>goes on fast food diet but cuts out carbs like the bread
>During the film, Naughton goes on an all-fast-food diet, mainly eating food from McDonald's. For his daily dietary intake, he aims to keep his calories to around 2,000 and his carbohydrates to around 100 grams per day, but he does not restrict fat at all. He ends up eating about 100 grams of fat per day, of which about 50 grams are saturated. He also decides to walk six nights a week, instead of his usual three. After a month eating that way, he loses 12 pounds[3] and his total cholesterol goes down. However, his HDL does not go down; this is often thought to be undesirable, as high HDL levels are desirable.
>after his fast-food diet, he goes on a diet with no seed oils, low carb, no processed foods, and no refined sugar. He eats high fat, high protein, low carb and natural foods which is the diet his ancestors had.
>he also becomes a health writer who promotes the diet he discovered from his research in Fat Head
>still alive at 65
>literally goes on Twitter to give his condolences to Spurlock's family but to also point out he's 65 and alive.
guess eating high fat and not being a dumb alcoholic pays off!

Watch Fat Head and learn how to live longer: https://vimeo.com/127401963

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      brutal holy shit

    • 3 weeks ago

      True comedy.

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      His wife is a v*gan

    • 3 weeks ago



      >goes on fast food diet but cuts out carbs like the bread
      >During the film, Naughton goes on an all-fast-food diet, mainly eating food from McDonald's. For his daily dietary intake, he aims to keep his calories to around 2,000 and his carbohydrates to around 100 grams per day, but he does not restrict fat at all. He ends up eating about 100 grams of fat per day, of which about 50 grams are saturated. He also decides to walk six nights a week, instead of his usual three. After a month eating that way, he loses 12 pounds[3] and his total cholesterol goes down. However, his HDL does not go down; this is often thought to be undesirable, as high HDL levels are desirable.
      >after his fast-food diet, he goes on a diet with no seed oils, low carb, no processed foods, and no refined sugar. He eats high fat, high protein, low carb and natural foods which is the diet his ancestors had.
      >he also becomes a health writer who promotes the diet he discovered from his research in Fat Head
      >still alive at 65
      >literally goes on Twitter to give his condolences to Spurlock's family but to also point out he's 65 and alive.
      guess eating high fat and not being a dumb alcoholic pays off!

      Watch Fat Head and learn how to live longer: https://vimeo.com/127401963

      Unfathomably based

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      cringe. show some respect for the dead. he didnt die due to his diet you idiot.

      • 3 weeks ago

        nah, he died due to being a fake who numbed his self-loathing through alcohol. until [liver] cancer claimed him.
        the sleazy fricker deserved it.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >cringe. show some respect for the dead. he didnt die due to his diet you idiot.

      • 3 weeks ago

        What did he die due to?

      • 3 weeks ago

        that was the point.

        vaccines cause cancer now? dr. chud needs to publish this finding in his next fb post medical journal

        yes, are you living under a rock? LMAO
        there's suddenly all these weird fast progressing cancers and people who got vaccinated more often are more likely to relapse if they've had cancer in the past. it's well documented by now, go look it up IF YOU ACTUALLY CARE.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Absolute savage

    • 3 weeks ago

      that's a little petty tbh but pretty fricking funny

    • 3 weeks ago

      owned that alcoholic liar

    • 3 weeks ago

      Absolute mogging.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >and healthy
      I kinda doubt that

      • 3 weeks ago

        Looks good for a 63 year old man

      • 3 weeks ago

        Aside from the balding, he looks good for mid 60s.
        Actually he looks fantastic. With a hat you wouldn't think he was older than 55

      • 3 weeks ago

        vaxx status?

      • 3 weeks ago

        he doesn't look older than his age, but he does look unhealthy. his skin tone and glassy, red eyes are signs of some kind of malnutrition. unless he was smoking weed or crying shortly before this picture.

    • 3 weeks ago

      God DAMN.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Dude’s been waiting 2 decades for this comeback and it’s fricking based

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      Dabbed on even in death

    • 3 weeks ago

      but how many assistants did he rape?

    • 3 weeks ago

      His wife is a v*gan

      Wait his wife in supersize me doesnt look like that?
      >they divorced
      >shes no longer a vegan either according to her own website

      • 3 weeks ago

        >shes no longer a vegan either
        kek of course. women usually realize this when they get pregnant. veganism is suicide and child abuse.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I didn't think based levels like this were possible.

    • 3 weeks ago


      >goes on fast food diet but cuts out carbs like the bread
      >During the film, Naughton goes on an all-fast-food diet, mainly eating food from McDonald's. For his daily dietary intake, he aims to keep his calories to around 2,000 and his carbohydrates to around 100 grams per day, but he does not restrict fat at all. He ends up eating about 100 grams of fat per day, of which about 50 grams are saturated. He also decides to walk six nights a week, instead of his usual three. After a month eating that way, he loses 12 pounds[3] and his total cholesterol goes down. However, his HDL does not go down; this is often thought to be undesirable, as high HDL levels are desirable.
      >after his fast-food diet, he goes on a diet with no seed oils, low carb, no processed foods, and no refined sugar. He eats high fat, high protein, low carb and natural foods which is the diet his ancestors had.
      >he also becomes a health writer who promotes the diet he discovered from his research in Fat Head
      >still alive at 65
      >literally goes on Twitter to give his condolences to Spurlock's family but to also point out he's 65 and alive.
      guess eating high fat and not being a dumb alcoholic pays off!

      Watch Fat Head and learn how to live longer: https://vimeo.com/127401963

      >vegan supporter
      >troony supporter
      >vaxx shill

    • 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      the guy died from cancer, why are you frickers so mean?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >wife and child left without a dad
      >i'll mock him for dying and pretend i'm the better person

      • 3 weeks ago

        They've been divorced for over a decade already.

      • 3 weeks ago

        the guy is hover handing his own kid

    • 3 weeks ago

      Is he pitching himself to spurlocks family?

    • 3 weeks ago

      we got a correction coming in from the BASED department:
      seems like tommy boy unironically won... twice?!

      • 3 weeks ago

        Based Tom avoided the jab???
        Frick yeah. Nice job Tommy.

      • 3 weeks ago

        he's a good one

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Don't care. Didn't ask.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Based Fat Head poster.
    Even if the science in his film isn't all that accurate, all of the segments that shit on Spurlock are great.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Even if the science in his film isn't all that accurate
      such as?

      • 3 weeks ago

        At fast food places like McDonald's, large portions of processed carbs like their fries and burger buns are more than enough to make someone fat as they overload the liver and cause new fat making. In fact fries and bread are statistically bigger drivers of obesity than sugar, even though sugar is a bigger predictor for the heavier health effects like diabetes.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Don't he include starch carbs in the movie? Been almost 20 years since I seen it, but I always felt like it wasn't JUST about sucrose/fructose.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >At fast food places like McDonald's, large portions of processed carbs like their fries and burger buns are more than enough to make someone fat as they overload the liver and cause new fat making. In fact fries and bread are statistically bigger drivers of obesity than sugar, even though sugar is a bigger predictor for the heavier health effects like diabetes.
          But Tom from Fat Head does point this out. He is anti-sugar, anti-grains and anti-food processing.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >as they overload the liver and cause new fat making
          This is nonsense.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >This is nonsense.
            Know how they make foie gras? The process to make a duck liver fatty?
            Same thing you do when you stuff yourself with bread.

            >The liver is fattened by placing a metal or plastic tube down the throat several times a day to administer feed. To most efficiently achieve the largest possible liver the food given via the tube is made up mostly of corn. The first feeding typically consists of about 0.4 pounds of food being given to the bird in mere seconds. This is increased over time until the last feeding, during which 1 pound is given. This is far more than a duck or goose would consume if left to feed freely.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Holy shit you're moronic. A fatty liver does not mean your liver is making fat.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >A fatty liver does not mean your liver is making fat.
                Fatty liver literally means your body is producing excess fat on your organs, dummy...

