Explain what's wrong with this without using buzzwords

Looks like natural design evolution to me.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago

    the sequel trilogy was a pure studio movie with no driving creative force behind it.

    • 10 months ago

      so it's just like every Star Wars movie ever made then

      • 10 months ago

        >Star wars movies are shit
        >But not the sequels

      • 10 months ago

        >the original star wars trilogy wasn't creative
        you can shit on star wars for a lot of reasons, but the first 3 movies were lightning in a bottle

        • 10 months ago

          The first and third of the original trilogy were the same fricking movie, with the same bullshit premise and save at the end

        • 10 months ago

          First two, you mean.

      • 10 months ago

        You're moronic if you believe this. Lucas put a lot of shit on the line to get the first one made.

        • 10 months ago

          it's bait

      • 10 months ago

        >so it's just like every
        The meme response of a butthurt shill. Seethe harder homosexual.

      • 10 months ago

        >Sequels rightfully fail
        >now every Star Wars movie is bad

        • 10 months ago

          It's always the go-to of Shills/Sequel Trilogy defenders
          "If no one likes the Sequel Trilogy then therefore all Star Wars is bad"
          One of the most childish copes they've ever done

        • 10 months ago

          Star Wars was always bad you stinky fanboy Black person.

          • 10 months ago

            Based actor having common sense and morals. What a chad.

          • 10 months ago


            NPC spotted

            • 10 months ago

              Eric Butt(hurt) spotted. That Guinness anecdote isn't authority btw

      • 10 months ago

        Now you’re just being dishonest

    • 10 months ago

      Both designs are stupid, spaceships with towers that can be destroyed by a fricking rock or 2 shoots, and camels that are more slow than a tortoise and can be destroyed by a single dude with a grenade. C'mon mate.

  2. 10 months ago

    They look like knuckledraggers on the right.

    • 10 months ago

      They are

    • 10 months ago

      >racism outside of /b/

      • 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    Where did the first order get the resources and manpower to build these things

    • 10 months ago

      They made more of a genuine attempt to answer that question in the ST than they ever did in the OT or the PT combined. I mean, it didn't end up working out so great, but at least there was an attempt...

      • 10 months ago

        What the frick, in the OT the empire had all the resources of the state and in the PT they were misdirecting the resources of the Republic, in the ST this rogue army appears out of nowhere and wipes out the entire nu Republic with a super death star they pull out of their asses

        • 10 months ago

          >the empire had all the resources of the state
          what the hell does that mean in this context

          • 10 months ago

            Meaning the empire was the government, they built their fleet just like any other country

          • 10 months ago

            It a literal galaxy spanning empire. They have a standing army and force people to make war machines for them. The First Order was basically

            The Empire being destroyed at the end of the RoTJ never really made sense considering that most of it's resources, army, and fleet was still around. Yeah, much of their leadership was dead but that doesn't mean every star destroyer imploded.

            The old EU expanded universe status quo of the Empire largely devolving into feuding warlord states makes way more sense than total collapse.

            >the Empire largely devolving into feuding warlord states makes way more sense than total collapse.
            But that is a total collapse anon. The empire is gone and none of the military leaders are working together and so on.

          • 10 months ago

            Are you moronic?

        • 10 months ago

          >Major imperial power gets disarmed and defeated with the figurehead deposed; a couple of years later the new hypermilitaristic regime develops advanced weapons and the worlds most powerful army and then starts wrecking everybody.
          I wonder if this has ever happened in real life

          • 10 months ago

            with what resources, frickhead.
            Hitler was always running out of resources, he got more resources as he invaded new places, but they barely had gas to run their own tanks.

            • 10 months ago

              Hitler didn't have a massive unsettled frontier filled to the brim with resources to play with, or a solid thirty years of uninterrupted development to take advantage of it.

              • 10 months ago

                >you only need 30 years to build a super space station the size of a planet that can destroy planets thousands of lightyears away

                The entire premise is beyond absurd, stop apologising for the worst, most soulless, stupid, woke shitshow of a ~~*hollywood*~~ production in years, Yidney killed Starwars and only shit eaters like it now, are you a shit eater c**t?

              • 10 months ago

                The Death Star was researched and built from scratch in twenty years. At least with Starkiller they already had a planet to build it into. Hell, the trench gouged out of it was already present from the Imperial mining operations.

      • 10 months ago

        >They made more of a genuine attempt to answer that question in the ST
        No, they didn't. Not at all.

      • 10 months ago

        >They made more of a genuine attempt to answer that question in the ST
        No, they did exactly NOT make ANY attempt at all.
        It was just "30 years later" and suddenly the Galactic Empire, which had been destroyed, is back again, even more powerful than before, while the whole galaxy, which had been liberated and under a "democratic" government for the past 30 years, apparently didn't notice ANYTHING.

        • 10 months ago

          It's bad that the empire wasn't even suggested to be completely "defeated" in the end of ROTJ neither. It was just a major victory of the rebel and a conclusion of Luke's hero journey in the war. In the sequel, somehow, the empire was completely defeated, taken over by the republic, THEN build a bigger force to retake the galaxy again in just 30 years.

          • 10 months ago

            At the end of RotJ it's pretty much assumed the Empire is defeated. The Emperor is dead, so is a lot of the chain of command. Most audiences didn't read the EU or anything outside of the movies. Also in the expanded edition, the version most people have probably seen at this point, there's liberation parties happen across various planets, including the Imperial capital.

            • 10 months ago

              >It's bad that the empire wasn't even suggested to be completely "defeated" in the end of ROTJ neither.
              I mean they killed off the mastermind behind it all PLUS his right-hand man and second-in-charge, plus destroyed their big weapon which they were using all their resources for.
              While not explicitly spelled out, anyone with more than one brain cell (i.e. not Star Wars fans) could safely assume that the Empire, as an organization that wielded any power whatsoever, was done for.

              The Empire being destroyed at the end of the RoTJ never really made sense considering that most of it's resources, army, and fleet was still around. Yeah, much of their leadership was dead but that doesn't mean every star destroyer imploded.

              The old EU expanded universe status quo of the Empire largely devolving into feuding warlord states makes way more sense than total collapse.

              • 10 months ago

                >The old EU expanded universe status quo
                >EU expanded universe
                >expanded universe expanded universe
                Kys yourself

              • 10 months ago

                Sorry. I was trying to differentiate it from the Disney EU. It's called legacy nowadays isn't it?

              • 10 months ago

                Don't worry, I was just fricking with you.
                I actually don't care about Star Wars.

              • 10 months ago

                Legends, but you were close.

              • 10 months ago

                Yea, and Lucas almost ALMOST made a follow up to ROTJ in 90's, before shadows of the empire. He wanted to do a TV show and do all the ideas he had. A wookie episode, a droid one, an alien, just any idea he wanted to explore. It would have shown that there's way more things in the galaxy than just rebels vs empire. Eventually, star wars just became that though. No other factions, armies or regions of space, all empire or rebel. Lucas wanted it to be like star trek, because he liked there were different factions, klingons and romulans and how Ming teamed up with other villains. The prequels eventually lean into this idea more. As Naboo has its own armies, the gungan, the droid army, the jedi, the clones. Eventually it all leads to the plain two factions.

              • 10 months ago

                EU has a bunch of factions though. CSA, Yvethans, Yuuzahn-Vong, Corellians, Zann, so many Warlord factions...

