>Emma failed to completely mind wipe Ms Marvel's death

>Emma failed to completely mind wipe Ms Marvel's death
>all that shit about not coming out as a mutant and it's spoiled by her uniform
>Somehow Kamala didn't expect this to happen when she walked out covered in Xs

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  1. 9 months ago

    Do they think turning Kamala into a mutant and having Marvel citizens turn on her in the blink of an eye because of it will help with her popularity?

    • 9 months ago

      Sucks this is now going to be her whole story. Everyone hates her and discriminates against her for being a mutant, now all her books can have extra angst and woe is me

    • 9 months ago


      Marvel fricked up Kamala super hard by turning a neighborhood superhero into an internationally famous superhero that leads a team of like 20 c-list superheroes.

      This is them probably trying to reboot her as much as possible. But it won't last. Marvel can't do "small scale" superhero stuff anymore.

      Maybe if The Marvels flops (its been in reshoots for like a year so the cost has to be huge) they will stop trying with Miss Marvel.

      • 9 months ago

        >Maybe if The Marvels flops (its been in reshoots for like a year so the cost has to be huge) they will stop trying with Miss Marvel.
        Probably not, based on the leaks of the PostCredits scene they plan on adding her to the MCU Young Avengers
        So that has to fail before they give up on her for good

        • 9 months ago

          Whats even the roster? A bunch a of whiny brats everyone hated in their own films/shows? Its gonna fail.

          • 9 months ago

            So far most Young Avengers characters have been introduced in tv series.
            But these tv series were less popular than Disney hoped for so I don't see the hype for the new team led by Miss Marvel.

            • 9 months ago

              Soon they will wake up and see it wasn't MARVEL everyone loved, but RDJ and the Chrises.

          • 9 months ago

            My guess is
            >heartstopper boy as teen Wiccan

            Not sure if they'll bother including America Chavez after what a huge flop she was

        • 9 months ago

          They totally plan to make her the leader of the Young Avengers / Champions replacing the new Avengers in the movies, sure.

          It isn't going to sell well, but they sure will try it.

      • 9 months ago

        >Marvel fricked up Kamala super hard by turning a neighborhood superhero into an internationally famous superhero that leads a team of like 20 c-list superheroes.
        To say nothing of nerfing and eventually taking away her original powers because "LOL shapeshifters can't be superheroes! Nobody trusts them!".

      • 9 months ago

        >Marvel fricked up Kamala super hard
        I don't really get how. I think they had a good thing going and bailed out on her for absolutely no reason. She could be chilling with her team drama and nuhuman mythos. This bullshit with the TV show and the X-Men came out of nowhere and I feel like I'm going insane.

        • 9 months ago

          They bailed out because the comic sales were exceedingly low.

          • 9 months ago

            They sold in paperbacks not the normal issues.

      • 9 months ago

        Fricking this, she was perfect as the small time, local level neighborhood hero that stopped bad guys on the way to school.

        The second they put her into Avengers her whole charm was totally lost.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm confused wasn't the limited series supposed to center around her going undercover because people don't know she's a mutant yet?

  2. 9 months ago

    >ms marvel thread #2
    I wonder how many ms marvel thread we're going to get today

    • 9 months ago


      >Emma failed to completely mind wipe Ms Marvel's death
      >all that shit about not coming out as a mutant and it's spoiled by her uniform
      >Somehow Kamala didn't expect this to happen when she walked out covered in Xs

      No one likes Kamala, she doesn't sell to the target audience which is girls and men are allergic to her, they should have followed the comics and gone with Carol Danvers and never created her.

      • 9 months ago

        fine, build a time machine, go back in time and erase her from existence, before her first comic was published

      • 9 months ago

        Oh shut up. People like her & gained a fanbase. You're just being insecure about her when she has appeal

        The problem is they're forcing her in more team books, & having her as an X-Men only adds to the problem, which in turn will affect her

        • 9 months ago

          >The problem is they're forcing her in more team books, & having her as an X-Men only adds to the problem, which in turn will affect her
          This is the tragedy of any character that gains a bit of popularity.

        • 9 months ago

          You're coping so hard. No one likes her. Her Disney+ series and the Avengers game starring her both flopped bigly. If she had an organic fan base, these projects wouldn't have flopped.

