Entertainment Isnt Profitable

There is no such thing as profitable entertainment anymore.

All the major studios, streaming services, etc. are going to be sold to these huge tech companies who can swallow the losses.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    apple will never recover

    • 11 months ago

      Apple would be moronic to buy that israelite trojan horse. Tim Cook would be out in three years and replaced by Iger. Who would then be in charge of a $3 trillion dollar company that he could infest ..ahem I mean promote other members of the tribe from within. Just imagine sucking the corpse dry of a $3 trillion dollar company. He's probably salivating at the thought as we speak and getting a woodie just thinking about it.

      • 11 months ago

        Yep. Like ATT and Zaslav found out the hard way with WB, you're not buying a studio... you're buying a "culture". Let them twist in the wind until Blackrock pieces them out like a stolen car.

        • 11 months ago

          what does this mean? how has WB fricked them over?

      • 11 months ago

        >Apple would be moronic
        >run by tim cook
        disney aquisition confirmed

  2. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      High IQ post.

  3. 11 months ago

    They're selling their streaming setups in India, and they're planning to scale back around the world too. They aren't selling shit to apple besides some servers and the warehouses they run from. They are trying to restructure hulu, fx, and ESPN though, and whether or not any of that stuff gets sold off will remain to be seen. The likeliest thing to get sold would be FX but it's still a slim chance, more than likely they'll just fold everything into Disney plus or Hulu. This is all just clickbait bullshit meant to get chudclicks.

    • 11 months ago

      >Meant to get chudclicks
      Keep yapping, you'll get this chud dikkk.
      Right in your bussy, n_gger

    • 11 months ago

      Funny Disney + had the soccer broadcast license in India & they lost the rights to it trying to save a few bucks & instead lost even more money as Indians abandoned the service by the millions

      • 11 months ago

        That explains why they're keeping a death grip on ESPN. I thought it seemed like an odd duck in their lineup but I honestly have no awareness of sports stuff, although yeah it obviously has to be worth billions on its own. Probably worth more than D+ and Hulu combined at this point.

        • 11 months ago

          They are using sports to cover for losses of their other branches. The joke? Sports rights usually auctioned only for few years and then its another auction. Lose few auctions or have stupid short term strategy on sports streaming, all that revenue might collapse almost overnight. Where Disney failed is spending stupid money on mostly mediocre products, especially with D+.

          >They aren't selling shit to apple besides some servers and the warehouses they run from
          Kek they aren't even selling that, everyone rents their servers from Amazon

          Most major streamers own at least part of their server infrastructure and rent more from Amazon or google to cover for rush hours. Own infrastructure is cheaper if you are big enough, but there is investment risks involved. If they sell their hardware and rental contracts for industrial warehouses abroad to tech companies, big tech might be interested growth in same markets where Disney made mistakes.

          I think another part is the notion that an Executive is an Executive. The meme of "scientific management". This is another reason institutions, from the military to hollywood are failing. Rather than corporate systems based on a ladder and apprenticeship, we have the notion that a guy who managed a shoe company can go slot in at a music label.

          >Rather than corporate systems based on a ladder and apprenticeship, we have the notion that a guy who managed a shoe company can go slot in at a music label.
          Outsider from different industry might have insights on how to turn over a failing company, especially if they have history of doing that in past. Big enough portion of CEO's lieutenants in upper management of company are the corporate technocracy with industry specific knowledge, used the lieutenant as term because vice president is extremely overused corporate tittle even down to middle management nobodies. Results may vary, outsider might be able to turn around the company or crash it even harder.

          • 11 months ago

            I think the main thing that's hurt Disney is Covid closing down the parks. I'm sure they were ready to tank the losses from from some failed D+ projects like nothing, but the losses from the parks ate up all the leeway they had planned so now instead of going full steam ahead they're dropping dead weight and trying to restructure into some sort of cable package Frankenstein. I think if anything what we'll end up seeing with streaming services is they'll open their libraries back up to be more rotational like they were when it was just Netflix and Amazon Prime. I think it's risky but I can see Disney trying to stay in the streaming ring, but I'm fairly sure a lot of other streaming services will close up shop within the next two years. Honestly looks like the only ones that'll win the streaming wars will be the sports owners because they can just piggyback on any service that's willing to pay.

            • 11 months ago

              The parks were absolutely packed for a time post Covid. That ship (excuse) has sailed.

            • 11 months ago

              Disney will absolutely stay in streaming, they just might scale it back a bit. Especially in spending money like drunken sailor part of it. Since you mentioned COVID, that also pushed up cost of filming of movies and tv-shows. Social distancing slowed down filming, regardless was that originally planned schedule or re-shoots. Also possible quarantines and shit. Big industry players have money and can raise money, even if they have to some business rationalization.

              Smaller more regional streaming services are absolutely getting hammered, because they lack finances of big industry players. Good example being Viaplay, for people who don't know, they are streaming service that started out as satellite/cable premium channel that has done business mostly in norther Europe. Since streaming became a thing the have focused on sports, they paid massive overprice for many sports leagues streaming rights to make them almost essential service for any sports fan in countries they operate in. Now they are closing shop essentially outside of Nordic countries and Netherlands firing at least quarter of their employees.

              Low budget horrors are still profitable
              YouTube videos are still profitable
              They should just stop making movies with moronicly high budget.
              Low-mid budget doesn't mean no special effects or low production value. There are $30 million films with better special effects, costume and set design than $300 million capeshit.

              >YouTube videos are still profitable
              YouTube will barely makes ends meet, but it controls user generated video market. Being marginally profitable is pretty much best case scenario for them. Controlling the market and having ability to affect what kind of content people see might make it worth it. Same applies to Twitter.

              For most content creators that are monetized on any platform, they barely make any money. There is reason why most somewhat successful creators now have native advertising on their videos (pls buy my VPN, coffee or Chinese low quality knives we sell as Japanese premium product) and aggressively shill their Patreon or other crowd sourcing platforms.

              • 11 months ago

                Low budget horrors are still profitable
                YouTube videos are still profitable
                They should just stop making movies with moronicly high budget.
                Low-mid budget doesn't mean no special effects or low production value. There are $30 million films with better special effects, costume and set design than $300 million capeshit.