                Humans are not geese. And in any case, we are talking about body fat.

                >And in any case, we are talking about body fat.
                Body fat includes fat in your organs. Look up fatty liver disease. It's caused by eating a shit diet with too much grain.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Body fat includes fat in your organs. Look up fatty liver disease. It's caused by eating a shit diet with too much grain.
                You are just regurgitating low carb misinformation

              • 3 weeks ago

                >You are just regurgitating low carb misinformation
                except it's actually true.
                you can't even explain why ducks fed large amounts of corn is how you get their livers fatty aka foie gras. its the same process as humans. stop eating so much corn and grain, kid.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >you can't even explain why ducks fed large amounts of corn is how you get their livers fatty aka foie gras.
                Neither can you

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's literally the process to get duck livers fatty, anon. Holy shit can you read?

                according to this guy there isn't an obesity epidemic, it's just white people being racist about the demographic shift in the US
                he might not be a fraud like spurlock but he is moronic in his own way

                >according to this guy there isn't an obesity epidemic, it's just white people being racist about the demographic shift in the US
                Lol what. He never said that. I watched the doc and one of the experts said that one of the reasons that obesity is climbing in the US is because we have more Latinos coming in and they tend to be fatter because they are...you know.

              • 3 weeks ago

                here you go

              • 3 weeks ago

                He's right though. If you cut out Blacks and Latinos from obesity stats, then there is no epidemic of obesity. I don't see what's bad about him stating the fact that there is a population shift, because that is also a fact that people need to know.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >we have more Latinos coming in and they tend to be fatter because they are...you know.
                Not adapted to the western grain-based diet. That goes for majority indigenous Latinos, of course. Pacific Islanders are the most extreme case of this, they get extremely obese immediately upon eating modern industrial food. Whereas whites, mixed whites, east Asians, middle easterners (etc) who have had agriculture for 10,000 years have a metabolism much more suited to a starchy carb heavy diet.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Not adapted to the western grain-based diet.
                They are now. Have you been to Latin America? They have all the shit we do and they are dying from soda, corn, and processed foods.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Their obesity rates are not far behind the US, they are at early '10s USA levels.
                From this map it looks like i was wrong about middle easterners, though. I wonder what they eat to get so fat.

                >Whereas whites, mixed whites, east Asians, middle easterners (etc) who have had agriculture for 10,000 years have a metabolism much more suited to a starchy carb heavy diet.
                Lol no they just don't eat as much shit while Black teens literally die from eating too many hot cheetos.

                Cultural diet choices clearly significantly influence obesity rates, but that has not been isolated as a variable. So it's hard to determine the extent to which it affects obesity rates in developed places.
                But you can see that sub-Saharan Africans (no agriculture until the last 200 years) have low obesity rates due to poverty, yet African-Americans are the most obese demographic in the US.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Fat people eat too much garbage (especially sugar) and aren't physically active enough. That's the long and short of it, no need to make it overly complicated.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Fat people eat too much garbage (especially sugar) and aren't physically active enough.
                This basically. I used to be fat and then I started fasting and cutting out processed food and sugar and I got under 200 lbs and stayed there. Fat people are just food addicts.

                My great great grandfather was eating tubers and getting shitfaced everyday. I’ve tried keto for a year and I felt like absolute ass, I had my macros in a spreadsheet and only ate meat I sourced from farms directly so don’t try to handwave some shit about me not doing it right.
                A balanced diet with whole grains, healthy fats etc is all a homie needs, there’s no reason to do these extreme diets unless you’re mentally ill (a lot of OCD individuals are into these extreme diets, it’s not a good idea to emulate them).

                >A balanced diet with whole grains
                Here's the thing. You don't need grains at all. You just need fruit honey and starchy veg for your carbs. Grains are just filler that turns into excess body fat too easily. The only grain you can get away with and not have issues is rice but even that should not be eaten in excess.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Grains are just filler that turns into excess body fat too easily. The only grain you can get away with and not have issues is rice but even that should not be eaten in excess.
                This is somewhat true but if you do make bread the traditional way, you will not get sick. The main problem with bread is 90% of bread that is made with like 20-50 different ingredients and chemicals that you buy from a store. Bread you get from a real baker that makes artisan bread is mostly ok.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I have never been fat and I eat whole grains all the time. Git gud.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >I have never been fat and I eat whole grains all the time.
                cant prove shit unless you post everything you eat in a day

                Not clicking a tw*tter link but I’ll assume it’s something gay just like you.

                How many chickie nugs did you eat this month, anon? Make your own chicken.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >dude these nuggets are BLEACHED
                >ignore my unnaturally white teeth btw

              • 3 weeks ago

                >30 ingredients!
                Maybe in America

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Whereas whites, mixed whites, east Asians, middle easterners (etc) who have had agriculture for 10,000 years have a metabolism much more suited to a starchy carb heavy diet.
                Lol no they just don't eat as much shit while Black teens literally die from eating too many hot cheetos.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Latinos had agriculture of corn, potatoes, cassava, yams, etc for millenia

                Their obesity rates are not far behind the US, they are at early '10s USA levels.
                From this map it looks like i was wrong about middle easterners, though. I wonder what they eat to get so fat.
                Cultural diet choices clearly significantly influence obesity rates, but that has not been isolated as a variable. So it's hard to determine the extent to which it affects obesity rates in developed places.
                But you can see that sub-Saharan Africans (no agriculture until the last 200 years) have low obesity rates due to poverty, yet African-Americans are the most obese demographic in the US.

                Sub saharan africa had agriculture of rice, millets, yams, sorghum, etc for 10,0000 years and before Asians.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Latinos had agriculture of corn, potatoes, cassava, yams, etc for millenia
                Their corn and potatoes were not like the ones we have now. The fibre to starch ratio between the two is like comparing apples to a slice of cake.
                >Sub saharan africa had agriculture of rice, millets, yams, sorghum, etc for 10,0000 years and before Asians.
                Very few places did. Most sub-Saharan Africans lived as pastoralists or hunter gatherers when the Europeans showed up. Whereas east Asians were subsisting on rice.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Very few places did. Most sub-Saharan Africans lived as pastoralists or hunter gatherers when the Europeans showed up. Whereas east Asians were subsisting on rice.
                Most places did. Nomadic pastoralists have always been the minority and hunter gatherers were always an extreme minority in extreme low population environments like the kalahari desert.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Corn is one of the first GMOs and it all happened by selective breeding. The corn used by the aztecs was smaller than the modern industrial engineered type but it had already taken on its familiar large yellow cob shape. It only took a few generations of domesticating the original wild corn plant to eliminate its hard outer shell and make the cobs larger and more full of kernels.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Sub saharan africa had agriculture of rice, millets, yams, sorghum, etc for 10,0000 years and before Asians.
                More fiction lol

              • 3 weeks ago

                >A fatty liver does not mean your liver is making fat.
                It means that fat people are producing so much fat from a poor diet that their liver is accumulating fat. The same as what happens to ducks when making foie gras.


              • 3 weeks ago

                >A fatty liver does not mean your liver is making fat.
                Fatty liver literally means your body is producing excess fat on your organs, dummy...

                >And in any case, we are talking about body fat.
                Body fat includes fat in your organs. Look up fatty liver disease. It's caused by eating a shit diet with too much grain.

                I'm not talking fat on your organs...
                Learn some basic reading comprehension.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >I'm not talking fat on your organs...
                You think fat people only get fat everywhere but their organs? No, they get other things like fatty liver which can lead to other liver diseases which kill fatties.

