Fallout bros, can you explain to me how killing 99% of the earths population (your consumers) is profitable?

Fallout bros, can you explain to me how killing 99% of the earths population (your consumers) is profitable?

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  1. 1 month ago

    They made it up in volume.

  2. 1 month ago

    its an alliteration joke, Sneed's Feed & Seed, it rhyme's, so if it was Chuck's it would be Chuck's Frick & Suck, since that rhymes with Chuck. Its a writer's hidden joke, you see.

    • 1 month ago

      thanks for clarifying

    • 1 month ago

      That's not alliteration. That rhyming. Alliteration is at the beginning of each word. Lucky Lad's Lottery

  3. 1 month ago

    she is brown, so probably moronic enough to think the paper will be worth a lot after nukes drop

  4. 1 month ago

    >by writing the script ourselves

  5. 1 month ago

    >no one wants to buy spaces in your Fallout shelters, why should we invest in your idea?
    >We could give people a reason to believe they need to buy in
    You're a moron if you think they bombed all of America, their plan was likely to drop a single bomb to create a scare.

    • 1 month ago

      >their plan was likely to drop a single bomb to create a scare
      Any proof, or are you just shitting out your ass onto the keyboard?

      • 1 month ago

        it's what they'll go with in season 2 if they're not moronic. there are ways to save the idiocy of this and the shady sands plot point, even if I no faith of them doing it

        • 1 month ago

          Oh, so it was from your ass

      • 1 month ago

        Considering the bombs drop when her daughter's out, i think it's safe to assume that's what happened more or less, but we'll see in S2.

    • 1 month ago

      If they were struggling to sell spaces in the vault no one would have been in them when the bombs fell. Obviously that wasn't an issue.
      And besides, everyone would have known just one nuke going off would trigger a full on nuclear war. Thinking they could pull off a single nuclear attack without it escalating makes them even stupider than them nuking the world for profit.

      • 1 month ago

        It makes less sense when the nuclear taboo was already broken in their universe with the mid east nuclear war in the 50s.

    • 1 month ago

      No their plan was to keep the political environment tense and escalated so that people keep buying their product; its standard MIC procedure

    • 1 month ago

      >their plan was likely to drop a single bomb to create a scare.
      stop doing the writer's job for them. they are moronic and need to be called out.
      the dialogue could've easily been
      >we'll arrange for a bomb to be dropped on a small city
      >we must assassinate the president to prevent the peace talks from going forward

  6. 1 month ago

    Hollywood writers think capitalism is when their dad wouldn't buy them a pony.

  7. 1 month ago

    >Fallout bros, can you explain to me how killing 99% of the earths population (your consumers) is profitable?
    the same reason israelites leaders today want to have a limited population as well, its easy to have everyone under total control.

    • 1 month ago

      > the same reason israelites leaders today want to have a limited population as well
      Are you moronic?

    • 1 month ago

      Stop thinking of money as the endgoal and instead as a means to the endgoal

    • 1 month ago

      >want limited population
      Are you on crack? What do you think all of the forced immigration into western countries is about? They want more workers that are stupid and disenfranchised, not less. It's exactly what's so preposterous about this plot point in the show - it runs completely opposite to what actual corpos want.

  8. 1 month ago

    What was the original lore regarding the Great War? Wasn't it always ambiguous who launched the first nuke?

    Having the corporations doing it makes zero sense

    • 1 month ago

      China launched first. America retaliated.

      • 1 month ago

        This. I remember finding a hidden bunker with Chinese spys in fo3 and being like ohhh shit

    • 1 month ago

      The original lore was on October 22nd US forces reached the outskirts of Beijing, so it's fairly reasonable to assume it was the chinks who shot first.

      • 1 month ago

        The Fallout lore is clear that both sides were absolute c**ts but the two main reasons China launched were

        >China was losing the conventional war, being driven out of Alaska while Power Armor divisions are successfully pushing towards Beijing
        >China discovers the FEV project which was genuinely like fifty crimes against humanity rolled into one and actually legally justify nuking someone for doing it

        To me the craziest part about the Great War is that the US and China apparently managed to slug it out for over a fricking decade BEFORE anyone started lobbing nukes, both sides taking literal millions of casualties. I don't think that would actually happen IRL, we have genuine fears every time a tank blows up or a plane gets shot down or one guy gets shot at a border checkpoint that it's gonna lead to ICBMs within an hour

        was losing the conventional war, being driven out of Alaska while Power Armor divisions are successfully pushing towards Beijing

        Wait I thought the war ended when US retook Alaska? Which is why the Great War is considered separate from the Sino American War. Why would all the world's nations also launch nukes if its just US and China doing it towards each other?

    • 1 month ago

      China launched first. America retaliated.

      The Fallout lore is clear that both sides were absolute c**ts but the two main reasons China launched were

      >China was losing the conventional war, being driven out of Alaska while Power Armor divisions are successfully pushing towards Beijing
      >China discovers the FEV project which was genuinely like fifty crimes against humanity rolled into one and actually legally justify nuking someone for doing it

      To me the craziest part about the Great War is that the US and China apparently managed to slug it out for over a fricking decade BEFORE anyone started lobbing nukes, both sides taking literal millions of casualties. I don't think that would actually happen IRL, we have genuine fears every time a tank blows up or a plane gets shot down or one guy gets shot at a border checkpoint that it's gonna lead to ICBMs within an hour

      • 1 month ago

        We're almost definitely going to see a naval battle with China before this decade ends where somebody's aircraft carrier gets yeeted and a couple thousand servicemen die

        I wonder if that will be followed by both sides backing off and seething or the earth getting glassed

      • 1 month ago

        >I don't think that would actually happen IRL

        >What is the entirety of the cold war
        >What is Russia vs Ukraine

        Besides, Nukes don't exist, just another fear device for population control.