                Absolutely baffled that Disney hasn't adapted the Hapans. Literally a matriarchy of strong Amazonian women. Maybe they're too pretty.

              • 10 months ago

                yea, but if George didnt make the faction in a big way it always was small. Id honestly have kept the Trade Federation in some way.

              • 10 months ago

                Reoublic is 7k years old and the default state of galactic government, empire lasted 25years, and was so unpopular a major civil war broke out with the republican faction within 5 years. Sheev's empire was not solid or entrenched.

              • 10 months ago

                The Empire was the Republic you buffoons, it was extremely popular with billions and billions of people.

              • 10 months ago

                It was the “Republic” in the same sense that Imperial Rome was still the Roman Republic.

              • 10 months ago

                It was. You understand that outside of the entrenched patrician class that already held power, the shift towards imperial Rome was widely supported right?

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, I do understand that, but saying it’s still the Republic is a bit like saying that the same people who welcomed the rise of an Emperor would have welcomed the rise of *any* Emperor, no matter how tyrannical and draconian.

            • 10 months ago

              That's because at its heart Star wars is a fairy tale. Good wins, evil is defeated, they all lived happily ever after.

              Disney writes a check and throws all of that out the window.

          • 10 months ago

            >It's bad that the empire wasn't even suggested to be completely "defeated" in the end of ROTJ neither.
            I mean they killed off the mastermind behind it all PLUS his right-hand man and second-in-charge, plus destroyed their big weapon which they were using all their resources for.
            While not explicitly spelled out, anyone with more than one brain cell (i.e. not Star Wars fans) could safely assume that the Empire, as an organization that wielded any power whatsoever, was done for.

            • 10 months ago

              At the end of RotJ it's pretty much assumed the Empire is defeated. The Emperor is dead, so is a lot of the chain of command. Most audiences didn't read the EU or anything outside of the movies. Also in the expanded edition, the version most people have probably seen at this point, there's liberation parties happen across various planets, including the Imperial capital.

              They also mentioned in ANH that the Imperial Senate was dissolved and regional govenors had full control. There's no bureaucracy. Losing the emperor at that point is basically losing the war, without knowing anything that is happening off screen in a novel or comic.

          • 10 months ago

            >empire wasn't even suggested to be completely "defeated" in the end of ROTJ
            This is the very first time I've ever heard somebody claim they DIDN'T think the empire was completely defeated.

          • 10 months ago

            >It's bad that the empire wasn't even suggested to be completely "defeated" in the end of ROTJ neither. It was just a major victory of the rebel and a conclusion of Luke's hero journey in the war. In the sequel, somehow, the empire was completely defeated, taken over by the republic, THEN build a bigger force to retake the galaxy again in just 30 years.
            they were defeated because palpatine based his whole economy on building death stars.

      • 10 months ago

        Explain what the attempt was. In the OT you needed two words: "Galactic Empire". That implies galactic industrial resources. The EU was able to run with that and come up with Sienar Fleet Systems, Kuat Drive Yards etc. as megacorporations that supply the Empire. In the ST we have this as explanation for a 60km long mega-class star destroyer
        >The ship was built by the First Order at staggering cost within the galaxy's Unknown Regions to act as the official capital of the First Order on the orders of Supreme Leader Snoke.

        • 10 months ago

          >>The ship was built by the First Order at staggering cost within the galaxy's Unknown Regions to act as the official capital of the First Order on the orders of Supreme Leader Snoke.

          That is an acceptable answer. Are you satisfied, anon?

          • 10 months ago

            That explains literally nothing, it is just a description of what happened.
            Where did they get the money and resources?

      • 10 months ago

        your false bullshit aside, you don't need to explain how an established galactic empire has a massive army
        you need to explain how fringe remnants of a fallen empire have upgraded across the line even more powerful massive army with unlimited resources, human or otherwise
        how the frick do you do build any of that shit they pulled out of their asses without anyone in the republic noticing the huge logistical supply chains
        and how the frick was there exactly ONE (1) stormtrooper captain in chromed armour, who just so happened to personally know our hero janitor, among millions

      • 10 months ago

        are you really trying to say that Canto bight and the rich people funding both sides was enough of an explination

      • 10 months ago

        In Earth terms

        This government that controls the entire world has a massive navy and army

        This government that controls the entire first world has a massive navy and army

        This government that controls Antarctica and Polynesia has a massive navy and army that was secretly established and then hidden there

      • 10 months ago

        Somehow, our funding return

      • 10 months ago

        The FRICK are you smoking?

      • 10 months ago

        that doesnt make any sense. in the OT its pretty easy to assume the empire has been around for a while, we arent really told when they came to power in the OT. in the PT the empire is using the resources of the republic and subverting them to their advantage. the empire doesnt even really exist until the very end of episode 3 in the PT.
        >where did the droid confederation get the resources??
        they were a conglomerate of several major economic powers in the galaxy turned against the republic. they had nothing but resources to throw at the republic and that makes sense
        it does not make sense that the first order would be making technological advances decades after a crushing defeat

      • 10 months ago

        You sequel fans are actually medically delusional

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        >a single 3rd world-tier planet can make a huge fleet in a few generations
        Why doesn’t every planet do it

      • 10 months ago

        Exegol must be such an interesting place to live. You think there are sith cultists there who are just like, plumbers? Bakers? There any art majors on Exegol? Are there Exegolians who kind of only do the whole 'sith' thing for holidays, and family gatherings?

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, and what their tax policy?

        • 10 months ago

          A good question, for a different time.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes and there are even edgy teen atheist Exegolians who want to move to Naboo to "find themselves".

        • 10 months ago

          >born on exegol in a large house with plenty of room
          >dream of moving to coruscant and living in a shoebox apartment a mile in the air surrounded by smelly aliens all jabbering away in their disgusting languages

          Start spreadin' the news
          I'm leavin' today

      • 10 months ago

        You were supposed to play Fortnite.

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Luv Elijah Wood, simple as


        • 10 months ago

          And it was this segment that told me those nearly 6 years ago that FF was dead

      • 10 months ago

        I genuinely admire how shit star wars lore is.
        It's inspiring knowing the most profitable merchandising in history is built upon absolute nonsense

        • 10 months ago

          >the most profitable merchandising in history
          Isn't that Pokémon?

      • 10 months ago

        I don't get how the first order had access to all this stuff when they're presented not as remnants of the Empire but as a new anti-Republic faction. Not to mention the fricking Starkiller, which makes not a lick of sense for them to have somehow built themselves, nor for the Empire to have built and just never use.

        pretty much. it's too integral to never be explained (unlike The Force, which needs no explanation) and yet any explanation they could give would be some dumb shit like this (like Midichlorians)

      • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      They settled in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy and bided their time building up their forces for about 30 years before making their full scale return to Republic space.

    • 10 months ago

      It's all leftover stuff from the Empire.

    • 10 months ago

      They're a galactic civilization. It's not really that unbelievable.

      A Star Destroyer masses around 40 million tons. The US alone in WWII built around 70 million tons of merchant shipping in 5 years and another 10 or so million tons of naval ships. That's two star destroyers in 5 years. From one country with 6% of the world's population at the time. A fully industrialized planet with a similar population to WWII earth could crank out 6-7 ISDs a year at wartime production rates. In the 30 years between the fall of the Empire and The Force Awakens that's 200 star destroyers from one planet.

      • 10 months ago

        They had over 10,000 Star Destroyers.