        • 9 months ago

          >The problem is they're forcing her in more team books, & having her as an X-Men only adds to the problem, which in turn will affect her
          They're forcing her in to team books to try and make her relevant after her solo series and tv show both failed. She is the Poochie of Marvel.

          • 9 months ago

            It was the other way around.

  3. 9 months ago

    Next writer takes over, reveals that the original Inhuman Kamala is still alive, and the Mutant clone is dealt with and/or never spoken of again. Calling it.

    • 9 months ago

      more like, the other way. nobody cares about inhumans

      • 9 months ago

        >nobody cares about inhumans

      • 9 months ago

        >b-b-b-but people do still care about mutants
        At least being an Inhuman was relatively irrelevant to the character most of the time, contrast that with this debacle.

    • 9 months ago

      >and the Mutant clone is dealt with and/or never spoken of again
      Why waste a perfectly good clone though?

  4. 9 months ago

    How long until Kamala become just wall paper?

    • 9 months ago

      Not too long, teen characters don't seem to have a long shelf life at marvel, and once The Marvels film flops, they'll see no more reason to keep pushing her. She'll fade into obscurity, only popping up occasionally like The Runaways or Avengers Academy.

      • 9 months ago

        If Sana Amanat ever leaves Marvel, the Kamala push will end

        Never gonna happen. Kamala will still keep going. She's popular enough to continue on. Just Marvel handled her poorly with this mutant bullshit & now they would have to own up to it or reverse the whole change & make her Inhuman again

        They would also need a new writer, which I doubt they'll find a good one except those who do children books

        Next writer takes over, reveals that the original Inhuman Kamala is still alive, and the Mutant clone is dealt with and/or never spoken of again. Calling it.

        I'd be fine with that

    • 9 months ago

      If Sana Amanat ever leaves Marvel, the Kamala push will end

    • 9 months ago

      They need a new muslim rep, or to revive one of the older ones. I think x men has at least 4 they could use.

  5. 9 months ago

    >barely five minutes of being a mutie in public and they're already doing a "woe is me" angle
    What a cancerous franchise. What the frick is with this perpetuation of this Victimhood Olympics bullshit?
    >I have it worse
    >no, I have it worse

    • 9 months ago

      Why does the public love super powered characters like Thor and Captain America but they hate muties? It doesn't make sense

      • 9 months ago

        Because either Magneto or Xavier started calling them "homosexual Superior", and how they were the evolutionary successors to humans.

        Surprise surprise, turns out people don't like it when you say you're going to replace them. Most of the mutie hate could have been avoided if the big cheeses just shut their damn mouths.

        • 9 months ago

          >Why does the public love super powered characters like Thor and Captain America but they hate muties?
          Thor is an actual god but doesn't remind everybody about it every five seconds, as well as helping others without making it such a huge deal, and Captain America is the pinnacle of human development, yet is even more humble than Thor and constantly reminds others how he's there to serve them and doesn't harp on about how he's the ultimate human, and is actually kind of embarrassed when people build him up.

          You can probably imagine how people would view those two much more favorably than a group that believes that they're intrinsically better than them by virtue of having claws or being a goo golem.

          To this day I will never understand the forced drama against mutants, in a universe full of all kinds of genetic/mythological/space freaks, how the frick is being an MCU pushed inhuman gas freak any better than a frickin x-gene mutant, or for that matter a cosmic ray mutated individual like the Thing, or a kid bitten by a radioactive spider.

          because mutants are scary

          FF have in-universe magazine and are working on PR. Muties are acting like terrorists. But then again, x-men were created to fill the niche of feared and hated and that's their shtick.

