
These threads have been a hoot!
Post your Elseworlds/What If... ideas!

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Instead of Martian Manhunter, it was Ma'alefa'ak who came to Earth and remained invisible, manipulating the leaders of Earth into a Third World War.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >As the Earth is dying, the ensuing destruction motivated a father and mother to send their baby son, Lex Luthor to a recently discovered planet capable of sustaining life.
    >His ship lands in Krypton, having his ship captured by a team of scientists, led by Jor El and Zor El.
    >The scientists give the young Luthor a suit capable of giving him a sufficient life with little suffering.
    >Jor-El adopts Luthor and notices his intelligence, raising him as his son and growing scientist.
    > Lara Lor Van gives birth to her first born son Kal-El.
    >Luthor and Kal El are raised together as best of friends, three years apart.
    >They both take a spaceship in their rebellious age throughout the planet, and using Luthor's calculations, and despite Kal-El's strong moral code, Luthor takes them both through the Phantom Zone to teleport to Argo.
    >The two get stuck in the Phantom Zone, crashing into several prisoners in lockdown.
    >Luthor fixes the ship and is followed by Zod and his army to the earliest coordinates on his ship, taking both to Earth.
    >They crash land in post-apocalyptic Metropolis.
    >Luthor seems to develop powers where he doesn't require his suit due to the lighter gravity.
    >Kal-El develops abilities as well, only unable to control his powers and is unable to filter all the sounds.
    >The ship emits an SOS signal to Krypton, as they wander and locate a settlement of humans who survived the collapse.
    >The group of several million are controlled by a Vandal Savage who survived the cataclysm.
    >His forces are constantly resisted by a group of fighters led by spies Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and the Batman as their commander.
    >The ocean are controlled by King Orm and Queen Mera, with Themyscira as the only place is total peace.
    >Luthor and Kal-El, found by Lois Lane, are taken care of by the resistors named the Secret Society and are asked to overthrow Vandal Savage who seeks to assimilate other settlements outside New Metropolis.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Luthor and Kal go to their base in Gotham
      >As the sunlight rises within the following day, Kal-El develops greater control of his faculties and manages to fly higher and higher
      >Lois takes a picture of Kal flying away, and in a later mission into Savage's settlement, she is arrested and her information is handed to high command
      >Savage has right hand men who assist in his control over the settlement
      >His armed men made of Captain Cold, Bane, Cheetah, Grundy, Copperhead, and The Royal Flush Gang

    • 4 weeks ago

      >As the Earth is dying, the ensuing destruction motivated a father and mother to send their baby son, Lex Luthor to a recently discovered planet capable of sustaining life.
      >His ship lands in Krypton, having his ship captured by a team of scientists, led by Jor El and Zor El.
      >The scientists give the young Luthor a suit capable of giving him a sufficient life with little suffering.
      >Jor-El adopts Luthor and notices his intelligence, raising him as his son and growing scientist.
      > Lara Lor Van gives birth to her first born son Kal-El.
      >Luthor and Kal El are raised together as best of friends, three years apart.
      I really like this part but the whole thing is good nonetheless

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Can you market researchers just blow your brains out?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    OP works at DC

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Odd that after the first thread DC announced new Elseworlds books like a Gotham by Gaslight sequel (again)

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Odd that after the first thread DC announced new Elseworlds books like a Gotham by Gaslight sequel (again)

        OP works at DC

        No, probably some editors or writers looking for ideas to pitch them to DC.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >oh little man!

    • 4 weeks ago

      I doubt they're THAT quick

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Supermans rocket lands on the Moint Olympus. He gets adopted by Zeus. Hera gets angry, because she thinks Zeus cheated on her on Krypton.
    Superman becomes a half god and wanders with Heracles in the mediterean (mostly Greece) and defeats evil.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    These threads are shit. You're giving bad ideas to lurking hack writers.

    • 4 weeks ago


  8. 4 weeks ago

    Red Son sequel where Doomsday is joint-developed by America and China and codenamed "D-DAY"

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think Red Son Superman is too weak to be Superman after killing brainiac. It has to take place between fight of Batman and brainiac

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Ragman whose origin story involves sewing the rags of Auschwitz victims, and enacting revenge upon the German countryside, and hs to be contained by the JSA

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I just want the dopamine hit from reading fanfiction but in just green text bullet points instead of actual full shitty writing.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Luthor gets the Anti-Life Equation from beyond the source wall which is out real world
      >Luthor entered Earth 33
      >the episode aired 5/13/2006
      >Luthor left the DCAU an entered our world through your eyes into our brains
      >Luthor affected the real world on a literal level by affecting our minds
      > Darkseid got the Anti-Life equation with Luthor who tricked him to his destruction
      >Luthor defeated Darkseid, saved the DC Multiverse including the DCAU
      >and entered our world

      The Question is, what did Luthor do?

