Everyone who praised The Force Awakens for saving Star Wars deserved TLJ and ROS.

Everyone who praised The Force Awakens for saving Star Wars deserved TLJ and ROS.

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Also, everyone who praised TLJ deserved ROS.

    • 5 months ago

      Rise of Skywalker reads off like a checklist of every complaint morons had about TLJ and apologizing for them

      >Rey begins the film doing a literal training montage
      >Holdo maneuver? That was ONE IN A MILLION
      >Luke catches the saber and says HURR DURR YOU MUST RESPECT THE SABER

    • 5 months ago

      And everyone who praised ROS- wait, nevermind.

  2. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I've memorized the input

  3. 5 months ago
  4. 5 months ago

    I liked TLJ and TROS.

    • 5 months ago

      That's because you're an NPC

      • 5 months ago

        No it isn't I am a neo nazi larper who has read mein kampf and likes Hitler, I have no npc views
        In fact, hating the movies is the default NPC view of this board

        • 5 months ago

          Ok NPContrarian

          • 5 months ago

            I'm not a contrarian either I just enjoy the good in life and reject the bad. Finn hooking up with Janna was wholesome and they should have played that up earlier instead of the Rose shit or him simping after Rey. Its nice to see white people with white people and black people with black people.

  5. 5 months ago
  6. 5 months ago

    Yeah frick me for having some god damned optimism for once in my shitty fricking life.

    • 5 months ago

      Frick you. moron.

  7. 5 months ago
  8. 5 months ago

    ….literally no one said this? It was the worst movie of all time and it’s universally hated.

  9. 5 months ago

    >going somewhere JJ?

  10. 5 months ago

    started off strong then became a shit show before the 2nd half even started

    • 5 months ago

      >started off strong
      You talk first I talk first?

      • 5 months ago

        definitely not the worst scene. Dude just comes out halts your blaster fire mid air and you still have the balls to shit talk him.

        • 5 months ago

          …how about a more eloquently written line instead of that reddit shit?

          • 5 months ago

            like Lucas dialog was any better. Not saying its amazing but its really not the worst line of dialog in the movie.

            • 5 months ago

              The “dialogue” was all so bad that it’s really splitting hairs but yeah as much as you politically seethe at prequels because chuds like them no matter how bad you say they are they’re actual films unlike disgusting ESG israelite non-films. “You talk I talk” is one of the worst lines ever written even if it’s second to all the other lines in the “films.”

  11. 5 months ago

    TFA is garbage and ruined the universe but it's the best of the sequel trilogy.

    • 5 months ago

      >this painful shit I took was less painful than this really painful shit I took, I bled both times
      compelling argument

      • 5 months ago

        I'm not defending tfa if that's what you're implying. I did say it was garbage in my first post.

  12. 5 months ago

    Reminder it was JJ who decided to discard George's story treatments so that he could larp and pretend he was Lucas in '77. He also put Rey's identity into a mystery box for no apparent reason other than to string along the fans and then changed her into a Palpatine in EP 9.
    I love that George was trolling JJ for his stupid mystery box shit in this vanity fair interview https://youtu.be/viDu9SLvF_E?si=jMvYtGHKPuUeIDwN&t=70

    • 5 months ago

      Rey was obviously connected to Palpatine and the dark side in TFA you brainlet, people saw it and called it from day 1.

      • 5 months ago

        I know you're trolling but if you go back and watch TFA it's pretty obvious she was supposed to be Han and Leia's daughter. Daisy Ridley even said at the time she was told who Rey's parents were on the set of TFA presumably because it would have informed her performance in her scenes with them.
        This vid is a really good breakdown of the whole thing: https://youtu.be/MbL_XWs05Sg?si=FG9rDxkBideyqsBF

        • 5 months ago

          She was never Han and Leia's daughter you got that out of nowhere. She was always a dark side user connected to Kylo. Unless you're saying Kylo and Rey are brother and sister, which is moronic because we know Kylo's entire story and nowhere does it feature a sister - also they are a romantic couple so that would be gross.

