Fallout games

Has anyone played Fallout games? Are they as good as TV show? I can't wait for season 2 so I'm thinking about getting them while it's on sale, I've never played FPS game though.

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  1. 2 months ago

    >Are they as good as TV show?
    are you serious, they're miles better than the television series

    • 2 months ago

      Which one?

      • 2 months ago

        1, 2, 3, 4, NV

        all of them

        • 2 months ago

          the show is unironically better than 4

    • 2 months ago

      The only good thing about the fallout games is reading all the computers and learning about the frickery. The games themselves are buggy shit.

      • 2 months ago

        I should state that I mean the Bethesda ones. The original isometric ones were great. New Vegas is also great.

    • 2 months ago

      4 isn't

    • 2 months ago

      >they're miles better than the television
      1 and 2 are. 3, NV, 4, and 76 are pretty shit.

      • 2 months ago

        1 and 2 have probably the worst turn based combat I've ever experienced in a video game

    • 2 months ago

      this is a shill thread moron
      also Wrong board

    • 2 months ago

      Growing up in the 90s 1 and 2 are great 3 is the best and NV is shit because they use all the assets from 3.

  2. 2 months ago

    troony games

    • 2 months ago

      Okay I know this might surprise you but the ghouls aren’t trannies, just mutated humans

    • 2 months ago

      Bomb America

      • 2 months ago

        They did that, that's the point of the game

    • 2 months ago

      Is the game still playable for non-trannies?

    • 2 months ago

      Tactics > Fallout > Fallout 3 > Fallout: New Vegas > Fallout Shelter > Fallout 4 > Fallout 2

      Why are you constantly propagating transexual content on Cinemaphile?

      >1 is kinda fun in a nostalgic way
      >2 is similar to 1
      >3 is kinda poor w/ writing, but the world is still fun for the most part, is the first true 3D FPS entry so a lot of faults can be forgiven
      >NV has similar writing to 1 and 2, with the pros of the 3D FPS gameplay, honestly my favorite
      >4 is a more graphically polished version of 3 for the most part, a bit underwhelming, more of a sandbox than a real game for most players
      >76 is a grindy pseudo-MMO, kinda dogshit
      dunno about tactics or brotherhood of steel, never played em

      Mechanically Fallout 2 is superior to Fallout, but the story is absolute trash and the majority of characters are horrible, and the entire flow of the story is much worse than the original game.

      Fallout 4 is such a theme park ride compared to 3 and nv. They really dumbed down or straight up removed a lot of the rpg and survival elements of the other games.
      >no more weapon and armor degradation
      >no choices you make really impact the story that much
      >soooo many non killable npcs
      The weapon crafting was a good addition but honestly the weapon modding in new vegas was enough for simple role playing reasons as a random moron would not have the knowledge of swapping out weapon parts but to just add a scope or suppressor or larger magazines yeah sure

      Worst thing about Fallout 4 is similar to Skyrim: you're completely railroaded into factions and quests in unavoidible encounters and quest automatic start triggers. Best mod I ever made for FO4 alleviates some of it; I removed the Freedom Trial quest start trigger from the conversation outside Valentine Detective Agency, and while I couldn't figure out how to stop the automatic quest start for the Brotherhood of Steel quest, I was able to reduce the ridiculous range of the BoS radio distress call so it's much easier to avoid in the early game (vanilla that radio station can even reach parts of the Corvega Manufacturing plant, which is often the first Minuteman quest target (which is also ridiculous).
      Considering most Skyrim mods were made to AVOID that railroading bullshit, can't believe how rampant they put it into FO4.

      Better gameplay easily. Let's see
      >better questing
      >better character interactions
      >better skill checks
      >better overall character building
      Easily outpaces fallout 4 as well.

      Dialogue checks in NV are atrocious, because it never fixed the issue from FO3 of the skill systems being incremental but with absolute threshold evaluations. The classic games were incremental skills but with more incremental evaluations with more things under the hood effecting outcome, like SPECIAL and even RNG. FO3's dialogue checks are better than FONVs, which are even made worse by Obsidian's moronic idea to put the metadata in the dialogue itself.

      FO1, FO2 and FO New Vegas are the only good ones. Fallout 3 is okay but the story is basically just fallout 1 and 2's story slapped together. Fix the water purifier/Get the water chip and defeat the enclave(again, and on the east coast somehow)
      I would say fallout 3 is bad, but the tenpenny missions are truly amazing. Nuke a town of backward degenerates, exterminate the ghouls. Todd howard even gives us a cautionary tale of wisdom in case you actually convince tenpenny to let the ghouls move in and mix with the human population, they end up going full racewar killing all the original tenants.
      Powerful stuff, really makes you think, what was Todd tryna tell us here?

      >FO1, FO2 and FO New Vegas are the only good ones
      When posters immediately equate NV to 1&2, you know they are talking out their ass and don't understand either the classics or the 3d Fallout games.

      • 2 months ago

        >Has fallout 2 last
        Lmao, got filtered by the temple of trials and ragequit

        • 2 months ago

          Highwayman is great and the general party structure and management is good, but the story is absolute trash and the majority of characters are atrocious. It also retcons the shit of the original game. Fallout 2 is grossly overrated.
          Also my FO2 meme OC is better than your derivative cookie-cutter shit.

          You know just because you have a question doesn't mean you need to take the quest. The first railroad quest gives you a sweet pistol but you can fully avoid them until at least the courser chip mission. And you can definitely avoid BOS I did until I played survival and needed the vertibird grenades.

          Yeah but I don't need quests shitting up my journal that I haven't even commited to; just walking past something shouldn't begin a quest. Only thing worse than those are those random radiant quests from picking up a note on a random dead body that tells you to go to Nuka-World or Fah Hahbah at level 6 or else deal with an infinately persistant body and undroppable note in your inventory. Bethesda is shit about that and again since it was disliked in Skyrim I'm disappointed they went so hog-heavy in it for FO4. Probably worse in Starfield, why I've never bothered with it (I'm sick of having to mod games to get enjoyment out of them).

          • 2 months ago

            >majority of characters are atrocious
            I beg to differ, all the memorable characters are in fallout 2, only memorable ones from fallout 1 is the master and tandi, and tandi only because shes so fricking annoying.


          • 2 months ago

            >my FO2 meme OC is better than your derivative cookie-cutter shit
            But "your" FO2 meme is a derivative of a tumblr fanart with a brown troony OC. How embarrassing. FO2 haters are truly low IQ.

      • 2 months ago

        You know just because you have a question doesn't mean you need to take the quest. The first railroad quest gives you a sweet pistol but you can fully avoid them until at least the courser chip mission. And you can definitely avoid BOS I did until I played survival and needed the vertibird grenades.

