For All Mankind

Just finished season 4

We did it BaldwinBros

God I hope this gets another season. Apparently their story plan was for 7 seasons

Ed has gotta die next season. No way he keeps on trucking and it would suck for him to die off screen in between seasons

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  1. 4 months ago

    >makes a mockery of your tv show in your path

    • 4 months ago

      I liked her whole character arc. She became Von Braun

      • 4 months ago

        Von Braun didnt commit treason, he just worked for the highest bidder

        • 4 months ago

          Pretty sure planning to abandon the government and give their technical secrets to the enemy you’ve been fighting for years is technically treason. Nazi germany just lost so nobody is gonna convict him of treason lol

          • 4 months ago

            If the Russians landed on the moon before americans that would imply Russians were ahead of the US technological but the Russians are always shown as copying from the US and stealing the entire engine design by leveraging Margot

            • 4 months ago

              They explained the divergent point for this timeline is Sergei Korolev not dying in 1966 from the botched kidney surgery.

              Since he was the dude that got the USSR the first satellite with Sputnik. And the man who got them the first animal in space with Lanka. The first man in space with Gagarin and so on. And his next assignment was a manned moon landing before his death. This doesn’t seem particularly crazy to imagine

              They also emphasise NASA is much more cautious in the start of the show compared to the nasa we got due to accidental deaths like Apollo 1 slowing people down more. The Americans literally could have beaten the Soviets in the show if they didn’t try the rehearsal flight before the actual landing

            • 4 months ago

              they were ahead in the 60s in the shows timeline because Korolev didnt die
              they only started to steal from the americans later, because they fell behind

      • 4 months ago

        Comrade Margot transcends all tropes.

    • 4 months ago

      I liked her whole character arc. She became Von Braun

      this has made me stop watching thank you. she is just now starting to get unbearable

      • 4 months ago

        Thank God you told us. You can go back to watching your kino now

        • 4 months ago

          enjoy your pozzed goyslop my lil apple consoomer

          • 4 months ago

            >buzzwords mcreddit

            • 4 months ago

              feel like both “pozzed” and “goyslop” would get you banned, arrested, and executed on reddit.

              • 4 months ago

                good. no post worth reading has ever used those words.

    • 4 months ago

      Do you think her complete absence of anything like a russian accent while speaking russian was a conscious decision to reflect the character's autism and inability to capture nuance while being very proficient at learning technical detail or just because the actress couldn't do a russian accent

      • 4 months ago

        The former.

    • 4 months ago

      She was actually made to look and feel believably old, for once. Meanwhile Baldwin and his wife growing old just looked silly. Kinnaman fricking sucks at playing an old man.

      • 4 months ago

        nah he's really really good at it, down to the basic mannerisms of a 70+ yr ld, I'm guesses his dad is eatheir dead or very old because kinomann got the mannerisms of a very old man whos still fit down pat

        • 4 months ago

          I don't see how you could think this. He's continually shown as too spry for his age, either in action scenes or when he forgets he's supposed to move slow. His only ache is a trembling hand, despite being 80+ and presumably having ejected from his fair share of fighter jets. With all the time he's spent in space he should be MORE brittle than your average earth-bound grandpa, he shouldn't be able to break up any fighting between young people freshly shipped to Mars. Meanwhile you can feel Margo's aches and cramps at every point, and her voice sounds tired in a way that Kinnaman's just doesn't.

          • 4 months ago

            >too spry
            well thats just your own problem isn't it? Ed has been in peak physical fitness since his early 20s, his health has been monitored by the best scientists and medical practitioners in the world for decades, he should be more spry but I guess the emotional toll has taken a toll

            • 4 months ago

              >he should be more spry
              Oh so you're just delusional? It doesn't matter how much doctors monitor your health, if you eject from fighter jets and then spend years of your life in zero or low gravity you're going to get fricked up in your old age.

              • 4 months ago

                we are in sci-fi territory now my clueless fren

          • 4 months ago

            He works out like a maniac and smokes weed for the aches.

          • 4 months ago

            What are you talking about? Ed didn’t do a single thing physically that was impressive this season. He also stays as fit as possible because that’s his routine. And lives in a lower gravity environment. So it’s easier to move around

      • 4 months ago

        Kinnaman has done a great job with the physical acting. He literally walks different now. Like an old man stride

        Karen always seem to just look the same but with grey hair

    • 4 months ago

      >is the most beautiful woman in human history in you are path

      • 4 months ago

        >no autist stemcel gilf gf
        why even live?

        • 4 months ago

          I'd get sick of the way she orders her hamburgers with everything on it just to pick it out before eating.

          • 4 months ago

            she isn't thats whats being delivered to her, a meal that contains all basic nutrients to continue,she says frick that and makes herself a basic cheese burger, because a wel made normal cheese burger dripping with ketchup is delicious after the shit she's been eating

  2. 4 months ago

    >Is called kinoman
    >turns whatever he's in into kino

    The writers are lazy.

  3. 4 months ago

    >God I hope this gets another season
    Yeah, me too. Best Sci-Fi drama of the decade

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >ed baldwin will return for season 5
        Kek that wasnt in the episode right?

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >talking with a coworker
      >tell me about this awesome tv shows he's watching, For All Mankind. It's from apple tv, it's about space race, with an alternate timeline
      >not sure if it's the one I'm thinking about, that I did not watch yet but had seen webm here
      >ask him if it's the tv shows exploring the what if women astronauts were sent in space during the cold war?
      >what? no... it's about USA and Russia politics.
      >has tv lied to me?
      >go read summary on wikipedia:
      >In an alternate timeline in 1969, Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov becomes the first human to land on the Moon. This outcome devastates morale at NASA but also catalyzes a U.S. effort to catch up.
      >With the Soviet Union emphasizing diversity by including a woman in subsequent landings, the United States is forced to match pace, training women and minorities who were largely excluded from the initial decades of U.S. space exploration.
      normies being clueless as usual

      • 4 months ago

        >never watched it
        >go read summary on wikipedia
        jesus fricking christ,why even post this worthless shit?

        • 4 months ago

          what's wrong about reading the premise of a tv shows before deciding if you're willing to watch it?
          I won't consume everything in existence for the mere purpose of knowing if I liked it or not.

        • 4 months ago

          found the homosexual normie. fricking simp.

          • 4 months ago

            frick off redditor

      • 4 months ago

        that was central for like a couple eps in s1 but seemed like it got integrated fairly quickly.
        only the Mexican engineer really sucked all the oxygen out of the room for 2+ seasons.

      • 4 months ago

        No, your coworker is right, the marketing around this show makes it all about representation when the actual focus of the show is "what if the space race continued with the same intensity?". I hate it because it put me off watching it for a couple of years.

  4. 4 months ago

    Literally Deus ex machina

    • 4 months ago

      It was established in the intro of the first episode that the Koreans were focusing on the space program and sending a ton of old probes though. Just nobody expected them to be crazy enough to try and bootleg it into a habitable craft for people.

  5. 4 months ago

    >I'm gay K thx bai
    >Btw it's the 90s and I also win re election

    • 4 months ago

      I was thinking of starting this show. Oh well..

      • 4 months ago

        Please don’t watch it,

        >I'm gay K thx bai
        >Btw it's the 90s and I also win re election

        this guy didn’t and as a result we get shitposts from morons who don’t even know what’s happening

        • 4 months ago

          but Ellen DID get outed as gay during her first term and then won a second term for some reason, while being a Republican in the 90s.
          I generally like her character, but this shit was just comically moronic

    • 4 months ago

      If you pay attention to the timeline and details it makes sense. But we get it, you hate gays, anything with gays is bad.

      You can oversimplify any story with a green text. That doesn’t make it less plausible

      >she uses her astronaut hero fame to succeed in becoming a republican governor of Texas
      >she beats Bill Clinton in the 91 election then did the opposite of what he did and didn’t lie snd cover it up when exposure was imminent
      >her current vice president who was the major anti gay hardline conservative goes against her, tries to rally support to become the republicans candidate next election
      >George HW Bush who served as her Secretary of State becomes her new running mate and galvanises moderate republican support, Wilson’s victory being unpredicted because she kept more republican voters than expected and managed to get more dems than expected

      This is the same George HW Bush who enacted the hate crime bill when he was president and publicly said he wasn’t against gay marriage after he and his wife attended one of his friends having one. So yeah, it does make sense he would act that way after someone he respects and considers a friend turns out to be gay

      I do wish they carried on with fictional presidents after Ellen instead of it being Gore. It was fun seeing the Nixon and Ted kennedy and Reagan impressions but they’re much more limited in how they show them because they don’t use actors. Just real footage and impressionist audio

      Be better to just have fictional presidents so we can see the actual president in scenes

      • 4 months ago

        It's totally not believe that she got away with this unscathed considering just before this she introduced don't ask don't tell for that gay mars guy.
        Even looking at it from the frame of the show the country was not ready to deal with gays.

        • 4 months ago

          gays were the trannies of the 90s.
          explain how a republican nominee in 2024 could become a two term president if he suddenly announced that he was a woman and how to deal with the sudden nuclear meltdown of his party base.
          they would be left in the dark, no democrats or moderates would rally to their side. the dems would swoop in and win the next election in a landslide

          You’re seriously acting confused as to why a show about an alternate timeline. Including social issues being challenged. Is different to our timeline

          didn't read but boy are you seething lol

          >didn’t read

          No shit. You didn’t watch lol

          • 4 months ago

            I did watch. The guy you were originally replying to didn't say anything wrong. It doesn't matter anyway since she was completely memoryholed in season 4

            • 4 months ago

              >It doesn't matter anyway since she was completely memoryholed in season 4
              What was up with that? She just completely fricking disappeared. Did they just not want to deal with gay stuff any more or did the actress piss them off? Because it felt really abrupt to just have her disappear like that instead of showing up as an Ex-President Astronaut who's fundraising for the space mission or something simple like that.

