Fede Alvarez's "Alien: Romulus" Paves the Way for a PG-13 Reboot and Beyond

Alien Cinematic Universe is coming

>Fede Alvarez, the horror maestro behind "Don't Breathe" and "Evil Dead," is at the helm of the first piece of this ambitious puzzle: "Alien: Romulus," an R-rated sci-fi horror film set to hit theaters in 2024. While plot details remain tightly under wraps, insiders whisper it takes place between the chilling claustrophobia of "Alien" and the action-packed thrills of "Aliens," serving as a love letter to the franchise's core DNA.

>However, whispers also suggest this is just the first act in a much grander play. Disney reportedly envisions a dual-pronged approach: R-rated "Alien" films like "Romulus" will cater to the hardcore horror fans, while PG-13 "Aliens" reboots will target a broader audience. Imagine "Prometheus" and "Covenant" meeting "Jurassic World" - a terrifying yet accessible thrill ride for the whole family (minus the toddlers, maybe).

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  1. 4 months ago

    >This expanded universe won't be limited to Xenomorphs. Predator is also rumored to be getting the same treatment, with R-rated installments exploring the iconic hunter's origins and PG-13 adventures featuring him alongside unlikely allies. Think "The Expendables" meets "AVP", but with a Disney polish.

    >While initial speculation involved Ridley Scott returning to the helm, reports suggest his script was deemed "convoluted and incoherent." Instead, Disney turned to a fresh team of writers, reportedly crafting a narrative centered on a group of colonists seeking a new home. Cue eerie silence, unsettling discoveries, and yes, facehuggers galore.

    >The rumored twist? A "Mary Elizabeth Winstead-type" named Fiona manages to tame a Xenomorph, turning it into a lethal protector against even deadlier threats. Sounds like a risky gambit, but one that could pay off with the right execution.

    >Whether this "pet alien" concept sits well with fans remains to be seen, but one thing's clear: Disney is swinging for the fences with its Alien universe plans. "Alien:Romulus" is just the tip of the iceberg, and if successful, could pave the way for a thrilling, multi-faceted franchise that caters to both horror aficionados and popcorn-munching families alike. Get ready for a whole new breed of terror (and maybe some surprisingly friendly ones too)!

    • 4 months ago


      Alien Cinematic Universe is coming

      >Fede Alvarez, the horror maestro behind "Don't Breathe" and "Evil Dead," is at the helm of the first piece of this ambitious puzzle: "Alien: Romulus," an R-rated sci-fi horror film set to hit theaters in 2024. While plot details remain tightly under wraps, insiders whisper it takes place between the chilling claustrophobia of "Alien" and the action-packed thrills of "Aliens," serving as a love letter to the franchise's core DNA.

      >However, whispers also suggest this is just the first act in a much grander play. Disney reportedly envisions a dual-pronged approach: R-rated "Alien" films like "Romulus" will cater to the hardcore horror fans, while PG-13 "Aliens" reboots will target a broader audience. Imagine "Prometheus" and "Covenant" meeting "Jurassic World" - a terrifying yet accessible thrill ride for the whole family (minus the toddlers, maybe).

      So Disney wants to beat another dead horse into pulp. At least the shitty sequels kept on brand. This will kill off Alien for good.

    • 4 months ago

      You wanted this, Cinemaphile. You begged for it. And I know you will love it, because you have no taste.

    • 4 months ago

      >A "Mary Elizabeth Winstead-type"
      so... a PUTA?

    • 4 months ago

      >Predator is also rumored to be getting the same treatment, with R-rated installments exploring the iconic hunter's origins and PG-13 adventures featuring him alongside unlikely allies. Think "The Expendables" meets "AVP", but with a Disney polish.

      • 4 months ago

        They're basically trying to do AvP again, and I'm sure it'll be financially successful, but I guarantee it won't have any of the soul that AvP did. Disney will see to that. You wanted tough, capable, not-annoying black women as main characters? Hah.

        Also, yea, making the Alien movies R rated horror films and the Aliens films slick PG-13 action movies makes a lot of sense. The Aliens brand was never really associated with gore and heavy violence.

        PG-13 means more money. It's that simple. Why do you think even bad Jurassic Park movies can make 1.3 billion dollars? Why do you think World War Z and I Am Legend made so much money in the US?

        Why do you think the Resident Evil movies were a lot weaker in the US? Because they insisted on being R-rated. If they'd gone for PG-13 they probably would have doubled or even tripled their US box office.

        • 4 months ago

          It's both funny and depressing that by current Hollywood standards Paul W.S. Anderson is an auteur.