              • 3 weeks ago

                He's conflating a few things and oversimplifying but the underlying association is correct. The fatty liver doesn't cause you to become fat but the underlying hyper exposure to insulin driven by excessive carbohydrate exposure and lack of activity that causes fatty liver also signals to the rest of the fat cells in your body to convert energy into fat. I hope you just don't understand the way in which metabolic dysfunction results in weight gain and you're not nitpicking for no reason.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Humans are not geese. And in any case, we are talking about body fat.

        • 3 weeks ago

          seed/veg oils are another huge killer

          • 3 weeks ago

            What is an alternative? I don't like olive oil for everything.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >What is an alternative? I don't like olive oil for everything.
              Butter, lard, tallow, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc. No processed seed or veg shit.

              • 3 weeks ago

                People think animal fats are somehow worse for you than seed oils. >but it's called "vegetable oil" and vegetables = healthy??

              • 3 weeks ago

                >but it's called "vegetable oil" and vegetables = healthy??
                vegetable oils are very processed and the veg oils themselves are not meant for human consumption. meanwhile, animal fat is not processed the same way, not is fruit oil.

            • 3 weeks ago

              then what the frick am I supposed to use? lard for everything?

              don't use lard unless you want tapeworms in your brain, beef tallow, lamb/chicken/turkey/goat fat are good, a little corn/peanut oil is ok
              honestly if you're not willing to glean the wisdom out of this autistic schizo nutritionalist's website don't even bother trying to get healthy https://www.drlwilson.com/articles/FATS.htm

              • 3 weeks ago

                Thanks for the knowledge

              • 3 weeks ago

                tapeworms die at 60-70celsius so youre good if you use lard for cooking. duck/geese is good. corn/peanut oil is definitely not ok

          • 3 weeks ago

            then what the frick am I supposed to use? lard for everything?

            • 3 weeks ago

              What is an alternative? I don't like olive oil for everything.

              you guys are really so stupid that you buy those shitty Walmart oils and use them for everything you cook? enjoy your deaths.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >lard for everything?
              that's what your ancestors did and they never got cancer or obesity.
              plus there's butter, tallow, fruit oils, etc.

              • 3 weeks ago

                oh I forgot olives were a fruit

            • 3 weeks ago

              Any tallow and ghee are ideal. Lard in industrialized societies is actually pretty rich in linoleic acid due to a pig's monogastric digestive system, and has a lot of the same qualities of seed oils. "Organic" lard (from a pig that was ranged instead of given agricultural waste as a primary food source) has basically the same lipid profile as olive oil; which is also a good alternative since it's just fruit juice and not as heavily processed as seed oils. Avocado and (ironically) coconut oils are also decent substitutes. There's also a company making oil from sugar cane that's over 90% monounsaturated fat and selling it for six times the price of canola.
              Or you could not believe the seed oil anti-hype. Then just do what you want.

          • 3 weeks ago

            This guy looks like a grifter. I don't trust anything he says.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >This guy looks like a grifter. I don't trust anything he says.
              He's probably one of the best doctors talking about nutrition in an honest way today. His socials will change your life. Say no to veganism and processed foods.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Seems like a huge gay to me. I’ll be watching out for him needing a bypass from clogged veins in a few years.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >s**d oil
                oh the profanity

                Enjoy your mcdonalds fries goyim.

                Not interested in whatever fad diet this gay is shilling

                >whatever fad diet this gay is shilling
                he's just promoting the same diet your great-great-grandfather probably ate.

                A lot of his conclusions seem to be solid but I can't get over the fact that he has that sunken eye malnourished vegan stare. I can't take him seriously looking like that.

                >I can't get over the fact that he has that sunken eye malnourished vegan stare. I can't take him seriously looking like that.
                He used to be a raw vegan when he was in medical school because of what he was told to eat to fix his health issues but then he became an animal-based diet guy when that ended up working for him.

              • 3 weeks ago

                My great great grandfather was eating tubers and getting shitfaced everyday. I’ve tried keto for a year and I felt like absolute ass, I had my macros in a spreadsheet and only ate meat I sourced from farms directly so don’t try to handwave some shit about me not doing it right.
                A balanced diet with whole grains, healthy fats etc is all a homie needs, there’s no reason to do these extreme diets unless you’re mentally ill (a lot of OCD individuals are into these extreme diets, it’s not a good idea to emulate them).

              • 3 weeks ago

                >these extreme diets
                What is extreme about cutting out bread, refined sugar, processed food and chemically processed seed oils? That's literally just a sane diet that existed for humans before modern industry which created these obesity-causing foods in the first place.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Very few humans were eating pounds of meat everyday. Cutting out processed foods is fine, chugging olive oil is insane.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Very few humans were eating pounds of meat everyday. Cutting out processed foods is fine, chugging olive oil is insane.
                Nobody eats lbs of meat every day. You only need 250g of protein.
                Nobody chugs olive oil. You can just use it for cooking since it is a fruit oil that is cold pressed rather than chemically processed.

                Meanwhile, if your mom gave your formula as a baby, she fricked your health.


                hope you guys were breastfed and that your mom wasn't a vegan.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Why you keep posting that absolute moron, he hides from debating people that would destroy him in a debate ever since Alex Leaf destroyed him in a debate years ago, Saladino is a quack

              • 3 weeks ago

                the points he makes are not wrong, and Im not that anon and Im

                Ive been saying the same thing as the dude talking about that Dr and seed oils for years.

                There was a study around 2010 that showed how fricked our Omega 3/6/9 ratios are compared to people who ate pre-1900s.
                We have way too much seed oils in our diet, which fricks with our Omega 6/9 levels. We don't eat enough fish and good fatty acids to bump our Omega 3 levels.
                By doing so, we frick our 'ratio', and in the process, frick with our cholesterol and our collagen production and other cell processes.

                That Dr dude is not a load of shit, he's absolutely right.
                t. guy who loves meat, so no, I'm no crazy vegan or 'organic' nut, I just avoid processed foods and all those gay fricking oils (rapeseed, canola, palm, etc). Just stick with animal fats and olive oil and coconut oil, moderately.

              • 3 weeks ago

                They are all wrong, seed oils are healthy and saturated fat is not healthy

              • 3 weeks ago

                you dumb animal

              • 3 weeks ago

                >ever since Alex Leaf destroyed him in a debate years ago, Saladino is a quack
                They agreed on a lot of things, anon. I saw that debate and only vegans got mad at him because alex leaf is literally a plant-based supporter hence his name and alex didn't want to believe that some vegetables are harmful to the gut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM2QQmP04Bg

                >he hides from debating people that would destroy him in a debate

                He debates people all the time on his channel like this recent one here.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >some vegetables are harmful to the gut
                Vegetables are literally 90% water with added B12 analouges and 0 protein to calorie ratio. I dont know why anyone bothers with them

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Vegetables are literally 90% water with added B12 analouges and 0 protein to calorie ratio. I dont know why anyone bothers with them
                Most vegetables are literally a bunch of shit but especially kale which literally makes people sick.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >kale which literally makes people sick.

              • 3 weeks ago

                watch the video, gay

              • 3 weeks ago

                There's no video in that link, and is not a study, so I ask again, source?

              • 3 weeks ago

                >He debates people all the time on his channel like this recent one here.
                Literally your example is him talking to a low carb carnivore moron, he hides from people that would destroy him in debate with topics like seed oils actually being healthy

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Literally your example is him talking to a low carb carnivore moron
                How about a plant-based doctor then?