          • 5 months ago

            No you're completely wrong and if you want a plethora of evidence watch the video I linked above. The characters name was originally Keera Solo and Daisy Ridley even gave the secret away in a couple interviews. And yes Kylo and Rey were originally supposed to be brother and sister idk why that's so hard to believe. The romantic couple shit only happened in episode 9 after they decided to change Rey into a Palpatine presumably due to Carrie Fishers death.

        • 5 months ago

          >Rey’s parents
          lol the goal of the writers of this was to embarrassingly genocide and eradicate the former heroes, she wasn’t gonna be any of their offspring
          I still laugh she’s literally the (grand)daughter of the ultimate villain then she grifts the hero’s name. That is profoundly israeli, like Natalie Hershlag Portman is a lot more palatable.

          • 5 months ago

            She gets his name because she wanted to marry Ben Solo/Skywalker you moron

            No you're completely wrong and if you want a plethora of evidence watch the video I linked above. The characters name was originally Keera Solo and Daisy Ridley even gave the secret away in a couple interviews. And yes Kylo and Rey were originally supposed to be brother and sister idk why that's so hard to believe. The romantic couple shit only happened in episode 9 after they decided to change Rey into a Palpatine presumably due to Carrie Fishers death.

            I'm not listening to an hour of a homosexual who can't change his smoke detector like a damn nig making a bunch of allusions to draft shit from behind the scenes that has no impact on the final product
            Looking at the final product the movie there is zero suggestion they are siblings, or that Kylo ever had a sister, and we have books and such out at the same time that confirm this. Also they had romantic tension through the entire thing, which was played up even more in TLJ, then culminated in TROS.
            You're way off base way too deep in draft notes and other shit that is non-canon and irrelevant to the published works.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah, Ben Solo’s name wasn’t Skywalker…..? The frick are you talking about, troony?

              • 5 months ago

                Leia's proper name is Leia Skywalker, she took the name Leia Organa after being adopted. Ben's proper name is either Ben Solo or Ben Skywalker depending on which naming convention you use.

                Lol the smoke detector beeping is only in the intro or you could just skip to 23:55 to hear Daisy say it in her own words during an interview before TFA. Or just stay ignorant and keep talking out your ass like a moron idc

                Why do I care what some actress says she was told on set when it has no bearing on the final product? It's irrelevant.

              • 5 months ago

                What exactly are you defending? The heroes were all eradicated and died miserably and in vain. You’re saying Rey married Ben Solo and took the name of Skywalker? Either way what the frick a girl killing her grandfather being portrayed as great and heroic while everyone else dies is the creepiest, most israeli writing I’ve ever heard.

              • 5 months ago

                TFA makes it painfully obvious she's Han and Leia's daughter you drooling fricking moron. The fact that you actually believe she was always intended to be related to Palpatine just tells me how fricking brain dead and HRT ridden you are.

              • 5 months ago

                >source: dude trust me

                What exactly are you defending? The heroes were all eradicated and died miserably and in vain. You’re saying Rey married Ben Solo and took the name of Skywalker? Either way what the frick a girl killing her grandfather being portrayed as great and heroic while everyone else dies is the creepiest, most israeli writing I’ve ever heard.

                Luke dies having mentored the next generation and learned a lesson, then is a force ghost. Leia dies saving her son from an evil act. Han dies redeeming his son from the dark side.
                Rey killing Palpatine isn't about fratricide its about the Jedi defeating the Sith.

              • 5 months ago

                Ok everything you just said doesn’t change the heroes all fought for nothing and died miserably and were eradicated.

