Four survives. Does this change things for the better with Kamille or make things worse?

Four survives. Does this change things for the better with Kamille or make things worse?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I know a few srw games and the ghiren’s greed games do address this what if often and basically she’s a good influence for kamille, had she’d been present on the battle of the gryps she would’ve override scirocco’s mind break gambit and the two would continue their careers as mobile suit pilots

    • 2 years ago

      >scirocco’s mind break gambit
      Scirocco didn't mindbreak Kamille, at least not directly. Kamille's state at the end is a result of his body not being to able handle his own Newtype powers when he channeled the souls of the dead.

      • 2 years ago

        he literally brain blasts the child with his last breath

        • 2 years ago

          >he literally brain blasts

        • 2 years ago

          you're mistaken, Scirocco emits powerful Newtype pressure in his death throes directly into Kamille's mind, frying his brain
          while I kind of agree with you, you have to understand that Fa is just there to platonically support Kamille, they never become lovers

          You're both wrong.

          • 2 years ago

            Huh, this is interesting. Thank you, first time reading this.

            • 2 years ago

              You're both wrong.

              Wrong, still. Scirocco did crush Kamille's mind. He just didn't mean to.
              Remember that Kamille was able to glimpse into Haman's past and desires just by encountering her in the battlefield. He almost certainly had the same experience with Scirocco, it just happened at the end of their fight.
              So what was it that he saw? A world inhabited and ruled by the nastiest, sweatiest slampigs. Women so grotesquely huge that their immense gravity permanently binds all of humanity to the Earth, where it belongs. Kamille's mind was crushed by the weight of The Architect secret desire - indeed, by the weight of those women.

      • 2 years ago

        you're mistaken, Scirocco emits powerful Newtype pressure in his death throes directly into Kamille's mind, frying his brain

        But I don't want her to survive. As a matter of fact, her and Rosamia always die when I play SRW because Kamille is only reserved for Fa's love and care. Famille is the endgame ship, whether you accept it or not
        Anyways, Four's mental scarring from the Cyber-Newtype process would have surfaced if she had survived the Psycoffin Gundan and had accompanied Kamille. Even if all the Argama crew had worked together to keep her at peace and ready to help piloting an MS, even if Kamille's love had 'cured' her or whatever, she would break down eventually. Worst case scenario she would have succumbed to Scirocco's Big Black Chad Spacenoid Pressure and joined his ranks or even at the end she would get herself YAZAN'd just in time to support Kamille as a Force Ghost.

        while I kind of agree with you, you have to understand that Fa is just there to platonically support Kamille, they never become lovers

        • 2 years ago

          >Fa is just there to platonically support Kamille, they never become lovers

          Bullshit. They're basically tied at the hip.

  2. 2 years ago

    But I don't want her to survive. As a matter of fact, her and Rosamia always die when I play SRW because Kamille is only reserved for Fa's love and care. Famille is the endgame ship, whether you accept it or not
    Anyways, Four's mental scarring from the Cyber-Newtype process would have surfaced if she had survived the Psycoffin Gundan and had accompanied Kamille. Even if all the Argama crew had worked together to keep her at peace and ready to help piloting an MS, even if Kamille's love had 'cured' her or whatever, she would break down eventually. Worst case scenario she would have succumbed to Scirocco's Big Black Chad Spacenoid Pressure and joined his ranks or even at the end she would get herself YAZAN'd just in time to support Kamille as a Force Ghost.

    • 2 years ago

      Speaking of Rosamia, what's even the point of her character? Just to remind/torment Kamille over Four's death? She's so fricking annoying and juvenile I can't actually imagine anyone actively shipping her with Kamille over Fa or Four.

      • 2 years ago

        >Four survives.

        Even if Four survived Kilimanjaro, she was basically living on borrowed time. She was physically and mentally unstable as hell and would have suffered a catastrophic breakdown eventually. Really Four dying at Kilimanjaro was the best case scenario.

        She's basically just there to add more trauma to Kamille's list, granted in a shockingly convoluted way. If you kill her off back on Earth then things just flow better, her later plot of becoming Kamille's "sister" really just doesn't make a whole load of sense no matter how you slice it.

      • 2 years ago

        Kamille develops a complex about pathological women after his mother is killed for getting mixed up with the Titans. He spends the entire show putting other people in harm's way trying to save or spare women he thinks are victims in compromising circumstances. Being able to kill Rosamia is a sign that he's developed a more mature sense of right and wrong. It's also an important moment for Char, because Kamille isolating himself emotionally from Fa in the aftermath reinforces his belief that newtypes will never be able to coexist with oldtypes.
        Still a shit character though. She gets shoehorned into the role way too late in the story. Would have been much better if it was Sarah, then you have an excuse to give Katz a less embarrassing death and a more personal tragedy to reflect on for everyone involved.

        • 2 years ago

          >She gets shoehorned into the role way too late in the story.

          I still don't grasp if Rosamia was intentionally reprogrammed to be "Kamille's sister" as part of a Titans infiltration plot, or if things just happened to coincidently turn out that way. Either path feels downright messy writing-wise.

        • 2 years ago

          >She gets shoehorned into the role way too late in the story.

          I still don't grasp if Rosamia was intentionally reprogrammed to be "Kamille's sister" as part of a Titans infiltration plot, or if things just happened to coincidently turn out that way. Either path feels downright messy writing-wise.