              • 4 months ago

                it was the actor, like the character she is really rich irl she was doing this show because she wanted to, it would be nice to get closure on that though

              • 4 months ago

                Her story arc was complete and she had a "happy" ending. There was nowhere to go with her character anymore.

              • 4 months ago

                How many presidents actually do anything remotely important after they finish their two terms? She’s retired and happy. We don’t need to follow her story any more

              • 4 months ago

                How many presidents have been world-famous astronauts before becoming the first gay female president of the US? I don't think there's any reason to believe she wouldn't want to still be involved with space in a corner, like Buzz Aldrin, and being welcomed because of her high status being a good thing for the PR of Nasa. It's not like her marriage/relationships were shown to be very fulfilling for her before.

              • 4 months ago

                America does not really take kindly to former presidents doing political shit in general

          • 4 months ago

            The show itself explained that the country was not ready to deal with gays in the military so what hope does a gay president have?

          • 4 months ago

            >gay astronaut on mars creates a massive headache for the republican party and the military
            >first female president comes out as gay during press briefing and gets elected to a second term
            explain how both of these can exist in the same show

            • 4 months ago

              Not him, but you are omitting an obvious fact: Politicians don't have convictions and will do anything to stay in power. If right now some troony drag queen pederast could 99.99% guarantee a Republican presidency, they would back him up.

            • 4 months ago

              She guided the country in the middle of major terrorist attack. That tends to make people like presidents. Bush was super popular after 9/11

      • 4 months ago

        gays were the trannies of the 90s.
        explain how a republican nominee in 2024 could become a two term president if he suddenly announced that he was a woman and how to deal with the sudden nuclear meltdown of his party base.
        they would be left in the dark, no democrats or moderates would rally to their side. the dems would swoop in and win the next election in a landslide

      • 4 months ago

        didn't read but boy are you seething lol

      • 4 months ago

        >tldr I’m a gay

        gays were the trannies of the 90s.
        explain how a republican nominee in 2024 could become a two term president if he suddenly announced that he was a woman and how to deal with the sudden nuclear meltdown of his party base.
        they would be left in the dark, no democrats or moderates would rally to their side. the dems would swoop in and win the next election in a landslide

        It's totally not believe that she got away with this unscathed considering just before this she introduced don't ask don't tell for that gay mars guy.
        Even looking at it from the frame of the show the country was not ready to deal with gays.

        Oh okay. Woke trash on appletv. I’m truly shocked. Thanks. That’s a hard pass for me.

        • 4 months ago

          You can tell when people are gonna watch a show when they feel the need to come into threads to ssh they’re not gonna watch it

  6. 4 months ago

    >the Gipper says Yolo a secret reactor to the moon then tell no one about it
    >Have an external door with no space suits near it

    • 4 months ago

      Did you forget they had all the space suits being used by the marine watch when the Soviets occupied the mining site?

      • 4 months ago

        How did they get into Jonestown from the lander if they don't have 1 suit per person?
        Please explain.

        • 4 months ago

          If you think that's wild, try your hand at this IMPOSSIBLE riddle.

          • 4 months ago

            you do realize how easy that is right? its a riddle for children, this is how you do it,first the chicken is taken over, then you take the fox over and bring the chicken back with you, then you take the seed leaving the chicken, finally you go back and get the chicken

          • 4 months ago

            why is SEEDS in TF2 font

        • 4 months ago

          >forgetting about the entire module that got depressurised and lost because the Soviets shot out the windows

          • 4 months ago

            That was the ops room. Not the space suit walk in closet.
            The marines had their space suits with them. Why couldn't they find some spare space suits around.
            The suits are custom fitted for each astronaut so you must have a lot of them
            And it makes sense to keep them near the airlock

  7. 4 months ago

    >magically steal a massive statue from the front door of JSC
    No one ever brings it up again.

  8. 4 months ago

    >lets crash land of Mars and call it a good landing

    • 4 months ago

      >Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing

      We get it dude, you don’t watch the show but you hate it.

      • 4 months ago

        Ed and Kuznetsov got to her and she decided to go for it to be the first woman on mars

        She basically marooned them with her reckless actions.

        • 4 months ago

          The only reason Ed didn’t is because he was afraid for Danny

          Also it’s irrelevant anyway since they weren’t the first regardless

  9. 4 months ago

    >let's go to Mars with just one lander

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah that annoyed me. There's no way a massive spaceship that Helios used only has ONE lander. Thats stupid. I know the writers love drama (the head writer is the guy who wrote Battlestar Galactica), but that's pushing it too far. Helios would have used several landers.

  10. 4 months ago

    >let's frick on our already overcrowded HAB with this Russian guy and get knocked up

    • 4 months ago

      >young women and men having sex is bad writing

      Incels lmao

      • 4 months ago

        This word doesn’t mean anything any more. It means a lot to you the way you wield it. It’s your greatest insecurity and embarrassment, so you accuse others of being likewise.

        >just your average race mixing and stronk womanz guise
        lol so fricking gay

    • 4 months ago

      Her arc is stupid. She does nothing but whine and complain.

      >let's use my family connections to invited on a space ship to go to Mars.

      >get upset when dad (Helios Commander) says he wants his daughter with him on Mars.

      >wants to be taken seriously as a biologist. Hates that's she's being invited only Because of her personal connections.

      >let's use my personal connections at Nasa to get a seat on their ship instead!

      >Bumps another talented scientist off the ship to taken their seat.

      >bangs white boy Russian during the flight. Uses no protection. No contraception available. No day after pill is used. Just raw dogged.

      >Tells no one about pregnancy until she is visibly showing.

      >has complications from space pregnancy and becomes huge liability to entire Mars crew.

      >gets massively sick

      >gets sent back home but strands the other 12 astronauts on Mars for a year.

      She is Very hypocritical and self centered.

      • 4 months ago

        hopefully this is addressed next season because Kely really is hypocritical as all frick, sure young kids they frick etc fine, this happens with astronauts irl of course lets not forget psycho b***h, but really kelly needs to take at least a little responsibility, her dad nearly died making sure she got back , really happy Ed and his grandson bonded though that was nice

        • 4 months ago

          >hopefully this is addressed next season because Kely really is hypocritical as all frick,

          I doubt it. If it was to be addressed, then it should have been this season.

          I knew it from when her character was introduced. She is a spoiled brat. Ed over compensated with raising her after the loss of his son. She got everything she wanted.

          Whenever she got upset, it was over something trivial. Instead of being grateful she was raised by loving parents, She got mad because she thought she was a "replacement" for their dead son. She wanted to find her "real parents". Like wtf. b***h you got to live in America and raised by a wealthy upper class family.

          Just more and more entitlement.

          Also she's a billionaire now because she inheritated her mother's shares in Helios. So why is she living in some middle class house on Earth? Why doesn't her son have the best education? Why doesn't she have a Chef or a babysitter? Why no bodyguards for her son???

          Her son is a damn celebrity. The first baby to be born in space between the USSR and America. The entire world was obsessed over him. News was everywhere. Tabloids and paparazzi. You would think thats important. But that plotline is just dropped after last season. The son is now just treated like a nobody.

          Also wtf is up with her son? He looks 100% Asian. Why can't I see any Russian in him? He looks like he had an Asian dad. No even a drop of whiteness.

          Lastly she BROUGHT HER SON WITH HER TO MARS. WTF! how selfish is she? The kid needs a normal life. What about school and friends? Classmates? Other kids his age? His other grandma! All because she wanted to go to Mars but not leave her kid.

          Then when she gets to Mars, she dumps her kid with Grandad. Like wtf.

          • 4 months ago

            >She is a spoiled brat.
            >her son's celeb status
            you get a very strong feeling she is trying to make his life as norman as possible on earth, but leaning into that a bit would've been good because yes of course he would be a celebrity
            >100% asian
            the kids a hapa and no doubt the older version of him will be too, you just lck the ability to see the difference between full asians and 1/2, 1/2

          • 4 months ago

            >brought her son to mars
            it was the right choice how much did you skip? the kid didn not want to be on earth, he was struggling with earth atmosphere and wanted to go see his grandfather, it was for the best obviously the kid will do much better on mars, in that kelly made the right call

            • 4 months ago

              >the kid didn not want to be on earth,
              The kid is like 7 years old. He doesn't know anything. Bringing her son on a trip to Mars is incredibly dangerous. The kid is going to grow up socially awkward with no other kids to socialize with. Also what about school? Who is teaching him? Everyone is busy with their jobs. What about his family on earth?

              >She is a spoiled brat.
              >her son's celeb status
              you get a very strong feeling she is trying to make his life as norman as possible on earth, but leaning into that a bit would've been good because yes of course he would be a celebrity
              >100% asian
              the kids a hapa and no doubt the older version of him will be too, you just lck the ability to see the difference between full asians and 1/2, 1/2

              >you get a very strong feeling she is trying to make his life as norman as possible on earth

              It doesn't matter because her son is still a target. Imagine if the Russians wanted to black bag him. Or some group kidnaps, and demands ransom from his billonaire mother. He's a celebrity whether she likes it or not but is doing nothing to protect him.

              • 4 months ago

                the kid is undergoing regular medical treatments because he has so much trouble even living day to day on earth, how did you miss that?

