>expect a mature anime for adults. >it's actually edgy crap with shit cringy dialogues

>expect a mature anime for adults
>it's actually edgy crap with shit cringy dialogues
why do people pretend this is good? Cowboy Bebop was better than this

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  1. 8 months ago

    It has so many episodes it locks people in

  2. 8 months ago

    This applies to all anime aimed at "adults." Anime is juvenile and is embarrassing to watch.

    • 8 months ago

      name every anime you've seen

      • 8 months ago

        Vampire Hunter D
        Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
        Serial Experiments Lain
        Legend of the Galactic Heroes
        Neo Tokyo
        Ghost in the Shell
        Perfect Blue
        Spirited Away
        Kikis Delivery Service
        Violet Evergarden
        Dragon Ball
        Dragon Ball Z
        Gegege no Kitaro
        Dragon Maid
        Squid Girl
        Apocalypse Zero
        some other crap i cant remember

        • 8 months ago

          I recommend Future Boy Conan

        • 8 months ago

          The classic version is so kino and so fricking funny. Beats any comedy I've ever seen

        • 8 months ago

          What was juvenile about Logh?

          • 8 months ago

            its drawings like some mickey mouse shit, real shows are live action

            • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          Only good one here is dragon maid

          Congrats, you got tricked into watching 50 hours of shit because some oldtroon posted a “REAL KINO ANIME” lmao

          • 8 months ago

            >Dragon Maid better than LOGH

            Holy SHIT this is some legendary bad taste.

            • 8 months ago

              >all my animes have BOOBAS

          • 8 months ago

            >Dragon Maid
            Fricking degenerate f/a/ggot. Return now and never come back.

        • 8 months ago

          holy mother of reddit. this shit is just a bunch of pleb casual entry level garbage. watch more series.

          • 8 months ago

            nta, I've seen most of those but what are these three I don't recognize them?

            • 8 months ago

              If only there was a certain search engine that could instantly give you an answer...

              • 8 months ago

                You're the one who posted your pseud list don't expect me to do the homework for you.

            • 8 months ago

              From left to right: Jigoku shōjo, Last Exile, Bakemonogatari.

              You're welcome anon kun

              • 8 months ago

                Thanks anon sama

        • 8 months ago

          You honestly thought Spirited Away was "juvenile"?
          I find that hard to believe.
          I also think GiTS and Perfect Blue are genuinely great movies, regardless of format.
          Laputa, Totoro and Kiki's are just nice and decent stories for children, with more depth and artistry to them than you'd usually expect from the genre.
          Evangelion and Paprika are both extreme cases of self-indulgent fart-sniffing, but I don't think "juvenile" is the right word to describe them.

          • 8 months ago

            cartoons are for kids

        • 8 months ago

          Take it back

        • 8 months ago

          watch k-on you slag

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Than you can agree that all animated art is juvenile and embarrassing to watch correct? No adult should ever be caught watching toy story or the Incredibles or bugs bunny or roadrunner or beauty and the beast or anything that isn't live action correct?

  3. 8 months ago

    I was able to not finish it though

  4. 8 months ago

    Grimmer is the only reason to continue watching the last third of it.

    • 8 months ago

      Him and Roberto were my favorite characters. This hentai ugly bastard was more terrifying than Johan ever was. I also liked the twist in the end revealing they swapped memories as kids and almost lead each other's lives.

  5. 8 months ago
  6. 8 months ago

    >every dialogue is exposition
    im convinced any adult that sings praises of anime was molested by a horse when they were a kid

  7. 8 months ago

    i turned this shit off when they had some cop typing notices with his hands on an invisible typewriter it was so embarrassingly bad and this is what animegays think is the peak of storytelling

  8. 8 months ago

    youre retarted
    the show is great

    • 8 months ago

      it's melodramatic crap

    • 8 months ago

      compared to what?

      • 8 months ago


  9. 8 months ago

    Reminder that Monster isn't just some shit anime that some guy tricked you into watching. Monster is the peak of anime, this is consistently one of the highest rated and most recommended anime. Johan is without a doubt what anime fans agree to be the best villain of all time.
    Then you watch it and it's worse than some dogshit show like the Sherlock show with Cucumberb***h as Sherlock.
    It's so incredibly bad. Terrible characters, embarrassingly bad writing. Johan is just a fricking magician with teleportation, mind wipe powers, shape shifting, future prediction, can brainwash millions of people at the blink of an eye and teleport his mindless brainwashed slaves all over the world to appear on specific days and perform the perfectly planned actions to encounter the one person he is tormenting and let him get away as every gun shot and shadow and every gust of wind is controlled by Johan.
    Johan is an all powerful all knowing being with unlimited powers, and what is it all for? He is messing with a random doctor guy because he is a good person. That's the show.
    And while Johan is a literal god, he actually doesn't have super powers. You're just supposed to take the shit he does for granted because Johan is like really smart (101 IQ) and really charismatic, so of course he can turn people into mindless zombies off-screen and have an army of zombies. Why the frick not. Why yes, he can teleport poisoned candy into his room and then distribute it very specific people while he is in a coma. He is heckin' Johan, the best villain of all time.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah I got bored of it after like 10 episodes, this explanation of the villain makes it seem really fricking stupid

    • 8 months ago

      I have read the manga and loved it so much, but I literally don’t remember anything that you said happening.

      • 8 months ago

        >I literally don’t remember anything
        sums up every moron that praises this trash

        • 8 months ago

          I think this is common in all of the Author’s work. Its incredibly enthralling to see the narrative’s progression but summarising it will make you sound like a moron.
          I love 20th century boy and Pluto, but I think people will have a stroke if I describe the plotlines.

          • 8 months ago

            I like Pluto but rest of his work is just really bad.

            • 8 months ago

              Name something with better writing (we all know you won't)

              • 8 months ago

                the UK version of Utopia

    • 8 months ago

      based, this garbage proves anime fans have no taste

      • 8 months ago

        frick off, upboating moron

    • 8 months ago

      no clue. it's legitimately unwatchable. tenma is painfully uninteresting and johan is the best example of that smart characters written stupidly greentext


    • 8 months ago

      This is blatant stupidity. Don't read any of this nonsense. Since you room iq troglodytes seem to miss even the most basic point of the show let me break it down to you in a bullet format so even a monkey can understand. Also learn to enunciate, esl abomination.

