Explain how this pairing is any less obnoxious than Kataang

Explain how this pairing is any less obnoxious than Kataang

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  1. 8 months ago

    Asami has no personality.
    She is a shit character, dyke or not.

  2. 8 months ago

    It didn't start from episode one. It wasn't an obvious relationship between main characters you knew was going to happen. It built up during the third season (YES IT DID) and wasn't fully realized until the last episode. Handled much better than Katara and Aang.

    • 8 months ago

      >Handled much better than Katara and Aang.

      • 8 months ago

        Mad Zutaran detected

        • 8 months ago

          It's weird how people on here will go out of their way to make pictures to throw at detractors while accusing others of being mad.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon, just stop there is absolutely NOTHING in the series that would make those 2 a couple, irl women friendship is even gayer than that. Korra and Asami can't even be considered friends in canon nevermind a couple.

      • 8 months ago

        god the coping is ridiculous

        >good because it wasn't a logical continuation of what preceeded it
        God korra fans genuinely know fricking nothing about what good writing is

        Whatever gets you all through the day.

        • 8 months ago

          We get it anon, you're a homosexual.
          Even the fans didn't expect the ship at the end. And it had to be confirmed by the writers.

          • 8 months ago

            >Even the fans didn't expect the ship at the end
            No one expected a kids network 10 years ago to support a same sex relationship? Color me surprised. It had to confirmed because of people like you being unable to see the obvious. Not surprising.

            • 8 months ago

              Nickelodeon didn't give a shit. When they finally asked for permission they just gave them the go ahead. Then again, the ratings were down the shitter and they stopped airing it on TV since kids were actively changing the channel when it came on. That's why you could only watch it online.

              • 8 months ago

                They still had to ask permission and would anyone have guessed they said OK?

            • 8 months ago

              "see the obvious" they held hands in the episode. you could argue they're just good friends
              I was actually excited about a bisexual character in cartoons, but was severely disappointed. The show is just hot garbage.

    • 8 months ago

      >good because it wasn't a logical continuation of what preceeded it
      God korra fans genuinely know fricking nothing about what good writing is

    • 8 months ago

      >. It built up during the third season (YES IT DID)
      They had, like, three conversations alone.

      • 8 months ago

        And a bunch of gay letters

      • 8 months ago

        >They had, like, three conversations alone.
        Plus Asami taking Korra race car driving, trying to teach Korra to drive, going on a mission for the Earth Queen , then being kidnapped by the Earth Queen, the time in the Misty Palms Oasis, Asami looking after Korra after she was poisoned, all the letters, the whole flashback episode,,,

        • 8 months ago

          I watched Korra three times. Nowhere in the show was there any romantic tension, aside from the last few scenes of the finale episode that were shoe-horned in there. Korra is a prostitute and doesn't deserve happiness for all the stupid shit she did.

          • 8 months ago

            True. I watched Korra specifically for the gay shit and got nothing except some letters and some handholding at the end.

        • 8 months ago

          I knew it was gonna be a thing after those gay love letters and Korra getting all blushy and bashful around asami in that one episode.

        • 8 months ago

          people have become so friendless and it shows.

    • 8 months ago

      god the coping is ridiculous

      • 8 months ago

        God the projection is ridiculous.

    • 8 months ago

      >It built up during the third season
      You are delusional. Seek help.

    • 8 months ago

      How delusional are you?

    • 8 months ago

      >It built up during the third season

      It felt like they were being built up to be friends in a force and unnatural way.

      They didn't dedicate the worst episode in the series(CAVE OF TWO LOVERS COUGH) to the pairing

      I'd rather watch the Great Divide 5 times in a row than Korra season 1 again.

    • 8 months ago

      >(YES IT DID)
      The fact you had to say that prove it didn't.

      • 8 months ago

        Or I know the type and quality of responses I’ll get here and don’t want to hear it.

        • 8 months ago

          >O-o-o-or I know you'll mind broke me and my delusion!
          It's exactly what I said tho. It didn't get anything.

          • 8 months ago

            >I-i-i-i wanna change the subject!
            Nobody cares, you will stay right there and smile at everyone reminding you LOK was shit and flopped.

            Ok, now I feel good about your inability to add anything and that you’re reduced to repeated nonsense. Thanks!

            • 8 months ago

              nta and nothing to do with your conversation but stop talking like a redditor with that passive aggressive shit you can freely insult them if you want moderation doesnt care

              • 8 months ago

                >you can freely insult them
                What's the point? They can't follow a conversation or counter anything I've said. I'm sure they won't know they're being insulted.

            • 8 months ago

              You're so mad, it's hilarious. How does it feel to see how hard you don't fit in?

            • 8 months ago

              I didn't think inhaling this much copium was possible. Also, korra was made for white wiener

              >Viewership on 100 website including netflix
              You're pretending really hard you can't read, it's funny.

              >I-i-i-i wanna change the subject!
              Nobody cares, you will stay right there and smile at everyone reminding you LOK was shit and flopped.

              >O-o-o-or I know you'll mind broke me and my delusion!
              It's exactly what I said tho. It didn't get anything.

              Dur dur dur, blah blah blah.

              • 8 months ago

                >you can freely insult them
                What's the point? They can't follow a conversation or counter anything I've said. I'm sure they won't know they're being insulted.

                Cope harder. LOK still flopped tho.

    • 8 months ago

      I didn't think inhaling this much copium was possible. Also, korra was made for white wiener

      • 8 months ago

        More than one

  3. 8 months ago

    They didn't dedicate the worst episode in the series(CAVE OF TWO LOVERS COUGH) to the pairing

    • 8 months ago

      >Cave of Two Lovers
      >Worst in the series
      Not even close wtf, I can name like 5 episodes worse than it

    • 8 months ago

      >Worst episode
      How did the Great Divide push Kataang?