              • 5 months ago

                the prequels retconning RotJ's ending into an infantile final victory with Space jesus destroying evil forever was a mistake, that's not how life actually works

              • 5 months ago

                >that's not how life actually works
                ya that's why star wars is a fairy tale you fricking moron

              • 5 months ago

                Star Wars has never been about promising you a safe, easy life where bad things will never ever happen to you. Being incapable of accepting bad things happening in his life is exactly why anakin fell to the dark side

                Star Wars' fanboys sole engagement with the franchise is shallow escapism where they get to pretend they're the toughest, specialiest boy on the playground, and they want to live eternally in the world of secondhand, childish banalities thatt Alec Guinness tried to warn us about

              • 5 months ago

                >Star Wars has never been about promising you a safe, easy life where bad things will never ever happen to you
                What point are you even trying to make you deranged troon? Nobody ever said that it was. You're just making up straw men of shit nobody in here has said. So let me get this straight, space Jesus destroying evil forever is bad, but the female descendant of Satan defeating evil forever is good?

              • 5 months ago

                They fought to save the galaxy from the sith, which they did. They died because everyone dies eventually. What were you hoping that they would die of ass cancer at 95 in a bed shitting themselves?

                Ok we get it you’re prejudiced against Christians and are a political advocate for the Disney company. Luke refusing to kill his father was heroic. Rey turning her grandfather to dust was creepy.
                I wouldn’t be here complaining about all this specifically if maybe Rey was pregnant with Kylo’s kid at the end or she was just Luke’s secret daughter from the jump or something. Instead all the heroes are eradicated and genocided.
                >Han is divorced from Leia and goes back to being a smuggler and even has to wear the same old clothes he did 40 years ago. Then he gets killed unceremoniously by his own kid.
                >Leia was just fighting more wars then dies unceremoniously.
                >Luke tries to kill his own nephew then exiles himself forever, then meets Rey somehow then kills himself for no reason or effect very unceremoniously (execs didnt wanna pay Hamil for another film I assume)
                Yeah that’s awful. The entire thing is a tragedy basically even if they sort of beat evil (again). But I guess they never beat him and just failed and died.
                Yikes I can’t believe I just typed all this out. These “films” are garbage, don’t (You) me.

              • 5 months ago

                it's not bad writing because it hurts your feelings. King Arthur dies with Camelot in ruin at the hands of his incest bastard, Beowulf dies at the hands of the dragon and with his passing the age of heroes has ended and the Geats slowly die an ignominous death and are forgotten by history. Every mythological tale that follows the heroes into old age often ends with shit going bad.

              • 5 months ago

                This is Star Wars, a triumphant tale of good overcoming evil, not fricking Oedipus. Regardless of the context killing your grandfather is creepy and bad, an action that at best should be lamented. Else is comes off as creepy and israeli like nuwars.

              • 5 months ago

                no one defends Rise of Skywalker my dude, but even so, if my grandfather was Sheev Palpatine I'd be doing the world a favor by killing him

              • 5 months ago

                They fought to save the galaxy from the sith, which they did. They died because everyone dies eventually. What were you hoping that they would die of ass cancer at 95 in a bed shitting themselves?

              • 5 months ago

                I already linked my source you stupid Black person. There's multiple pieces of evidence including scenes from the film as well as the words of the people involved but I guess all the HRT really fricks with your attention span or something. George has even said many times that 7-9 was supposed to be about the Grandchildren hence

                Reminder it was JJ who decided to discard George's story treatments so that he could larp and pretend he was Lucas in '77. He also put Rey's identity into a mystery box for no apparent reason other than to string along the fans and then changed her into a Palpatine in EP 9.
                I love that George was trolling JJ for his stupid mystery box shit in this vanity fair interview https://youtu.be/viDu9SLvF_E?si=jMvYtGHKPuUeIDwN&t=70

                where he was trolling JJ for putting Rey's identity in a mystery box. Starting to make sense yet you dumb troon?

              • 5 months ago

                We're talking about the published movie, not the drafts or any dumb shit George Lucas wrote. Everyone already knows what the ST is based off of and the things it ripped off. Those have nothing to do with the final movie that was published.
                In the final published movie and associated works like books, art books, etc there are zero references whatsoever to Kylo having a sister. Their setup in TFA is romantic, and there is obvious sexual tension and forbidden romance between them in TLJ.
                Stop referencing things that have nothing to do with what people are talking about.