              • 3 weeks ago

                I don't believe Furhman is a good debater, he hides from good debaters that would annihilate him in topics such as seed oils being healthy like I said before

              • 3 weeks ago

                this guy left the carnivore, ray peat diet is the best and healthiest

              • 3 weeks ago

                you dumb animal


              • 3 weeks ago

                so pasta is fine, just no bread?
                I also eat no sugar but low carb is definitely a meme, I've tried it.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >s**d oil
                oh the profanity

              • 3 weeks ago

                Not interested in whatever fad diet this gay is shilling

              • 3 weeks ago

                A lot of his conclusions seem to be solid but I can't get over the fact that he has that sunken eye malnourished vegan stare. I can't take him seriously looking like that.

          • 3 weeks ago

            a WHAT plant?

          • 3 weeks ago

            trans is all he had to say for me to be IN

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Seed oil meme
            Dr. Mike Israetel already utterly debunked this

            • 3 weeks ago

              >Dr. Israel
              Can't trust that.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >large portions of processed carbs like their fries and burger buns are more than enough to make someone fat as they overload the liver and cause new fat making
          And yet no study could replicate this, not even the university repeats done several times.

          • 3 weeks ago

            At fast food places like McDonald's, large portions of processed carbs like their fries and burger buns are more than enough to make someone fat as they overload the liver and cause new fat making. In fact fries and bread are statistically bigger drivers of obesity than sugar, even though sugar is a bigger predictor for the heavier health effects like diabetes.

            People way over complicate weight loss which is why people fail at losing weight. If your primary goal is weight loss, all you need to do is cut calories to below your TDEE. The more you can cut below TDEE, the more weight you'll lose in a shorter amount of time. You can eat absolute dogshit quality food and still lose weight.

            Realistically, if you're obese, your primary objective should be not being obese anymore because it's basically the greatest predictor of early mortality. Once you've got your obesity under control and have a better relationship with how calories work, then you can start digging into the fine details of the nutritional content of your food and focus on macros. Most people who try to do too much and overcomplicate things at this phase will likely fail and yoyo back into being a fat frick. I've lost weight with keto, fasting, etc. Once I started focusing on calories, I looked back and realized each of those modes of eating was just putting me in a calorie deficit which is the BASIS of how you lose weight.

            • 3 weeks ago

              but what if your TDEE drops to an extremely low level because your body has an involuntary response to weight loss such that it severely reduces your metabolic rate? Such as happened with these people

              >Mr. Cahill was one of the worst off. As he regained more than 100 pounds, his metabolism slowed so much that, just to maintain his current weight of 295 pounds, he now has to eat 800 calories a day less than a typical man his size. Anything more turns to fat.

              • 3 weeks ago

                "Eat less than you burn" is not the same as "Sustain yourself on a bowl of rice"

              • 3 weeks ago

                That guy needs to eat under 1200 calories just to not continue to gain weight at 295 pounds, and less to lose weight. His body is essentially set in starvation mode to hold onto every calorie possible, with his organs basically half shut down. That's what can happen when you lose a large amount of weight.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >if you lose weight... you die!
                anon, I...

              • 3 weeks ago

                stop replying to me unless you've read the article

              • 3 weeks ago

                No, that's what happens when you're on the biggest loser reality television weight loss contest show, lose like 9 lbs a week while starving yourself and working out constantly and then when the show ends, you go back to shitty eating habits and let yourself get fat again. Your body gets fricked up.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Its an extreme example, but its the same process the body uses for every person who is obese and loses a significant amount of weight. Fat loss doesn't get rid of fat cells, it just deflates them, so the body sees all the empty fat cells and responds as if you've lost all your body fat due to famine. Your metabolic rate drops and your hunger increases due to hunger hormones released by the body involuntarily. That low metabolism will make you fatigued all the time, while the hunger hormones will make you hungry all the time. That's why people who lose weight so frequently gain it back over a period of a few years.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >but its the same process the body uses for every person who is obese and loses a significant amount of weight.
                The extreme example is incredibly relevant to the outcome in this case. Over training and extreme crash dieting for 7 months straight under strict supervision of professionals and then reverting back to previous behaviors once you're back to regular life without the support system is obviously not going to result in successful long term weight loss, especially when you consider whatever metabolic damage you've done from being fat before, what metabolic damage you did during the biggest loser, and then what metabolic damage you did once biggest loser was over.

                Your metabolism will respond to your lifestyle and they obviously went too hard on multiple fronts without any chronic alteration of habits and goals with sustainability in mind.

              • 3 weeks ago

                > That low metabolism
                This excuse is in the hall of fame for fatsos right alongside "I'm big boned." Everyone can dream of a million reasons why they can't lose weight, but they can't dream of any reason to just put the burgers and fries down long enough to get in shape.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Lol, lmao even.
                That is called lying.
                >Low energy expenditure was thus excluded as a mechanism of self-reported diet resistance. In contrast, the subjects in group 1 underreported their actual food intake by an average (±SD) of 47±16 percent and overreported their physical activity by 51±75 percent.

      • 3 weeks ago

        His science criticized the sugar industry. Therefore it wasnt “real” science.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    >Was he vaxxed
    KEK. This guy's alright in my books.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    >For his daily dietary intake, he aims to keep his calories to around 2,000
    So 500 less than an average male should eat. No wonder he lost weight.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Average caloric intake for a human male who is not overweight is 2k calories. 2.5k means you're around 100 to 110 kilo, which is obese.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >means you're around 100 to 110 kilo, which is obese.
        I'm 200cm, 100 kg, and people are always telling me I'm skinny.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    this guy is unironically a middle functioning autistic and so are all the people that parrot this movie. They think spurlock was trying to do a science experiment instead of roughly eating the same way that a lot of fat americans do and winging it, the way obese americans do

    and pointing out that one is alive is moot. They both had their fast food experiments, one is dead and one isn't. So?

    • 3 weeks ago

      he is absolutely autistic you can tell in the doc. the fact the he's gloating about outliving a dead man to his relatives is evidence enough

    • 3 weeks ago

      The issue is Spurlock was a functional alcoholic who tried to blame fast food for his poor health rather than the fact he guzzled a fifth of vodka every day. He even edited out parts of medical checkups where the doctors blamed his alcoholism for his health, in an attempt to try and make it look like they were saying it was his diet. Supersize Me is pure propaganda.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    this dude's wife was hot as frick and he didn't cheat on her like morgan so that already gives him a fat W fr fr no cap

  8. 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      vaccines cause cancer now? dr. chud needs to publish this finding in his next fb post medical journal

      • 3 weeks ago

        yes the vaccines caused inflammation throughout the body plus fricked people's immune systems, perfect for rapid cancer growth

        • 3 weeks ago

          >the vaccines caused inflammation throughout the body plus fricked people's immune systems,
          That's called a normal immune response you raped homosexual.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Keep believing that Vax cuck

            • 3 weeks ago

              two more weeks right?

      • 3 weeks ago

        vaccines preserved with mercury(as all vaccines are, wikipedia will tell you it's a myth/no longer true but that's bullshit, they're either preserved with mercury or else some other highly toxic shit) very well will lead to cancer

        • 3 weeks ago

          What kind of mercury?

    • 3 weeks ago

      why do you believe his death has anything to do with covid

      • 3 weeks ago

        >why do you believe his death has anything to do with covid
        it's either that or the fact he was an alcoholic which does get you liver cancer. notice how they didn't specify the cancer he had?

        • 3 weeks ago

          Alcohol gives you cirrhosis
          and also damages your kidneys and pancreas and stomach, pretty much all your organs. Being a heavy alcoholic for two decades is going to cause a myriad of problems, likely some sort of cancer.
          Like I know the vaccine is bad but that's not what killed him you braindead./pol/yp

      • 3 weeks ago

        vax is causing cancers at alarming rates among young adults. heart attacks and cancers exploded after 2021.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >source: my unwashed ass

          • 3 weeks ago

            enjoy you clots/cancer

        • 3 weeks ago

          So hospitals or cemeteries must be packed with these lads considering how many people took the jab. Care to show me some data?