      • 2 months ago

        >FO3's dialogue checks are better than FONVs, which are even made worse by Obsidian's moronic idea to put the metadata in the dialogue itself.
        I'm surprised at how rarely I see this opinion despite it being obviously correct

        • 2 months ago

          Because since nowadays you have to be vehemently on one "team" and can't discuss any positive aspects about the "opposing team", you can't say things outside of what is popular for a given place and people just fall into their dipshit roles and assume everything at the surface level according to these illusory divisions. I do remember when Cinemaphile didn't have console war nonsense and you could discuss things more objectively, but it hasn't been the case for nearly 20 years now.

          >my FO2 meme OC is better than your derivative cookie-cutter shit
          But "your" FO2 meme is a derivative of a tumblr fanart with a brown troony OC. How embarrassing. FO2 haters are truly low IQ.

          Yes but if you weren't a homosexual you'd see I improved on it, and also made an in-joke regarding the actual game. The Chosen One is not a Black, and his Porn Star name in New Reno is Ron Jeremy, hence imposing pictures of Ron Jeremy as the Chosen One (both making him more color-correct for the character in the art, and an in-joke about the character's name).

          • 2 months ago

            >Because since nowadays you have to be vehemently on one "team" and can't discuss any positive aspects about the "opposing team"
            Kek, gaming forums have ALWAYS been this way, whiny b***h.

            • 2 months ago

              I was on Cinemaphile before 8.8, and no it wasn't.

    • 2 months ago

      ???is her bf invisible? how do you get your throat fricked with nobody in front of you?

  3. 2 months ago

    Fallout 4 is the only good one.

    • 2 months ago

      Fallout 4 is the worst part, I'd rather play Brotherhood if Steel for the rest of my life than listen to a single word from fricking Preston.

      • 2 months ago

        You know, you can play the entire game without ever seeing Preston if you want.

      • 2 months ago

        Fallout 4 is fine as long as you play it in survival mode.
        Although if you're a pussy, you can install a mod which re-enables quick-saving.

    • 2 months ago

      Mr. Howard, why are you lurking on an irrelevant image board? Shouldn't you be making Skyrim for a Casio watch?

    • 2 months ago

      Bethesda hates new Vegas because it proved that Bethesda is fricking trash and has no excuse for their games being so lazy and bad.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm nostalgic for spending hundreds of hours on it in middle school, getting heads hots with the hunting rifle in slow mo was so great

  4. 2 months ago

    1 and 2 are pure tedious autism and the only people who say they are fun are people who have not played them

    3 is ok
    new vegas is good
    4 is ok

    • 2 months ago

      >1 and 2 are pure tedious autism and the only people who say they are fun are people who have not played them
      pay no attention to this moron

    • 2 months ago

      How can you have this opinion? I played the originals in late 00s and i found them one of the most captivating games i have ever played.

      • 2 months ago

        Because you were living in the 00's, there simply weren't better games (well there were, but you were probably too poor to buy them).

      • 2 months ago

        It's because they made shity builds. For your first playthrough make a combat focused meta build and then experiment with non combat playstyles for later playthroughs.

      • 2 months ago

        First person games are better at engaging people who lack imagination or the ability to think in abstracts.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah frick troonypunk 2077

    • 2 months ago

      This is the unfortunate truth.
      When you pick 3 nv and 4 try to focus on playstyles that provide dignity to the human not bugman ones

    • 2 months ago

      Deadass. Only cringe ass boomers mfs like this old af games fr no cap

    • 2 months ago

      only good post itt

    • 2 months ago

      How low iq are you?
      Very low

    • 2 months ago

      have a nice day homosexual. I have played 1,2,3,NV, tried but dropped 4 and never touched 76
      1 is hands down the best game from the series. 2 is okay, 3 is meh, NV is good and 4 is atrocious.
      Its not our problem if you have ADHD and you cant play the old ones

  5. 2 months ago

    indian post

    • 2 months ago

      >indian post
      Just chillin

      • 2 months ago

        The Currier know she a 10

        • 2 months ago

          I'd like to curry 'er favor if ya catch my drift...

          • 2 months ago

            >indian post
            Just chillin


            • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                need me a cute brown girl to chill with in my vault

              • 2 months ago

                You know The Currier milks them Brahmins (the males have 4 testicles btw)

              • 2 months ago

                jej gotta get those apocalypse gains bro (more tumors)

      • 2 months ago

        Nah just kidding she's pretty.

  6. 2 months ago

    They are popular because there were (past tense) more mods out for them than the rest of all games put together.
    Unfortunately Todd and his big brain just put out a new update that broke every mod in existence, so no, now they are not worth playing.

  7. 2 months ago

    Fallout 3 is decent if you just ignore the quests and just explore the wasteland, new vegas has a decent story and the dlcs are good, fallout 4 is ok if you just ignore all the quests and explore it and some of the dlc is cool but some of it is also extremely shit

    • 2 months ago

      >new vegas has a decent story and the dlcs are good
      New Vegas was the pinnacle of paying for a game 5 times. The DLC is necessary for it to even be a game.

      • 2 months ago

        I only payed for it once because I'm a zoomer who didn’t buy it until 2016.

        Sucks to suck millennialbro but you’re used to sucking on things because your entire generation is homosexual.

        • 2 months ago

          >that image
          Yup you're a Pajeet alright

          • 2 months ago

            It’s good that the amount of whites in america drops below 50% next year. Hopefully it means that there will be less of you online because your houses are burned down.

  8. 2 months ago

    Fallout 4 is very good narratively. You also can play 3rd person and there is a mode called VATS where you can freeze time and target individual limbs so if your not good at shooting you can use that. The side quests are fun like helping robots turn the 'old ironsides' colonial navelship into a floating ship. The dlcs are also very good. You also get to build settlements if you want so you can recreate a place like philly from the show.

    • 2 months ago

      >. You also can play 3rd person and there is a mode called VATS where you can freeze time and target individual limbs so if your not good at shooting you can use that
      All fallout games does this

  9. 2 months ago

    NV>Far Harbour>3>4>2>1

    I know 1&2 are objectively better but who the frick wants to play point and clickers

    • 2 months ago

      point and click is fine
      its that the games are pure shit with the dumbest most brainless gameplay
      x-com did turn based combat fine 5 years before FO1
      classic FO games are just pure shit

    • 2 months ago

      >was super excited for Maine
      >stopped playing 4 like a month in, never went back
      Is it worth going back just for the dlc? I hated 4.

