>Filoni originally planned for Maul to reform and become a Jedi in the Clone Wara show.

>Filoni originally planned for Maul to reform and become a Jedi in the Clone Wara show. Eventually sacrificing himself to save Anakin

This seems stupid

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  1. 8 months ago

    Well yeah that's why they didn't do it

    • 8 months ago

      many things in star wars are stupid, anon


      He made it up.

  2. 8 months ago

    The tattoos wouldn't inspire a lot of confidence.

    • 8 months ago

      I thought it was his natural skin

      • 8 months ago

        The black strips are the tattoos. Although, he looks moronic without them.
        Some Force users just pick the Dark Side for the drip.

  3. 8 months ago

    many things in star wars are stupid, anon

    • 8 months ago

      Such as?

  4. 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    Well, I've heard that Maul was supposed to be the main baddie of the sequel trilogy, but Disney decided it would be stupid and went with their own, infinately better idea.

    • 8 months ago

      Yes. Maul was supposed to be alive somehow in the far future. I’m talking hundreds or thousands of years after the OT.

      He survives either due to suspended animation or some kind of sith magic revival ritual. Regardless he was not meant to be some overwhelming powerful threat. More a puppet master who knows more than anyone else alive the nature and power of the dark side

      The main physical threat, his Vader I suppose. Would he his apprentice, Darth Talon. The sexy red Twilek you see to his right

      She would seduce Cade Skywalker to the dark side, and also literally seduce him

      As it was to be set in the distant future we wouldn’t have seen any OT main characters except perhaps a force ghost of Luke. Just descendants of the Solo and Skywalker family

      Maul wasn’t supposed to be a true sith either, since the sith were destroyed in ROTJ. He is something else. Darth Talon is more just a way to show he means business and is taking over what the sith failed

      Not sure if more details of what was meant to happen are out there

      • 8 months ago

        And Disney ditched THAT for Rey Skywalker. Frick them.
        I don't know how it would've turned out in the end, but at least it wouldn't be BORING.

      • 8 months ago

        >Yes. Maul was supposed to be alive somehow in the far future. I’m talking hundreds or thousands of years after the OT.
        You're thinking of a Darth Maul videogame, where they would make a clone of him.

        George's ST was a few years after ROTJ, and Maul was very old.

        • 8 months ago

          Ah I mixed them up I see. Leia as a political leader would have worked way better. Also old man Maul could be kino.

          Might as well recast him with an older actor since he would need more actual dialogue that isn’t dubbed over a stunt man

          • 8 months ago

            They would've just picked Sam Witwer. He would look kino in black tats.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm pretty sure the sequel would've been about Luke and Maul fighting with Leia trying to establish the republic.
        And ends with it being revealed that Leia was the real chosen one, not Anakin.

      • 8 months ago

        >Yes. Maul was supposed to be alive somehow in the far future. I’m talking hundreds or thousands of years after the OT.
        You're thinking of a Darth Maul videogame, where they would make a clone of him.

        George's ST was a few years after ROTJ, and Maul was very old.

        Ah I mixed them up I see. Leia as a political leader would have worked way better. Also old man Maul could be kino.

        Might as well recast him with an older actor since he would need more actual dialogue that isn’t dubbed over a stunt man

        They would've just picked Sam Witwer. He would look kino in black tats.

        I'm pretty sure the sequel would've been about Luke and Maul fighting with Leia trying to establish the republic.
        And ends with it being revealed that Leia was the real chosen one, not Anakin.

        >Plot of Ep. VII was apparently about a young adult female protagonist who finds a depressed cynical Luke hiding from the world after a past failure and tries to get him out of his funk by rebuilding the Jedi Order by uniting the fractured Order 66 survivors
        >Luke still dies in Ep. VIII
        >Finn was literally just Han Solo
        >Han Solo still would have died in Ep. VII
        >Heavy focus on expanding on the midichlorians and their microbiotic world
        >Darth Maul was the "Emperor figure" while Talon was his "Vader", the latter would have seduced Luke's nephew and it's implied this leads to an incident that's the cause for Luke's depressed state
        >Leia would have been revealed as the true chosen one
        Yeah, fans would have hated it. It still has cynical hermit Luke, both he and Han still die. A woman would have still "ursurped" Anakin's role. On top of all that, doubling down on the midichlorians.

        • 8 months ago

          >>Plot of Ep. VII was apparently about a young adult female protagonist who finds a depressed cynical Luke hiding from the world after a past failure and tries to get him out of his funk by rebuilding the Jedi Order by uniting the fractured Order 66 survivors
          >>Luke still dies in Ep. VIII
          Lucas never said any of those. On the contrary, it says he would have successfully rebuilt the Jedi Order and Leia would have restored the republic. Hermit Luke being totally Lucas's idea comes from Disney's """sources""", and not Lucas himself.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, that's what I wonder, if the sources came from Lucas himself or some Disney execs that now want to save face after Rian Johnson completely derailed the whole trilogy because lol lmao.