        • 1 month ago

          >the entirety of the cold war
          virtually never involved Russians and Americans shooting at each other and caused massive clenched buttholes when it did, like the Gary Powers affair
          >Russia vs Ukraine
          virtually never involved Russians and Americans shooting at each other, just America getting to play the c**t who arms the proxy this time like Russia did with the Viet Cong or North Koreans
          >Besides, Nukes don't exist
          Fricking moron

        • 1 month ago

          >Besides, Nukes don't exist, just another fear device for population control.
          posts like these provide a vital service by reminding me that there are genuine morons on this website

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, I'm willing to hear an butthole out about a lot of things but
            >Ukraine did shitty glowBlack person things to provoke Russia
            >Zionists benefitted massively from 9/11
            >Nukes don't exist
            Frick you

      • 1 month ago

        >To me the craziest part about the Great War is that the US and China apparently managed to slug it out for over a fricking decade BEFORE anyone started lobbing nukes
        In Fallout 2 it was only like year maybe less. I believe it was something like 2076 or 2077 the Chinese invaded Alaska but they got their asses handed to them. But the lore has since been changed so that it was now decades of war

        • 1 month ago

          Resource wars started out as trade and proxy wars for decades. Only got hot in the last year and then it got really hot.

        • 1 month ago

          Resource wars started out as trade and proxy wars for decades. Only got hot in the last year and then it got really hot.

          This text is from shortly BEFORE Fallout 1 hit store shelves in 1997

          • 1 month ago

            And this is from Fallout 2

            • 1 month ago

              Fallout 2's canon is dubious at best as it is mostly parody, similar to Evil Dead 2.

              • 1 month ago

                it's still more canon than this garbage show

            • 1 month ago

              Fallout 2's canon is dubious at best as it is mostly parody, similar to Evil Dead 2.

              >Here at home, the winter temperature is a chilly 100-110F with lows reaching a freezing 90F along the coast. Dress warmly today!
              I get that that's supposed to be a joke but it's an absolutely nonsensical one

              • 1 month ago

                I do like the Vice President in that game says all these Dan Quayle quotes, they're almost as bad as Biden, maybe a little worse:
                >The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century.
                >I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change
                >One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'

            • 1 month ago

              >Like some other aspects in the Sierra Army Depot (i.e., the news reports), it needs to be revised into the timeline. Sue me.
              Interplay acknowledged they had discrepancies in the lore, and this was even before Fallout 3 which gave us a clearer timeline.

          • 1 month ago

            >canadian timber provides fuel for US military needs
            What sort of nuclear reactor needs woods to function

          • 1 month ago

            And this is from Fallout 2

            And this is from Fallout 2

            I mean according to that the Chinese invaded Alaska on 10th October 2077 and the world ended on the the 23rd

          • 1 month ago

            >We're running out of oil
            >Start a land war in Canada
            homie what?

            • 1 month ago

              Tar sands

        • 1 month ago

          anon WW3 literally started on the 24 of February of 2022, is just that it hasn't hit the US yet

      • 1 month ago

        They should probably retcon the bit about the US turning the tide of the Alaska war, too. The crucial power armor can be defeated with handgun rounds aimed at center mass, the weapons fielded by the americans were bizarre shit like railway rifles and junk jets firing teddy bears, and pic related is what passes for a tank in the Fallout universe's US army. It's more credible that the US advances were propaganda to conceal the fact that the chinks were pushing their shit all the way through Canada, and the nukes were just a last ditch panic option.

        • 1 month ago

          What the frick is this abomination? I see Fallout 4 qeapon design is still going strong

        • 1 month ago

          that disgusting piece of trash along with every weapon in FO4 are just part of the todd-lore, little manlet just love his rusty junk guns and hobo fashion too much

        • 1 month ago

          I kind of prefer keeping it vague instead. Hint that MABYE the entire Alaska war was just propaganda.

      • 1 month ago

        It's not crazy at all. The last thing you want to do is start a nuclear war because everyone loses. The Cold War went on decades and avoided conventional warfare to avoid nukes, an actual war will go on as long as it needs to avoid nukes. The second you drop a bomb, everyone drops the bomb. Not everyone is a trigger happy moron that will nuke as their first chance.

      • 1 month ago

        this will happen irl and it has, in your life time.

        america invented the atom bomb FIVE YEARS before its enemies who they knew were rapidly developing the same tech developed bombs of their own.

        five years we had the bomb and no one else, along with the knowledge are enemies were racing for the super weapon and would redouble their efforts after the first bombs were dropped thus proving they were actually possible not just theoretically possible

        what nation would not use this golden time to use its new super weapon to make its enemies its subjects if for no other reason than to prevent their inevitable invention of the super weapon and lockign the world in its current apocalyptic stalemate? it flies against everything we know about power.

        the atom bomb is scifi, it never existed. they released oppenheimer and the fallout shows to keep the bomb fresh in your mind but a nuclear explosion hasnt been filmed since the SEVENTIES, reason being if you watch the test footage on mute you will notice Hollywood tricks. modern audiences are too savvy now to fall for the same camera tricks like miniatures and forced perspective. so they use fiction

    • 1 month ago

      The Fallout lore is clear that both sides were absolute c**ts but the two main reasons China launched were

      >China was losing the conventional war, being driven out of Alaska while Power Armor divisions are successfully pushing towards Beijing
      >China discovers the FEV project which was genuinely like fifty crimes against humanity rolled into one and actually legally justify nuking someone for doing it

      To me the craziest part about the Great War is that the US and China apparently managed to slug it out for over a fricking decade BEFORE anyone started lobbing nukes, both sides taking literal millions of casualties. I don't think that would actually happen IRL, we have genuine fears every time a tank blows up or a plane gets shot down or one guy gets shot at a border checkpoint that it's gonna lead to ICBMs within an hour

      Wasn't there old lore that before this even happened Middle East and Europe already nuked the shit out of each other?

