Erotic Thrillers-Softcore Movies

Does these kind of movies have a place in the current media landscape or are people brains just fried up by online porn?

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  1. 8 months ago

    It's not about "brain fried" is just that it's fricking there
    As a teen the only chance I get to see nude women is peaking in rhe female bathroom, stealing porn magazines, porn themes cards... and that's pretty much it.
    Softcore movies knew this and cashed on it.
    There was no artistic merit, "a type of cinema" or anything else to justify it.
    You may think you see a place for it, but it was literally the pandering of it's time, like adding gays or quips to a movie today

    • 8 months ago

      I can see that. but real directors like De Palma and Verhoeven, and to a lesser extent Egoyan, had a particular style to show erotica.

      Those skinemax movies were kind of a lesser version of those movies

      • 8 months ago

        Zalman King was great. Red Shoe Diaries and his films had a real good look to them. His style was kino.

        • 8 months ago

          busted many nuts to Red Shoe Diaries as a teenager

    • 8 months ago

      I dont think that's true or fair.

      These movies werent about skin, they were about tension, thrills, build up, and release. Even when you got to big scenes it was more the idea of the scene that was so provacative. It's almost like a sexy mystery wondering where the danger comes from.

      I think sexual relationship dynamics are worth putting on film.

      • 8 months ago

        you're right anon
        Basic Instinct
        that one with Bruce Willis
        there were a lot of erotic thriller type movies in the 90s and I think part of it was because going to theaters on dates was such a big thing then

        • 8 months ago

          they tried to recreate that kind of feeling with "The Voyeours", but the acting was garbage and it felt very silly

          • 8 months ago

            did they really pair the sleepy eyed hbo breasts girl with that zesty looking african gentleman?
            i dont think the modern 'creators' understand the tension/thriller/taboo side of those 90s flicks

            • 8 months ago

              she was way too young to be married. so the cheating felt like nothing

              there is nothing taboo about it.

              of course a white girl with that kinda body is going to frick another dude

              • 8 months ago

                it was so funny when the black guy is acting shocked just SHOCKED that his young, white fiance with incredible breasts is fricking some chad.
                like of fricking course she was going to frick some hypermasculine dude. you're black and a fricking bookworm, it's fricking over dude.

            • 8 months ago

              it's almost like they just put anybody with anybody these days when sexual chemistry is a real thing. one of the things I fault daniel craig for as bond is his lack of sexual interest in any of the women he scowls at.

              I think shows like Greys Anatomy also did a lot to sideline the thriller. It's very intense workplace with romance and all that go with it.

              Of course, it's father ER was doing that back in the 90s. Even had a black and white on again off again couple when the primary audience for the show still considered it taboo. And they actually looked like they wanted to frick each other every scene.

              Interracial stuff in thrillers is also hot because of the repression involved. But these days they pair pretty actor with pretty actor and say go for it, it's just going through the motions. It's just boy going with girl. Theres no real threat there.

              Which is why the miles morales and spidergwen stuff is super boring to me.

              • 8 months ago

                >Even had a black and white on again off again couple
                I'm confused, which one is the white one?

              • 8 months ago

                anon meant these two

              • 8 months ago

                man juliana margellese was gorgeous, not in this picture though
                when I was a kid, I thought george clooney was some 'cool white guy'
                when I see old photos of him though, he just looks aremenian

                originally I was refering to the black doctor with the british woman

        • 8 months ago

          the movie date idea is interesting

          one big aspect of all of these movies is the stressful type of work these characters usually do--most of these folks are high powered yadda yaddas who get a taste of temptation.

          I think part of the decline to is the rise of shows like 2 and a half men and before that even seinfeld and just shoot me. just shoot me I didnt watch when it was live, but it takes place at a magazine which has models every episode. but shows like these give you the tantalizing aspect of very sexy women in professional type attire and situations.

          probably had a hand in ending traditional romantic comedies too.

          but I sort of thing that might be overstating things. both thrillers and trad romcoms seem like they're very locked into certain performers. Michael Douglas, Richard Gere, Tom Hanks--they're certain actors we go to for certain types of film, and when they are out of season, the whole season is up.

    • 8 months ago

      porn has no artistic merit. none of them put any effort into acting, cinematography or story telling. Nudity and sex in movies feel different than porn because you get drawn in from the story and it makes it hotter. watching porn isn't the same at all

      • 8 months ago

        This. I love good coom material in movies and series. It's way better.

      • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          Shes not even near it

      • 8 months ago

        Jesus Franco is alive and shit posting on Cinemaphile!

      • 8 months ago

        which is why Blue is the Warmest Color is the most important piece of modern cinema

  2. 8 months ago

    Name some examples

  3. 8 months ago

    Jamie Presley in Poison Ivy 2 is peak human female form.
    Ideal woman.
    Please post the webms.

  4. 8 months ago

    Many HBO, Showtime and Starz shows are basically a borderline softcore versions of subject.There is also plenty movies with gratuitous nudity. And directors whose trademark that is.

  5. 8 months ago

    I came up with an idea for a softcore thriller the other day, ironically while I was watching that live-action One Piece, and saw that Koby was played by a FtM troony.

    The basic plot would be about a high school teacher seducing a student, and the student would grow increasing stalker-ish, but the actor portraying the "14-year-old boy" would actually be a FtM, so you could do all the erotic sex scenes, showing everything aside from penetration (which softcore doesn't do anyway), and you'd still be totally on the level.

  6. 8 months ago

    You know they VHS porn at that point, right?

  7. 8 months ago

    >director of a shitload of sexy thrillers
    >ana de armas as a nymphomaniac
    >not a fap-worthy scene in it
    I felt betrayed.

    • 8 months ago

      To be fair her Areolas did look incredible. I wonder if it's how they were filmed.

  8. 8 months ago

    these types of movies, like so many types of movies, just do not fit with the modern Hollywood big budget studio culture. why they won't allow naked ladies in big movies, even though any 8 year old can whip out his phone at any time and watch 10 person gangbangs with the most disgusting stuff imaginable, I don't know. But that's how it works. Passion from 2012 was probably the most recent one that I can think of that was really good

    so much big budget big studio media is dead at this point, in terms of anything good. there are a few good movies a year but when you think about how many studios there are, how much money they have, and how many directors and actors and cinematographers etc. they could pay, it's insane how low quality the movies are now

    • 8 months ago

      I watched The Piano Teacher a few days ago. It's sort of a 'repression thriller'. Absolutely mega anal piano teacher is absolutely chaste and falls for student, goes nuts. It's low key but has violent moments that are very internally emotional.

      Reminded me a bit of that movie with fassbender where he plays carl jung and fricks a patient in the ass to help her cure herself. Then she goes on to do her own sexual research as a doctor. Again, sexual repression.

      • 8 months ago

        that sounds good I am watching it now. thanks for the recommendation

    • 8 months ago

      Erotic thrillers went out of fashion because only handful of them made any real money, tons of copycats movies trying to cash in on the popularity bombed and because internet porn meant most people no longer wouldn’t just go to a movie theatre to see breasts and in a random arbitrary sex scene. They wouldn’t even buy them in direct to DVD market to keep them going that way

  9. 8 months ago

    nobody cares about sex scenes in movies anymore

    people want good writing and characters. not softcore porno.

  10. 8 months ago

    Back then if you made mistakes, the world would forget them and move on. But the internet doesn't forget. Nobody forgets things anymore.
    Today if you made an erotic thriller, someone or the other would find something "problematic" about it. Lack of diversity, male gaze etc etc. You'd have to have your script proof-read by lawyers before you let any studio head touch it

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