          While it's true that X-men always had a "feared and hated" element (and where intended as such), it was always with the extremly important caveheat that the X-men (the group) wanted to fight that, and pressed on despite it, to be heroes for all, mutant and non-mutant. And that they would make progress. Sure there where setback and defeat, like with every story, but also victories where they could prove themselve. Because they where god dam heroes.
          And yeah of course the whole "minority" thing was part of their DNA, but the allegory wasn't pushed to stupidity, because it would be stupid. And most importantly, fighting opression, while part of the X-men, wasn't ALL they where about. They also did normal hero stuff. But also investigated weird and strange mysteries, because weird was part of their everyday. And they went to space and on other planets and dimensions. But now the allegory completly devoured everything and you have shit like this

          >Thing and the rest of the Fantastic Four were accidents, one-offs, same with Spider-Man, they're not an existential threat like mutants who are born naturally and can generate their random powers at the most inconvenient time. They also don't have so-called representatives extolling their superiority over others.
          >today I'll remind them

          who is one of the most tone deaf thing I have ever read and turn this into "woe is me" wich X-men wasn't about. What next, is Skin gonna complain that he should not be compared to Colossus because he's a blob while Colossus is a "human passing" gigachad ? This isn't a misery olympic. And this isn't a isolated case

          Sorry anon, mutie oppression has no equal.

          is the fricking same.

          There is many reason to this, the allegory going from a thematic background to the central subject, but I will also put a lot of the blame on fricking Morisson. He poisoned the well when the X-men started to accept their ennemies rethoric of not being humans. The moment they started othering other (and so themselve) the fall was assured, and it will stay that way until they stop, but again both the editors and writters are too tone deaf to realise that. Look at pic related, used to be, they would reject that fricker accusation and tell the same thing to Magneto "Frick you, where humans and we will show you where heroes".

          • 9 months ago

            The X-Men still fight for both mutants and humans, it's just that your average Cinemaphilemrade equates Krakoa / Mutants = X-Men, while in-universe, the only remaining X-Men team is the one led by Cyclops

            • 9 months ago

              cont and I wouldn't say it devoured everything, but rather, challenged and explored various scenarios. That's what makes the x-folks unique is that they're not afraid of trying different routes in regards to storytelling, even if they don't always succeed, and sometimes over-indulge themselves

              • 9 months ago

                >I wouldn't say it devoured everything, but rather, challenged and explored various scenarios. That's what makes the x-folks unique is that they're not afraid of trying different routes in regards to storytelling, even if they don't always succeed, and sometimes over-indulge themselves
                What ? How can you look at Krakoa (and yeah, Krakoa infect every mutant thing ongoing) and not see how it completly overtook everything in the X-licence ?

              • 9 months ago

                that's not what I've meant. it's an era, like many others before and after.

              • 9 months ago

                And like all eras, it will end with the main X-Men and a few token survivors losing everything and going back to the school having learned nothing.

              • 9 months ago

                It's the result of problems going on since the Morrison run. And ending won't solve anything, because the X-Office don't actually think the mutants where doing anything wrong or that this shit like

                >Thing and the rest of the Fantastic Four were accidents, one-offs, same with Spider-Man, they're not an existential threat like mutants who are born naturally and can generate their random powers at the most inconvenient time. They also don't have so-called representatives extolling their superiority over others.
                >today I'll remind them


                Sorry anon, mutie oppression has no equal.

                are either.

                And like all eras, it will end with the main X-Men and a few token survivors losing everything and going back to the school having learned nothing.

                The issue isn't the character learning nothing, because that could actually tell a story. It's the editors who learn nothing, because it would mean doing actual self-reflection, bitting the bullet and admiting they where wrong. But they will never do that, not any more than Spiderman editor will admit that OMD was the worst thing to happen to the character.

          • 9 months ago

            Only found that shitty version of this page, but this was one of the moment that made me think "Man, Cyborg is cool".

            Because Magnetto is fricking wrong. He's a god dam vilain, the X-men might ally him in time of need or sympathise with what he lived and did plenty, even early on, but their ideals where still to prove their humanity and be heroes.

            But the well been poisoned and now they are everything they despited. And the worst part is that moron, including ITT think that's all they are. Frick Morisson and frick that shithead Bendis too.
            Hell the "X-men are just a allegory" has gotten so bad that a mutant couple having a "nuclear familly" is called "out of character" by mouthbreathing X-moron.

            Anyway rant off, thanks for reading my blog.

          • 9 months ago

            Morrison is largely to blame for sure, but HoM made all of x-men about extinction threats basically until krakoa, even as AvX fixed it, Cyclops was still being a terrorist and the terrigen mist shit came around.

            • 9 months ago

              Absolutly, Bendis is a fricking hack too. But since I know half this board is Spideygay, I think it's not necessary to expand about this.