      Somehow I doubt people would be so happy go lucky in the beginning of Fallout 4 even the Middle East and Europe already ceased to exist.

      • 1 month ago

        There was a limited nuclear exchange. Tel Aviv did get nuked though

      • 1 month ago

        They really weren't happy-go-lucky; everyone knew that resources were running out, the government was increasingly authoritarian and unaccountable, and there had been a massive plague that turned out to be an accidental FEV release.

        • 1 month ago

          Sure, but neither fallout 4 nor the show imply any of that, or the food riots, were taking place before the shit hits the fan.

          • 1 month ago

            Fallout 4's intro cinematic literally shows people rioting over narration that says
            >Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory.

          • 1 month ago

            Watch the opening cutscene of FO4 again

          • 1 month ago

            You mean there were no breadlines in the intro featuring distracted, terrified rich people keeping a stiff upper lip for a kid's birthday? Never mind that one of those rich people was now reduced to performing at said party do to hard times

    • 1 month ago

      I remember checking in some computer in Fallout 2 that speculates that it was some a.i that dropped the bombs, not china or usa.

    • 1 month ago

      Because that 99% aren't your customers. You're catering to the 1%. It's still kinda dumb, but Fallout's setting in general is at least kinda dumb so sometimes you just gotta pick and choose what goes too far. For me, I just think the show's dialogue was written really stupid. Rather than making such a blunt statement of intention, there should have more nuance as to what they planned. More of stroking public panic rather than a declaration of direct action towards the end of the world. But that doesn't make as much of a dramatic moment as some stupid one-liner. I'd like to think that it was meant metaphorically to describe using their influence to stoke tension on both sides and escalate the conflict, but that's probably giving them too much credit since we know Hank literally bombed a city.

      I think it's often implied to be China, but usually from biased sources so it's still sort of ambiguous. Even in the show, I wouldn't say it's actually confirmed. Even if her statement about their intent to drop the bomb themselves is taken literally, it's safe to assume that Vault-tec probably didn't even have the chance before someone else beat them to the punch. If Vault-tec was the responsible party for triggering everything, I highly doubt Howard's daughter would have been with him at the moment everything went to shit rather than with her mother. Likewise we already know that some of the other influential parties in that meeting were similarly unprepared for that moment.

      • 1 month ago

        >If Vault-tec was the responsible party for triggering everything, I highly doubt Howard's daughter would have been with him at the moment everything went to shit rather than with her mother
        Yeah, ironically everyone complaining that Vault-Tec dropping the bombs is too simple/bad writing is just assuming that Vault-Tec actually pulled it off. The scene was mainly there to show that Goggins' wife and Vault-Tec were "bad guys", not necessarily that they ended up doing it and being responsible for armageddon.

        • 1 month ago

          My assumption is that they wanted to stoke the fire, not necessarily raze the Us to the ground, but then the war broke out for real and things got out of hand.
          It'd explain why her daughter is in the blast zone, and also why they're dropping so many bombs all at once.

        • 1 month ago

          >by dropping teh nukes are ourselves!
          >nah just kidding bro
          Great writing nonetheless

          • 1 month ago

            My assumption is that they wanted to stoke the fire, not necessarily raze the Us to the ground, but then the war broke out for real and things got out of hand.
            It'd explain why her daughter is in the blast zone, and also why they're dropping so many bombs all at once.

    • 1 month ago

      It was generally implied to be China but there was just enough ambiguity it wasn't entirely sure. Either way, I don't think they ever should have revealed it 100%.

      • 1 month ago

        A surprising amount of morons think it was China. Probably due to current real world politics.

        • 1 month ago

          Probably due to the fact that China was in full-scale conventional war with the US and slowly losing

          • 1 month ago

            According to?..

            • 1 month ago

              salty communists warlords nuking the world after seeing american troops on the outskirts of Beijing is more believable than CAPITALISM IS LE EVIL!

              Cope and seethe

              • 1 month ago

                Have you played ANY Fallout game? It was always "capitalism is le evil".

                Much though I want to blame that, I actually think a pretty good case can be made. In Fallout 2 the president of the Enclave flat out claims it's the Chinese. While not a reliable source, it's the clearest statement we ever gotten on who dropped the nuke first and it goes along with the general idea that the USA was seemingly winning the war. To quote the game:
                >Richardson: There was a great war long before we were born. Our gallant soldiers fought from the Yukon to the Yangtze. We were winning, too. And then those damn Reds launched everything they had. We barely got our birds up.

                Like I said, I think not revealing it 100% is the best move. Not just because sometimes mystery is better, but it also kind of doesn't really matter. To quote fallout 2, again:
                >Intro narration: The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones.

                "Vault Tec launched the first nuke" was also going to be the plot of a cancelled Fallout movie, while the series was still held by Interplay. So Bethesda fully embraced this background and ran with it for the rest of the series.

            • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          Much though I want to blame that, I actually think a pretty good case can be made. In Fallout 2 the president of the Enclave flat out claims it's the Chinese. While not a reliable source, it's the clearest statement we ever gotten on who dropped the nuke first and it goes along with the general idea that the USA was seemingly winning the war. To quote the game:
          >Richardson: There was a great war long before we were born. Our gallant soldiers fought from the Yukon to the Yangtze. We were winning, too. And then those damn Reds launched everything they had. We barely got our birds up.

          Like I said, I think not revealing it 100% is the best move. Not just because sometimes mystery is better, but it also kind of doesn't really matter. To quote fallout 2, again:
          >Intro narration: The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones.