      Let's start with the characters. Tenma is a highly intelligent and compassionate character who undergoes significant development throughout the series. He starts as a dedicated surgeon but later becomes a morally conflicted and determined figure, challenging his own principles for the greater good. This transformation is a testament to the depth and complexity of his character. You go on this journey that spand multiple years, locations and several other characters that in one way shape or form affect him deeply and authentically, thus if you pay attention, should affect you too. The scene where he has Johan in his sight but he simply cannot bring himself to shoot is extremely realistic and human. None of you have held another life in the palm of your hands or can even begin to understand the repercussion or consequence of any of it. I regularly go hunting with my dad and I still remember I hesitated shooting for the the first time then watching the dead lifeless eyes of the critter before my feet. You genuinely, in your sheltered mindless life will never understand.

      • 8 months ago

        Johann Liebert, the central antagonist, is perhaps one of the most enigmatic and chilling villains in anime history. He is highly intelligent, manipulative, and charismatic, which makes him a fascinating character to watch. His motivations and actions are deeply layered and gradually revealed, keeping viewers intrigued and on edge. He is genuinely, THE monster of the show. Here's why:
        1. He possesses an uncanny ability to charm and manipulate people. His charisma is so strong that he can effortlessly make people trust him and reveal their darkest secrets. This is something that psychopaths, which you have never met in your entire life, can do with extreme ease. The extent of your experience with the dark triad in this world is some shitty relationship and braindead crime interrogations. This manipulative skill is often seen in real-world sociopaths and psychopaths and adds to his monstrous nature, which are more common in regular people you come across at work or in public more now than ever, especially at the advent of tech supremacy as it saps our empathy and turns each and every single person into a mindless husk that isn't even capable of following a simple anime plot.
        2. Which brings me to the next point. Johann exhibits a profound lack of empathy throughout the series. He is willing to cause immense suffering and death without any emotional response. His cold detachment from the suffering he causes is a classic trait of a sociopathic personality, reinforcing his monstrous nature. Just like you are incapable of having a genuine, authentic discussion or develop appreciation for anything in this life and prefer to simply shitpost and destroy in your path, this is the dark side of human nature. The true monster within all of us.

        • 8 months ago

          3.Johann's backstory reveals a traumatic past that played a significant role in shaping his monstrous personality. He endured unspeakable horrors as a child. Your room temperature trauma can never even compare to the lives of most psychopaths in general. This psychological depth adds layers to his character and makes his monstrous actions more understandable, even if they remain horrific. At the same time the pacing is intentionally slow and revealing to explain even to the least intelligent viewer that evil has it's first soft touches gradually, not suddenly. His past experiences along with his genetic predisposition groomed him perfectly into the monster that he becomes. He often manipulates those around him to achieve his goals without much care or thought of consequences that doesn't benefit him either. He can change his identity, deceive authorities, and manipulate people into doing his bidding. His ability to control events and people, often behind the scenes, showcases his monstrous cunning. He does it in such a calm, intelligent and nuanced manner that it seems entirely believable that a charming soft spoken intelligent man like him could entirely get away with anything. You seem to be posting redpills about chad all the time, this isn't different. Human nature doesn't change, regardless of the medium.
          4. He uses various aliases and disguises throughout the series, concealing his true identity. His ability to live multiple lives and deceive people, including those closest to him, demonstrates a level of deceit that is characteristic of a monster. Similar to how anonymous posters here pretend to be someone they're not just to conceal their nature for a discussion that benefits only themselves. Even here, Monster shows it is well written and peasants that bark need to be corrected. See if you were honest about your intent and genuinely paid attention, there would be no need to ridicule you. You aren't honest, none of you are. You are all, monsters.

          • 8 months ago

            5. Johann's complete disregard for human life is one of the most disturbing aspects of his character. He orchestrates mass murders, manipulates others into committing heinous acts, and shows no remorse or guilt. This lack of value for human life is a defining trait of a true monster. The most fascinating aspect of it all is that he is not even politically or ideologically driven. Various groups with various agendas try to subscribe him onto a path or another while he simply toys with their frailties and weaknesses, like objects to be thrown away. To him, his various foster parents were nothing but tools. What is to say about the neonazis that tried to use him and placate him as the next Hitler, they were all mere playthings to him, to be used and discarded. A man with no political, ideological or even personal agenda other than his own is the most dangerous man alive. He preys on the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of others. By using his charm and looks he makes others trust him unquestionably. He has an uncanny ability to identify the deepest fears and insecurities of people and exploit them to his advantage making him an extremely dangerous individual and so often in our lives we meet people like this, who screw us over and only later do we realize that the signs were always there. This entire website is filled with such people, absolute degenerate narcissists and attention seekers that will 100% ruin your life if you gave them even the smallest chance.

            Ultimately The name "Monster" is aptly chosen for the series because Johann serves as a symbol of human darkness. He represents the monstrous potential within every individual, and his actions force characters, especially Tenma, to confront their own moral boundaries.

            • 8 months ago

              this isn't bullet point format you midwit

              Read below subhuman. We can sit here all fricking day talking about this show, everything needs it's own paragraph.
              My favorite part of zoomer attention death is how there is no isekai therefore it's bad. Johann Liebert is not a monstrous figure due to supernatural powers or physical appearance, but rather because of his deeply disturbing psychological traits and actions. His combination of charisma, manipulation, psychological depth, and a complete lack of empathy make him a truly terrifying character, earning him the label of a "monster" in both the narrative and the eyes of the viewers. And this is only one character. THE titular character. What is there to say about everyone else or the multitude of themes in the show.
              1. Moral ambiguity
              2. The value of human life
              3. Consequences of actions
              4. Identity and duality
              5. Justice and revenge
              6. Manipulation and control
              7. Psychological trauma
              8. The role and signifficance of fate
              9. Morality/ethics in medicine and overall
              10. Corruption and conspiracy
              11. Redemption and forgiveness
              12. Reflection on the human condition
              13. Fear and paranoia
              14. Importance of family and authentic relationships
              15. Power and Corruption, in all aspects of human life

              • 8 months ago

                are you just copy and pasting this shit from reddit?