        • 10 months ago

          Where are you getting 10,000 of them? There was never a firm number stated in the movie, and I'm seeing 1000 pretty consistently online.

          • 10 months ago

            I made it up.

            • 10 months ago

              That's illegal.

      • 10 months ago

        naval ships are mostly hollow and relatively light weight for their size, they carry giant fuel tanks, and a big engine for the propellor, they are extremely simple to manufacture when you have the facilities.

        Starships need to be made in the void of space, that includes processing+refining ore and welding, components ideally need to be made nearby as transporting them from the surface of a planet is extremely inefficient even in a sci-fi universe. You need an extremely expensive, moon-sized shipyards to facilitate this, and you'd need ~10x the men with 1000x the specialties and education required to make an interstellar-capable craft. AI and robots will help to a degree but not even star-wars allowed for autonomous droids to make anything overly complex, they were maintainers and assistants, you still needed organic sentient beings to make shit.

        Nobody has seen a single shipyard in the entire history of star wars despite them making some of the biggest starships to ever grace the big screen, Yidney pulling 10,000 star destroyers out of their arses after the same factions PLANET sized star destroyer got rekt after its first successful attack is far, FAR beyond just bad writing, its a deliberate salting of the earth of the franchise, they had to be trying to ruin it, its far too bad to be anything else.

        If i was put in charge of star wars, and i wanted to ruin the franchise for everyone, i couldn't have done a better job than Yidney did if i TRIED to.

        • 10 months ago

          Very good post.
          Though I have to correct you on one matter.
          We have actually seen kuat drive yards in the clone wars.

          • 10 months ago

            fair enough, Lucas threw a bone in that regard for once, it was always one of his weaknesses as a creator.

            Just as an example, a modern day Laptop, has well over a thousand, likely closer to 2k+ individual components that need to be assembled in various different factories, welded/soldered/melted/screwed together, before they even enter the factory where they're actually assembled and put into the box.

            You need a dozen+different factories in close proximity to make it, all with very tight contracts that keep them all on the same page, or else the cost of transport and creating it blows through the roof, its why the rest of the world fails miserably at competing with Taiwan and Chinas silicon manufacturing hubs, because creating that inorganically is almost impossible.

            Thats just to make fricking phones, graphics cards, tablets, tvs and laptops. Imagine a fricking starship, warhammer 40k got this right, big ships took decades to assemble under the best circumstances, and required immense shipyars that encircle entire moons and asteroid fields, and relied on LOADS of slave labour and tech-cults working for food and shelter to be viable.

            Yidneys star wars is a science fantasy joke of a series, and it doesnt even meet its own pathetically low bar.

            They're a galactic civilization. It's not really that unbelievable.

            A Star Destroyer masses around 40 million tons. The US alone in WWII built around 70 million tons of merchant shipping in 5 years and another 10 or so million tons of naval ships. That's two star destroyers in 5 years. From one country with 6% of the world's population at the time. A fully industrialized planet with a similar population to WWII earth could crank out 6-7 ISDs a year at wartime production rates. In the 30 years between the fall of the Empire and The Force Awakens that's 200 star destroyers from one planet.

            >A fully industrialized planet with a similar population to WWII earth could crank out 6-7 ISDs a year at wartime production rates.

            Stfu moron you don't know shit.

          • 10 months ago

            >We have actually seen kuat drive yards in the clone wars.
            I don't think it was Kuat, also TCW is secondary shit.

  4. 10 months ago

    The ship and vehicle design was never the problem.

  5. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >Shatner still hasn't apologised.

    • 10 months ago

      talking during the movie spoils the experience
      talking after the movie spoils the experience
      do not talk and simply enjoy it for what it is

  6. 10 months ago

    I like the new tech but the story is weak

    • 10 months ago

      >It's another let's rip something from Legends and change the design a bit
      This is straight up just the sith ship from SWTOR.

    • 10 months ago

      >You can copy my homework but just change it up a little

      • 10 months ago

        >TIE fighter here.
        >TIE fighter here.
        >What is your order?
        >Consider it done.

    • 10 months ago

      >literally copies Kilrathi starfighter design from Wing Commander
      Sequelgays are fricking moronic lol

  7. 10 months ago

    It's lazy design, they were too scared to take any risks. As bad as the prequels were, things looked different.

    In universe you could argue that the First Order, having lost the war didn't have a ton of money to sink into RnD to build new vehicles. But then they still had money to just copy paste a billion of them with slightly different colors? And make a bigger death star.

    I think it would have been fine to reuse the old designs but to have the NO be underdogs using obviously old and worn down star destroyers and AT-ATs.

    • 10 months ago

      >Star Wars movie where an underdog Imperial warlord has to win using superior tactics and intelligence
      Would have been kino. Like Code Geass but with space ships instead of mechs.

    • 10 months ago

      Member when they took risks and tried to be creative? I member. You dorks still hated it.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah dude, it's a risk, not a guarantee.
        Being lazy also didn't bring in the big bucks either, despite all the paid for positive reviews.
        As bad as the prequels were, they were something. And they have a ton of loyal millenials. Zoomers aren't going to remember the Disney movies.

        Only angry millenials and boomers will, and they won't be buying plastic garbage with Fin's face on it.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't dislike the design but I dislike the logic of its existence in a universe where the empire was destroyed

      • 10 months ago

        >Take a risk
        >That oversized piece of shit
        The risk doesn't lie in doing the laziest, out of touch thing possible and hoping it will slide past the audience

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          this IS cool.
          the problem is they were lazy in how they explained why and how it happened.
          nu wars isn't bad at making cool new things, they are bad at writing about those cool things.
          thats the problem, it always comes back to extremely bad, lazy, uninspired writing.
          the first order? cool but written awfully.
          starkiller base? great, but written by moronic school children.
          kylo ren? love it, written by brain dead women who dont know how men act and think.

      • 10 months ago

        >stretching a star destroyer
        It's not a risk so much as simply braindead and creatively bankrupt.

        • 10 months ago

          But triangle is the strongest shape!

      • 10 months ago

        You and both know the issue wasn't that ship design... It was the shit tier writing.

      • 10 months ago

        >what if [previously established thing] but bigger is not a risk. It's just standard JJ.

      • 10 months ago

        >First Order is the remnant of the Empire
        >Somehow able to build a bigger death star and bigger fleet and bigger super star destroyer than the Empire at its height
        >all while keeping it a secret
        shit writing will destroy any concept.

      • 10 months ago

        Because they discarded 30 years of worth of characters, places, plotlines and technology that was the EU.
        And what was their substitute? Slightly modified OT designs that kitbashers would feel ashamed about.
        I am not one of those people who believe that EU was perfect, in fact most of it was garbage.
        But by and large EU was a much better Star Wars supplement than whatever the frick MouseWars was supposed to be.
        They took a big universe and made it feel small again.

        It is both literally and figuratively an stretched out Executor

      • 10 months ago

        >Arsenal Bird with a Homeworld-style internal shipyard
        They really did not use this thing to its full potential.

        • 10 months ago

          yea they could have made First Order into a predatory corporation roaming through the galaxy in their automated mobile dry dock, pillaging systems and dodging taxes
          instead they just pulled out of their asses on the spot whatever the next scene they came up with needed

      • 10 months ago

        If it focused more on interesting things like the Destroyer sized docking capability in the movie instead of screwing over previously established hyperspace and shield physics or the silly plot about infiltrating the ship to disable the hyperspace tracking with the whole casino space horse planet subplot that lead to it, that ship might have gotten a better reception.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't think you can convince normalgays that the hyperspace thing is an unwritten rule that you don't weaponize FTL in Space Operas and Sci-Fi because of the implications of turning the setting into Hypercold War.