                >YouTube is profitable
                It's not but it let's Google get a shitting of user data and for that reason the site is kept alive

              • 11 months ago

                It is about as much about controlling the narrative as it is about data mining, but as whole entire google is datamining system. As whole Alphabet inc makes a lot money, somewhere in ballpark 50 billion profit, year earlier they made almost 80 billion. Their revenue rises lot faster than their profits.

      • 11 months ago

        sports is expensive and has poor profit. it's pure showing off

    • 11 months ago

      >they're planning to scale back around the world
      And why would they do that? Is it because they're succeeding too much comrade?

      • 11 months ago

        I know you think you're winning a culture war, sweaty, but the facts are every one in the streaming business is hurting, because they all bought into a model built by an entity that was uniquely suited to benefit from it. Netflix was able to afford a service without supplementary revenue from commercial advertising because they didn't have to produce their own content. Its caught up to them now though and it immediately caught up to everyone else because, one, they also tried to do the proprietary route by only using their libraries, and two, increased competition. I doubt any of these companies is gonna die over this but the Netflix model of commercial free streaming is about to that's for sure.

        • 11 months ago

          I didnt read a single sentence you wrote and just want to remind you that you're a homosexual and your opinion means very little to me

          • 11 months ago

            I accept your concession.

            • 11 months ago

              and I accept your concussion

              • 11 months ago

                We can still be friends.

        • 11 months ago

          S.t.f.u. you know nothing you goddamn troony. All any of these streaming services have to do is create ONE (1) quality show at a time and air it on a weekly basis and people would gladly stay subscribed. The shit is ten fricking bucks. Its nothing. But you know what? These companies can't even do that. Nope. They would rather projectile shit out their ESG mandated brown watery diarrhea social propaganda over and over to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars for each show even though nobody watches them and viewers are L.I.T.T.E.R.A.L.Y. telling them by any means possible over all forms of media to please stop doing it because they dont like it.

          Literally no focus groups necessary like its some vast secret to unlocking this insrutable opaque market. All they have to do is put out quality and stop making shit but these companies absolutely 100% refuse to do it. So they make excuses and use their media sock puppet shill outlets like Collider and whatnot to spew damage control and blame the weather or anything but the real reason they are failing.

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            I'm sorry I made you so mad, but despite what you think your little culture war doesn't mean shit to the ~~*people*~~ that actually do run this country, no wait, I mean Disney. You think them and their money are just going to dissolve away because your demagogues have you convinced they're literally Satan? I'm sorry but even your heroes Ron and Don know which side their bread is buttered on. And all this talk of AI finally putting power into the hands of the people is fricking laughable! When the frick have conservatives ever cared about artistic expression beyond putting some liberals in their place? You really think when the day comes and we start rolling out Holodeck-tier technology Donny's stacked supreme court is gonna side with the artistic value of letting everyone experience true freedom for free or are they gonna side with Comcasts and Googles that are gonna offer it in premium subscription tiers?! You are fricking deluded, and just like every other conservatard you have hopelessly shot yourself in the foot just to spite some liberals. I sincerely wish you the modicum of luck it would take to develop the self awareness to realize what a moron you've been, but I don't think it matters or that it would happen anyway.

            • 11 months ago

              Americattle are only capable of clapping and kneeling for whatever red or blue shaded homosexual is on their tv, don't waste your time

            • 11 months ago


              Americattle are only capable of clapping and kneeling for whatever red or blue shaded homosexual is on their tv, don't waste your time

              i dont like this blaming of the wests woes on random american born whites, whites have been letting themselves get played by the banking klkes for 200+ years now, europeans and amerimutts both have themselves to blame.

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah I totally turned off your gay show about strong and brave buttsex with two gays kissing because some youtuber told me to and not because its fricking digusting. I must be mind contolled by capitol rioters. Thanks for the wake up call Anon!

              • 11 months ago

                I don't have a gay buttsex show, you must be confusing me with your plex server. No judgement from me though. You do you, booboo.

              • 11 months ago

                >hiding your lbgtqabcxyz+ homosexual status on an anonymous cambodian poodle sweater knitting board.

                You really aren't fooling anybody. And you don't have to. The board is anonymous.

              • 11 months ago

                Are hitting on me?

              • 11 months ago

                You argue like a female, so yeah. I am. What's your phone number baby?

    • 11 months ago

      >They aren't selling shit to apple besides some servers and the warehouses they run from
      Kek they aren't even selling that, everyone rents their servers from Amazon

    • 11 months ago

      The Apple connection was rumored in trades since day 1 of Eiger's return both companies have Blackrock/Vanguard investment and the CEO in question's a personal friend of a former board member thereof now at Apple

      • 11 months ago

        Do you prefer names like International Business Machines, Texas Instruments, Northrop Grumman, General Electric?

        • 11 months ago

          Yes I do.
          >Lockheed Martin
          >General Dynamics
          They radiate energy from the names alone

    • 11 months ago

      Wait, I thought diversity was our strength? Why is globalism failing so bad?

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe Disney shouldn’t have gotten political.

      Oh well, not my problem.

      • 11 months ago

        You sure whine like it's your problem.

        • 11 months ago

          >t. salty b***h

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not the one saving pics of trannies on my hard drive.

            • 11 months ago

              You should.

              Your grandchildren won’t believe the kind of shit you lived through.

  4. 11 months ago

    We will always have visual entertainment, this is just a rough transition that is blindsiding everyone.

    It shouldn't be but studio execs are dumber than in decades past.

    I think part of the reason why original studio bosses made it because they all came from vaudeville/theater. They all knew what it meant to have expensive shows that didn't work, and they were fricking merciless not to repeat that.

    They saw first hand what happens when you overspend or you don't serve the customer: you go out of business.

    Modern execs thought they were immune, though DC/WB should have been really smelling their farts by now. Disney thought they could just endlessly print $, what fools.

    Studios will retrench, parse out content, lower budgets, and survive.

    They are going to make it, they are going to live on. Because there is demand

    • 11 months ago

      >It shouldn't be but studio execs are dumber than in decades past.

      That stupidity is apparent in every level of society right now.