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Batman: Gotham's Red Glare
    >Bruce Wayne and his adopted son Jason Todd attend the show at Haley's Circus
    >Mobster Tony Zucco murders the star attraction, the Flying Graysons-John and Mary Grayson
    >Their teenaged son Richard, witnessing it, is in that instant filled with burning rage
    >Bruce and Jason, having snuck away to don their Batman and Robin uniforms, are obviously too late to save the couple, despite saving their son
    >Grayson's anger acts like a beacon, drawing to him a glowing red ring
    >fuelled by a Red Lantern's Hellish hate, Grayson accidentally burns the circus to the ground and causes dozens of collateral injuries in his attempts to kill Zucco
    >Grayson also blames the dynamic duo for not saving his parents
    >Soon, this Red Lantern begins to burn a path through the Gotham underworld, leaving heaps of bodies in his wake
    >Batman enlists the aid of Green Lantern John Stewart, leading to the Lantern's death
    >A final confrontation with Batman and Robin as they stand in Grayson's way of exacting righteous vengeance on Zucco culminates in Batman's selfless death trying to protect Robin, which gets through to Grayson, causing the teen to flee into the unknowns of space, feeling a pull to a seemingly dead sector of space...

  12. 4 weeks ago

    The 11th Lantern Corps,
    The Chartreuse Templars, thought of only as a myth even by other Lanterns. Their rings are fueled by rationality and knowledge, and only appear to those deemed as having a perfectly sound or balanced mind

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wow that’s so cool
      >they hid themselves in the quest of all knowledge
      >crushing disease, exploring the universe, documenting species and histories of all 3600 sectors and beyond
      >fixed number, frozen emotional state by choice as to study and preserve
      >created a museum at the end of the universe and outside time to preserve all DNA in the cosmos
      >study things to cure them
      >constant study requires them to not assist in the GLC help

      • 4 weeks ago

        >as a result of their lack of emotion, their rings' constructs are far more powerful, as they are fueled by pure unfiltered thought

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Sooo, is it suppose to look like a butthole?

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Here's one that's sure to cut deep
    >The Joker is Batman's bastard son
    >Bruce was a teenager when he was born, he was abandoned at Arkham's doorstep and raised by one of its nurses
    >Joker exists as a constant reminder of Bruce's failures as a person
    >Every time they encounter each other, Batman can't help but feel drawn to him, a sense of uncanny familiarity

    • 4 weeks ago

      Who’s the mother? Catwoman?

      • 4 weeks ago

        That only works if Selina and Bruce knew each other long before becoming Batman and Catwoman

  15. 4 weeks ago

    1. What If Hal Jordan never became Parallax?

    2. What If Monarch was Batman?

    3. What If Ra's Al Ghul successfully killed the JLA during Tower of Babel and framed Batman for their deaths?

    4. What if Jason Todd never died and ended up having to save the Titans from the Wildebeast Society instead of Deathstroke?

    5. What if Wonder Woman stayed dead at the end of War of the Gods?

    6. What if Barry Allen never died (IE what if Barry experienced the events of 1986-2009 in the DC Universe)?

    7. What if Guy Gardner became Hal Jordan's replacement in Green Lantern #182 instead of John Stewart?

    8. What if Doomsday killed the JLI (Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Guy Gardner, Ice, Fire, Maxma, Bloodwynn/Martian Manhunter) instead of Superman?

