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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    still don't get why it inspired so much porn content over the years

    • 1 week ago

      hot girls

    • 1 week ago

      Coomers gotta coom!

    • 1 week ago

      >still don't get why it inspired so much porn content over the years

      People make porn outta ANYTHING along with hot designs for Raven and Starfire which are pretty much perfect the answer to this statement is obvious.

    • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Starfire and Raven walk that tightrope balance between "cute" and "sexy" designs near perfectly. This is especially relevant in Starfire's case, where most of her designs pre and even post TT03 were trying SO hard to be sexualized that they end up being a turn off. Her 03 design turns it down just enough to get past the censors, and it works wonders for her.

      She still has that flighty free spirit conveyed, while also giving her an aura of innocence to her. She feels like a girl you'd actually want to get to know. It's way easier to get attatched to her than say, her Outlaws redesign, where she looks and acts like a glorified blow up doll.

      • 1 week ago

        Nah, her OG 80s design was perfect and it makes context in-universe since she was a sex slave before joining the Titans

        • 1 week ago

          Murakami said that the reason Starfire never got a focus season like the other Titans was because her backstory was "too adult" to adapt, yet they adapted the edgelord that was Brother Blood and changed him to the point of being unrecognizable, if you read the interviews with the people who work on the show they contradict each other all the fricking time, it is a bunch of moronic "he say, she say" and they all sound bitter and or angry
          at least the people who used to work on the DCAU are consistent, don't contradict each other and sound a lot more positive and less bitter, also fun fact: in the audio commentary for Superman TAS both Dini and Timm spent almost 9 minutes shitting on Murakami and making fun of him since he was the one who re-designed the Joker for TNBA and Superman TAS, "I wanted him to look more "anime" and simple at the same time!!!" Murakami said

          • 1 week ago

            Based Blackfire enjoying her sister's suffering

        • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        >This is especially relevant in Starfire's case, where most of her designs pre and even post TT03 were trying SO hard to be sexualized that they end up being a turn off.
        You're gay

    • 1 week ago

      I was still in late preschool when this began airing and I vividly remember 5-6 year old kids talking about Raven's legs as being nice and understanding she's supposed to be attractive
      This show must have been part of a sexual awakening for millions of kids

      • 1 week ago

        I think my first and biggest fetish manifested when I was 7 or 8

      • 1 week ago

        Raven was what made me obsessed with domme goth girls to this day

  2. 1 week ago

    no starfire-centric season
    cyborg had a weaker arc than the others
    they weren ever allowed to say batman out loud

  3. 1 week ago

    Beast Boy

  4. 1 week ago

    No Starfire season

    • 1 week ago

      no starfire-centric season
      cyborg had a weaker arc than the others
      they weren ever allowed to say batman out loud

      She had the episodes involving blackfire (including the arranged marriage episode) aswell as the one where she goes through puberty and is put into a cocoon. The episode where she and robin are stranded on a planet is also a pretty big part of her development. Put those together and you don't have a season but at least we can acknowledge she
      wasn't totally overlooked

  5. 1 week ago


    Changing him from a focused mercenary with a grudge in the comics to a Dr. Claw type villain with an army of robot minions and vague plans for world domination wasn't the right move imo and removes what was distinct about the character initially.

    As I like the "apprentice" arc and the idea of a villain who's motivation is wanting a companion I just think this version of him misses the mark just by a bit

    • 1 week ago

      I still think he was strong enough as a character that the changes and inaccuracy was worth it. Though maybe the better solution would have been to make an original character instead of borrowing his name.

    • 1 week ago

      I suppose they've decided he'd be easier to sell to kids as the main antagonist this way
      But yeah, it always seemed weird to me that he's just vaguely evil and doesn't even have any clear goal or motivation. Why the hell does he want control over this one random city and how he's planning to keep it?

    • 1 week ago

      Still miles better than his "Beware the Batman" version where he was just a whiny cribaby

  6. 1 week ago

    Not enough Blackfire screentime

  7. 1 week ago

    Needed more Mumbo and Jinx

  8. 1 week ago

    It's kind of lame and boring and isn't much too it. What is there to like really? It's so damn small. No interesting art style, no fun characters, no good stories. It's like the shallowest shit ever. anyone who actually watched it knows that the way that it appears, is only really surface level stuff. If you haven't watched it you might think the characters in this show will be fun, but as soon as you do watch it you realise it was an illusion. It's nothing really. All it had were the character designs. It's like a poster and nothing else. Your image perfectly describes all it is, OP.

  9. 1 week ago

    weeaboo bullshit and animu faces.
    not dcau.

  10. 1 week ago

    The last season was straight up shit, they tought the 4th season was going to be the last so they used Trigon as the villain, then it was renewed near the end of season 4 so they had to use a lesser villain AKA the fricking Brain as the villain of the final season, the real ending of the series being "Trouble in Tokyo" is also kind of a letdown since the story for that movie kind of sucks and the worst thing they did was Brother Blood, in the comics he is a cult leader who murders people so he can bathe on their blood, the cartoon just made him an evil teacher who has a boner for Cyborg, only shows up in 4 episodes despite being the main villain of season 3 and has the lamest final fight since Cyborg beats him with an Ultra Instinct asspull
    other than that, the show was great but it needed more female fanservice like the comics

    • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago


  11. 1 week ago

    Lifeless, empty cities. You never feel the Titans are battling to save imperiled citizens, they're just fighting bad guys because there's bad guys and they're good guys.