      • 2 months ago

        Depends on what you're looking for.
        Far Harbor actually seems like they wanted to deliver a better RPG experience because of how hard FO4 got panned for its departure from NV. The questlines definitely felt more like NV with real skill checks and choices in dialogue. The atmosphere is also pretty cool and unique. It's been ages since I played it, but I remember it feeling very different from the base game.

        I'd give it a try if you're bored and feeling like a new FO experience.

    • 2 months ago

      NV is one of the most boring pieces of shit ever and only contrarians praise it.

      • 2 months ago

        >t. ipad baby

      • 2 months ago

        nah its all around better than 3, NV had better perks, stats, followers, quests, more locations, more options in the story to follow numerous factions, better shooting, more weapons, and 4 is wayy too stripped down to be good

    • 2 months ago


      my eceleb didn't even react to fallout 1+2 after i asked him for some quick reacts on stream he just took my money and said "thank you thank you thank you sorry bro i don't know those games damn they're old"

      • 2 months ago

        >my eceleb didn't even react to fallout 1+2
        Mein Gott!

  10. 2 months ago

    I've played
    >Fallout Tactics (a LOT)
    >Fallout 4
    All games when they were released.
    If you liked the tv series simply grab a Fallout 4 GOTY edition and have fun playing. Next gen patch will be released April 24 if i remember correctly.

  11. 2 months ago

    If you want the best RPG experience play New Vegas, if you're only interested in gameplay and exploration then play Fallout 4

  12. 2 months ago

    I haven't watched the show yet. I've played New Vegas and 4 and enjoyed both. A lot of people hate on 4 but I really liked it aside from the main quest being kinda moronic. There's a lot more to do in the game than just that.

  13. 2 months ago


  14. 2 months ago

    I haven't played Fallout 4 since release, gonna give it another go when the next gen update rolls out. I'm mostly interested in playing the DLCs which I never played

    • 2 months ago

      The only interesting one is the nuka world one

  15. 2 months ago

    All except 76
    The first two are pure kino, new vegas is decent

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        Not everyone is a zoom zoom or a pajeet anon

  16. 2 months ago

    >1 is kinda fun in a nostalgic way
    >2 is similar to 1
    >3 is kinda poor w/ writing, but the world is still fun for the most part, is the first true 3D FPS entry so a lot of faults can be forgiven
    >NV has similar writing to 1 and 2, with the pros of the 3D FPS gameplay, honestly my favorite
    >4 is a more graphically polished version of 3 for the most part, a bit underwhelming, more of a sandbox than a real game for most players
    >76 is a grindy pseudo-MMO, kinda dogshit
    dunno about tactics or brotherhood of steel, never played em

    • 2 months ago

      a level headed take on the fallout series?
      this isn't the Cinemaphile i know.
      one correction though, F1-2 due to the table top gameplay mechanics are nearly unplayable to anyone who didn't grow up with them.
      objectively a shit style of gameplay anyways, we're better off without it.

      • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      Fallout 4 is such a theme park ride compared to 3 and nv. They really dumbed down or straight up removed a lot of the rpg and survival elements of the other games.
      >no more weapon and armor degradation
      >no choices you make really impact the story that much
      >soooo many non killable npcs
      The weapon crafting was a good addition but honestly the weapon modding in new vegas was enough for simple role playing reasons as a random moron would not have the knowledge of swapping out weapon parts but to just add a scope or suppressor or larger magazines yeah sure

      • 2 months ago

        There is no other way to resolve quests in 4 outside of
        >combat, but maybe later
        It's ridiculously low brow and garbage. It could pass off as a joke fan game if it weren't developed and released by Bethesda.

        • 2 months ago

          I think I followed the main quest line until I reached diamond city and then I couldn’t be assed anymore so I tried some side quests and they sucked so I just started running around and exploring and I think I reached level 280 or something before getting bored and never playing it again.

      • 2 months ago

        >no more weapon and armor degradation
        honestly? kinda nice. To me, this was more annoying than immersive. Having my weapon jamming or my armor breaking mid fight pissed me off to no end since i easily forget to do it

        • 2 months ago

          Then the tv show should be perfect for you mr brainlet.

      • 2 months ago

        Sorry to defend FO4 but power armor does degrade and break and must be repaired. You're correct about no gun degradation or repair. But someone should post the image of FO4 dialogue options.
        >yes (sarcastic)
        >no (yes)
        > more info

        Or something.

        • 2 months ago

          I didn’t use power armor apart from the beginning cuck fight against the totally random deathclaw my dude because I'm a stealth archer main but there aren’t bows in the game so I used a suppressed hunting rifle instead .

          • 2 months ago

            I am stealth and suppressor build too. FO4 is such a joke that power armor doesn't negatively impact stealth at all.

      • 2 months ago

        Yes, it was a trash rpg, but the entire game wasn't entirely bad. Playing from day 1 with hardcore mode was fun, just wandering around exploring the map and finding shit was fun, gun play was less clunky than the other games.

        • 2 months ago

          It's fun with mods. I had a really bloated version going that was fun to waste a couple hours in every other day. The only reason I don't play anymore is because I switched PCs a few years ago and it would take hours to set it all up again.
          The vanilla settlement system is lame, but, again, with mods you can put up some nice looking bases.

          I believe NV is the superior game with more merit overall, but I've played FO4 much more because it's the kind of game you can play for a long time without engaging in the quests and progressing towards the ending.

          • 2 months ago

            >with mods you can put up some nice looking bases
            Finally I can be based

    • 2 months ago

      filtered by the crashing and play doh graphics, L bozo

      Why are there so many slavic Black folk on this board.

  17. 2 months ago

    I reinstalled new vegas and ran a vortex collection just to start watching.

    They did one thing perfectly: They put in the scenic set pieces exactly from the games. If you haven't played the games, and you watch this, your entire experience has to be completely different, because the juxtaposition of visual motifs from the games is telling its own fricking story alongside the actual story, and it does it more or less perfectly.

    Which is actually terrifying. Hell I'm waiting for the big freak out moment in the series which is preceeded by something like a "boy and his dog" or Wasteland reference

  18. 2 months ago

    If you aren't a seasoned, hardcore gamer with a bit of autism you should skip the first two games (I like them, but I wouldn't recommend them to everyone). New Vegas is the best written game in the series by far, it is WAY better written than the show too (it's on the level of early Game Of Thrones) but it is a bit harder to get into than 3 and 4 and it also has the worst graphics. If you're a casual who just wants the closest thing to the show there is and have fun, play Fallout 4. If you want to experience one of the best RPG games ever made and are willing to put up with dated graphics and mechanics and a slow start, play New Vegas.

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        Why are you replying with a fish to every single fricking post

        • 2 months ago

          one of those was me

        • 2 months ago

          Sorry, it was me.