          • 3 weeks ago

            embalmers are the ones blowing the whistle on the white blood clot phenomenon:

            they have to drain the blood from the dead people and these clots are making that difficult. they are being seen in lots of people recently and never before.

            • 3 weeks ago


  9. 3 weeks ago

    the guy died of cancer though

  10. 3 weeks ago
  11. 3 weeks ago

    according to this guy there isn't an obesity epidemic, it's just white people being racist about the demographic shift in the US
    he might not be a fraud like spurlock but he is moronic in his own way

  12. 3 weeks ago

    Both movies were skewered by compromising factors, for Spurlock going out of his way to be a raging alcoholic and Naughton going out of his way to east and work out more health-consciously than the average person.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Naughton going out of his way to east and work out
      All he did was do band resistance and walking. Here's the part in the movie where he mentions that. That's not much of a workout.


  13. 3 weeks ago

    Vegan gains absolutely destroyed this movie though.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Vegan Gains needs to work on neck day

  14. 3 weeks ago

    >20 years later and people are still seething at Super Size Me

    • 3 weeks ago

      >homosexual dies relative young (deservedly though)
      >haha you still mad about this movie
      You can't talking shit when your hero is fricking dead, you sad sack of shit lol

      • 3 weeks ago

        continue defending that mcdonalds goyslop buddy

  15. 3 weeks ago

    based and walkpilled

    • 3 weeks ago

      what the frick? why am i on there?

  16. 3 weeks ago

    >Nearly every doctor or guy Naughton talked to brought up their new books
    What did he mean by this?

  17. 3 weeks ago

    >The results for your liver are obscene beyond anything I would have thought, truly. You know that movie [Leaving] Las Vegas, Nicholas Cage, he pickled his liver during the course of a few weeks in Vegas right? I would have never thought you could do the same with a high fat diet

    how did anyone fall for this shit back then lol

    • 3 weeks ago

      >I would have never thought you could do the same with a high fat diet
      Lol imagine being so stupid that people think McDonalds is high fat when the only actual fat is in their gay tiny patties while the rest of the calories come from grains, seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, and chemically processed ingredients. Grain alone will make you have a fatty liver if you eat too much of it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      alcoholic homosexual.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >>how did anyone fall for this shit
      Why didn't the tests pick up the liver damage when he STARTED the McDonald's binge?

  18. 3 weeks ago

    >alcoholic who lied about his crippling health-threatening alcoholism dies young

  19. 3 weeks ago


    Not clicking a tw*tter link but I’ll assume it’s something gay just like you.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    Ive been saying the same thing as the dude talking about that Dr and seed oils for years.

    There was a study around 2010 that showed how fricked our Omega 3/6/9 ratios are compared to people who ate pre-1900s.
    We have way too much seed oils in our diet, which fricks with our Omega 6/9 levels. We don't eat enough fish and good fatty acids to bump our Omega 3 levels.
    By doing so, we frick our 'ratio', and in the process, frick with our cholesterol and our collagen production and other cell processes.

    That Dr dude is not a load of shit, he's absolutely right.
    t. guy who loves meat, so no, I'm no crazy vegan or 'organic' nut, I just avoid processed foods and all those gay fricking oils (rapeseed, canola, palm, etc). Just stick with animal fats and olive oil and coconut oil, moderately.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Did you know that canola oil was originally an engine lube during ww2? Now we eat it and the doctors say its good for you lol.


      >calories in, calories out is baloney!
      I like this documentary but this was a pretty moronic opinion. The whole thing feels like some cope to remain unhealthy

      It is. You cannot tell me that an apple is going to affect you the same way as a bagel, even if you ate equal caloric amounts of each. One of them is going to become fat a lot more easily due to their glycemic properties. Try watching the doc again so you understand this simple concept.

      >dude these nuggets are BLEACHED
      >ignore my unnaturally white teeth btw

      >unnaturally white teeth btw
      That's what happens when you eat healthy. He doesn't even use toothpaste. Tooth decay comes from eating poorly.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Oh no you're a dumbass, why do you keep responding to comments?

  21. 3 weeks ago

    >calories in, calories out is baloney!
    I like this documentary but this was a pretty moronic opinion. The whole thing feels like some cope to remain unhealthy

  22. 3 weeks ago

    To all you /druk/gays, the same shit will happen to you. Either go sober or learn to moderate.

    • 3 weeks ago

      He didn't die of alcohol related illnesses.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >He didn't die of alcohol related illnesses.
        Then why didn't they specify his type of cancer? because it was probably liver cancer aka drunkie disease.

        They are all wrong, seed oils are healthy and saturated fat is not healthy

        >seed oils are healthy and saturated fat is not healthy
        hahahahahah ok vegan homosexual keep eating seed oils.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Then why didn't they specify his type of cancer? because it was probably liver cancer aka drunkie disease
          Not arguing that's a risk of excess alcohol intake but alcohol seems to be more highly correlated with esophageal and colorectal cancers (among some others). Those can all spread to the liver of course which is usually has a very negative impact on survival. Happy for someone who is an expert to refute this but that's what I undertsand from reading articles.

          • 3 weeks ago

            the liver is the first thing to be affected by alcohol, and then its the kidneys. alcohol is literally a poison. don't do it. if you are drinking, stop now before you end up with cirrhosis or worse.

            • 3 weeks ago

              you do realize 90% of alcoholics know this shit right?
              You're screaming that the sky is blue
              Next you're probably gonna say smoking is bad as if that's new information
              Shut the frick up and jack off to anime homosexual

        • 3 weeks ago

          >liver cancer aka drunkie disease.
          Imagine being this much of a prick to others while being totally wrong. Liver CIRRHOSIS is the "drunkie" disease, not liver cancer. Some drunks may develop liver cancer, but liver failure due to alcohol is always cirrhosis.

          • 3 weeks ago

            But liver cancer is one of the outcomes after cirrhosis you dumb gay. It is the final stage of liver failure.

            • 3 weeks ago

              you're stupid and objectively wrong, it's total liver failure which is due to scarring and dead tissue, which ends up killing you, because it can no longer filter toxins out
              Holy FRICK some of you are dumb

              • 3 weeks ago

                Cirrhosis is just the scarring, not total failure. It is survivable with a change in lifestyle and many people do survive it but when you get cancer on top of that or keep drinking to actually shut down your liver, you die.

        • 3 weeks ago

          This guy looks like shit and got homosexual eyes so i wont listent to anything he says. I'll keep consuming my chad oils as i want.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You're gonna die of cancer too teetotaler homosexual

  23. 3 weeks ago

    Uhhh Veganbros… VEGANBROS?!

  24. 3 weeks ago

    Alcohol is fricked

  25. 3 weeks ago

    Wait do tradgays unironically think that only eating meat is healthy, even though no traditional civilization has ever done this?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Wait do tradgays unironically think that only eating meat is healthy, even though no traditional civilization has ever done this?
      Nobody said that ITT, anon. We just think that most grains, all seed oils, and all processed foods are bad for you.