          • 8 months ago

            That doesn't really contradict what George said, Luke could have still rebuilt the Jedi Order during the events of the film and then still died later on. "The Disney sources" were from Lucasfilm employees who had worked there long before Lucas sold the company, like Doug Chiang, Pablo Hidalgo, and Christian Alzmaan. It was actually Hidalgo who first revealed that Talon was originally going to be in the ST before George even said it.

            What adds more credence to hermit Luke coming from George is that J.W. Rinzler revealed in his Making of Star Wars books that GL despised Mara Jade from the EU, specifically because Luke getting a wife was in direct contradiction to his vision of Luke being more akin to a celibate monk than a family man.

            • 8 months ago

              Well, Pablo Hidalgo is a spineless shithead that just says whatever his boss tells him to say, so...
              Also, Lucas disliked Mara Jade, because he thought she was too "Stacy" for Luke (and reminded him of his ex-wife). And because Luke is Lucas' self-insert...
              Remember that time they were trying to push this mousey little Jedi girl on Luke and make her an official love interest?

            • 8 months ago

              I repeat: nothing Lucas said here

              >Yes. Maul was supposed to be alive somehow in the far future. I’m talking hundreds or thousands of years after the OT.
              You're thinking of a Darth Maul videogame, where they would make a clone of him.

              George's ST was a few years after ROTJ, and Maul was very old.

              confirms any of your claims in regards to the similarities with the Disney's ST. Stop trying to make it a thing, as if "This is totally what George wanted, you guys!" Jedi not marrying and Mara Jade being a shitty fanfic that would have never ever appeared in the official Star Wars does not mean that Luke would end up being a hermit failure, and not an esteemed Jedi Mater, who would have successfully rebuilt the Jedi Order, as said here

              >Yes. Maul was supposed to be alive somehow in the far future. I’m talking hundreds or thousands of years after the OT.
              You're thinking of a Darth Maul videogame, where they would make a clone of him.

              George's ST was a few years after ROTJ, and Maul was very old.

              More so, Lucas had said repeatedly that he was told to go and frick himself, and they never used any of his ideas.
              >October 30, 2012: Ms. Kennedy will serve as executive producer on new Star Wars feature films, with George Lucas serving as creative consultant.
              >Mar 11, 2013: Disney Cancels Clone Wars on Cartoon Network, Postpones Star Wars: Detours
              >April 4, 2013: Disney Shuts Down LucasArts Just 154 Days After Acquiring It, cancels Star Wars 1313 And Star Wars: First Assault
              >November 23, 2015: Early on, Lucas served as a creative consultant on next month’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but Disney chose not to use his ideas for the movie and the creator stepped back from J.J. Abrams’ film. A week after the first trailer debuted in November 2014, Lucas revealed that he had not even watched it.
              >December, 2015: "They looked at the stories and they said, 'We want to make something for the fans,'" Lucas said. "I said, 'All I want to do is tell a story'… They decided they didn’t want to use those [my] stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing. They weren’t that keen to have me involved anyway — if I get in there, I'm just going to cause trouble, because they're not going to do what I want them to do. And I don't have the control to do that anymore. All I would do is muck everything up. And so I said, 'OK, I will go my way, and I'll let them go their way.' I sold [my kids] to the white slavers that take these things and, and…"

    • 8 months ago

      >infinately better idea.
      >Somehow Farth Maul returned
      Does that really sound so much better?

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Yeah they made Sidious come back and make organic hand puppets in a fish tank.

      • 8 months ago

        >Yeah they made Sidious come back
        Isn't that what also happened in the Expanded Universe (now Legends) though? Wasn't Mara Jade hunting down the clones of Darth Sidious in the books or something like that, and there was not one clone, but at least three of them, but each of them was weaker than the previous one because of the Force leak or whatever?

    • 8 months ago


  6. 8 months ago

    >actually the two love interests are brother and sister and the big bad is their father!
    >also somehow the Death Star returned
    Star Wars has been stupid since the 80s. The fact that it has such a stranglehold on "nerd culture" instead of better fantasy and sci-fi is a travesty.

  7. 8 months ago

    Well the clone wars as a concept is already stupid.

    • 8 months ago

      Why? They explain a lot of things which happened before the 3rd episode and why Anakin and Obi-wan gradually drifted apart... I mean, it may not be too necessary as a plot in and of itself, but it has as much importance as that final fight in the Kenobi series that explains why Ben told Luke that Darth Vader killed Anakin, and why it's not really a lie.

      • 8 months ago

        Because at its core it is a flawed concept that retcons most of the original Trilogy. I hate the clone wars because George Lucas's idea for it is just plain dumb. The Idea that the war was just a bunch of clones fighting droids completely disconnects the war from the people in terms of any sort of personal stakes. Hell it's kind of hard to care about casualties when they are literally all artificial constructs. It actively makes it hard to believe the Republic became so militant when none of the citizens were composing the main fighting force or were drafted. Not to mention that it makes absolutely no sense why the Empire ended the use of clones, they had to come up with literal moron tier retcons to make that work. I swear the only reason people like the clone wars is because the art direction for the Republic and Confederacy is Kino beyond compare.