          Yea, you could weaponize it, obviously.
          But if you want to tell a grounded story, you don't.

      • 10 months ago

        I only hated how it was beaten.

      • 10 months ago

        In what way is having basically the Empire flying more basically big giant imperial spaceships a risk?

      • 10 months ago

        Star Wars invented fast paced, character driven plots.
        This movie had no plot at all. The ship ran out of gas which was an allegory for the franchise and corporation. We were forced to watch.

      • 10 months ago

        I thought it was sick

      • 10 months ago

        this is moronic
        also it's hardly creative
        also you don't get a participation badge, make it good or frick off

      • 10 months ago

        That's not a risk that's a kitchen sink tossed into space

    • 10 months ago

      >I think it would have been fine to reuse the old designs but to have the NO be underdogs using obviously old and worn down star destroyers and AT-ATs
      Checked and based. Like a Hans Landa on the mend.
      I've seen AI generated SW images here that nearly made me cry like a b***h at what was lost and never realized. The hidden temples, overgrown mystic ruins, the evolution of cyborgs and biotek, and sense of dark wonder.
      One day SW will be rebooted using the novels for source material to recorrect canon.

  8. 10 months ago

    If you think the vehicle designs for the sequel trilogy are the problem then you're a shill or a moron.

  9. 10 months ago

    That's because you're a stupid person. It's only natural you fail to recognize cynical fanservice.

  10. 10 months ago

    >hey suit-man 2, what could we do to make the universe kingdom planes even MORE BADASS looking? Oh, and the walker thingies?
    >I don't know, suit-man 1, but how about we just put a bunch of additional clutter on it?

  11. 10 months ago

    It is unimaginative. You'd think the new order would be a mishmash of old Empire generals who hunkered out in the outer rim using aged damaged star destroyers and perhaps a flurry of smaller vessels rushed into production in secret and some alien allies and mercenaries. A Star Destroyer manned by aliens and mercenaries with various additions slapped onto it as Adam Driver's flagship, kind of like Max Max in space, would have been kino.

    You would think they'd flesh out Adam Driver's character more (I admit I've forgotten his name, and you can fault me for lack of knowledge, but I think this goes to show how forgettable he was). We could have seen how Driver somehow managed to build up his network of supporters beneath the nose of the new Republic, we could have seen Luke and Leia trying to warn the council but being ignored and them later discussing if it was a mistake to grant full power to democracy and not rule as despots with them agreeing that the people have to learn for themselves how to rule themselves. We could have seen a bold subversion, Adam Driver's ragtag band running circles around the New Republic's supposedly strong new fleet.

    But, no, we couldn't have kino, it had to be a rinse and repeat of the original trilogy, plus heckin' fascist MAGA space nazis as per the propaganda department's orders.

    • 10 months ago

      The first paragraph would have been a great idea. The fact that they were named The Order and the winners of the previous war were still called Rebels is fricking moronic. The old empire using espionage and guerilla warfare would have been awesome

  12. 10 months ago

    World design was never bad in any of the SW movies.
    It's the writing that kept getting shittier and shittier

  13. 10 months ago

    The problem is it's dumb. The First order should have the "Everything including the kitchen sink" approach to warfare. They are a tiny militant group trying to overthrow the central government. Imagine if you made a movie about Afghanistan and the Taliban was shown piloting giant robots and using laser rifles.

    • 10 months ago

      That was the old EU Disney threw away. We can't have Zsinj doing drivebys in an SSD and Han Solo and Rogue Squadron chasing him down through the Outer Rim. No the Chudpire has to come back take over the whole galaxy in a week so we have the plucky LGBTPOC resisty barely holding on for le drama.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean, the old Expanded universe had issues of this nature as well but at least the remnant generally felt like a remnant in the works people actually liked.

        >No the Chudpire has to come back take over the whole galaxy in a week so we have the plucky LGBTPOC resisty barely holding on for le drama.
        It honestly gets kind of silly how hard they are trying to make the heroes seem like underdogs. By the time of Rise of Skywalker the entire "Resistance" seems to consist out of a dozen people stuck on one planet.

      • 10 months ago

        I googled that and holy shit it actually has a wookiepedia article.

        • 10 months ago

          >this major villain from the 90s books has a wookieepedia article

          Yeah no shit

          • 10 months ago

            The name looks like somebody randomly smashed a keyboard. Nerd.

            • 10 months ago

              >Star Wars characters has stupid name
              First time seeing anything Star Wars before? Do you always get mad at shit you're unfamiliar with? Kek

    • 10 months ago

      They're more like Nazis that went to Space Antarctica and came back with flying saucers.

  14. 10 months ago

    Is there anything creative I could do with like a thousand of these?

    • 10 months ago

      I would have to check the scale, but I feel that with enough effort I should be able to turn these into Deff Dreads or Killa Kans.

    • 10 months ago

      Hotglue all of them and present it as an art project.

      • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      You could become a vigilante, with a sack full of unboxed Rose Tico toys that you use like shuriken

    • 10 months ago

      Break them down into arms, legs, head, torso, then make a giant version out of glue or whatever with the head made out of heads, legs made out of legs, arms made out of arms, you get the picture

      • 10 months ago

        Clive Barker actually wrote a story about a competition of giants made by strapping living humans together.

    • 10 months ago

      Become a kind of reverse Grinch and hand them out to kids during Christmas since that's what Disney's strategy was
      >oh you don't like her? Frick you

    • 10 months ago

      Make a centipede out of them and send pics to the actress herself.

    • 10 months ago

      give it to homeless people and tell them it'll be worth $1000's in a few years

      • 10 months ago

        Actual account of my crypto investments

    • 10 months ago

      >Is there anything creative I could do with like a thousand of these?
      holocaust them. make a miniature auschwtiz and have them in masturbation machines, holocoasters, gigantic electric chairs, etc.

    • 10 months ago

      Give them out at Halloween. They'll be cheaper than candy.

    • 10 months ago

      First thing you would need it a thousand jars

  15. 10 months ago

    Trying to be distinctive in the laziest and most unimaginative ways possible. What’s worse, the First Order presents itself as an organization that in no way wants to differentiate itself from the Empire, that wants to be seen as a return of the Imperial structure, so from that perspective, they wouldn’t even want to distinguish themselves from the Empire in any way. As such, cosmetic redesigns of preexistent Imperial hardware makes even less sense.

    Disney never even bothered to give us an explanation of the First Order’s name. They had a chance to do something interesting, even thought-provoking. They *could* have given us the New Republic in a state of visible turmoil with all the systems fearful of centralized power, insisting that they were capable of policing their own space and reducing the Republic to something akin to the United Nations, a toothless assembly of ambassadors. They could have shown us the Galaxy in a chaotic, virtually lawless state. They could have given us an Imperial Remnant promising “First, order” and acting as a mercenary force providing “security” to systems willing and able to pay for it, all the while fostering a sentiment of “wasn’t it really better when we were in charge?” If they had done that, they could have shown various and sundry wealthy, powerful movers and shakers aligning themselves with “First Order” (note the subtle difference in meaning, or even the long overdue addition of it), blissfully unaware that lurking in the background, there are corrupt wielders of the Force who view them as tools, merely a means for their return to power. They could have revealed early on that the Emperor survived and had come to understand that holding power in such a visible way was a mistake. In such a scenario, you don’t even need Snoke, just Hux, fiery, passionate Hux, with Palpatine’s new disciple - Kylo - acting as a shadowy assassin.