    • 11 months ago

      Its mind boggling how they managed to frick up so badly, especially Disney. They had money trees just growing happily only needing a watering now and then and instead they went at them with a rusty handsaw lopping shit off left and right.

      • 11 months ago

        this is what happens when you let political ideologues take over your company. they don't give a shit about profit or the bottom line, they just care about propagating their message. they don't even care about fricking quality.

        There is absolutely no reason Disney shouldn't print money. It is profitable if you aren't making completely fricking moronic decisions, which Disney insists on doing. Whatever the smart thing would be to do, Disney will always do the opposite. Every time.

        You could fire Bob Iger, install literally any homosexual on this board as Disney's CEO and turn the company around overnight. Just get some Donald Trump-like bully in there who isn't afraid to be an butthole and shit all over everyone's shitty ideas, fire a bunch of idiots, and run Disney like a business and not a social justice charity.

        "Elementals" and "Strange Worlds" were fricking bombs that never should have been made. Millions of dollars and thousands of hours of work by hundreds of animators completely in service of some homosexuals working through issues with their parents. Turns out, nobody can fricking relate to something that only happened to you.

        Look at "Mario". Not a good movie by any means. They just made a movie that wasn't fricking shitty and it made over a billion.

        >Look at "Mario". Not a good movie by any means. They just made a movie that wasn't fricking shitty and it made over a billion.
        it's not talked about, but audiences are exhausting by constantly being lectured when they go to the movies just to enjoy something and get lost in another world for 2 hours. even girlboss Peach was less on the nose than some of the shit in Disney movies now.

        • 11 months ago

          >this is what happens when you let political ideologues take over your company
          It won't get any better under Apple, you know. If anything it'll accelerate.

          • 11 months ago

            i never said it would get better under apple doe

          • 11 months ago

            > As Barry reveals that he is descended from Smithville's founder Christian A. Smith, Maya goes to school and meets Emily (Storm Reid), a girl who beckons her to inquire about Smith's history, learning that there is virtually no information about him prior to 1900. No one else seems to notice Emily, but Maya, who finds a journal from her buried in the dirt near the statue of Smith, whom the town plans on honoring later. Maya, Penny, and their friends take the journal to Brother Kwame and discover that it contains information revealing that Smith was a slave owner and that Emily is a ghost, and may have been killed for trying to celebrate the first Juneteenth. Wizard Kelly refuses to end the celebration and Barry refuses to believe his family history. Upset, the kids go to the celebration and march, resulting in them and their parents getting arrested for standing up. Barry admits that he was ashamed and apologizes. After a month of negotiations, Smithville is renamed Emilyville and a statue of Emily is erected instead of Smith. Maya then sees Emily appear as an old woman before her spirit disappears, implying she was not killed and lived to know freedom.

        • 11 months ago

          >it's not talked about, but audiences are exhausting by constantly being lectured when they go to the movies just to enjoy something and get lost in another world for 2 hours

          I don't know how Hollywood doesn't understand this. They literally have one job, to entertain, and they can't help but shove politics in everything now.

          What's even more moronic is that they think any of the public will sympathize with them when strike and refer to themselves as "blue collar".

    • 11 months ago

      I speculate in the near future AI will be able to make content essentially for free. Studios will not be able to survive this.

    • 11 months ago

      I think another part is the notion that an Executive is an Executive. The meme of "scientific management". This is another reason institutions, from the military to hollywood are failing. Rather than corporate systems based on a ladder and apprenticeship, we have the notion that a guy who managed a shoe company can go slot in at a music label.

    • 11 months ago

      >I think part of the reason why original studio bosses made it because they all came from vaudeville/theater. They all knew what it meant to have expensive shows that didn't work, and they were fricking merciless not to repeat that.
      The original studio bosses were hardcore capitalist israelites that had to scrap to get out of eastern European ghettos. Despite the anti-immigrant sentiment at the time, the moguls loved America for its opportunity and celebrated assimilation. This generation are soft-headed commies who take America for granted and shit all over the legacies they were handed for fast cash grabs. It's disgusting.

  5. 11 months ago

    Entertainment will be classified as an essential service, funded by taxes. The people need their circuses, after all.
    So our taxes will fund companies like Disney to make propaganda that people will then need to purchase in order to consume it. That's clownworld logic.

  6. 11 months ago

    these tech companies will soon own everything, eventually there wont be any competition, and then the industry dies, great idea

  7. 11 months ago

    Netflix is doing fine. All the other studios were moronic and for years gave Netflix their licensed shows and allowed them to grow. Then when Netflix got this insane evaluation all the other studios thought they needed their own streaming service, but didn't realize how tough that would be. So they dumped so much money into these streaming platforms that are losing them tons of money now with no real sign of getting anywhere near a Netflix level.

    • 11 months ago

      >Netflix is doing fine.
      Sure thing buddy

  8. 11 months ago

    >$800m loss

    shouldn't this be chump change for disney? they could release one hit next year and make all that money back

    • 11 months ago

      >they could release one hit next year

      But they won't. They'll release three incredibly shitty films instead because they are completely incompetent.

    • 11 months ago

      Disney has been putting out flops without any hits since 2022. Live-action version of The Little Mermaid, Strange World, Lightyear, Elementals, Indiana Jones 5. They're actually in some pretty deep shit since they need to finish paying for Hulu soon and they don't have the cash.

    • 11 months ago

      they actually have no money because of something to do with hulu shares or some shit idk someone on here explained it better.

  9. 11 months ago

    profitable entertainment is absolutely a thing, the issue is studios like Disney only produce propaganda. entertainment and propaganda are very different things.

  10. 11 months ago

    There is absolutely no reason Disney shouldn't print money. It is profitable if you aren't making completely fricking moronic decisions, which Disney insists on doing. Whatever the smart thing would be to do, Disney will always do the opposite. Every time.

    You could fire Bob Iger, install literally any homosexual on this board as Disney's CEO and turn the company around overnight. Just get some Donald Trump-like bully in there who isn't afraid to be an butthole and shit all over everyone's shitty ideas, fire a bunch of idiots, and run Disney like a business and not a social justice charity.

    "Elementals" and "Strange Worlds" were fricking bombs that never should have been made. Millions of dollars and thousands of hours of work by hundreds of animators completely in service of some homosexuals working through issues with their parents. Turns out, nobody can fricking relate to something that only happened to you.