                Ok we get it you’re prejudiced against Christians and are a political advocate for the Disney company. Luke refusing to kill his father was heroic. Rey turning her grandfather to dust was creepy.
                I wouldn’t be here complaining about all this specifically if maybe Rey was pregnant with Kylo’s kid at the end or she was just Luke’s secret daughter from the jump or something. Instead all the heroes are eradicated and genocided.
                >Han is divorced from Leia and goes back to being a smuggler and even has to wear the same old clothes he did 40 years ago. Then he gets killed unceremoniously by his own kid.
                >Leia was just fighting more wars then dies unceremoniously.
                >Luke tries to kill his own nephew then exiles himself forever, then meets Rey somehow then kills himself for no reason or effect very unceremoniously (execs didnt wanna pay Hamil for another film I assume)
                Yeah that’s awful. The entire thing is a tragedy basically even if they sort of beat evil (again). But I guess they never beat him and just failed and died.
                Yikes I can’t believe I just typed all this out. These “films” are garbage, don’t (You) me.

                >Luke refusing to kill his father was heroic
                This is delusional. Luke spares his father out of selfish impulse. He doesn't do it as an act of mercy he does it because he realizes the path ahead of him if he goes that way. You misread the scene.
                And Palpatine always came back you brainlet, he came back in the EU too. What were those all christian hating disney israelites too? Get help.

              • 5 months ago

                >We're talking about the published movie, not the drafts or any dumb shit George Lucas wrote.
                Yes I am also talking about the movie and never once brought up and drafts or notes from Lucas and neither did the video I linked. Please try to keep up.

                >In the final published movie and associated works like books, art books, etc there are zero references whatsoever to Kylo having a sister
                Once again if you go back and watch Rey's scenes with Han or Leia in TFA it's very obvious the original intention was for her to be their daughter.

                >heir setup in TFA is romantic
                lol no it's not and even if it was it wouldn't be the first time a pair of siblings in star wars started out as romantic before they learned they were related

                >I guess because I said that I'm solitary, that's how I begin, that's probably a big clue to what it is
                - Daisy Ridley in a 2015 interview before the release of TFA https://youtu.be/MbL_XWs05Sg?si=5lvMnZ_BFrQbbrCL&t=1437

                Idk why this is so hard to believe for you lmao you must be one of those deranged troony Reylo homosexuals from twitter it's the only explanation

              • 5 months ago

                Reylo is official canon and anyone who has ever had sex recognized the tension between them from the get go. He literally princess carries her on their first meeting. You're a delusional virgin.
                You still can't point to a single piece of evidence that Leia had a daughter. She had a daughter and then what, she just fricking forgot? LMAO. She had a daughter and dropped her off to be raised by a fat pedophile junk trader? You make no sense moron.

              • 5 months ago

                Alright ya you're just a delusional troon. Please do the world a favor and join the 40% you ugly abomination YWNBAW

              • 5 months ago

                Reylo fans are mostly biological women you sperg
                You'd know that if you ever spoke to a woman in your life

              • 5 months ago

                Lmao real women don't give a shit about Disney wars you delusional troony besides maybe some ugly childless 30 something year old hags or fat Asian chicks. But by in large Reylo gays are troony abominations like yourself.

              • 5 months ago

                Wrong. There are tons of female disney fans you are way off. I bet you think harley x joker lovers are troons too lmao. You're actually just insane. Take meds.