            • 9 months ago

              The Morrison era and the Extinction years that followed both had different takes on the idea of "the mutant community" and everyone broadly being all on the same side against the rest of the world, with few exceptions. A big part of the appeal of the books used to be the X-Men fighting all the different mutant villain factions who all had their own agendas, eventually all of those guys ended up on the same side as the X-Men and the villains of most stories are just human strawmen who are simultaneously powerless and easily defeated, but an existential threat to mutants because they were bigoted towards them.

              • 9 months ago

                And good god is it boring to read. They barely bother to distinguish between the different human bigots either, they're either "evil rednecks" or "evil futurists", or somehow both at the same time.

      • 9 months ago

        There is one fundamental difference.
        Lots of Marvel people get their powers by accident.
        But for mutants it is like a timebomb in which a normal kid can be human one day and the next morning he farts anti-matter in class.

        • 9 months ago

          I do think its weird characters like Spider-man have never seriously been called out as a mutie. The public at large doesn't know about the spider bite. Fars they know, he could be a dirty, stinkin, mutie!

          • 9 months ago

            >I do think its weird characters like Spider-man have never seriously been called out as a mutie
            he kinda was, and by JJJ too

          • 9 months ago

            Funnily enough he pretended to be a mutie in House of M

          • 9 months ago

            It happened way more often in the 80s when X-Factor was posing as mercenary mutant hunters. People called them in to fight Spider-Man and Hulk and a few others, assuming they were mutants.

      • 9 months ago

        >Why does the public love super powered characters like Thor and Captain America but they hate muties?
        Thor is an actual god but doesn't remind everybody about it every five seconds, as well as helping others without making it such a huge deal, and Captain America is the pinnacle of human development, yet is even more humble than Thor and constantly reminds others how he's there to serve them and doesn't harp on about how he's the ultimate human, and is actually kind of embarrassed when people build him up.

        You can probably imagine how people would view those two much more favorably than a group that believes that they're intrinsically better than them by virtue of having claws or being a goo golem.

        • 9 months ago

          Also, most importantly, those two tend to own up to their own failings and mistakes, and in Captain America's case, being way too harsh on himself for not being able to help shit that's outside of his control. Mutants don't have the same capability of self-reflection, everything they do is justified, no matter how much they frick up, and they don't have to answer to anyone about it.

          • 9 months ago

            >Also, most importantly, those two tend to own up to their own failings and mistakes
            not really. how did they own up to Dark Avengers and Siege? or Civil War?

            • 9 months ago

              >Dark Avengers
              Clarify on this as well.
              >Civil War
              Steve literally dropped everything and turned himself in to the authorities when he realized how much the fight against registration was escalating and making things worse for everybody else.

              • 9 months ago

                >Steve literally dropped everything and turned himself in to the authorities when he realized how much the fight against registration was escalating and making things worse for everybody else.
                Steve being a loser doesn't retcons the fact that civilians STILL died, nor Richards secret guantanamo

            • 9 months ago

              Tell me how you don't read comics without telling me you don't read comics
              The first two are ALL on Norman Osborne who should be in Leavenworth awaiting execution not palling around with Spiderman

              • 9 months ago

                who cares? if marvel citizens don't care about sentinels, and blame everything on muties, why should they care about norman osborn?

              • 9 months ago

                >who cares?
                Black person you asked a question don't get mad when you get an answer you don't like

              • 9 months ago

                I was explaining your logic

              • 9 months ago

                >I was explaining your logic
                Bullshit. You asked how Cap and Thor own up to Siege, the Dark Avengers and Civil War
                I told you that two of those are on Norman Osborne's head. You didn't like the answer because it wasn't anti-Avenger enough for you so now you're acting like a little b***h to feel good about being a moron

              • 9 months ago

                >it's that one guy still crying about Siege and insisting Norman Osborn is a war criminal
                Like it or not, he's been pardoned for everything related to Dark Reign years ago and Marvel don't really refer to any of it anymore. Just like the guy demanding consequences for Reed and Tony over stuff from civil war (who may also be yourself), if it didn't happen at the time it's not going to happen all these years later. Get over it and let it go.

