FAQ. >How do I make a comic?

>How do I make a comic?

>What if I can’t draw?

>What’s the best site to upload to?

>How do I get more people to read my comic?

>Thread Question
Does your comic update on Fridays? Tell us all about it!

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  1. 2 months ago

    New thread made just in time to promote Apocalypse Knight's latest update

    • 2 months ago


      Crippling autism gives him an inability to read the room. Being constantly bullied leads to him psychotically shit posting to defeat his e-bullies. Someone told him he was special early in life, leading to an oversized sense of entitlement. He believes Terriful and Apocalypse Knight are on thr verge of being massive hits, he hust has to shill them more. Someone should make a /co related comic about this, unless it already exists.

      who cares?

  2. 2 months ago


    Crippling autism gives him an inability to read the room. Being constantly bullied leads to him psychotically shit posting to defeat his e-bullies. Someone told him he was special early in life, leading to an oversized sense of entitlement. He believes Terriful and Apocalypse Knight are on thr verge of being massive hits, he hust has to shill them more. Someone should make a /co related comic about this, unless it already exists.

    • 2 months ago

      >Being constantly bullied leads to him psychotically shit posting to defeat his e-bullies.
      This is what I meant in that other thread. Not like oh it's not his fault, but that it's clear they made it worse. Like Hank Hill said, they put extra strain on a structure that wasn't up to code to begin with.

  3. 2 months ago


    >Even Fred isn't as bad as you.
    Don't forget Betz being an easily triggered lolcow is the reason Fred started posting itt in the first place.

    >Being constantly bullied leads to him psychotically shit posting to defeat his e-bullies.
    This is what I meant in that other thread. Not like oh it's not his fault, but that it's clear they made it worse. Like Hank Hill said, they put extra strain on a structure that wasn't up to code to begin with.

    Don't forget in Betz's first event he participated in, he secretly teamed up with coldfusion to color his pages, after being told coldfusion was banned from the event for being a pedophile. Betz was always an autistic jackass, well before we started e-bullying him.

  4. 2 months ago


    >worse than 'underage femboy thighs groomer spic'
    >worse than 'spams there wip's then cries non stop when people point out there work is shit '
    >inb4 the discord leak of him spamming up the board
    Wow, something everyone in this shit-thread dose, never been done before. betz worse than hitler because hes tread the same ground every other homosexual here has done before, so special. wow-wee.

    • 2 months ago

      Betz is sad, and trying to deflect. How long will he wait before he shills the new Acrapalypse Knight link here?

  5. 2 months ago


    Crippling autism gives him an inability to read the room. Being constantly bullied leads to him psychotically shit posting to defeat his e-bullies. Someone told him he was special early in life, leading to an oversized sense of entitlement. He believes Terriful and Apocalypse Knight are on thr verge of being massive hits, he hust has to shill them more. Someone should make a /co related comic about this, unless it already exists.

    >Being constantly bullied leads to him psychotically shit posting to defeat his e-bullies.
    This is what I meant in that other thread. Not like oh it's not his fault, but that it's clear they made it worse. Like Hank Hill said, they put extra strain on a structure that wasn't up to code to begin with.



    >Even Fred isn't as bad as you.
    Don't forget Betz being an easily triggered lolcow is the reason Fred started posting itt in the first place.
    Don't forget in Betz's first event he participated in, he secretly teamed up with coldfusion to color his pages, after being told coldfusion was banned from the event for being a pedophile. Betz was always an autistic jackass, well before we started e-bullying him.

    These posts are extremely on topic! I'm proud there's finally an on topic thread. Does any one have that /co related comic about the guy at the computer with the girl crying in the background? Someone should post it as it's on topic.

    • 2 months ago

      I have never seen that comic before. It sounds funny. Can an anon who has it post it please? This thread needs more on topic /co related content posted.

    • 2 months ago

      I have never seen that comic before. It sounds funny. Can an anon who has it post it please? This thread needs more on topic /co related content posted.

      Sharty is that way Black folk>>>

  6. 2 months ago
    Private Mech Comics

    I don't normally do drawing memes, but I thought I'd give it another chance. This was fun.

    • 2 months ago

      Nice comic. I forgot that Betz had a psychotic one-sided e-feud with this anon as well. He was upset that people genuinely like Zipper and he became a meme, so Betz spent a few months shitposting in jealousy every time private Mech appeared. Betz lashes out at everyone for any perceived slight. The endless Betz Tantrum on the hyw iceberg is real.

  7. 2 months ago

    It does.