  26. 3 weeks ago

    why do republicans get offended on a fast food joint's behalf

    • 3 weeks ago

      >why do republicans get offended on a fast food joint's behalf
      all the right wingers ITT like me think mcdonalds is goyslop you dumb homo.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >t bootlicking international pharmaceutical corporations wince 2020

      • 3 weeks ago

        >n-no u!
        Not an argument.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >i know I’ll bootlick the trump vaccine right now. That’ll show ‘em

  27. 3 weeks ago

    So everybody here hates super size me guy because he was the reason why McDonalds stopp doing super size right? Lmfao

    • 3 weeks ago

      >So everybody here hates super size me guy because he was the reason why McDonalds stopp doing super size right? Lmfao
      No we hate him because he was a liberal, vaxx shill, troony lover, and vegan shill who lied about what makes mcdonalds bad for you.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >No we hate him because he was a liberal, vaxx shill, troony lover, and vegan shill who lied about what makes mcdonalds bad for you.
        It is bad for you, see

        >why do republicans get offended on a fast food joint's behalf
        all the right wingers ITT like me think mcdonalds is goyslop you dumb homo.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Was the guy even the public eye after the first doc? Seems like a petty thing to get angry at this dude.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >It is bad for you
          i know it's bad for you, anon, but Spurcuck said mcdonalds is bad for you because its factory meat and factory bread instead of all the other shit that people cite. nobody thinks mcdonalds is good for you.

    • 3 weeks ago

      No, I hate him because I grew up hearing a bunch of lies as a kid when it comes to food, and I found out they all literally exist because of this guy. That's pretty annoying, and his same lies still makes conversations moronic to this day.

      People think eating McDonalds will make you fat, full stop. Not "eating too much", or anything like that. They think that, if you're a fricking jacked body builder bench built like a Greek statue, you'll suddenly be on 600 pound life because you eat the occasional big mac.

      • 3 weeks ago

        It helps that McDonalds isn't trying to supersize everything anymore.

        • 3 weeks ago

          You could eat the occasional super sized meal, too. People disagree, but I think we should take more personal responsibility about what we put in our mouths. There's been allegations of fast food being addictive, but I don't think there's anything conclusive there; they're about as addictive as coffee and the like.

          With that in mind, we should be very real about how unhealthy the foods are, but we shouldn't act like Ronald McDonald is shoving food down our mouths.

          I eat fast food every day, and I've made a habit to only eat half the meal at a time. I learned I could just train my body to accept that, and so I get to have fast food more often by being mindful.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >People think eating McDonalds will make you fat, full stop
        It is stupid to say that mcdonalds is the same as making your own burger at home with a bun you bake in the oven, though...
        mcdonalds is goyslop you should avoid.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >So everybody here hates super size me guy because he was the reason why McDonalds stopp doing super size right? Lmfao
        No we hate him because he was a liberal, vaxx shill, troony lover, and vegan shill who lied about what makes mcdonalds bad for you.

        So everybody here hates super size me guy because he was the reason why McDonalds stopp doing super size right? Lmfao

        >morons are mad because they took a sarcastic movie an alcoholic made seriously like a moron

        • 3 weeks ago

          No, no, I was a child back then. I'm mad because the morons AROUND me took the movie seriously like a bunch of morons. I just went "Fast food = :(" and went back to watching teletubbies or, uh, law an order because everyone had that shit on back in the day.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >or, uh, law an order because everyone had that shit on back in the day.
            my grandparents always had law and order on but i knew it was sunday when fricking columbo was on every tv

  28. 3 weeks ago

    >go on Spurlock's twitter
    >he was retweeting bernie sanders and troony shit

    • 3 weeks ago

      If you’re left wing, its likely you’re vegan, if you’re vegan is more than likely you’re mentally ill.
      Its a vicious circle

      • 3 weeks ago

        There are less vegans than there are gay people in the US so you're wrong.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >gay people can't be conservative

    • 3 weeks ago

      He’s always been a weird leftie. His old show “30 days” never even tried to hide their leftwing bias.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >30 days
        That show was so fricking awful.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I haven't really watched it. What are some examples?

  29. 3 weeks ago

    All diet shit seems like scams. I feel like it's very easy to tell when food is garbage for you. Just be active and avoid junk food.

  30. 3 weeks ago

    >exercises more
    >loses weight
    woooow how could this happen

    • 3 weeks ago

      This, people are so fricking inanely stupid they cant understand CICO

  31. 3 weeks ago

    Just a reminder to the zoom zooms ITT, he had to supersize all of his orders if he was prompted to do so while ordering. That was the whole point. Also he hated veganism.

  32. 3 weeks ago

    Growing up fat is so fricking awful so I applaud him for helping to discourage that among the proles who don't any better.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Proles are anti-transbipoc liberation chud. Good riddance to them

  33. 3 weeks ago

    Life is too short to bother micromanaging this shit.

  34. 3 weeks ago

    I love how to Americans "still alive at 65" is an accomplishment. What a fricking race of inbreds

  35. 3 weeks ago

    I hate fat "people" so much bros…

  36. 3 weeks ago

    just because you did a multi quote to be an attention prostitute, doesnt mean that person is wrong
    the doctor has valid points despite what you think is homosexualry
    now post face or full body, fatso

  37. 3 weeks ago

    Eating fast food but cutting carbs isn't really eating fast food tbh

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Eating fast food but cutting carbs isn't really eating fast food tbh
      Sure it is. Chickie nugs? KFC, Taco bell, etc. Not a lot of carbs in those.

  38. 3 weeks ago

    >Comedian (and former health writer) Tom Naughton replies to the blame-McDonald’s crowd by losing weight on a fat-laden fast-food diet while demonstrating that nearly everything we’ve been told about obesity and healthy eating is wrong. Along with some delicious parody of Super Size Me, Naughton serves up plenty of no-bologna facts that will stun most viewers, such as: The obesity “epidemic” has been wildly exaggerated by the CDC. People the government classifies as “overweight” have longer lifespans than people classified as “normal weight.” Having low cholesterol is unhealthy. Lowfat diets can lead to depression and type II diabetes. Saturated fat doesn’t cause heart disease — but sugars, starches and processed vegetable oils do.
    based and true

    • 3 weeks ago

      Being fat is healthy. Based and feministpilled.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Being fat is healthy
        that didn't say that

        • 3 weeks ago

          >The obesity “epidemic” has been wildly exaggerated by the CDC. People the government classifies as “overweight” have longer lifespans than people classified as “normal weight
          Seethe more chud

          • 3 weeks ago

            >fat is healthy
            >not found in text
            dumb libcuck making shit up

      • 3 weeks ago

        >The obesity “epidemic” has been wildly exaggerated by the CDC. People the government classifies as “overweight” have longer lifespans than people classified as “normal weight
        Seethe more chud

        >troony is supporting FAT HEAD a movie loved by the right wing
        >movie literally says eating like a woman is bad for you
        kek i love it

  39. 3 weeks ago

    >eating carbs and sugar
    enjoy being fat

    • 3 weeks ago

      I would rather die than give up carbs so you can go frick yourself and your meme diet.

      • 3 weeks ago

        i hope the sugar industry pays you to post here homosexual

        • 3 weeks ago

          Flour, yeast, salt, water.
          All you need.

    • 3 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        I lost a bunch of weight when I was on that diet so I can't really complain. You got a source for any of those claims tho?

        • 3 weeks ago

          >I lost a bunch of weight
          Because you were in a calorie deficit

          • 3 weeks ago

            Yeah, isn't that the point?

            • 3 weeks ago

              > Isn't that the point?
              Ketolards will claim that "calories aren't important. hormones are"

              • 3 weeks ago

                Doesn't say anything about that on the wikipedia page. I don't know what your problem is with the diet.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >I don't know what your problem is with the diet.
                I already told you.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Calories ultimately do not matter once you start eating right. Eating poorly is what causes weight gain. That Paul Saladino guy who is one of the people who does Tom's diet is in better shape than 90% of the people ITT

                This guy eats meat, honey, very few vegatables, raw dairy and fruit. He can't get fat like you fat fricks.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Calories ultimately do not matter once you start eating right

              • 3 weeks ago

                You are a fat frick who eats bread and processed food. Stop eating bad food and you can't get fat. It's that simple. Calories are not the issue. The issue is how your food affects your metabolism so just avoiding those foods is all you need to do.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >You are a fat frick

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Stop eating bad food and you can't get fat.
                Or exercise self control and don't allow yourself to eat a caloric surplus no matter what you're eating.

