embarrassing stuff

embarrassing stuff in tv and films

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  1. 10 months ago

    >my ancestor

  2. 10 months ago

    They could only afford a mural by the famous Xer Zimson from Calarton. New republic has to run a tight budget

  3. 10 months ago

    furry Black folk

  4. 10 months ago

    Complete with Filoni's moronic fetish wolves.

    • 10 months ago

      Can someone explain if there’s a specific tie to wolves somehow or is that just his particular furry fetish

      • 10 months ago

        Real force magic wolves that helped the Rebels crew were a big part of Filoni's cartoon series, anon.

        • 10 months ago

          >real force magic wolves
          And this is why I don’t watch Filoni

      • 10 months ago

        Filoni decided that Yoda's explanation of the force in Empire didn't have enough furry bait alpha wolves or time travel so he crammed both into Rebels.

    • 10 months ago

      Stantard slightly off boomer who smells weird motif.

  5. 10 months ago

    In case you don't know, that is supposed to be a mural painted by Sabine herself, with her characteristic 4th wall breaking modern American cartoon art-style.

    Filoni is such a talentless hack it's almost incredible people are catching up to it just now. Of all of his moronic decisions and cringe fan-fic characters, Sabine might be one of the worst. You thought Rey was a Mary Sue? kek. Sabine's bravado, "empowered female who can do no wrong" attitude would make Rey seem humble and meek. Sabine:

    >Is an artist, always wears an airbrush kit to draw cartoons and graffitti
    >Is known by her "radical" sense of fashion and self-expression
    >But she's also a Mandalorian
    >But she's also a padawan who has been trained by several Jedi
    >But she's also ex-Empire and was trained by the Imperial military
    >She is known as an expert in explosives and a highly trained munitions engineer
    >She is known for her habilities as a "slicer" (hacker) and electronics engineer
    >Is a master marksman
    >Is a top tier skilled acrobat and hand-to-hand fighter
    >Is an expert saboteur
    >Speaks a dozen alien languages
    >Won the Darksaber in single combat against the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, was the rightful owner of the Darksaber for a while
    >Gifted the Darksaber to Bo Katan

    And that's just the tip. She has no other character trait but being a "super awesome" and independent strong female for Filoni to jerk off to.

    • 10 months ago

      >Is a top tier skilled acrobat and hand-to-hand fighter
      Not if that lightsaber fight was anything to go by...

      Ah yes the Star Wars everyone remembers and is familiar with great job Filoni everyone will recognize this

      Everything he does is to try and force you to watch Rebels. Everything.

      • 10 months ago

        >Is a top tier skilled acrobat and hand-to-hand fighter
        Meaning she's a martial artist... no match for a Force user though, I'll give you that is her one character "flaw". But don't worry, it's clear that her arc with this "Ahsoka's padawan" thing is going to fix that during this season.

    • 10 months ago

      >Bounty hunter
      She's doing an all faction run

      • 10 months ago

        Damn dragonborn

    • 10 months ago

      Not defending her but Kyle Katarn is almost identical and gets hailed by moronic EUgays as the best character in the whole franchise.

      • 10 months ago

        no he isnt

      • 10 months ago

        Kyle Katarn was constantly needing to be bailed out by Jan, or falling for tricks, or falling to the dark side

      • 10 months ago

        Kyle is just a former stormtrooper turned mercenary turned Jedi.
        And he kept failing upwards tbh. He was a bd stormtroopers, a broke ass mercenary who failed more jobs tha succeeded, and like half his apprentices AND dark siders he showed mercy to all ended up causing problems.

        Kyle is just a guy trying to get by and barely keeping his head above water.

      • 10 months ago

        The more i see posts like these the more I'm convinced you zoomer homosexuals don't even know what Kyle Katarn is from. You just heard the name elsewhere and regurgitate it like it's some sort of gotcha

      • 10 months ago

        I love seeing zoomers who weren't there to relish the golden days of the EU get BTFO whenever they try to proclaim it was always bad or just as bad as Disney.
        "EUgays" are the only actual Star Wars fans left.

    • 10 months ago

      >her characteristic style, modern American cartoon art

    • 10 months ago

      I have hated David Filoni for years too. This is so terrible. So terrible.

    • 10 months ago

      She stole the Darksaber from Maul's house. Nobody after Maul was the "rightful" owner.

      • 10 months ago

        Not that it matters, but you're wrong. Sabine was the rightful owner by Mandalorian law because she won it in single combat (she fought with a lightsaber btw) against the Viceroy of Mandalore, Gar Saxon, who got it from Ursa Wren.


        • 10 months ago

          >muh Filoni lore
          It's gay and no one likes it.

          • 10 months ago

            The Maul thing was Filoni lore too. And yes, it's fricking shit, all of it.

        • 10 months ago

          wow this chick is doing flips and shit. in the new show she just shuffles around. it's set 20 years later, right?

          • 10 months ago

            6 years later.

            In case you don't know, that is supposed to be a mural painted by Sabine herself, with her characteristic 4th wall breaking modern American cartoon art-style.

            Filoni is such a talentless hack it's almost incredible people are catching up to it just now. Of all of his moronic decisions and cringe fan-fic characters, Sabine might be one of the worst. You thought Rey was a Mary Sue? kek. Sabine's bravado, "empowered female who can do no wrong" attitude would make Rey seem humble and meek. Sabine:

            >Is an artist, always wears an airbrush kit to draw cartoons and graffitti
            >Is known by her "radical" sense of fashion and self-expression
            >But she's also a Mandalorian
            >But she's also a padawan who has been trained by several Jedi
            >But she's also ex-Empire and was trained by the Imperial military
            >She is known as an expert in explosives and a highly trained munitions engineer
            >She is known for her habilities as a "slicer" (hacker) and electronics engineer
            >Is a master marksman
            >Is a top tier skilled acrobat and hand-to-hand fighter
            >Is an expert saboteur
            >Speaks a dozen alien languages
            >Won the Darksaber in single combat against the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, was the rightful owner of the Darksaber for a while
            >Gifted the Darksaber to Bo Katan

            And that's just the tip. She has no other character trait but being a "super awesome" and independent strong female for Filoni to jerk off to.

            You left out how during his teens, genius Imperial weapon scientist Sabine Wren had developed a massive Arc Pulse Generator that pulverized beskar steel (and their wearers), rendering the whole Mandalorian army defenseless forever. Thankfully, by 16 she had already outgrown her imperial and bounty hunter phases when she joined the rebels.

        • 10 months ago

          You douche, how did Ursa Wren get it? She got it from Sabine, who stole it from Maul's house. She didn't fight Maul to acquire it.

