>Eternals gets canceled and turned into Judgment Day, an X-Event

>Eternals gets canceled and turned into Judgment Day, an X-Event
>Spider-Man ties-in to two X-Events back-to-back (Hellfire Gala and Judgment Day) and gets a crossover event with the X-Men
>Invincible Iron Man has been hijacked and become an X-Book
>Uncanny Avengers was brought back to tie-in to the X-Books
>Ghost Rider gets a crossover event with Wolverine
>Avengers is tying into the X-Men's upcoming event


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  1. 5 months ago

    somebody tells this guy about 1990s and early 2000s x-men books, he will implode.

    • 5 months ago

      There was some justification for it back when X-Men was actually popular. Now the X-Men have been awful for decades and only appeal to weird creepy perverts, but Marvel is just wiping mutant ass all over their other books.

      • 5 months ago

        The most nothing bunch of jobbers played up to be something worthy of a global threat, yet are as threatening as a toy mallet.

        It's a standard marketing gimmick, but like you said, they don't have the level of popularity from decades ago where people don't mind them butting in anymore, instead making a complete 180 where people disregard or even resent them bringing their affairs into everybody's books.

        • 5 months ago

          So why are they pushing the X-men everywhere? Is this one of those things where they presume people will eventually give up and learn to begrudgingly tolerate these characters if they're shoved hard enough?

          • 5 months ago

            The X-Men had a revitalization period under Hickman, but it has fallen off a good bit since then and they're desperately trying to keep interest going, so they're trying to tie what's going on on the X-Men side of the fence as much as they can to other properties in an attempt to get other audiences interested in what's going on the X-Men side of things to bolster sales, or they think that adding mutants or mutant matters to other books will drive up interest in those books by association.

            They're also prepping things to synergize once they add X-Men to the MCU. They've already started by making Kamala a mutant, prepare to see things in the comics change even more once they start making movie announcements.

        • 5 months ago

          >instead making a complete 180 where people disregard or even resent them bringing their affairs into everybody's books.
          This is very noticeable with the Spider-Man and Iron Man fanbases not wanting X-Men stuff in their books AT ALL. Even the recent Scarlet Witch series, where there's some ancient historical ground for including it, her fans don't want it AT ALL.

          I didn't see how the Ghost Rider fandom reacted to a crossover with Wolverine, but I'd be surprised if they were any happier.

          So why are they pushing the X-men everywhere? Is this one of those things where they presume people will eventually give up and learn to begrudgingly tolerate these characters if they're shoved hard enough?

          It's been going on too much and for too long now to just be build up for the X-Men joining the MCU, it's more like Marvel's current editor in chief is one of those old school X-gays who sees them as Marvel's top franchise even when they're not, and is trying to brute force them back into that position regardless of whether readers want it or not.

          • 5 months ago

            The X-Men had a revitalization period under Hickman, but it has fallen off a good bit since then and they're desperately trying to keep interest going, so they're trying to tie what's going on on the X-Men side of the fence as much as they can to other properties in an attempt to get other audiences interested in what's going on the X-Men side of things to bolster sales, or they think that adding mutants or mutant matters to other books will drive up interest in those books by association.

            They're also prepping things to synergize once they add X-Men to the MCU. They've already started by making Kamala a mutant, prepare to see things in the comics change even more once they start making movie announcements.

            Given how that run has a reputation for basically turn the X-men into a weird mutant sex cult, I'd think they'd be better off disassociating as much of that shit from the future runs of the X-men as possible, but I'm just an anon on the internet so what do I know

            (Also, I read that Ghost Rider x Wolverine crossover, and it was tolerable if only cause they cheated by making it take place when Danny Ketch was the main Ghost Rider instead of focusing on the present day X-men)

          • 5 months ago

            No one wanted X-shit in the Scarlet Witch series because it literally never mattered to her character until Marvel decided to make her the secret villain of an X-Men crossover event, and the X-fandom is batshit insane regarding Decimation. Most Spider-Man fans don't want Peter to have a lot of interactions with the wider MU because he traditionally was fairly isolated from larger goings on, and Iron Man fans feel the same way regarding Tony's solo material.