    Look at "Mario". Not a good movie by any means. They just made a movie that wasn't fricking shitty and it made over a billion.

    • 11 months ago

      They keep intentionally losing money on projects that would otherwise make decent profits if it weren't for forced political agendas arbitrarily placed in. Its almost as if they have some kind of ulterior motive outside of financial profit. Really makes you think

      • 11 months ago

        I don’t know why anons like you think the 20 year olds put in charge of projects are these masterminds out to control the global populations when they are just morons reacting too slowly to trends while banks breath down their necks. The whole system is fricked and already happened to Disney in the 70s with Card Walker in charge

        • 11 months ago

          Why does Disney's CEO let inexperienced 20 year olds burn billions of dollars on ideas that clearly lose profits? Its almost as if money isnt even their concern. Really makes you think...

          • 11 months ago

            Giant corporations ceos don’t care about profits because they are guaranteed golden parachutes when they retire. Chapel got his and nearly ran the parks division into the ground. Look at what happened to Toys r Us a few years ago.

            Would you give a shit about your job if you were contractually guaranteed to make hundreds of millions of dollars regardless of your performance?

            • 11 months ago

              >Look at what happened to Toys r Us a few years ago.

              nu-wars is literally the reason toys r us died. they bought the toys thinking it was a sure hit but then couldnt sell them to anyone

              • 11 months ago

                The company failed because culture venture capitalists pumped and dumped the stock. Same as gamestop. But yeah man, John Boyega drove around to all the stores and forced them to buy the toys out of his 18 wheeler. I saw it on youtube

              • 11 months ago

                >Toys R Us didnt order any star wars merchandise

                This modern commie propaganda keeps getting harder to take seriously

              • 11 months ago

                >toy companies dont lose money when they cant sell their toys! COME ON! thats a right wing chud conspiracy!

              • 11 months ago

                Being a once /toy/gay I can tell you they had stupidly high markup on all their shit and they almost never restocked their physical stores. Made no sense when this was a time when you could get shit below MSRP on Amazon with free shipping while they were charging at least an additional 20% on their merch and thought that their store's brand pedigree would make it forgivable

                Toy companies are also stupid and owe some of the blame. They're in charge of assortments of how many figures of a given character are supposed to ship out and back in non-pozzed times it was common sense for a cool bad guy or stormtrooper to be 4 to a case of 12, instead of loading the cases with 4 Boyegas and 4 Trans with the characters people buying being limited to 1 or 2 out of a whole case of 12. This is where you get these overloaded clearance bin pictures. There's just no way for these stores to unload their excess unwanted shit, least of all at actual brick and mortar stores that charge you more than the competition

        • 11 months ago

          Perhaps because the 20 year olds don’t ultimately call the shots and the old-as-frick executives who could fire them for obliterating the brand’s value simply don’t for reasons that are inexplicable without ideological motivation

        • 11 months ago

          >I don’t know why anons like you think the 20 year olds put in charge of projects are these masterminds out to control the global populations when they are just morons reacting too slowly to trends while banks breath down their necks. The whole system is fricked and already happened to Disney in the 70s with Card Walker in charge

          do you also think this about "right wing" current media or do you think they are just crazy raysis chuds desperate to put their personal opinions and politics into everything?

          you Black person troony leftests always act like fence sitting neutral observers when talking about your own side and trying to cool down people angry about leftist bullshit

          • 11 months ago

            I don’t think this is a political alignment problem as much as /misc/ wants it to be, but go off, queen

            • 11 months ago

              then just answer the question i asked instead of going off tangent to talk about hating /misc/ and how youre so enlightened you never make a political argument

              • 11 months ago

                I deeply apologizing for offending the sergeant of the /misc/ice. Please don’t put me in Cinemaphile jail

              • 11 months ago

                your concession has been accepted mr israelite

          • 11 months ago

            This has nothing to do with politics you moronic homosexual, streaming is extremely unprofitable and production costs are bloated

            • 11 months ago

              Im saying this as one of the israelite ruling class, this is every bit of politics. In what universe but ours will a studio shove a fat sand Black person girl to a multi million dollar show, not only that but to the front of a movie from one of their big franchises. Then they are dumbfounded when people dont eat their goyslop.
              Even sand Black folk dont want to watch this fatty on their screen, what do you think those rich fricks from dubai buy sex with a pig that looks like her or they order blonde europeans to come instead to suck their hairy wieners.

              • 11 months ago

                You sound as Russian as frick.

              • 11 months ago

                Da comrade

      • 11 months ago

        Nah, it's fail up economics. Partly it's woke agenda, but that's because HR is moronic and the people who are hired rather hire friends. Who happened to share their idea and beliefs, which would make sense. We as humans feel safer hiring or being something we're familiar than dealing with new people. Would you honestly hire a pink hair chick at your company, despite the individual on paper shows she can do X, then dealing with her bullshit. The ones who have the skill and ability are either worked to the bone cause they don't kiss ass, or stuck into positions that the company doesn't want them to grow cause they're a semi special cog. Then you have management who don't want to do shit cause they're in a semi comfy position, or lack the skills to actually govern, thanks to either nepotism or cronyism. Then of course there's the higher ups who don't actually engage in the product or their employees to figure out why their product is going to shit, would rather take the quickest pathway so they don't have to work as much.

    • 11 months ago

      theyre very complacent and very presumptuous.
      they keep spending 250 million on movies and expect them all to make 1 billion at the theater.

      thats possible, but only if the movies are good. but they just releasing slop.

    • 11 months ago

      >"Elementals" and "Strange Worlds" were fricking bombs that never should have been made.

      You could say that about virtually any movie Pixar has made in the past five years. Lightyear, Turning Red, Luca, Toy Story 4. These were all movies that literally no wanted and didn't ask for. Luca is a "literally what" movie, Turning Red got its release ruined by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Toy Story is a dead horse IP that hasn't gone anywhere in a decade and become culturally irrelevant.

      May be the problem is specifically with Pixar since they're constantly shitting out movies that cost upwards in the range of a quarter to half-a-billion dollars to produce and not earning back the budget, let alone the additional 100% needed to break even. Even the infamously disastrous Star Wars sequels managed to turn a considerable profit.