          • 10 months ago

            I don't make the rules, moron, that hack Filoni does. And that's exactly why he had Sabine actually fight for the darksaber in single combat while Mandalorian characters say that no one can interfere in such a combat because it's the law: to make her the rightful owner of the thing and thus a candidate to the throne of Mandalore.

        • 10 months ago

          I only really want to watch this for Kanan. He seems interesting

          • 10 months ago

            Kanan is dead.

    • 10 months ago

      And people say the Yidsney universe its more realistic than the unofficial one.

    • 10 months ago

      >star wars has been pretty much dead to me for the last five years
      >don't know anything about this Sabine
      >Species Human[4]
      >Gender Female[4]
      >Pronouns She/her[4]
      I'm finally fricking done with this shit. Enjoy your purple haired lgbtq+ and feminist allies market, Disney. I hear you're doing really well recently.

      • 10 months ago

        you're spazzing at a show because a fan-edited wike put pronouns for a character? or am i missing something - you know female and she/her go together biologically right? are you saying she should have different pronouns because that's regressive?

        • 10 months ago

          There's a site for lukewarm midwit takes like yours. I think it's called rabbit or something. You'll feel right at home with your fellow NPCs.

          • 10 months ago

            >mid wit take
            kek what the frick are you spouting off about? explain what you were mad about in your first post, if you can't, you concede

          • 10 months ago

            Ironic you call someone else an NPC when you've been conditioned to sperg out at pronouns on a fan wiki
            The guy was telling you that Disney doesn't control that you dumb frick. Learn to read. Btw star wars is shit and if you liked it until now you're a child

    • 10 months ago

      Seethe, chud. Anakin was the product of immaculate conception, built C3P0 as a toddler, and was the greatest pilot ever at the age of 6, taking out a huge spaceship by himself

      • 10 months ago

        He was not a supporting character like Sabine, but literally the CENTER of the whole thing, the Chosen One archetype. AND he fricked up, the whole point was that regardless of his Force supersensitivity he was flawed as shit and literally became the evil villain.

        Sabine is just your typical modern and cringe fan-fic female empowerment fantasy who is good at everything and has 0 personality.

        • 10 months ago

          >ackchually my Mary Sue is not a Mary Sue but the HECKIN CHOSEN ONE CENTER OF ALL THINGS!!!
          do chuds even hear themselves?

          • 10 months ago

            We're talking narrative archetypes here you brainlet troon. You're comparing the main character of the series (who is actually depicted as deeply flawed and a bad example, the opposite to a mary sue, get rektd) with a fricking nobody who's just badly written.

      • 10 months ago

        He crashes into the spaceship because he can’t fly the plane and destroys it purely by accident (the force) what are you talking about homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah and everyone hated it. Very few people liked Lucas's decision to make Anakin a fricking 9 year old kid in Episode I. Still, he had exposure to piloting and mechanical engineering skill from being a slave in a junkyard.

        He also wasn't the greatest pilot ever. He actually sucked and had never finished a race until the Force (the plot) kicked in and he barely won against Sebulba. He takes out the droid control ship by accident and has almost no idea how to pilot the Naboo fighter, because why would he? A Mary Sue would hop in and start blasting the droids with a confident smirk.

        You can see other protocol droids in the same movie, so you're supposed to infer that "I built him" is typical kid exaggeration. If a 9 year old shows you a lego kit they built, do you ridicule them for not making molds and pouring the plastic?

        Anakin being the product of immaculate conception is main character syndrome, yeah. Should have just been revealed that Sheev knocked Smee up while he was on a deathstick bender on Tatooine.

        • 10 months ago

          For the record, "immaculate conception" is a totally different thing from "virgin birth". When Catholics say Mary was immaculately conceived, they mean she was preserved free from the stain of original sin at the moment of her conception.

        • 10 months ago

          >He takes out the droid control ship by accident
          R2 was in control of the ship at that time IIRC.

    • 10 months ago

      Bro, I read halfway through your post and I gotta say, I have no idea what you are talking about and I am definitely not interested. Frick street art and capitalism though

    • 10 months ago

      Not defending her but Kyle Katarn is almost identical and gets hailed by moronic EUgays as the best character in the whole franchise.

      kyle katarn was never a mandalorian, he cant paint or draw, he's not a good pilot, he only had one master, he was an imperial yes, he's not good with computers, he doesnt speak so many languages

      • 10 months ago

        >he cant paint
        argument destroyed

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, I've never liked Sabine. I think she still pales in comparison to ReyGoddess, but she's takes a few too many traits a bit too far. Maybe I'm forgetting details about her being force sensitive or something, but finding out she was being trained as a Jedi by Ahsoka on top of every other trait, gimmick, and skillset she already has was enough for me to lose faith in the show. And her introduction was so damn tryhard.
      >Wow look at this COOL woman. Instead of sticking to her obligations and going to the BORING ceremony that honors her she's DEFYING expectations and REBELING against authority and riding a MOTORCYCLE with ROCK MUSIC and even did COOL slide under the ship!
      Filoni has the sensibilities of a thirteen year old.

      • 10 months ago

        >She's a punk rebelling against authority
        >But she's the authority that the people was paying homage to, including her shitty artwork
        >She's being chased by stuck up space cops
        >But she's actually their superior, and they respectfully call her "Commander"

      • 10 months ago

        I am assuming that Sabine's introduction is not supposed to be positive. She may look "cool" but she's a burnout.

    • 10 months ago

      >>Is an artist, always wears an airbrush kit to draw cartoons and graffitti
      >>Is known by her "radical" sense of fashion and self-expression
      People have hobbies. I don't even know why this is an issue.

      >>But she's also a Mandalorian

      >>But she's also a padawan who has been trained by several Jedi
      In lightsaber combat. She can't use the force.

      >>But she's also ex-Empire and was trained by the Imperial military
      >>She is known as an expert in explosives and a highly trained munitions engineer
      Mandalorian/Ex-Imperial Military

      >>She is known for her abilities as a "slicer" (hacker) and electronics engineer
      Mandalorian/Ex-Imperial Military

      >>Is a master marksman
      Mandalorian/Ex-Imperial Military

      >>Is a top tier skilled acrobat and hand-to-hand fighter
      Mandalorian/Ex-Imperial Military

      >>Is an expert saboteur
      Mandalorian/Ex-Imperial Military

      a dozen alien languages

      >>Won the Darksaber in single combat against the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, was the rightful owner of the Darksaber for a while
      Mandalorian/Ex-Imperial Military

      the Darksaber to Bo Katan

      Like 5 of your points are really just one point drawn out to make your list bigger. You could sum her up as Mandalorian who paints and is good with bombs.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        was she specops or something? because in every military there are specialties like saboteur, slicer, sniper, etc because no person can be equally good in anything

        • 10 months ago

          >was she specops or something?
          She's a Mandarlorian, so she is generally very good at fighting since she was trained from birth. She has had some lightsaber training from Kanan Jarrus and Ahsoka. She cannot use the force and is not a jedi.