  9. 1 month ago

    Step 1:gather powerful leaders
    Step 2:destroy the world
    Step 3:???
    Step 4:PROFIT

  10. 1 month ago

    Can you guys stop making dumb jokes about it and ACTUALLY try to explain how this would make sense?
    After all, you all loved the show and claimed it followed the lore perfectly.

    • 1 month ago

      The shills have already moved on anon, nobody will defend this show anymore because it's actually trash.

    • 1 month ago

      cryo chambers probably should've been mentioned.

      >nuclear war is inevitable
      >this way we get to decide how it goes down
      >your seat of power will be waiting for you when you wake up
      >alongside a population that's been primed to be peaceful and productive and not chinese
      >and with records of the results of all the crazy unethical shit you haven't been able to do in a society of laws

      they touched on resetting a splintered and chaotic world to replace it with a purpose-built one but didn't explain how the execs would personally benefit very well

      • 1 month ago

        cryo chambers are a lazy plot device. they existed but failed to revive people in the originals. Bethesda loves lazy plot devices though so they turned them into experimental tech that fails frequently for the few dozen frozen in F4, into suddenly being perfectly functional and capable of preserving what looks to be hundreds of people in the show because it's required for the plot to make any sense

        • 1 month ago

          It didn’t fail, Kellogg just killed everyone else because he’s an butthole which made even less sense. Why have only one backup?

        • 1 month ago

          We don't know why Vault 111 failed or what it's experiment was.

    • 1 month ago

      >it followed the lore perfectly
      It follows the lore, but clumsily.

      The idea behind the vaults was to be experiments for deep space long travel. The Enclave, and American elite understand that the Earth is fricked, and intend to peace out into outer space to another planet.

      The shitshow starts when Roger Maxson (future founder of Brotherhood of Steel) gets stationed at Mariposa Military Base, where government Super Soldier program is secretly being conducted by West-Tek with Forced Evolutionary Virus. The soldiers find out, go silent and mutiny. Nobody checks on them. On Oct. 20th, the openly declare they are fully seceding. They receive no response. On Oct 23th, in the middle of... "interrogating" von Felden, the bombs drop.

      >I can't believe those bastards finally did it. Damn them all to Hell. They finally let the A-Bombs fly. We were right in the middle of trying to pry the real story out of von Felden when we completely lost contact. I have a feeling the research center was hit hard. I don't know why, just call it a gut feeling. It seems inconceivable that we were not targeted. I'm sure China will make up for that oversight real soon. Luckily, we had moved our families from outside into the facility the day before yesterday. We do not yet know if the fallout has reached this area.

      • 1 month ago

        Honestly, while I kind of despise the brotherhood nowadays, I will always adore Roger Maxon's diary:
        >By killing the egghead, I seem to have confirmed my position as leader of the men. They follow me without question now. The interrogations invariably end up being executions. Shellman held out the longest, but the end result was the same. Her arguments about her orders were a bit too specific to be completely made up. I'm getting a real bad feeling in my gut about how this is all going to end up. I don't even lie to myself anymore about my reasons for executing the scientists.
        >I finally replied to the outside world over our radio. I don't know why they never sent anyone here to see what was happening when we stopped responding to their transmissions. It doesn't make any sense. Well, they'll come now. I declared ourselves seceded from the union. They remember Jefferson Davis. What will history say about me?
        >What the hell is going on? We declare ourselves to be in full desertion from the army and no longer under the Government's command and what happens? Nothing. Something bad is coming down.

    • 1 month ago

      >make money selling the solution to fear
      >take on huge amounts of debt to make this solution
      >fear starts to diminish
      >oh shit either we make the fear continue or we're stuck holding the bag
      Black Lady: How about in exchange for every major company balancing Vault-Tecs books through massive cash injections, you each get thousands of people to treat as chattel?

      • 1 month ago

        Why do you have to make up things that didn't happen in the show to justify it?
        >make money selling the solution to fear
        >take on huge amounts of debt to make this solution
        These never happened.

        Also, nuking the world is not "making the fear continue", it's ending it you moron.

    • 1 month ago

      Did you skip the part when the weapons manufacturer, the biggest robot company and vaults makers, were all on the same corporation?
      Because it's pretty reasonable for anyone above room temperature IQ that "Here, I'm selling you guns for the innevitable war" and "brooo this war is too big. It's over. here's bunkers" come hand in hand

      • 1 month ago

        How could you sell someone guns to fight a war that is already over.

        I would also like to point out that Vault-Tec has NEVER charged people for a place in the vaults, not in the games or the show.

  11. 1 month ago

    The market is cornered

  12. 1 month ago

    Maybe explain how killing the planet through climate change is profitable, too?

    • 1 month ago

      All the largest and most capitalist companies follow climate change regulations and even self-impose climate-related KPIs. So obviously, they don't think killing the planet is profitable.

      • 1 month ago

        >So obviously, they don't think killing the planet is profitable.

        moron. They only follow those regulations because its all about marketing and optics. Following whatever trends are popular is good for marketing and makes them more money. If it didnt make them more money, they would just dump all their waste into a river.

        Midwits see a huge company say they are buying carbon offsets, and planting trees and throw money at them.

        • 1 month ago

          So you’re saying… killing the planet isn’t profitable?
          I accept your concession

      • 1 month ago

        >companies pick easy climate KPIs they can hit so they qualify for the "E" in DEI and investment firms give them free money from goyim cattle that think they're being responsible investors
        >they buy carbon credits as a get-out-of-jail-free card
        >this means they care about the climate
        doesn't matter anyways. in the Fallout universe they've literally ran completely out of oil except for a few reserves that US and China fight over, and yet the climate is perfectly fine.