              • 8 months ago

                You asked for a bullet point, I simplified it even more.
                This is what is wrong with your generation. Your mind is so corrupted by instant gratification and addiction to scrolling that you genuinely cannot comprehend that someone might genuinely enjoy something authentically and feel inspired to share that with others, even if it's by correction. No, dummy. I am not copying this from reddit.
                I truly and genuinely believe that every single one of you frickers need to watch this show. Not because I love Johan and look how great he is. In fact the opposite. Because our world is filled with Johan. Even in this thread. There is a monster in all people and this is a great introductory and entertaining first foot into the door of the mind of a genuine piece of shit. And by lacking empathy, genuine authenticity for anything in this manner, you're one step further to becoming just another piece of shit monster in this world.

              • 8 months ago

                lol you sound like a sheltered homosexual, you actually think this is an accurate portrayal of psychopaths? lmao you genuinely sound like the "you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" copypasta

              • 8 months ago

                Not an argument. Learn to read, subhuman because I've made it clear this is great introductory material and it just so happens to be very well written as well. Come back when your balls dropped and you can hold a gun in your hands before talking about which one of us is sheltered.

              • 8 months ago

                >great introductory material
                lmao no it isn't, nothing about the show is accurate to how psychopaths actually behave, they are not emotionless blank slates, the majority are not violent just for violences sake since they are concerned with self preservation and wouldn't want to go to jail, most are not exceptionally intelligent or forward thinking, this is a fantasy show with a comic book tier villain

              • 8 months ago

                Johan is not an emotionless blank slate, mongoloid. Watch the show again, you stupid animal.

        • 8 months ago

          it sucks theres nothing really like monster out there
          there is one that came close but its very boring i wouldn't recommend it

      • 8 months ago

        this isn't bullet point format you midwit

      • 8 months ago

        he could have just shot his legs or something, there was no need to be such a homosexual over potentially killing him.
        >he simply cannot bring himself to shoot is extremely realistic and human. None of you have held another life in the palm of your hands or can even begin to understand the repercussion or consequence of any of it.
        lol, do you watch any news? It's YOU who is sheltered.

        • 8 months ago

          I held guns and killed out of it plenty of animals. Most of you sit on your ass arguing about absolutely nothing. At least I have an interest for a show and am willing to engage in an authentic conversation about it. Most of the posters here are below subhuman, can't even string two sentences together properly or read anything without attention issues. That is the defition of arrested development.

          • 8 months ago

            you're not discussing anything, you're just writing essay length posts about a subpar show and claiming it's some revolutionary character study, any time someone disagrees with something you say you flip out like a spastic, that's not a discussion

            • 8 months ago

              I've replied to a post that has neither established any of the characters or the themes in the show, which has absolutely nothing to do with the show. It fundamentally does not represent anything other than drivel and stupidity. Go read it again, the post I originally replied to is exactly nothing but the only spastic emotional drivel here. Meanwhile I've laid out both the description of the two main characters and the overall overaching themes of the show. That is a discussion. Learn to formulate a proper discussion that isn't No U and a continuous childish sociopathic attempt at disparaging the conversationalist, instead of staying on topic. So far that's all you've managed to regurgitate out of your femoid reactionary brain.

              • 8 months ago

                cope homosexual, your whole drivel has barely any substance.

            • 8 months ago

              In other words, and I just realized that you might be a little slow to follow along with the actual point of discussion, let me simplify it even more for you: unless you are actually the author of that original post. I doubt you are, there is no discussion here between us. The only reason why you keep replying to me is because you are the only person not interested in an actual discussion. You haven't refuted any of my points, because I haven't said anything subjective or open to interpretation. I have given you a breakdown of the most important aspects you and anyone watching this should be aware of before posting ignorant trash replies like that one. You have two choices, keep replying to me with stupidity, feigned or otherwise or take the opportunity to view the show from an objective and intelligent point of view before you post next time. There is literally nothing for you to do here other than continue being a parasite. Now leave the thread in shame and think about who is the genuine sheltered little man in this thread. And I absolutely meant to demean you, because subhumans like you are exactly the reason why this work was written. Arrogant, stupid and genuinely ignorant people such as yourself will be the first to be exploited by someone like Johan.

              • 8 months ago

                Do you expect some upboats or gold for sperging in blog posts length? Nobody is reading your moronic shit.

              • 8 months ago

                I expect you to actually watch the show instead of being a subhuman monkey addicted to instant gratification without paying attention to anything but the next fix. Because that is the sole reason for that post and everyone that watches this show with that perspective. If a show is simply too slow for you, close the tab. Why keep feeding the addiction being in a thread to post about it. Threads used to be places where genuine discussion was encouraged, now it's morons entering threads of media they hate JUST to exclaim how much they hate it. This is true sociopathic schizo behavior.

                cope homosexual, your whole drivel has barely any substance.

                Your life has barely any substance. Don't even speak to me, animal. You can't even cut two pieces of wood or work anything with your hands, nevermind string two sentences along. Trash is all that comes out of your head.

                While I agree with you, you would probably get more support if you could learn proper grammatical structure and understand the purpose of paragraphs.

                At least I'm trying to have a discussion instead of parroting ebonics and zoomerspeak.

                dont mind him, just your typical weeb lmao

                I'm latvian, not mutt. Americans are absolute fricking cringe. The entire world would benefit if your entire continent disappeared.

              • 8 months ago

                >At least I'm trying to have a discussion instead of parroting ebonics and zoomerspeak
                It's fine I agree with you bro, but please. Just use an indentation or hit your enter key every once in a while.