          Were there production issues with Zeta like there was with the original Gundam? I feel like asking that is a bit silly, considering pretty much every anime ever is a flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants chaotic nightmare festival, but at the same time I don't really remember ever hearing about significant production issues when it comes to Zeta.

          • 2 years ago

            > Kamille learns from the tragedy with Four and keeps fighting and doesn't hold resentment over her death, unlike Amuro or Char, it's that he keeps learning that makes him a true newtype

            The problem with this is two fold. (1) Amuro keeps fighting after Lalah's death, and even attempts to move past Char immediately afterwards at A Baoa Qu and it's only because Char keeps hunting him down that they have a fight at all, since Amuro just wants to get him out of the way at that point, and (2) Kamille doesn't hold resentment over Lalah's death, but he does eventually realize that just becuase Rosamie is a Newtype doesn't mean he should do anything and everything to help her.

            Yes. They weren't as disruptive, but they still existed. Zeta was originally planned as one show, but was doing well enough even early on that Sunrise requested a second season (i.e. Zeta Part II or what became ZZ), so plans regarding the story of Zeta itself were changed so that Neo Zeon weren't dealt with in Zeta itself, but instead set up to be the antagonists in ZZ. I'd imagine part of the reason Tomino did so much writing in the first half of Zeta, but none in the second half and very little in ZZ is because he had to take more of a production role in setting up ZZ itself after the first 20 or so episode of Zeta. I've no confirmation for that mind, but it does make some sense. ZZ itself was then extended another 5 or so episodes from what was originally planned too, after it was seen to be doing quite well for Sunrise.

            I would presume there was probably executive frickery in terms of designs and so on too, but I don't know that I've ever heard concrete examples of that beyond Nagano being screwed around with as a mechanical designer in various ways that I can't remember off the top of my head.

    • 2 years ago

      Scirocco was only able to influence single women (and Yazan). Women with significant others like Mouar and Emma brushed off any influence he tried to exert, so the likelihood that Four would fall under his sway is pretty small.

      Speaking of Rosamia, what's even the point of her character? Just to remind/torment Kamille over Four's death? She's so fricking annoying and juvenile I can't actually imagine anyone actively shipping her with Kamille over Fa or Four.

      She's there to highlight how much Kamille has changed. When it came to Four he constantly put himself in danger and ignored the larger picture in order to save her, but he eventually rationalizes the sheer danger that Rosamie is posing to everyone and kills her despite his desire to help in order to stop her taking out the entire Argama among other problems. It's not even just that he's more mature as it were, so much as it shows a change in priorities and mindset. He's not as selfish anymore, as it were and is more accepting of the pain of being a Newtype. Which is, frankly, why I find the kind of things staff apparently said about Kamille according to

      You're both wrong.

      to be complete and utter horseshit. They may have intended those things at some point, but it is absolutely not what they put on screen regardless of intention.

      > Kamille ultimately snaps because his power, particularly channeling the dead, is too much for his body to physically take

      Scirocco broke Kamille's mind. That may not be what Tomino, Suzuki etc. wanted, but nothing in the show as animated or written points to Kamille's body being unable to handle his power while Scirocco quite literally says he's going to do a thing and then Kamille is affected. Which points to Scirocco being the source.

  3. 2 years ago

    Lmao, can't get over how Four's face and hairstyle look manlier than Kamille's.

  4. 2 years ago

    Upset over Kamille totally rejecting her, Fa defects to the Titans and she soon becomes Scirocco's favorite and gets to pilot the Titania. This causes Sarah to defect to the AEUG with the Bologna Sandwich to be with Katz. Unfortunately, Katz was insulted by Four the day Fa left and Katz stole the Gundam Mk II to defect to Axis. Haman channeled her straight shota newtype powers into Katz after this, attempting to mold him into the perfect Newtype soldier. This inspires Mashymre to get involved earlier to prove his worth to her, he takes a strike team to Pezun to retake the asteroid for Zeon. There he hijacks a Xeku Drei, several Xeku Eins, and a number of Xeku Zwei, before escaping back to Axis. This initiates Jamitov to retaliate, he sends Jerid to kill Char, giving Jerid a Gundam Mk-V to do this job. Jerid crashes into an asteroid on his way to find Char. Char, meanwhile, is in his room on the Argama looking at a picture of Amuro and Lalah, daydreaming of a world the three of them were friends living on Texas Colony with Artesia, Garma, and Dren. Meanwhile Kamille and Four are down in the galley crying after Bright takes the final burgers.

  5. 2 years ago

    I just realized that Four's name is a death flag. The whole "four = death" thing in the East. If Z Gundam was made in the West, would she have been named Thirteen?

    • 2 years ago

      13 seems most likely. 8 would be a runner up, 8 had a minor association with death in ancient Greece, which in part helped make the 8 ball in billiards the 'death' ball.

  6. 2 years ago

    As a kid, I always liked the idea of Four surviving, but I now realize her instability would not have been good for Kamille. I forget what side material this is from, but honestly an ending where he recovers, steers clear of Char’s bullshit, becomes a doctor, and marries Fa isn’t bad at all.

    • 2 years ago

      She was unstable because of the things they were doing to her. Wouldn't she be fine if she was away for long enough.

      • 2 years ago

        >Wouldn't she be fine if she was away for long enough.

        You don't remember the Kilimanjaro arc do you, Four needed constant medication or else she'd go buttfricking nuts with agony.

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