    • 8 months ago

      I don't remember The Great Divide being a Kataang episode.

  4. 8 months ago

    It is less and that's the problem. I've seen friendships that would be more developed romances than this if they slapped a kiss at the end. Korrasami had to be confirmed on social media that it was even a romance.

  5. 8 months ago

    Anything makes more sense than a monk hooking up with a girl a century younger than him

  6. 8 months ago

    I can't. Kataang is contrived beyond belief. Even the dude who wrote the headband and ember island players said he preferred zutara kek.

    • 8 months ago

      >Ember Island Players
      Wow what a shock that the episode that kneecapped Kataang was written by somebody who didn't like the pairing

      • 8 months ago

        Except it wasn't OOC, Bryke signed off on it, and STILL made it happen in the final episode with no further explanation. They should've listened to their writing team.

        • 8 months ago

          I've heard this conspiracy before and as far as I've been able to ascertain the only pro-zutara writer on the staff was Ehasz and frankly I don't hold his opinion on romance in high regard given the trash fire that is Dragon Prince

          • 8 months ago

            It's not a conspiracy, the writers John O'Bryan and Joshua Hamilton have said they preferred zutara on podcasts, and that there was serious debate over it.

            • 8 months ago

              Source? Even if this does end up being true this isn't the smoking gun you think it is. Zuko and Katara had one exactly one interaction where they truly connected (Katara reassuring Zuko before seeing his Uncle again) and Zuko shared a similar conversation with Toph a couple episodes prior

              • 8 months ago

                there's a joshua hamilton interview as well on the same podcast.

              • 8 months ago

                >I tolerate your ship too, plz gib superchats
                That's not the win you think it is.

                I have come to say leave behind more Korra voice requests for me to do.

                From last time: https://vocaroo.com/19wg6XyqcWJA

                Korra talking about how wet Zucest makes her.

            • 8 months ago

              >Please take random pandering 20 years later on a podcast seriously
              You're desperate and it shows. Zucest has been canon for like a decade then.

          • 8 months ago

            >as far as I've been able to ascertain the only pro-zutara writer on the staff was Ehasz
            He was never pro-Zutara, he was Maiko guy.

    • 8 months ago

      I hate kataang with a passion. I have no passion for hating or liking korrasami, despite being a yuri connoisseur, it's just obligatory fairy bread. i don't know how they managed to turn 2 mega hot women getting together into the most bland disappointment of modern animation.

      • 8 months ago

        Same here man. Korrasami is at worst bland and inoffensive. It's not an affront to the characters and writing like Kataang is, which was borderline sexist in its execution.

        • 8 months ago

          >Borderline sexist
          You people are so damn funny

          • 8 months ago

            Sorry, you're right, it was sexist.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah. Girl as the prize for the guy, no agency to choose a man she actually wanted. just obligatory, "he likes her, therefore the hero gets her" trope. meanwhile she's literally his babysitter.

          i wouldn't have hated it so much if it wasn't forced so hard.

          • 8 months ago

            Katara liked Aang dude and did not view him as a kid she needed to babysit, not even during the beginning period where she just saw him as a friend

            • 8 months ago

              cringe. he forcibly kisses her twice and she gets angry, and the second time tells him off. then after that they don't speak again until after the final battle. it was lousy.

              • 8 months ago

                Now you're just lying, Katara didn't get angry during the invasion kiss she blushed. Moreover, Katara wasn't mad at Aang at Ember Island because she doesn't like him that way, it's because Aang misread the situation. Let's also not forget that prior to that kiss Katara had already kissed him three times.

              • 8 months ago

                >lies, katara didn't get angry
                >she was only angry because
                okay, dumbfrick

              • 8 months ago

                Learn how to read before calling someone else dumb

        • 8 months ago

          >borderline sexist in its execution

          Oh get the stick out of your ass.

          • 8 months ago

            The show didn't seriously examine Katara's feelings for Aang at all. She does all of the emotional heavylifting in their relationship. Aang is shown to be less emotionally mature. He just assumes that Katara feels the same way that he does, and and then kisses her despite her telling him she's not sure. That isn't addressed, but it doesn't matter, because the show rewards Aang with her love anyway, because he's the hero. The sexist tropes here are obvious. Beyond that, I just don't think it makes sense why Katara would have romantic feelings for him. Aang never felt like an equal peer to Katara, because maturity-wise, he wasn't. She was like an older sister to him. It pisses me off a little because Katara is arguably the most well-rounded characters on the show, and it feels like the only reason she ends up with Aang is because they imposed that onto her. It doesn't feel genuine. Bryke just couldn't let go of their precious self-insert ship.

            Korrasami is just whatever. There's not enough there for me to feel strongly about it either way. LoK had way, WAY bigger problems than that.

            • 8 months ago

              >Katara is arguably the most well-rounded characters on the show

              Ehhhhh, emphasis on the arguable part there.
              Anyway, I get what you're saying, but you're being dismissive of Aang's growth and projecting a lack of agency onto Katara. The whole point of the waffling during Ember Island Players was to demonstrate that it wasn't just locked in because boy kissed girl. Katara still had agency and was well capable of rejecting Aang. Even so, this isn't especially obscure. She got the idea in her head all the way back in the Fortune Teller and it just didn't fully crystallize until the end. It's not like Aang's feelings were a deep mystery to her at that point. She just had to decide whether or not to reciprocate them.
              I can sympathize with not liking kataang for being meager and obvious, but booing it because of "sexist tropes" is cheap and disrespectful to the characters.

              • 8 months ago

                The sexist tropes themselves were what were disrespectful to the characters, not me for noticing them. Katara had agency *within the story*, my point is that her "choice" did not feel like something that came organically from her character, but rather something imposed on her by the writers. She reciprocated because they said she did, but it doesn't feel genuine or believable. It's contrived, basically.