        • 1 month ago

          Meant to say the "E" in ESG, not DEI. Same idea

        • 1 month ago

          it's about keeping small business out by creating regulations they either can't reasonably qualify for or just another upfront cost getting certified

    • 1 month ago

      One thing is killing it by ignoring certain events, downplay things and make mistakes.
      Another is pushing one big "global genocide" button on purpose while saying "we can totally make some profit from it".
      It is downright moronic on so many level, while also being a childish writing compared from the games, how both the parts ended up destroying themselves, how no matter who started it since the world is screwed now etc...

      One is smart and subtle, the other is preachy and moronic

      • 1 month ago

        Ok, now explain DEI

    • 1 month ago

      >planet gets hot
      >sell AC
      >planet get cold
      >sell heaters

    • 1 month ago

      Because rising sealevels and more frequent natural disasters isn't 'destroying the planet' but just reducing QOL for the global proles that they're always going to be isolated from, anyway? You think Bill Gates is going to get washed away in his coastal village or something? Lol. Get a grip. Making more people poor and disenfranchised is a good thing for every single variety of elite everywhere. More supply of human capital, less demand, less cost.

  13. 1 month ago

    They explain it in the scene. They want a corporate monarchy and a true monopoly. Profit doesn't matter if you own 100% of everything.

    • 1 month ago

      it wasn't about profits, it was about killing off all the worthless humans and then controlling the remaining rich/upperclass citizens with "managers", and guiding humanity from there. did you literally not watch the very scene you posted?

      The plan still makes no sense
      >What about China and the rest of the world? Did they really think nobody at all would survive the nukes?
      >Where would Vault-tec get the nukes in the first place? They didn't have control over the nuclear arsenal. If they just needed one nuke to false flag, how would they project power after the apocalypse?
      >Vault-Tec's plan to rule clashes with the Enclave's plan to rule, yet they are implied to be in cahoots? Enclave wants to restore pre-war America and destroy mutants, yet Vault-Tec purposely mutates people in vault experiments?
      >Why did they wait so long until the war was almost over and China was being invaded? They got caught with their pants down when China launched nukes out of desperation
      >Why did they wait 200 years to emerge from the vaults if they saw society was rebuilding already?
      >Why was this never mentioned in any of the vaults to pre-program its inhabitants? Where is the propaganda about a new world order under Vault-Tec? The propaganda that is in the vaults is about rebuilding America, but that's the Enclave's claim.
      >If the vault experiments weren't meant for "the elite" that would presumably survive and rebuild to rule, why were the experiment subjects allowed to leave? Why not just kill the experiments off once they were done with them?
      >How would the elite rule the world without a workforce to rebuild the infrastructure required to do so?
      >How did Vault-Tec plan to keep order after leaving the vaults? At least in vaults they can control the inhabitants, once outside there is no way they'd think people WOULDN'T go off and try their own thing

      • 1 month ago

        >Did they really think nobody at all would survive the nukes?
        >Where would Vault-tec get the nukes in the first place?
        Literally everyone at the board meeting collectively makes every single thing in the US including the bombs.

        • 1 month ago

          >Literally everyone at the board meeting collectively makes every single thing in the US including the bombs.
          If that's true then why is the entire purpose of Vault 76 in Fallout 76 to go and take control of US Strategic Command's nukes and launch them? Why couldn't Vault-Tec just reserve a few nukes for themselves?

          • 1 month ago

            Because Fallout 76 isn't canon

            • 1 month ago

              And neither is this show.

              • 1 month ago

                You're either wrong or trying to argue about something that you think is non-canon.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't care about Bethesda canon. I just like poking holes in it because it shows how people eat up any of their shit regardless of how bad it is. See: Starfield.

              • 1 month ago

                fantastic. now that you've established that you only exist to ruin things people enjoy because you're a miserable c**t, you have my permission to ACK! yourself.

            • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Vault 76 being canon brushes against 3 to hard. Either Appalachia is nuked to cinders by the 76ers, the rogue enclave AI goes dormant while being on Raven Rocks doorstep or is enforcing a robot zone, and there is a disease of near impossible virulence spread by bats that never brings it's zombie apocalypse elsewhere.

              • 1 month ago

                Same with Fallout NV and the "tunnelers", either they are just a hack plot or everybody is going to get seriously fricked in some future

              • 1 month ago

                Avellone is a pure dumbass for that one.

                >dumbass fricking lizards who don't into daylight are somehow gonna take over the whole Mojave

                yeah ok

              • 1 month ago

                I like the Tunnelers as a idea but it also felt like something that is never going to get followed up.

                Have you played ANY Fallout game? It was always "capitalism is le evil".

                "Vault Tec launched the first nuke" was also going to be the plot of a cancelled Fallout movie, while the series was still held by Interplay. So Bethesda fully embraced this background and ran with it for the rest of the series.

                >It was always "capitalism is le evil".
                To be fair, it's never hinted the Chinese are any better.

                >"Vault Tec launched the first nuke" was also going to be the plot of a cancelled Fallout movie,
                Would you mind telling me where that info is from? Regardless, like nuking the NCR, I think it was a bad idea even if true. Like I said, it's better to never reveal it.

              • 1 month ago

                >An ancient, selfproclaimed Historian approaches our Hero, wanting to know all the details of Vault 13. Turns out the Historian is writing the definitive book on WWIII. Vault 13 is the final chapter -- each vault was populated by uppermiddle class families buying the equivalent of timeshare in the future. Our Hero asks how the war started and is shocked to learn that it wasn’t China or North Korea or India that fired the first strike. The first nuclear bomb was launched by the creator of the vaults, a zealot businessman who wanted to fulfill his own prophecy of world annihilation. That first bomb triggered a panicked chain reaction among other countries, leading to a four hour WWIII.

              • 1 month ago

                >The first nuclear bomb was launched by the creator of the vaults, a zealot businessman who wanted to fulfill his own prophecy of world annihilation
                call it wherever you want it but this is just a lame idea

              • 1 month ago

                Too real.