          • 4 months ago

            PWSA was always an auteur because his films have recognizable traits. Recurring imagery, themes, literal lines of dialogue, that sort of thing. You can tell that AvP2 wasn't made by him. You can tell that he wrote Resident Evil 2 and 3 because they have his dialogue quirks, narrative quirks, but they don't look like his movies.

            Being an "auteur" is sorta two-sided because if your films are immediately recognizeable because you make predictable choices, it makes you a little bit of a one trick pony. Look at Tony Scott vs Ridley Scott. Ridley Scott adapts himself to the film. Tony Scott's movies are all blatantly Tony Scott's. They're full of Tony Scott, wheras Ridley's work is more anonymous in style, he's more of a journeyman.

        • 4 months ago

          I want my Alien kinos to have gore. I want dismemberment and beheadings

    • 4 months ago

      I hope disney buys The Terminator rights and make Alien Vs Predator Vs The Terminator

      Then I hope they make Robocop Vs The Terminator

      I want more trash. More multiverse
      Bring it on.

      • 4 months ago

        Terminator would crush robocop like a tin can

        • 4 months ago

          terminator cant even kill linda hamilton or edward furlong though

          • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >"The Expendables" meets "AVP"
      i hate the fact that i want to see this.

    • 4 months ago

      >Scott won't be involved
      Almost had me up until this. Scott is already involved, he was literally the one who asked for Romulus to be greenlit and is even producing it.

      • 4 months ago

        He is not involved with the other project anon

        • 4 months ago

          The other project being the series? Yeah I know that, even though the show runner has said to have spoken to Scott. That doesn’t change the fact that they want to work for him

          • 4 months ago

            No, the pg13 movie

            • 4 months ago

              is that even confirmed? besides OP's post there aren't any articles that cover the news.

    • 4 months ago

      I never thought I'd say this but man am I tired of Mary Elizabeth Winstead-types.

    • 4 months ago

      >Scott's script was deemed "convoluted and incoherent."
      what a surprise

  2. 4 months ago

    why even fricking bother

    • 4 months ago

      We need to introduce "rape" to children.

  3. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      From ass.
      There will never been pg-13 Alien or Prwdatoe movie again. No one wants that and no way studio thinks it would make money.

      • 4 months ago

        AvP was a hit

        • 4 months ago

          And people didn't like it as it was pg-13 piece of shit kids movie

  4. 4 months ago

    >more Alien movies
    I'm quite into movies and can't tell you an alien movie released since Prometheus and I think there was a Prometheus 2 and an alien film proper of some kind

    • 4 months ago

      Prometheus was shit

  5. 4 months ago

    Dead on arrival.

  6. 4 months ago

    >Alien Cinematic Universe is coming

  7. 4 months ago

    The Alien has become a boring movie monster. "Aliens" made them into animals ripe for slaughter, and thanks to decades of movies, video games and merchandise every kid knows how they look, what they are and how they behave. You can't go back to the first movie, the cat is out of the bag.

  8. 4 months ago

    Frick sake can you just make another franchise and not keep up the old shite decade after decade?

    We need Rian Johnson to make an alien/predator/terminator/ghostbusters/robocop/star trek/ww2 holocaust movie A S A P

  9. 4 months ago

    The Alien franchise works because it is gory and scary. It's not for young children. They have Avatar.

    • 4 months ago

      Aliens is absolutely a family movie.

  10. 4 months ago

    PG-13 is Hollyjew's gayest invention.

  11. 4 months ago

    >Alien Comedic Universe
    The movie begins with the spaceship crew eating breakfast. An assortment of fruits and oats. Little do they know they picked up a deadly stowaway during their last stop for supplies. It began its journey as a slippery chest burster. But now it is fully grown and ready to eat. In mere moments it will storm into the mess hall and eviscerate and devour everyone.

    It speeds down the corridor past the sickbay; past the lab. It must be travelling near 70 mph yet hardly making a noise. Raucous laughter fills the senses of the xenomorph as it steps on a banana peel at 70mph and careens past the mess hall and into the airlock. In a deft attempt to right its course the airlock was accidentally cycled and the most deadly creature in the known universe is shot into the cold, dark vacuum of outer space.

    • 4 months ago


  12. 4 months ago

    it makes sense. how many kids in the 90s had aliens toys but had never seen the films.
    there was almost going to be a cartoon as well.

    • 4 months ago

      >how many kids in the 90s had aliens toys but had never seen the films.
      Everyone watched it, parents didn't give a shit back then.

