>Everyone loves Ultimate Spider-Man

>Everyone loves Ultimate Spider-Man
>Ultimate X-Men will probably sell somewhat based on Peach Momoko's popularity
>Literally no one is talking about nuBlack Panther

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  1. 5 months ago

    I dunno, Hill's decent. I like the idea of Wakanda and weird Moon Knight Egypt at political odds. Might be cool

  2. 5 months ago

    Bryan Hill's not that noteworthy of a writer (especially compared to Hickman) and T'Challa's suit shouldn't have an open mouth

  3. 5 months ago

    it's not 616 BP has impressed anyone since the priest run so expectations are generally low especially since this run is leaning into the afro-futurist/afro-fantasy parts that get tiring really quickly

  4. 5 months ago

    People are racist, anon.

    • 5 months ago

      If people unironically pull the race card when Ultimate Black Panther inevitably doesn't match even half of Ultimate Spider-Man's success I'm gonna blow a gasket

  5. 5 months ago

    I only read comics that feature straight white males in prominent roles without being the butt of jokes or being undermined constantly. Y’know, cause representation matters. This isn’t for me, like most comics this days, and that’s okay. I’m sure, like most comics these days, the 13 percent of the population this is for will support it financially.

    • 5 months ago

      A lot of black people don't tend to read comics. Oh, sure, they liked the movies, but not enough t read the comics.

      • 5 months ago

        That's funny, black people on comic twitter (as in specifically the comics and not the films) tend to be the loudest and most opinionated

        • 5 months ago

          The minority always are. They have to be so they'll be heard.

        • 5 months ago

          that just because they are all strom gays and wank the characters power level

        • 5 months ago

          What does that have to do with buying and reading comics?

        • 5 months ago

          Don't worry. When Killmonger shows up kissing Ororo, you will see threads about it.

          People having a opinion on shit they barely know about? That's social media's bread and butter.

          • 5 months ago

            >People having a opinion on shit they barely know about?
            Oh no, they DO read this stuff lol
            That's why they're so opinionated

        • 5 months ago

          They can't actually read.

      • 5 months ago

        Most blacks can't read period

  6. 5 months ago

    I'm gonna be checking it out but I know literally nothing about the creative team so I don't have much to go off. I really just wanna see who else might be getting a book later.

    • 5 months ago

      the writer is the guy doing the current blade comic. artist done a lot of decent books though X-men Red as an recent example

    • 5 months ago

      This is where I am towards the book. I'd like to follow the new ultimate universe since I like what I've read so far, so I hope this is good. I've only ever read like one BP run and don't know anything about this team though.

      I think the suit looks kind of dumb but it's whatever. It just really doesn't look stealthy to me. But it the story is good then I'm on board.

      Moon Knight being part of it, even as an adversary, sounds cool. Makes me wonder if the book will get kind of trippy regarding ancient egyptian gods vs wakandan gods, instead of just BP vs MK.

      I'm somewhere between indifferent and optimistic.

      Cinemaphile will shit their diapers over it once it's out regardless of quality.

      • 5 months ago

        >Makes me wonder if the book will get kind of trippy regarding ancient egyptian gods vs wakandan gods, instead of just BP vs MK.
        Well the Wakandan gods literally are just Egyptian. They worship Bast, the Egyptian cat goddess.

        • 5 months ago

          well, marvel thinks egyptians are just black african people, so...

        • 5 months ago

          Ah. Goes to show what a casual I am when it comes to BP I guess.

  7. 5 months ago

    I think all I know about Hill is that Tony Isabella called him a b***h for pairing Black lightning and Katana together.

  8. 5 months ago

    I just hate the exposed mouth. I know it's the law that black superhero costumes have to have exposed skin so no one forgets they're black but a full mask just looks so much better

  9. 5 months ago

    ultimate spider-man is the spark. nublack panter doesn't need to generate hype, just keep it. this book only needs to be good. the #1 will practicaly sell itself based on usm alone

    • 5 months ago

      I know comics are in its own bubble of obscurity but I was actually flabbergasted seeing the new USM being people's first exposure to even knowing there was a new Ultimate universe to begin with

      • 5 months ago

        yeah, and I think that, if the ultimate line keep doing good (not great, not as a masterpiece, just GOOD), it can lift marvel comics itself on its back
        all they need to do is make ultimate black panther and ultimate x-men GOOD

  10. 5 months ago

    6160 isn't captivating as a setting
    BP isn't being sold as blatant fanservice like Spider-Man or a vanity project by a superstar artist like X-Men.