    • 2 months ago

      >New Vegas is the best written game in the series by far
      Oh come on!

      • 2 months ago

        What is then?

        • 2 months ago

          First or second one

          • 2 months ago

            New Vegas is the best written by shear virtue of not having the main villain trying to destroy the world a second time.

            • 2 months ago

              the master isnt trying to destroy the world tho

              • 2 months ago

                Turning all of humanity into a race of monstrous beasts who can't reproduce and will all die out is just a roundabout way of destroying the world, even if the justification is better than Fallout 2's flimsy villains.

              • 2 months ago

                He was too blinded by his efforts to realize the mutants were sterile. To the master the super mutants arent monstrous, theyre the next step in human evolution. In every aspect but reproductive, a prime (vault descended) supermutant is better than a human. The master is literally just a philosopher who was given a route to make all his ideals a reality.

            • 2 months ago

              I don't think any of the villains are trying to do that
              >The Master wants to forcibly mutate everyone so they'll be adapted to the wasteland
              >The Enclave (2) want to purge mutants and rule over the survivors
              >The Enclave (3) want to control the water supply in DC
              >Caesar's Legion want to expand their violent empire, the NCR want to consolidate their benevolent empire, House wants to consolidate his weird little fiefdom

      • 2 months ago

        it's definitely better than 3, 4, and 76. they skimped out on a lot of legion lore explanations though.

        • 2 months ago

          They ran out of time towards the end which is why the first 2/3rds of the game is more polished and fleshed out than the last third.

      • 2 months ago


        go back

        • 2 months ago

          Only illiterates and cynics allowed?

          • 2 months ago

            >being literate means expressing yourself like a steampunk enthusiast/TGWTG gay

            • 2 months ago

              >exclamation points are now reddit
              Youre fricking insane Black person die in agony

              • 2 months ago

                talking like that does not make you sound hard btw, homosexual

              • 2 months ago

                >cant stop talking about hard wiener
                >calls someone else a homosexual
                powerfully ironic

  19. 2 months ago

    They should let InXile remake Fallout and Fallout 2. It's easy money.

  20. 2 months ago

    woke reddit series
    yes both amazon n the games

    • 2 months ago

      >game was created by a gay man
      You are very clever

  21. 2 months ago

    NV is the only Fallout game I've played. It was a truly transformative experience for me

    • 2 months ago

      Its objectively the best one and if you make the mistake of playing 4 you will be just as jaded as the rest of the autists in this thread

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >truly transformative experience

  22. 2 months ago

    Play The Elder Scrolls series. It shits on Fallout

    • 2 months ago

      Only morrowind does.

      • 2 months ago

        Uhhhhhh what the frick makes Morrowind better than New Vegas in any way?

        • 2 months ago

          It being a better video game and not made for morons.

          • 2 months ago

            You can't give a real answer because you are a poser who's played neither game.

  23. 2 months ago

    I played NV, Fallout 3 and of course i loved New Vegas more because the third one was fricking awful. For years i been reading about Fallout and Trannies. What is going on

    • 2 months ago

      Fallout NV came out during the same period as a lot of repressing millennial trannies were sitting inside and rotmaxxing so it’s become a meme that everyone who played NV turned into a troony or some shit like that

    • 2 months ago

      Just typical Cinemaphile memetic schizo ramblings.

      • 2 months ago

        This. It';s just Cinemaphile rambling done by 2 - 3 schizo in each fallout thread that no one else ever engages.
        But if's your fault if you only read 10% of a thread and then close it.

        • 2 months ago

          More specifically it's the work of a pajeet or an italian gypsy

      • 2 months ago

        This. It';s just Cinemaphile rambling done by 2 - 3 schizo in each fallout thread that no one else ever engages.
        But if's your fault if you only read 10% of a thread and then close it.

        It’s literally all over twitter, insta and reddit too

        • 2 months ago

          Feel free to frick off back there cancer

          • 2 months ago

            Interesting. Stay there.

            Keep playing your troony game homosexuals

            • 2 months ago

              Good morning benchod saar

            • 2 months ago

              Ok Pajeet you didn't have a gaming PC or any console in 2003 or 2010 you didn't hsvr Internet until 2017

        • 2 months ago

          Interesting. Stay there.

  24. 2 months ago

    >Indians are pretending to have played Morrowind to protect Fallout 3/4/76/Saarfield
    I saw we nuke all 2 billion of em and see what happens

  25. 2 months ago

    >young anon sees this and thinks it's too difficult because he hasn't shot or blown anything up yet

  26. 2 months ago

    New Vegas and the first 2 titles are God-tier writing. 4 is alright. 3 is a fricking piece of shit.

  27. 2 months ago

    Reminder to play fallout and fallout 2 with 2x scaling enable at low resolutions. The game was not designed to be zoomed out the ends of the map

  28. 2 months ago

    Fallout 1,2 and Vegas are RPGs the rest is Toddslop

  29. 2 months ago

    1 is phenomenal, however, zoomers will have problems with the graphics and gameplay
    2 is great, a little dumber than 1, and the above mentioned "issue" still applies
    Tactics was kinda dumb, so only play it if you really liked 1+2, it's less RPG and more combat
    I didn't play the TPD spinoff game
    3 was okay, very unoriginal, Bethesda's first Fallout so they got the benefit of the doubt, recommend playing it once
    New Vegas is very good, especiall the DLC stories, which elevate it to phenomenal - ironically it wasn't made by Bethesda so they're extra fricking salty about how beloved it is
    4 was fricking tedious, I guess it's stomachable once, but holy settlement defense batman
    Never played 76 since it became obvious Bethesda aren't competent and from what I've heard I made the right choice
    Never played the mobile vault management games either
    TV series was okay-ish, sadly it's (1) consulting with Bethesda and not the OG creators afaik and (2) it's made by Westworld people so it's bound to get worse

  30. 2 months ago

    I'm not big on gaming and have never played Fallout, but BioShock is one of my all-time favourites and I go nuts for the retro aesthetic. Should I try New Vegas? I hear it's the best of the bunch, but it's pretty old, how does it hold up?

    • 2 months ago

      New Vegas is trash but Cinemaphile has been sucking it's dick for so long these stockholm syndrome morons feel compelled to defend it. It's kinda like Drive on here.

      • 2 months ago

        It's just a silly game with multiple decent paths. Don't tell me you don't know how to have fun anon?

      • 2 months ago

        filtered by the crashing and play doh graphics, L bozo

      • 2 months ago

        We like it because it's good.