    They could have done this, but they’re morons.

    • 10 months ago

      >Disney never even bothered to give us an explanation of the First Order’s name.
      Palpatine called his massive fleet the final order.

      That's the explanation. Palpatine was trying to be clever.

      • 10 months ago

        And as previously stated, that’s an explanation that only a moron would come up with.

    • 10 months ago

      In a scenario like this, you could shock your audience by revealing that Rey’s not-Tatooine isn’t in some lawless Rim system, just a poor one ostensibly under the “authority” of this weak, ineffectual Republic.

    • 10 months ago

      I mostly stopped caring about Star Wars, but I agree that never really introducing and then just casually disposing of the New Republic in the first sequel film was a huge mistake.

    • 10 months ago

      From this angle, you finally have a legitimate reasons for the redesigns and “racing stripes.”

      1) They’re distinguishing themselves from other Imperial factions.
      2) They’re being funded by wealthy systems and aren’t totally reliant on hand-me-down relics of the Empire.

    • 10 months ago

      >They could have done this, but they’re morons.
      They were never going to. It's not just that they lacked creativity, it's that they were actively avoiding creativity. The Force Awakens was deliberate.

    • 10 months ago

      >They could have given us an Imperial Remnant promising “First, order”
      Holy shit never write anything.

      • 10 months ago

        What else is their name implying then? The Empire wasn’t the “first order” in the Galaxy. The Old Republic kept order and peace for thousands of years. The Empire is an eyeblink in Galactic history.

        • 10 months ago

          >What else is their name implying then?

          • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        nah it's not a bad idea

      • 10 months ago

        You always see this from snarky quippy people who have a quick one liner to deconstruct anything but you have no alternatives or improvements to provide

    • 10 months ago

      >first, order
      Kek solid 9/10 poast but this parts gayer than Hodor

  16. 10 months ago

    The redness

    Maybe if it was purple it would be good

  17. 10 months ago

    They never even made a classic scale toy of the FO walker and walkers have always been hot sellers.

  18. 10 months ago

    >what's wrong
    Somehow the empire returned.

  19. 10 months ago


  20. 10 months ago

    The walkers on the right literally do nothing. There is no threat to them, they don't deploy troops, there is no mounting tension of "will they reach the shield generator or not" like in ESB.

    • 10 months ago

      They were there to guard the big laser beam that was gonna knock the door down. Now why the walkera themselves wouldn't have the fire power to bust the bunker down I don't know.

  21. 10 months ago

    It looks too similar, so rather than evoking the image of the original, it simply looks like a Chinese version. The clone wars ships were different enough from star destroyers, but still evoked the idea. The sequel ships look like fanon. Lack of care, lack of craft.

  22. 10 months ago

    The premise of the First Order was supposed to be escaped Nazis and NeoNazis hiding out in Argentina but instead ended up being Super Fourth Reich in Secret MegaGermany

    The creators of the sequels weren't able to showcase the strength and danger of the First Order unless it was a more powerful state than the New Republic.

  23. 10 months ago

    The star destroyer is not terrible in and of itself, though the canon underneath disrupts the otherwise fairly clean lines of the ship. Moreover, in-universe it's fricking moronic that you can just slap any average sized ship with a gun that can destroy a planet. You wouldn't have any planets left in a few years if it was that easy.

    As for the walkers, I think the design is very average, maybe 5/10 on its own, but again in the context of this being a movie following on from other movies in the same universe it's an obvious case of HURR DURR JUST MAKE IT BIGGER WITH MORE GUNS AND STUFF BECAUSE THIS TIME THE BAD GUYS ARE MORE BAD!!!!!!

    The creative energy in Hollywood has been in the fricking ground for a very long time.

  24. 10 months ago

    >the broken remnants of the empire somehow have a larger military R&D and production budget than the galactic empire
    >having cannons on star destroyers so powerful they can blow up planets so now "every star destroyer is a death star" is pants-on-head moronic.

  25. 10 months ago

    Nothing. But the left had an interesting story and premise, while the right didn't and is simply a gay soulless rehash of the left. The designs would be fine if standing on their own merit.

  26. 10 months ago

    >Slave I
    Never existed. Thanks Biden!

  27. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I actually really like the Star Destroyer.

    • 10 months ago

      Evil people cant create, they can only twist or destroy

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >includes a Rogue One AT-AT
      Quit cheating.

  28. 10 months ago

    The new AT-ATs just look too tryhard. The attempt to crank up the cool factor by turning everyone's favorite mechanical dogs into gorilla looking things with edgy sharp edges and shit... it just doesn't work. There's zero reason shown why the standard troop transports need to have actual knuckle-walking front legs and ridiculous looking ape shoulders to accomodate. They just walk across terrain lol

  29. 10 months ago

    throw star wars fans off of buildings

  30. 10 months ago

    Because it's not a natural evolution. Even the big walker doesn't make sense.

    Natural evolution is prequels to original. You can see how Phase 1 turned to Phase 2 turned into Empire. Granted, the First Order trooper helmets look like the next step, but none of the vehicles do.
    There was an actual design difference. When I watched the Nu Trilogy I didn't even see any difference until it was pointed out to me. Like the X wing looks the same besides the engines being half cut (and being an original design by McQuarrie).

  31. 10 months ago

    In cinematic language, the heroes typically go from left to right and the bad guys go from right to left when facing each other.
    According to this shot, the New Order or whatever the frick are the good guys and the Rebellion are the bad guys. Rian Johnson can't do anything right

    • 10 months ago

      Expectations: SUBVERTED

  32. 10 months ago

    artists work their ass off in every industry while everyone else sucks dick and collects the paycheck

  33. 10 months ago

    why were ships built to face in one direction and not something that could fire/move in any direction

    • 10 months ago

      Where do you put the engines? Also a design like that would have a really hard time concentrating fire on a singular target

  34. 10 months ago

    20 years from this to the Star Destroyer
    30 years from the Star Destroyer to the FO Star Destroyer

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      venator my beloved

  35. 10 months ago

    >Left: SOVL
    >Right; Sloppa
    Simple as

  36. 10 months ago

    Because the Empire was destroyed. It's silly that within 20 years or whatever it was there is a new evil Sith guy, the Empire is reestablished as the First Order, and they have the exact same ships and tanks as the Empire. But I guess this all makes sense in-universe because somehow Palpatine returned and he created Snoke and all the ships on his planet.

  37. 10 months ago

    Evolution? where?

    • 10 months ago

      You know, back when there was a lot of oxygen in the air so things grew bigger.

      • 10 months ago

        Now someone needs to post the "SS Freudian Nightmare" Star Destroyer

  38. 10 months ago

    Absolutely disgusting

    • 10 months ago

      That Ryan's Dorito ship looks like a parody.
      Where is he dagger left of Eclipse from?
      Some Old Republic shit?

      • 10 months ago

        Vengeance from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2

        • 10 months ago

          It's that big?
          I don't remember it at all, but maybe when I played the game cutscenes didn't work for me.

          • 10 months ago

            The Vengeance is supposed to be about 10.1km long but someone got lazy later on and tried to say it's just an Executor variant at the same length. This is pretty much straight from the game files of Jedi Knight as the original source material.