          >because in every military there are specialties like saboteur, slicer, sniper, etc because no person can be equally good in anything
          Her specialty is tech and more specifically, bomb making.

        • 10 months ago

          Well, she was a kickass bounty hunter.

          She also was genius scientist who discovered how to disintegrate beskar and designed a weapon for the Empire to do it on a mass scale, before she was 16, but she's so good that she decided to destroy it.

          She also learned to fight with a lightsaber and defeated the wielder of the Darksaber becoming the ruler of Mandalore by law, but she's so good that she renounced the Darksaber and gifted it to Bo-Katan instead.

          Oh, haven't you heard, now she's a Jedi padawan too!

          • 10 months ago

            >Elon Musk was born a poor child of a single mother in a third world country
            >He came to America with nothing but the clothes on his back
            >He got a degree and engineering, but then became a software developer and founded the most successful payment processor of all time.
            >Then he sold it and invented the first practical electric car
            >Then he made a rocket company that perfected reusable rockets. He wants to send them to Mars.
            >Then he became owner of the largest social media network.
            >Oh, haven't you heard, now he's an MMA fighter too!

            • 10 months ago

              Are you moronic. Genuine question.
              >He got a degree and engineering
              Nuked your own post you fricking idiot.

              • 10 months ago

                >Heh, I was going to respond but you made a typo.
                I've lived long enough to watch chuds become the thing they hate.

              • 10 months ago

                >he thinks it's about a typo
                should we tell him?

              • 10 months ago

                You think it's about the typo????

          • 10 months ago

            So if anything, this show makes her underpowered. This chick was Mandalore, and she got bodied by a padawan.

            • 10 months ago

              Just a flesh wound so her arc in this series is that she's becomes a kickass Jedi too who ultimately defeats that padawan. Patience

      • 10 months ago

        >She can't use the force.

    • 10 months ago

      This. Filoni is too afriad to have anything bad happen to his OC Asian waifu. That's why she was able to be a fair match to Shin in the first fight, and why she was able to survive getting stabbed with only a minor wound.

      • 10 months ago

        >That's why she was able to be a fair match to Shin in the first fight
        But she wasn't a fair match. Shin owned her. She was practically toying with her. She was faster and stronger then her. Are you legitimately moronic, or just autistic and not able to infer the scene?

        • 10 months ago

          You are just a zoomer/filonslop enjoyer. You have no concept of what a fight scene is supposed to look like.

          This a fight scene where one opponent is vastly more skilled and is "toying" with their opponent.

          Go watch the filonislop and compare the two then come back to me. It looked like an even match for most of the fight and then Shin got a lucky blow.

          • 10 months ago

            >It looked like an even match for most of the fight and then Shin got a lucky blow.
            No, it didn't. You are legitimately autistic and low IQ. The scene and the choreography clearly portrayed that Sabine was in over her head, that she was sloppy, careless, and that Shin was casually toying with her, parrying her blows effortlessly, and putting her to ground MULTIPLE times throughout the fight, she was calculating, intense, and her moves were refined, as opposed to Sabine. Trying too hard to be moronic here, pal. Or, perhaps, you aren't trying, and you just are...? My condolences, then.

            • 10 months ago

              >The scene and the choreography
              This scene have no choreography

              • 10 months ago

                Concession accepted, shitposter.

            • 10 months ago

              I think you're trolling but I'm going to respond to your points honestly anyways.

              > and that Shin was casually toying with her,
              That's not really portrayed anywhere. Shin has the upper hand for most of the fight but "casual" is not a good word to describe it.

              The opening passage of the fight we see Shin wildly swinging her sword as though it were a baseball bat, and Sabine backing up and deflecting/dodging each blow. Shin is putting her whole body into these swings, by pivoting and slashing with both hands. No clear winner in this part but Shin has the upper hand.

              These types of wild swings we see from Shin (and Sabine) throughout the fight do not convey that Shin was "effortlessly toying" with Sabine as you are trying to claim. Compare and contrast Shin's lightsaber swings with Vader's in the Empire Strikes Back fight linked in the previous post. Vader is standing his ground, using one hand, not making any big swings from over his head or with two hands, not grunting. He is calmly standing there and parrying Luke's rapid and fast blows.

              Second passage opens with another wild swing by Shin, it proceeds on with the two of them "locked in" and ends with Shin flipping Sabine onto the ground. Shin throws Sabine to the ground using all of her weight. This is the ONE time Sabine gets put to the ground.

              Shin is the clear victor here, but it opens with another wild swing, which as described above, does not convey "calmness." Contrast this with Luke v Vader, where Vader knocks Luke to the ground with one hand.

              Third Passage we now see Sabine on the offense, swinging her sword wildly. Shin dodges and deflects, but we see something interesting happen here. Shin uses her cloak to blind/disorient Sabine. To the viewer this feels like an underhanded tactic, a "below the belt" move that someone would use in a moment of desperation. Maybe it wasn't that but it certainly felt like it.


              • 10 months ago

                I am not reading your shit. You are autistic and fricking moronic. Like, legitimately, medically diagnosed autismo.
                >This is the ONE time Sabine gets put to the ground.
                Now you're just lying.
                >comparing Shin, who is an apprentice herself, to Vader, who is a Master robotic monolith, who have different techniques
                Legitimately moronic.

                Save your breath, moron, and use it to tie a noose.

              • 10 months ago

                Bottom picture she is still on her feet. Not "put to the ground." You are genuinely moronic and should have a nice day.

              • 10 months ago

                The autist won this debate.

                Plus those lightsabers literally look like led toys. Because they are. What a shitshow, pretending that anything about it, from the narrative stakes to the choreography to blocking, shot composition and cinematography, holds its weight when compared to the Luke vs. Vader fights is pure idiocy.

              • 10 months ago

                Samegayging won't help you, moron. Comparing it to Vader vs Luke is pure idiocy. It's dishonest, disingenious, and pure nonsense.