                >Ehhhhh, emphasis on the arguable part there.
                This says a lot. Generally speaking, I've noticed Kataang supporters do not respect Katara as much as a character. Her part in the love story is to show how far Aang has come to have earned her affections (except not really, their relationship hasn't meaningfully changed). The writers didn't take the time to show how/why Katara fell for Aang, and neither do Kataang fans because they don't care.

              • 8 months ago

                this basically. kataang does katara dirty. she deserved better than a spoilt self-absorbed whiny bald homosexual.

            • 8 months ago

              The sexist tropes themselves were what were disrespectful to the characters, not me for noticing them. Katara had agency *within the story*, my point is that her "choice" did not feel like something that came organically from her character, but rather something imposed on her by the writers. She reciprocated because they said she did, but it doesn't feel genuine or believable. It's contrived, basically.

              >Ehhhhh, emphasis on the arguable part there.
              This says a lot. Generally speaking, I've noticed Kataang supporters do not respect Katara as much as a character. Her part in the love story is to show how far Aang has come to have earned her affections (except not really, their relationship hasn't meaningfully changed). The writers didn't take the time to show how/why Katara fell for Aang, and neither do Kataang fans because they don't care.

              It's true that Katara's feelings for Aang were underexplored but I'd say that's mostly due to lack of time rather than lack of consideration for Katara's agency. Moreover there were plenty of times Katara showed genuine unambiguous romantic interest towards Aang and no it wasn't just "the writers forced her to do it". Kataang is no masterpiece by any means but it's ridiculous the lengths some will go to in order to slander it.

              • 8 months ago

                They had 61 episodes, no way they didn't have enough time. My best guess as to what happened is that a good chunk of the writing team weren't in favour of it, but Mike and Bryan insisted on it at the end despite the writing not being there to support it. One bit in the commentary for ember island players that stuck out to me was when Katara got pissed when Aang kissed her again, and Bryan says something like "oh poor Aang." ???? He was being a pushy butthole, wtf? I genuinely don't think they properly considered Katara's perspective. Not because they're sexist, but because they're hacks. It just comes off as sexist.

              • 8 months ago

                There were plenty of threads that got unexplored due to lack of time. For instance, one story beat that's noticeably absent from Zuko's arc is an example of him stepping up in a leadership role proving himself as a capable new leader for the Fire Nation. Or how about Energybending or the Lion Turtles, those could've used more time to setup properly. The point is Avatar had a lot of story developments to juggle all at once so I can forgive the writers for not allocating more time on the romance.
                Another other thing worth mentioning is how Katara isn't alone in her lack of romantic introspection throughout the series, in fact none of ATLA's female cast gets any excluding Princess Yue. I don't think that's a coincidence, it was likely a deliberate effort by the writers so that their female characters could have their own arcs and conflicts independent of romance. I feel as though you and many others are tunnel-visioning on Ember Island Players and are either misremembering or willfully ignore the rest of Kataang's prior developments

              • 8 months ago

                What lack of time?? They had 3 seasons, two of which were already guaranteed by the network when they started writing them.

                I think "genuine unambiguous romantic interest" needs some citations.
                > The Fortuneteller
                In which Katara learns that a fortune teller (who might be a fraud) insists she's going to marry a powerful bender, and realizes at the end of the episode that that could technically refer to Aang. Not exactly panty-wetting.
                > Cave of Two Lovers
                Probably the only real evidence for her feelings towards Aang, and even then it doesn't really check the "unambiguous" box: it's just as easy to interpret her as just being offended that he's accidentally insulting her.
                > The Earth King
                Aang does get a kiss on the cheek. I'd still hedge on the "unambiguous" part but I'm willing to accept this evidence: it's not like she's kissing Toph on the cheek unfortunately
                > Day of Black Sun
                And we're back to ambiguous territory. Is she happy he kissed her? Worried that she has to directly acknowledge his crush? This goes back to what the other Anon is saying about her agency: we're not being given access to her perspective on their relationship, it's purely representing how Aang understands it. It's doubly weird because the show does give us Katara's perspective on things sometimes: but in all of the Katara/Aang interactions only Aang's feelings are conveyed to the viewer, and Katara's are left a mystery.
                > Ember Island Players
                Same problem, except Aang is starting to behave uncomfortably (i.e. the unwanted kiss). If there's a reason Katara isn't sure about her feelings for Aang, it's fine that Aang is not given those reasons—but why are we, the viewers, not given access?

                The answer is, because Aang's perspective is the only one that matters in their relationship. The writers are assuming that Aang is the only character of the two that the audience relates to, at least for any scene where their relationship is the subject of the scene.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh, adding to the bit in The Fortuneteller: remember how Katara's fortune gets revealed? It's not revealed with Katara interacting with the fortuneteller, it's revealed with *Aang listening in on the interaction [happening off-screen] between Katara and the fortuneteller*.

                This is probably the most blatant example of the problem with the Katara/Aang relationship: it's all built on what Aang feels or knows in any given scene, not what Katara feels or knows.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh, adding to the bit in The Fortuneteller: remember how Katara's fortune gets revealed? It's not revealed with Katara interacting with the fortuneteller, it's revealed with *Aang listening in on the interaction [happening off-screen] between Katara and the fortuneteller*.

                This is probably the most blatant example of the problem with the Katara/Aang relationship: it's all built on what Aang feels or knows in any given scene, not what Katara feels or knows.