    • 5 months ago

      >6160 isn't captivating as a setting
      "Marvel but what if the heroes missed their chance and were offered it years later" is sure as hell better than "Marvel but grounded, modern, and everyone but Spider-Man and Thor are buttholes"

  11. 5 months ago

    I have read comics from Bryan Edward Hill and they are bad, he's a token hire who has had a movie produced too, he's a horrible writer but a terrific businessman. He also has an Asian wife and many of his comics feature a black man dicking down an Asian chick.

    • 5 months ago

      I enjoyed his AWA series called chariot.
      Supposedly it was picked up by Warner brothers. Time will tell if they ever do anything with it.

  12. 5 months ago

    > ult x-men will probably sell based on peach momoko's popularity

    probably the opposite will happen, my interest in a Peach Momoko book is pretty low because all those yokai short series she did were profoundly unsatisfying to read.

    • 5 months ago

      now that you mentioned yokais
      been reading usagi yojimbo and the idea of making an x-men based on the same dynamic, fighting yokais, demons, etc., is really good on paper

  13. 5 months ago

    Because Black Panther has never and will never have the popularity of Spider-Man and the X-Men

    • 5 months ago

      Comics aren't a good metric to determine popularity, anon.

      • 5 months ago

        Both inside and outside of comics this is true

        • 5 months ago

          Inside of comics, sure, but not outside of comics, unless you're absolutely delusional.

          • 5 months ago

            If you think Black Panther is anywhere near the level of popularity of Spider-Man and the X-Men you are insane.
            Black Panther has one movie that twitter loves and has now been promptly forgotten

            • 5 months ago

              Not Spider-Man, even if the first BP movie outdid Holland-Man's first and second movies financially, but don't be disingenuous and try to coattail the X-Men to Spider-Man like that, nobody doesn't even know or even give a shit that he took their cross armed salute and hardened it into the public's minds as his own.

              I'll state again, comics are a poor metric to determine popularity in the mainstream.

              • 5 months ago

                >I'll state again, comics are a poor metric to determine popularity in the mainstream.
                Merchandise is the only real true metric. Pair of Batman pants outsells the comics.

              • 5 months ago

                The X-Men are still riding off the high off the 90s, but even then they have multiple successful cartoons, a whole franchise of films, and a shitload of merchandise. They definitely aren't the juggernaut they used to be thanks to the Fox bullshit and Marvel tanking them, but they are still far and away more popular than Black Panther.
                This all has nothing to do with the comics too, this is all multimedia stuff and general cultural zeitgeist. Black Panther was briefly popular when the first movie came out, but that time has come and gone.

  14. 5 months ago

    So how do you think the Ultimates ongoing will do?

    • 5 months ago

      >Ultimates ongoing
      404 not found

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          oh wow i had no idea.

        • 5 months ago

          We barely know anything about the new Ultimates, but it might be the book I'm most looking forward to. Should be pretty different from both 616 Avengers and the old Ultimates, and I like what Hickman set up with Tony.

          • 5 months ago

            I'm looking forward to it too. Surprised they haven't advertised it more but maybe they're waiting for the next book to come out first.

            Looks like a cool team. I hope Tony ditches the Iron Lad name soon though, such a lame name.

            • 5 months ago

              >I hope Tony ditches the Iron Lad name soon though, such a lame name.
              I assume by the time they do the "The City force-field lock is coming down" event, he'll take the Iron Man name. Or it'll happen during the event, after Howard is dealt with. To indicate Tony coming into his own and becoming a real man, or whatever.

        • 5 months ago

          Oh, I missed that Camp is doing Ultimates. I liked his Children of Tomorrow mini. This should be good.
          Weird that they already unfroze Cap from the ice. The one-shot made it seem like they were going to hold off on that until an event book or something.

  15. 5 months ago

    The current Black Panther book and the last one and the one before that couldn't sell well.