            • 10 months ago

              Star Wars ships end being needlessly enlarged by the fandom, that's a classic

              • 10 months ago

                Sort of happened with the Executor as well. It was established right around 17.6km from ESB and ROTJ then through the convoluted events of West End Games mucking up things based on an image caption that was misinterpreted they made it 8km for the Star Wars RPG. That figure filtered into alot of the video games and EU novels and only later it started to get back to being recognized for the size it was supposed to be.

                However instead of just admitting what the proper size was for a few years they half-assed it's size as 12.8km in the Wizards of the Coast era of the RPG. Then they finally decided to overshoot the mark and say it's 19km long so it's even bigger than it started, which is nearly as bad but it's probably not getting fixed now because it's bigger instead of smaller and who wants to admit the ship is too big in the Freudian Star Destroyer size contest.

                Pic attached was the state of things about twenty years ago.

              • 10 months ago

                Equipped with the one thing from the EU that Disney seems to have missed: Gravity Well Generators! Negating the ability for any nearby ship to jump into hyperspace. And not to block them from suicide ramming because that's dumb and doesn't work that way, but to keep the rebel ships from escaping so they can be killed or captured.

              • 10 months ago

                Not enough depictions of the Interdictors where they should be in pretty much any fleet engagement. A series with an Interdictor crew cruising around capturing pirates and low level riffraff could be interesting, get some more appreciation for the smaller capital ships.

  39. 10 months ago

    space and vacuums and magic gravity

  40. 10 months ago

    Bottom left is not from the original film for one

  41. 10 months ago

    The new knuckle-walking ATs are pretty cool, but I will never not be mad about the Final Order SDs literally just being fricking Imperial 1s with a big gun strapped to them. Come the frick ON. Where's the pizazz? The "Don't frick with me" factor?
    Also really hate how they all can blow up planets easily. Too much of an escalation. A better way to go about it, I think, would be to have it so that you'd need to pull together a whole bunch of them so they can link their beams together Death Star style.

  42. 10 months ago

    >First Order
    >Final Order
    It feels like we skipped a lot of orders in between there

    • 10 months ago

      what about order 67?

      • 10 months ago

        What about order 69?

  43. 10 months ago
  44. 10 months ago

    was it ever explained where all the first order shit came from?

  45. 10 months ago

    Star Wars was no sense then and still no sense now. Plastic shit never ends.

  46. 10 months ago

    it will always be utterly fascinating to me how the sequel trilogy has either zero explanation for something or has an explanation that makes everybody on here mad

  47. 10 months ago

    Real talk, what went so fricking wrong with the Sequel Trilogy?
    >t. only seen tfa

    • 10 months ago

      They didn't have an overarching plan. Directors were retconning each other's shit willy-nilly and overcorrecting hard. Also, J.J Abrams is really bad at actually planning stuff out and openly uses a so-called 'Mystery Box' strategy, where he just doesn't tell people the plan. This has repeatedly fricked up because he usually doesn't actually HAVE a plan inside that box.

    • 10 months ago

      Absolutely no plan. I mean that sincerely. They hired Mr. Mystery Box, and he played his one hand - dangling plot threads and vague allusions to BIG MYSTERY, but what that hack fails to understand is that you have to have at least some idea of what’s supposed to be *in* those mystery boxes, else some moron is liable to come along and shit in them all.

      And then they hired just such a moron.

    • 10 months ago

      They thought they could fix the mistakes of George Lucas (PT) by winging it and pandering to OT fans. Then they left it up to the women.

  48. 10 months ago

    It feels like they're afraid to introduce new ideas into the setting like the expanded universe did whereas the original trilogy reveled in adding weird designs from comic books.

  49. 10 months ago

    This doesn't even use a picture of an actual first order star destroyer, which is just an imperial one, but squished.

  50. 10 months ago

    I just want a nice big-budget movie that doesn't feel like the "I loved Star Wars since I was five years old" director (which is all of them) is just bashing action figures together. Being a lifelong fan is great, I'm one of them, but for the love of GOD think a little. That's why Andor rules so hard.

  51. 10 months ago

    >disney shills used to shit on dark empire for clone palpatine and the random star destroyers with big lasers from of the hidden planet
    >episode IX releases and uses the same plot but worse

    • 10 months ago

      It wasn't just Disney shills that shat on Dark Empire. People shat on Dark Empire years before Lucasfilm was even sold to Disney.

      • 10 months ago

        True but Disney shill used to point to it to show how shitty the EU was and how Disney Wars was going to be better but then they turn around and regurgitate it with none of the style

    • 10 months ago

      Well they didn't like it with ROS either. But it is kinda annoying seeing people acting as if the EU would never have done this when it, you know, DID THAT.

      • 10 months ago

        >disney shills
        >didn't like what disney did

        If they can admit the sequel trilogy sucked and was the worst 3 movies of the numbered 9 then they aren't shills, are they?

      • 10 months ago

        The good thing about the EU is that you can pick and choose what you want and it doesn't have much impact on the overall narratives that you prefer. You can ignore shit like Trioculus or the Sun Crusher and it will have no standing effect on something like Dark Forces/Jedi Knight.
        You can't do that with Disney. Everything has to be connected, even if it's pointless.

        • 10 months ago

          >You can't do that with Disney
          why, did they put a chip in your brain that forbids you from ignoring shit?

          • 10 months ago

            Yes, but that's beside the point.

          • 10 months ago

            frick you shill, you know they tied all those awful streaming shows together so the audience feels left out unless they have been keeping up to date with all of them.

            It's low iq engagement metrics farming and it has no place in quality writing circles, thats CW shit and it was poorly done then and its done worse now.

  52. 10 months ago

    To all the corporate shills in this thread:
    Why are you doing this? It is so obvious that this has nothing to do with the Sequels. Is this because the Barbie movie is now seen as a win for the Patriarchy since all the money is going to rich white men?

    It is so obvious when corporate loving libshits lose their minds on this board. They post the same shitty talking points they made for years and they still lose.

    Hey, bring up Fury Road while you are at it. That was a win for feminism right? LOL

    • 10 months ago

      they are literally being paid slave wages. Im talking like 2 cents for posting the right talking point. Its pathetic and when you learn this about them it explains their behavior.

  53. 10 months ago

    Okay, so....
    There's nothing at all evolutionary about it. Making it bigger and slapping a new coat of paint on it is not what the Empire does; its what the Empire does well. There have been far more impressive variants of the Star Destroyer and AT-AT walker line depicted in fiction than those two, bar none. The Eclipse-class star destroyer and the All-Terrain-Mountain-Transports come to mind.

    You don't like or want the nerd answer? So be it. There is a strip of red paint and a penile-protusion cannon on the underside of the Disney star destroyer. The walkers, though interestingly designed, do not look practical. And the reason this is done is that while George is still alive, he gets a %10 cut out of all the merchandise that utilizes the aspects and designs of his films. That's why Threepio had a red arm, that's why the standard TIE fighter has a red strip, that's why the X-WIng is just a bit thinner. This is not the result of something that has progressed and evolved naturally over thirty years nor is it the result of a clandestine military splinter group building and improving upon previous designs; its just lazy and short-sighted suits and clueless overseer's failing to see what made Star Wars popular in the first place and rushing a product out that ought to have had at least a few more years development before being demanded to recoup financial losses for its purchase. That, troony beer, Gillette and all the other antagonistic marketing approaches have never and will never be us, the consumers fault. Your movies suck and everythng you've done with the property turns to shit. Die mad about it.