                Katara kisses Aang no less than four times prior to the Day of Black Sun. Once in Bato of the Water tribe, another in Cave of Two Lovers and third in The Earth King and finally once in the Headband. It'd say that's pretty unambiguous, but I'll go a few steps further into the more subtle setups as I recently have been rewatching the series with some friends.
                >Boy in the Iceberg
                Katara loves spending time with Aang and it's clear this is happiest she's been in a long time. She even tries running away with him after Aang is banished before Aang tells her that he doesn't want to come between her and her tribe.
                >Warriors of Kyoshi
                Katara gets visibly jealous of all the attention Aang receives from Koko and the other island girls, and she even admits as much later.
                Small one but, Katara weaves Jet a hat as a token of her affection, later in the episode she lets Aang wear that same hat (hint hint)
                >Bato of the Water Tribe
                Katara gives Aang a kiss after he restored her mother's necklace back to her. It's also worth mentioning that symbolically that necklace is supposed to be a betrothal gift in Water Tribe culture.
                >Cave of Two Lovers
                You neglected to mentioned that was Katara who proposed the idea of her and Aang kissing, she even blushes while suggesting it. She also blushes at the end of the episode while thinking to herself, we can reasonably assume she's thinking about the kiss she and Aang shared.
                >The Desert
                Katara recognizes Aang's turmoil and knows that he won't hurt her. This allows Katara to use her love to comfort Aang and snap him out of the Avatar State after becoming enraged.
                >The Headband
                Aang and Katara share a passionate dance with each other, later Katara gives Aang a kiss.
                >Sokka's Master
                Katara gets upset at Aang suggesting that her hair might look weird.
                >The Western Air Temple
                Katara threatens Zuko's life to protect Aang

                And this is excluding all the singular instances of Katara hugging Aang unprompted.

              • 8 months ago

                While aang was in the room, Katara was slobbering all over Jet, and then Haru, and then Zuko in that crystal catacomb. While aang was crying alone, katara gave her virginity to jet, and then a few episodes later her butthole virginity to haru.

              • 8 months ago

                Bold of you to assume Aang didn't already claim both while they were in the igloo

            • 8 months ago

              >I said all of that so it's true
              >Muh emotional agency
              Can you say anything beyond lies and meaningless buzzword to defend your shitty ship?

        • 8 months ago

          >borderline sexist

    • 8 months ago

      I hate kataang with a passion. I have no passion for hating or liking korrasami, despite being a yuri connoisseur, it's just obligatory fairy bread. i don't know how they managed to turn 2 mega hot women getting together into the most bland disappointment of modern animation.

      Same here man. Korrasami is at worst bland and inoffensive. It's not an affront to the characters and writing like Kataang is, which was borderline sexist in its execution.

      >Zutaragays are so desperate to shit on Kataang that they unironically defend Korrasami now
      I think the biggest irony is how Bryke literally tried to pander to you lunatics with Mako x Korra, only it ended up showing just how fundamentally bad that ship is.

      • 8 months ago

        Makorra is only a visual pandering towards Zutaragays with the water/fire pairing. The characters are otherwise wildly different from Zuko and Katara.
        Plus Makorra died mainly because S2 made all the characters act as moronic as possible and that pushed the relationship over the edge. The ship was never great, but it was passable. There's no particular reason it couldn't have persisted beyond the writers just deciding to clean the slate.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't think Katara should've been with anyone, Kataang just sucked. The Makorra comparison is very dishonest though. Not even close to the same characters.

          Mako and Korra are both very blantant reissues of Zuko and Katara's characters respectively, just as Bolin was a blatant reissue of Sokka's character. You can say they missed mark by a gross margin and I would agree with you, but to deny that Mako and Korra and by extension their relationship wasn't a attempt to pander to Zutarians is laughable.

          Also it's worth mentioning how it puts a giant hole through the "Aang was their self-insert and received preferential treatment" victim-narrative Zutards love to push. Compounded by the fact that there was not a sincere attempt to reboot Aang's character in LOK until Avatar Wan.

          • 8 months ago

            >Mako and Korra are both very blantant reissues of Zuko and Katara's characters respectively, just as Bolin was a blatant reissue of Sokka's character.

            Bolin is much closer to a dumb Sokka than Korra is to Katara or Mako is to Zuko. You'd be closer in saying Mako is the Katara and Korra is the Zuko. Though honestly even that's kinda forced. The core dynamic is just too fundamentally different. The comparison gets very stretched very quickly.
            Like I said, it's pandering to zutaragays only on an aesthetic level. Which is certainly enough to trick people.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't think Katara should've been with anyone, Kataang just sucked. The Makorra comparison is very dishonest though. Not even close to the same characters.

  7. 8 months ago

    Kataang was never obnoxious, it was a cute kid who had a crush on another kid.
    Korra is just a terrible character to begin with, and Asami has no character whatsoever. They had no romantic build-up, no interest in each other, until the last season. Hell, you could hardly call them friends in season 2. This show is absolute hot garbage and I'm glad Korra dies young.

    • 8 months ago

      >no interest in each other, until the last season.
      Correct. I don't know why people assume a media romances have to start at the first episode as soon as the characters see each other. Characters and their relationships towards each other can DEVELOP. Think about that a while.

      • 8 months ago

        let me correct myself: they had no interest in each other until the LAST episode.

        • 8 months ago

          I see. In that case, you're just wrong.

  8. 8 months ago

    I have come to say leave behind more Korra voice requests for me to do.

    From last time: https://vocaroo.com/19wg6XyqcWJA

    • 8 months ago

      Requesting this copypasta

  9. 8 months ago

    with kataang, there was a lot of back and forth teasing about katara either choosing aang or zuko because in both cases, she who sympathize with both and grows a care for each other, and considering she was a teenage girl or so, it was interesting and believable that she would have ended with either and no option c.
    Meanwhile we never see korra and asami interacted so much to start to believe there was something going on between them because all this time they were fighting over mako

    • 8 months ago

      >there was a lot of back and forth teasing about katara either choosing aang or zuko
      Katara never showed any interest in Zuko tf are you smoking?

  10. 8 months ago

    I ship Korrasami for the same reason I ship Kataang. It makes nerds seethe over cartoon romances 15 years later.