                If you eat a caloric surplus of ANYTHING above your TDEE, you'll get fat.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >If you eat a caloric surplus of ANYTHING above your TDEE, you'll get fat.
                I eat tons of bacon, eggs, shrimp, roast beef, butter, steak, cheese, nuts, gravy, fried vegetables and fruit and I don't get fat. People literally ask me how I stay thin when my meals are literally the most "fattening" things they've ever seen. This was after fasting for a year where I dropped 80 lbs in my 20s.

                Here's the secret...I don't eat processed food. My food is all natural. No chips. No soda. No bread. No fast food. Nothing that comes in a bag. I've done this for 5 years and I still look great.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >I eat tons of bacon, eggs, shrimp, roast beef, butter, steak, cheese, nuts, gravy, fried vegetables and fruit and I don't get fat.
                If you're not getting fat, you're not eating over your TDEE. Simple as.

                >Or exercise self control and don't allow yourself to eat a caloric surplus no matter what you're eating.
                Hate to break it to you anon but this is how you chubbies tell yourself you can eat whatever you want. You can't. You're going to die from your goyslop. Eat natural and stop being your processed goyfeed. You'll feel better.

                It sounds like you're making excuses for why you're too mentally weak to have a carbohydrate enter your face.

                >If you eat a caloric surplus of ANYTHING above your TDEE, you'll get fat.
                yeah im sure the fresh cut ribeye steak from my butcher is going to make me as fat as the same caloric amount of cheetos, anon.

                what a fricking joke lol

                If you eat enough fresh cut ribeye steaks to go over your TDEE and eat a caloric surplus on a consistent basis, that's exactly what will happen

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Or exercise self control and don't allow yourself to eat a caloric surplus no matter what you're eating.
                Hate to break it to you anon but this is how you chubbies tell yourself you can eat whatever you want. You can't. You're going to die from your goyslop. Eat natural and stop being your processed goyfeed. You'll feel better.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >If you eat a caloric surplus of ANYTHING above your TDEE, you'll get fat.
                yeah im sure the fresh cut ribeye steak from my butcher is going to make me as fat as the same caloric amount of cheetos, anon.

                what a fricking joke lol

    • 3 weeks ago

      after I read up on wheat I went full oats but without all the Cinemaphile homosexualry
      I love muh oatssss

  40. 3 weeks ago

    >ctrl+F "liver"
    >34 results
    Has to be a first on this board?

  41. 3 weeks ago

    Being obese is good in the sense that you live longer than non obese people. You heard it here first folks.

  42. 3 weeks ago

    Im confused how is living to 65 an accomplishment?

    • 3 weeks ago

      His one-sided antagonist in life died 7 years younger than him.

  43. 3 weeks ago

    god I hated all those documentaries, just dudes going around giving their opinions as if they were fact

    • 3 weeks ago

      Nice try, Morgan's ghost.

  44. 3 weeks ago

    Literally all you have to do is eat while drinking and you wont damage your liver.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Not everything has NAC in it.

  45. 3 weeks ago

    I think I grew up at the tail-end of fast food places "super sizing" meals before they canned it. That shit was enormous.

  46. 3 weeks ago

    holy shit lads... found a conspiracy. Mac D's is OUT TO GET PEOPLE, DO NOT FACE THEM

  47. 3 weeks ago

    Dont frick with the golden arches

  48. 3 weeks ago

    My great uncle smokes a cigar as well as half a pack of cigs, kills close to a fifth of whisky, and eats bacon, eggs, donuts, and cheeseburgers every day. He has done this for decades. I shit you not when I say he has never been to the doctor for a checkup, i know because my mom begs him to all the time and he tells her she's insane. He went to the hospital once when he cut his hand open working at the factory. That was in the mid 1980s.
    He's 82 years old and healthier looking/more active/gets around easier than 90% of people my age at 30. He won a fistfight a few years ago with a kid in his 20s who drunkenly attacked him at the grocery store. Absolutely laid him out and still came to thanksgiving dinner, had a huge black eye but didn't go to the hospital.

    There are times when I feel like it's literally just about attitude because I just don't know how else to possibly explain this guy.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I knew someone like that and then their body gave out one year. Its all good until it isn't. at 82 youve basically already won though

      • 3 weeks ago

        That is the correct way to die.
        Wasting away from Parkinsons is about as awful as possible.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >I knew someone like that and then their body gave out one year
        Knew a guy like that too. He was 90 something and strong as a bull. He did carpentry jobs until about a year before he died. He hit his head accidentally while building a frame for a door in his house which knocked him out. He fell on the floor right after and hit his head against the tile floor. This was a one-two punch that basically condemned him to die less than a year after.

        The days immediately after, he went into this stupor where he couldn't move quickly at all, couldn't tell what day it was and sometimes he couldn't hold a bag of fruit. Or a fork. It was like his brain was being held together by a thread and that one-two punch against the door frame and then the floor took down the last bridge in and out of his gray matter.

        His last few months he spent with a nurse on his side that fed him puree and juice, wiped his ass and dressed/bathed him. The old man I knew would have died of shame if he saw how bad it was.

        Really sucks, I respected the old man a lot.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Damn sad story. It is crazy how fast someone can go downhill especially an older person. Happened to my grandfather too. He wasn't super strong and physical but he stayed healthy and in good health for a long time into his late 80s then he just had a stroke randomly one day and was a vegetable until he died. Sad shit

  49. 3 weeks ago

    >low carb
    this is the most soiboy fad diet you can have. there is a reason weightlifters eat huge amounts of spaghetti before working out

  50. 3 weeks ago

    This dude is one of those armchair health professionals. He has no real credibility and constantly posts shit that has been debunked/misleading shit

  51. 3 weeks ago

    all these fatties coping
    nice retort, you fricking homosexuals. no im not going to individual reply to you, already wasted time blowing you homosexuals the frick out on why you're fat

    • 3 weeks ago

      Far people should be actively ridiculed and discriminated against by society.

  52. 3 weeks ago

    >Morgan didn't respond to him once
    Sad! He still lives rent free in this dudes head to this very day

  53. 3 weeks ago

    This guy is still seething that he never went viral like alcoholicman

  54. 3 weeks ago

    this movie is imo just as bad as super size me
    >statins actually make you sick and don't help against high cholesterol, in fact high cholesterol isn't even really a problem at all! Here's my hand picked group of doctors that will now spend 40 minutes advancing this fringe theory, and there will be no mainstream doctor to present a counterpoint explaining why their arguments are not widely accepted, or say "well that's true, but..."
    >Oh and btw, I just switched to a very high fat diet and after a month I feel great, I have so much energy!
    I'm sure he did feel great, but that diet has all sorts of other problems. Eating as much fat as he was in his diet at the end will increase your risk of getting gout. And if that happens he definitely will not feel great.

    Also there's one part of the doc where he says as a kid he stayed thin because he had to walk to and from school, "but nowadays these busybody politicians had this idea to make kids ride the bus to go to schools far away." He's complaining about school desegregation in fricking nutrition doc. What he's referring to is that during the civil rights era people realized that a lot of cities and towns with a significant black population would underfund the schools in the black part of town, and then make kids go to whatever school was closest. Doing that, even unintentionally, is a violation of federal law. It's called disparate racial impact. So these municipalities were required to bus students from the shitty parts of town to the schools in the nice parts of town instead of whatever school was closest.

    But his complaint is bullshit, because walking a mile to school each way won't keep you thin. The amount of calories that burns is relatively negligible, its like the amount of calories in 2 chocolate chip cookies. Obesity is 90% diet based, and 10% exercise. Obviously exercise is extremely important for overall health, but for maintaining a healthy weight it's all about diet.