      • 11 months ago

        > Toy Story is a dead horse IP that hasn't gone anywhere in a decade and become culturally irrelevant.
        Because they wrapped it up so well in 3. There really wasn’t anyway to ever continue the series well after that

      • 11 months ago

        Costs are out of control. I like the Guardians movies. The new one was perfectly fine, really well produced, top notch VFX. However they are a little odd for some audiences and not one of them has made a billion dollars.

        Yet they spent two hundred and fifty fricking million on part 3. It's just insanity.

        • 11 months ago

          Honestly the best thing Disney could do right now is hire some fricking independent auditors and accountants DO NOT use ones already employed by the company or your audit is going to be about as accurate as the Russian MoD's reports on military readiness were on February 23, 2022 to go through the production of their last few films and figure out what's causing costs to balloon to the point of being straight-up unsustainable. Even if you're going to keep making movies that are complete garbage, cutting the production costs by 50% would ensure that most of them are able to at least break even.

        • 11 months ago

          That's really the main thing. Modern blockbuster movies are insanely expensive for what they are. Even adjusted for inflation, you would be able to film the first three Indy movies with the budget of Dial of Destiny.

      • 11 months ago

        >Turning Red got its release ruined by the Russian invasion of Ukraine
        Don't blame the Russians on this one, it was just a bad movie targeted at Chinese girls living in Canada which is a hilariously small audience to make an entire big budget film for. I gave it a shot but I had to turn it off because I was literally cringing after 20 minutes.

        • 11 months ago

          >Don't blame the Russians on this one

          >movie that relied entirely on getting into newspapers on how edgy it is to turn a profit
          >gets kicked off the front page on release day because all the newspapers are covering an actual story for once

          Yeah, I'm crediting the Russians with this one.

          • 11 months ago

            >people only hear about new movies from da newspapuh
            Go to bed grampa

    • 11 months ago

      >Look at "Mario". Not a good movie by any means. They just made a movie that wasn't fricking shitty and it made over a billion.
      That is all you need to do today be good if not great in today's media landscape. Anything actually good made today will be in future hailed as masterpieces of the era even if they fall short of actually being notch higher than good.

      No. They made a shitty diversity predator and didn't even release it on their own streaming platform. Disney are fricking moronic. I wish Steve Jobs was still alive so he could buy them and gut them. Everything he said Disney would do to Pixar they did. He and George could have put the band back together and saved this dogshit company.

      Virtually everything bad Apple did prior to Jobs dying was by Jobs. Woz was always the good Steve.

  11. 11 months ago

    how much more pozzed could disney be if owned by apple

  12. 11 months ago

    Why don't they try making good movies instead of bad ones? I'm sure it could be profitable then.

  13. 11 months ago

    Can we please agree that we deserve Megacorps with cooler names? When I expected to media juggernauts to bind together, I didn't think it would be called something as lame as Apple. It's not fair that we have bow down to such a homosexual-sounding overlord.

    • 11 months ago

      No. If you use your fricking brain you'll see that Apple is more insidious than anything some shit writer could come up with. Apples are the biblical reason we're all in this shit to begin with. Too bad there's a fat frickin' bite it in!

      • 11 months ago

        >Apples are the biblical reason we're all in this shit to begin with.
        Don't blame the apple, blame the dumb narcissistic b***h that ate it.

      • 11 months ago

        >durr hurr apple is le cringe i want Death Corp
        The fruit, which grew on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was the catalyst for the fall of man — when original sin entered creation and led to the reality we face every day. It's a reality where poverty, violence, disease and greed are pervasive.

        That's my point, morons. Apple is a demoralizing name for (you) to kneel under.

        • 11 months ago

          Nothing gets cooler than the bible you stinky b***h

          • 11 months ago

            I bet you don't even eat apples daily, hypocrite.

            • 11 months ago

              I never eat apples or go to the doctor.

      • 11 months ago

        >Apples weren't even around in biblical times.
        >The bible is allegorical especially in early parts
        >Apples were an easy western representation for a fruit with easy to access seeds
        >The tree of knowledge was agriculture
        >The allegory is about how we cultivated and created our own dominion over the land and fricked up everything for ourselves and now have no natural purpose
        If you are going to care about the words of the bible then understand their fricking meaning.

    • 11 months ago

      No. If you use your fricking brain you'll see that Apple is more insidious than anything some shit writer could come up with. Apples are the biblical reason we're all in this shit to begin with. Too bad there's a fat frickin' bite it in!

      >durr hurr apple is le cringe i want Death Corp
      The fruit, which grew on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was the catalyst for the fall of man — when original sin entered creation and led to the reality we face every day. It's a reality where poverty, violence, disease and greed are pervasive.

      • 11 months ago

        It wasn't an apple. The fruit was never specified.

        • 11 months ago

          Doesn't matter. The most common modern version of the story has the fruit as an apple. It's a great name for an evil doublespeak corporation that acts as the population control backdoor for the government.

    • 11 months ago

      The CEO literally is a gay so stop whining about it not being a fitting name.

      • 11 months ago

        >Company is a fruit
        >CEO is a fruit as well
        P O T T E R Y

    • 11 months ago


      I don't know dude sounds pretty dystopian to me

    • 11 months ago

      I want some kind of Japanese economic resurgence so we get Gibson-esque megacorp names. Kadokawa-Warner, Fujitsu-Paramount, etc.

      • 11 months ago

        Too late now. Shinzo Abe tried for 10 years and got nothing. Japan's too old and is aging rapidly for that sort of boom. And its corporations are too stuck in their ways and being wiped out Chinese ones.

    • 11 months ago

      Weyland-Yutani please

  14. 11 months ago

    chud police which corporation should i support?

    • 11 months ago

      support your local Cinemaphile filmmakers first

  15. 11 months ago

    Well the MCU is going to be turbo woke now

  16. 11 months ago

    >Entertainment Isn’t Profitable
    If you only put ugly men and ugly women and women wearing burkas and the movies are full of gay messages the movies will become unprofitable.