              • 9 months ago

                >Defending a moronic homosexual by trying to paint me as a resident schizo
                Not everyone is a shitposting schizo, some of us just bumblefrick into arguing similar shit

              • 9 months ago

                Sorry if you're not the same guy, it just usually IS the same guy constantly complaining about characters "getting away with" things from Civil War and Siege.

              • 9 months ago

                Eh that's just how it is this place is lousy with schizos posting the same shit over and over, sometimes you happen to align for a minute and it fricking sucks but broken clocks twice a day and all that shit

        • 9 months ago

          Isn't Thor in marvel comics actually an alien who calls himself a God?

          • 9 months ago

            That's the movie, the real Thor is genuine divinity

        • 9 months ago

          >Thor is an actual god but doesn't remind everybody about it every five seconds
          This is just a blatant lie

      • 9 months ago

        >Why does the public love super powered characters like Thor and Captain America but they hate muties?
        Thor is an actual god but doesn't remind everybody about it every five seconds, as well as helping others without making it such a huge deal, and Captain America is the pinnacle of human development, yet is even more humble than Thor and constantly reminds others how he's there to serve them and doesn't harp on about how he's the ultimate human, and is actually kind of embarrassed when people build him up.

        You can probably imagine how people would view those two much more favorably than a group that believes that they're intrinsically better than them by virtue of having claws or being a goo golem.

        here's the thing. The only group of heroes in MU that aren't hated are Avengers and FF, BUT on numerous occassions, marvel's public turned against on them. Marvel citizens just hate superheroes

      • 9 months ago

        Originally, most marvel character delt with that kind of angst, Spider-man was shitted on by the media, people didn't trust the silver surfer or captain marvel for being an alien, the vision for being a robot, when the inhuman came to new york in their 70's series people became racist against them the moment they learned what an inhuman was, the hulk was being hunted down by the millitary, etc.
        Also, there are probably less than ten thousands superhumans that aren't mutants on earth compared to millions of mutants. And most of those none mutants are new inhuman like Kamala Khan, who during the inhuman push had the same oppression narrative in the background.

        • 9 months ago

          >who during the inhuman push had the same oppression narrative in the background.
          this is kinda important. say what you want about inhuman push, but they did make it consistent that inhumans were also feared and hated

          Also, marvel citizens hate synthezoids and symbiotes. As a matter of fact Friends of Humanity rebranded themselves as anti-symbiote organization currently (they used to hate muties)

          • 9 months ago

            >this is kinda important. say what you want about inhuman push, but they did make it consistent that inhumans were also feared and hated
            Except for the crowds of people who thought the Mist was a tourist attraction, followed it around and intentionally exposed themselves to it hoping that they would get cocooned, develop Inhuman powers and get invited to live on New Attilan

            Or all of the Inhumans who cried that they would never get exposed to the Mist because Medusa destroyed the cloud

            • 9 months ago

              >followed it around and intentionally exposed themselves to it hoping that they would get cocooned
              some of them did sure, just like some people take MGH, alas...

            • 9 months ago

              Marvel almost certainly WANTED to get their 2010s Inhumans books to a point where they co-opted the mutants' "hated and feared" gimmick, but outside of the Secret Empire event and a few other moments they never really got there, because there was no Inhuman terrorism movement making people live in constant fear, and the Inhumans were much better at PR than the mutants, not once making grand speeches about how they were going to replace the humans.

              • 9 months ago

                >the Inhumans were much better at PR than the mutants
                I remember people calling the Inhumans mary sues for not getting the hate mutants usually get

              • 9 months ago

                >not once making grand speeches about how they were going to replace the humans.
                That's all mutants had to do, not say stupid shit that they are the next step in evolution and that homosexual sapiens must be made to step aside in some manner. Don't co-opt positions from supremacists like Magneto, don't stick up for people like them, don't enable them, don't hide them from justice, that's fricking it. What they are now is the culmination of what the fandom and the X-Office has been pushing towards them to become for decades, and the pushback in both a meta and literal sense is entirely their fault.

                Inhumans catching shit from the typical anti-mutant groups is expected, the crux of the matter is that their introduction to the public wasn't marred with a threat of enslavement and genocide the way Magneto did for mutants, and their leadership was generally fine to let humanity go on and do whatever the hell it wants to do, with no plans to supplant it or directly meddling in it to give them a leg up, so of course they're met with not as strong of a resistance to their presence from the general public.

