
So I've been noticing this tread where cartoons will have a character who either are the mastermind behind some evil plan or the leaders of some enemy faction. And in all of those shows they redeem said character and shift all the blame to a fallguy whose level of agency might vary from being controlled, not knowing better of being groomed by the main villain.

Any more examples of this? I noticed pic related because they happened relatively close from one another but are there any other shows where they redeem the villain and let their minio be the fallguy?

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  1. 12 months ago

    During the Dark Phoenix saga, I felt like a lot of characters were being absolute shits, yet all the blame fell on Cyclops. The Avengers invaded Krakoa and kidnapped Mercy, but convinced her it was what she wanted to do anyway (even after Thor punched one of her friends), Namor and Emma Frost were mucking up shit behind Scott's back, and Scott was told he was playing god for using his powers to end world hunger.

    Like, no wonder he want mad by the end of it. Why did the Avengers and everyone else forgive Wanda so easily when she went insane, but Scott literally gets compared to Hitler?

    I don't even like Cyclops! It was just really shitty writing!

    • 12 months ago

      They wanted an arc where Cyclops became evil but forgot to make him act evil.

  2. 12 months ago

    Steven Universe has a pretty infamous one though it's not permanent. Gem World is ran by three dictators who've destroyed countless planets and civilizations for their expansion and was going to do the same to Earth but through the magic of singing and No Talk Jutso Steven convinces them to stop being evil.

    But Jasper, a soldier and believer of the Empire, acts an antagonist until the very end pissing salt and vineager before Steven get's enough of her shit and accidentally kills her in the last season.
    Though Jasper in the end comes back to life because of course she does.

  3. 12 months ago

    I would just chalk this up as coded autism. Where characters think in absolutes.

  4. 12 months ago

    I hate what they did to chip damage
    A robot deciding his life isn't valuable and kills himself is your fricking resolution?
    It was completely unnecessary, and came off as really hostile and cruel. The robot didn't do shit, and he's just as "real" as anybody else in your stupid cartoon world.

    • 12 months ago

      He is specially bad because he was literally reprogram against his will and the one responsible gets jack shit of consequences while he has to kill himself. This is a show where the evil villain gets to have a happy ending but the hero has to commit suicide for something he had no control over.

  5. 12 months ago

    I don’t think Chip counts, he’s fully a robot and was never sentient

    • 12 months ago

      >he’s fully a robot and was never sentient

      Anon, this is Ok KO, robots are sentient in that show. He decides to kill himself when they gave him free will.

  6. 12 months ago

    Simon and Jasper are the poster child of these. They were written that way because the writers have clear bias against a type of person and wanted to dump all their insecurities on them.

    • 12 months ago

      How is Jasper a fall guy (girl I guess in this case)?

  7. 12 months ago

    I dislike this type of character as it usually leads to villains who never really gave a shit about their motives as they can just be put under the hood of *insert* issues. Or they introduce/turn another character into a 3rd or 4th quarter villain that’s the “real” big bad that gets little to no development. It feels fricked because they either go with udder bastard or guy who’s only evil because bad thing happened and is actually a really nice guys I swear. And you end up with characters that do a last minute heel turn and end up getting redeemed even though just a few seconds prior they were willing to kill a whole orphanage and the joke about it at brunch.

    • 12 months ago

      Adrias in Amphibia gets a redemption and he was willing to kill kids with a smile in his face no problem, I hated that.

  8. 12 months ago

    First and Last pic characters were fully responsible for their own actions and had enough agency in the matter that blaming others is pretty daft.

    Nobody made Mina or Simon go off the deep end. They did that entirely on their own.

    • 12 months ago

      No. Simon wouldn't have gone mad in the very first place without Grace putting lies in his head. You just proved OP's point lmao

      • 12 months ago

        What lies? The entirety of the very season that follows it literally justifies everything Simon believed, and he was already on route to them even before Grace showed up when the cat left him for dead.

        That all has nothing to do with his edgelord turn either.

      • 12 months ago

        This. Grace was a fricking evil b***h who got away with everything.

    • 12 months ago

      Solaria turned Mina into a racist ultra-conservative, then Solaria wipes her hands because now she has a half-monster granddaughter and looks at Mina with disapproval, even though Solaria never showed regret for the genocide she caused.

    • 12 months ago

      >Nobody made Mina or Simon go off the deep end. They did that entirely on their own.
      Anon, Mina was literally turned into an insane supersoldier by solaria's spell, and yet in the end she gets all the blame while solaria gets to stare at her disappointedly like she's the one who's bad.

    • 12 months ago

      Mina I'd give a bit of slack to as Solaria put a series of magic experimentation stuff on her and her soldiers which according to the book basically turned the target into a Khorne Berserker.

      >B.E.A.R (brute eager attack roar): imbues strength and increases eagerness to attack
      >B.O.A.R (blunt offense arrest retort): Blunts conscience in battle
      >R.A.P.T.O.R (rage agression panic torpor olfactory response): Enhance senses in battle

      Sure she volunteered to join and try this initially, but Solaria was making this shit up and she was subject 1. She had also convinced her to get involved in the beginning.

      It was hilarious just how completely shit Solaria was in just about every sense

      >Screws over Jushtin's plan to make Mewni not shit and instead instigates massive war. Jushtin has to play damage control instead and establish lasting alliances so they dont get btfo
      >Magically experiments on her troops trying to make not space marines but sucks at it and they still cant manage to deal with the monsters
      >Hypocrite c**t who harped on about men being useless but tries to force her daughter to be with the gaygiest guy around
      >Wont even let her daughter see her giga chad sailor dad
      >Despite having a fricking reality warping wand and a legion of perpetually roid raging soldiers under her, she still manages to get herself killed. Now kingdom has to deal with centuries more war that she started
      >Gives her most loyal underling the cold shoulder for doing what she wanted her to do

      At the very least, Eclipsa also gave Solaria a bit of a cold shoulder too. What a terrible b***h

      • 12 months ago

        Almost everything bad happened because of Solaria and everyone (except her) had to pay the bill.

  9. 12 months ago

    Simon had so many opportunities to back down.

  10. 12 months ago

    I miss him Simonbros...

    • 12 months ago

      Wouldn't be a fallguy if you didn't fall for him

      • 12 months ago

        I miss him Simonbros...

        He's perfect aside from being straight. Femanons are lucky.

        • 12 months ago

          He sucks and was simping for a black woman

        • 12 months ago


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