              • 4 months ago

                >Bringing her son on a trip to Mars is incredibly dangerous.
                feel like you missed most of the scenes involving the kid.
                they talked about how many health problems he had in earth and how his doctors were even recommending a return to mars.
                then when he was there, she made remarks how much better his breathing and other vitals were.
                The show basically made it seem like her son wouldn’t, and shouldn’t, go back to earth ever. basically he’ll be the first native of mars.

              • 4 months ago

                the kgb aren't reallymuch of a concerne regarding the kid,he's 1/2 russian and the entire world loves him, no chance they would ever frick with him, at most when he was older they would try to lure him to the soviets, which now thinking about it might be a plot point next season, but no way anyone would harm him, ever he's world famous and beloved by all sides

          • 4 months ago

            >Whenever she got upset, it was over something trivial. Instead of being grateful she was raised by loving parents, She got mad because she thought she was a "replacement" for their dead son. She wanted to find her "real parents". Like wtf. b***h you got to live in America and raised by a wealthy upper class family.

            She found her biological father and didn’t even talk to him because she realised he wasn’t really her father at this point

            • 4 months ago

              >he wasn’t really her father
              Quintessential sⲟyboy argument. Your father is and always will be your father regardless of whether he raised you or not.

              • 4 months ago

                Ok dude. Don’t adopt then. Nobody asked autists to anyway.

              • 4 months ago

                You sound butthurt. Maybe it's time you take your meds again.

              • 4 months ago

                Shit. You are probably right. My bad. Thanks for looking out.

              • 4 months ago

                No problem, anon. Take care.

              • 4 months ago

                Shit. You are probably right. My bad. Thanks for looking out.

                You sound butthurt. Maybe it's time you take your meds again.

                Please tell me you’re samegayging to bump the thread, otherwise this is too cringe

              • 4 months ago

                I'm not, and clearly you need to take your meds even more urgently than the other poster. In fact, ask your psychiatrist to double your dose next time you see him.

              • 4 months ago

                At least try to write differently. Otherwise it’s too obvious. I hope you don’t feel so bad you have to do this kind of thing to feel better again. Nobody should feel that bad. Good luck

  11. 4 months ago

    What can they possibly do after asteroid and mars?
    Are they going to build a death start next to the sun?

    • 4 months ago

      no now that they have a solid space station/moon on mars, they can head out to the outer reaches of the solar system, also Mars is totally claiming independence

      • 4 months ago

        >Mars is totally claiming independence
        yep, that's going to be interesting

        • 4 months ago

          President Baldwin of Mars

          • 4 months ago

            Nah, they are not done cucking him.
            >three-way race with him, Dev, and his daughter
            >he loses first round and end up backing Dev over his daughter

            • 4 months ago

              nah, come on its definitely his last season unless they invent cryo stasis, who would you vote for? not dev not kelly, screencap this, first ep next season, kinomann is voted in as president of mars

              • 4 months ago

                I don’t see Ed wanting to be a politician honestly. And since they want Mars to be different to earth they might have some different political system where the various settlements have leaders they elect, then there’s a defense minister and head of diplomacy with earth etc as opposed to a top dog president.

                Helios technically owns almost all of it but

                >the workers riot shows how tenuous Dev’s control realistically is
                >after effectively committing treason the USA could just freeze and seize Devs assets
                >then again because Mars has the asteroid. They have huge bargaining power with earth. Can probably demand immunity and the release of various people etc (maybe that’s why North Korea let those Koreans leave? In exchange for a slice of the iridium pie)

              • 4 months ago

                >I don’t see Ed wanting to be a politician honestly.
                yes thats where the drama is, he is a hero to everyone earth, mars everyone, he's the obvious and only choice

                It’s weird, I genuinely don’t understand their position. They keep saying it’s “bad writing” because Ed is “unlikable”

                I’d rather have an butthole do the right thing than Dani be nice and diplomatic in between the random searches through my private stuff and cia torture

                And calling me a homosexual was just rude. Frick you.

                didn’t get the sense she was remotely framed as a bad guy.
                it was more she was put in a really shitty situation, out of her depth, out of touch, and well meaning but on the wrong side of history.
                there weren’t any good choices for her to make.

                loook I like dani a lot like I said she's one of the bobs, but she was the antagonist on mars this season no question, and you see at the end she returns home to her family she is a non-entity at this point, she's done, and she was really shitty with the crackdowns/lockdowns, of course you understand her position and the information she is working with, doesn't mean she wasn't in the wrong. Remember when she first came on board she was questioning how the non-astronauts were being treated, she did a complete 180 on that and started treating them like criminals. she was the antagonist if you'd prefer

              • 4 months ago

                Checked and
                >you see at the end she returns home to her family she is a non-entity at this point, she's done
                Seconded. It seemed very clear to me that was her epilogue, and I think there's no way she'd return to Mars after being shot.

                >ed is racist
                wat? shut the frick up and leave the thread

                Anon is obviously being sarcastic.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                Pretty sure Ed would be hated by a lot of earth people. He basically stole something the USA and USSR spent trillions to try and get. Surely he’s gonna get some bad press. Doubt he cares since he is likely never leaving mars

              • 4 months ago

                he's still The Hero of the entire world everyone respects Ed him being president of mars is a shoe in, not even a debate

          • 4 months ago

            >Mars is totally claiming independence
            yep, that's going to be interesting


    • 4 months ago

      Mars is going to be developed into an actual settlement for human colonisation. Not just a scientific outpost and mining hub. That was the whole purpose of stealing the asteroid. Now earth HAS to dedicate massive resources to Mars instead of twiddling their thumbs over a shiny rock on earth and halting progress on space travel and habitation

      Most likely we will see more habitats further out in the solar system like the moons of Saturn. More exploitation of resources from such projects

      Also they’ve been building up Kelly’s search for signs of life on Mars (or elsewhere) since season 3. We didn’t hear what happened with her robot mission. And the ending of this season showed the huge Martian crater. So discovering some microbial alien life will probably be a huge story. Might be the last thing Ed does before dying so he gets to be the first at something for once

      I’m much more interested in seeing how the Martian settlement develops. I looked at Reddit and it’s hilarious how they all seem to hate Ed and Dev when they’re the fricking heroes. Those Black folk on Reddit are rooting for Dani even though she was sending the CIA and KGB to torture people for info lmao

      Guessing the exiled North Koreans who escaped the country will take refuge on Mars and make a little Korea.

      • 4 months ago

        >I looked at reddit
        >they are rooting for dani
        wat? she totally fricked up, I like her and all shes one of the bobs but she was the bad guy this season

        • 4 months ago

          It’s weird, I genuinely don’t understand their position. They keep saying it’s “bad writing” because Ed is “unlikable”

          I’d rather have an butthole do the right thing than Dani be nice and diplomatic in between the random searches through my private stuff and cia torture

          And calling me a homosexual was just rude. Frick you.

          • 4 months ago

            oh and your a homosexual for bringing reddit into this, you homosexual

            • 4 months ago

              We get it. You’re gay and want to suck wiener. Stop bringing up homosexuals. Nobody cares about your sexual preferences dude

              • 4 months ago

                lol stupid homosexual redditor is upset by the use of the word homosexual, many such cases, you homosexual

              • 4 months ago

                You forgot your pride flag

              • 4 months ago

                >reddit gay is butthurt
                many such cases, sad

        • 4 months ago

          didn’t get the sense she was remotely framed as a bad guy.
          it was more she was put in a really shitty situation, out of her depth, out of touch, and well meaning but on the wrong side of history.
          there weren’t any good choices for her to make.

          • 4 months ago

            She plain didn’t fit in terms of what was needed. She was papering over the cracks in addressing basic complaints but saw absolutely nothing wrong with how the cia and kgb essentially ran roughshod over the workers. How they all got conned with false advertisement and forced into indentured servitude because quitting would bankrupt them.

            She was the one who allowed the atmosphere to foster the escalation that led to shit hitting the fan. The rot went a lot deeper than people not having enough bandwidth

            Ed and Dev are self interested and motivated by more selfish motives… who cares?

            They made a big point seasons ago when Molly Cobb pointed out you have to be a selfish butthole to change the world. Dani isn’t a selfish butthole. She is just happy doing the job assigned. Ed and Dev actually have major long term visions and want to direct humanity in the way they think is best. And they’re right.

            People were protesting in earlier seasons over the job losses due to the helium 3 mining making entire industries like coal and oil collapse. Does that mean we should stop mining helium 3 and go back to coal? Frick no.

            Ed and Dev are my favourite characters in the show

            Hell. The nasa dude didn’t think twice about throwing Sam off the fricking ship into space to die to make sure the asteroid reached earths orbit. Why? Because orders are orders I guess. At least Sam had the decency to know he was tethered before pulling him off

            • 4 months ago

              One of the best thing about this series so far is that Dev and Molly Cobb prove to zoomers, who don't know any better, that you don't need to make diversity hires' characters' identity don't need to revolve around their diversity. Molly Cobb in particular is the best example of "stronk womyn" I've seen at least in a decade. Pity they killed her off-screen.

              • 4 months ago

                I really liked molly and tracies character arcs

                Karen felt the dumbest, she just kept stumbling into major jobs and owning space hotels somehow

              • 4 months ago

                her calling out not steve jobs, sry Dev was a defining moment for her, she was right

              • 4 months ago

                Tracy was alright too, but I wasn't fond of her bad mother arc. Karen, on the other hand, was only there to make Kinoman suffer over and over and over and over.
                >kept stumbling into major jobs
                I don't know about that, she does have character progression from the set-up of being tired of astrowives' hierarchy, to shunning it, to being a bad mother, to buying the bar, to being pro dyke, to being a ruthless b***h prostitute cheater, making Kinoman a literal cuckold by raising some SEABlack person, and so on. She has "sociopath CEO" plastered all over her biography.