    • 5 months ago

      Bruh, if Cinemaphile payed attention to comics outside of typical outragebait or Spider-Man, there'd be so much shitposting over Ridley's Black Panther and how it did T'Challa dirty

      • 5 months ago

        You expect these people to care about Black Panther?

        • 5 months ago

          No but people sure do love race shitposting
          Comic twitter was furious over THAT scene

    • 5 months ago

      they fricked up black panther so bad that only ultimates has a chance to give us a good comic about him and wakanda. I don't think the 616 is ever going to recover as wakanda turned into a fricking democracy

    • 5 months ago

      Bruh, if Cinemaphile payed attention to comics outside of typical outragebait or Spider-Man, there'd be so much shitposting over Ridley's Black Panther and how it did T'Challa dirty

      they fricked up black panther so bad that only ultimates has a chance to give us a good comic about him and wakanda. I don't think the 616 is ever going to recover as wakanda turned into a fricking democracy

      You expect these people to care about Black Panther?

      >Marvel doesn't know what to do with T'challa
      No way say it ain't so.

      • 5 months ago

        Greetings True Believers! Haven't you ever wanted to learn from a sovereign leader how to remain cash solvent while making crucial investments? EXCELSIOR!

        • 5 months ago

          does t'challa choose to invest in inner city america instead of africa in that comic like he does in the film

      • 5 months ago

        >Marvel doesn't know what to do with T'challa
        >Marvel doesn't know what to do with Ironman
        >Marvel doesn't know what to do with Steve Rogers
        >Marvel doesn't know what to do with Storm

        Marvel tend to keep most of their characters in a weird holding pattern.

      • 5 months ago

        >Marvel-Team Up #100 a young Storm meeting T'Challa and then them meeting again in the present. Ends on a bit of a bitter sweet note. Pretty good story.
        >Actually developing that further and trying to make a shit story out of it.
        I swear so much of comics is taking the tiniest bit of some random story and dragging it out there over hot coals and ruining it. It is also funny that pratically every old What If... comic has at some point or another ended up in main continuity.

        And what annoys me even more is every fricking clickbait comic site constantly mentions this shit over and over again as if they are willing it into existence. I swear, the same thing happened with the MCU direction of Scarlet Witch because every fricking site mentions House of M as some super important fact everyone should know.

        • 5 months ago

          nobody has creativity to do new things anymore, so they copy what has already been done and stretch it untill it is not profitable anymore

        • 5 months ago

          After roughly a sixty years of stories you're gonna start reaching for anything that gives you material, especially when you have to stick to status quo a certain amount.

          >And what annoys me even more is every fricking clickbait comic site constantly mentions this shit over and over again as if they are willing it into existence.
          I'm pretty sure that actually works, unfortunately.


          Cool that Doom is on the team. I wonder if Sif is staying on too.

          • 5 months ago

            >After roughly a sixty years of stories you're gonna start reaching for anything that gives you material, especially when you have to stick to status quo a certain amount.
            I am more referring to the old continuity ass pull where someone takes one old story or detail to force it into a modern story. I don't fully accept the whole "after 60 years you'll do the same shit". I think a lot of the problems are creatives follow the same mentalities in telling comic book stories and fall into ruts. Part of the problem is editor mandates and the like. But the same gimmicks are overused e.g. huge calamitous event, someone dies, same dumb retcon changes.

  16. 5 months ago

    Black Panther is a literally who character. Nobody gives a shit about him, not even MCU fanboys

  17. 5 months ago

    i dont like this design

    • 5 months ago

      Nobody seems to.

      All the white ruins the stealth aspect and those diamond things look large and clunky. He wouldn't be able to bend forward without impaling his stomach on the big spikes on his belt. He has robot boots for some reason (were they trying to copy spidergwen slippers?). The face stripes feel like clutter. His mouth being exposed becomes some weird focal point, but it doesn't really work because all the other shit he's covered in is distracting.

      I can accept the white claws, I get what they're going for with the tribal necklace even though I don't at all agree with it visually. But they just went overboard and added too much shit.

      BP looks best when he's just a silhouette, you get some cool and dramatic art with that. Covering him in contrasting elements does the opposite.

      I'm gonna give the book a chance and an surprisingly optimistic about it, but the costume seems to be getting near universal criticism.