      • 2 months ago

        Fricking moron https://youtu.be/M8U4k2Ik6yk?si=IbS0h-dKyhURTqt0

        • 2 months ago

          You can't think for yourself and need a YouTube video to tell you your opinions, but I'm the moron.

          • 2 months ago

            >people who watch videos just can't think for themselves
            Yeah okay you dumb fricking Black person. Enjoy just staring at a wall for the rest of your life thinking for yourself all day lol

            You are 100% fricking moronic if you think New Vegas is trash. It's actually a role playing game and gets so much shit right. They totally btfo'd Bethesda because they were short on time and under staffed and still pumped out a game 3x better than fallout 3 or 4. 4 is hardly role playing. it's such garbage. Everything is hand held
            3 and 4 are for drooling babies. I have hundreds of hours in both but they're garbage if you're being real

            • 2 months ago

              >Enjoy just staring at a wall for the rest of your life thinking for yourself all day lol
              You're making fun of someone for thinking for themselves? Is this really what counts as an pwn in the new world?

            • 2 months ago

              >Enjoy just staring at a wall for the rest of your life thinking for yourself all day lol
              you thought this was a good retort?
              just proving that anon's point about you having no brain
              embarrassing shit

    • 2 months ago

      Try Portal and games meant for humans.

  31. 2 months ago

    Play New Vegas then stop. If you're from east coast and have sentiments for it, maybe try 3, but it's a downgrade.

  32. 2 months ago

    Let’s see which is more engaging
    >fallout 2
    >completed a temple of trials
    >killed several ants and scorpions
    >had a test of strength against another village warrior
    >received a holy artifact and armor
    >repaired a well
    >cleansed a garden of dark evil
    >received advanced hand to hand combat training
    >learned the essentials of procuring healing items
    >rescued a dog
    >received and enhanced spear as I left my home for the journey
    Fallout 4
    >signed up for a vault
    >went to the vault 5 seconds later
    >killed some roaches
    >went back to my home which for whatever reason hasn’t been picked clean
    >fought some raiders
    >acquired power armor
    >became so failures b***h boy errand runner
    Which of these games is supposed to be more engaging again? It’s not even a question

  33. 2 months ago

    Just play 4 and if you like that one 3. The others are just tediously outdated and for autists

    • 2 months ago

      have a nice day

    • 2 months ago

      new vegas came out after 3 and is miles better

      • 2 months ago

        NV is not as good as 3.

        • 2 months ago

          Better gameplay easily. Let's see
          >better questing
          >better character interactions
          >better skill checks
          >better overall character building
          Easily outpaces fallout 4 as well.

          • 2 months ago

            >No (Yes)

            You keep samegayging through the whole thread and seem to be at the ready for any post that disagrees with your opinions. It's weird but I guess you're a Cinemaphile tourist so that tracks. Anyway NV is boring and idgaf about your 'skill checks'. It's a mostly scripted event game with a shitty dlc. Find some better means of coping

            • 2 months ago

              Normalgay subhumans don't get to complain.

          • 2 months ago

            Much worse sandbox world.

          • 2 months ago

            Literally could not put more than 10 hours into this dogshit because of constant crashes.

            > b-b-but you have to use mods to play the game!
            Frick you. I even tried that, and the game still crashed and played like shit.

        • 2 months ago

          >No (Yes)

  34. 2 months ago

    Dog companions ranked in order
    >dogmeat fallout 4
    >dogmeat fallout 3

    • 2 months ago

      That's it

  35. 2 months ago

    Fallout 3 was mid
    NV is great
    Fallout 4 is a base building simulator with Fallout paint

  36. 2 months ago

    one of my GOAT kino video game moments was in fallout 3 not long after starting it. there was some beggar type dude asking me for help but he turned nasty and tried to shoot me. I wasted him but immediately got attacked from behind by something or other - I forget. in the mayhem I either shot or ran into the beggar dude's shack radio so when my foes were dead and it went quiet there was a slow 1930's style jazz tune playing. glorious. I remember it even 15 years on.

    • 2 months ago

      For me, it was the first time playing New Vegas and just walking around Goodsprings. I went up to the cemetery and just looked around for pickups near the graves when a deathclaw randomly jumped up onto the cliff from below. I ran into the town for help but it killed everyone and then me.

      I just restarted the game and wondered why they'd do this to a new player. Later I realized it must have somehow noticed me all the way from the deathclaw filled northern route and then walked all the way over just to rek me.

  37. 2 months ago

    all the fallouts are good

  38. 2 months ago

    Haven't finished the show.

    Game wise, there's isometric fallout and first person fallout. The games are good

    >Fallout - fun game, little challenging when first starting out. Good story and setups the world well. There is a time limit. You can extend said time limit depending on what you do in game but it will impact the ending
    >fallout 2 - haven't played it much but from what I've heard it's basically fallout but bigger with more jokes
    >fallout tactics - not an rpg more. More of an RTS except its turn based
    >brotherhood of steel - never played it but it's a 3rd person shooter

    First person
    Fallout 3 and 4 are set on east coast. They're fun games, lots of weapons, interesting maps. Can play them without having player the others and keep playing passed the end of the game

    Fallout new Vegas. Set in Vegas area obviously. Fun as well though when you finish the game it is over, dlc or no.

    Haven't played 76 so couldn't tell you how it is

  39. 2 months ago

    How come they gave Fallout Man a sexy ass like that? With Fallout Woman all we get is this.

    • 2 months ago

      Have you watched the whole thing? They force us to watch Maximus rub soap all over his booty in the shower it's nuclear levels of hypocrisy and spite

      • 2 months ago

        >hypocrisy and spite

      • 2 months ago

        Unironically touch grass, anon

  40. 2 months ago

    fallout is a amazon reddit series for troonys

  41. 2 months ago

    FO1, FO2 and FO New Vegas are the only good ones. Fallout 3 is okay but the story is basically just fallout 1 and 2's story slapped together. Fix the water purifier/Get the water chip and defeat the enclave(again, and on the east coast somehow)
    I would say fallout 3 is bad, but the tenpenny missions are truly amazing. Nuke a town of backward degenerates, exterminate the ghouls. Todd howard even gives us a cautionary tale of wisdom in case you actually convince tenpenny to let the ghouls move in and mix with the human population, they end up going full racewar killing all the original tenants.
    Powerful stuff, really makes you think, what was Todd tryna tell us here?

    • 2 months ago

      >surprised gays can be racist
      homophobic much, anon?