              • 8 months ago

                I watched the show and it was trash.
                Shot compositions were uninteresting, color scheme was bland (common problem with most of early 00s shows), soundtracks were immersion breaking (I lost count of how many times they used a loud stinger for Johan, it was comedic), show is a near 1:1 adaptation that fricks up the pacing.

              • 8 months ago

                Can you formulate a single accurate assesment of either the characters, themes or plot? Or is your broken brain able to perceive things in flashy images only? Did you grow up reading coloring books complaining books were too bland and boring? This is a low budget 00' psychological thriller from a guy that poured his entire life savings to produce it.
                There is nothing wrong with the soundtrack, in fact the opposite the songs accompany the themes and characters accordingly in key moments especially. It genuinely conveys the sense of hopelessness and despair for tenma, the malice and evil for Johan( I have no clue what stinger you're even talking about) and the rest of the emotions and themes for other characters, like Eva's bawdtiness and redemption or Nina's determination. Or when key characters show up at crucial times to turn the plot around. Whatever it lacks in visual imagery the show makes up in everything else. I've already discussed the main points up above. The only real issue with the pacing that I personally have is in the latter third of the show because it has to do with budgeting and financial issues as well. That being said it manages to convey a meaningful story about genuine authentic characters, that feel real. All of your nitpicks can never take that away.

                if you're looking for intelligence and authenticity, weebshit threads aren't the place
                these "people" are all sub 80 IQ tasteless, mindless drones. Every one of them mentally stunted, abused as children, trooned out or a combination of all three.

                I genuinely believe in the human spirit of each and every single person here. All you people need is the will and the desire to be otherwise. That is what Monster tries to convey, among many other themes. Stop and think.

              • 8 months ago

                Audiovisual medium, moron.
                >This is a low budget 00' psychological thriller from a guy that poured his entire life savings to produce it.
                I agree that characters are great. Grimmer, Eva, Lunge etc were saving grace of the show.

              • 8 months ago

                While I agree with you, you would probably get more support if you could learn proper grammatical structure and understand the purpose of paragraphs.

          • 8 months ago

            you're not discussing anything, you're just writing essay length posts about a subpar show and claiming it's some revolutionary character study, any time someone disagrees with something you say you flip out like a spastic, that's not a discussion

            dont mind him, just your typical weeb lmao

      • 8 months ago

        Johann Liebert, the central antagonist, is perhaps one of the most enigmatic and chilling villains in anime history. He is highly intelligent, manipulative, and charismatic, which makes him a fascinating character to watch. His motivations and actions are deeply layered and gradually revealed, keeping viewers intrigued and on edge. He is genuinely, THE monster of the show. Here's why:
        1. He possesses an uncanny ability to charm and manipulate people. His charisma is so strong that he can effortlessly make people trust him and reveal their darkest secrets. This is something that psychopaths, which you have never met in your entire life, can do with extreme ease. The extent of your experience with the dark triad in this world is some shitty relationship and braindead crime interrogations. This manipulative skill is often seen in real-world sociopaths and psychopaths and adds to his monstrous nature, which are more common in regular people you come across at work or in public more now than ever, especially at the advent of tech supremacy as it saps our empathy and turns each and every single person into a mindless husk that isn't even capable of following a simple anime plot.
        2. Which brings me to the next point. Johann exhibits a profound lack of empathy throughout the series. He is willing to cause immense suffering and death without any emotional response. His cold detachment from the suffering he causes is a classic trait of a sociopathic personality, reinforcing his monstrous nature. Just like you are incapable of having a genuine, authentic discussion or develop appreciation for anything in this life and prefer to simply shitpost and destroy in your path, this is the dark side of human nature. The true monster within all of us.

        3.Johann's backstory reveals a traumatic past that played a significant role in shaping his monstrous personality. He endured unspeakable horrors as a child. Your room temperature trauma can never even compare to the lives of most psychopaths in general. This psychological depth adds layers to his character and makes his monstrous actions more understandable, even if they remain horrific. At the same time the pacing is intentionally slow and revealing to explain even to the least intelligent viewer that evil has it's first soft touches gradually, not suddenly. His past experiences along with his genetic predisposition groomed him perfectly into the monster that he becomes. He often manipulates those around him to achieve his goals without much care or thought of consequences that doesn't benefit him either. He can change his identity, deceive authorities, and manipulate people into doing his bidding. His ability to control events and people, often behind the scenes, showcases his monstrous cunning. He does it in such a calm, intelligent and nuanced manner that it seems entirely believable that a charming soft spoken intelligent man like him could entirely get away with anything. You seem to be posting redpills about chad all the time, this isn't different. Human nature doesn't change, regardless of the medium.
        4. He uses various aliases and disguises throughout the series, concealing his true identity. His ability to live multiple lives and deceive people, including those closest to him, demonstrates a level of deceit that is characteristic of a monster. Similar to how anonymous posters here pretend to be someone they're not just to conceal their nature for a discussion that benefits only themselves. Even here, Monster shows it is well written and peasants that bark need to be corrected. See if you were honest about your intent and genuinely paid attention, there would be no need to ridicule you. You aren't honest, none of you are. You are all, monsters.

        5. Johann's complete disregard for human life is one of the most disturbing aspects of his character. He orchestrates mass murders, manipulates others into committing heinous acts, and shows no remorse or guilt. This lack of value for human life is a defining trait of a true monster. The most fascinating aspect of it all is that he is not even politically or ideologically driven. Various groups with various agendas try to subscribe him onto a path or another while he simply toys with their frailties and weaknesses, like objects to be thrown away. To him, his various foster parents were nothing but tools. What is to say about the neonazis that tried to use him and placate him as the next Hitler, they were all mere playthings to him, to be used and discarded. A man with no political, ideological or even personal agenda other than his own is the most dangerous man alive. He preys on the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of others. By using his charm and looks he makes others trust him unquestionably. He has an uncanny ability to identify the deepest fears and insecurities of people and exploit them to his advantage making him an extremely dangerous individual and so often in our lives we meet people like this, who screw us over and only later do we realize that the signs were always there. This entire website is filled with such people, absolute degenerate narcissists and attention seekers that will 100% ruin your life if you gave them even the smallest chance.