    • 8 months ago

      As someone who occupies a perpetual state of seethe over LOK I genuinely say Korrasami doesn't even crack my top 10 things I hate about this show

      • 8 months ago

        Unironically name the 10 things, and please consider the fact that I have intentionally deleted season 2 from my memory. The only truly stupid things I can come up with was Korra learning airbending because reasons, new airbenders out of thin air, the asspulls to make Kuvira a bad guy and the /m/echa.

        • 8 months ago

          Well without repeating the things you mentioned in no particular order
          >Every member of the Korra gang is useless and has zero character
          >They made Aang and Toph shitty parents for no reason
          >Bending has become so fricked I don't even know where to begin
          >The Raava/Vaatu retcon
          >Villains being self-contained within each season (special mentioned to the Equalists evaporating after Book 1)
          >The portals and general portrayal of the Spirit World
          >Korra being a helpless jobber
          >The sudden and immediate industrial revolution
          >There be way too many side characters
          >Jinora magically being able to detect that the poison in Korra's system was metallic
          >Memberberries like General Iroh
          >Varrick gets away with everything
          >The entire Baby Bison episode
          >The disturbing trend of giving minor characters from ATLA underserved terrible fates (Zhao, Professor Zei, Bosco)
          You get the point

          • 8 months ago

            >Varrick gets away with everything
            >implying that's a bad thing
            Best character.

          • 8 months ago

            Not that anon but I'll talk about some of these.
            >Every member of the Korra gang is useless and has zero character
            This just isn't true.
            >They made Aang and Toph shitty parents for no reason
            Toph was always going to be shitty. She's a brat who doesn't believe in accountability. Aang was inexcusable though.
            >Bending has become so fricked I don't even know where to begin
            The bending is fine
            >The Raava/Vaatu retcon
            What was retconned? All the dumb shit they introduced didn't retcon anything (but I hate everything related to the Wan episodes). Expanding the world isn't retconning, even if it's fricking stupid.
            >Villains being self-contained within each season (special mentioned to the Equalists evaporating after Book 1)
            Definitely S1 was bad with this (and with everything, really). Unalaq was brought up again in S3 and the actions of him and Vaatu stayed with the series, so I don't think they're truly self-contained in the traditional sense.
            >The portals and general portrayal of the Spirit World
            This was fine.
            >Korra being a helpless jobber
            Not a jobber if she was never good.
            >The sudden and immediate industrial revolution
            Yeah not great,
            >There be way too many side characters
            >Jinora magically being able to detect that the poison in Korra's system was metallic
            She didn't "detect" it. She heard the Red Lotus say it was metallic.
            >Memberberries like General Iroh
            General Iroh and Iroh himself was cancer, yes.
            >Varrick gets away with everything
            That's kind of the point of his character. Rich genius who gets pardoned all the time.
            >The entire Baby Bison episode
            Yeah it killed the pacing of that season
            >The disturbing trend of giving minor characters from ATLA underserved terrible fates (Zhao, Professor Zei, Bosco)
            Zhao in ATLA was killed for being an butthole, changed to being alive in spirit purgatory (it's arguably better). Professor Zei chose to stay and die, and so he died. Bosco was killed off to make us hate the Queen even more.

            • 8 months ago

              >Bosco was killed off to make us hate the Queen even more
              kek, I remember the thread when it happened. It was wild. I'm glad


              came true.

            • 8 months ago

              Alright I don't have time nor am I really interested in hashing every point out, but I will give a special mention to Professor Zei. See I always thought the Library's ending implied that Zei's spirit ascended and became one of Wan Shi Tong's knowledge seekers. I understand that's all just headcanon, but I still think that's a more poetic end for Zei and a lot more satisfying than just letting him die like a chump for cheap shock value

              • 8 months ago

                That is definitely headcanon and not at all what was said in The Library episode

              • 8 months ago

                I know butthole, I as much said in my original post that's not the point.

              • 8 months ago

                You're talking to a seething Zutarian who's pretending to be a LOK gay, obviously they're an butthole.

            • 8 months ago

              >The bending is fine

        • 8 months ago

          Let me take a shot at this

          1. pro-bending being a lame, low-stakes waste of time, which probably contributed to later episodes in S1 being rushed
          2. remarkably shitty romance subplots that run through the first two seasons like a cancer
          4. basically the entirety of the S1 finale (could break this up into multiple points, but that feels like cheating)
          5. basically the entirety of S2 (again, could be broken down further, but it speaks for itself)
          6. the technique and philosophy/mindset behind bending gets undermined throughout the show
          7. Suyin being a blatant writer's pet
          8. Mako is largely superfluous after getting dropped as a love interest
          9. Asami has little to no personality at any point
          10. Bolin almost gets a character arc in S4 when he's forced to play the straight man for a while, but he immediately regresses the second he reunites with Opal

          I could go on. I think I'd agree with the other anon that Korrasami is a lesser issue. Not because it isn't moronic in its own right, but because it's a superfluous ending note compared to deeper flaws that drag the whole show down.

          • 8 months ago

            Nah I think Korrasami is a huge issue. Not because they're lesbians, but because throughout the entirety of Korra her friends, our main cast, never once really felt like friends. Season 1 they're all victims of an obnoxious love dodecahedron, season 2 largely keeps Korra separated from them as a support group, season 3 kind of brings them back together but they all feel like they're closer to other characters, and by season 4 there was just no way to repair it. Korrasami is a victim of this because despite being Korra's friend for four seasons Asami NEVER feels like she has a real friendship or dynamic with Korra. None of them do.