    • 11 months ago

      This, I don't watch movies that don't appeal to me

    • 11 months ago

      Ms. Its a marvel she is alive looking like that

    • 11 months ago

      Brie did absolutely no physical work to prepare for this role
      I just thought she was arrogant before but now I also think she's really lazy

  17. 11 months ago


    You mean every single participant in line go up forever corporatism.
    Shareholders now expect an infinite return on investment so every idea, every product, every property must be strip-mined and raped till there is nothing left then the corporation itself must be sold off.
    It's just unsustainable on its face.

    • 11 months ago

      This, the tech start up industry and the insane profits it generated in a relatively short time turned investing from a long term investment to one where short term is all that matters & destroying the company is just an "oh well" afterthought as long as you got yours and got out

    • 11 months ago

      >Shareholders now expect an infinite return on investment so every idea

      They must be really upset as Disney losing billions in box office bombs then

  18. 11 months ago

    If ti's not profitable how are all these ceos, actors, shell companies etc constantly making money? Oh wait, it is profitable they only LIE about losing money so they can avoid taxes

  19. 11 months ago

    Disney should just go to the casino every summer with their movie budget and put it on roulette. They would genuinely have a better chance at making money the way things are going.

    • 11 months ago

      Disney should open Disney themed casinos, complete with Disney princess hookers who will steal your chips afterwards

      • 11 months ago

        Have you never been on a Disney cruise?

  20. 11 months ago

    So what happened to all the billions they made years befor?

    • 11 months ago

      They sent it to Israel

    • 11 months ago

      All shoveled into the Disney+ money furnace. People seriously don’t understand how big the hole is in that shit, as far as profits are concerned “produce the entire MCU and keep D+ open for four years” and “do literally fricking nothing” are identical. It’s completely unsustainable

  21. 11 months ago

    The pudding has been in the pudding for years. Predictive programming has been conditioning us for Apple buying Disney for years. The new world order is coming and soon there will be 2, maybe 3 companies that own everything. And you will own nothing.

    • 11 months ago

      DNA (Disney Nintendo/Netflix Apple)

    • 11 months ago

      >pudding has been in the pudding

      • 11 months ago


  22. 11 months ago

    please don't ruin apple by having them buy a shittier company

  23. 11 months ago

    I'll tell you how to save disney
    100 drawgays and a shoah

  24. 11 months ago

    nah they should just stop making shit tv shows and movies that doesn’t cater to people who are supposed to like it
    if disney let me green light or red light their projects i could fix them, because i wouldn’t make products that no one fricking asks for

    • 11 months ago

      >if disney let me green light or red light their projects i could fix them, because i wouldn’t make products that no one fricking asks for
      U could take any random person off the street and they'd run the company better than the clown there

  25. 11 months ago

    cool now apple can have a turn ruining it!

    • 11 months ago

      Apple+ seem to be doing ok quality wise, they are just too small to get any notice. If they get a sizeable enough audience they could do some good - cannot be any worse than current.

  26. 11 months ago

    >~~*entertainment*~~ isnt profitable


  27. 11 months ago

    All part of ~~*the plan*~~.

  28. 11 months ago

    one step closer to Buy-N-Large becoming a reality

  29. 11 months ago

    > mega corp in charge of a majority of the world's technology and entertainment

  30. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Has Disney really done anything with Fox owned IPs? I do know the new Alien movie, but is there really anything else?

      • 11 months ago

        No. They made a shitty diversity predator and didn't even release it on their own streaming platform. Disney are fricking moronic. I wish Steve Jobs was still alive so he could buy them and gut them. Everything he said Disney would do to Pixar they did. He and George could have put the band back together and saved this dogshit company.

  31. 11 months ago


    Captain Marvel proved that you can get the plebs to buy anything if you strike while the iron is hot. Marvel was the biggest name in entertainment, her name was Captain Marvel, and people didn't want to be out of the loop for Infinity War so they showed up.

    The problem is that's not replicable. You can sell a mediocrity by appealing to the quality of past entries but when you keep churning out mediocrities there's no more coattails to ride on. You can sandwich a Captain Marvel between Raganok and Infinity War and people will roll with it. When the whole lineup is the weak link, then you're in trouble. The Marvels is going to bomb so, so hard

  32. 11 months ago

    Bot thread.

  33. 11 months ago

    >Woke entertainment isn't profitable.
    Fixed it for you.

  34. 11 months ago

    Why would Apple buy Disney? Disney can't produce movies or TV shows without going massively over budget.

    The only company it would make sense to buy is Warner Bros Discovery so you get an actual good library and HBO

    • 11 months ago

      The only thing Apple could possibly want out of Disney’s catalog is the IPs. Even then, they’re woke but not to the degree that it starts hurting igay sales so in the hypothetical scenario that they buy Lucasfilm it would be completely purged of whatever feminists are trying to destroy it

      • 11 months ago

        Disney IPs are in tatters now. How many live action remakes do they have left?

        • 11 months ago

          they can re-release the original Star Wars in theaters and make millions off that shit. and when i say original I mean 'not changed by that gay lucas' imagine the original trilogy released one year after another. the adults who would be itching to see that

          • 11 months ago

            There's still the question as to whether original copies of the films even exist. George may have low key destroyed them all over the years. Anyone who still has master copies are probably hanging on for dear life, as they are virtually priceless artifacts.

      • 11 months ago

        apple is no woke at all lmao
        it's just that homosexuals value "aesthetics" and trending more than funcionality and they prefer Iphones over anything else, but that's it

      • 11 months ago

        Apple keeps their woke nonintrusive. Sure their ads are full of blacks and they celebrate the Alphabet People all year long. But what Disney is doing is the equivalent of sending a push notification to your Iphone telling you you're worthless and to have a nice day every couple of months.

    • 11 months ago

      disney owns the rights to a bunch of IPs like marvel and star wars. Presumably they would just shut down the studio.

  35. 11 months ago

    The NFL. Come see Tommy win his 8th with the 49ers. Oh, you'll pay

  36. 11 months ago

    I'll save entertainment I've got a million stories 0403111420

  37. 11 months ago

    Good riddance. The mouse is dead.

  38. 11 months ago

    >people getting this fired up by an article by Aaditya Pathak
    Why do Indians rule this board with an iron fist?