    • 2 months ago

      Not clicking your Apocalypse Knight shill link, Betzy. Nice try.

      • 2 months ago

        >not recognizing a based Bunnyseries post

  8. 2 months ago

    Holy frick what happened to these threads? Did mods just completely give up on them? Feels bad cuz there were some legit stuff back in the day, no idea whats with all the schizos namegayging and getting away with it. Not that the rest of the board is much better, this whole place is going to shit.

    • 2 months ago

      >Holy frick what happened to these threads?
      You want a real answer? Betz, unironically. The death of the general directly correlates with when Betz started posting here.

      • 2 months ago

        All I see itt is you seething about this dude every single post but I'm sure you're correct and not at all insane

        • 2 months ago

          It's several anons seething against him. He's really that awful.

          • 2 months ago

            Ok..... but what's the point when several anons seething is all you can see in the thread? That in itself ruins the thread. I realize I'm taking bait but holy frick mods STILL aren't here, this place really is fricked lmfao. Might as well start dumping porn

            • 2 months ago

              >Might as well start dumping porn
              Do it

              These posts are extremely on topic! I'm proud there's finally an on topic thread. Does any one have that /co related comic about the guy at the computer with the girl crying in the background? Someone should post it as it's on topic.

              >Does any one have that /co related comic about the guy at the computer with the girl crying in the background? Someone should post it as it's on topic.
              Sounds funny. Post it.

      • 2 months ago

        >The death of the general directly correlates with when Betz started posting here
        The funny part is that he *still* tries to center himself in the community. He just went off in the discord about creating a "new /HYW/ iceberg meme," mostly so he could get his name on it. It drives him nuts that despite hanging around for 4 years, he still has zero clout and no rizz.

        • 2 months ago

          >He just went off in the discord about creating a "new /HYW/ iceberg meme,"
          Another bullshit claim from someone who's not in neo-hyw. Nice try Fred.

          • 2 months ago

            This went nowhere,

            • 2 months ago

              KWAB. Doesn't he know neo/hyw only keeps him around as a lolcow they milk?

          • 2 months ago

            Lol you might as well invite Fred into neo since half the people don't post any comics and just spend all their time throwing shit at each other
            he'll fit right in when he turns eighteen

            • 2 months ago

              Fred is just like Betz, that's why Betz hates him so much.

        • 2 months ago

          Don't forget to include the Endless Great Betz Tantrum on the iceberg. That makes him tilt every time it's mentioned.

          • 1 month ago

            KWAB. Doesn't he know neo/hyw only keeps him around as a lolcow they milk?



            Hey Buttz, just because your " in on the joke" doesn't mean we actually want to see this reposted


        • 2 months ago

          No Dewd mentions whatsoever? Weak.

    • 2 months ago

      I think places like this filter negatively. People who are actually doing things can't spend all their time posting. Conversely, the people who aren't doing anything have plenty of time to post, and thus dominate the conversation. Because they aren't actually doing the thing the thread is for their conversation easily strays to things that aren't the thread's focus, such as cringe e-drama. That makes the thread less worthwhile for the people who are actually doing shit, so they start posting less. Worse, the people with skill and talent are likely to leave first, because other places online are more likely to be open to them because of said skill and talent. They could be hanging in some Discord with other people who actually do comics, for instance. They could be on Twitter shilling themselves. And that feeds into the cycle, because now the sane users who come to the thread for comics have less of a reason to come there, because there are simply less comics. And the ones that remain are of lower quality. This leaves even more room for the people who didn't engage in the thread's point to continue doing so, and the cycle continues.

      And that's why a literal majority of the posts in this thread are schizo-posting about this one e-drama guy, and the post of a new guy posting his webcomic got one single response. The schizo's filtered out all the sane people, and this new guy probably won't return, because there's no point in doing so.

  9. 2 months ago

    First time posting here. I know I'm not a great artist but I want to gauge whether I'm at the very least good ENOUGH to the extent where the amateurish quality of my artwork won't be distracting. Is there anything here that you'd consider like that, breaking your immersion in reading the page because of how much it sticks out as being poorly drawn? I know there's certain things I notice but I want to see what other people think

    • 2 months ago

      It looks pretty good imo
      Some things look off in terms of the drawings but a lot seems intentional or works with the style. In terms of distracting dips in skill quality the perspective on the box shaped items looks a bit off, but its not too noticeable. Also in the first two panels I can't really tell what they're biting on, looks like a finger but without a finger nail drawn in its not clear

      With more pages I think it'd be easier to suss out consistent or specific drawing errors

      Also for me one thing that looks really appealing in this page is the use of line work, color and tone/lighting. It's making it easy to place the eye on important things and quickly determine what's going on

      • 2 months ago

        It's a finger, yeah. The nail is underneath, like how a baby sucks on their thumb. In the sketch outline, there's a page before it that shows this. Thanks for the feedback, I'm way more used to character art than backgrounds so that probably explains the perspective issues

  10. 2 months ago

    Good job anons. We prevented Buttz from shilling the new Apocalypse Knight update in this thread he made by prematurely bullying him about it. Bullying works.