    9. What if the JLA came to Gotham to help Batman capture his arch enemies during Knightfall?

    10. What if Bane decided to arc Wonder Woman instead of Batman?

    • 4 weeks ago

      > No Zero Hour, no 52, WWIII, no Flashpoint, no New 52, no Rebirth

      >Hawk goes back into time at the orders of Monarch to stop Vandal Savage, Hawk comes to present day, gets a front seat to Dove’s death.
      > Hawk blames the Justice League for Dove’s death.
      > He infiltrates the league one by one, reaching Batman’s lair knowing who Bruce Wayne is the Batman as Monarch briefed him in his past (the future).
      > Hawk kills Batman, and manages to become the Monarch, looking at the image of Batman’s dead body disclosed by Monarch
      > realizing he was the one who killed Batman in the past he came from, and it was Monarch who came from the future to disclose the picture and the only one in possession of the picture, Hawk realizes he was Monarch from the future
      >Hawk takes his time travel machine and warns Batman that Monarch is coming to kill him
      >Batman spends months fearing for his life, falling into paranoia
      >Deducting that Hawk was Monarch, he kills Hawk, takes his picture and time travel device, and travels to the past to manipulate Hawk as Monarch to try to kill Batman so that Batman could kill Hawk before he becomes Monarch
      >Monarch warns Hawk that Vandal Savage will conquer the world in the future, forcing him to go back in time and kill Savage before he conquers the world after killing the JL
      >Batman posing as Monarch sends Hawk back to his worst moment, the death of his brother Dove in infinite crisis
      > repeat

      >Batman is on the run; Ra’s Al Ghul discloses the identity of Batman as Bruce Wayne
      >GCPD invade bat cave and the world makes Batman as the greatest criminal with a multi billion dollar bounty
      > Luthor, Deathstroke, and the legion of doom hunt Batman down
      >Talia stands in Ra’s way, killing him
      >Talia becomes the head of the League of Shadows, calling double agent Deathstroke to take Batman to her LOS headquarters
      >Talia steals Luthor’s funds after Deathstroke kills the Legion of Doom at her base

    • 4 weeks ago

      > No Zero Hour, no 52, WWIII, no Flashpoint, no New 52, no Rebirth

      >Hawk goes back into time at the orders of Monarch to stop Vandal Savage, Hawk comes to present day, gets a front seat to Dove’s death.
      > Hawk blames the Justice League for Dove’s death.
      > He infiltrates the league one by one, reaching Batman’s lair knowing who Bruce Wayne is the Batman as Monarch briefed him in his past (the future).
      > Hawk kills Batman, and manages to become the Monarch, looking at the image of Batman’s dead body disclosed by Monarch
      > realizing he was the one who killed Batman in the past he came from, and it was Monarch who came from the future to disclose the picture and the only one in possession of the picture, Hawk realizes he was Monarch from the future
      >Hawk takes his time travel machine and warns Batman that Monarch is coming to kill him
      >Batman spends months fearing for his life, falling into paranoia
      >Deducting that Hawk was Monarch, he kills Hawk, takes his picture and time travel device, and travels to the past to manipulate Hawk as Monarch to try to kill Batman so that Batman could kill Hawk before he becomes Monarch
      >Monarch warns Hawk that Vandal Savage will conquer the world in the future, forcing him to go back in time and kill Savage before he conquers the world after killing the JL
      >Batman posing as Monarch sends Hawk back to his worst moment, the death of his brother Dove in infinite crisis
      > repeat

      >Batman is on the run; Ra’s Al Ghul discloses the identity of Batman as Bruce Wayne
      >GCPD invade bat cave and the world makes Batman as the greatest criminal with a multi billion dollar bounty
      > Luthor, Deathstroke, and the legion of doom hunt Batman down
      >Talia stands in Ra’s way, killing him
      >Talia becomes the head of the League of Shadows, calling double agent Deathstroke to take Batman to her LOS headquarters
      >Talia steals Luthor’s funds after Deathstroke kills the Legion of Doom at her base

      >Talia duplicates Bruce Wayne’s body and collects the multibillion bounty
      >Batman stays in her base healing from his wounds
      >Alfred, Nightwing, Robin, etc are kidnapped and kept hostage by Talia in Afghanistan as prisoners
      >Deathstroke earns $900 million, disappearing to his own life for his services
      >Talia releases information convicting Ra’s guilt in the death of the JL
      >Batman & co acquitted
      >Bruce Wayne is dead
      >Talia is pregnant with Damien
      >Legion of Doom dead
      >LOS now worth $90 Billion
      >Batman steals her financial resources stolen from Luthor
      >Money given back to LexCorp employees
      >Batman returns to Gotham
      >In a different base, Alfred reinvents his identity and lives in Belgium
      >Batman starts new JL

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Robin II chooses to kill the WS to save the Titans; leaves Batman to become the reinvented Red Hood; begins to kill villains in Gotham; kills Joker, Two-Face, etc…