              • 10 months ago

                how do you turn off coombrain?
                just seeing the slightest bit of her mound pushing against her pants has me fired up and now I have to rub one out

              • 10 months ago

                >how do you turn off coombrain?
                date women and realize you hate them

              • 10 months ago


                Compare this with the Luke Vader fight again. Luke resorts to using the steam to blind/disorient Vader, since he realizes he is no match for him in a 1v1 "fair fight." When we see Shin resorting to these types of strategies to augment her light saber fighting, it feels more like a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand instead of a calm and collected fighter who is handily defeating their opponent.

                My broader issue with this is when you have the Protagonist who can stand her ground against a Main Villain in the first episode, it cheapens the impact when that villain is eventually defeated, or when that villain is shown on screen again. We already know Sabine is competent enough with a light saber to hold her own against Shin. Sabine is not scared or frightened at all in the fight, like we see in the Luke v Vader fight.

                The reason I keep comparing to the Luke v Vader fight is because those are both fights were the Protagonist loses, but the Vader fight does a better job of portraying the skill gap between the two fighters, and does not cheapen Vader as a villain.

              • 10 months ago

                >You are genuinely moronic and should have a nice day.
                That applies to you. You are utterly braindead, and you keep comparing Shin to Vader, lmao, with the common thread being nothing more than both of them being antagonists, while completely ignoring the context. You are absolutely, utterly moronic, and suicide would free you from living the unsatisfactory life of a moron in this complicated world.

              • 10 months ago

                Who are you quoting?

                I am not reading your shit. You are autistic and fricking moronic. Like, legitimately, medically diagnosed autismo.
                >This is the ONE time Sabine gets put to the ground.
                Now you're just lying.
                >comparing Shin, who is an apprentice herself, to Vader, who is a Master robotic monolith, who have different techniques
                Legitimately moronic.

                Save your breath, moron, and use it to tie a noose.

                >comparing Shin, who is an apprentice herself, to Vader,
                Also you
                >Shin was casually toying with her, parrying her blows effortlessly,
                So which is it? Is Shin a Padawan/Apprentice or is she able to effortlessly best Sabine?

                If you response to my criticism of the cheapness of the fight and how it cheapens Shin as a character is "well she's just an apprentice so it makes sense she fights like that" you are just conceding the debate to me.

                The reason I compared it with the Luke Vader fight is because in that fight you can see what it's like when you ACTUALLY have an unskilled protagonist go up against a much more skilled villain who is able to "casually toy with" and "effortlessly parry blows."

                I think the fight was crap and failed to establish Shin as a threatening and scary villain who needs to be respected.

                Maybe Filoni is setting Shin up for a redemption arc, where she trains, gets more skilled, and eventually betrays her master. That's the only way this fight makes sense. Otherwise it's just dogshit.

              • 10 months ago

                >Who are you quoting?
                >Is Shin a Padawan/Apprentice or is she able to effortlessly best Sabine?
                Both. Shin is a Padawan of Baylan, and she is able to effortlessly beat Sabine. But Sabine is not Luke-tier either, because Sabine had a little training in the past, and she is a Mandalorian warrior.
                >If you response to my criticism of the cheapness of the fight and how it cheapens Shin as a character is "well she's just an apprentice so it makes sense she fights like that" you are just conceding the debate to me.
                It doesn't cheapen her in any way. You are autistic.
                >The reason I compared it with the Luke Vader fight is because in that fight you can see what it's like when you ACTUALLY have an unskilled protagonist go up against a much more skilled villain who is able to "casually toy with" and "effortlessly parry blows."
                Sabine is not completely unskilled. And it also doesn't stop Shin from toying with her and effortlessly parry her blows as she did at the start of the fight. The fights are completely different contextually and aren't comparable beyond the surface level of "the good guy is beaten".
                >I think the fight was crap and failed to establish Shin as a threatening and scary villain who needs to be respected.
                Yes, it did establish that. She is intense, fierce, fast and skilled. You are just moronic. Shin isn't even the main villain of the series, by that matter.
                >Otherwise it's just dogshit.
                You're just moronic and you're trying too hard. You confuse your low-functioning autism, the bad type, the one that prevents you from living a good life and having happiness, with intelligence. You do not possess the latter.

              • 10 months ago

                >and she is able to effortlessly beat Sabine.
                You already got BTFO on this point.

                I think you're trolling but I'm going to respond to your points honestly anyways.

                > and that Shin was casually toying with her,
                That's not really portrayed anywhere. Shin has the upper hand for most of the fight but "casual" is not a good word to describe it.

                The opening passage of the fight we see Shin wildly swinging her sword as though it were a baseball bat, and Sabine backing up and deflecting/dodging each blow. Shin is putting her whole body into these swings, by pivoting and slashing with both hands. No clear winner in this part but Shin has the upper hand.

                These types of wild swings we see from Shin (and Sabine) throughout the fight do not convey that Shin was "effortlessly toying" with Sabine as you are trying to claim. Compare and contrast Shin's lightsaber swings with Vader's in the Empire Strikes Back fight linked in the previous post. Vader is standing his ground, using one hand, not making any big swings from over his head or with two hands, not grunting. He is calmly standing there and parrying Luke's rapid and fast blows.

                Second passage opens with another wild swing by Shin, it proceeds on with the two of them "locked in" and ends with Shin flipping Sabine onto the ground. Shin throws Sabine to the ground using all of her weight. This is the ONE time Sabine gets put to the ground.

                Shin is the clear victor here, but it opens with another wild swing, which as described above, does not convey "calmness." Contrast this with Luke v Vader, where Vader knocks Luke to the ground with one hand.

                Third Passage we now see Sabine on the offense, swinging her sword wildly. Shin dodges and deflects, but we see something interesting happen here. Shin uses her cloak to blind/disorient Sabine. To the viewer this feels like an underhanded tactic, a "below the belt" move that someone would use in a moment of desperation. Maybe it wasn't that but it certainly felt like it.


                Enjoy your mousewars. There's more crap coming along and I'm sure you'll gobble it all up.

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like a quick rundown on the Bogdanoff brothers.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Reminder that the guy who drew this is a Polish manlet who looks like this.

        • 10 months ago

          He was right, and we wronged him.

        • 10 months ago

          Seems cool, would hang out with.

      • 10 months ago

        Oddly satisfying.

      • 10 months ago

        Somehow Canderous comes back and brutally murders sabine and other clowns

    • 10 months ago

      Now do one for the Orangest of Sues herself.

    • 10 months ago

      I asked my sons age 8 and 10 if anyone even likes star wars at their school and they said it's "gay and for girls" . Take from it what you will.

  6. 10 months ago

    Ah yes the Star Wars everyone remembers and is familiar with great job Filoni everyone will recognize this

  7. 10 months ago

    I watched 1 episode of this. Seriously what's up with the extremely childish art? Also behavior and kind of acting. It's like it was deliberately made with the idea of what someone with a 85 IQ would think is cool.