            • 8 months ago

              That's because the entire group is founded on a chain of shipping. Bolin wanted to bone Korra. Korra wanted to bone Mako. Mako wanted to bone Asami. That was the foundational connection for these people and it's completely gone after S2. All that's left binding them after that point is a vague sense of loyalty towards Korra. That's why they so easily drift apart once Korra's out of action.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah definitely. I think that the original Avatar really is carried by the main cast's dynamic and growth so Korra lacking that is one of its most obvious flaws.

              • 8 months ago

                I think it's telling that Varrick is one of the only characters in the show who has a real arc.

      • 8 months ago

        no, that was good writing. korra relies on her prodigal bending of the other 3 but sucks at airbending, they're taken away and she's given a lifeline of, now you have to rely on only your weakest skill! those are stakes.

        the problem was they asspulled a return to norm not even 2 episodes later. i wanted at least one season of korra actually working for it, operating on a shoestring budget of her shitty airbending and having to use her brains for once instead of just fire-punching everything. BUT NO

  11. 8 months ago
  12. 8 months ago

    How is Kataang sexist?

  13. 8 months ago

    Okay can anyone explain why they care so much about a random gay ship from a kids show that ended nearly a decade ago? Were you all really big fans of Korra or something, like whats the reason for the investment?

  14. 8 months ago

    It had no romantic buildup. They shortcutted its development which mostly happened offscreen. I was never a fan of Kataang but it was at least unambiguous from the very beginning. Korrasami wasn’t even confirmed until afterwards.

  15. 8 months ago

    Idk what the audience’s consensus was about the show at that point, but to me it felt like the show was waning, and that pairing was a Hail Mary to try and get some fan points before the end.

    • 8 months ago

      That was the consensus at the time. That it came out of nowhere and was just a hail mary pass because Korra lost basically all of its relevancy. And it worked because people started talking about and watching Korra afterwards.

      • 8 months ago

        Talking, yes. Watching, no. Even after YEARS of defenders trying to claim that Korra was actually good this entire time because lesbians, it ended up bombing a SECOND time once it was re-released on Netflix.

        • 8 months ago

          >it ended up bombing a SECOND time once it was re-released on Netflix.

          Forbes - "After a record-breaking run from The Umbrella Academy in the #1 spot, the animated program The Legend of Korra finally stole the top position away, officially making it the most popular show on Netflix."

          Variety - "“The Legend of Korra” also entered the top 10 that week, with the show dropping all 50 episodes on Netflix on Aug. 14. The show still managed to rank eighth overall for the week despite being available for only three of the seven days measured with 558 million minutes streamed"

          CBR - "Data shows that, in the last 60 days, The Last Airbender is Netflix's third most in-demand series, while the last 30 days have seen The Legend of Korra as the eighth. In addition, The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra have moved up 9 and 42 spots to the 64th and 111th overall slots in the ranking of digital series, respectively. Demand for both shows are 31.83 times and 24.94 times the demand of the average show worldwide, making both series the "most popular available in the time frames since their arrivals on Netflix.""

          • 8 months ago

            >Posting blatant shill articles instead of actual statistics
            Get fricked.

            • 8 months ago

              That’s the equivalent to an opinion poll from a website no one has heard of. It has no real information about the Netflix ratings. Try again sweetie.

              • 8 months ago

                LOK gay on suicide watch.

              • 8 months ago

                That’s just a dumb reply.

              • 8 months ago

                That's just a cope from a moron trying to play defense for a show so bad, it flopped twice.

              • 8 months ago

                Still waiting for real proof.

              • 8 months ago


                >Posting blatant shill articles instead of actual statistics
                Get fricked.

                Still waiting for your suicide note and Korra to crack two views.

              • 8 months ago

                No. That graph is only the members of the reelgood website that entered information. It’s not actual Netflix numbers.

              • 8 months ago

                >Viewership on 100 website including netflix
                You're pretending really hard you can't read, it's funny.

            • 8 months ago

              No. That graph is only the members of the reelgood website that entered information. It’s not actual Netflix numbers.

              This is some next level cope, jesus.

          • 8 months ago

            How about you show the numbers instead? Oh wait, the numbers say it flopped

            • 8 months ago

              How about you show the numbers? You must have them to back up your statements, post a link and shut me down. You wouldn’t post bullshit with nothing to back it up, would you?

              • 8 months ago

                >Y-y-y-you wouldn't be like me!
                Lol. Lmao. Numbers were already posted clearly and directly saying 'ranked by viewership'.

              • 8 months ago

                You have nothing and can be ignored. Thanks for confirming.

              • 8 months ago

                >Ignore the numbers showing LOK in the shitter where it belong
                >I-i-i-i-i-i will ignore it!
                That's a good b***h, knowing your place like that.
                Thanks for degrading yourself for my amusement.

              • 8 months ago

                I wish I could say the same. I feel bad for the people that have to interact with you, all the screeching when you don’t have anything relevant to say but still need the attention.

              • 8 months ago

                >I-i-i-i wanna change the subject!
                Nobody cares, you will stay right there and smile at everyone reminding you LOK was shit and flopped.

    • 8 months ago

      The reaction at the time was mostly shock because up to that point Korrasami had been a yuri crackship. It's like that snail race episode of spongebob where Patrick's rock won in the end. But yes, it was pretty clearly Bryke making a last minute bid at immortality. And it worked, for better or worse (mostly worse).

      • 8 months ago

        >up to that point Korrasami had been a yuri crackship
        I'll admit that it was unlikely, but it was hardly a crackship. They knew and liked each other. It was about as likely as Borra. Kovira is the real crackship that should have become canon.

        • 8 months ago

          >Kovira is the real crackship that should have become canon.
          There was no way make it happen with the way the narrative was set up, but they actually had chemistry in their handful of interactions

        • 8 months ago

          >but it was hardly a crackship

  16. 8 months ago

    I'm not going to defend Korrasami because the writing on LoK was always a mixed bag, but Kataang was always a bad ship.