        Ultimately The name "Monster" is aptly chosen for the series because Johann serves as a symbol of human darkness. He represents the monstrous potential within every individual, and his actions force characters, especially Tenma, to confront their own moral boundaries.

        genuinely asking, how old are you?

    • 8 months ago

      If you think about it, the show really is genius because it brainwashed people into thinking its a masterpiece, just like Johan so there's obviously something Urasawa knows that we don't. On a meta level, it really does deserve the acclaim.

    • 8 months ago

      Nice bait pasta. Monster is literally just The Fugitive. Not a single thing they added to the basic story structure of that mediocre tv-show was an improvement.

    • 8 months ago

      Actual unironic midwit take.


    • 8 months ago

      Holy shit did this trigger "mature" tranime fans, it really was their magnus opus

      • 8 months ago

        it seems just one autist who is sperging out

        • 8 months ago

          probably writes essays on reddit talking about how deep and profound some harem waifus boob window is

          • 8 months ago

            Your main argument is and was at all given points, that what I've written is pretentious. When you have clearly demonstarted a lack of ability and willpower to either read, comprehend and digest any information objectively altogether I believe the only pretentious behavior here is on you. Learn to formulate a proper argument instead of acting like a woman, instead of engaging directly speaking to other members for coercion. Nobody cares about you or anything you have to say. Argue in good faith or get the frick out this thread.

        • 8 months ago

          It's funny how any level of basic intelligence is considered now autistic. How empty and dull your lives have become where a genuine interest towards literally anything is autistic. Your generation could use better education, are you even a person? This is why Johan is so popular as a character, why zoomies love him, you're literally just cattle waiting to be used. The sad reality of your lives is that you simply cannot accept that a character like Johan can be realistic, so you call it midwit and go back to your boring shitstain lives. The reality is that you're a coward. You conveniently live your lives shut away so much that you've convinced yourselves this is the only way to avoid such negativity and monstrocity. The brutal reality is that with what's coming in the next decade, your safe havens won't help you anymore. You have to confront the ugliness of man, directly. Exactly how I'm confronting your stupidity right now, standing up for yourself. Regardless of ridicule. This is the only way to retain what little authenticity you could possibly ever have in your life and ridiculing others makes you look weak and stupid.

          >At least I'm trying to have a discussion instead of parroting ebonics and zoomerspeak
          It's fine I agree with you bro, but please. Just use an indentation or hit your enter key every once in a while.

          No. I will not write like with reddit spacing. If someone doesn't like my posts, feel free to say it. I don't have a problem with you. I'm telling it how it is, without bullshit because absolutely nobody fricking cares on this website anymore. Nobody says what they really think, everything is a copy of a copy, living by proxy. This lack of authenticity has to stop. If my grammar is bad, OK. Shit talk me then. At least the discussion will be real, instead of this garbage you call posts. Look up above at the complete degradation of basic intelligence in these people. They are incapable of even reading two sentences, dulled in their brains corrupted by scrolling addiction and lack of any attention span.

          • 8 months ago

            >I am of a higher plane of intelligence
            >I can't figure out why people call me autistic
            textbook autism

            • 8 months ago

              >>I am of a higher plane of intelligence
              Never said this. All I've written was in rsponse to either your ridicule or to establish character, about your reidicule. The topic has turned to your behavior in this thread because the discussion herein was completely sideswept by your inability to discuss anything. Literally all you've done so far is No U and zero talking points whatsoever. Every time I said something about myself was in response to your stupidity, because you don't know anything about the conversationalist. It shouldn't even matter, we are supposed to speak about Monster instead you are such a braindead imbecile you simply cannot. Now I will actively say this to you, I am better than you. In literally every way. Nobody has called me autistic, in my life. One good look at yourself and if this is how you manage a conversation about any media, if this is how you consume media, you aren't just autistic you are pathologically just cattle. Which is why you're even drawn to such characters to begin with, wasting your time in a thread about something you don't even like. How fricking stupid are you? is this your secret kink? Go to bongacams or something, this is why Cinemaphile went to absolute shit. It has been parasitized with subhumans, like you. Who are incapable of any genuine introspection or authentic thought in your entire worthless lives.

          • 8 months ago

            Just write in ebonics then, that's the same as chimping out with unreadable walls of texts.

            • 8 months ago

              Your inability to read past a few words due to your broken social media addicted brain is not the responsibility of the person speaking to you. Your generation is the most lazy, selfish, self-absorbed and genuinely broken we've had yet.

            • 8 months ago

              lmao imagine calling someone who knows how to express his thoughts and write well "autistic" because you're an underage moron who's scared of posts longer than a tweet
              Dumb fricking zoomers

              They're perfectly readable you subhuman low IQ Black person.

  10. 8 months ago

    >"Mature" anime
    >"Adult" capeshit
    >"Grown-up" video games

    • 8 months ago

      >"Mature" anime
      Satoshi kon films
      >"Adult" capeshit
      >"Grown-up" video games
      Planescape Torment

  11. 8 months ago

    Cowboy Bebop is literally better than fricking everything. I know I'm 34 and watched the show live in America at the time, and the show's a frickin meme etc. but seriously there is no anime as good as that. And yes I would put Evangelion right up there next to it.

    • 8 months ago

      You're mistaken, it actually sucks. It's just a cliche-ridden surface level show. Couldn't take any more episodes after the awful joke "spaghetti in the fridge"-episode and dropped it

    • 8 months ago

      Samurai Champloo is better than Bebop. Maybe a controversial opinion but I just gotta say it.

      • 8 months ago

        Jesus christ, what a shit opinion

    • 8 months ago

      I still like Gurren Lagann the most of any anime I've watched tee bee aych
      my opinion of it is definitely formed by watching it while I was young and I'm sure I'd think it's gay and moronic now if I've never seen it before

  12. 8 months ago

    It's too long. Tried to watch it twice and made it to episode 10.

  13. 8 months ago

    pop team epic is the greatest anime ever made, and i am tired of bebobcels and monstards pretending otherwise.