          • 5 months ago

            >This is very noticeable with the Spider-Man and Iron Man fanbases not wanting X-Men stuff in their books AT ALL. Even the recent Scarlet Witch series, where there's some ancient historical ground for including it, her fans don't want it AT ALL.
            what fans? there are fans?

  2. 5 months ago

    Looking forward to ASM also tying into FoTHoX

  3. 5 months ago

    What's with modern Marvel comics featuring one ugly MCU-esque Iron Man armor after another? This new suit is literally lazy IronHeart 2.0-lite makeover with obnoxious helmet/proportions making him look like fricking Chromastone from Ben 10. Modern artists have 0 taste in making dope visuals with a neat high-tech fashion aesthetic.

    Also, I really hate it when they intentionally leave various unpainted grey areas all over the suit. The last time I was genuinely excited for Tony's unveiling of a new suit was in Fraction's Iron Man run (specifically the way Larroca depicted Bleeding Edge on that 2010 cover - sleek, dynamic, stylish & lightweight).

    Them reverting to that cumbersome, clunky & realistic Gillen Black & Gold parody of MCU's Mark IV (in a post-Fraction climate) was the biggest downgrade to the evolution of Iron Man's armor.

    • 5 months ago

      >What's with modern Marvel comics featuring one ugly MCU-esque Iron Man armor after another? This new suit is literally lazy IronHeart 2.0-lite makeover with obnoxious helmet/proportions making him look like fricking Chromastone from Ben 10. Modern artists have 0 taste in making dope visuals with a neat high-tech fashion aesthetic.

      How is Alex Ross a modern artist? Also how does this one look like a MCU suit?

      • 5 months ago

        I'd circumsized 10000 virgins for an Alex Ross/Shinkiro collaboration

  4. 5 months ago

    If everything is tying in, maybe it'll really end with the death of Moira and a universe wide reality reset

    • 5 months ago

      I wish. But it won't

  5. 5 months ago

    There was also Mutant Massacre, Inferno, Bloodties, Onslaught & House of M.

  6. 5 months ago

    Oh Larazz designed this.

    The artist/colorist for this cover messed up I think. It's not supposed to glow like that

    • 5 months ago

      the cover artist is Stuart Immonen(he's doing all the theavenger covers right now) though who Larraz based his entire style on him.
      the Armour is just going to look shit no matter which artist does it

    • 5 months ago

      A Heartbreaker from IM3 rip-off, got it

      >What's with modern Marvel comics featuring one ugly MCU-esque Iron Man armor after another? This new suit is literally lazy IronHeart 2.0-lite makeover with obnoxious helmet/proportions making him look like fricking Chromastone from Ben 10. Modern artists have 0 taste in making dope visuals with a neat high-tech fashion aesthetic.

      How is Alex Ross a modern artist? Also how does this one look like a MCU suit?

      >How is Alex Ross a modern artist? Also how does this one look like a MCU suit?
      A classic Iron Man suit with oversized repulsor discs & a Modular Armor helmet... yeah, not a fan. I was more referring to a plethora of MCU-inspired armors that were in the Gillen, Bendis & Slott eras.

      • 5 months ago

        >A Heartbreaker from IM3 rip-off, got it
        I promise you fricking anything. ANYTHING, that Pepe had no clue this shit existed.

        Like who remembers this one?

        They don't even look alike.

        Anyways my real issue with Iron Man armor is that writers don't firmly define what the frick they do. It's why I think the Ross armor and the stealth one that Duggan has been using are the best in years and it's why I think Hardware has consistently better action scenes for the most part.

        Like the Slott ones just did fricking whatever and Jed Mckay was so used to the suits doing anything that when did an annual he forgot that the Ross suit only had repulsors.

        • 5 months ago

          >reddit spacing
          Go back
          Also Heartbreaker was one of the most iconic armors from IM 3 moron

    • 5 months ago

      This honestly looks like a villain armor. Its what I'd expect of a villain in his own Iron Man suit.

  7. 5 months ago

    b***h anon.
    What did you’re filing ass expect when Disney bought Fox?
    Keep seething.