    • 10 months ago

      >what's up with the extremely childish art
      This show is really season 5 of a kids cartoon. In OP pic, a character in the live action show 'painted' the cast of the cartoon in this in-universe mural. I'm not sure why

      • 10 months ago

        >I'm not sure why
        Really? They are her friends and she was fond of the time they spent together. She is an artist so that's how she expresses feelings. A songwriter would have made music. This isn't hard to get.

  8. 10 months ago

    >Beside you are two wolves. They are gay. You are gay.

    • 10 months ago

      Inside you there is a dog with a pussy tattooed on its forehead that aggressively talks about Sesame Street. It is asexual. This does not affect you in any way other than making you mentally unstable and sexually attracted to cartoon hippos.

  9. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      They didn't, did they

    • 10 months ago

      did tyrion write all the sex scenes?

  10. 10 months ago

    >Dave "I frick wolves in the arse" Filoni

    • 10 months ago

      Its lucasian. Lucas had his black women thing

      • 10 months ago

        Lucas married a black woman yet never forced black women into his content. He’s story and worldbuilding first.

  11. 10 months ago

    I had forgotten about the wolves.

    • 10 months ago

      how could you

  12. 10 months ago

    >the Matrix was a video game in 1999
    >use movie footage and pretend it's a video game

    • 10 months ago

      oh yeah that's a bad one. showing footage of a good movie inside your movie to try to leech regard from it, always pisses me off but this was just, surely as many commented deliberately awful

    • 10 months ago

      thats not what happened in Matrix Revolution you literal moron. You genuinely have a learning disability if that was your take away.

  13. 10 months ago

    >inside you there are two force wolves
    not even jar jar abrams was this bad. Fricking gayloni.

  14. 10 months ago

    Anytime the two wolves shit comes up....

    • 10 months ago

      mi mi mi chads rise up

  15. 10 months ago

    Sabine is pure cringe as a character, sticks like a sore thumb in Star Wars and Filoni is a really, really bad writer.

    On the other hand, he casted a hapa qt 3.14 to play her so it evens out in the end.

  16. 10 months ago

    >you have two wolves inside of you

  17. 10 months ago

    > Not only is it a beautiful piece of art, but it really encompasses what Star Wars is all about: the importance of family. Sabine has a real family on Mandalore, but the Ghost crew is her chosen family.

    remember the movie star wars where luke didn't have any parents and his carers died off screen so he could go on a space adventure, and the last thing in the world that it was about was family? i liked that one

  18. 10 months ago

    most everything in star wars after empire

  19. 10 months ago

    I don’t even know what this is and I can’t tell you how happy that makes me

  20. 10 months ago

    I felt sorry for Sabine, she was quite a pathetic character that just needed some love and acceptance from a mother/father figure.

    • 10 months ago

      You're a midwit figure

  21. 10 months ago

    a furry from deviantart drew that

  22. 10 months ago

    I didn't even notice the wolves. Wtf? I thought it's supposed to be a galaxy far away.

    • 10 months ago

      Sabine's canon and in-universe art pieces are perfectly Star Wars, anon, stfu

    • 10 months ago

      falcons exist hence millennium falcon so why not wolves?

      • 10 months ago

        we never see falcons in universe maybe they're bald and have five wings

      • 10 months ago

        Naboo had ducks that look like ducks. The wolves in Rebels are frickhuge and have scales and shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Uhm they're actually not wolves they're lothwolves, they're a completely different thing

    • 10 months ago

      they're space wolves

  23. 10 months ago

    The absolute state of Star Wars

  24. 10 months ago

    explain the filoni furry stuff.

    • 10 months ago

      Reminder that the character that he personally plays in live-action Disney Star Wars is named "Trapper Wolf"

      • 10 months ago

        I hate it when grown men wear hats as a substitute for a personality

        • 10 months ago

          Autistic cope. No one is using anything as a substitute for a personality, you just sperg out because you can’t understand someone making decisions without a licensed psychiatrist signing off on it.

          • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            nice stetson homosexual

            • 10 months ago

              Don't you talk like that about him, he was with me at the ships at Mylae.

          • 10 months ago

            Filoni should have a license psychiatrist review his hat wearing because it makes him look like a fat greasy neckbeard.

      • 10 months ago

        Filoni, somehow, ends up managing to be a bigger homosexual than millions of men who suck dick and take it up the ass.

        • 10 months ago

          You sound like an expert on sucking dicks and taking it up the ass.

          • 10 months ago

            nta, thank God, but that would make him an expert and his assessment very much on point. Which, frankly, it is.

  25. 10 months ago

    I really really hate that the mural looks like that since, in Rebels, it was an accurate illustration of the characters because Rebels looked just like that, which implies it was "realistic" in the universe of the cartoon. Having it be the canonical cartoon designs in live action is so fricking off-putting and nonsensical.

    • 10 months ago

      Sabine animated the Rebels cartoon so her zoomer grandchildren would know what grandma did back in the day. She even narrated the finale epilogue, like it was her giving us the series.

      • 10 months ago

        >Sabine animated the Rebels cartoon so her zoomer grandchildren would know what grandma did back in the day
        Frick, I hate that this is probably canon, and I'm guessing she animated the Clone Wars cartoon too based on Ahsoka's stories. Might as well say she drew all the Marvel comics while we're at it.

  26. 10 months ago

    Literally everything from the last 10 years or so.

  27. 10 months ago

    I can't even begin to describe how much I despise what Star Wars has become. It was these three fun movies that everyone enjoyed and now it's the most embarrassing thing possible. I'm thinking of throwing away an Empire poster I have in my home just so I can never be mistaken for a modern Star Wars fan. Frick Kathleen Kennedy and Filoni and frick all you homosexuals

  28. 10 months ago

    Seriously what is this Overwatch bullshit? It felt like watching some Tumblr-tier "art" being inserted into the show, really felt out of place, who approved of that shit? It's HAS to be nepotism, right?

    • 10 months ago

      so to catch you up this is a mural painted by the cartoon form of a character in a cartoon which Ahsoka is a continuation of. The mural was exactly visually like this in the cartoon and as you can see, shows cartoon characters because that's the way they look in the cartoon series, wherein it was a realistic picture of them

      • 10 months ago

        Oh so they're sort of breaking the fourth wall with that shit? What a terrible idea.

  29. 10 months ago

    What the frick is this?

