocolate cake and eats some.
    >Bob: Oh, hi honey. Did I wake you? Just a snack.
    >Helen: (yawns) I thought you and Lucius were in here.
    >Bob: Just me and the cake.
    >Helen: Well, it's late. Clean up and come to bed.
    >Helen turns and starts to walk out but pauses.
    >Helen: (sniffing something bad) What's that smell?

    • 8 months ago


  31. 8 months ago

    reminder that this man is canonically smarter than Reed Richards, Ozymandias, Lex Luthor, and Qubit

  32. 8 months ago

    Where is it?

    • 8 months ago

      Where is what?

      • 8 months ago

        The Sense of Right Alliance!

        • 8 months ago


  33. 8 months ago

    I'm not sure about some of these other series, but if it's including Watchmen, a little goes a long way. A minimally active but very powerful superbeing changed the course of the world dramtically. If the world is filled up with similar beings, it would create such a gigantic clusterfrick, you'd need a lot of time or some kind of program to plot it all out.

  34. 8 months ago

    throw in one completely normal normie into it, and make the the mcguffin somehow. everyones gunning to have control over them for whatever reason because "they have xxxx" thatll let whoever controls them to rule the world.

    then make sure in every single story, they get injured. broken leg one story, broken arm the next. fractured spine, dislocated jaw, yadda yadda. they get thrown around like the meatbag they are.

  35. 8 months ago

    What about kessler the beast and alt timeline beast who probably isn't john white.

    • 8 months ago

      Maybe it’s Manhattan or Plutonian

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