    • 5 months ago

      Do you idiots actually believe Disney spent billions on acquiring Fox's entire IP library just to get the movie rights to X-Men, a brand that their own Marvel movies were consistently performing better than? Wake up, they wanted EVERYTHING Fox had.

  8. 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Stop it with the Holocaust jokes no one was deliberately using the Mist to kill mutants except Marvel executives . And even then Inhuman fans who like the push knew that was a bad idea I know I did.

      • 5 months ago

        It's not a joke, bring back the mist stat.

        • 5 months ago
          Inhuman royal family

          Hey X-Men we know last time you plan on making the miss solid and then Plan on destroying it for some reason;Someone brought the mist back and want to borrow that machine to make it solid so we can put it in our Chambers again?

      • 5 months ago

        >Stop it with the Holocaust jokes

  10. 5 months ago

    As Marvel was before the first New Avengers and Marvel Now: X-Men are the center of the universe

    • 5 months ago

      At no point were the X-Men the center of the Marvel Universe. The only noteworthy crossovers were Inferno and Onslaught

  11. 5 months ago

    They're trying to make up for it after Disney was forcing everyone under Marvel to shit on X-Men for over a decade.
    Now that the X-Men are seemingly the only thing that can save the MCU right now besides the obvious "just have good writers write the movies", it's time to shill them hard before they're officially introduced into the MCU.

    • 5 months ago

      >after Disney was forcing everyone under Marvel to shit on X-Men for over a decade.
      >'decade' was actually just about a year when there were only five ongoing X-Men books (+Deadpool), and no X-Men merch
      >Comics treating X-Men badly was literally just "we heard you loved that extinction story so here's more extinction stories"
      X-Men fans have a worse persecution complex than the mutants do, they'll still be screeching about the Inhumans and the Scarlet Witch decades from now.

      >Now that the X-Men are seemingly the only thing that can save the MCU right now
      The numbers for the Fox X-Men movies are out there for everyone to see, and most of them are worse than the average MCU movie not named 'The Marvels'. There's no reason for any sane person to believe X-Men is going to be the thing that saves the MCU. Or Fantastic Four or Doctor Doom being the things either.

  12. 5 months ago

    This suit looks like trash compared to the Mark Nil.

  13. 5 months ago

    >Avengers is tying into the X-Men's upcoming event
    Don't worry, more titles will join soon

  14. 5 months ago

    >Krakoa era had sales bump so they massively increased the amount of books and changed the original plans for it to extend it.
    >X-Men '97, animated series revival is coming (was meant to come out this year but pushed back).
    >Insomniac Games making Wolverine and multiple X-Men titles.
    >X-Men cameos in the MCU (Xavier and Beast).
    >X-Men coming in the MCU to try and save that shit show when they soft reboot things with Secret Wars.
    There is a big X-push.

  15. 5 months ago

    you forgot
    >beast doesn't lead joint operations with x-men and avengers since he's the first mutant that was both

    yeah there are too many titles and quality is better here than quantity

    • 5 months ago

      >beast doesn't lead joint operations
      Blue frick deserves nothing except tasting the Route Snikty-Snikt

      • 5 months ago

        Wolverine is the last person who gets to say shit to anyone about their actions.

    • 5 months ago

      Beast should just become an Avengers character. X-Men writers have consistently proven that they don’t deserve to have him.
      Likewise Wanda and Pietro need to be kept away from their grubby hands

  16. 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago

    why people keep b***hing about the x-men? or is it one anon constantly screeching?

  18. 5 months ago

    no, really. are you going to cry about the x-dudes evwery single day?

    • 5 months ago

      there are x-seethe threads every week

  19. 5 months ago

    seethe and die chud.

    >Eternals ended. Not all books get canceled. And Judgment Day was a culmination of its plot. Also it was a wide line event.
    > Again Judgment Day was a wide line event and the hellfire Gala was one issue.
    > Writer is the current writer of Xmen yea this one is kinda true,, but its made the book better.
    > Writer having a crossover between two books they write. Also it was like 2 months? Probably had nothing to do with Krakoa
    > Its the end of Krakoa you should be happy. You have no taste. I doubt you even keep up with Avengers its pretty good right now and you only eat shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >unironically saying this while posting on a mongolian basketweaving forum

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