  14. 8 months ago

    Yes, it fricking sucks. It's a literal soap opera and isn't even well written. It just drags out plot points for the sake of being able to pump out as many episodes as possible. I'll never understand the praise.

  15. 8 months ago

    I personally found Monster to be incredibly boring and never finished it, but I don't get the point of seething if other people like it. I can't watch long, drawn-out series in general. The fact that there are people - adults, even - who unironically watch thousands of episodes of something like One Piece, which is just the same barely-animated slideshow of a moronic kid made of rubber punching le bad guys a trillion times, is utterly baffling to me, yet if they enjoy it, whatever, do your thing. These days I only watch series that are around 24 episodes max, 12 preferred. Any more than that and you're just dragging it out for the sake of it.

    • 8 months ago

      watch Utopia (the UK one not the American one)

  16. 8 months ago

    >blocks your MALredditor path

  17. 8 months ago

    >Cowboy Bebop
    Opinion discarded

  18. 8 months ago

    >it's actually edgy crap with shit cringy dialogues
    The same can be said of anything that is marketed as mature.
    Shame really.

  19. 8 months ago

    If you need the shittiest opinion on any anime there is, you just come to Cinemaphile.

  20. 8 months ago

    You have to have empathy and basic level of intelligence to watch this show. I'm not surprised at the reaction because this place is a shithole filled with braindead souless demons. You are the monster, anon.

  21. 8 months ago

    I agree, but my favorite anime is Evangelion, so it doesn't matter what I say.

  22. 8 months ago

    >mature anime for adults
    no such thing

  23. 8 months ago

    I liked the show overall. The three major flaws are:
    1. The show is definitely stretched out and padded with filler. The length could easily be cut in half and a "Monster-Kai" edit would be highly appreciated. However, the filler is generally entertaining and not overly jarring unless you are prone to getting bored.
    2. The constant moral agonizing over whether Tenma will be able to kill Johan really drags on and becomes almost comical after a certain point where it's clear that any normal person with a conscience would shoot Johan on sight, knowing it would save countless innocent lives.
    3. The ending is clumsy, but this is a common issue in these shows where the mystery is almost always more interesting than whatever explanation the author can come up with and it's difficult to tie up every thread in a satisfying manner.

    The best part of the show is probably Grimmer. Although he's only introduced halfway through the show, he provides a much more meaningful foil to Johan than any of the other characters. I'm someone who spent the better part of my late teens and early twenties completely disconnected from emotion and constantly questioning whether I was a monster. Many people called me a sociopath and implied that I had the makings of a serial killer, very nearly leading me to believe that was my destiny. If I had watched Monster at 16 and been exposed to Grimmer's character arc, it would have profoundly affected me and been genuinely life changing.

  24. 8 months ago

    act 2 is great

  25. 8 months ago

    I caught this back when SyFy was trying out their version of Toonami. It was the only anime they showed that stood out.

  26. 8 months ago

    Any time someone tells you to watch "manime" (which is what I assume you were recommended), it's always the gayest most moronic shit. Check out Satoshi Kon movies (so good, Darren Aronofsky bought the rights for 2 live action movies to rip off the scenes, Chris Nolan ripped off Paprika too)
    Colorful is a good drama.
    First half of Death Note is stupid, but it's fun stupid, like a headless chicken running around. Second half is boring stupid until the last episode.
    Ghost in the Shell (the first 2 movies and the first season of the show) is really good, incredible story paired with masterful animation
    Akira is a masterpiece of animation, story is dogshit though.
    Science Saru make some of the most visually interesting anime in recent years, "The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl" is a really fun watch

  27. 8 months ago

    someone explain the ending to me, was it 2deep4me or was it literally just "if you kill him, then you'll be the monster"

  28. 8 months ago

    >tranime has troony tier writing

  29. 8 months ago

    I'm glad I watched this before I discovered I was supposed to hate things because they are popular.

  30. 8 months ago

    >anime has the soul and amazing vibe
    >so Cinemaphile obviously didnt get it because they are plebs with shit taste

    Not surprised

  31. 8 months ago

    Legend of the Galactic Heroes is similar
    Surface level politics, characters that are shallow caricatures, impossible levels of plot armor and reverse plot armor so the author can get his contrived point.. didn't really have much going for it
    Only a weeb could actually find that shit "complex"

  32. 8 months ago

    Intelligence is knowing what not to say.
    To convey ideas efficiently; in other words, succinctly.

    • 8 months ago

      There is no amount of succint statements able to convey the absolute degradation of an entire generation to the point where you cannot even formulate a single accurate observation of any kind nor engage in a genuine conversation where both parties can walk away with newfound experiences about it. This rift is devoid of intelligence or authenticity.

      • 8 months ago

        if you're looking for intelligence and authenticity, weebshit threads aren't the place
        these "people" are all sub 80 IQ tasteless, mindless drones. Every one of them mentally stunted, abused as children, trooned out or a combination of all three.

        • 8 months ago

          the weeb is the one you're replying to

          • 8 months ago

            oh, in that case it applies to him as well

            Can you formulate a single accurate assesment of either the characters, themes or plot? Or is your broken brain able to perceive things in flashy images only? Did you grow up reading coloring books complaining books were too bland and boring? This is a low budget 00' psychological thriller from a guy that poured his entire life savings to produce it.
            There is nothing wrong with the soundtrack, in fact the opposite the songs accompany the themes and characters accordingly in key moments especially. It genuinely conveys the sense of hopelessness and despair for tenma, the malice and evil for Johan( I have no clue what stinger you're even talking about) and the rest of the emotions and themes for other characters, like Eva's bawdtiness and redemption or Nina's determination. Or when key characters show up at crucial times to turn the plot around. Whatever it lacks in visual imagery the show makes up in everything else. I've already discussed the main points up above. The only real issue with the pacing that I personally have is in the latter third of the show because it has to do with budgeting and financial issues as well. That being said it manages to convey a meaningful story about genuine authentic characters, that feel real. All of your nitpicks can never take that away.