              • 4 months ago

                and 90% of his angst in s4 was still being haunted by her death lol

              • 4 months ago

                no-one wanted to see her actually die, cobb rescuing everyone and then she went back for more was the perfect ending. I don't need to see her crushed by concrete etc, it was enough

              • 4 months ago

                Sure, but didn't it feel to you like her death was more of an afterthought than anything?

                Will Miles Dale be important next season? He felt a little odd in this one. Outside of giving a look at how the plebs live and smuggling equipment he didn’t have much of a main story impact

                Liked when he smashed the glowie who tortured him with a wrench and led the cavalry

                Good question. On one hand, he does feel like main cast, but on the other hand why would he stay in Mars when he made bank and could just return to Earth to start a company or something?

                I just finished the season 3 episode where they steal Mars from Ed, does it get better for him at some point or do they just keep torturing him?

                Kinoman's suffering continues and has yet to stop.

              • 4 months ago

                she was walking into a collapsing building blind, no I knew that was it for her, if it wasn't so late here I'd post the shot, its great, molly just keeps going back

              • 4 months ago

                I'll agree to disagree. I marathoned from S1 to S4-6 and I was very surprised when they just mentioned next season that they renamed the building after her due to her sacrifice.


                If only. They should at least have some similar-looking uniforms as a reference like they did with the Starcraft sound effects.

                K, it's just getting harder to keep watching when they do him dirty like that every time, he's the best character left from the original crew

                Have faith.

              • 4 months ago

                yea I figured thats the problem you didn't pay attention the Cobbs scenes in s3, its ok that happens when you binge a show meant to be watched 1 ep per week

              • 4 months ago

                It's the complete way around, moron-kun. When you marathon you have information fresher that someone who saw the episode years ago. Regardless, it's a fact, not an opinion, that the viewer doesn't find out Molly died a season later. That detail isn't up for debate.

              • 4 months ago

                no its ot,you miss a lot because you are watching multiple eps in succession and you miss out on the intricacies of the ep ou are watching because you want to get to the next one, a show like this you need to take a little time after every ep to contemplate the evolving situation before getting into the next one, in short you watched it too fast and missed a lot

              • 4 months ago

                You're in several steps of mental gymnastics now. We aren't discussing opinions, but facts. Facts that can be checked if you just open the god damn file and rewatch the relevant scenes. Don't reply to me again if you're going to behave like a 60-IQ Black person.

                They didn’t explain it clearly. And it helps if you read between the lines and watch those extra videos where they have news reports establishing stuff that happened in between seasons like this one. Think they’re on the Apple plus thing only, this one is on YouTube for now


                Basically this dude. Charles Benitz, the head of the terror plot. Was one of the space marines back in season 2 who served with trace and gordo

                A major plot point is that the Soviets had a nuclear weapons embargo on the moon. Which the USA agreed to. The USA still wanted nukes on the moon so instead they installed a secret black box reactor to be used to enrich uranium on the moon and create nukes there. So they just need to ship up the various missile parts and assemble.

                NOBOY knew about this secret reactor. Because it was top secret DOJ shit. The marines didn’t know about it. Gordo and Trace only got told about it like five minutes before they had to die fixing it to stop the radiation killing everyone.

                The USA didn’t want to admit they were violating the treaty and trying to make nukes on the moon. So NASA/the government claimed the normal nuclear reactor that powers the station melted down and that’s why Gordo and Trace died, to try and fix it

                Except this has a lot of holes in it for anyone “in the know” because they know it’s basically impossible for the reactor to do this. The marine dude also found it hard to believe the Soviets brazenly attacked their base

                I believe the main conspiracy is that the Soviets and USA worked together to make a false flag attack, the nuclear meltdown never happened and thus gordo and trace likely got killed for the story. Why? So the USA and Soviets could sign that treaty dividing the moons mineral rights and get rich

                So the irony is, there WAS a cover up/conspiracy. It just isn’t anything to do with what they thought it was.

                >I believe the main conspiracy is that the Soviets and USA worked together
                You already succinctly explained the conspiracy theory of the terrorist when you wrote:
                >this has a lot of holes in it for anyone “in the know” because they know it’s basically impossible for the reactor to do this
                Which made Benitz (correctly) believed there was a covers, which he himself says so, and how they reeled in Jimmy in. No further speculation needed.

                eh maybe he would after molly he would, I just want a scene of himand ed sharing a joint on mars, and wayne critiquing eds grow techniques

                >eh maybe he would after molly he would
                Are you moronic?

              • 4 months ago

                you are speedwatching and upset that those of us who watched ep to ep have picked up on so much more, its ok, but you don't have to be a spastic about it, everyone knew Molly was gone end of s3

              • 4 months ago

                >those of us who watched ep to ep have picked up on so much more
                Not him but do you actually believe someone who watched episodes like closer to now than someone who watch when it aired is going to remember it worse? thats dumb as frick

              • 4 months ago

                he clearly is remembering a lot of stuff incorrectly so yes, for some of us long term memory isn't a problem

              • 4 months ago

                I told you not to reply to me again, moron.
                >watched ep to ep have picked up on so much more
                Opinions are not facts. You keep "arguing" (not really) something that doesn't exist. Granted, we already established you're a cretin, so it should be no surprised you can't even engage in basic discourse, but still.

                >those of us who watched ep to ep have picked up on so much more
                Not him but do you actually believe someone who watched episodes like closer to now than someone who watch when it aired is going to remember it worse? thats dumb as frick

                He is indeed extremely dumb.

                Dev’s actor pulls off the mega brain business psycho performance so well

                The scene where he manipulates all the striking workers into quitting… then we just find out he only did it to see who the true believers were so they could help him. Was kino


                Then of course.

                “Do you want to help me steal an asteroid?”


                Why is he the only character with no aging makeup lol. He must be in that billionaire juice

                For me it was when he was so disappointed about being ousted. It cemented his belief system (and its erasure).
                >Why is he the only character with no aging makeup lol
                One thing that they dropped the ball on in this series is pharmaceutical advancements that would go hand in hand with aerospace ones. But yes, he might be on something that slows aging. Hopefully whatever it is, they give it to Kinoman so he can keep being the saving grace of this series.

                he clearly is remembering a lot of stuff incorrectly so yes, for some of us long term memory isn't a problem

                What am I misremembering that (you) can't find in an episode you can rewatch whenever you want?

              • 4 months ago

                I don't care what you told me speedwatching mass replier, you dumb homosexual

              • 4 months ago

                Shut the frick up, you Black personhomosexual. Go back to gayddit if you can't adapt to this site.

                >One thing that they dropped the ball on in this series is pharmaceutical advancements that would go hand in hand with aerospace ones

                Wasn’t Ed injecting some kind of steroid in his ass in season 3 to keep fit as he aged?

                Yes, it was gear (according to Danny) but that has also existed in our time since the 50s, AFAIK.

              • 4 months ago

                stop wall posting you speedwatcher, you are so wrong about so much

              • 4 months ago

                I accept your concession.

                >can't adapt to this site.
                lol way to out yourself as a reddit homosexual, sop mass replying, stop being a wanker and we can all have a civil discussion, you dumb frick tourist

                There's not such thing as "mass replying". That was invented by redditBlack folk who in their system can't reply to more than post at the same time, so they seethe uncontrollably when they see someone do it here, like you and you're doing right now.
                Literally, and provably, NO U.

              • 4 months ago

                lmao keep on sperging, or maybe take a step back and don't, eh w/e you will continue to sperg speedwatcher who didn't pick upon 1/2 the story. i'm sure you will

              • 4 months ago

                >can't adapt to this site.
                lol way to out yourself as a reddit homosexual, sop mass replying, stop being a wanker and we can all have a civil discussion, you dumb frick tourist

              • 4 months ago

                >One thing that they dropped the ball on in this series is pharmaceutical advancements that would go hand in hand with aerospace ones

                Wasn’t Ed injecting some kind of steroid in his ass in season 3 to keep fit as he aged?

              • 4 months ago

                You, sir, are based, and never let anyone tell you any different.

              • 4 months ago

                >Good question. On one hand, he does feel like main cast, but on the other hand why would he stay in Mars when he made bank and could just return to Earth to start a company or something?

                He got tortured and almost killed by American and Russian intelligence agents who also threatened his wife and kids safety

                Probably safest for him to get them all to move to mars. Just because the US government says you are pardoned would you really feel safe living on earth again?

              • 4 months ago

                you’re assuming they weren’t all rounded up and arrested, shipped back to earth. also assuming mars got any kind of independence. looks more like dev got exiled, to say the least.
                only reason Ed would stay on mars is if his health doesn’t allow him to be safely transferred back. And if he’s so old and decrepit, they’d let him stay with his family. his grandson also can’t really leave mars.

              • 4 months ago

                Didn’t she die of cancer in between seasons from the radiation?

              • 4 months ago

                ah no she saved a ton of people from the bombing at nasa and died going back in to save more jfc

              • 4 months ago

                no she died in the aftermath of the bombing. some kid or something ran into her and she was like “ yeah get out,” then walked back into the chaos instead of outside, and that was the last we saw of her.
                honestly a good scene but they didn’t give her enough to do in s3 leading up to it.

              • 4 months ago

                I didn't want her to die at all, let her retire with dignity instead of this forced (and ultimately moronic) heroic bullshit.