    • 10 months ago

      Star Wars in 2023

      • 10 months ago

        That looks so bad. I haven’t watched anything Star Wars since Mandalorian season 2… it’s amazing how Star Wars is just circling the toilet bowl at this point

        • 10 months ago

          >I haven’t watched anything Star Wars since Mandalorian season 2
          For me it was TLJ

  30. 10 months ago

    >there are 2 wolves inside you
    >both are gay

  31. 10 months ago

    With Filoni I think some of you have finally become aware of what it's like to be a capeshit comic book consumer. There are countless "Filoni"s in the comic book industry, specifically capeshit. You will see one writer jump onto a book and just start inserting his weird tastes into established canon, creating OCs that are better than all the established characters, writing well-known characters in bizarre ways, and overall just usurping the franchise into his own perverted fanfiction. And once his job on the book is done, another writer will come in and do the same, but for his OWN weird tastes. It's just an endless series of fanfiction.

    • 10 months ago

      >what it's like to be a capeshit comic book consumer.
      Are you speaking from experience and if so, why are you doing this to yourself?

      • 10 months ago

        >Are you speaking from experience and if so, why are you doing this to yourself?
        I was a frequent comic book consumer up until around 2013, but as the books became infested with more idpol shit, I gradually stopped buying so often, mostly trade collections. By 2016 I was done. Nothing new was worth reading.

    • 10 months ago

      I wish a writer who liked Grievous would come in

      • 10 months ago

        Genndy…save us

      • 10 months ago


  32. 10 months ago

    The Inquisitor is Ezra. It allows Ahsoka to complete her arc. Anakin became a masked sith bad guy and Ahsoka couldn't save him. She will save Ezra.

    • 10 months ago

      Why is Ezra in this Galaxy and Thrawn in the other one, if they were transported together by the Purrgil?

      No. This is a woman power show. It's going to be le "you thought it was a guy the whole time" switcharoo: Barris Offe (yes, one of Filoni's favorite characters and Ahsoka's antagonist is a joke on Barista Coffee)

      • 10 months ago

        >Why is Ezra in this Galaxy and Thrawn in the other one
        They will come up with an explanation. Its Star Wars scifi slop. The character arcs have always come before actual logic.

        • 10 months ago

          Fair point. Yes, them fricking up even their own plot logic is absolutely possible and likely.
          Ezra was the first possibility that came to mind but I still think that Barriss Offee is a possibility and the "I was a girl all along" thing is too tempting for the hack not to try it

          • 10 months ago

            >I still think that Barriss Offee is a possibility and the "I was a girl all along" thing is too tempting for the hack not to try it
            And if it isn't? Are you gonna cut off your balls on camera and make a thread about it?

            • 10 months ago

              Can't you traumatized troony monstruosities think of anything different than mutilating testicles and cutting balls? Poor soul

      • 10 months ago

        >Why is Ezra in this Galaxy and Thrawn in the other one, if they were transported together by the Purrgil?

        maybe Ezra hitched a ride back with a Purrgil and now he wants to go back for Thrawn?
        >then why doesn't he just use the Purrgil for that too?
        yeah it's dumb

      • 10 months ago

        >This is a woman power show
        You head is broken. They don't bring up being woman a single time

        • 10 months ago

          Yes you already made this shitpost in another thread. We get it.

          • 10 months ago

            Do you because I keep seeing posts about female empowerment when it isn't here. Seems like hunting for reasons to be upset.

            • 10 months ago

              I cant believe I have to say this, but they don't have to explicitly say "I am female" in order for it to be female empowerment.

    • 10 months ago

      Best case scenario to save this dogshit show
      >Ezra was the masked baddie
      >Ezra and Shin are lovers
      >Sabine gets cucked
      >Has a depression arc
      >We all get to laugh

      It's never going to happen though.

  33. 10 months ago

    Why did they make this show? Its literally just another season of Rebels. Children, who are the target for Rebels, aren't going to be as interested in live action stuff, and most of the live action audience probably didn't watch the kid's shows.

    • 10 months ago

      Filoni needed 3D versions of his donut steel OC to fap to.

  34. 10 months ago

    reminder that filoni literally introduced TIME TRAVEL to save his oc

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah but he is the one who wrote him into trouble in the first place???

    • 10 months ago

      >filoni literally introduced TIME TRAVEL
      Oh, really?

      • 10 months ago

        did someone say that euslop is any better you obsessed freak?

        • 10 months ago

          It is

  35. 10 months ago

    Why do so many maps just lead to people in Star Wars? Why would an ancient witch map lead to a guy who was taken somewhere outside of anyone's control only several years ago?
    >inb4 witches prophesied the future

    • 10 months ago

      The map didn't lead to a guy. It led to a place, to another Galaxy, where the guy's supposedly at. Maybe you should watch without looking into your smartphone, so you don't miss things. Or maybe you are just low IQ, IDK.

      • 10 months ago

        But why did the ancients keep a map to another galaxy around and why was it super secret? How did they know Thrawn and Ezra went to this specific galaxy and not some other one? Did the ancient people only know how to go to this one other galaxy as well?

        • 10 months ago

          >But why did the ancients keep a map to another galaxy around and why was it super secret?
          Because they came from it, and they visited the Star Wars galaxy. It is "secret", because all ancient civilization guard their knowledge.
          >How did they know Thrawn and Ezra went to this specific galaxy and not some other one?
          Because Morgan Elsbeth literally told that she communicated with him through "time and space." She *knows* where he is.
          >Did the ancient people only know how to go to this one other galaxy as well?
          What kind of moronic question is that?

    • 10 months ago

      This confused me also. Just like why the Sith dagger had a map of where the Death Star that had a map to a secret planet.

      Even Clone Wars had a super convoluted assassination plot just to lead Obi Wan to a map that was missing the super secret planet he wasn't supposed to find.

      • 10 months ago

        >This confused me also.
        Maybe you should stop being so stupid so you wouldn't get confused so often. Because nowhere ever did it say that the map led to a guy, and it isn't comparable to the dagger from TROS in any way whatsoever.

        • 10 months ago

          >Nowhere did it say that map lead to a guy
          >Ahsoka literally says she found a map to Thrawn and Ezra

          • 10 months ago

            A map to where they are, yes, which can be said as "a map to Thrawn and Ezra".

            • 10 months ago

              So why did you say they didn't say it, when they did? Your explanation about the space whales makes sense, and I get it. But to anyone (like me) who didn't watch Rebels, there isn't enough to context in the show to figure out her logic. It sounds like she means literally what she says...they found a map that points to Thrawn. None of the stuff about space whales is mentioned in this show.

