>First Neo Zeon war?

>First Neo Zeon war? I sleep
>Second Neo Zeon war? I sleep
>Some random radio call about just going on a glorified suicide attack? REAL SHIT
Why is Unicorn so fricking bad?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    >zoomer meme
    Frick off groid.

    • 11 months ago


  2. 11 months ago

    Considering that the first two tried dropping shit on top of the remnants and the last one only wanted to financially cripple their enemies it makes sense

  3. 11 months ago

    This was my favourite part of Unicorn.
    They should release an extended OVA covering more of the raid.

    • 11 months ago

      what's there to cover? Zeon pandering is pretty much the only part of Unicorn people actively share. Yeah it's a fun action scene, but what would you get out of just more of it without any story?

      • 11 months ago

        Just make a OVA of the battle.
        Expand it with more screen time and such.

  4. 11 months ago

    unicorn plot was moronic but it looked really cool ao whatever

  5. 11 months ago

    there were plenty of these with Haman's and Char's wars too, these are just the remnants of remnants living on sheer spite and grudges. Full Frontal offered them a single specific target and a promise they'd be able to finally make a difference, that all these years of hiding and guerilla warfare were worth something. Might as well go out in a blaze of glory at this point.

  6. 11 months ago

    Zeek gays love bragging all these “old” MS utterly defeated the federations top machines.

    >multiple Experimental aquatic suits
    >Top of the line aquatic suits
    >Mobile armor
    >Attavked Torrington a base left to rot

    The federation had a couple GM IIIs are we meant to root for another zeon curb stomp?

    • 11 months ago

      The Rezelgays and Byralant pilots had plot armor
      >Marasai has clear angle to the wienerpit
      >goes for arm instead

      • 11 months ago

        gramps you're going senile, that's a space ms and it gets blown up non-stop in uni
        the Gouf's child is tailor made for raping zeeks sorry bro
        also the marasai didn't "go" for the arm; it had it's attack blocked by the arm
        also fricking hilarious that the only worthwhile suit against the byralant was another titans machine which was only really successful because it was using Sting's personal favorite weapons while the suit itself is canon fodder

        >not even a griffon
        >not even a strike
        >not even an E
        >not even a xeku
        fricking sad honestly
        implying this dude was even zeek or a worthwhile titan. Probably got left behind in the Australian base when the Titans scrambled to GRYPS after getting disowned by the feddie govt

        • 11 months ago

          >also fricking hilarious that the only worthwhile suit against the byralant was another titans machine
          Other than the Zee Zulus it was the only suit that wasn't from the OYW present

          • 11 months ago

            >what is a ZZ Desert Zaku
            >what is an upgraded Efreet, up to modern standards
            >ignore the gallus Gallus J and K
            >what the frick is a Kapoole
            >never heard about a RMS-192M Zaku Mariner

  7. 11 months ago

    Well what are the guys with almost exclusively specialized-for-ground-use MS supposed to do? Take their Dwadges and Tropens, cram them in a stolen rocket and try to ride up there?

    • 11 months ago

      ZZ had warfare on earth

    • 11 months ago

      >Well what are the guys with almost exclusively specialized-for-ground-use MS supposed to do? Take their Dwadges and Tropens, cram them in a stolen rocket and try to ride up there?
      Convert them to Rick Dwadge and Rick Tropen for max respeccin duh

    • 11 months ago

      Yes actually, it wouldn't be the first time zeon remnants have converted ground MS to space types.

  8. 11 months ago

    actually, some of them were sons and daughters of the original Zeon soldiers that are piloting them.

    the original Zeon soldiers from the OYW settled there, lived their life on earth, got married, had kids, but taught their kids how to pilot MS to destroy EFSF.

    its the theme of that arc. the kids of the Zeon soldiers are trying to enact revenge for something that they have no involvment, but had to do it because of their parents.

    most of them were like Loni, fighting EFSF because of a grudge their parents has, but they really have no involvement or stake.

  9. 11 months ago

    You do realize there's multiple factions within Zeon, right? These guys might have voluntarily missed the first and second Neo Zeon wars because they didn't support Char or Haman, or were simply just stuck on the ground. It's like the Delaz fleet pulling out of ABQ because they were strictly loyal to Ghiren, and once he bit the dust they fricked off to earth to hide and wait. The guys who came out of the woodworks in UC to attack Torrington might have been a similar case, or just stuck on earth.

    • 11 months ago

      So they were loyal to a fake Char but not to the real Char?

      • 11 months ago

        To fight in the Second Neo Zeon war they would have to scramble into space with their outdated machines, they probably didn't have the logistics to do so, and it didn't seem like Char cared about the ground outside of dumping an asteroid in it. The sleeves told them to go frick shit up and they did it since they had the chance, these guys were some gruntgays and remnants hiding in jungles, no one really important enough for the top brass to care to rescue.

  10. 11 months ago

    Neo Zeon war? I sleep
    Char's faction was mainly made of refugees sent to or "natives" from side 5
    most of his force was made of people really fricked off by the feds after being displaced due to wars or manhunters

  11. 11 months ago

    It's not really a random radio call. The guys who sent it just blew up the fricking Federations main assembly building in Dakar. Char also didn't help the earthbound zeeks either. They were correctly suspicious of Full Frontals intentions too, for sending them Zee Zulus and the Garanceres and a Gundam and "all he asked" was for them to make sure it got to Torrington to activate the next part of the Laplus program. The attack almost definitely wouldn't have been a suicide one had the Shamblo not gone apeshit, and spent the fight blowing up a suburb and dicking around with the Gundam.

  12. 11 months ago

    most lore and manga said that most of the zeon remnant were on active guerrilla warfare and if you look at the mobile suits you can see Marasai, Gallus and ZZ Desert Zaku, and it is more likely a good number of those mobile suits are upgraded like the Efreet

  13. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Hey! Lets boost into the air to fight the suit that can actually fly!

      • 11 months ago

        the real question is what the frick is the Galuss-J pilot doing when the Byralant unnecessarily turns around to shoot behind him

        • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago


            The Byarlant was wasted on Jerid.

  14. 11 months ago

    >The Gouf Heavy Arms pilot that got lost, gave up and decided to help rebuild Torrington instead.
    What a dude.

    • 11 months ago

      Pff, what? That can't be right, that sounds like a comedy skit.

      • 11 months ago

        Well, its flavor text explanation why he is nowhere to be found during actual attack, he got lost on the way, stumbled upon some devastated city and decided to help civilians. The implication is that he didn't even know that it was Torrington and battle alredy over at that time.
        Could have been much worse as far as TCG cards go, I personaly find the fact that he somehow hid his suit inside ancient castle much more ridiculous, this shit is probably on some world heritage list and you can't even scratch the walls without someone noticing, let alone rebuild giant suit sized part of it.

        • 11 months ago

          After the shit like the remnant zeek on earth manage to down an Alibion-look-like ship and used it as a base. I can believe all the stupid shit like building a MS in a world heritage site.

  15. 11 months ago

    Fukui is a fanfic-vomiting shitstain and I hope he gets decapitated with a blunt and rusty machete

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