    • 10 months ago

      What a massive upgrade a six legged AT-AT would have been instead of the oversized gorillas we got.
      You get the bigger and meaner aspect without going completely overboard.

  54. 10 months ago

    This. Post a picture of an F-16 and an F-22 and they look dang near the heckin same

  55. 10 months ago

    OK, let's unpack this.

    It's a quintessential example of naughty dog aesthetics based on neo-boomer hangups over jumpscares through a heteronormative lens taken to a meta-quip fandom climax through the capeshit-tranime canon. The new designs are proto-zoomer basedboy cringe utilizing forced animation and a bone-chilling slowburn to appeal to the neurotypical imdb reddit letterboxd newGODs' desire for artificial difficulty and goyslop YLYL kino. It appeals directly to the neo-chud incel troon numale schizos who enjoy the films of Wes Anderson and suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect, with an NFT mindset straight from the dead Internet theory, with no regard for the cute and funny glowie lurk more racist I hate the anti-christ gatekeeping that would normally put a stop to such toxic appeal to authority manic pixie dream girl woke pilpul. The comparison on display exposes the machine learning artificial intelligence of the gachagay ngmi vtuber who - on a diet of zogchow, mircroplastics, fluoride, fligugigu and deenz - ignored the criticism of the based gemmy Chad Gnostic crabs and "modernized" the designs to the delight of the pre/beg/ nogames ween dyel whale bugmen who don't care about sovl or the hyperborian OSR TNGeezer oldtroon sneedpilled spirit. It is the duty of every Aryan 'teen ralphamale to a-log the problematic strawman midwit manlet cuck who shat this out, and xir/xer pyw GOMAD place 😐 place, Japan :0 servant of the demiurge we wuz kangz NAS coal brimstone grimstone Loomisless design.

    In a word: it's dishonest.

  56. 10 months ago

    >Imperial remnants are stronger than the Apex Empire

    Yeah this is flat out moronic, there is literally no further need to elaborate

  57. 10 months ago

    Those walker things are so moronicly designed they make anime mechas look logical

  58. 10 months ago

    Star Destroyer is fine. Ape-leg AT-ATs are ugly.

    • 10 months ago

      >Star Destroyer is fine
      >That limp little dick
      At least make something out of having a powerful laser

  59. 10 months ago

    The Xyston-class would be fine if it was the same size as the Imperial Star Destroyer, but for some reason it was Bird of Prey enlarged by 50% with no change in the model details for scaling. Pretty much took the Devastator model from Rogue one and gave it red racing stripes and a red superlaser dick cannon, which seems to be a running theme after the Mandator IV Dreadnought from TLJ.

  60. 10 months ago

    have to blow up big planet destroying laser weapon
    have showdown on white planet against 4 legged robots
    have to gather anti bad guy fleet together and defeat the emperor

    Disney gave the OT morons exactly what they wanted yet some of the prequel haters still talk shit about the sequels. why is the question this fricking dog shit was made just for them?

    • 10 months ago

      There's nothing inconsistent or unusual about finding the prequels and sequels both shit. They are both shit.

      • 10 months ago

        Prequels were good. Go and milk Stoklasa's wiener

        • 10 months ago

          They are not.

          did old man Lucas ruin your childhood?

          No. He just made a few shitty movies. It happens.

          • 10 months ago

            >No. He just made a few shitty movies. It happens.
            see if you were a kid in the late 90s you would simply disagree. episode 1 is my favorite star wars cause I saw it when I was a child. this happens cause its a matter of perspective. I hope we understand each other.

            • 10 months ago

              This can't have happened for any kid watching episode 7 though.
              Kids to not hang out at slumber parties rewatching Ep 7,8, or 9 like we did with the others.

              • 10 months ago

                zoomer kids now days are not even interested in star wars they are all into capeshit. can you even name 1 game that's completely based on the sequel trilogy?
                star wars is only being kept alive by boomer and gen z neckbeards that hated the prequels.

            • 10 months ago

              >see if you were a kid in the late 90s you would simply disagree
              But I was. I saw TPM when I was 5 in the theater, and while I skipped AOTC I also saw ROTS in the theater. I saw many bad movies as a child, some of which I loved.

              • 10 months ago

                some kids in the 80s thought the OT star wars films were shit. I was all into star wars episode 1 cause I was a geek and liked the games. there is no correct opinion cause everyone's taste is different.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm just saying childhood fondness doesn't matter. I didn't see the OT until sometime later, and I like the OT and dislike the prequels. I have a mountain of nostalgia for TPM because of how omnipresent it was in 1999, and no nostalgia for the OT whatsoever.

              • 10 months ago

                >childhood fondness doesn't matter.
                yeah lol that's why you never see 40 year old neckbeards throwing pissfits over the newest cashgrab

              • 10 months ago

                Sure, just saying it doesn't always apply in a decisive way. Not every opinion is determined by nostalgia. If it were, I wouldn't recognize the prequels as turds.

      • 10 months ago

        did old man Lucas ruin your childhood?

        • 10 months ago

          Lucas is a pedophile.

  61. 10 months ago

    The problem is that the First Order shouldn't exist. They lose the war, but somehow get stronger? If anything they should have been a fringe group using Empire tech that looked the same as the OT, only more beat up.

    • 10 months ago

      The only thing that might make sense is if they had a completely different MO. If the hierarchy was destroyed and disbanded, the remnant fleet could attract a wealth of recruits for a new galactic charter of some kind. It could then have gotten corrupted somehow, but good luck fabricating a new Sith Lord from scratch in that time frame.
      It could be some obsessed scientist that studies the force and seeks out ancient ruins for some kind of powers or discovers force users and trains them in contrast to the Jedi Academy.
      I came up with that as I wrote it.

      • 10 months ago

        It's called the Shadow Academy and it was already in the EU.

    • 10 months ago

      Nah, first order is stupid as frick. Imperial Remnant is where it's at. There should be multiple warlords out in the galaxy with their own fleets and little feifdoms they control.

      • 10 months ago

        Ultimately it comes down to the globohomosexual agenda, and we can't afford the goyim running off into fantasy anymore. Bridges are collapsing.

  62. 10 months ago

    >dude thank god Disney got rid of the EU it was so bad
    >Kylo Ren worse version of Jacen Solo
    >Rey worse version of Ben Skywalker
    >worse version of New Jedi order
    >worse version of Imperial remnant
    >worse version of new republic
    >worse version of suncrusher
    >worse version of palpatine coming back
    >worse version of boba fett coming back
    >ends with everyone being dead and the galaxy being a depopulated barren lawless shithole

  63. 10 months ago

    FrEe ThE HoRsEs !!!1!