              • 10 months ago

                Because none of it needs mentioning. Because you are autistic and stupid. The show made everything perfectly clear: the map points to another Galaxy, not specifically to Thrawn, and the way the bad guys knew it is because the Witch could somehow communicate (or so she thought) with Thrawn through the Force. Everything that is needed to understand the plot is there, and I am sure more will be revealed in the coming episodes. You just choose to be obtuse, on purpose - which is on you.

              • 10 months ago

                It's a convoluted and poorly written plot point that relies on magic witch knowledge to flimsily justify a macguffin.

              • 10 months ago

                >It's a convoluted and poorly written
                Not really. Quite a standard plot for a fantasy fiction. Nothing convoluted or "poorly" written about it.
                > relies on magic witch knowledge
                So, like most of Star Wars, where the magic is quite literally built into the fabric of the setting and is the cornerstone of it? God, you are moronic. I have yet to hear a single valid criticism that isn't a bunch of non-sequiturs designed to give weight to your subjective disliking.

              • 10 months ago

                >It's not really bad because it's a pervasive problem in the genre!

              • 10 months ago

                It's not a problem. It's a problem for you, because you seem to have a fundamental disliking of the genre or the aspects of it, yet you are watching it for some reason anyway. You are the epitome of pic related.

              • 10 months ago

                A space destroyer carrying the evil bad guy was physically transported to a different galaxy far from the main Star Wars galaxy by space whales that travel beyond lightspeed but it's impossible to track their path but thousands of years ago an ancient civilization left a map that marks that particular space whale route which already existed and a witch who is communicating telepathically with the bad guy finds the map but the bad guy can't come back through it and she has to go pick him up

                Yup, it's both convoluted and moronic.

              • 10 months ago

                >but it's impossible to track their path
                It's not impossible. The trouble is likely in navigating and exactly *how* to get there, and the physical capacities of the regular carriers, which is why they need to build some shit to get there, which indicates that you, in fact, *can't* JUST come back the way you came.
                >but thousands of years ago an ancient civilization left a map that marks that particular space whale route
                The show never stated that it marked "that particular space whale route".

                I can conclude, that the only one who's moronic here is you.

              • 10 months ago

                Yes it did, moron

                It's Filoni we're talking about

                Thrawn was transported to the other galaxy's star system that particular map points to by the space whales. The ancient map and all the related artwork is full of references to the space whales and their route to the other galaxy. That's why it's important, because it marks the way to do the trip, which is the way space whales follow and the way Thrawn was transported there.

                The fact that is spelled out doesn't minimize it's stupidity as a plot device or anything resembling narrative merit, though.

              • 10 months ago

                >we don't know where Thrawn is but we need this map because it leads to him
                >How do we know it leads to him? Because his space witch said so
                >How does she know where he is? Well she just knows because of her magic. But she only knows the end destination and not how to get there, nor is she able to contact him for directions
                >luckily there's an ancient witch map that just so happens to have directions to this exact location
                >You see it's because the ancient witches traveled on the same routes as the hyper space whales that Thrawn was taken by.
                >But we're not gonna expand on this, at least not in the episodes this plot point is introduced. Didn't you watch Rebels and do your research on Dathomir and also pay attention to the cryptic runes in the credits?
                >Anyway, now they can pick up the funny little object and it'll do plot for them
                If you actually think this is good writing, you're a brand-loyal idiot. Even if the justification wasn't so convoluted, at the end of the day a macguffin is still a macguffin. Frick actually writing a compelling plotline for characters to compete in finding someone who's missing when you can just have them fight over a trinket that tells them exactly where to go.

              • 10 months ago

                You're low IQ, and the problem is on you, not the plot (which is perfectly legible and makes sense), or the tropes Star Wars is operating within.

              • 10 months ago

                >no u

              • 10 months ago

                >Because you are autistic and stupid.
                >You just choose to be obtuse, on purpose

                Imagine canceling out your own insults, kek.

            • 10 months ago

              Who in Star Wars is making all these maps to people?

        • 10 months ago

          >Because nowhere ever did it say that the map led to a guy
          Did you even watch the episode? Because they clearly and explicitly said as much.

          • 10 months ago

            The location, yes. The other galaxy. Can you even read the shit you're posting? It's not "map to Thrawn", it's a map to where he is LOCATED. The map was not devised ahead of time to find Thrawn, the map was devised to get to another Galaxy, where Thrawn ended up. Are you autistic, or just stupid?

            • 10 months ago

              >It's not "map to Thrawn", it's a map to where he is LOCATED.
              PSA: This is what your brain will look like if you consume too much Disney.

      • 10 months ago

        >Even Clone Wars had a super convoluted assassination plot just to lead Obi Wan to a map that was missing the super secret planet he wasn't supposed to find.

        this was part of the second worst Star Wars movie. the worst Star Wars movie of all has even more of that video game style fetch quest shit.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm not going to defend it because, yes, abusing the plot device like they do is the lowest tier of "writing", but in this case it's literally spelled out in the series:

      >The ancient civ came to the galaxy through a Purrgil hyperspace migration route (purrgil symbols in the map and closing credits literally tell this)
      >They built the temples and the map that marks that hyperspace lane back from the 1 galaxy to a particular system in the other one
      >The map doesn't point to Thrawn personally, but to Thrawn's location, he was transported there by the Purrgil
      >That ancient civ are the basis for the green force witchy stuff of the Night Sisters cult in this galaxy

      So yeah, it's there but it's shit anyway.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't even know what the frick a Purrgil is. Looks like some shit from the kid's show? I'm not watching a bunch of season's of groomerslop just to get this plot setup.

        • 10 months ago

          It's better that you don't know, trust me.

          It's a Filoni thing. They're purple space whales that travel through hyperspace and that defeated Thrawn by taking his ship to another galaxy.

        • 10 months ago

          >Looks like some shit from the kid's show?
          Why are you watching Star Wars, a series for children, and why are you complaining about it, then?

        • 10 months ago

          it's a space kraken that can naturally travel via hyperspace

          • 10 months ago

            that's fricking moronic

            • 10 months ago

              It's Filoni we're talking about

              • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              Why? It makes sense for some kind of ancient beings to be able to travel through hyperspace. Which is how people in Star Wars got the idea for a hyperdrive.

      • 10 months ago
        janny throat slasher

        Sounds like a cat food brand, that’s how you know a woman though it up

  36. 10 months ago

    This show is quite good imo if you watched rebels. Don’t think you can enjoy it tbh if you haven’t because it literally feels like Rebels season 5. Only thing I didn’t like is yet another lightsaber stab to the abdomen and surviving like it was nothing. Don’t get me wrong it would not be that big of a deal I mean she had help immediately after getting stabbed and it was to the side but due to it happening 3 other times recently in obi wan makes this moment way worse than it is. It devalues the lightsaber for nothing because the scene is pointless and could be cut. Would have been better if Sabine lost a limb or something and got a metal replacement.