      >The gods destroy a good measure of the Earth before Captain Marvel, his family, and Donna Troy reveal Circe as the final enemy
      >all the gods and superheroes batter Circe to near death, only for Donna Troy to suck out her power
      >Hecate almost possesses Donna Troy, but WW’s lasso taken from her corpse prevents Donna’s death
      > Donna dons WW’s name and joins the JL

      >the lightning bolt that strikes Barry never travels from his dying self in Crisis to his preflash self in the lab; the Flash & all speedsters except Jay Garrick never existed, Barry Allen never loses his mother and his father to tragedy

      >The planet lost to Stewart is never destroyed; Guy dies in Jordan’s Parallax event;

    • 4 weeks ago

      > No Zero Hour, no 52, WWIII, no Flashpoint, no New 52, no Rebirth

      >Hawk goes back into time at the orders of Monarch to stop Vandal Savage, Hawk comes to present day, gets a front seat to Dove’s death.
      > Hawk blames the Justice League for Dove’s death.
      > He infiltrates the league one by one, reaching Batman’s lair knowing who Bruce Wayne is the Batman as Monarch briefed him in his past (the future).
      > Hawk kills Batman, and manages to become the Monarch, looking at the image of Batman’s dead body disclosed by Monarch
      > realizing he was the one who killed Batman in the past he came from, and it was Monarch who came from the future to disclose the picture and the only one in possession of the picture, Hawk realizes he was Monarch from the future
      >Hawk takes his time travel machine and warns Batman that Monarch is coming to kill him
      >Batman spends months fearing for his life, falling into paranoia
      >Deducting that Hawk was Monarch, he kills Hawk, takes his picture and time travel device, and travels to the past to manipulate Hawk as Monarch to try to kill Batman so that Batman could kill Hawk before he becomes Monarch
      >Monarch warns Hawk that Vandal Savage will conquer the world in the future, forcing him to go back in time and kill Savage before he conquers the world after killing the JL
      >Batman posing as Monarch sends Hawk back to his worst moment, the death of his brother Dove in infinite crisis
      > repeat

      >Batman is on the run; Ra’s Al Ghul discloses the identity of Batman as Bruce Wayne
      >GCPD invade bat cave and the world makes Batman as the greatest criminal with a multi billion dollar bounty
      > Luthor, Deathstroke, and the legion of doom hunt Batman down
      >Talia stands in Ra’s way, killing him
      >Talia becomes the head of the League of Shadows, calling double agent Deathstroke to take Batman to her LOS headquarters
      >Talia steals Luthor’s funds after Deathstroke kills the Legion of Doom at her base


      >Talia duplicates Bruce Wayne’s body and collects the multibillion bounty
      >Batman stays in her base healing from his wounds
      >Alfred, Nightwing, Robin, etc are kidnapped and kept hostage by Talia in Afghanistan as prisoners
      >Deathstroke earns $900 million, disappearing to his own life for his services
      >Talia releases information convicting Ra’s guilt in the death of the JL
      >Batman & co acquitted
      >Bruce Wayne is dead
      >Talia is pregnant with Damien
      >Legion of Doom dead
      >LOS now worth $90 Billion
      >Batman steals her financial resources stolen from Luthor
      >Money given back to LexCorp employees
      >Batman returns to Gotham
      >In a different base, Alfred reinvents his identity and lives in Belgium
      >Batman starts new JL

      >Robin II chooses to kill the WS to save the Titans; leaves Batman to become the reinvented Red Hood; begins to kill villains in Gotham; kills Joker, Two-Face, etc…

      >The gods destroy a good measure of the Earth before Captain Marvel, his family, and Donna Troy reveal Circe as the final enemy
      >all the gods and superheroes batter Circe to near death, only for Donna Troy to suck out her power
      >Hecate almost possesses Donna Troy, but WW’s lasso taken from her corpse prevents Donna’s death
      > Donna dons WW’s name and joins the JL

      >the lightning bolt that strikes Barry never travels from his dying self in Crisis to his preflash self in the lab; the Flash & all speedsters except Jay Garrick never existed, Barry Allen never loses his mother and his father to tragedy

      >The planet lost to Stewart is never destroyed; Guy dies in Jordan’s Parallax event;

      >The JLI are buried
      >Doomsday dies when Superman kills him in the Sun
      >No destruction of Coast City
      >No Parralax, Eternal Night, 52, and no Blackest Night…
      >Martian Manhunter remains dead forever

      >Bane is arrested by Superman
      >Batman heals faster not needing Azarel

      >Wonder Woman kills Bane; gains Batman’s animosity and distrust

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