Frasier reboot Review...

In this dismally uninspired Frasier reboot, it's painfully evident that the showrunners are merely going through the motions, clinging desperately to the remnants of what was once a beloved classic. This sad attempt at capturing the essence of Frasier is akin to trying to reheat a gourmet meal in a microwave — all you're left with is a lukewarm imitation of what was once a delicious feast for the senses.

The overuse of the tired catchphrase "I'm listening" has become a cringe-inducing running gag that's about as funny as reheating stale bread. And speaking of stale, every episode seems obligated to shoehorn in a tender moment of remembrance for Martin, as if a mere mention could conjure the heartfelt depth of character that John Mahoney brought to the original series. Spoiler alert: It doesn't.

As if to make Frasier "relevant" to the younger generation, the show incessantly peppers in references to modern culture, from TikTok to Instagram, as if mere mentions of these platforms could substitute for genuine wit. It's like watching a middle-aged man trying to impress his teenager's friends by doing the latest dance craze at a family barbecue – it's painfully awkward and ultimately unconvincing.

And then there's the ongoing gag about smartphones and Frasier's apparent inability to understand technology. Every joke about Frasier's struggle with his smartphone feels about as fresh as last week's leftovers. It's the equivalent of watching a senior citizen trying to program their VCR in 2023 — it's not funny; it's just sad.

But perhaps the most egregious offense is the contrived obsession of the character Alan with his collection of chairs. Yes, chairs. It's as if the writers ran out of ideas and decided that Alan's quirky fascination with his furniture was the pinnacle of comedy. In every episode, we're subjected to Alan invoking his cane like a modern-day Captain Ahab, on a relentless quest for the perfect chair.

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  1. 8 months ago

    The result? A series of abysmally poor jokes that fall flatter than a deflated soufflé. Alan's chair-related quips, like "You know, Frazier, finding the perfect chair is like finding the Holy Grail, but with more cushioning!" or "My cane may be old, but it still points me in the right direction – toward the nearest chair!" are so devoid of humor that they make the cringeworthy moments of the original series look like comedic masterpieces.

    In response, Frazier's reactions to Alan's antics are more exaggerated than a Shakespearean tragedy. He alternates between forced laughter and bewildered stares, as if desperately searching for a punchline that never arrives. It's like watching a seasoned comedian try to salvage a painfully awkward set, and it's painful to witness.

    In the end, this reboot of Frasier is an exercise in mediocrity, a sad attempt to recapture the magic of the original that falls woefully short. It's a cautionary tale for future revivals – some classics are better left untouched, for fear of tarnishing their legacy with lackluster imitations.
    (from rollingstone)

    • 8 months ago

      I’ll still watch it but I don’t doubt this review. It seemed doomed from the start despite Kelsey’s seemingly genuine desire to make it happen. I think he just misses Frasier the character as well as that time of his life. Ironically, it reminds me of the Frasier episode where Lilith wanted to have another baby because Freddy was growing up. “You can’t use the past to fill what’s missing in the present.”

      • 8 months ago

        >it reminds me of the Frasier episode where Lilith wanted to have another baby because Freddy was growing up. “You can’t use the past to fill what’s missing in the present.”
        I would like to be proven wrong when I actually see it, but the trailers didn't look great.
        I think Frasier should have been given a wife or long term girlfriend at least because it seems silly if it's going to have a 70 year old man in an endless string of relationships. That was starting to become silly by the last few series of the original Frasier too.
        I also think Freddie should have had some traits of the Freddie from the original series instead of being seemingly completely different.

    • 8 months ago

      Over written. This is nothing but a glib facsimile of a scathing review.

    • 8 months ago

      >akin to trying to reheat a gourmet meal in a microwave — all you're left with is a lukewarm imitation
      >that's about as funny as reheating stale bread
      >feels about as fresh as last week's leftovers
      >jokes that fall flatter than a deflated soufflé

      • 8 months ago

        OP is a hypocritical gay as per the norm

    • 8 months ago

      >You know, Frazier, finding the perfect chair is like finding the Holy Grail, but with more cushioning!
      >My cane may be old, but it still points me in the right direction – toward the nearest chair!
      more AI generated chair joke gibberish please
      keep it coming, Hollywood. I'm your audience

      • 8 months ago

        Frasier, Niles, and Martin are gathered around the kitchen island.
        Frasier: (frustrated) Niles, I simply can't figure out how to work these devices. It's like trying to perform brain surgery with a sledgehammer.