                >the Inhumans were much better at PR than the mutants
                I remember people calling the Inhumans mary sues for not getting the hate mutants usually get

                Not lashing out, not burning bridges, and not insulting the people that want to live with or help you is considered a "mary sue" to mutants and their fandom.

      • 9 months ago

        Next step of humanity and regular homosexual sapiens will be left behind.
        Anyone could be one. Some guy on the train could randomly explode.

        • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Magneto first outing was threatening humanity with nukes.

      • 9 months ago

        Isn't there a sapient bacteria influencing the world to hate mutants

      • 9 months ago

        Because they are written by bad writers.

      • 9 months ago

        They generally make a show of doing good. When was the last time the X-men stopped a bank robbery? I mean spider-man webs up some dudes in ski masks with bags full of stolen israeliteels and says "Courteousy of your friendly neighborhood Spider-man!" before zipping off to save a kid in a stroller that is rolling in to traffic and tossing a pizza to some kids.

        The X-men show up at a mall because Fireworks-Fingers is being chased by a giant robot. A bunch of collateral damage ensues, the mutants cry out "Don't be racist!", and then they frick off. Also someone is pretty sure they saw Fireworks-Fingers light a garbage can on fire in the food court.

        But hey, MAYBE that was all a misunderstanding? I mean that robot could have been sent by the government and they muties were just defending one of their own? Except they then approach anyone who happens to wake up half-chicken or with a dick that pisses lava and offer them a place at their school which, as it turns out, is actually a mutant militia training camp, and then when they come back on holidays, they spout mutant propaganda about being the next step in evolution and how bad it feels that their own parents don't understand the need for them to join a paramilitary super team, and then they go no contact. Its like losing your kid all over again, so you share with other parents, and you tell them to pray their kid doesn't wake up with pinecones for eyes, because its all downhill from there.

        I mean its really at the point if little Jimmy wakes up with serated metal teeth, you tell him to tell anyone who finds out that he got bitten by a radioactive can opener, but he's DEFINITELY not a mutant.

        • 9 months ago

          isn't it how they retconned Squirrel Girl??

        • 9 months ago

          Again, all a result of forgetting that yeah X-men are feared and stuff, but they are also god dam SUPER HEROES.
          The heroes part matter. But I already ranted about this.

      • 9 months ago

        Why are civvies cool with regular superheroes who have weird and dangerous powers, but flip the moment there's an X gene involved?

        Why do morons keep asking this question like they're they're the first to think of it

        • 9 months ago

          It's a good question

          • 9 months ago

            No it's not, you can probably read any random page about mutants from probably the last 20 to 25 years and immediately understand exactly why everyone hates them.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't like to do the writers' work for them, but if it were up to me the answer would be simple:

        Mutants are just open racists with superpowers. They think themselves more evolved and therefore inherently superior to humanity. Historically, this sort of thinking always bodes ill for the so-called less developed folk. It would be so easy for the mutants to grow not only arrogant but abusive, a scenario that normal humans cannot afford to let happen.

    • 9 months ago

      She's a mutant and a muslim! Most oppressed!

      • 9 months ago

        Sorry anon, mutie oppression has no equal.

        • 9 months ago

          she's not wrong. would you like to be replaced by powerful people, like israelites?

        • 9 months ago

          I'm really waiting for the day when this is taken to its logical extreme with some mutant insisting a real life atrocity was nothing compared to what mutants have faced

        • 9 months ago

          This has to be someone fricking with us. There's no way someone can wank this hard over SJW stuff and then write a line implying no one has ever used "THEY'LL REPLACE US!" as a rallying cry to attack a minority group. I just don't believe it.

          • 9 months ago

            Why did you chant it then?

        • 9 months ago

          Extra special coming from a rich, blonde, extremely privileged WASP queen too.

          • 9 months ago

            >they're afraid we'll replace them
            Well, b***h, when your official platform, which you make well-known to others at every opportunity, is that you and your kind are genetically superior and will replace the 'riff-raff,' then no fricking shit they'll be afraid of and hate you.

            They really have to stop having Emma being the one playing the victim

  6. 9 months ago

    Why are civvies cool with regular superheroes who have weird and dangerous powers, but flip the moment there's an X gene involved?