    • 2 months ago

      >the enclave has no power here
      >this is a civilian project
      My moronic father Liam neeson. Enough have no back or authority. You are a nitwit putz who is dicking around with a water purifier. That everyone on the west coast figured out how to work centuries ago. I did find it funny how the enclave hates mutants so their master plan was to flood the water supply with FEV to turn everyone into mutants. Bravo todd

  42. 2 months ago

    3 and NV are good, 4 and 76 are shit

  43. 2 months ago

    >ITT: seething interplay/obsidinan fanboys
    They lost. Their studio failed, so they sold themselves and their IP to Bethesda. Bethesda took their franchise from some unknown niche to mainstream AAA success.
    Their BIGGEST hit was one overseen and funded by Bethesda. They have never done anything else noteworthy. When they tried to make their own game 100% in their vision (Outer Worlds), they failed again.

    Only losers cheer for other losers. I'm guessing there's a big overlap between obsidian dick riders and nazi LARPers. It's like you have a humiliation fetish.

    • 2 months ago

      >Me and all FIVE of my followers on our way to reno in my b***hin highwayman
      >Park the car, head over to the casino
      >cuck a mob boss by fricking his wife and daughter and clear out his casino.
      >Car gets stolen
      >Find the homosexual who did it
      >Get my car trunk upgraded
      >Can store 50 fricking tons of equipment
      >Become traveling gypsy caravan of 6 roaming the wasteland at top fricking speed
      Truly the GOAT, and the ONLY fricking fallout game to give you a fricking car and more than 1-2 followers.

    • 2 months ago

      Outer Worlds was fine

  44. 2 months ago

    I kinda liked 76. taking down a scorchbeast queen with the lads in our power armor was fun. map was fun to explore too

    • 2 months ago

      my friends made fun of me for playing it cause it was slop on launch, but I liked it too

  45. 2 months ago

    woke amazon twitter reddit troony israelite nigr israelite tv show

  46. 2 months ago

    The original Fallout game was revolutionary back in the day, but nowadays it feels rather quaint comparing with later cRPGs, although it's still the darkest and most atmospheric Fallout game. Fallout 2 had lost a lot of that atmosphere, instead it became a bustling postapocalyptic frontier game with loads of content and seemingly limitless freedom; IMO it still holds up, despite its age and some shortcomings. If Bethesda weren't so eager to wipe those games from the face of the Earth, they would be perfect candidates for remaking (especially since turn-based isometric RPGs are back in style again). Fallout 3 is probably the best game ever made by Bethesda, the main trouble is that it's not a very good *Fallout* game. New Vegas is a direct sequel to the first two games that was made with the engine of a third one, and it tried to do best of three worlds, succesfully for the most part. It's probably the most complex (in terms of game design) and well-written Fallout game. I've yet to play Fallout Tactics and the fourth one.

  47. 2 months ago

    1 & 2 are isometric dungeon crawlers. Think Diablo with Guns and choices.

    3,4,NV are fps with RPG elements. How much the RPG stuff is implemented varies from game to game.

    I'd recommend New Vegas if you are a fan of the show. As New Vegas is what the show teased at the end with Hank.

    • 2 months ago

      >1 and 2 are isometric dungeon crawlers
      You have either never played a dungeon crawler or classic fallout.

  48. 2 months ago

    >Fallout 1 & 2: The OG games, best roleplaying in the series and arguably the best story, set the foundation for everything else. Turn-based and very dated at this point. Can be a bit difficult to get into if you're not used to retro games.

    >Fallout 3: Story is okay, exploration is fun, fricks up the lore a bit. Roleplaying is there but fairly limited. The move to 3D first-person shooter obviously makes it feel much more modern despite the now dated graphics.

    >Fallout New Vegas: Great story, arguably the best in the series. Pretty good exploration but maybe not the best in series. Good roleplaying though not as robust as 1 & 2. Graphics are on par with Fallout 3. Widely considered the best in the series.

    >Fallout 4: Story falls flat though some parts are interesting, exploration is okay. Roleplaying is almost non-existent. Graphics are significantly improved over 3 & NV, but nothing to write home about. Leans heavily into the building/crafting element if that's something you enjoy, though it requires mods to really flesh it out properly.

  49. 2 months ago

    There' a fix for this.
    I enter a thread and press a keybind that orders all the posts by their character count and I read the big ones first and if they seem to be part of a chain I have another set of keys that quickly threads the discussion up and I follow that.

    But for 99% of people it's like this and it's depressive, it quickly poisons your mind and makes you close the thread.
    And besides sometimes a thread entirely lacks any meaningful engagement at which point you'd be sane to close it.

  50. 2 months ago

    The TRUTH of the Fallout franchise is that...

    1 and 2 are not fun for anyone outside of nostalgia by those who played them when they came out decades ago. They are extremely dated and unless you grew up playing them you aren't going to like them. And that's the bitter truth of 1 & 2.

    The great debate is between the fans of 3 & New Vegas. The majority of the player base likes either one or both of these and they are still enjoyable today.

    4 had a negative reception from fans early on but 4 has found it's own growing cult in the years after it's release and is the highest selling for a reason. It's a good FPS exploration title with little RPG dust sprinkled on top. The shooting is the best of the numbered titles.

    Fallout 76
    Now here is the true kino that unfortunately did not start as kino. In fact it was the biggest betrayal of the franchise since the BOS spinoff.
    But, this is what people HATE to year. Every expansion has added up and now this is secretly, quietly, the most kino entry in the franchise.

    • 2 months ago

      Take your GAAS slop for goyim subhumans and shove it up your ass. Then get raped by Black folk.

    • 2 months ago

      I've tried to play 1 in 2017 but it was absurdly autistic.
      It doesn't feel like it was made for ordinary humans but that it was made by spergs for spergs.

    • 2 months ago

      >Fallout 76
      >Now here is the true kino
      >1 and 2 are not fun for anyone outside of nostalgia
      Kek opinion discarded

    • 2 months ago

      >every expansion has added more and more toys i can build in my camp and more clothes to play dressup!!!
      homosexual mmotard paradise no doubt.

  51. 2 months ago

    >Can't wait for season 2
    S1 was okay, I want to make the vault 33 bawd suck my balls, lick my ass whilst I rest my wiener between her eyes - that being said, the show wasn't amazing at all.
    I liked it, not amazing.

  52. 2 months ago

    >Has anyone played Fallout games?
    there's only one good fallout game

    • 2 months ago

      This game was great.
      Anyone who says otherwise didn't have half a brain to expect a difference from a pc game to and xBox game.

      • 2 months ago

        Morrowind was also on Xbox

        • 2 months ago

          And Starcraft was on the N64.
          These are exceptions to the rule that proves the rule.

    • 2 months ago

      Obviously this because it’s on the glorious PS2

  53. 2 months ago

    76 is 8 euros right now
    Is it worth 8 euros?