  11. 2 months ago

    Finally a new thread. I updated like two days ago: https://laserwing.tumblr.com/post/749348379509866496/i-originally-felt-that-there-wasnt-a-lot-of

  12. 2 months ago

    Apocalypse Knight issue 2 starts... NOW! Give it a read here: https://apocalypseknight.the-comic.org/ https://tapas.io/episode/3163393

    • 2 months ago

      Kek. This dumb lurking homosexual is so easy to bait out of his hide hole. Still not gonna read it, homosexual. Learn to write.

    • 2 months ago

      How's your imaginary Tiktok following doing Betzy?

  13. 2 months ago

    Do you get notifications when people post a comment on Tapas? I remember that not being a thing on Webtoons.

  14. 2 months ago


    He's rebooting Terriful for the seventh time because he's absolutely CONVINCED the character is the next Sonic and people will fall in love with it. His crippling autism prevents him from seeing reality objectively. He also managed to convince himself that the Betz haters are merely two anons samegayging. This is because Betz himself autistically samegays so he assumes everyone else does too.

  15. 2 months ago

    >Does your comic update on Fridays? Tell us all about it!

    It updates on Saturdays.

  16. 2 months ago

    The animation I made for chapter 4 of my webcomic UBOSS DAILIES is complete, I remade the intro and put it all together into one 20 minute long full length animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy7DEkq1uXM&ab_channel=Bones

    *Also UBOSS DAILIES hit 70,000 pageviews today! Feels good man!

    If you haven't read UBOSS DAILIES yet your missing out man, go check it out: https://ubossdailies.thecomicseries.com/

  17. 2 months ago



    • 2 months ago

      Hey Buttz, just because your " in on the joke" doesn't mean we actually want to see this reposted

    • 2 months ago

      It gets more embarrassing every time I see it.

      This went nowhere,

      >The death of the general directly correlates with when Betz started posting here
      The funny part is that he *still* tries to center himself in the community. He just went off in the discord about creating a "new /HYW/ iceberg meme," mostly so he could get his name on it. It drives him nuts that despite hanging around for 4 years, he still has zero clout and no rizz.

      Don't forget to add Betz's secret collusion with the pedophile coldfusion on Crisis on Infinite /co

  18. 2 months ago

    Can we PLEASE stop talking about Betz? It's always Betz this, Betz that. Betz, Betz, Betz. There has literally never been a less important person.

    • 2 months ago

      Everyone here secretly loves drama because the threads being unusable gives them an excuse to avoid drawing their comics.

    • 2 months ago

      But I really want to know more about Betz. I want to know what kind of toothpaste Betz uses. What's Betz's shoe size?
      What's Betz's favorite breakfast cereal?
      Also, this general should be renamed to "How's your Betz Shitpost?"

      Everyone here secretly loves drama because the threads being unusable gives them an excuse to avoid drawing their comics.

      this. forget comics. I just want to know more about Betz.

      • 2 months ago

        Shut up Betz

        • 2 months ago

          Im not Betz . You're Betz. Right, Betz?

          • 1 month ago

            But I really want to know more about Betz. I want to know what kind of toothpaste Betz uses. What's Betz's shoe size?
            What's Betz's favorite breakfast cereal?
            Also, this general should be renamed to "How's your Betz Shitpost?"

            this. forget comics. I just want to know more about Betz.

            Any "anon" who posts gay Betz memes like this is Betz. He is so cringe.

            • 1 month ago

              i don't think betz is real

  19. 2 months ago

    Doing preliminary work on a webcomic called young hoodlum, it's basically drill rap meets Archie comics black comedy sexploitation

    • 2 months ago

      This looks dope, I really want to see more

      • 2 months ago

        Thanks alot bro, Its going to have hentai level sex in it and explicit violence. Check out this board and aco. Im still trying to decide a setting, Im debating either 2020s pandemic era, or 1989-1992 era

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