              • 5 months ago

                >There are tons of female disney fans you are way off
                and not a single one of them could be considered remotely attractive

                >I bet you think harley x joker lovers are troons too lmao
                Probably a healthy mix of troons and ugly femcels just like Reylos

                >You're actually just insane. Take meds
                Says the troony on HRT lol have a nice day

              • 5 months ago

                You're a tasteless homosexual who will die alone

              • 5 months ago

                LOL pretty telling that fetal alcohol syndrome looking b***h is the best you could come up with. Better luck next time troony

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah you convinced me, Luke being an isolated alcoholic who failed and lived a life of misery sucking on the breasts of wild beasts totally kicks ass, stellar writing you’ve opened my mind.

              • 5 months ago

                He drank the milk like that to shit test her you brainlet. He followed the same route as Yoda who would have died alone as a homosexual midget failure in a stinky swamp except Luke revitalized him and that made him a happy force ghost. That's what Rey does to Luke. You're just so dumb its incredible.

                This is Star Wars, a triumphant tale of good overcoming evil, not fricking Oedipus. Regardless of the context killing your grandfather is creepy and bad, an action that at best should be lamented. Else is comes off as creepy and israeli like nuwars.

                Palps killed her mom and dad so its fair for her to kill him.

              • 5 months ago

                >continuing a long line of familial genocide
                Profoundly creepy. To me, a normal human, I see the entire NuWars trilogy as something tragic. All the heroes are wiped out, this girl continues the family tradition of killing your parents, but it’s all portrayed as a triumph somehow. To me Rey is a half-insane whack-job without a soul. But that’s only because of the half-assed way this entire “story” was written.

              • 5 months ago

                Palpatine made Vader with the force and no one cried when Vader killed him.

              • 5 months ago

                Whatever that means. Vader and Palpatine had like a Frieza/Vegeta relationship but even more creepy and dysfunctional. Palpatine isn’t related to fricking Darth Vader in any way.

              • 5 months ago

                Palpatine made Anakin's mom pregnant with the force, he's Vader's dad except he didn't frick her it was via force manipulation.

              • 5 months ago

                So it sounds like Palpatine created Vader through some ugly dark and natural means to be his slave, then the creation kills the master Frankenstein style, tale as old as time and a far cry from a girl slaughtering her own grandfather whereas Luke was staking his life on his father’s redemption. That’s what being a hero is all about.
                >It’s not about knowing when to take a life, but when to spare one.
                If the nuwars writers wrote LOTR Bilbo would have just caved Sméagol’s head in with a rock and it would be played for laughs. I’m not defending Palpatine either, he had to die but Rey not showing any remorse or caring one way or another about the whole thing, again, is just creepy as frick.

              • 5 months ago

                She's never met Palpatine and doesn't know him as a grandpa, all she knows him as is the creepy evil dude making clones who killed her parents and is trying to eat her soul
                she kills him out of self-preservation, which is morally sound

                >Yoda literally tells Luke to let it go and that the Jedi were failures
                He literally never says that. Once Luke realizes who he is he drops the act and earnestly tries to train him and teach him about the force. The fact that you think Luke in TLJ is remotely comparable to Yoda's character in Empire is laughable. But I expect nothing less from sequel trannies

                Yes he does, watch it again

              • 5 months ago

                I just did so it's either not there or I'm missing it but you can happily link the scene of Yoda saying the Jedi were failures if you want to prove me wrong.

              • 5 months ago

                Yep he tells chewie the jedi are failures, then he doesn't want to train luke, its all there in the movies if you watch them. Luke says the jedi are failures and doesn't want to train Rey because of her inner darkness. Its all the same stuff.

              • 5 months ago

                >Yep he tells chewie the jedi are failures
                Wait but here

                Yoda literally tells Luke to let it go and that the Jedi were failures. All Yoda taught Luke was some platitudes and some shit about using his mind to lift rocks. Luke did some obstacle courses but that's nothing really to do with Yoda. Rey and Luke basically got the same amount of training from their mentors.
                Actually most of what Rey learns she learns from Kylo via the force dyad. Luke was a shitty teacher, but so was Yoda, and so was Obi-wan. All Obi-wan ever taught Luke was to close his eyes and trust his instincts.

                you said he told Luke the Jedi are failures. Which one is it you dumbass troony? Yoda doesn't even interact with chewie in ESB what in gods name are you talking about? All that HRT must be eating away at your brain or something jeez.