              • 1 month ago

                i'd want the nuke launches to be entirely down to paranoia.
                china or america gets a false alarm, tensions have been running so high for so long that they immediately retaliate with nukes causing the other side to do the same. basically this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Soviet_nuclear_false_alarm_incident but with the bad outcome

              • 1 month ago

                >The first nuclear bomb was launched by the creator of the vaults, a zealot businessman who wanted to fulfill his own prophecy of world annihilation
                call it wherever you want it but this is just a lame idea

                Eh... I'm torn on this. It's kind of lame though compared to just keeping it a secret.

              • 1 month ago

                I'd prefer the nuking taking place over the threat of Mariposa and FEV completely derailing Enclave's and capitalist elite control of USA into full blown revolution.

              • 1 month ago

                I guess? Though it would make me question why they didn't try to kill John Maxon Asap. Then again, I know the FEV was also made elsewhere and the information was seemingly somewhat out already.

                Either way, it's more interesting than just making one religious nut do it.

              • 1 month ago

                > I know the FEV was also made elsewhere and the information was seemingly somewhat out already.
                Fallout 3 super mutants means that FEV was indeed made in the east coast. or maybe the devs didn't give a frick about the lore and put them in anyways

              • 1 month ago

                I think, and REALLY don't quote me on this one, I believe New Vegas indicated the Big Empty had something to do with the FEV as well.

            • 1 month ago

              why do you think you get to decide canon?

      • 1 month ago

        >but didn't you wrote this show with "Capitalism bad" in min...

      • 1 month ago

        imagine being the type of fricking loser to actually type out all this garbage and expect people to watch it. imagine pretending that fallout isn't just campy sci fi slop that doesn't require this much scrutiny. imagine how bored this dude is. frick.

      • 1 month ago

        >did they think no one would survive
        The only existing nations were USA and China; everywhere else was Mad Max. China didn't have a Vault program.
        >why did they wait
        It wasn't their first plan
        >why did they wait
        The plan failed
        >where is the propaganda
        >how would the elite rule
        >how did VaultTec plan to keep order
        Monopoly on violence and legitimacy through education/indoctrination

      • 1 month ago

        would Vault-tec get the nukes in the first place? They didn't have control over the nuclear arsenal. If they just needed one nuke to false flag, how would they project power after the apocalypse?
        They have people in the military. This isn't that hard, and you should drop it from your list. It just makes you seem like a nitpicker.
        Just focus on your two or three strongest rock solid points and ignore the rest. You won't convince people by bombarding them with all the autistic details.

  14. 1 month ago

    The original plan was to create a generational colony ship that would travel to a distant habitable planet. The trip would take hundreds of years so the purpose of the vaults was to test if the population could come up with a solution to various problems if they arose during the trip as it would be impossible to correct once the ship was in transit. The G.E.C.K was designed primarily to make this distant world habitable.

    They never planned to re-inhabit the post-nuclear wasteland.

    Bethesda apparently never got the memo so they came up with this plot about vault tech doing it on purpose to increase their market share.

    • 1 month ago

      What purpose did the gary vault serve for the ship?

      • 1 month ago

        Pokemon vault

      • 1 month ago

        Test cloning tech.

        Basically if we only have one guy left after some other disaster and we just endlessly clone him could the ship still function.

      • 1 month ago

        Cloning would prevent genetic bottlenecks by preserving genomes in a 'pure' state

      • 1 month ago

        The Gary vault was an expirement that went wrong but it was working on cloning. It wasn't originally all homicidal Garys. They came later.

  15. 1 month ago

    it wasn't about profits, it was about killing off all the worthless humans and then controlling the remaining rich/upperclass citizens with "managers", and guiding humanity from there. did you literally not watch the very scene you posted?

    • 1 month ago

      Oh so the plan of the evil capitalist muguls was to create, in those vaults, societies organized according the principles of utopian socialism... hum... ok

  16. 1 month ago

    It was never about profit. It was about contained experiments on humans. They already had all the money.

  17. 1 month ago

    notice how none of the ceo's of the big companys were israelites

  18. 1 month ago
  19. 1 month ago

    >It's a pretend we didn't understand the scene thread
    Keep it up. We need you autists to keep fallout on the catalog until season 2 hype starts up

  20. 1 month ago

    Delay peace negotiations,sell vaults.
    When bombs fall kill everyone that disagrees with you and start a singular "government"(don't get hung up on the word governmen) awaken from deep sleep and have absolute control.
    You gays think harry Potter is real and israelites control everything except for your posts.
    It's a fricking video game

  21. 1 month ago

    >Fallout bros, can you explain to me how killing 99% of the earths population (your consumers) is profitable?

    Population Control.

    Whether the count is 8 Billion, or 8 Million, or 8 Thousand... as long as the powers that be remain in power they don't care how many people they have to manage, as long as they are the one's managing.

    Also, Numbers of certain profit margins is all relative. Earning a million dollars when the population is at 8 Billion is all well and good. But if the population is 8 Thousand, a 'bottlecap' is worth more than that "pre-war money". The point is to control society, by reducing it's numbers to make it more controllable.

    Also, it's about breeding culture, which is why Vault-Tec ran various unique social experiments in each vault to see which types of society is more beneficial moving forward.

    • 1 month ago

      That's all well and good, but their plan stops at the vaults. There is no plan for after leaving the vaults on how to consolidate that power, no plan on how to deal with survivors or dissidents when the majority of your entire workforce and security force is gone. If you're gonna pull that shit then at least follow through to its logical conclusion.

    • 1 month ago

      More people generate more profit

  22. 1 month ago

    >wipe out all competition
    >charge what you want to survivors
    There are no other choices, profits will be endless.