              • 4 months ago

                nah its great she went out heroic, much better then just slipping away, molly was always a champ and it was a great ending for her

              • 4 months ago

                yeah she definitely would prefer that death to fading away in bed at home.
                in fact, that’s the exact reason she ended up blind to begin with. that whole rescue scene from s2 was pure kino.

              • 4 months ago


                Nah, it's moronic. If you're blind as a rock and you think going into a burning building to save people is a good idea then you're terminally moronic. Molly Cobb was a lot of things but being a fricking moron is something I take umbrage with. Her saving the Dutch Astronaut on the moon was one of the best moments in the series because the sacrifice meant something. Here it's just a Lucas-esque "let i be like poetry, let it rhyme" moment that the writers put in to remind everyone that Molly is a hero and also get rid of her since they didn't know what to do with her throughout season 3.
                It feels fake, sloppy and disrespectful to the character

                no your a moron who didn't pay attention, everyone is blinded by the smoke and rubble molly knows the building perfectly hence why she could lead so many people out. she knew the exact blueprints of the building and thats why she was so effective. Its a perfect ending for her it was not remotely disrespectfully, in fact they changed the name to the Molly Cobb center, she went out like the hero she was end of her story. having said that I wouldn't mind one last catch up with her husband next season just one. Him and Ed smoking a J together would be perfect, but I'm not sure how to work that into the story

              • 4 months ago

                It wasn't effective at all actually since she fricking died in the building
                >Its a perfect ending for her it was not remotely disrespectfully, in fact they changed the name to the Molly Cobb center, she went out like the hero she was end of her story
                Yup, like I said, you want it to rhyme, you don't want something that actually makes sense. And that's fine, to each their own, some people like cheap melodramatic moments like that, nothing to get upset over.

              • 4 months ago

                she had already saved a ton of people. she went back in to save more, its 100% something molly would do

              • 4 months ago

                Nah, it's moronic. If you're blind as a rock and you think going into a burning building to save people is a good idea then you're terminally moronic. Molly Cobb was a lot of things but being a fricking moron is something I take umbrage with. Her saving the Dutch Astronaut on the moon was one of the best moments in the series because the sacrifice meant something. Here it's just a Lucas-esque "let i be like poetry, let it rhyme" moment that the writers put in to remind everyone that Molly is a hero and also get rid of her since they didn't know what to do with her throughout season 3.
                It feels fake, sloppy and disrespectful to the character

              • 4 months ago

                I didn't mind her doing some saving. I take issue she died that way, off-screen, a season later retroactively.

                >mfq trying to figure out what the frick the terrorists who bombed NASA even believed “really happened” on the moon

                Their conspiracy never seemed to explain what their theory was.

                Something something coverup. Something something gordo and trace didn’t really die that way.

                Any ideas what their actual conspiracy theory and beef with nasa was over?

                The leader knew things didn't add up because none in Mars knew about the secret reactor. They explain it, speedwatcher-kun.

                no your a moron who didn't pay attention, everyone is blinded by the smoke and rubble molly knows the building perfectly hence why she could lead so many people out. she knew the exact blueprints of the building and thats why she was so effective. Its a perfect ending for her it was not remotely disrespectfully, in fact they changed the name to the Molly Cobb center, she went out like the hero she was end of her story. having said that I wouldn't mind one last catch up with her husband next season just one. Him and Ed smoking a J together would be perfect, but I'm not sure how to work that into the story

                >Him and Ed smoking a J
                How could that ever happen if he hates space and Kinoman is never going back to Earth?

                you’re assuming they weren’t all rounded up and arrested, shipped back to earth. also assuming mars got any kind of independence. looks more like dev got exiled, to say the least.
                only reason Ed would stay on mars is if his health doesn’t allow him to be safely transferred back. And if he’s so old and decrepit, they’d let him stay with his family. his grandson also can’t really leave mars.

                >looks more like dev got exiled
                How so?

              • 4 months ago

                >he hates space and Kinoman is never going back to Earth
                I know thats why I said I can't quite image how it would work, but if regular civilian flights are going to mars, then maybe

              • 4 months ago

                >I know
                >but if regular civilian flights are going to mars, then maybe
                So you don't know. Wayne would never leave Earth.

              • 4 months ago

                eh maybe he would after molly he would, I just want a scene of himand ed sharing a joint on mars, and wayne critiquing eds grow techniques

              • 4 months ago

                Molly was always like this though. She immediately told Trace to just let her drift off and die when she got separated from the ship.

                The fact she was blind and used to moving around blind is the main reason she was helpful finding people after the blast in a place filled with dust and smoke. They’re not used to moving around in it. She is. Her whole death wish thing is pretty set in stone. She always would have preferred to die doing something important than of old age

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >die with dignity
                For her, it was either die being a hero or die in an experimental surgery to restore her eyesight. There was no in between. She's not living out to old age being blind.

              • 4 months ago

                Dev’s actor pulls off the mega brain business psycho performance so well

                The scene where he manipulates all the striking workers into quitting… then we just find out he only did it to see who the true believers were so they could help him. Was kino


                Then of course.

                “Do you want to help me steal an asteroid?”


                Why is he the only character with no aging makeup lol. He must be in that billionaire juice

        • 4 months ago

          She's not a bad guy, she's a guy with good intentions that ends up making a series of authoritarian choices trying to do the right thing

          • 4 months ago

            agreed as I said here

            >I don’t see Ed wanting to be a politician honestly.
            yes thats where the drama is, he is a hero to everyone earth, mars everyone, he's the obvious and only choice
            loook I like dani a lot like I said she's one of the bobs, but she was the antagonist on mars this season no question, and you see at the end she returns home to her family she is a non-entity at this point, she's done, and she was really shitty with the crackdowns/lockdowns, of course you understand her position and the information she is working with, doesn't mean she wasn't in the wrong. Remember when she first came on board she was questioning how the non-astronauts were being treated, she did a complete 180 on that and started treating them like criminals. she was the antagonist if you'd prefer

      • 4 months ago

        >hose Black folk on Reddit are rooting for Dani even though she was sending the CIA and KGB to torture people for info lmao
        To be fair, Ed is white racist and Dani is black kween who single-handledly prevented ww3

        • 4 months ago

          >ed is racist
          wat? shut the frick up and leave the thread

      • 4 months ago

        >I’m much more interested in seeing how the Martian settlement develops

        I hope it eventually grows into a massive Helio outpost where they send swarms of bots into the asteroid field to bring back to mars for mining.

        • 4 months ago

          Honestly, as soon as the plot with Kelly’s robots came into picture, I assumed Dev would want to use them for mining instead of people. It just makes more sense than risking lives. Send robots to crawl and shoot down anchors and attach cables etc

          She can still do her search for life but there’s a lot more practical uses for the advanced robotics we saw her have and his company seemed to specialise in

          Especially since that way they can conserve Human Resources on mars and leave the more dangerous stuff to robots or remote controlled ones

          • 4 months ago

            I can just imagine the kino of a giant conga line of bots towing asteroids to mars, automated mining operations in orbit, then another conga line of bot transports to earth, in a giant 3 piece conveyor belt.

            And all you'll need is service engineers, computer techs, and drone operators.

            • 4 months ago

              Exactly. You’d be able to easily subsidise the entire mars population from the sheer profit that would make from earth paying

              Doubt they planned it. But it would go back to Dev thinking an artist or poet should be part of Ed’s mars crew lol. Now they’d only need to work the essentials to survive, and be much more of a thriving settlement. They have regular high quality shipments from earth. But also grow all the food they need. Make their own power. Make their own pre-fab buildings. Source their own water

              They don’t actually need earth for anything. Earth needs them.

              Depends on who is the guiding force. They’d either become decadent and complacent or dedicated like the initial people. Hopefully Ed and Def and co can lead them well

              Frick it, demand Margo get sanctuary on mars since she got the asteroid there with her code. Let her see what she helped accomplish.

              The asteroid is such a bargaining chip they can’t really lose

              • 4 months ago

                Its also one of the things that really sets Dev and Ed apart from everyone else. They're big picture invested on sacrificing everything and theyre lives to set the groundwork for the next generation and beyond knowing full well they wont be alive to see the huge benefits in they're lifetime.

                Whereas everyone else is MUH PROFIT NOW.

      • 4 months ago

        >I looked at Reddit and it’s hilarious how they all seem to hate Ed and Dev
        Jesus frick I hate that site its clear they are the good guys and are trying to advance the space program well Danny is trying to stagnate advancement.

        • 4 months ago

          >reddit hates big picture progress

          Couldve put money on that one.

          • 4 months ago

            whats stranger is the show actully makes them the good guys. like how can those homosexuals watch it and miss the entire point of the season.

          • 4 months ago

            >I looked at Reddit and it’s hilarious how they all seem to hate Ed and Dev
            Jesus frick I hate that site its clear they are the good guys and are trying to advance the space program well Danny is trying to stagnate advancement.

            Reddit are morons who think big government good. Even after seeing them torture people and protesting against them for years

            The Black business magnate and old white mam being right is inconceivable to them

            • 4 months ago

              even though the final fight in space was a big southern white guy vs a skinny mystery meat chick to secure the asteroid. everyone on that site is fricking moronic.

              >season 5 finale
              >Mars is tired of Earths beaurocratic overreach
              >Mars President Baldwin declares martian independence backed by Helios
              >link related starts playing



              • 4 months ago

                >mystery meat

                Wut, she’s eastern euro

              • 4 months ago

                the fight with her and the guy who ratted out Ed should have been before the fight in the hallways thats my main gripe with the final episode

  12. 4 months ago

    Also space glowies deserve the airlock

  13. 4 months ago

    Will Miles Dale be important next season? He felt a little odd in this one. Outside of giving a look at how the plebs live and smuggling equipment he didn’t have much of a main story impact

    Liked when he smashed the glowie who tortured him with a wrench and led the cavalry

    • 4 months ago

      sure hope so he's definitely the best of the new cast, it would be great if he can get his family to mars

    • 4 months ago

      I think he was supposed to be both knuckledragger representation + “look how central this guy ended up being to history” but the pacing of his arc was so weird it just fell flat.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't remember. Are russian barman and him friends again?