    • 10 months ago

      but rebels is shit, anon

      • 10 months ago

        Nah i put it off for ages because of the art style but binged it last year and enjoyed it a lot. Season 1 I think is mid but everything after is good Star Wars imo.

        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >This show is quite good imo if you watched rebels.
      So you have to be a fat manchild like Pissed off Pedro to enjoy this show? Got it. Easy skip for most people.

    • 10 months ago

      >it's good if you watched rebels
      No it's not good even if you watched rebels. I don't want to see the characters from Rebels as depressed wrecks that failed in their careers and personal lives. Also Sabine randomly being force sensitive doesn't make any sense, that means that she spent literally years hanging out with multiple Jedi and at one point Darth Maul and nobody noticed she could use the force or brought it up?

      >NuWars is raping Thrawn now
      Oh boy
      Are the Yuuzhan Vong coming back?

      Why not? We already got shitty store brand Dark Empire, we're currently doing shitty store brand Heir to the Empire, why not shitty store brand New Jedi Order?

  37. 10 months ago

    >NuWars is raping Thrawn now
    Oh boy
    Are the Yuuzhan Vong coming back?

    • 10 months ago

      They are renamed into Grisk

    • 10 months ago

      The creator of Thrawn, Timothy Zahn, has written 6 books for "NuWars", and he was acting as a consultant for this show. He also approved Thrawn's depiction for the Rebels cartoon.

      • 10 months ago

        >and he was acting as a consultant for this show. He also approved Thrawn's depiction for the Rebels cartoon.
        He didn't?
        Also, who cares?

        • 10 months ago

          >He didn't?
          He did.
          >Also, who cares?
          You, apparently, do, since you are concerned with "them" "raping" Thrawn, when "they" include the guy who actually created him and still writes books about him, that also tie into his appearances on television.

      • 10 months ago

        >He didn't?
        He did.
        >Also, who cares?
        You, apparently, do, since you are concerned with "them" "raping" Thrawn, when "they" include the guy who actually created him and still writes books about him, that also tie into his appearances on television.

        >He also approved Thrawn's depiction for the Rebels cartoon.

        Reminder to everyone that this snake has been lying for 6 years now.

        >Timothy Zahn: By the time I found out and by the time they announced it, Season Three was certainly largely scripted and a lot of the animation was done, as well. I would throw little suggestions in with the idea they could tweak something or possibly use it in another season, but for the most part, it was seeing what they had done and tailoring my book to them.


        >and he was acting as a consultant for this show. He also approved Thrawn's depiction for the Rebels cartoon.
        He didn't?
        Also, who cares?

        Good on you for calling him out, anon.

  38. 10 months ago

    I still, even after reading this thread, don't get.

    >How did they talk to Thrawn to get location? Thrawn isn't force sensitive, right? So they can't do the Rey/Kylo thing. Did she talk to Ezra instead, maybe?
    >Even once you know the that Thrawn is in the other galaxy, how would you know where to look to find the map? Is this the only ancient witch temple in the galaxy? How did they know it would contain a map?
    >If Thrawn already knows about the space whale migration route, and knows that the witches used it to move between galaxies, why doesn't he just piggy back on the whales again like he did to get there to begin with? He's a smart guy, he shouldn't need saving.

  39. 10 months ago

    Are galaxies, suns, and planets in Star Wars static? Why would star maps from thousands of years ago still be accurate?

    • 10 months ago

      Just turn your brain off and enjoy the content

    • 10 months ago

      ancient humans drew accurate star charts, why wouldn't ancient aliens be capable of the same thing?

  40. 10 months ago

    I have no idea what this is why do you people watch trash tv.

  41. 10 months ago

    Im rereading Heir to he Empire right now and the pacing of that book is elite it gets right into the good shit. We're gonna be waiting 8 whole episodes to even see Thrawn in this piece of shit series

    • 10 months ago

      Who asked? This isn't your blogpost.

      • 10 months ago

        thread about star wars show based on classic book
        >Noooooo goy you cant talk about the EU only yidnsey slop
        Rope yourself

        • 10 months ago

          The show isn't based on a "classic" (lol, lmao even) book, but is a continuation of a cartoon. Maybe you should try Cinemaphile, only you will be laughed to hell for making a thread about Star Wars "literature."

          • 10 months ago

            >show with Palleon and Thrawn isnt stealing from Thrawn trilogy
            Good Bait

    • 10 months ago

      Heir to the Empire mogs everything Disney hard.

  42. 10 months ago

    Why did Filoni feel the need to include is Fursonas and DnD party on a Mural in the show? I don't understand it.

  43. 10 months ago

    Is there any parkour?

  44. 10 months ago

    if you had told me even 10 years ago that star wars is gonna end up being for gays, women and Black folk i would not have believed you

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine going back in time to like 2010 and telling them the direction star wars would go
      >yeah the sequel trilogy is going to kill the brand
      >there will be a brief resurgence around a bounty hunter themed TV show but then that's going to crash and burn too
      >there will be like 10 star wars shows and they'll all be terrible
      >Disney burns the franchise down trying to market it to girls for some reason
      >Boba Fett will also get a TV show but for some reason he's not a bounty hunter anymore

  45. 10 months ago

    I'm feeling such second hand embarrassment from that image. Holy crap

  46. 10 months ago

    What is embarrassing about this?
    Why is this site always trying to depress people? So fricking ironic that you homosexuals claim that the israelites are the demoralization kings when this site is the most cynical depressing pit out there.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm feeling such second hand embarrassment from that image. Holy crap

    • 10 months ago

      >show announced thats going to be a serious drama… based entirely off of characters from a cartoon that was unambiguously made for young children
      >seems like a questionable premise but it worked a little bit with ashoka in mando, maybe they could make it work…
      >first episode
      >completely overt deviant art tier shrine to directly confirm this is in fact 100% no shame whatsoever a direct successor of a cartoon for kids and still expecting its viewers to take its seriously as a drama going forward. like complete slap in the face ‘filoni just hung up his drawing on the refrigerator and wants us to clap’ tier

  47. 10 months ago

    Inside of you are two wolves.
    You are a white woman.

  48. 10 months ago

    They should just let Respawn take over Star Wars because I liked FO and Cal is cool.

  49. 10 months ago

    OH! This should be a good threa-

  50. 10 months ago

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