      T. 40+ Yr old

      • 4 months ago

        Not the 90s but all my parents ever cared about back in the 2000s was that nothing had too much swearing

  13. 4 months ago

    Fede means Stink in portuguese

  14. 4 months ago


  15. 4 months ago

    When did Scott become the virtual owner of this franchise? He made one movie that he didn't even write. Now turns out you have to get his approval to do anything. By the same logic Cameron has as much of a claim to the ownership of xenos. Is it pity because he's old and senile and never won an Oscar?

    • 4 months ago

      I suppose he was considered the "author" of the original film because he would have picked Giger to design the Alien itself, etc. Apparently Ripley wasn't specified as a woman in the original screenplay either? If you gave the script to a different director it would have likely ended up a very different movie to the one we got. Really it was Giger's designs that gave the movie pop-cultural impact; the Alien, the Face-Hugger, the Chest-Burster, etc.

    • 4 months ago

      I suppose he was considered the "author" of the original film because he would have picked Giger to design the Alien itself, etc. Apparently Ripley wasn't specified as a woman in the original screenplay either? If you gave the script to a different director it would have likely ended up a very different movie to the one we got. Really it was Giger's designs that gave the movie pop-cultural impact; the Alien, the Face-Hugger, the Chest-Burster, etc.

      Scott's problem is that he's so much of a journeyman director (this is not an insult) that it's difficult to point to Alien and single out elements of his style.

      You look at Aliens and it is very obviously James Cameron's work.

      Alien 3 is so intensely studio meddled that it's hard to say it is a Fincher film.

      Alien Resurrection is very much a strange arthouse hybrid, thanks to Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Now I'm not an expert on his films so I can't point to obvious motifs.

      Alien Resurrection is overtly a Paul W.S. Anderson film. It has his odd dry style of dialogue. It has his fixation on weird tunnels, God's eye shots, red flares (There's a major scene with a red flare in AvP, RE Afterlife, and Monster Hunter), God's eye shots, corkscrew shots, characters looking through letterbox slots in the wall, and a dozen other very recognizable motifs.

      If Tony Scott had directed Alien it would be recongizably his work. But Ridley just doesn't really have much of a personality as a filmmaker. He's really good at his job, but he keeps himself and his work separate.

      • 4 months ago

        I've always considered resurrection to be mostly a joss whedon movie.
        Because it's shit and has gay dialogue.

      • 4 months ago

        I've always considered resurrection to be mostly a joss whedon movie.
        Because it's shit and has gay dialogue.

        Resurrection is an odd one since it seems to transform into a completely different movie by a different director when they fall through the floor into an alien nest/hell/themepark/whatever.

      • 4 months ago

        Another difference is that Ridley Scott is a prick. All the other major Alien franchise contributors speak of each other with friendly regard. James Cameron likes AvP. Paul Anderson likes Aliens. That sorta thing. But Ridley has a super dismissive attitude towards all the movies he didn't make, and he basically thinks anyone who doesn't agree with his vision for Alien as a franchise. If you watch Prometheus with the director's commentary you will lose some degree of respect for Scott. He has absolutely no interest in engaging with criticism. He's right, you're wrong, there's no humility, no introspection, no sense of "Well this happened because of some compromise we had to make."

        • 4 months ago

          >James Cameron likes AvP
          Since when? because i rememeber him saying making a crossover was a shitty idea that would damage the brand

          • 4 months ago

            Cameron called AvP the third best Alien movie back in the day. He has also mentioned a fondness for Resident Evil.

          • 4 months ago

            I thing his quote was 'I didnt watched other movies because i dont watch shit',

      • 4 months ago

        >Alien Resurrection is very much a strange arthouse hybrid, thanks to Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Now I'm not an expert on his films so I can't point to obvious motifs.
        Watch Delicatessen and City of Lost Children, and it will all become clear.
        As a once pretentious Jeunet snob, Resurrection is like AI slop imitation, the right elements are there and mostly in right places, but it's very obviously a fake and completely devoid of soul.
        But God what I wouldn't give for a prime Winona android gf tho

        • 4 months ago

          >But God what I wouldn't give for a prime Winona android gf tho
          What would you do to her? Let's hear it. I want details

        • 4 months ago

          city of lost children made me realize kevin levine is a thief and a hack, can never enjoy bioshock again

  16. 4 months ago
  17. 4 months ago

    in space no one hears you bussin, on god

  18. 4 months ago

    I just want shots of Moner running while wearing only a very tiny g-string. Is that too much to ask?

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