    In the entire series, they get ONE EPISODE (Cave of Two Lovers) that gives a very slight *hint* that Katara *might* have non-platonic feelings for Aang.The rest of the series, it's purely Aang pining for her one-sidedly, giving her an unprompted kiss in Day of Black Sun, giving her an *unwanted* kiss in Ember Island Players, and then all of a sudden at the end she's fully reciprocating his feelings???

    Again: not defending Korrasami, but if Kataang is the gold standard we're comparing against, I'm neither going to begrudge the people who actually try to argue Korrasami might be better, nor the people who are just counterpicking to be contrarian.

    • 8 months ago

      nailed it, thank you.

    • 8 months ago

      Stop replying to your own shit with your reddit spacing.

      The sexist tropes themselves were what were disrespectful to the characters, not me for noticing them. Katara had agency *within the story*, my point is that her "choice" did not feel like something that came organically from her character, but rather something imposed on her by the writers. She reciprocated because they said she did, but it doesn't feel genuine or believable. It's contrived, basically.

      >Ehhhhh, emphasis on the arguable part there.
      This says a lot. Generally speaking, I've noticed Kataang supporters do not respect Katara as much as a character. Her part in the love story is to show how far Aang has come to have earned her affections (except not really, their relationship hasn't meaningfully changed). The writers didn't take the time to show how/why Katara fell for Aang, and neither do Kataang fans because they don't care.

      >Kataang is sexist
      1: Wow, I love Kataang now
      2: Go back to Tumblr, troony.

  17. 8 months ago

    I don't disagree with that assessment. But I'd argue there's more than just character design that went into retreading each character. Korra is a strong-willed female lead, Mako is a brooding firebender with a sad backstory (Yes Mike, Bryan and the rest of ATLA's returning writers did interpret each of their own characters this shallowly)
    Korra wanted to be Katara but lacked Katara's empathy
    Mako wanted to be Zuko but lacked Zuko's turmoil
    Bolin wanted to be Sokka but lacked Sokka's intelligence

    Bonus round: Wan wanted to be Aang but lacked Aang's humanity and self-rellectivion and consequences and...

    • 8 months ago

      >Mako and Korra are both very blantant reissues of Zuko and Katara's characters respectively, just as Bolin was a blatant reissue of Sokka's character.

      Bolin is much closer to a dumb Sokka than Korra is to Katara or Mako is to Zuko. You'd be closer in saying Mako is the Katara and Korra is the Zuko. Though honestly even that's kinda forced. The core dynamic is just too fundamentally different. The comparison gets very stretched very quickly.
      Like I said, it's pandering to zutaragays only on an aesthetic level. Which is certainly enough to trick people.


  18. 8 months ago

    >ITT: Zutarans have resorted to defending korrasami
    When I watched ATLA I thought Zuko and Katara were better because kataraxaang felt a bit forced but you guys are fricking pathetic, ATLA is over, and korrasami will never be good

  19. 8 months ago

    As long as I'm here, I have to ask: who the frick thinks Suki is a good character?

    Suki was interesting exactly once in the entire show, and it was in her first appearance in season 1 when she's force-femming the misogyny out of Sokka. Every appearance after that they blanded her character so hard, but people keep talking about her like some inspirational female icon. I just don't get it.

    I don't really care that she's Sokka's love interest, I just don't get why people love her so much.

    • 8 months ago

      Suki was a non-character and yet still too good for Sokka.

      What lack of time?? They had 3 seasons, two of which were already guaranteed by the network when they started writing them.

      I think "genuine unambiguous romantic interest" needs some citations.
      > The Fortuneteller
      In which Katara learns that a fortune teller (who might be a fraud) insists she's going to marry a powerful bender, and realizes at the end of the episode that that could technically refer to Aang. Not exactly panty-wetting.
      > Cave of Two Lovers
      Probably the only real evidence for her feelings towards Aang, and even then it doesn't really check the "unambiguous" box: it's just as easy to interpret her as just being offended that he's accidentally insulting her.
      > The Earth King
      Aang does get a kiss on the cheek. I'd still hedge on the "unambiguous" part but I'm willing to accept this evidence: it's not like she's kissing Toph on the cheek unfortunately
      > Day of Black Sun
      And we're back to ambiguous territory. Is she happy he kissed her? Worried that she has to directly acknowledge his crush? This goes back to what the other Anon is saying about her agency: we're not being given access to her perspective on their relationship, it's purely representing how Aang understands it. It's doubly weird because the show does give us Katara's perspective on things sometimes: but in all of the Katara/Aang interactions only Aang's feelings are conveyed to the viewer, and Katara's are left a mystery.
      > Ember Island Players
      Same problem, except Aang is starting to behave uncomfortably (i.e. the unwanted kiss). If there's a reason Katara isn't sure about her feelings for Aang, it's fine that Aang is not given those reasons—but why are we, the viewers, not given access?

      The answer is, because Aang's perspective is the only one that matters in their relationship. The writers are assuming that Aang is the only character of the two that the audience relates to, at least for any scene where their relationship is the subject of the scene.

      The answer is you're a moronic tumblrina who came to whine on Cinemaphile after you got blown the frick out there.

    • 8 months ago

      Suki alone comic was pretty good. She's also canonically bisexual, which is hot

      the other comics are all the worst things ever written though

      • 8 months ago

        >also canonically bisexual
        why do they feel the need to push this shit in everywhere

        • 8 months ago

          women loving women is hot, and you're gay if you think otherwise. i'll take lesbians any day, just spare me the homosexuals.

          • 8 months ago

            you have been mind broken, women exist to get railed by their husbands
            anything else is gay shit that has no place in a functional society

            • 8 months ago

              TWO WOMEN TOGETHER
              You are a homosexual. you are sexually attracted to dicks.