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think they resolved it. I'm feeling probably not.

        • 4 months ago

          they came together in solidarity at the end as everyone was being rounded up by security forces.

  14. 4 months ago

    Reminder that Dani buried the North Koreans gun and left a marker on it. But never retrieved it.

    She’s the one responsible for the gun that ended up shooting her

  15. 4 months ago

    I just finished the season 3 episode where they steal Mars from Ed, does it get better for him at some point or do they just keep torturing him?

    • 4 months ago

      Wait, I reread your post. Exit this thread immediately before you catch a spoiler. Do yourself a favour and don't come back at least until you finish the season.

      • 4 months ago

        K, it's just getting harder to keep watching when they do him dirty like that every time, he's the best character left from the original crew

  16. 4 months ago

    >mfq trying to figure out what the frick the terrorists who bombed NASA even believed “really happened” on the moon

    Their conspiracy never seemed to explain what their theory was.

    Something something coverup. Something something gordo and trace didn’t really die that way.

    Any ideas what their actual conspiracy theory and beef with nasa was over?

    • 4 months ago

      They didn’t explain it clearly. And it helps if you read between the lines and watch those extra videos where they have news reports establishing stuff that happened in between seasons like this one. Think they’re on the Apple plus thing only, this one is on YouTube for now


      Basically this dude. Charles Benitz, the head of the terror plot. Was one of the space marines back in season 2 who served with trace and gordo

      A major plot point is that the Soviets had a nuclear weapons embargo on the moon. Which the USA agreed to. The USA still wanted nukes on the moon so instead they installed a secret black box reactor to be used to enrich uranium on the moon and create nukes there. So they just need to ship up the various missile parts and assemble.

      NOBOY knew about this secret reactor. Because it was top secret DOJ shit. The marines didn’t know about it. Gordo and Trace only got told about it like five minutes before they had to die fixing it to stop the radiation killing everyone.

      The USA didn’t want to admit they were violating the treaty and trying to make nukes on the moon. So NASA/the government claimed the normal nuclear reactor that powers the station melted down and that’s why Gordo and Trace died, to try and fix it

      Except this has a lot of holes in it for anyone “in the know” because they know it’s basically impossible for the reactor to do this. The marine dude also found it hard to believe the Soviets brazenly attacked their base

      I believe the main conspiracy is that the Soviets and USA worked together to make a false flag attack, the nuclear meltdown never happened and thus gordo and trace likely got killed for the story. Why? So the USA and Soviets could sign that treaty dividing the moons mineral rights and get rich

      So the irony is, there WAS a cover up/conspiracy. It just isn’t anything to do with what they thought it was.

      • 4 months ago

        Also add on all the other weird shit. Like Ed blowing up seadragon and it being written off as a malfunction. The previous NASA deaths from president Ted kennedy choosing factories in dem districts which built shitty components. There’s actually a lot of conspiracies about nasa that are true in this world lol

        Also he probably had mental illness. Space PTSD has gotta be like 3 times as bad as normal ptsd

        • 4 months ago

          >Space PTSD
          no such thing

          • 4 months ago

            It's a legitimate thing. There are already lengthy psych tests that real life astronauts have to go through, but one of the notable things is that being in space does not do wonders for mental health. So they test very, very heavily for it.

            • 4 months ago

              >being in space does not do wonders for mental health
              idk, if I were that far away from Black folk I'd be in complete bliss.

          • 4 months ago

            He fought in a combat scenario in space.

            • 4 months ago

              >Space PTSD
              no such thing

              I'd get space PTSD just from the constant fear of being burnt alive in my spacesuit if a firefight breaks out, tbh

  17. 4 months ago

    I'd like to point out Ed and Dev have after all this time, solved the bonus situation

  18. 4 months ago

    I love this show so fricking much. Ed Baldwin is a god among mere men.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      He really is the one true Kinoman. This series will drop off at terminal velocity once he dies.

      lmao keep on sperging, or maybe take a step back and don't, eh w/e you will continue to sperg speedwatcher who didn't pick upon 1/2 the story. i'm sure you will

      >keep on sperging
      10/10 projection. You're foaming at the mouth.

      You, sir, are based, and never let anyone tell you any different.

      Thank you, kind gentleman. Likewise.

      • 4 months ago

        your projection is off the charts m8, calm down speedwatcher, i'm glad your on board and recognize kinomann as the pinnacle of the show, its not my fault you completely missed cobbs story in s3

  19. 4 months ago

    I miss young Ed bros

    • 4 months ago

      Same. I didn't mind Old Man Mars antics though; too bad they took his russky away.

      your projection is off the charts m8, calm down speedwatcher, i'm glad your on board and recognize kinomann as the pinnacle of the show, its not my fault you completely missed cobbs story in s3

      Keep seething, your impotent tears sustain me.

      hopefully this is addressed next season because Kely really is hypocritical as all frick, sure young kids they frick etc fine, this happens with astronauts irl of course lets not forget psycho b***h, but really kelly needs to take at least a little responsibility, her dad nearly died making sure she got back , really happy Ed and his grandson bonded though that was nice

      They won't, Kelly and Goblina are obviously the writers' favourites.

      I don't see how you could think this. He's continually shown as too spry for his age, either in action scenes or when he forgets he's supposed to move slow. His only ache is a trembling hand, despite being 80+ and presumably having ejected from his fair share of fighter jets. With all the time he's spent in space he should be MORE brittle than your average earth-bound grandpa, he shouldn't be able to break up any fighting between young people freshly shipped to Mars. Meanwhile you can feel Margo's aches and cramps at every point, and her voice sounds tired in a way that Kinnaman's just doesn't.

      >despite being 80+
      He's 72 in 2003.
      >you can feel Margo's aches and cramps at every point
      Ed is growing and consuming the finest weed in Mars, so those aren't issues for him. Maybe actually watch the series before posting?

      • 4 months ago

        >mass replying homosexual tries again
        no really go the frick back

        • 4 months ago

          >redditor seething again
          I've been here since before your mother tried to unsuccessfully abort you. But do keep whining about "mass replying" like the tourist we all know you are.

  20. 4 months ago

    I'm honestly losing my love for the show because it's too modern now, making me think the time-skips were a mistake. Before it was both a period drama and alternate history sci-fi but now it just feels like a generic sci-fi, you know? I'm mostly talking about the tech and look of everything. It doesn't stand out at all any more, whereas before it was cool to really get the feeling of "this is how a moon base would have looked with tech from back then".

    • 4 months ago

      just imagine all the quips and references they’ll make to early 2010s pop culture next season.
      Kardashians will for sure still be a thing.

      • 4 months ago

        >Kardashians will for sure still be a thing.
        Should have made OJ another divergent point in their timeline, sparing us of the Kardashians' shadow.

      • 4 months ago

        They already mentioned reality tv in space in one of the 90’s newscast things so probably some space rich family reality show

      • 4 months ago

        Its going to be kino when they get to Trump. He'll probably want to travel to Jupiter personally as a publicity stunt or something and Ed will have to babysit him the whole journey.

        • 4 months ago

          They already ref'd trump building stuff in moscow.

          • 4 months ago

            That was just one pic from the eighties or 90’s when trump was known as rich real estate magnate

            And I’m pretty sure he literally did build a trump hotel IRL in Moscow right after the Soviet Union collapsed

      • 4 months ago

        you just know the USA president will be the villain

    • 4 months ago

      yea this is the shame of the show,those of us who just want a great story of humans reaching out intoour solr system are fine, those of you who were just interested in the alt reality of the 60-70s space race would no doubt be disappointed, completely understandable no judgement, I'd have probably felt the same if I was younger

      • 4 months ago

        >those of us who just want a great story of humans reaching out intoour solr system are fine
        I would have preferred it if they'd taken it slower and step by step on the moon, instead of doing a timeskip where the tech is improved off-screen and everyone's going to Mars instead and then another timeskip to the moon having its own trashy reality show with Moon Miners.

        • 4 months ago

          so their is your opinion and then their is ronald t moores one,guess which one i'm going with?

          • 4 months ago

            >so their is your
            Stopped reading right there.

            • 4 months ago

              >redditor seething again
              I've been here since before your mother tried to unsuccessfully abort you. But do keep whining about "mass replying" like the tourist we all know you are.

              lol, stupid tourist children

    • 4 months ago

      The differences feel distinct enough. I think I read the internet doesn’t actually exist in SENPAI for some reason. Which is bizarre

      • 4 months ago

        In the recent ep the motel had a sign that said "free internet" Maybe now in the timeline it exists but is just "behind" like 90s style websites. I do remember a scene of margo looking at the brazil program on her computer maybe that was a website.

        • 4 months ago

          They said in the Reddit AMA that the free Internet sign on the space hotel was a mistake from one of the artists

          Basically the tech exists for the internet. Obviously since they have the equivalent of emails and high def Skype calls. But because the Cold War technically never ended the whole satellite network is much more restricted than the way ours work. Even when the Cold War cooled in the show… the Soviet Union is still an opposing superpower. China today has heavy internet restriction, and they had to make do with this after the entire rest of the world already had it. Americans probably restricted it early on and made strict rules regarding what private corps could do.