    • 2 months ago

      It's been free on Epic more than once, bro. It's not worth anything.

      • 2 months ago

        >free on Epic
        Got FNV Ultimate Edition and FO3 Game of the Year Edition from based uncle Timmy.

  54. 2 months ago

    Fallout New Vegas is the easily the best game.

    Fallout 4 is more polished in that the gunplay feels much smoother and the world doesn't freeze when you go into VATS and conversations. All the factions are borderline moronic and the dialogue choices you make doesn't matter. The Fallout 4 DLC Far Harbour is a bit better but it's still pretty shit compared to New Vegas

  55. 2 months ago

    Not OP but I got the Fallout itch too these days and I didn't know which one to play first. This thread helped me decide to go with New Vegas since it has a really good narrative while FO3 characters all make me want to go for an evil karma genocide run every time.
    Got the unofficial patch too https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51664 since it's just one .esp. Also 4gb patch https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552/

    I only beat it like once and I never played the DLC so I'll grind it down this time around. Maybe if my itch persists I'll go with TTW and FO4 next. And maybe try modding 4 too.

    Really hope Microsoft squeezes Todd's balls and make them borrow the IP to Obsidian, since Microsoft now owns both. While Todd and buddies are shitting out Skyrim 2, Sawyer should be allowed to make Fallout 5 or whatever, in the meantime.

    • 2 months ago

      obsidian will probably never make another fallout game since they have Avowed.
      pretty sure they are going to be more focused on expanding their pillars of eternity IP than jump back into fallout

      • 2 months ago

        Avowed is going to flop harder than Pillars of Eternity II and then that universe is gonna die.

        • 2 months ago

          Avowed looks like dogwater. PoE is such a bland setting it's insane. Sounds nuts but Outer Worlds 2 will probably be better.

          >Avowed is going to flop
          >Avowed looks like dogwater
          but people still want obsidian to make a fallout game?
          doesnt make any sense.

          • 2 months ago

            The homosexuals that love New Vegas are essentially beaten women. They have become accustomed to the shit gameplay because underneath he's a good story.

          • 2 months ago

            no one says obsidian should make fallout, and the few homosexuals who do are just clueless about the current state of affairs at Obsidian, meaning they probably haven't played or even read about Pillars of Eternity 2 and Outer Worlds. the old studio being credited with making the good fallouts is perfectly fine.

            • 2 months ago

              Josh Sawyer is still there. Tim Cain is also alive and shitposting on YouTube. No reason why they couldn't get him onboard too.

              Maybe even punished Avellone comes back from the banished wilderness.

              Whatever slop they produce would still be better than whatever the frick Bethesda would shit out a decade down the line.

            • 2 months ago

              >the old studio being credited with making the good fallouts is perfectly fine.
              Like who? The Outer Worlds was headed by Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarski, two of the OG OGs of Fallout, and both are still working with Obsidian on the sequel. Josh Sawyer's still there, he directed both Pillars of Eternity games and Pentiment. It's only really Chris Avellone and John Gonzalez who've gone AWOL

        • 2 months ago

          Avowed looks like dogwater. PoE is such a bland setting it's insane. Sounds nuts but Outer Worlds 2 will probably be better.

          wdym? This has all the signs of an art group on their A game with a deep dedication to making an RPG world anyone would love.

          • 2 months ago

            That certified Sweetbaby stare.

            Reminder that PoE setting is racist against Asian people. No Asians in PoE.

          • 2 months ago

            have you seen the gameplay walkthrough of Avowed that was released a while back?
            shit looked pretty janky. almost looks like a game made by Spiders

      • 2 months ago

        Avowed looks like dogwater. PoE is such a bland setting it's insane. Sounds nuts but Outer Worlds 2 will probably be better.

  56. 2 months ago

    1 > 2 > NV >>>> 3 >>>>>>>>>> 4 = 76 = the show

    • 2 months ago

      I think the show has created a new lowest tier. 4 and 76 didn't have prog writers inserting communist propaganda into the story.

  57. 2 months ago
  58. 2 months ago

    Spoonfed me, pls

    >What exactly is the experiment in Vaults 31-32-33? I get that the frozen Vault-Tec employees are running them like cattle, but what's the endgame?
    >Chud clearly signaled at every point that he's suspicious, and Vault Tec noticed. Why didn't they get rid of him? Why didn't they frame him for poisoning the raiders, if they were going to frame someone anyway?
    >Is it implied that 31 people sabotaged the water chip?
    >Why resettle vault 32? What is that meant to achieve?

    • 2 months ago

      Don't forget
      >Vault 33 security show up once to block the fat guy

    • 2 months ago

      While we're at it

      >Why didn't Hank (or anyone from Vault 33) become IMMEDIATELY suspicious upon seeing Moldaver and the raiders? Do they interact THAT rarely with 32? At the very least, Hank should have recognized that Moldaver is not from 31.
      >What the frick was Moldaver babbling about when she said "them or her"? Was it meant to be a hostage situation? If so, why did Hank go along with it?

      • 2 months ago

        Why didn't the NCR send anyone of their own in addition to the bounty? Why do we see only one bounty hunter?
        Is the MacGuffin not actually that important to anyone?

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >What exactly is the experiment in Vaults 31-32-33?
      There is none explicitly, maybe eugenics, since they'd have control over who got to reproduce when
      >Why didn't they get rid of him?
      Because he's the son of a Vault Tec executive, and maybe the result of a eugenics experiment
      >Is it implied that 31 people sabotaged the water chip?
      Maybe, to influence the election, but it's not a big deal
      >What is that meant to achieve?
      Why waste a vault, two vaults can support twice the population and these are vaults are intended to eventually repopulate the Earth.

      While we're at it

      >Why didn't Hank (or anyone from Vault 33) become IMMEDIATELY suspicious upon seeing Moldaver and the raiders? Do they interact THAT rarely with 32? At the very least, Hank should have recognized that Moldaver is not from 31.
      >What the frick was Moldaver babbling about when she said "them or her"? Was it meant to be a hostage situation? If so, why did Hank go along with it?

      >Why didn't Hank (or anyone from Vault 33) become IMMEDIATELY suspicious upon seeing Moldaver and the raiders
      They have very little contact and no visual contact at all aside from the weddings. I'm not even sure they can talk to each other, it seems like it's all arranged via 31
      > Was it meant to be a hostage situation?
      >If so, why did Hank go along with it?
      He didn't have a choice, his daughter was in danger so he locked her in a room where she'd be safe. That was him saying "Definitely them".

      • 2 months ago

        there is a miniscule population per vault, and they have a wedding every 3 years so "they dont remember what anyone looks like" is baloney.