  55. 3 weeks ago

    I'm 47. I smoke, I eat whatever I want, and I'm 5'9 290 lbs.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It is likely that you will not live to see your 60th birthday unless you stop smoking and lose weight.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >It is likely that you will not live to see your 60th birthday unless you stop smoking and lose weight.

        Not my problem

  56. 3 weeks ago


    most doctors recommend cutting ultra processed foods, he isn't saying anything extraordinary.

    • 3 weeks ago

      but do they recommend getting rid of seed oils

      • 3 weeks ago

        no, that just makes him sound like a nut job complaining about how hot dogs are made.

        Most things should be ate in moderation and because we tend to not do that, you have high calorie, unnaturally high vitamin foods that our bodies cannot process.

        People are lazy, most of the things they like, they can eat, they just don't want to make it from scratch. I've lost weight just eating home made pizza before, time is really the biggest problem because you're burnt out from work and the last thing you want to do is cook.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Most doctors tell you that canola oil and whole wheat bread is fine. They don't know shit.

      but what if your TDEE drops to an extremely low level because your body has an involuntary response to weight loss such that it severely reduces your metabolic rate? Such as happened with these people

      >Mr. Cahill was one of the worst off. As he regained more than 100 pounds, his metabolism slowed so much that, just to maintain his current weight of 295 pounds, he now has to eat 800 calories a day less than a typical man his size. Anything more turns to fat.

      Anon, calories are not everything. Some food turns to fat more easily than others, and you cannot be healthy on say 2000 calories of bread per day. You will live for a while, sure, but you will get sick and that is what matters. You can be skinny and sick. You can be overweight and healthier than most people. The calorie thing is just making people count calories which doesn't work. You should fast until you lose weight and then switch to foods that do not easily convert to fat like whole unprocessed foods. I have never met a fat person who was literally eating nothing but whole natural foods all day.

      • 3 weeks ago

        > You can be overweight and healthier than most people. The calorie thing is just making people count calories which doesn't work. You should fast until you lose weight

        You’re making some kind of implication that you can be overweight and healthy and you can’t unless you’re talking about muscle. Being fat isn’t healthy.
        >fast until you lose weight
        You’re just describing a caloric deficit.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >most doctors recommend
      Most doctors recommended getting the jab

  57. 3 weeks ago

    Nobody can actually agree on what a good diet is. Rather, they attach to one of several notions thereof and get preposterously angry at anyone outside their own diet tribe.

    It's not just,
    >No, actually, X is bad for you.

    It's more like,
    >You fricking subhuman troglodyte, how could you possibly think that X is acceptable to put in your body?

    I assume this is some caveman instinct corrupted by modern marketing and the Internet.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Being fair, nutritional 'science' and marketing is an absolute wasteland. One year eggs kill you, one year they're the best thing you can ever ingest, but then another 'study' comes out saying they give you cancer. And it goes on and on like that for literally everything.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It is probably more complex than just being a caveman mentality.

      Being fair, nutritional 'science' and marketing is an absolute wasteland. One year eggs kill you, one year they're the best thing you can ever ingest, but then another 'study' comes out saying they give you cancer. And it goes on and on like that for literally everything.

      points out, nutritional research is already atrocious and the reporting on it is several magnitudes worse.
      Doesn't help that usually it isn't
      >x is bad for you
      And instead more like
      >x can increase your risk for disease A if you also do/consume y or unless you do /consume z

      • 3 weeks ago

        I don't even mean caveman instinct as a bad thing. I only mean it as an old instinct which probably functioned better in the premodern world.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Oh yeah, neither did I think of it as a bad thing. It's more that these days discussions in general feel more tribalistic than they did in the past, making me think less of an ingrained human pattern. That might just be rose tinted nostalgia though.

  58. 3 weeks ago

    >but to also point out he's 65 and alive.
    why are americans so rude

  59. 3 weeks ago

    pretty poor form to gloat over another mans grave like that. also being alive at 65 is not something to brag about. thats just most people.

  60. 3 weeks ago

    Why are people so obsessed with living to 80 or 90 anyway? You can't even do anything anymore. Just enjoy yourself, eat and drink whatever you want (in moderation of course) don't be a complete fat frick and you'll probably live until at least 80 (provided you exercise, don't smoke and don't have some kind of genetic disease).

    • 3 weeks ago

      fear of death. we dont have religion to tell us that there is something beyond dying, so people are scared shitless and will do anything to eek out a few more years.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Why are people so obsessed with living to 80 or 90 anyway?
      Because a lot of us have seen people like drunkies die at 40 of cirrhosis, or a heart attack at 50 or diabetes at 60. I'd much rather live to 80 or 90 with no health issues and just die in my sleep when my body gives out than be on a ventilator in the hospital. Plus not all of us are suicidal self destructive neets like you. We want to enjoy life for as long as possible.

      > You can be overweight and healthier than most people. The calorie thing is just making people count calories which doesn't work. You should fast until you lose weight

      You’re making some kind of implication that you can be overweight and healthy and you can’t unless you’re talking about muscle. Being fat isn’t healthy.
      >fast until you lose weight
      You’re just describing a caloric deficit.

      >You’re making some kind of implication that you can be overweight and healthy and you can’t unless you’re talking about muscle. Being fat isn’t healthy.
      Overweight isn't fat.

      pretty poor form to gloat over another mans grave like that. also being alive at 65 is not something to brag about. thats just most people.

      >also being alive at 65 is not something to brag about. thats just most people.
      you'd be surprised how many people don't make it to 65 for entirely avoidable reasons. Drugs, alcohol and obesity takes a lot of people before 60. I'm not going to end up like those people. I'm going to enjoy life as long as possible.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Overweight isn't fat.
        overweight is a euphemism for carrying WAY too much fat. the "overweight" category goes up to seriously unhealthy levels of bodyfat.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >the "overweight" category goes up to seriously unhealthy levels of bodyfat.
          Doctors think perfectly normal people are "fat" according to their dumb standards like BMI which should be replaced with something like waist to hip ratio.


          • 3 weeks ago

            so anyone who distributes fat evenly, or women who put more fat on their hips even, are going to be labeled as healthy? bullshit. it is strictly unhealthy to carry that much fat. the body has no need for it, it's a result of being overfed and misfed.

            >Doctors think perfectly normal people are "fat"
            do you have any idea how fat you sound?

            • 3 weeks ago

              BMI is perfect serviceable. The biggest issue that fat people can have a healthy BMI and not the other way around.
              Anything else is fatty cope.

              >The biggest issue that fat people can have a healthy BMI and not the other way around.
              Which is precisely why BMI is flawed.
              Fat people should be actively punished and they should be laughed out of a doctor's office if they show up looking like a hamplanet.

          • 3 weeks ago

            BMI is perfect serviceable. The biggest issue that fat people can have a healthy BMI and not the other way around.
            Anything else is fatty cope.

  61. 3 weeks ago

    >outlived by the guy who eats big macs every day

  62. 3 weeks ago

    Will you ever bring him back?

  63. 3 weeks ago

    >which is the diet his ancestors had.
    It looks like I'm about to be sold some raw eggs or some conservative seed oil moron shit.

    • 3 weeks ago

      yeh rejecting modern industrial "food" is silly

    • 3 weeks ago

      >conservative seed oil moron shit.
      another fat libcuck is gonna tell us how his tofu diet is working

  64. 3 weeks ago

    finna watch fathead in honor of spurlocks death. i'd watch his documentary but sadly it's too shit.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >finna watch fathead
      fathead is one of the reasons I'm no longer over 200lbs.
      Tom saved a lot of people from being fat fricks.

  65. 3 weeks ago






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