  21. 4 months ago

    So Kinoman president of mars or wot?

    • 4 months ago

      of course he is

    • 4 months ago

      Kinoman's victories are always monkey pawed, so yes, he can president of Mars in S5 as long as they also try to impeach him and succeed and put Kelly instead.

      • 4 months ago

        So Kinoman president of mars or wot?

        He'll be President but it'll be a puppet position controlled by the psycho CEO because the existence of Mars will come down to the corporation funding it. He'll ultimately feel useless and want to break away from being a glorified actor doing PR for Mars and instead just fly some dangerous aircraft again, hoping to go out in a blaze of glory or sacrificing himself like his best buds.

        • 4 months ago

          sounds like pure kino, also it will be for his grandson

          • 4 months ago

            His grandson doesn't like parmesan on his spaghetti. He's a gay.

            • 4 months ago

              hes only little give the kid time

            • 4 months ago

              that sawdust in the green can isn't parmesan

              • 4 months ago

                shut the frick up, that shit is still delicious

        • 4 months ago

          Apple hire this man.

          His grandson doesn't like parmesan on his spaghetti. He's a gay.

          He has room for growth and learning. Have faith in Karateman.

    • 4 months ago

      feanor and kinomanns showdown would be epic, the sheer rage would schism reality

  22. 4 months ago

    >s-stupid tourist chidlrene how d-dare you call me out for writing like a moron and being a redditor!!!11one

    • 4 months ago

      frick off reddit

  23. 4 months ago

    does the show get better later on? cause I watched a few episodes of season 1 and thought the writing/acting was kinda not great

  24. 4 months ago

    >Not first man on moon
    >Not first man on Mars
    >Not first man asteroid
    >He WILL be the first man to land on Jupiter

    • 4 months ago

      He'll be the first man to leave our solar system, riding for hell strapped to an experimental FTL rocket just like in the good ol' test pilot years of his youth.

      • 4 months ago

        >first man
        But second person, Danielle will be the first human to do it.

        • 4 months ago

          nah she's out,one last cameo in s5 will be all,maybe help him from the control room like molly did end of s3
          >bye bob
          his last words

    • 4 months ago

      >land on Jupiter

      He'll be the first man to leave our solar system, riding for hell strapped to an experimental FTL rocket just like in the good ol' test pilot years of his youth.

      I know you're joking but I don't think you realize how big the solar system is in order for anyone to leave it.

      • 4 months ago

        What part of "experimental FTL rocket" do you not understand?

    • 4 months ago

      Pretty sure Ed will end up finding the first alien life as part of his daughter’s project. Some microbes in water not a predator or something

      • 4 months ago

        They should totally jump the shark and introduce alien predators.

    • 4 months ago

      First Mars weed though

  25. 4 months ago

    >frick off reddit
    >t. reddit

    • 4 months ago

      frick off reddit

  26. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >tfw their timeline is so blessed that they didn't even have to see Clerks II

    • 4 months ago

      >So many good actresses didn't get a career

      • 4 months ago

        >good actresses

  27. 4 months ago

    >when they say they don’t like Parmesan on their spaghetti



  28. 4 months ago

    Ed will be the first genetically modified human emperor of mars

    • 4 months ago

      >mfw For all Mankind wasn't a prequel to The Expanse, but a prequel to W40K

  29. 4 months ago

    How long would you guys have lasted under that CIA/KGB torture?

    Miles did way better than I expected. Even the C02 poisoning didn’t make him talk

    Also Dani is either a fricking moron. Or too naive to work. How the hell did she send two intelligence agents to “talk to” someone for information. Then acted shocked when she sees one hit a dude later?

    Did she seriously think they were just interviewing this dude? Fricking moron

    • 4 months ago

      >How the hell did she send two intelligence agents to “talk to” someone for information. Then acted shocked when she sees one hit a dude later?
      The things that (you) know in year of our Lord MMXXIV weren't as commonly known in 2003, much less for someone as busy and general disconnected from zeitgeist as an astronaut. Perhaps you're too young to have been there, but until wikileaks and then the FBI vault disclosures, if you mentioned MK ULTRA people would stop taking your seriously; a lot of us got retroactively redeemed, but even now in the present people will just cover their ears if e.g. you start talking about The Finders.

    • 4 months ago

      Do you seriously believe the CIA's frickery is as well-known in their universe, where the US has focused on being space heroes instead of only fricking around with other countries until it becomes obvious? The guy being tortured on Mars is basically their timeline's version of Abu Ghraib. Sure she might have had misgivings about sending a KGB guy because even the Russian astronauts talked ill of them, but since she sent along a fella from "her" side she obviously thought he'd keep the other in check and they'd just do some police-level surveillance and interrogation.

      • 4 months ago

        Except they already had the whole “marines shooting unarmed cosmonauts” incident. Or them sending the nuclear weapon rocket to the moon. Or gordo and Tracy dying to stop the secret nuclear weapon reactor overloading.

        There’s hardly some lack of precent for the department of defense acting mental here. And Dani is in a position to know about a lot of it

    • 4 months ago

      Do you seriously believe the CIA's frickery is as well-known in their universe, where the US has focused on being space heroes instead of only fricking around with other countries until it becomes obvious? The guy being tortured on Mars is basically their timeline's version of Abu Ghraib. Sure she might have had misgivings about sending a KGB guy because even the Russian astronauts talked ill of them, but since she sent along a fella from "her" side she obviously thought he'd keep the other in check and they'd just do some police-level surveillance and interrogation.

      At least at the end there was a newspaper headline about it so the info on torture got out like it did in our timeline via stuff like the snowden leaks.

      • 4 months ago

        The newspaper headline is what I meant about it being their Abu Ghraib. It's roughly the same year and will be a huge scandal about a "prisoner" being tortured by American personnel. Except in their case it won't be as much of a scandal I suppose, since they were actually trying to get info out of him and not just pissing on him for funsies.

        • 4 months ago

          Dunno, they literally almost murdered him for… tax evasion?

          They had no real evidence he did anything beyond the business of smuggling tampons and shit

          • 4 months ago

            They DID believe the heist guys were planning a terrorist attack, to be fair. The bombing of the Nasa building is the closest their universe has come to 9/11 so they went a little crazy with paranoia over there being a second attack. They even chalked up their own crew's mistake at the fuelling plant to a deliberate boobytrap set by the workers, instead of that one guy just being a moron who thinks it's a good idea to jerry-rig his way around a samoflang.

  30. 4 months ago

    >start dumb cuck plot in s2
    >uhh bros where are we going with this?
    >frick it just kill off the characters

  31. 4 months ago

    How can one character be so based


    • 4 months ago

      Kek, nice video.

      At least try to write differently. Otherwise it’s too obvious. I hope you don’t feel so bad you have to do this kind of thing to feel better again. Nobody should feel that bad. Good luck

      Anon, please take your schizo meds. Also:
      >At least try to write differently
      You and I are writing similarly though.

    • 4 months ago

      not bad, hi bob

    • 4 months ago

      Old man Mars is a pretty cool nickname too

  32. 4 months ago

    Kind of funny how this show has consistently shown psychiatry to not help anybody. Gordo went to a psychiatrist and he just ended up getting worse and losing his wife and becoming a fat has been. Took Ed telling him to man up and assigning him a mission to challenge him to make him get better

  33. 4 months ago

    Leaked pic of Ed in season 5

  34. 4 months ago

    Massey should be part of the Mars nobility from now on

    • 4 months ago

      If they’re doing the politics route I’d be in favour of her as leader of Mars. She stuck to her principles when Dev tempted all the others with money. She literally risked her life to move that asteroid and save Mars. Even when that butthole NASA dude tried to murder her to move the asteroid to earth, she just climbed back up, made sure he was tethered and pulled him off. Knowing he wouldn’t die.

      Ed is too old honestly, let him rest. He can be an advisor and try to raise his grandson to become a real Martian patriot

      • 4 months ago

        The Martians already have a foundational myth with her

  35. 4 months ago

    Who's going to feast on Earth's sky and drink their rivers dry? MMC! Who's going to stomp their mountains into fine Martian dust? MMC!
    Till the rains fall hard on Olympus Mons, who are we? MMC!

  36. 4 months ago

    I hope they bring Svetlana back for season 5 and she can be Ed’s love interest, she was barely in this season but they had good chemistry. And now they have such good negotiating power with the asteroid they could easily get her back

    Looking it up part of me thinks they must have planned for her to return simply because the actress is actually much older than the character she played. So in another 10 year time skip she would be easy to make to look like she’s in her 40’s rather than 30’s

    • 4 months ago

      Oh, anon, you poor naive bastard.

  37. 4 months ago

    Kinoman is half the show

    • 4 months ago

      His viet daughter will be the main character now, deal with it.

    • 4 months ago


  38. 4 months ago

    I watched a couple of episodes but couldn't really get into it. Should I proceed?

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, and checked. The pilot isn't very good at hooking you. I'd say if by episode 5 you still haven't been charmed, you should drop it.

  39. 4 months ago

    comin' in S5

  40. 4 months ago

    Ed's fall from grace was kind of hard to watch.

  41. 4 months ago

    Anyone have any idea why Deke Slayton is the ONLY character who was a real life person they also chose to have major character moments with?

    E.g. Neil Armstrong, buzz aldrin show up briefly but don’t do anything crazy just a slightly different moon landing

    But Deke has the whole women training arc and finding out Ellen is gay and being disappointed.

    I assumed they mostly avoided using real people because they didn’t wanna upset them or their families so this was weird.