  23. 1 month ago

    Well you see, if there is a free market you can have about 70% of the market share, but if you kill EVERYONE who isn't in your vault or sponsored by your vault then you automatically have 100% market share! Haha! Then you just have to make sure your company maintains that. How do you make sure no competitors arise in the next few hundred years? Just nuke 'em again!

  24. 1 month ago

    Capitalism bad

  25. 1 month ago

    vault tec became a retarted bootleg umbrella so its "Capitalism bad", while amazon makes money off exploiting employees

  26. 1 month ago



    Pinkos still seething over being outed in the 50s as the power hungry traitorous scum they really are.

    • 1 month ago

      This show was realized by communists or at least by people who thought that communism is cool in theory and these kind of people sincerely believe that corporate bosses are all sadistic sociopaths who torture, kill and hurt workers just because they can. Hence the biased image they get in the show.

      I'm going to teach a media literacy course to improve discourse on Cinemaphile. Would you to like to sign up?

    • 1 month ago

      This show was realized by communists or at least by people who thought that communism is cool in theory and these kind of people sincerely believe that corporate bosses are all sadistic sociopaths who torture, kill and hurt workers just because they can. Hence the biased image they get in the show.

      Fallout was always anti-capitalist but at the start it was anti-communist too because nobody ever pretended that 2077 China weren't greedy murderous evil motherfrickers even if America was as well

  27. 1 month ago

    This show was realized by communists or at least by people who thought that communism is cool in theory and these kind of people sincerely believe that corporate bosses are all sadistic sociopaths who torture, kill and hurt workers just because they can. Hence the biased image they get in the show.

  28. 1 month ago

    money is relative
    it's about ruling over the plebs like always

    • 1 month ago

      Plebs wouldn't get it.
      Also fallout is dumb.

  29. 1 month ago

    The minimum wage went up too much and the corporations were angry. Also the people supported a ceasefire in Gaza which the corporations didn't want.

  30. 1 month ago

    >Nukes never drop anywhere even by unstable countries AGAIN after the 1950s. Not even any footage of so called "nuclear" tests
    >US doesn't test its multi million dollar bombs to see if they even work
    >No other country does as well
    >Same era as the "moon landing"


    Face it, it was glowie season and you got duped. Employ some critical thinking for once.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      what exactly is your explanation for what happened to nagasaki and hiroshima? you're a schizo

  31. 1 month ago

    Ask /misc/ that thinks vaccines are meant to kill the consumers of the companies that manufacture them, but leave the opposing right wingers alive.

    • 1 month ago

      why do anonymous internet boards live rent free inside of you trannies heads

      • 1 month ago

        >immediately mentions trannies
        Hey there /misc/

  32. 1 month ago

    This thread convinced me that videogame fans are on the same level that capeshitters and horror movie fans, they are all complete morons what will gladly swallow any goyslop and ask for more

    • 1 month ago

      I've known Fallout fans were soiboys since this video dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGqZL-2qDeE
      You're a little late.

  33. 1 month ago

    But we've already explained it a bunch of times OP. Just go on archive and search for the term "you fricking moron" and I'm sure you'll find a lot of posts explaining exactly why it works.

    • 1 month ago

      you fricking moron

      • 1 month ago

        no don't type it here anon! on the archive!

  34. 1 month ago

    It literally does not matter who dropped the bomb 200 fricking years ago.

    • 1 month ago

      It sort of does now that fricking everybody who was involved with and responsible for the actual event is just walkin' around 200 years later

      Which is again a weird and unnecessary stretch since in Fallout 1 the only people who were alive to see the nukes fly ("only" 84 years earlier) are this psycho and the Master, and neither of them have much insight into what happened and might have been kids at the time

  35. 1 month ago

    no but mr house agrees so it must be true

  36. 1 month ago

    didn't you listen, dude? she outright says when everyone else is dead you'll have a true monopoly. now stop thinking

  37. 1 month ago

    One (the show or the game) isn't canon, take your pick

  38. 1 month ago

    She just needed a Snickers

  39. 1 month ago

    No think just consume

  40. 1 month ago

    Because of they said china did it in the show, all things amazon would be great firewalled and the CCP would piss and moan.

    • 1 month ago

      Finally somebody with an actual brain

      Making china the bad guy is now big NO NO in movies/videogames, nobody wants to lose a billion potential customers

    • 1 month ago

      Finally somebody with an actual brain

      Making china the bad guy is now big NO NO in movies/videogames, nobody wants to lose a billion potential customers

      Uh-huh. So what stopped them from saying so in 1997/8?

      • 1 month ago

        china's economy wasn't the same in 1997/8

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah, it was much much smaller, with not as many customers. So what's wrong? Still scared?

      • 1 month ago

        The frick kind of gotcha was this supposed to be?

        • 1 month ago

          The straight forward kind. "They don't want to piss off China" is very, very recent.

          • 1 month ago

            I think we may be misunderstanding you. Can you reiterate your point?

      • 1 month ago

        Lmao are you serious? Take 5 seconds to look up china's share of the world entertainment market in 1997-1998, you actual plebian moron.

        • 1 month ago

          >In our 1997 survey, just 2% of Chinese homes had a computer
          How big do you think PC vidya were in 1997?

          • 1 month ago

            Oh okay so you're just shitting on the floor and screeching and not trying to make any point at all.
            >Anon 1: making China the villain now would cause problems for Amazon
            >(You): pffft but why was it okay to say in the 90s when nobody gave a frick what China had to say?
            Are you going to wonder aloud why roman centurions aren't arresting people for badmouthing Augustus in 2024?

            • 1 month ago

              You're an imbecile. They had two games to blame China, and the one time they said "China did it" is from the lips of an butthole that intends to cleanse the planet with altered F.E.V., who clearly doesn't know everything or how deep the Vault Tec shit goes.

  41. 1 month ago

    Regardless of what you think of the series, the intro, as the hook, was very kino.