  64. 10 months ago

    35 here and been into Star Wars since I was 5. My thoughts on OT vs PT and the like

    >Fandom strong in 90s being fueled by EU and stuff like shadow of the empire. Still a niche for nerds though
    >Special edition rereleases were very hype. I loved the changes because I was told to by the VHS interviews with Lucas and had no idea they were disliked until years later
    >similar experience to prequels. Thought they were the most amazing thing ever. Everyone at my school thought darth maul was awesome and ambivalent to jar jar
    >first time I realized people weren’t 100% satisfied was episode 2, recall my history teacher saying the love story dialog was dumb even though he liked the movie
    >saw Simpson and South Park parodies mocking prequels for jar jar/too many politics for more exposure
    >saw ep 3 as a return to form and a good movie that fixed the prior one.
    >fandom still strong in the prequel era. Was active in AOL Star Wars message boards and the old Star Wars message boards. Most were content and enjoying the EU/yuuzhan vong books
    >late 2000s everyone started to really hate the prequels and EU in a vicious manner, I don’t blame the RLM reviews more than the general change in American culture in the Obama era but it did help fuel it
    >first emergence of outside political drama in Star Wars around 2012, mostly over an absence of black or gay characters. Forum I was now a mod on slowly rips itself apart and dies in this context

    • 10 months ago

      >at the same time lots of celebrating when Disney bought it and abolished the EU. The few diehard fans who still liked the EU were drowned out. Even I was a fan of JJ and mostly satisfied as I saw the EU as a bloated burden
      >get into Star Wars on Reddit on this time. Very little to no discussion on lore/tech but instead mostly pics of merchandise, nostalgic stories/art, corporate news, meta drama around politics
      >lots of hype coming up before TFA. Still see Star Wars as an “event”. Got my tickets early and everything just like the old days. avoid spoilers on Cinemaphile and Reddit
      >see TFA
      >hates every second of it after the opening crawl doesn’t explain wtf is going on in the galaxy.
      >why is it still empire vs rebels???
      >my confusion over the political state of the galaxy renders me unable to get into anything else in the movie. It being basically a remake of ANH annoys me. Walk out of the film angry.
      >get mass downvoted on Reddit and called a Nazi neckbeard (even tho I’m a israelite) for expressing even mild dissatisfaction
      >still a large amount of the fanbase supporting Disney despite a lot of dissent from diehard fans. Star Wars fandom still exists in spite of it all

    • 10 months ago

      >at the same time lots of celebrating when Disney bought it and abolished the EU. The few diehard fans who still liked the EU were drowned out. Even I was a fan of JJ and mostly satisfied as I saw the EU as a bloated burden
      >get into Star Wars on Reddit on this time. Very little to no discussion on lore/tech but instead mostly pics of merchandise, nostalgic stories/art, corporate news, meta drama around politics
      >lots of hype coming up before TFA. Still see Star Wars as an “event”. Got my tickets early and everything just like the old days. avoid spoilers on Cinemaphile and Reddit
      >see TFA
      >hates every second of it after the opening crawl doesn’t explain wtf is going on in the galaxy.
      >why is it still empire vs rebels???
      >my confusion over the political state of the galaxy renders me unable to get into anything else in the movie. It being basically a remake of ANH annoys me. Walk out of the film angry.
      >get mass downvoted on Reddit and called a Nazi neckbeard (even tho I’m a israelite) for expressing even mild dissatisfaction
      >still a large amount of the fanbase supporting Disney despite a lot of dissent from diehard fans. Star Wars fandom still exists in spite of it all

      >TLJ hits 2 years later
      >fandom implodes and dies almost overnight
      >most disappointing movie I’ve ever seen, don’t need to go into why
      >only ones left on the mainstream fandom are the mods/Disney shills more interested in outside politics and the meta message of the movie than anyone into the setting
      >within about a month of the movies release Star Wars board on Reddit and the generals on Cinemaphile are dead or just overrun with angry political arguments
      >within a year there is a mass apathy, something I’ve never seen before. Most old time fans aren’t even angry after TLJ. They just stop caring. Mass exodus as people move on to other things, leaving only a small amount of Disney shills
      >books, merchandise, video games, lore discussions, cosplaying all shrivel up
      >don’t even bother to see episode 9, but I do notice even the Disney shills start no longer caring after that
      >Star Wars fandom a post apocalyptic barren field by 2019

      • 10 months ago

        A sad tale anon. Unfortunately, mainstream “nerd” culture raped anything nerdy and simultaneously accessible. I shudder to think how badly genuine comic book fans got obliterated this last decade.

        • 10 months ago

          Just as bad as Star Wars, if not worse.

          Frick, look at modern Star Wars comics. It's all just bait, like showing Shaak-Ti and Luminara on the cover of an issue of Luke's run only they're holograms in the actual book or some shit. Not to mention it's all worthless and gets retconned by Filoni every five minutes.

        • 10 months ago

          comic books killed themselves before Yidney got the chance to, Yidney just raped the corpse.

  65. 10 months ago

    creativity bankruptcy

  66. 10 months ago

    Why didn't the alliance just hyperdrive ram the deathstar?

  67. 10 months ago

    >sleek fast destroyer
    >stretched dorito looking space ship
    >simple functional design heavy vehicle that a 6 year old can tell at a glance "big mech shoot gun"
    >bloated eyecancer with unnessecary detail that only the most onions basedjak pays attention to
    >smooth sleek set design that allows for the casual viewer to understand ah yes snow planet very cool
    >dusty over cgi'd mystery meat planet that only the most neckbeard of viewers will recognise zomg gais its Glop Shitto's homeworld!

    they pandered to the manchildren when in reality it was the actual children they should have designed for

  68. 10 months ago


  69. 10 months ago

    Cast her.

    • 10 months ago

      Syndey Sweeny

  70. 10 months ago

    >Looks like natural design evolution to me.
    Then you must be a c**t.

  71. 10 months ago

    There is only one thing I defend with the ST and PT. The work that ILM put into it…except this. As a person who works as a surveyor, this pisses me off.

    • 10 months ago

      Was this planet even near Endor?

      • 10 months ago

        a moon on the other side of the system.

      • 10 months ago

        no, also ewoks on endor can see star ships blowing up on exogol, another planet nowhere near endor

  72. 10 months ago

    I've come to a point in my life where I don't care for any star wars media anymore.

  73. 10 months ago

    >we want the IP
    >but we want to be sure any derivative IP from it is ours.

  74. 10 months ago

    >empire collapse leaving a chaitic mess in the galaxy afterwards
    >expecting "natural design evolution" from derelict parts of such former empire
    You work at disney's writing department right? How is your strike going?

  75. 10 months ago

    I HATE the sloth atats

  76. 10 months ago

    >First/Final Order
    This right here is dishonest. The two are separate organizations with substantially different backgrounds.

  77. 10 months ago

    Not enough Sarah Gadon

  78. 10 months ago

    It's just a rip off of former design.
    They are creatively bankrupt and this is evidence.
    Nice job frickface.

  79. 10 months ago

    its not canon

  80. 10 months ago

    This is the All-Terrain Experimental Transport (AT-XT)
    This is literally the first two legged walker design ever deployed at the beginning of the clone wars in scant few missions. It was noticeably faster to the six-legged AT-TE, but never saw full deployment unlike its derivative, the AT-RT. However, its design would later be reworked and reused and tinkered with throughout the years before the inevitable descendent, the famous AT-ST succeeded it.

    THAT is an example of evolution and natural progression, particularly with wartime vehicles. It was deployed for trial missions, judged for its strengths and weaknesses throughout, retracted off the battlefield for redesigns and years of research and development while favouring its design philosophy with a much smaller craft that could be deployed cheaper and faster despite shielding and active cover for its operators, and was reworked and redeployed as something bigger and better years later.


  81. 10 months ago

    >Starship offer no armor to many vital parts
    >No missiles, no long range weapons
    >Actually use battleships as if they were swarm corvettes

    WSuper slow, super easy to hit WALKING vehicules
    >With close to no weapons
    >When antigrav tech exist

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