    Also, Jinx's design is a huge downgrade from the comics.

    • 1 week ago

      >Jinx's design is a huge downgrade from the comics.
      based bald brown girl enjoyer

    • 1 week ago

      >Lifeless, empty cities. You never feel the Titans are battling to save imperiled citizens, they're just fighting bad guys because there's bad guys and they're good guys.
      for some reason this became a thing in 2000's action cartoons. Like 80's shows would have crowd scenes, even if they were janky, 90's shows would still have extras, then come the 2000's both CG and 2D shows would largely avoid showing civilians or non-cast members as much as they could.

      • 1 week ago

        because extra characters costs extra money and they dont want to pay more to the Korean sweatshop animators than they needed

      • 1 week ago

        It's because action shows in the 2000s put huge amounts of their budgets into drawing their characters and animations. Justice League Unlimited was like the only show from that era with regular crowd shots and that's because they had absolute frickoff money from how successful the DCAU in general was. 80s action shows could get away with it because they were so cheap and 90s action shows had far more stylized characters that didn't take up so many resources to draw or animate.

        • 1 week ago

          Honestly I kinda figured that was the reason. 80's and 90's shows before the DCU could pretty interchangeably reuse extras or just have a generic look to them since the style was more broad.
          It's sort of the reason why anyone showing up in TT was a big deal,the designs were very particular to it's style

  12. 1 week ago

    No connection to DCAU. Static Shock teased that he would meet them one day, but I guess plans changed.

  13. 1 week ago

    >titans are a close family
    >don't even know each other's names

  14. 1 week ago

    "Teen Titans Go!" exists because of it.

  15. 1 week ago

    >DCAU was a though act to follow
    >Robin was OP compared to other Titans
    >Beast Boy was used to much

  16. 1 week ago

    It didn't get a satisfying conclusion.

  17. 1 week ago

    Lack of a Starfire focus season, always rubbed me wrong.

  18. 1 week ago

    No beastboy terra sex scene

  19. 1 week ago

    Like the others said, Starfire not getting her own season. She was my favorite character and I was really bummed out when I learned the last season wouldn't be about her. A sweet alien girl with a heart of gold and bizarre tastes just really struck a chord with me for some reason, probably because I was pretty weird myself and always felt sort of out of place. Plus just look at her, she's cute as a button!

    I know her background story is pretty dark but you don't have to make her focus season about that, just write up a plot focusing on something else.

    • 1 week ago

      >All these posts saying Starfire didn't get enough focus/screen time
      This confirms my theory that she probably would have been more popular than Raven if she got her own season. Raven just got way more focus on the show in general.

      People refuse to acknowledge that Starfire is not only best girl but a perfect example of how a female character should be written.
      She was attractive, capable, compassionate, and fun.

      I've literally always had a soft spot for Starfire and yeah, I think it's basically just how little focus she had. Most of her focus episodes were early on and she never got a season to herself. She's a really fun character that checks off a lot of boxes for other extremely popular female characters, the show was just way more heavily interested in Raven.

  20. 1 week ago

    Robin was Diet DC animated Batman, even the writers realized his attitude fit better in Go than the 03 series. Didn't feel like he had any chemistry with anyone aside from a confrontational one with the other male members.

    Not enough Starfire and Raven friendship, they had a good dynamic.

    Series 5 was really good but it had too many episodes focusing on characters you didn't care about. This would have been a good time to have an episode focused around Beast Boy and Robin, Robin seemed to look down on Beast Boy early seasons but seem to respect him in the last.

    Starfire's default design was too thin and lanky, she was suppose to be the hot one and you had Raven right there putting her to shame.

    • 1 week ago

      >Series 5 was really good

    • 1 week ago

      >Starfire's default design was too thin and lanky, she was suppose to be the hot one and you had Raven right there putting her to shame.
      This is going to sound like splitting hairs but I assure you there's a difference. Raven's supposed to be the hot one. Starfire is supposed to be the cute, sweetly attractive one. Raven leans more on the "sexy" side, with a more serious and dominant personality. Sexy means different things to different people but on average, I'm sure what people call sexy fits Raven more.

  21. 1 week ago

    >All these posts saying Starfire didn't get enough focus/screen time
    This confirms my theory that she probably would have been more popular than Raven if she got her own season. Raven just got way more focus on the show in general.

    • 1 week ago

      Beastcuck got two seasons

  22. 1 week ago

    People refuse to acknowledge that Starfire is not only best girl but a perfect example of how a female character should be written.
    She was attractive, capable, compassionate, and fun.

  23. 1 week ago


  24. 1 week ago

    Spawned the worst show in all history: Teen Titans Go.

  25. 1 week ago

    Fricking weeaboo teehee we're so anime bullshit on par with Totally Spies. Impossible to take serious.

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