  42. 1 month ago

    You don't have to pay back your loans

  43. 1 month ago

    >99% of the earths population
    ask the cartels.

  44. 1 month ago

    They can't give the antagonists a somewhat reasonable motivation as that would confuse the tiny brains of their NPC audience, who need to know that the Good Guys won and the Bad Guys lost. Willingness to murder millions of people for a little extra cash or other tiny benefit notifies the audience that this is a Bad character who they should want to see maimed or killed.

    • 1 month ago

      I just hope he's a obvious fake out antagonist and the real guy is given some degree of nuance.

      • 1 month ago

        It's gonna be even more moronic than any of us can predict.

        • 1 month ago

          Peak hackery would be it being the Master or the Enclave again.

      • 1 month ago

        You've gotten a lot farther than you should've, but then, you haven't met Frank Horrigan, either. Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die.

  45. 1 month ago

    Where's the finale? Why stop with such heavy handed season 2 bait? I was hoping for an entirely new cast of characters and story. These people are wrapped up for the most part.

  46. 1 month ago

    wasn't the world economy fricked anyway? perhaps a 'great reset' of sorts made sense, since you can't sell shit to poorgays in a world with no resources

  47. 1 month ago

    I’m just glad it wasn’t muh straight white man who was the genocidal psychopath for a change.

    • 1 month ago

      The straight white man was too busy being a massive simp, and accidentally killing his boo.

  48. 1 month ago

    >pre-war black woman runs one of the largest companies
    I can't take it seriously enough to care.

    • 1 month ago

      It's 2077.

      • 1 month ago

        With a 1950s culture and style.

        • 1 month ago

          I think a century is enough time for men and women of all colours to unite in hating communism.

          • 1 month ago

            99 percent of the people in the pre-war billboards, ads and posters are white in the games.

    • 1 month ago

      She doesn't run it.

  49. 1 month ago

    The only content in a golem's mind is what a rabbi scrawled there. israelites have raised generations after the coup against Kennedy to believe communism good free market bad. That's the extent of the propagandists writing this drivel's thought process.

    It's non-canon which makes a good case for nuking Hollywood. In Fallout, the cause of the war is unknown. In Mothership Zeta, it's aliens but that doesn't count.

  50. 1 month ago

    >west coast brotherhood established as dwindling and weak in NV
    >one nukerino later, suddenly the NCR has dwindled into one city, while the BoS is somehow numerous and overpowering
    did whoever tf wrote this even skim the wiki?

    • 1 month ago

      Considering they included House, and even joked about Sinclair's casino, it seems they are aware of NV. Just taking it in a different direction.

      • 1 month ago

        homie i know they're aware of it, but how tf is the brotherhood so strong in the west coast? they didn't explain that at all, also wtf is a cleric?

    • 1 month ago

      israelites are too up their own ass to even try making anything good. They think it's a privilege just to have a tv show or movie made out of your ip. After whites kill them tv shows and movies will be Art again.

  51. 1 month ago

    Smooth brain question. I’ll explain it, but you still won’t get it.
    When you start your life as an adult you want to make money, if you succeed you want more, and even more of it. Eventually you will have more than you can spend, so what do you want after that? What does all this money afford you? Power, you wish to control the world around you. Bending social issues, or laws in your favor, excluding or including those you deem worthy. But there are other people, wealthy people that you bid against, so then you’d need even more money, and more power. You can battle it out with other people, and corporations for absolute control endlessly. Or, you can destroy all of those that have power, anyone with influence, any other factions with their own freedoms or ideas, anyone that opposes you, or may someday oppose you. That’s what they did, they are still killing off the people on the surface. Letting them use up every resource they have up there, letting them gather and destroy every piece of advanced tech. They are playing a war of attrition with the surface. They have all the time they want to do this, to wait for it to be over. Then they begin the world over, in their image, united as one. Everyone doing as their told, no factions, no other powers, just them. It’s the way people with power play god when they have too much power, and no morals. It has happened with leaders over and over in history. Evil fricks that will kill and torture anyone they want, to conquer the world. Except this is that, but taken to the next step. In the way that the stick, is replaced by the stick with a point, is replaced by the stick with a point that can be fired, is replaced by etc. The cycle of terrible people with power has met it’s climax. Tribes, lands, countries, unions, corporations. It really wasn’t a difficult concept, and was spoon fed to you by the simple show. I feel sorry for you anon, you are too lazy, or unable to use your limited brain.

  52. 1 month ago

    I only played Fallout 1 and 2 almost two decades ago. What happened to Europe in this alternate universe? Did they get bombed too?

  53. 1 month ago

    Capitalism bad, anon.
    So capitalism bad.
    You see, the showrunners understand that capitalism bad, so they write capitalism bad.
    Because capitalism bad.
    Unfortunately they don't understand WHY they dislike capitalism, so we get moronic shit like this

  54. 1 month ago

    It's not that deep. The showrunners clearly watched a few Resident Evil movies and were like, "That's a neat idea."

    • 1 month ago

      that's much more intelligent than what we get in Fallout The Series. Paul WS Anderson is goated

      • 1 month ago

        I think that because it's heavily inspired by 70s sci-fi. Michael Crichton books. Andromeda Strain, that sorta thing. The Fallout show isn't badly written exactly, but it has a much more popcorn approach to the philosophical and political side of things. The Fallout show doesn't really care to explain why Vault-Tec want to do this or the options they might have exhausted because the appeal is the mystery box. The appeal is not even knowing if Vault-Tec dropped the bombs. It's all very "lore" oriented.

        • 1 month ago

          >popcorn approach
          yes, this is true.
          it's important to remember what tone the show is going for when reviewing it.
          this is why I have no problem with the vault rec plan, but I am incredibly bothered by the vault 32 plot hole

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