
binged everything up to exodus and been looking up threads.

am i doing something wrong or why does /m/ not talk about it

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  1. 10 months ago

    What was the gimmick here? Were they clones or had alien DNA? I can't remember

    • 10 months ago

      alien dna.

      its going for some of the same points as eva did back in the day but the execution wasnt as 2d4u and the cast of characters dwarves that of eva while giving most of them an actual backstory and motivations.

  2. 10 months ago

    I regret binging this series because frankly I forgot everything already. It might be because of all the depressing shit I witnessed which made me subconsciously forget it.

  3. 10 months ago

    binged Fafner a few years ago and periodically rewatch Exodus. Not much to discuss besides how much I enjoyed it.

  4. 10 months ago

    >why does /m/ not talk about it
    People easily get filtered by Hiraiface or S1. And it's already over, aside from Behind the Line which we're still waiting for subs.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, Beyond is after Exodus. 12 episodes that basically concludes the series, though it leaves it open enough that if they really wanted to milk more out of it, they could make a continuation. Behind The Line is an OVA that got released after, but it's essentially just a short SOL spinoff that takes place between H&E and Exodus.

      For the most part, these two reasons. Hirai/S1 are some of the greatest filters I've seen in ani/m/e. Beyond that, the lore and some of the background of Fafner can be a bit difficult to digest (if I had to guess why, the subs are not the best quality but thats just intuition) which stifles discussion.
      Furthermore, to the series credit, its actually decently well executed and put together in terms of the character motivations and actions. If you notice anything on /m/ its that people like to whine and b***h about bad writing - SEED and SEED Destiny being principle among these, but with Fafner there's a smaller audience and a lot less to complain about.

  5. 10 months ago

    I haven't watched the show beyond Exodus.
    I really love the first season. The Movie is good. But Exodus is a bit jarring to me in a way i can't really explain. I really need to rewatch it.
    I heard there's more after Exodus? Is it already finished?

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, Beyond is after Exodus. 12 episodes that basically concludes the series, though it leaves it open enough that if they really wanted to milk more out of it, they could make a continuation. Behind The Line is an OVA that got released after, but it's essentially just a short SOL spinoff that takes place between H&E and Exodus.

  6. 10 months ago

    Ngl those faces make me NOT want to watch any of it.
    Being eva clone doesn't help either

    • 10 months ago

      im sorry dude, you're missing out.

      the execution is better than eva (tho that doesnt really amount to much)

      • 10 months ago

        I'm missing out on what exactly?
        I doubt it has stellar animation, mechs looks boring as frick and the whole "we're totally not evangelion but less artsy" premise wasn't new even back then.
        I mean Hirai can make different faces, like in Scryed or Rivyus, but Fafner? It's straight up Gundam Seed DVD business.

        • 10 months ago

          The animation gets pretty good in Heaven and Earth onwards. The switch to CGI for the mecha was a good one. The fights get very dynamic thanks to Studio Orange doing the CGI.

        • 10 months ago

          >Adults that genuinely seem competent and care about the children they are sending to their deaths
          >Generational story telling that actually includes the whole cast developing and interacting
          >Pretty fun powers/choreography/animation for fights
          >Drama that feels reasonable for all parties involved

          My only real complaint about Fafner is that the power system world explanation is kinda hard to follow at first.

  7. 10 months ago

    RWBY was pretty bad, not sure if I want to invest the time in a mecha from him

  8. 10 months ago

    DA was great in its latter half. The Koyou episode was better than it should have been.

  9. 10 months ago

    He was ROBBED

    • 10 months ago

      He deserved it. Jesus, his whole resume is trash.

    • 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago

    Everyone was talking about it when Exodus was airing, there were tons of threads. Beyond had a couple of threads but it was weird to talk about because it got theatrical releases in Japan. Series is over so not much to talk about anymore.

  11. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Not like that.

  12. 10 months ago

    I am very slowly rewatching Exodus before Beyond, but I think Exodus was easily the best mecha of its decade.

    • 10 months ago

      Even if I vaguely agree, I think Exodus still had a few missteps.
      Not nearly enough explanation or justification behind Dustin's obsession with killing the exodus crew, so they just came off as 1-dimensional villains.
      Altair being the big plot device but not really doing anything until it appears and gets sealed in the very last episode, coincidentally showing up at 3rd Alvis where the final battle is also taking place.
      Every new NUN member being killed off instead of joining the cast. Jonathan at least had his whole puppet thing, but then Ai and Narain just kind of die and nobody cares, and Billy had the biggest chance but dies without getting redeemed.
      A lot of side characters kind of just stop mattering in the latter half. Mimika and Reo are just kind of there after she gets orbed and back. Koyo is back but all he does is spout one-liners and we never actually get a reunion scene with him and his generation. Akira death felt unnecessary.

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