        • 2 months ago

          It's a few hundred and they see maybe a couple dozen once every 3 years. There's no reason why it would be the same people every time. And Hank wouldn't necessarily expect to recognise Moldaver, he'd just think she was a recently thawed Vault Tec executive that he hadn't known before the war.

          • 2 months ago

            >theres no reason why they would be the same people
            The overseer and their committee would absolutely be there every time. I guess some random woman who youve never seen replaced overseer jackson despite never being present at any other weddings right? And the entire overseer's committee is also gone too? Bullshit.
            >A couple hundred
            maybe 200 between both vaults max, everyone turned up for the wedding and there was barely 100 people there including the guests.
            >not recognizing the woman that your wife stayed with after abandoning you
            no lmao

  59. 2 months ago

    Let's be honest, 4 is the only one that actually feels accessible. Not only is the gameplay much better but you can actually play it without installing a bunch of unofficial patches and stability mods to prevent it from crashing every 10 minutes. That's why people gravitate towards it more than the other entries.


    Case in point

  60. 2 months ago

    Fallout outdated turn-based isometric garbage. Fallout 3 was a step in the right direction, very underrated game. Fallout New Vegas is great, it helped me when I was transitioning and made me realize I was a communist. Fallout 4 is the best sci-fi game ever made.

    • 2 months ago

      >classic Fallout is outdated
      This gets thrown around a lot. What does classic fallout do that is now done way better by other games?

      • 2 months ago

        Zoomers can't put down the dopamine stick long enough to figure out the UI

  61. 2 months ago
  62. 2 months ago

    >Fallout 3
    >Fallout: NV
    >Fallout 4
    >Fallout 76
    Dogshit at launch, really fun now, with some BS keeping it from being great

  63. 2 months ago

    Fallout has always been extremely MID

  64. 2 months ago

    what the frick is the big evil plan supposed to be?

    nuke your own nation just to kickstart shitty vault experiments? where is the return? what is there to even gain?

    there is a reason why in the modern world everyone has nukes but nobody wants to use them, it benefits no one, especially corporations

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      The idea was to kill everyone else so they can rule the world when they exit the vaults. Obviously the plan didn't work out, but we also have zero confirmation that they even went through with that plan. Exactly who dropped the bomb is supposed to remain a mystery, and ultimately it doesn't matter.

    • 2 months ago

      >where is the return? what is there to even gain?
      the ENTIRE WORLD

  65. 2 months ago

    I don't play the Fallout games, because they're just as bad as the show. I think anyone who legitimately considers either to be good probably has doughnuts for brains. I have a brain for a brain, so I don't see much potential in either. There are lots of videos online about how bad Fallout is, if you're interested in educating yourself. Here's one of them.

    • 2 months ago

      Buy and ad and have a nice day.

  66. 2 months ago

    Just play fallout 4. It's a solid game. The other games have not aged well, and are mostly for people with nostalgia that played em back then.

    Actually they're also releasing a new update for fallout 4 in a week.

    • 2 months ago

      >have not aged well,
      In what respect?

      • 2 months ago

        some of the worst shooting you'll find in any games anywhere

        • 2 months ago

          oh right and all the loading screens

      • 2 months ago

        Fallout doesn't show the player's weight capacity on the inventory screen, and new inventory is added to the bottom of the list instead of top.

        • 2 months ago

          >Fallout doesn't show the player's weight capacity
          It doesn't display your max capacity, but the screen tells you your current carryweight. It's hardly an issue to just do the 2 key presses to switch between inventory and stats pages to remind yourself of what your max is
          I'll grant the thing about inventory adding new items to the bottom though, it really would benefit from a proper sorting function

    • 2 months ago

      >Actually they're also releasing a new update for fallout 4 in a week.
      It's just a bunch of creation club garbage

    • 2 months ago

      3 and New Vegas aren't so old that they feel retro. They're 7th gen, and games really haven't changed that much since then. Anyone that has play a shooter before can jump right into them with ease.
      You may want a few basic bugfix/QoL mods, but it's not like you need 700 mods for a first playthrough.

      1 & 2 are the ones that are difficult to approach. The stories are pretty good and there's more room for roleplaying, but the interface is clunky and the gameplay is very slow and dull compared to more modern turn based stuff like XCOM or Baldur's Gate.

      some of the worst shooting you'll find in any games anywhere

      The shooting is indeed a bit clunky in 3 & NV, but you have VATS to make up for that.

      oh right and all the loading screens

      FO4 isn't really any better about loading screens, but at least in FO3 and FONV the loading times are very fast if you're on a good, modern PC with an SSD. Even FO4 loads pretty quick these days if you have a high end PC.

  67. 2 months ago

    I thought 4 was fun but the crafting in the main quests ruined the game for me

  68. 2 months ago

    I played fallout 4 as a huge himbo and only used melee weapons then I met Porter Gage in the nuka world dlc and got into a gay relationship with him.

    Overall 9/10 experience but I didn’t do any quests or anything and just ran around hitting people in the head with a rocket powered sledgehammer in revealing clothing.

    t. gayanon

  69. 2 months ago


    That's just because 4 is the most recent, aside from 76 but that's a different beast.
    New Vegas has a much better story and roleplaying choices than 4, but it's also older and jankier.

  70. 2 months ago

    fallout 4 is frickin fun if you know how to have fun. my settlement at sanctuary is a womens refuge with 40 only female settlers and that asian guy who hates his wife. it was fun rounding up all those women and then dressing them up and gearing them out and shit like that. that was my nora play through.

  71. 2 months ago

    All the trannies ITT recommending FO76 deserve to be raped and killed.

    • 2 months ago

      haha I refused to add it for free

    • 2 months ago

      I've not seen anyone have those gay flags at their camp would get nuked

    • 2 months ago

      I just started playing Fallout 76 and the amount of people running around with the gay flag as their profile pic is sorta depressing. It's like 50% of the new players.

  72. 2 months ago


    >All the Fallout games got a sales boost
    >4 and 76 now matching other games numbers over 10 years later
    I kneel...

  73. 2 months ago

    New Vegas story is GOAT. Screw you Benny!

  74. 2 months ago

    OG Fallout > New Vegas > the show > 3 > Fallout Equestria > all other Fallout products

  75. 2 months ago

    Fallout 3 is kino.

    • 2 months ago

      >.32 hunting rifle

      • 2 months ago

        It's actually pretty good. I bring that for animals and the chinese assault rifles for people.

  76. 2 months ago

    I would start with FNV, 1 and 2 are super old and are an acquired taste but still good, 3 is ok and 4 sucks.

  77. 2 months ago

    join the brotherhood of steel

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