  39. 11 months ago

    honestly, all they need is good fun, cute girls anime like new disney

  40. 11 months ago

    Desantis bros… WE WON

    • 11 months ago

      wait until he’s president. It’s going to be so based

  41. 11 months ago

    Go woke and literally go broke.

    • 11 months ago

      It’s literally happening with Barbie right now

  42. 11 months ago

    >profitable anything in 2023
    It's all fake money. Read Marx on the tendency of the falling rate of profit.

    • 11 months ago

      >Read Marx

    • 11 months ago

      Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the fricking tendency of the rate of profit to fall. I'm going in sane.

  43. 11 months ago

    Maybe if they got rid of all the subversive israelites and stopped mandating Black folk in everything they'd start making money again.

  44. 11 months ago

    >There is no such thing as profitable entertainment anymore
    It's weird that entertainment stopped being profitable when it became more focused on pushing political propaganda than entertaining people. If only somebody could figure out the relation between those two events, maybe Hollywood could be saved. Unfortunately, a team of top Californian scientists assigned to the task couldn't figure out the root cause.

  45. 11 months ago

    Sound of Freedom
    >Budget 15M
    >box office 100M and counting

    >Budget 20-25M
    >Box office 120M with a limited Western release

    Entertainment is profitable when you keep budgets reasonable and tell stories audiences want to see.

  46. 11 months ago

    There are OF girls earning a million a month. Entertainment is definitely profitable.

  47. 11 months ago

    Wait I don't underarand I thought streaming killed Hollywood so how can streaming be dying? Isn't this a closed system? Where's the money going?

    • 11 months ago

      My completely uninformed opinion is that there's just too many services, and the market is oversaturated. My dad used to see this happen all the time when he worked overseas.
      >New type of restaurant or business opens on the main street
      >Huge influx of customers due to the novelty, and it makes big money
      >Five other shops copying the original open within a month
      >Original shop has less customers compared to earlier since the novelty has worn off
      >Most of the shops go out of business since there's not enough demand to keep all of them profitable
      That's without going into the quality of the products.

    • 11 months ago

      Streaming killed medium budget cinema. Hollywood used to make more medium budget movies, even if there were more risks involved, because they could make good money from good shit for niche audiences with secondary market of home video releases. Film had mediocre performance and some losses at box office, home video could turn it profitable, even with total outright bombs at box office they could at least recover some of losses. That worked with DVD and video tapes, both rental and retail. Streaming followed before substantial part of upgraded to blurays.

      That has lead to creative death of industry. There is nothing in between low budget indies and massive purpose built blockbusters. Basically things have stagnated a bit on because what used to be called natural career progression doesn't exist anymore. High budget tv-shows on streaming services have partially replaced medium budget cinema as career path, but those are not exactly 1 on 1 replacement.

      Hollywood doesn't control entire streaming market, tech giants are involved as well and take their own cut of market. Then Hollywood studios and tv-channels decided that want to control all streaming of their content, turns out none of them have attractive enough past library or current in production shows/films to make service worth subscribing to alone. A normie that might like a show or two on a service, orders it while its running or has already ran, binges the show and cancels after that, until next season drops. Then rinse and repeat. Market is too fragmented and permanent subscription of all over 9k services isn't worth it. At this point they also started overspending on spectacle in hopes of attracting permanent subscriber base.

    • 11 months ago

      They spend more money but due to the lack of ads and dvds sales. They aren’t making enough money back.

      • 11 months ago

        So it's all going to ad firms. Which ones?

  48. 11 months ago

    Anyone who would buy Disney would be buying an albatross, it's rotten from the core outward

  49. 11 months ago

    guess all that hamfisted virtue signaling was worth it huh?

  50. 11 months ago


    that doesn’t fit the narrative of the thread. go back

  51. 11 months ago

    >Buy Pixar
    >Buy Marvel
    >Buy Star Wars
    >Go bankrupt because you have no audience

    • 11 months ago

      nu-Disney and itoddlers audience overlap though.

  52. 11 months ago


    >Jews only took over Hollywood in the 2010s

    • 11 months ago

      I was born in 2003 so it’s all I know.

  53. 11 months ago
    ࿇ C Œ M G E N V S ࿇

    >Entertainment Isn’t Profitable


  54. 11 months ago

    >There is no such thing as profitable entertainment
    There is when humans run the companies instead of giving

  55. 11 months ago

    Disney is too big to swallow whole. Buying it all would be one of those mega-deals from the low interest 90-10s, that all eventually went south.

  56. 11 months ago

    Undermine. Destroy. Choose a next host.

  57. 11 months ago

    surely some more race mixing black washed strong women transexual characters will fix this?


  58. 11 months ago

    >make things people don't want
    >it's not profitable
    no way

  59. 11 months ago

    >Would have to pay not only just the worth of 8 billion but another 800 million in debt
    Holy shit anyone would be stupid to buy this

    • 11 months ago

      >800 million
      Black person they have tens of billions in debt. It’s literally “the collective GDP of Polynesia” tier indebtedness

  60. 11 months ago

    >get total control of a giant corporation, by far the largest in the entertainment industry
    >hire only the most incompetent people imaginable to wreck it
    >fiddle while the company burns
    >sell to the largest corporation of any kind on the planet at an gargantuan discount
    >bring home the largest bonus in the history of capitalism, both above board and under the table

    I'm sure that's not really what is going on.
    Just my conspiratorial mind.

    • 11 months ago

      >bring home the largest bonus in the history of capitalism

      That's just a small bonus. He's got bigger fish to fry. Like infecting and taking over a three trillion dollar company from the inside after getting aquired. It what he did when Disney bought ABC. Now he's looking to rinse and repeat but WAY bigger this time. Tim Cook should stay away from any staircases, open windows or ledges if Apple buys Disney.

      >Tim Cook: "hmmm..why do all of our new executive hires have the name 'berg' in them? That's stra...ACK!

  61. 11 months ago

    Disney would have to sell away all their theme parks before Apple would consider buying them. After all, theme parks are the real estate equivalent of horses. Both horses and theme parks cost money even when the owner is sleeping at night.