            I genuinely believe in the human spirit of each and every single person here. All you people need is the will and the desire to be otherwise. That is what Monster tries to convey, among many other themes. Stop and think.

            I genuinely believe you're a tasteless moron
            stop posting, read some actual literature that doesn't contain pictures

            • 8 months ago

              You know nothing about me, All you've done all thread is make baseless assumptions on a false narrative. Nothing I've said was pretentious. Everything had a logical and concise description and assessment of what the author intended with his work. Your inability to process or properly have an actual discussion is your problem.
              I don't even watch anime that much by the way and in a lit debate, you'd get completely raped. Don't even open that can of worms because I live in middle of woods in latvia and all I do is read you braindead parasite. Genuinely think about your own shitstain social media addicted brain and the thoughts and false maladaptive narratives you allow in there before speaking to another person. I have to go clean horse manure now and I'm not ashamed to say that I'll be thinking how you're worth less than that and how easily characters like Johan, in your life, will use you as the cattle that you are.

              • 8 months ago

                >wall of absolute drivel
                not reading that, but thanks for confirming you're genuinely moronic

              • 8 months ago

                Shut the frick up zoom zoom. The horse shit part completely annihilated you lmao

              • 8 months ago

                ironic, seeing as anime watching morons all have zoomie attentionspans

              • 8 months ago

                >165 words
                >wall of text
                You're genuinely moronic.
                >not reading
                More like you can't read you subhuman ape.

              • 8 months ago


                sadly there's no point continuing this conversation, you'll always stay moronic enough to unironically believe anime can be deep or have any kind of meaning whatsoever.
                It's all juvenile garbage aimed at people with zero real life experience.

              • 8 months ago

                why are you even in this thread? people talk about what they like, if you dont like this show then youre here just for attention

                leave, it's simple

              • 8 months ago

                It's funny, I could ask you the same thing, as this is not the anime weebhomosexual board

                I'm not that anon you stupid Black person
                >15 PAGE
                I know you've never read anything longer than a tweet in your life but even if you put all of his posts together it's barely exceed one page.

                >I'm not that anon
                Why are you jumping to his defense lmao
                Literally just read Crime and Punishment and am right now finishing the last of the Hornblower novels, with Plato's Republic and the Godfather to follow.

              • 8 months ago

                we have anime threads regularly literally since 2006 because Cinemaphile was always unreadable and this isnt your typical anime either
                its painfully obvious what youre doing dude, leave already

              • 8 months ago

                >aksually you'll find we've been having tranime threads here...
                I don't care you fricking sperg
                you have your containment board precisely because you're all fricking embarrassing, would you kindly segregate yourselves from the rest of us

                >Literally just read Crime and Punishment and am right now finishing the last of the Hornblower novels, with Plato's Republic and the Godfather to follow.
                unbelievably reddit holy shit
                how about YOU get some taste lmao

                I've read more books this year than you have your entire life, I'm perfectly able to discern what is reddit and what isn't.

                >Why are you jumping to his defense lmao
                Just making fun of you crying over posts having too many words for your adhd brain to process.
                >Literally just read Crime and Punishment and am right now finishing the last of the Hornblower novels, with Plato's Republic and the Godfather to follow.
                Cool but comeback when you're finished with your entry level highschool reading list zoomie

                Funny coming from someone who needs pictures in his literature.

              • 8 months ago

                Black person come back when you graduate to Karamazov or One hundred years of solitude or literally anything postmodern. Lmao the godfather get the frick out of here you complete weak homosexual I will literally break your mind in half and your neck after.

              • 8 months ago

                I read the Brothers Karamazov over a decade ago, but I have been considering giving it another visit. I'll put it on my list.
                I find it important to break up heavy reading with lighter material, otherwise you're in danger of becoming a pseud like yourself. Also, you wouldn't do shit IRL, I'm 6´2 and can bench press 160kg

              • 8 months ago

                the godfather and hornblower, mate I know exactly what kind of weak homosexual you are. I can even imagine how you look. I've read these when I was 12 btw including the Aubrey–Maturin series, Patrick O'Brian is the better author and man in every single possible way. How old are you now like 25-30? don't even speak about literature again until you've graduated from this slop
                the fricking godfather lmao

              • 8 months ago

                I said it was light reading, it's nice to revisit things from your childhood in between anything with depth.
                >Patrick O'Brian is the better author
                I haven't read any of his stuff, but one of the draws to Hornblower are the very in depth descriptions of how the ship is managed in different situations, even though I don't understand what the frick a halliard or a main-stay is, it immerses me.
                Somehow I feel Master and Commander would just be a watered down version of Hornblower.

                Also, what do you have against the Godfather?
                I've heard the books are more interesting than the movies, and I liked the movies, so why should I not read the books?

              • 8 months ago

                >Somehow I feel Master and Commander would just be a watered down version of Hornblower.
                alright dude this has gone too far and too obvious at this point, nobody, absolutely nobody that has read Master and Commander thinks that, because Hornblower is a romanticized fake version of maritime life, it's honor and duty dialed up to 11

              • 8 months ago

                >absolutely nobody that has read Master and Commander thinks that
                Why are you pretending that you read, when you're clearly illiterate?
                I literally wrote that I have not read any Patrick O'Brian, that includes Master and Commander

                >Hornblower is a romanticized fake version of maritime life
                Clearly you need to reread it, because that's far from the case. He clearly suffers from PTSD, the books clearly tell a story of a flawed man who has suffered immensely throughout twenty years of constant warfare, having seen powder boys smashed to pieces in front of him, having loyal companions die all around him.

              • 8 months ago

                You are not hornblower.
                Your suffering is nothing.
                You are a random shitposter on Cinemaphile.
                An attention prostitute.
                Nothing more than that.
                Have sex.

              • 8 months ago

                Your concession has been duly noted.