        Niles: (trying to console him) Don't worry, Frasier. Technology can be rather intimidating. Perhaps a little patience is in order.

        Canned Laughter (polite)

        Martin, with his ever-present cane and beloved armchair, rolls into the kitchen.

        Martin: (muffled, struggling with words) 'Morning, Fray—er. Any s-sugar for my c-coffee?

        Canned Laughter (slightly confused)

        Frasier, trying to understand Martin's request, reaches for the sugar bowl and hands it to him.

        Frasier: (helping Martin) Here you go, Martin. Sugar for your coffee.

        Martin attempts to pour sugar into his coffee but ends up spilling it everywhere.

        Martin: (muffled, apologetic) S-sorry 'bout that, F-Fray—er. My c-cane gets in the w-way sometimes.

        Canned Laughter


      • 8 months ago

        Frasier and Niles continue to discuss the upcoming beige-themed soirée, but Martin's obsession with his recliner escalates.

        Canned Laughter

        Frasier: (enthusiastically) Niles, I've even found a beige sommelier for the event. He can pair beige wines with beige cheeses for that extra touch of beige sophistication.

        Niles: (raising an eyebrow) Beige wines, Frasier? You're truly pushing the boundaries of mundanity.

        Canned Laughter (a weak chuckle)

        Martin, still stuck in his recliner, begins to mutter.

        Martin: (garbled) Recliner's thirsty. Needs beige wine.

        Canned Laughter (a polite giggle)

        Frasier: (ignoring Martin) And, Niles, I've been toying with the idea of beige-themed centerpieces. Picture this: beige roses in beige vases on beige tablecloths.

        Niles: (with a hint of sarcasm) A true beige extravaganza, Frasier.

        Canned Laughter (forced laughter)

        Martin's mumblings grow louder.

        Martin: (garbled) Recliner's hungry... thirsty...

        Canned Laughter fades as the atmosphere grows tense.

        Frasier: (finally noticing Martin) Martin, for heaven's sake, will you stop obsessing over that recliner?

        Martin's recliner suddenly starts to expand, filling the apartment. The beige upholstery engulfs everyone in the room, suffocating them.

        Canned Laughter (replaced by panic)

        The scene turns chaotic as the recliner continues to expand, squeezing the life out of Frasier, Niles, and Martin

      • 8 months ago

        >Title: "The Seat of Laughter"
        >[Scene: Café Nervosa - Frasier, Niles, and Roz are sitting at a table, sipping their coffees.]
        >Frasier: [Sighs] You know, Niles, I've been thinking about getting a new chair for my apartment. The one I have just doesn't provide the lumbar support a man of my stature deserves.
        >Niles: [Sips his coffee] Ah, the eternal quest for the perfect chair. It's like searching for the Holy Grail, only with less chalice and more cushions.
        >Roz: [Smirks] Speaking of cushions, Frasier, didn't you once have that hideous floral-patterned chair in your bachelor days? The one that looked like it was designed by Picasso on acid?
        >Frasier: [Chuckles] Well, I did. But I've evolved since then. Now I prefer chairs with a little more... class.
        >Niles: [Raises an eyebrow] Class, you say? Remember the time you tried to convince everyone that you had a designer chair, but it turned out to be a $50 clearance special?
        >Frasier: [Blushes] That was an honest mistake! It had... rustic charm.

        It even made the exact same "joke" as the writers in the reboot.

        • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >The result? A series of abysmally poor jokes that fall flatter than a deflated soufflé. Alan's chair-related quips, like "You know, Frazier, finding the perfect chair is like finding the Holy Grail, but with more cushioning!" or "My cane may be old, but it still points me in the right direction – toward the nearest chair!" are so devoid of humor that they make the cringeworthy moments of the original series look like comedic masterpieces.
      Alan's clearly a repository of dad jokes, sort of as a contrast to Frasier.