    Otherwise they might as well have had Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin be the main dudes instead of Ed and Gordo in season 1 and just have them act however they want

    • 4 months ago

      I figure it's just because everyone across the world knows the names of Buzz and Neil, even if they don't know any other space-related name. It's them and Yuri Gagarin and that's it. By having them become footnotes in history in the show, supplanted by Ed and the rest of the Nasa crew, it helps drive home the alternate timeline they've achieved. Deke doesn't create that problem.

    • 4 months ago

      Molly Cobb was real too, technically.

      • 4 months ago

        Not really. The person she was based on was a devout Christian woman named Jerrie Cobb. A pretty far cry from the weed smoking hippie chick Molly is

        As in she was so Christian she ended up joining those relief missions to send supplies to people. Also she did more than molly did in terms of actually trying to get women to be allowed to be astronauts.

        Only similarities is they both were in the Mercury 13

    • 4 months ago

      They had an alt Sally Ride

  42. 4 months ago

    Did Danny kill himself or did they starve him?

    Worst character by far

    >getting addicted to painkillers after a little cut on your hand

    Why the frick would they even give you oxy for that

    It was weird how they never ever explained what happened to Danny in season 4. Dani and Ed kept dancing around it as if it was the worst thing ever, I thought they ate him for a food source at one point

    • 4 months ago

      >Did Danny kill himself or did they starve him?
      He went outside and stayed there until he ran out of oxygen.
      >getting addicted to painkillers after a little cut on your hand
      He was already an addict, in remission. That plus the mounting pressure and being a little shit that felt oppressed by Kinoman's coddling drove him back to his vice.
      > they never ever explained what happened to Danny in season 4
      Did you miss the flashbacks or did you mean something else?

      • 4 months ago

        The flashbacks were intermittent and just showed he was (fairly) desperate being left alone in a tiny capsule for a month at a time with nothing to do at all

        Why Dani thought this was viable is beyond me. Ed probably just didn’t give a shit but Dani somehow seeing Gordo having mental health issues from isolation and being stuck in one place for a few months in 1970. But somehow thinks this already unstable dude would be fine for TWO YEARS in this capsule the size of small bathroom is insane

        • 4 months ago

          >Why Dani thought this was viable is beyond me
          She didn't, but it wasn't her call to make, it was Ed's. Danny was part of the Helios crew.
          >his already unstable dude would be fine for TWO YEARS in this capsule the size of small bathroom
          The point of Ed tagging along was to check on his sanity and decide whether it was time to bring him back. He was exiled IIRC halfway through September 1995 and he died at some point in the first half of 1996 if the newspapers in S4 are to go by, so he was there between 4 and 8 months or so. Ultimately Ed made the right choice. Danny was unstable and at that point unreliable, and the safety of the remaining crew was more important than keeping Danny sane (and therefore alive).

          What music will they use from the 2012-2016 era for next seasons episodes?

          >Eminem - butthole (Ed does some based shit)

          Considering they started with 2011 music, yet snubbing Party Rock, they'll probably avoid "jokey" music. You can check the candidates here:
          Just change the year at the end of the URL for the next one.

      • 4 months ago

        What was he addicted to before? I don’t remember that

        • 4 months ago

          I'd check for you but I'm off to bed. I don't remember if it was the same episode that Dani has to go pick him up or if it was after the mining accident. I'd offer to check when I wake up but I doubt thread will still be up then.

        • 4 months ago

          I'd check for you but I'm off to bed. I don't remember if it was the same episode that Dani has to go pick him up or if it was after the mining accident. I'd offer to check when I wake up but I doubt thread will still be up then.

          I got out of bed just for you anon. It's in S03E03 around minute 27. When Dani picks him up after he brings that bawd to the pool, she says:
          >Or did you forget about happened 8 years ago... the drinking, the drugs... I mean, you almost died in that car accident, Danny, and a lot of people made a lot of excuses for you back then (etc.)
          >You damn right it won't happen again, because you're going to take yourself off flight status, get yourself back into AA (etc.)

          • 4 months ago

            Mehhhh almost a decade earlier I feel like is pretty wild

            If Dani was that concerned why didn’t she warn Ed specifically about this

            And by the same logic wouldn’t Dani not want Gordo to go back to space after his breakdown? Yet she was happy for him and it proved a good idea?

  43. 4 months ago
    Ass Noticer

    3rd season we had
    >Karen's ass
    >Margo's ass
    >Aleida's ass
    4th season just some full body Aleida shots but nothing else

  44. 4 months ago

    What music will they use from the 2012-2016 era for next seasons episodes?

    >Eminem - butthole (Ed does some based shit)

    • 4 months ago

      They should use some babymetal

  45. 4 months ago

    >Ed declares Mars a sovereign nation that isn't going to take direct orders from Earth any more

    starts playing as different newspaper articles are zoomed/faded into like in the music video, telling us how the M7 countries are reacting to the news, ending with a fade to Ed's back as he's standing at a window looking out at his new homeland, and then moving on to show his view of the Mars colony and all the darkness that surrounds them

    • 4 months ago

      What music will they use from the 2012-2016 era for next seasons episodes?

      >Eminem - butthole (Ed does some based shit)

      Shit, forgot the reply part. If they mess up and don't link that song up with the M7 countries in some way then I'll be disappointed.

    • 4 months ago

      A 2008 single for a 2012 montage? Not a chance in hell. We're not allowed good things that often with this series. With that said, that would be a fantastic series finale and if any writer from this show is in this thread: Please copy this idea.

    • 4 months ago

      What music will they use from the 2012-2016 era for next seasons episodes?

      >Eminem - butthole (Ed does some based shit)

      >Dev goes to earth to negotiate some trade shit
      >earth authorities decide to just seize him and charge him with crimes thinking they can extort mars that way
      >while in interrogation Dev says they need to release him within 2 days
      >they laugh and ask why
      >he tells them they developed a system to launch projectiles at earth in case one of the governments tried to frick them over
      >they almost don’t believe him, ask who would even be in charge of such a system. It couldn’t be trusted to AI
      >”Ed Baldwin”
      >government spooks laugh then look worried when Dev continues his serious face
      >cut to Ed looking at a timer counting down and a map of earth targets
      >”this is Commander Baldwin, requesting contact with representative Ayesa… don’t waste our time. The doomsday clock is always ticking”


    • 4 months ago

      A 2008 single for a 2012 montage? Not a chance in hell. We're not allowed good things that often with this series. With that said, that would be a fantastic series finale and if any writer from this show is in this thread: Please copy this idea.

      >Dev finds life on Mars
      >goes back to the station
      >calls Aleida
      >fade to black
      >seven nation army starts playing
      >fade in into some onions intern running into the oval office
      >sir... *gulp* ...uh...
      >yes? what is it? come in, god damn it
      >sir... Ed Baldwin has declared himself Sovereign of Mars
      >montage of government officials scrambling and taking phone calls
      >montage of news giving the news worldwide
      >aleida redeems herself from her goblina status and makes a press conference saying Helios accepts Ed's and Mars' independence and that they're moving their HQ to Mars
      >everyone losing their shit in M7
      >montage of all the remaning characters like Ellen, Wayne, Margo and even Punished Jimmy grinning ear to ear at the news
      >zoom out on Dani saying her last hi bob to the tv screen
      >zoom in from the outside into Ed's office, with the reflection of the Mars flag in front of him
      >series end with him doing his signature butthole smirk
      I offer my future to the monkey's paw, please ruin my life but give me this in exchange.

    • 4 months ago

      What music will they use from the 2012-2016 era for next seasons episodes?

      >Eminem - butthole (Ed does some based shit)

      >Dev goes to earth to negotiate some trade shit
      >earth authorities decide to just seize him and charge him with crimes thinking they can extort mars that way
      >while in interrogation Dev says they need to release him within 2 days
      >they laugh and ask why
      >he tells them they developed a system to launch projectiles at earth in case one of the governments tried to frick them over
      >they almost don’t believe him, ask who would even be in charge of such a system. It couldn’t be trusted to AI
      >”Ed Baldwin”
      >government spooks laugh then look worried when Dev continues his serious face
      >cut to Ed looking at a timer counting down and a map of earth targets
      >”this is Commander Baldwin, requesting contact with representative Ayesa… don’t waste our time. The doomsday clock is always ticking”


      I don’t give a frick about the releas date. They need to use David Bowie Life on Mars

      • 4 months ago


  46. 4 months ago

    Considering Dani is considerably younger than Ed. My prediction is he dies and we get a sad funeral episode. Where she stays behind after everyone else has left and she says

    “Bye Bob”

    • 4 months ago

      Please no, Kinoman has to make it until at least the end of the season.

  47. 4 months ago

    Are we about to get an Andrew Ryan vs Frank Fontaine story between Dev and Miles?

    Both businessmen but one from the top, the other from the illegal bottom

  48. 4 months ago

    this so is so fricking kino really wonder what next seasons going to be about but I am guessing its going to be about reaching the outer solar system maybe colonizing Titan or Europa and conflicts on Mars and Earth.

    • 4 months ago





      • 4 months ago

        sheeet foreshadowing these homies going to Jupiter next

  49. 4 months ago

    >most advanced timeline is also the gayest one
    yeah I think we're good

  50. 4 months ago

    >season 5 finale
    >Mars is tired of Earths beaurocratic overreach
    >Mars President Baldwin declares martian independence backed by Helios
    >link related starts playing


    • 4 months ago

      Holy mother of shit taste, have a nice day.

  51. 4 months ago

    This show really does pick the perfect songs for the soundtrack

    The first episodes “broken hearted” song still kicks in my memory banks in later seasons when shit goes down


  52. 4 months ago

    She was cute, hope they can un-gulag her and get her back.

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