    • 9 months ago

      because mutants are scary

      Mutant discrimination never made sense in the larger Marvel universe and never will. When you have people celebrate for example the Fantastic 4 but turn around and discriminate against and shun people with similar or identical power sets just because they were born with them, it reads as really dumb.

      FF have in-universe magazine and are working on PR. Muties are acting like terrorists. But then again, x-men were created to fill the niche of feared and hated and that's their shtick.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Mutant discrimination never made sense in the larger Marvel universe and never will. When you have people celebrate for example the Fantastic 4 but turn around and discriminate against and shun people with similar or identical power sets just because they were born with them, it reads as really dumb.

      Mutants always seem to group up into mutant only clubs, under a really scary powerful leader and then do covert underhanded shit. Even the good guy teams are fricking dangerous destructive. It also seems to really help them stand out and let everyone else know to hate on them since they always join mutant only teams.

      The only time I think mutants decided to go legit superheroes and were semi successful at it were Justice and Firestar who joined New Warriors then Avengers. They never wanted to go hang with other mutants and do mutant shit.

  7. 9 months ago

    Mutant discrimination never made sense in the larger Marvel universe and never will. When you have people celebrate for example the Fantastic 4 but turn around and discriminate against and shun people with similar or identical power sets just because they were born with them, it reads as really dumb.

  8. 9 months ago

    To this day I will never understand the forced drama against mutants, in a universe full of all kinds of genetic/mythological/space freaks, how the frick is being an MCU pushed inhuman gas freak any better than a frickin x-gene mutant, or for that matter a cosmic ray mutated individual like the Thing, or a kid bitten by a radioactive spider.

    • 9 months ago


      because mutants are scary

      FF have in-universe magazine and are working on PR. Muties are acting like terrorists. But then again, x-men were created to fill the niche of feared and hated and that's their shtick.

      Mutants are buttholes, just like other minorities.

      • 9 months ago

        >Mutants are buttholes, just like other minorities.
        that goes without question, but anyone who asks why muties are hated but capes aren't is a noob. It's literally babby's first comic book question and it automatically means that a person who asks such question had never picked a single marvel comic in his hand, his entire life

      • 9 months ago

        >Mutants are buttholes, just like other minorities.
        Whatever makes you feel better white boy

    • 9 months ago

      >how the frick is being an MCU pushed inhuman gas freak any better than a frickin x-gene mutant
      For all their faults, Inhumans actually relented on their plan to make more Inhumans to their own detriment, muties were willing to risk the whole planet just to forcibly transform unwilling citizens into mutants, that's the difference.
      >or for that matter a cosmic ray mutated individual like the Thing, or a kid bitten by a radioactive spider.
      Thing and the rest of the Fantastic Four were accidents, one-offs, same with Spider-Man, they're not an existential threat like mutants who are born naturally and can generate their random powers at the most inconvenient time. They also don't have so-called representatives extolling their superiority over others.

      >Steve literally dropped everything and turned himself in to the authorities when he realized how much the fight against registration was escalating and making things worse for everybody else.
      Steve being a loser doesn't retcons the fact that civilians STILL died, nor Richards secret guantanamo

      >make a point that Steve would own up to his mistakes and failings
      No shit, moron. The point was that characters like Steve own up to their failings, mutants would have brushed off a similar consequence and said "worth it" then go off and do that bullshit again with no hit to their conscience, because as long as their interests are served, they couldn't care less.

      • 9 months ago

        >Thing and the rest of the Fantastic Four were accidents, one-offs, same with Spider-Man, they're not an existential threat like mutants who are born naturally and can generate their random powers at the most inconvenient time. They also don't have so-called representatives extolling their superiority over others.
        >today I'll remind them

        • 9 months ago

          White? Thing is a israelite. They got oppression points.

        • 9 months ago

          This is so up it's own ass its sad.
          They try to make her come of as a calm levelheaded individual in control of her emotions, but judging by half the buzzwords she spews out, you know the type of person who'd say this garbage in real life would be a screeching unhinged lunatic dressed like they lost a bet, and chanting some flavor of the month twitter hashtag, rather than giving Ben a chance to reply.