              • 8 months ago

                Go and make a smegma male edit about it, homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                Good stuff
                >spics hit
                No, just no, way to out yourself as a brown midwit tho

              • 8 months ago

                im not a Hispanic, it's genuinely a good fricking book. nice literary taste by the way hasn't even read it immediately talks shit, you are so fricking stupid its unreal lmao

                take your fat fricking ass mister 6'2 on the internet and get some actual proper taste up before larping on the internet next time
                mr mafioso over here larping in a random thread on Cinemaphile doesn't even know what he's reading

              • 8 months ago

                >i-i'm not a spic
                something a Hispanic would say

              • 8 months ago

                >Literally just read Crime and Punishment and am right now finishing the last of the Hornblower novels, with Plato's Republic and the Godfather to follow.
                unbelievably reddit holy shit
                how about YOU get some taste lmao

              • 8 months ago

                >Why are you jumping to his defense lmao
                Just making fun of you crying over posts having too many words for your adhd brain to process.
                >Literally just read Crime and Punishment and am right now finishing the last of the Hornblower novels, with Plato's Republic and the Godfather to follow.
                Cool but comeback when you're finished with your entry level highschool reading list zoomie

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not that anon you stupid Black person
                >15 PAGE
                I know you've never read anything longer than a tweet in your life but even if you put all of his posts together it's barely exceed one page.

              • 8 months ago

                What's the latest book you've read?

      • 8 months ago

        >if you're looking for intelligence and authenticity, weebshit threads aren't the place
        >these "people" are all sub 80 IQ tasteless, mindless drones. Every one of them mentally stunted, abused as children, trooned out or a combination of all three.

  33. 8 months ago

    I agree with all the highly intellectual fedora tipping Cinemaphile posters in this thread. Having fun while watching entertaining fun anime and movies is an outdated, juvenile, and childish concept for deeply mature and intellectual individuals like me. I have to stop having fun and instead focus on spending my time on more important and valuable things in life like arguing with people on an anonymous image board website for hours and writing wall texts about how immature and juvenile they are compared to deeply mature and intellectual people like myself.

    • 8 months ago

      Anime is fine for killing time, it's like dumb fun.
      Problem is people who take it too seriously. Even the "deepest" anime is usually laughable and shallow. Nips don't have any sense of nuance, nor does the audience they write for.

      • 8 months ago

        Literally any Ghibli film probably has more nuance than your favourite movie does.
        But yes, in general, modern anime is targeting a sub 80 IQ audience with power fantasies and blatant exposition.

      • 8 months ago

        Name 15 deep movies and
        45 deep anime that you think are actually shallow.

        • 8 months ago

          >45 deep anime that you think are actually shallow.
          go to any watch online anime site and just look at the main page
          look at 99% releases this year

    • 8 months ago

      Monster is a show about crime and psychology, not harem isekai you stupid cumbrain. It's not supposed to be fun, it's supposed to share an authentic experience regarding people.

    • 8 months ago

      Anime is fine for killing time, it's like dumb fun.
      Problem is people who take it too seriously. Even the "deepest" anime is usually laughable and shallow. Nips don't have any sense of nuance, nor does the audience they write for.

      >First anon who posted the Fate webm makes fun of people who act like highly intellectual wannabes by calling anime and everything they don't like "childish" and writing text walls about it
      >Second anon responding to him proves his without even realizing it because he's that moronic and up his own ass
      I'm starting to think that Cinemaphile may be ahead of Cinemaphile in terms of the sheer number of autistic morons who can't read properly or see when people are making fun of their own egocentrism

      • 8 months ago

        obvious samegay

  34. 8 months ago

    This question doesn't deserve it's own thread so forgive me. I'm planning to watch Hellsing for the first time for October, is the dub better than the sub? I usually lean towards the latter.

  35. 8 months ago

    I loved Monster when I read it, but I can't actually remember most of it.

  36. 8 months ago

    SAO is the most mature LN because it's about wrangling women and cuddling AI elf gf with huge breasts.

  37. 8 months ago

    I tried watching Monster and dropped it after 5 episodes. Anime should leave the serious stuff to movies and focus on the fun stuff like high school girls doing cute things.

  38. 8 months ago

    >anime thread about an anime that isn't just about breasts
    >people constantly saying how much more intelligent and tasteful they are in different ways
    KEK writes itself

  39. 8 months ago

    I have become tranime

    Changer of sex

    Preserver of virginity

  40. 8 months ago

    Reading Manga > Watching Anime
    Anime almost always fricks up at adapting manga.

    • 8 months ago

      manga readers are even worse

  41. 8 months ago

    Ok. I finally finished Toradora. Can someone give me recommendations for more jailbait school romance kino with Rie Kugimiya in the main role?

    • 8 months ago

      Can't think of anything that specific but you might like Midori Days.

      • 8 months ago

        Any incest series similar to Yosuga No Sora?

        • 8 months ago

          Sadly it was so perfect that japan collectively decided that they would never make another since they had already reached the pinnacle of the artform.

  42. 8 months ago

    Monster is essential midwit-core, that's why it's so highly rated and revered. Most of anime fans are midwits that's why majority of top 100 rankings on anime websites are filled with garbage. There is around ~1300-1400 anime which are good and worth your time, but you need to spend your time searching for them, because rec-charts don't contain everything. like I said, western weebs are moronic and consume medium only on the most superficial level that's why you should disregard normie opinions immediately.
    watch Genocidal Organ and SAC

    • 8 months ago

      >There is around ~1300-1400 anime which are good and worth your time
      Yeah that sounds about right for a midwit take.

      • 8 months ago

        >. There is around ~1300-1400 anime which are good and worth your time
        i dobut that much anime was ever made unless you count every special episode separately

        watchable anime is more in the 300-400 range
        good anime? maybe divide by 6 or something idk

        I'm just saying how it is, filmbros like you wouldn't understand. And like I said, 95% of weebs have knowledge about anime as average filmbro.

        • 8 months ago

          If you there there are actually 1300 good anime you are absolutely delusional.

          • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >. There is around ~1300-1400 anime which are good and worth your time
      i dobut that much anime was ever made unless you count every special episode separately

      • 8 months ago

        watchable anime is more in the 300-400 range
        good anime? maybe divide by 6 or something idk

    • 8 months ago

      >1300-1400 anime which are good
      Name 100

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