      • 5 months ago

        I think the boots are going for a mountain climbing thing. I could see him using them to scale cliffs and shit. But i agree with the rest of your points.

  18. 5 months ago

    the Wakanda Forever meme is dead, casuals have moved on

  19. 5 months ago

    At best Bryan Hill is an okay writer and at worst you get Fallen Angels

    And Fallen Angels was what happened the last time he contributed to a new Hickman initiative

    Second time could be the charm if only because who knows what the frick that Momoko X-Men book is going to be but the odds aren't great

  20. 5 months ago

    There seem to be some anons with actual comic reading experience in this thread. So I'll ask here instead of making a new one.

    I've read the original Ultimate universe up to and including Ultimatum and dropped it there because holy shit people were not exaggerating how bad that event was.

    I've heard different things about how the Ultimate universe is after that event. I've heard spiderman stays good and kitty leading the xmen sounds kind of interesting. I've also heard that characters start doing the dead/resurrected comicbook cliche more often as well though.

    Basically I'm curious if anons would suggest reading Ultimate comics post Ultimatum. My main concern is that didn't the second Battleworld event basically end the Ultimate universe? Did all the ultimate comics up until that point at least get a nice satisfactory ending/sendoff that gave closure to the characters that were built up, or was it typical comic book event shit where the event just shits all over everything?

    If the universe is just abruptly randomly ended with no resolution for characters then I probably wont bother, stories up until that point might be fun but I don't want to read knowing that's where things are all heading toward.

    • 5 months ago

      I would say post-Ultimatum, just read Ultimate Spider-Man until you feel like it's not working for you.

    • 5 months ago

      Post > pre. Post is so unique, fun and awesome.

  21. 5 months ago

    >current 616 BP has a major supporting role occupied by a troony
    >every past BP story has been some flavour of africa strong dickriding

    There's just nothing to look forwards to, maybe I'd be interested if the solicits were setting up Klaw or some other African character I might be interested but it's just Panther vs Moon Knight with no teasing of other parts of the egyptian mythos or Marc.

  22. 5 months ago

    no one is talking about nuBlack Panther
    because as we can see from all variant covers that its going to be the same bullshit we always see
    >uber science advanced africans who still use spears and live in mud huts
    who gives a frick lol

  23. 5 months ago

    King Black person can’t even sell in the 616, why would he sell a second title? The fact is, normal people don’t care about Americans’ weird obsession and worship of Black folk.
    >oh boy I can’t wait to read a book about how super duper genius and great all these congoBlack folk are and how they had flying cars when we were in caves and sheeeeeeiiii
    said no one, ever. Except Black folk, but Black folk don’t read, so…

    No, seriously, what’s the hook? It’s yet another
    >WE WUZ
    book, but this time instead of fighting nobodies, he’s fighting two other Black folk calling themselves “Moon” and “Knight”. And it’s written by some other moronic Black person who writes self-insert fanfics. The only “people” this would appeal to are Black folk, and Black folk aren’t going to spend the money to get it.

    Me, I’m pulling every Ultimate title except this one. I’d rather literally throw money away than buy a book about King Black person. And I am the guy who buys these things, so…

  24. 5 months ago

    It feels like it's going to ignore the cool duality government going on and just be a "rogue brings down da system" instead judging from the preview. Also feels minor in the context of Hickman's overarching story (which in all fairness so does Spidey but at least that has some draw).

  25. 5 months ago

    The only Black Panther runs people have ever cared about and will ever care about are Priest and maybe Lee.

    • 5 months ago

      I liked Mcgregors Jungle action run and kirby's run was pretty decent

    • 5 months ago

      >maybe Lee
      Way to expose yourself, casual. Stan Lee never had a Black Panther run.
      Anyways, the fans care about Priest, McGregor, and Hickman NA. The "fans" care about Hudlin and Coates. The Cinemaphiles care about Hudlin and McDuffie F4.

      • 5 months ago

        >The "fans" care about Hudlin and Coates
        I kinda disagree with that they really love Hudlin but despise Coates this is because they only care about Feats and power wanking
        just on the CBR forums Black Panther thread for an example of this

  26. 5 months ago

    People were doing typical racist whining when the book was first announced and preview art was shown

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