  62. 11 months ago

    it was only a matter of time I suppose

  63. 11 months ago


    >poltard wants disney to fail
    >gets mad it might get sold to competent company

  64. 11 months ago

    Just make entertaining goyslop without tons of gay or feminist or racial pandering in it. Ffs it’s not that hard

    • 11 months ago


  65. 11 months ago

    >Boomers unwilling to maintain talent scouting and development painstakingly emplaced by Greatest & Silent Gen
    >subordinate art to political posturing
    >'not profitable'

    Mendacious and the Eigers of the world get what they deserve.

  66. 11 months ago

    doesnt this encourage art that has passion behind it? if entertainment is a loss anyway, there is no incentive to make it in a certain way opening up creative freedom for artists.

    • 11 months ago

      What you're saying makes sense but these are Hollywood "artists" we're talking about, not actual artists.

      Vincent Van Gogh or JRR Tolkien wouldn't be in a fricking union or go on strike to demand more money for their work. You either die broke as an artist and leave something behind because you truly care about art more than money, or you make it big and your work is in high demand and sells itself.

      What we currently have is people who write trash like "She Hulk", have a spoiled, entitled attitude and think they deserve a raise for making something shitty that wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in studio money. If I make a huge frick up at work and leave a door unlocked and 17 drunk Black folk sneak in and trash the place, the last thing I'd have the audacity to do is ask for a raise the next day.

  67. 11 months ago

    Low budget horrors are still profitable
    YouTube videos are still profitable
    They should just stop making movies with moronicly high budget.
    Low-mid budget doesn't mean no special effects or low production value. There are $30 million films with better special effects, costume and set design than $300 million capeshit.

  68. 11 months ago

    Stop shilling wokeslop and I'll see your movies again. It's been like a decade since I paid to see a film because I refuse to subsidize wokeslop. Literally all you had to do was what you were already doing and not inject your shitty politics, was it really so hard? Now you will sink and I won't mourn you. Rest in piss, I enjoyed you once upon a time but you are long dead to me.

  69. 11 months ago

    >that img

  70. 11 months ago

    Why would anyone buy Disney when the people that caused this $800M loss are still employed?

  71. 11 months ago

    Its not that it isn’t profitable, its that execs running the companies are literally the most moronic people alive. Take the new Snow White in production now, people are already pissed with how abysmal Disney has been for well over a decade now, and their big brain idea for not just any new movie, but a remake of the film that fricking made them as a company created by Walt himself should be the same kind of modern schlock that all the other burning and divisive failures they’ve made the last few years. Add in completely unnecessary spending on things that really don’t need to be spent on and thats why so much money is being lost. All of this is just a much needed kneecapping lesson on telling these companies that nobody is ever too big to fail. If the Dutch East India company could go the way of the dodo, nevermind various other companies worth billions just the last few decades alone, then they sure as hell can too. These are the same people who managed to make Star Wars turn into a joke in not even five years, it takes a genuine skill and talent in being completely god awful for that to happen.

  72. 11 months ago

    >That'll be $5000 per night plus tip

  73. 11 months ago

    Apple doesn't buy garbage, unless you count that Beats by Dre shit.

  74. 11 months ago

    The only thing worse than current year Disney is Apple, so I'm all for it, if it happens (it won't)

  75. 11 months ago







  76. 11 months ago

    Can Apple be even more gay?

    • 11 months ago

      i'm 36 and i've never owned an apple product in my life

      frick apple

  77. 11 months ago

    >There is no such thing as profitable entertainment anymore.
    there is
    it's just the executives being extremely moronic with their decisions

  78. 11 months ago

    >Blackedwiener gets cucked by Apple

  79. 11 months ago

    As it shouldnt be. It should not cost 400m to make a fricking barbie movie. Or even 100m to make a boring dialogue moving with 1 shitty effect and no cgi.Hollywood has become more bloated than twitter was before elon bought it. They need a mass triming. Maybe AI writers will be what does that. Till then they should expect to keep taking Ls for these shitty products they keep putting out.

  80. 11 months ago

    I want to know why it is that we, a bunch of fat morons on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, can do a better job of this than the million dollar consultants who Disney actually employs. Even if it's a secret israeli conspiracy to turn people into gay communists I reckon I could run that better than they can.

    • 11 months ago

      >we can do better
      Yeah right, writing some basic fanfic outlines is one thing, I'd love to see something legit written by one you tards that isn't just a racist screed that you fact checked with /misc/ sources. Like I'd legit accept a racist screed with sources from wikipedia at least.

  81. 11 months ago

    Stop posting this moronic headline. Bob Iger doesn't own Disney and he can't sell it. At least make something a bit more probably like they're planning to sell off assets.

  82. 11 months ago

    Should have given markle that job. She would’ve saved the mouse.

  83. 11 months ago

    Why is it every time companies go woke, they crash and go broke and start crying about it? You know why your business is in the red. Choosing woke-mandated ESG slop over quality is why you're here. You have absolutely no one else to blame but yourselves. You did this to yourselves. Stop complaining.

    • 11 months ago

      It sounds nice by a billion dollars is nothing to these monstrously large companies. I doubt losing a billion phases them at all.

      • 11 months ago

        Stockholders want to see big numbers going up, not down.

  84. 11 months ago

    the entertainment industry is the core of democracy, it won't die, even if it means externalizing everything to japan and korea.
    Plus it's summer and nobody gives a shit about tv shows right now. In September it's going to be another story

    dont forget that the japanese bureaucratic bugs have allowed AI to be trained on pirated data, this is why, even though the japanese Ai models are crap, all the western merchants make a deal with japan firms to train the western AI on the pirated data in japan, and they will import back into the west the output. This means all the wageslaves in the entertainment industry are killed. good riddance.

  85. 11 months ago

    Disney makes entertainment?
    Since when?

  86. 11 months ago

    Or it was deliberate so they can sell at a lower cost

    • 11 months ago

      Disney isnt selling, the apple rumor is 15 years old. Basic commen sense will deduce Disney has nothing but a headache to offer Apple. Disney will be purchasing Hulu. The only studio looking to sell is Zas with DC

  87. 11 months ago

    >ESG comes into effect
    >oh no! entertainment is just fundamentally unprofitable!

    I wonder why.

  88. 11 months ago

    Personally I blame the grub hub animation.

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