        From a narrative perspective it would have made way more sense that the Clones be the antagonists of the Republic. The Confederacy breaks galactic laws to create a clone army of monsters or hell even Jedi (creating a public distrust of Jedi) that forces the Republic to draft men across the galaxy into war. Years of fighting creates a generation of militant fighters that have complete faith in the government and have staked everything for their family and friends fighting the war. Then you could add in a subplot where most Jedi act like hippies and refuse to fight because they prefer a more diplomatic solution which plants seeds of hate towards the Jedi by the populace and Anakin as well. That way the rapid change into a military dictatorship makes sense, you don't have to explain away the clones, and you can make the Jedi purge something that would have been supported by the majority of the galaxy.

        • 8 months ago

          >The Idea that the war was just a bunch of clones fighting droids completely disconnects the war from the people in terms of any sort of personal stakes.
          Not really, tbh. And not only clones fought droids, many Jedi also fought droids, it's just that there were billions or even trillions of clankers, so it would be hard even for 10000+ Jedi and Padawans to destroy them all, that's why billions of clones were needed. And regular humans weren't fit to fight droids, so that's why clones were created. And really, the only two differences between these clones and regular humans were their fighting ability and their faster aging processes. These are not some strange robotic artificial beings like the drones, before Order 66 they were shown to be very emotional, very loyal, very empathetic beings. And it also made sense that at the end of the Clone Wars they were the only creatures in the entire galaxy who were able to kill almost all of the Jedi, since they've learned all their strengths and weaknesses after fighting together for several years.

          >That way the rapid change into a military dictatorship makes sense
          But it wasn't rapid, and the Clone Wars saga was good at showing how exactly the peaceful but disintegrating and dysfunctional Republic first turns into a military dictatorship ("this is temporary, once we win, we'll go back to the old principles of democracy, I swear!") ruled by a cunning Chancellor, and then, when he no longer has any reason to hide who he really is, transforms into a truly evil Empire.

          • 8 months ago

            The war literally lasts only 3 years. That is less time than the Galactic Civil War. In fact that is shorter than the vast majority of world conflicts. The idea that thr Republic became militant with literally no decent given that the personal stakes were so low is laughable. Just because some Jedi faught in the war doesn't mean Zandar Glorbix is gonna give a shit since he's still running is moisture farm and seeing more issues with Sand people than Droids. No amount of head cannon is gonna change the narrative issues with the plot.

            You people switch between "Lucas was dumb and his ideas sucked" and "Lucas' word is gospel and contradicting him is heresy!!" at a hat's drop, I can't with this shit

            Frick George, he wasn't half the creative force Kurtz was and my hatred for the sequels has everything to do with them being shit not that George wasn't involved. Quit strawmanning to defend stupid shit.

            • 8 months ago

              >Quit strawmanning to defend stupid shit.
              Yet I bet you'll defend his "dark side is a cancer" fairy tale bullshit that bastardizes the force's Buddhist inspirations

              • 8 months ago

                >Keeps strawmanning
                Shut the frick up. Star Wars began going down the shitter when ROTJ blatantly reused the Death Star Plot and couldn't gave us Teddy Bears over Wookiees fighting the Empire.

              • 8 months ago

                >couldn't gave us Teddy Bears over Wookiees fighting the Empire.
                Lol, ESL homosexual

        • 8 months ago

          You people switch between "Lucas was dumb and his ideas sucked" and "Lucas' word is gospel and contradicting him is heresy!!" at a hat's drop, I can't with this shit

          • 8 months ago

            >"Lucas was dumb and his ideas sucked"
            >"Lucas' word is gospel and contradicting him is heresy!!"
            Both of these statements are true. No matter how dumb Lucas was, his original vision (originals and prequels) has always been and will always be the sole canonical source for everything else in the SW universe. It's the same with the Holy Bible, which makes no sense most of the time (God destroys two cities just because people who live there are sinners, wtf, and Jesus resurrects 3 days after being crucified, really???), or Tolkien's lore (Tom Bombadil, that funny guy in clown's clothes, is also the most powerful being in Middle-earth, lol wut, who wrote that shit?). The original thing may be flawed, but it's original, and nothing else (like The Book of Mormon or that Russian fanfic where orcs are good and elves, dwarves and humans are bad, "The Last Ringbearer" iirc) can be considered to be on a similar level of authenticity.

        • 8 months ago

          Agreed on all points. Lucas is a hack.

  8. 8 months ago

    star wars is evil and if you like anything from it except kotor2 you are evil

  9. 8 months ago

    Everything about Maul being brought back after Phantom Menace was stupid.

  10. 8 months ago

    ... this is AI art, isn't it

    • 8 months ago

      It doesn't look like an AI art, the facial pattern is the same as the original one, and all the horns are where they should be, it is unlikely DALL-E or SD would make it this accurate. The fingers are alright too.

      • 8 months ago

        Are you blind? It is quite obviously AI slop

      • 8 months ago

        I'ts AI for sure. Look at the eyes and the hand without the saber.
        More likely DALL-E since the latest version uses already existing stuff and blend it in a less blatant way. OP

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, it's AI, recalibrate your slop sensitivity.

      • 8 months ago

        im so fricking scared because morons like you cannot even spot AI

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