  2. 8 months ago

    I can't believe Kelsey signed off on it and let us down. He must have wanted it so bad that he lost sight of what made Frasier good. I still dot understand why they recast Freddy

    • 8 months ago

      I think a big part of it was just because Kelsey genuinely misses doing Frasier and invested a huge amount of time getting this reboot off the ground, maybe he intended to have the original gang back together but along the way they all declined.

      It sounds like one of the big problems is that it's even called 'Frasier'. I remember a couple of years ago when he was talking about the reboot he made it sound like it would be a 'spin off' from Frasier in the way Frasier was spun off from Cheers. As in, a brand new show in its own right.

    • 8 months ago

      One of the two main producers/writers worked in HIMYM and the other ran a Frasier fan account on twitter where he would post about plots like "Frasier gets iPad". I have no idea why would he sign the latter nor why would approve of a lite version if he wanted an Act 3 for Frasier.

  3. 8 months ago

    It's a reboot
    Of course it was going to be shit

  4. 8 months ago

    >4 food analogies
    >”as if the mere mention could” used verbatim twice
    This was written by Chat GPT wasn’t it?

  5. 8 months ago

    Norm and Cliff sure do look... different

    Cheers is woke AF now

    • 8 months ago

      >Sam returns
      >turns out he was a lesbian transwoman and all those years of womanizing and chadmaxxing were just him denying xer true self

  6. 8 months ago

    it's up

    • 8 months ago

      is it?

      • 8 months ago

        First episode

        • 8 months ago

          E02 720p

        • 8 months ago

          E02 720p


        • 8 months ago

          E02 720p

          It's not bad, but Freddie's actor is too chad. Feels like a forced OC.

  7. 8 months ago

    just finished the first episode
    i can't believe Eve's (formerly Adam) big dark secret is that she's a single mother

  8. 8 months ago

    the show can be reviewed just fine as picrel rather than walls of text, they need to learn to just leave things alone

  9. 8 months ago

    I'll check it out for sure since the ~~*reviews*~~ say its shit. Thanks

  10. 8 months ago

    Old gay. Well old enough to have watched some of cheers in the original run and fraiser in its entirety. Hav eto say i didnt hold much hope, epsically seeign teaser trailers and knwoing how wokeness fricks everythign up.
    Watched the first 10 minutes felt very forced and very cringy.... however watched all fo it and... its not bad. Not as bad as i feared.

    I'll give it a chance as i miss watching good US sitcoms

  11. 8 months ago

    gpt review, doesnt mention the black woman

  12. 8 months ago

    Watching this makes you realize how good Roz and Niles were. Olivia didn't make me laugh even once, and David tries too hard to pull off Niles but fails miserably.
    Alan is there just because the show needs a brit or something. Eve quickly becomes pointless. The one I actually liked was Freddy, in fact the best parts were when he and Frasier interacted.
    Sadly the best part was Martin even though he wasn't there anymore. Him going to visit Freddy when he lost a friend is totally on character and shows what a great guy he was.
    Nevertheless I'm willing to see where the show goes now that introductions are done, even though the review makes it sound so bad. Half of the things mentioned there didn't happen yet, so who knows.

  13. 8 months ago

    5 minutes in and this is killing my soul. At least we will always have the original run Frasierbros

  14. 8 months ago

    Bulldogs ave maria made me laugh

  15. 8 months ago

    Well let's see... love how cagey Freddy's character is, how he missed his grandfather's funeral and the suggestion that he respects Martin much more than Frasier. The emphasis on dramatic tension is really nice and similar to the tone of S10, while the supporting characters and esp. David's character keep things more buoyant. The plot structure doesn't initially seem as arched as the original show but the choreography feels similar; Jess Salgueiro is terrific at creating broadly comic gestures. Anders Keith is starting off with an understated approximation of Nile's son David. Olivia's a very forthright character, like a more psychoanalytical Roz. The concept of Frasier believing he's a grandfather is funny but they don't really play that up, maybe they'll spin it for drama later. Also no one's replacing John Mahoney but Alan Cornwall has that sort of professorial pace to his delivery. The first ep ends on a funny note as Frasier buys out his son's apartment.

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