          • 9 months ago

            well, that makes it realistic then

        • 9 months ago

          >they're afraid we'll replace them
          Well, b***h, when your official platform, which you make well-known to others at every opportunity, is that you and your kind are genetically superior and will replace the 'riff-raff,' then no fricking shit they'll be afraid of and hate you.

          • 9 months ago

            Damn, meant for

            Sorry anon, mutie oppression has no equal.

            , but the stupid rock b***h in

            >Thing and the rest of the Fantastic Four were accidents, one-offs, same with Spider-Man, they're not an existential threat like mutants who are born naturally and can generate their random powers at the most inconvenient time. They also don't have so-called representatives extolling their superiority over others.
            >today I'll remind them

            can be thrown back into the trash, too.

  9. 9 months ago

    The biggest issue with Kamala is that they tried to shoehorn her into a bunch of team books because she was popular. The reason why a character like per say Spider-Man worked was because he was a solo act, he wasn't "A member of the Avangers" or "one of the X-Men", he was by himself and was allowed to develop his own cast. Kamala being an X-Men is probably the worst possible thing for her because it means there is now no chance of her developing into her own grove instead just being another mutant who will be rotated around till she's killed off in an event as some kind of attempt to show how serious the books are or some shit.

    • 9 months ago

      >just being another mutant who will be rotated around till she's killed off in an event as some kind of attempt to show how serious the books are or some shit.
      Her being killed off was already treated as a joke, if they kill her off again then I'm certain nobody will notice.

      • 9 months ago

        She'd be killed off in an event, so of course no one would even notice.

  10. 9 months ago

    A mutant society would innevitably be really unequal, they may all treat each others as equals right now when they have a common goal in resisting oppression, but if everybody was a mutant, it goes without saying that omega levels wouldn't have the same status as a guy whoes power is being blue.

    • 9 months ago

      you just described AoA and HoM

  11. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      I miss the old suit, but at least the art helps it be more tolerable

    • 9 months ago

      Dude, just rip off the X belt logo and nobody gives a shit. Why fricking risk it?

  12. 9 months ago

    When does Kamala hook up with Cyclops?

    • 9 months ago

      >When does Kamala hook up with Cyclops?
      They can't. The two were the same age approximately when they had kids Cyclops for the past come but now Cyclops is like twice her age.

  13. 9 months ago

    Ms. Marvel – The New Mutant #1 storytime



  14. 9 months ago

    wasn't the while point if Charles surrender that Orchis would kill a bunch of humans Everytime they saw a mutant on Earth?

    did everyone just forget about that? it's literally the only reason Krakoa lost. Chuck forced them to surrender because he was too much of a "good man" to let humans die.

    • 9 months ago

      maybe it was a bluff by ORchis?

  15. 9 months ago

    she looking THICC

  16. 9 months ago

    How do muslims still exist when literal, tangible gods like Thor are walking around?

    • 9 months ago

      Because Thor is a jobber

    • 9 months ago

      Because they believe their god is above the Norse gods.

  17. 9 months ago

    She probably would have been a mutant anyway if Marvel was not so busy trying to push Inhumans at the time.

    • 9 months ago

      Despite one of her co-creators claiming this, it's an absolutely stupid idea. If it was still the 60s or 70s, maybe you would just make a new Marvel character a mutant so you didn't have to think up an origin story. But as these pages of the issue and the rest of this thread show, by the 2010s when Kamala was created, you don't make your new OC a mutant unless you want their entire life to be consumed by mutant issues and constant oppression porn, and you want them to eventually abandon their human friends and family for their 'real home' in the mutant community.

    • 9 months ago

      That's because mutant was a easy origin and they didn't really care. Ike was looking for new character with requirement that they be Inhuman and Sana jumped at the chance. Same thing happened with Moon girl and Mosaic, they were accepting whatever pitches for a new Inhuman sounded good. If Kamala being mutant was important they could/would have held off until Mutants were out of the doghouse.

  18. 9 months ago

    Mutants are simultaneously oppressed like minorities, but their supremacists are not unlike Nazis.

    So ironically, the mutie hate ends up bring a mix of dye in the wool bigots and reasonable people not wanting to be gassed like the israelites.

  19. 9 months ago

    >Emma failed to completely mind wipe
    Well that explains why she smells.

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