First look at The Amazing World of Gumball Season 7

First look at The Amazing World of Gumball Season 7

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  1. 5 months ago

    Ben Bocquelet likes to take his sweet ass time on making the movie and s7
    And no the movie isnt canned

  2. 5 months ago

    That's an old episode, where Richard needed to be fired and one of the kids looked asian for a moment for some reason.

    I remember Ben being adament that Season 6 was the final season back when it was airing (and a hidden message in one episode claiming the same thing) which made it seem like he wasn't fond of a Season 7 and/or it was happening without his involvement initially. But so much shit has happened since S6 was in production it seems he might've came back to the series for it's additional stuff beyond the finale movie he wanted to make.

    • 5 months ago

      I just hope the movie and s7 is good thats all, I dont want this show catering to twitter gays like what Adventure time did
      Also developed the void plot/lore too

      • 5 months ago

        >I dont want this show catering to twitter gays like what Adventure time did
        I think you're forgetting how moronic Gumball got after the first some seasons. With an episode about the wage gap between women and men, the political commentary, Nicole having a whole episode thinking about if she had married other men, etc. it was one of twitter's underlying favorites for more than just zoomer memes.

        • 5 months ago

          > I think you're forgetting how moronic Gumball got
          Not really considering the latter seasons were pumping out the emotional eps like the choices and the father etc, and average Gumball eps like in the earlier seasons

          >twitter's underlying favorites
          /misc/ too unironically, take the ep the cannidate for example /misc/ praised the shit out of that ep while reddit and twitter hated it

          >just zoomer memes.
          Frick you if you think Gumball is just zoomer memes,when Gumball's humor branches out in different types of humor and isnt that really different than other cartoons before it.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't see how the jokes in your pic are mutually exclusive at all

        • 5 months ago

          nicole used to be so cute in season 1, i miss the oval eyes and bigger pupils

          • 5 months ago

            They go back to the oval eyes in s3 to s6
            At times anon you really didnt notice?

            • 5 months ago

              Do they? I haven't watched the show in 3 years so my memory's a bit fuzzy.

              • 5 months ago

                There were times in s3 to s6 when their eyes switch back to their oval eyes its not all eps of s3 to s6 but its somewhat noticable if look closely

        • 5 months ago

          >Nicole having a whole episode thinking about if she had married other men

          all the hypothetical scenarios turn out horribly and she comes to the conclusion that she's happy with where her life currently is

          • 5 months ago

            Best rated ep in the show deserved imo

          • 5 months ago

            Yea, really reassuring that one had her become a prostitute for some shallow guy and the other was considered an issue because the guy couldn't reign her in from being dominator of the world or some shit. It was basically a konga line of the show's constant jabs against guy characters.

            • 5 months ago

              Keep seething over jokes in children's cartoons

        • 5 months ago

          The joke is that Nicole gets what she tolerates and instead of taking her frustrations out on her bosses she takes it out on her family. In other words, she's a moronic woman.

          • 5 months ago

            Ending scene was funny asf in that ep

            • 5 months ago

              It was a great gag after numerous moments of solid ones. It's amazing how much butthurt it caused.

              Best rated ep in the show deserved imo

              I'm surprised more soccer moms didn't get up in arms about the show stating that Nicole and Richard got into a shotgun wedding, and Gumball was conceived out of wedlock and as an accident.

              • 5 months ago

                Gumball can be funny asf and emotional at the same time, its a shame most people think this show is just goofy, but its emotional moments are better than any cartoon network show that tries do it imo

              • 5 months ago

                It's easy to reduce something to its worst aspects, and TAWOG is very easy to criticize because of how satirical it gets. You can look up on tbharchve all of the comments bashing it for it's overuse of comparisons and how the Wattersons are psychopaths. All of them willfully ignore that they're just like every other family, but with the dysfunction cranked up to 11. It's as if those morons expect the family to be good role models all the time.

              • 5 months ago

                >cranked up to eleven
                People forget it's meant to be a cartoon like that, is what I think's happening.

              • 5 months ago

                The same people who say "nicole is only using 0.0001% of her power" will also say "DASS RITE" when she b***hes about being unappreciated. Stupid people are stupid. Simple ass.

              • 5 months ago

                >You can look up on tbharchve all of the comments bashing it for it's overuse of comparisons and how the Wattersons are psychopaths.
                Really didnt mind the comparisons and the faces that much, because its not the only thing that Tawog does since they do different types of humor every ep.
                Also doesnt like Cinemaphile like the simpsons family guy, and rick and morty you know shows that have pyscho families, if they like show like that they should like Gumball

              • 5 months ago

                It's easy to reduce something to its worst aspects, and TAWOG is very easy to criticize because of how satirical it gets. You can look up on tbharchve all of the comments bashing it for it's overuse of comparisons and how the Wattersons are psychopaths. All of them willfully ignore that they're just like every other family, but with the dysfunction cranked up to 11. It's as if those morons expect the family to be good role models all the time.


              • 5 months ago

                Thats a really good ep

        • 5 months ago

          season 1 is pretty much not canon, everything after that season has changed. Season 2 onwards is like an alternate universe

        • 5 months ago

          it might have got relatively heavy with political commentary, but there was only a small amount here or there, and there was clearly an attempt to deliver it in a funny way. The only thing that I can really see wrong is that on the right hand side of pic, Nicole's rant was a bit too verbose.

          Just because you don't like political doesn't make it bad. It's fine to have it in kids' shows... in small doses. Satire shows like Boondocks, Simpsons, etc., not applicable there.

          • 5 months ago

            >Just because you don't like political doesn't make it bad.
            The original argument was the OP saying he didn't want the show to begin catering to twitter gays, it already did that.

            • 5 months ago

              >The original argument was the OP saying he didn't want the show to begin catering to twitter gays
              Are you blind? OP just gave us the link of season 7 and thats it

              >First look at The Amazing World of Gumball Season 7
              if he doesn't call dream a homosexual in this one, i'm not watching

              Funny I laughed

              • 5 months ago

                OP means original poster. In terms of the flow of this conversation, the original poster who introduced the topic was

                I just hope the movie and s7 is good thats all, I dont want this show catering to twitter gays like what Adventure time did
                Also developed the void plot/lore too

                I swear to god Cinemaphile can't be this moronic. Every single response I've gotten from this thread has been some braindead frick who can't understand the simplest concepts.

                > I think you're forgetting how moronic Gumball got
                Not really considering the latter seasons were pumping out the emotional eps like the choices and the father etc, and average Gumball eps like in the earlier seasons

                >twitter's underlying favorites
                /misc/ too unironically, take the ep the cannidate for example /misc/ praised the shit out of that ep while reddit and twitter hated it

                >just zoomer memes.
                Frick you if you think Gumball is just zoomer memes,when Gumball's humor branches out in different types of humor and isnt that really different than other cartoons before it.

                >Frick you if you think Gumball is just zoomer memes
                And for that matter, go frick yourself for not being able to read a basic sentence, otherwise you'd know that was about twitter's obsession with Gumball for zoomer meme reasons.

  3. 5 months ago

    >First look at The Amazing World of Gumball Season 7
    if he doesn't call dream a homosexual in this one, i'm not watching

  4. 5 months ago

    The movie got Zaslav'd.

    • 5 months ago

      No because we would heard it by now if the movie got canned stop being a sheep

  5. 5 months ago

    >Studio Soi
    Funny since right now they are the farthest away from soi as far as animation prowess goes.

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