              • 8 months ago

                >homosexual calling someone else a homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      I like Suki. Sure she isn't the most interesting character and only there because shes Sokka's GF but she's cool and memorable enough that she's isn't a negative.

      She isn't Mai at least.

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine being this mad your shitty ship never happened. It's not Mai's fault that Katara wasn't even fit to be Zuko's rapedoll.

        • 8 months ago

          nta or a Zutard but Mai is easily the worst main character ATLA has to offer

          • 8 months ago

            She's a secondary character, moron

    • 8 months ago

      Suki's an alright character for the amount of screentime they give her. It's kinda funny though that her og episode was there to prove that girls can fight too only for the Kyoshi Warriors to lose every fight they encounter. First they were helpless to stop Zuko and his troops from burning Kyoshi Island, then they got beaten by Azula and co. while defending Appa. Suki only started to get shit done after she went solo strangely enough

      • 8 months ago

        >it's kinda funny though that her og episode was there to prove that girls can fight too
        it was all kinds of strange, like yes, the narrative tells you that Sokka was an ebil segzist - but then when you think about it, he grew up in a matriarchal village where grow us women were willing to use their male children (literal toddlers included) as meat shields to protect themselves and their daughters

        how else was he supposed to react other than surprise and disbelief when faced with women that actually took responsibility

      • 8 months ago

        >writing team betrays their own premise
        yeah, and aang had to let go of katara to get the avatar state back. which he didn't do, but still got the avatar state back anyway.

  20. 8 months ago

    >less obnoxious than Kataang
    at least kataang wasn't an attempt to explain poor sales with blaming mysogeny

  21. 8 months ago
  22. 8 months ago

    Adding a ship to a bad character and a non-character does not improve either of them.

  23. 8 months ago

    Ignore seething dyke, post Zucest.

  24. 8 months ago

    because Asami wasn't literally just Korra's surrogate mom and she was actually interested in her while katara felt like she was just being forced into the relationship by the plot and hardly had any enthusiasm for Aang.

    all the shitty "yes this ship.is happening" episodes like a cave of two lovers made it even worse. they come off as so wooden in those episodes. Korra and Asami didn't have any mandatory shipping episodes and that only helps even more.

    I'll admit that the execution was God awful and I wish Nick would've let them have an episode where they go on a date or something but I think it's a good ship still.

    a good ship doesn't have to be complicated or have multiple episodes dedicated to it. give us a decent relationship dynamic that's all we really need

    • 8 months ago

      >Decent relationship dynamic
      >Literally nothing
      You need serious mental help at this point. Also you really don't fit in nor are you fooling anyone by endlessly repeating the same point word for word about Korrasami being better because it literally didn't even appear in the show.

    • 8 months ago

      >all the shitty "yes this ship.is happening" episodes
      There were 0 'yes this is happening' episodes, none of the episodes were about 'ships', those episodes were just the Main Character and his Love Interest developing their relationship.
      You are terminally online to a worrying degree. Did you ever have a literature class at school?

  25. 8 months ago

    we all know what the best ship really is

  26. 8 months ago

    Korra literally ruined Asami's relationship twice and yet Mako is often viewed negatively.

    I hope they don't concentrate on their relationship in the upcoming comic

  27. 8 months ago

    it isn't because the porn is better

  28. 8 months ago

    they're both ass

  29. 8 months ago

    Pretty funny that the series creators had to come out and confirm they were gay meanwhile stuff like Symphogear hasn't had any official statement about it yet I have never known anyone who thought it wasn't gay.

    • 8 months ago

      They're both yuri-bait and should have had a kiss.

  30. 8 months ago

    Kataang was actually built up. Its not a great pairing but both characters do objectively mature and grow closer together.
    Korra's arc is all over the fricking place and her situation starts changing to ridiculously after the end of season 2 that she doesn't have a ton of time to strengthen her relationships with her initial supporting cast and they all kind of drift apart to pursue their separate goals. It's a bad set up for a romance ending.

  31. 8 months ago

    Alright I have my crackpot ideas on how to fix LoK. People will call me an Amon fanboy, and I am. What can I say, Steve Blums voice does it for me.
    >Have Amon actually be chosen by the spirits. No daddy issues, no blood bending. Tarlok can still be a bloodbender, Amon can still be from a water tribe but just be a non bender. Maybe part of the red lotus,idk.
    >This makes the question more ambiguous since the avatar is directly running against higher powers will.
    >Still have Amon lose, but lock him away in a prison in one of the poles, maybe a big supermax place in the middle of the artic somewhere. Have Korra become traumatized in the first season.
    >equalists still mad, still doing stuff without a leader it becomes more violent.
    >Have it be the opposite water tribe from where he's from, diplomatic tension about this eventually escalates to civil war, with Unalaq on the dindu nuffin side and korras dad wanting to keep Amon locked up.
    >spirits get mad that their emissary is being locked up.
    >More spirit kaiju
    > if you HAVE to keep the raava and vattu stuff, make it less dualistic and don't have one side be completely good or evil.
    >Amons red lotus buddies spring him, or they are inspired to try to bring balance.to the world through terrorism by meeting him in prison and then manage a prison break.
    >Just want to waste Korra for throwing the world into chaos and threatening the balance
    >Kuvira eventually enslave spirits or burns them as a fuel source for her war machines
    Not the most coherent thoughts but I think it would have been a much deeper story

    • 8 months ago

      >korra: why are you guys helping Amon?!
      >spirits: because you are useless, the most useless avatar in history.

  32. 8 months ago

    >Explain how this pairing is any less obnoxious than Kataang
    It is not, it does not even exist within the same series, zero moments, zero insinuations, it can even be questioned if Asami is really Korra's friend.

  33. 8 months ago

    You're going to trigger ER

    • 8 months ago

      good, that guy is a moron. He's right about Korra being garbage but a braindead squirrel could tell you that.

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