              • 5 months ago

                >He drank the milk like that to shit test her you brainlet.
                nice headcanon but nothing in the film indicates that at all. Luke being a disillusioned hermit wasn't him putting on an act. He literally refuses to train Rey in same way Yoda trained him in ESB.
                How are sequel trannies this fricking moronic and delusional?

              • 5 months ago

                He was living as a hermit but most of the shit he did to her was a shit test. Its very obvious why the frick do you think he slaps her with the leaf. The entire thing is a reference to Yoda which is all a reference to super serious special eastern mentors fricking with newbies to separate the wheat from the chaff. A more modern example is mr miyagi from karate kid.

              • 5 months ago

                Holy frick you're moronic. Please give one line of dialogue or moment that's supposed to let us know he's shit testing her. He literally wanted the Jedi to fricking die and be over he wasn't playing some 5d chess to see if Rey could pass the test.

              • 5 months ago

                Luke wanted the Jedi to die the same way Yoda did. He refuses the train her the same way Yoda did. Then he begrudgingly trains her the same way Yoda did. Then he says don't go in the hole the same way Yoda did. Then she goes in the hole the same way Luke did. Then she gives up on Luke the same way Luke did on Yoda. Then she leaves prematurely to help her friends the same way Luke did.

                Its frankly absurd that you don't see how the entire island sequence is the same sequence.

              • 5 months ago

                Yoda never wanted the Jedi to die you're moronic. He was hesitant to train Luke because he knew who his father was. Yoda actually trained Luke but Luke never really trained Rey besides giving her some empty platitudes about how bad the Jedi suck. I get that Rian was trying to copy ESB but he embarrassingly failed at it.

              • 5 months ago

                Yoda literally tells Luke to let it go and that the Jedi were failures. All Yoda taught Luke was some platitudes and some shit about using his mind to lift rocks. Luke did some obstacle courses but that's nothing really to do with Yoda. Rey and Luke basically got the same amount of training from their mentors.
                Actually most of what Rey learns she learns from Kylo via the force dyad. Luke was a shitty teacher, but so was Yoda, and so was Obi-wan. All Obi-wan ever taught Luke was to close his eyes and trust his instincts.

              • 5 months ago

                >Yoda literally tells Luke to let it go and that the Jedi were failures
                He literally never says that. Once Luke realizes who he is he drops the act and earnestly tries to train him and teach him about the force. The fact that you think Luke in TLJ is remotely comparable to Yoda's character in Empire is laughable. But I expect nothing less from sequel trannies

            • 5 months ago

              Lol the smoke detector beeping is only in the intro or you could just skip to 23:55 to hear Daisy say it in her own words during an interview before TFA. Or just stay ignorant and keep talking out your ass like a moron idc

    • 5 months ago

      jesus christ what a fricking hack, why do people like his work?

  13. 5 months ago

    Hey now. I LIKED The Last Jedi.

  14. 5 months ago

    >woah you startled me! Haha how are yo-
    >say it
    >say my name
    >look I have to go groom my daughter for another board meeting
    >say my name you israelite midge
    >we're the same height
    >SAY IT

  15. 5 months ago

    Good morning sar.

  16. 5 months ago

    I think The Force Awakens was a really good movie. I don't even suck wieners by choice.

  17. 5 months ago

    Btw Rey is pregnant at the end of TROS, Ben impregnated her with the force when he put his hand on her womb. Clip it.

  18. 5 months ago

    I haven't watched any of the zoomer star wars movies or tv shows or games or anything and I never will. I'm a man with standards.

  19. 5 months ago

    the closest thing TFA received to praise back in the day was optimistic people hoping some other director would salvage the soulless hoard of mystery boxes JJ had set in place. nobody praised the movie itself.

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